Thaiagol Reveals himself Cont.(log)

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The voice of Thaiagol quietly asks, "Did you really think that your warlock could penetrate the Bastion's wards if I did not wish it?"

The wall of force disappears from around Missoni.

You notice your companion Lithyia slip away into hiding.

Gutstorm forms several angular gestures while chanting rumbling phrases of power in the Dwarven tongue...

Roelon strides over to stand before Talliver.

Queatus searches around for a moment.

Gutstorm gestures.

Numerous grotesque limbs in varying states of decay suddenly burst out of the floor! With startling speed and ferocity, the arms grab at whatever they can!

Falvicar smirks.

Falvicar moves to stand in front of Talliver.

Gutstorm forms several angular gestures while chanting rumbling phrases of power in the Dwarven tongue...

Randsford gazes in wonder at his surroundings.

Dwi squints.

Gutstorm gestures.

Numerous grotesque limbs in varying states of decay suddenly burst out of the floor! With startling speed and ferocity, the arms grab at whatever they can!

A salt-crusted brick red crab pincer mottled with brown thrashes about briefly before decaying into dust.

Missoni shrugs slightly.

Roelon squints.

A salt-crusted brick red crab pincer mottled with brown quickly snatches at something, but comes up empty-handed. The pincer flails briefly before decaying into dust.

A pair of fleshless arms thrash about briefly before decaying into dust.

Sorlu takes a few steps back.

Gutstorm forms several angular gestures while chanting rumbling phrases of power in the Dwarven tongue...

Gutstorm gestures.

Nothing seems to happen.

You notice your companion Sorlu slip away into hiding.

Gutstorm forms several angular gestures while chanting rumbling phrases of power in the Dwarven tongue...

Gutstorm gestures.

Gutstorm appears to be keenly aware of his surroundings.

The voice of Perigourd says, "One expected to find you at some point."

Olgretien deeply says, "He did."

You casually observe your surroundings.

Blades comes out of hiding.

Some thick salt-encrusted crab pincers quickly snatches at Blades, dragging him down before retreating into the floor!

Roelon glances at Randsford.

The dim aura fades from around Dwi.

Dwi begins to breathe less deeply.

The dully illuminated mantle protecting Dwi begins to falter, then completely fades away.

The powerful look leaves Dwi.

Gutstorm rubs his orb trinket.

Gutstorm suddenly disappears.

A pair of skeletal arms thrash about briefly before decaying into dust.

Blades smirks as a haughty expression flits across his face.

You hear a rumbling chant of phrases in the Dwarven tongue.

Geijon says, "Ugh."

A pair of bloody arms thrash about briefly before decaying into dust.

A silvery luminescence surrounds Talliver.

A salt-crusted soft blue crab pincer mottled with barnacles quickly snatches at Blades, holding him firmly down before retreating into the floor!

Falvicar searches around for a moment.

Randsford clutches his eonake knight's aegis defensively.

Roelon says, speaking deeply to Randsford, "Hold strong."

You hear a rumbling chant of phrases in the Dwarven tongue.

A bright luminescence surrounds Talliver.

A churning spectral aura suddenly reaches out from the shadows and surrounds you.

A churning spectral aura suddenly reaches out from the shadows and surrounds you.

A clawed arm quickly snatches at Blades, holding him firmly down before retreating into the floor!

You notice your companion Roelon slip away into hiding.

Some thick salt-encrusted crab pincers thrashes about briefly before decaying into dust.

An oppressive feeling of peace crashes down on you, driving away the will to fight.

You hear someone calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

You hear a rumbling chant of phrases in the Dwarven tongue.

Randsford nods slowly.

Wolfloner comes out of hiding.

Wolfloner gestures at Darphin.

Nothing happens.

A brilliant luminescence surrounds Talliver.

Missoni says, "There is no such thing as a foolproof ward."

Blades stands up.

Wolfloner gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Wolfloner gestures.

A light blue glow surrounds Wolfloner.

A salt-crusted soft blue crab pincer mottled with barnacles thrashes about briefly before decaying into dust.

You hear a rumbling chant of phrases in the Dwarven tongue.

A light blue glow surrounds Talliver.

You stamp your feet.

Wolfloner gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Wolfloner gestures.

Wolfloner suddenly looks a lot more powerful.

Wolfloner is surrounded by a white light.

Dwi concentrates deeply for a moment.

You hear a rumbling chant of phrases in the Dwarven tongue.

A deep blue glow surrounds Talliver.

Wolfloner makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...

Wolfloner gestures.

Wolfloner stands taller, as if bolstered with a sense of confidence.

Dendum comes out of hiding.

Dendum hauls off and slaps Dwi up'side the head!

Glowing yellow symbols wink into being in the air, heralding an eruption of otherworldly luminescence.  Thaiagol steps forth from the violent flow of alien light, which slowly dies away behind him.

Missoni raises her chin slightly in a show of defiance.

You notice your companion Dendum slip away into hiding.

You hear a rumbling chant of phrases in the Dwarven tongue.

Wolfloner makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...

Wolfloner gestures.

His body is surrounded by a dim dancing aura.

Talliver suddenly looks more powerful.

You hear someone calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Draelor comes out of hiding.

Draelor gestures.

A wall of force surrounds Draelor.

Wolfloner makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...

Wolfloner gestures.

Wolfloner appears to be keenly aware of his surroundings.

Swinging his somnis katana protectively in front of him, Falvicar takes a few steps backwards.

Draelor makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...

Draelor gestures.

Draelor blends into invisibility among the surroundings.

Dwi faces Tolene, closes her eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between them!

Dwi opens her eyes, looking slightly drained.

Missoni glances at Thaiagol.

You hear a rumbling chant of phrases in the Dwarven tongue.

You notice your companion Perigourd emerge from hiding nearby.

You notice your companion Sorlu emerge from hiding nearby.

Falvicar stares at Thaiagol.

Perigourd asks, speaking to Thaiagol, "And you are surrendering now?"

>look thaiagol

You see Thaiagol, the Eye of Fash'lo'nae.
He appears to be an Elf.
He is quite tall.  He appears to be advanced in years.  He has pale hazel green eyes and wrinkled skin.  He has immaculate, thick white hair combed back into an unforgiving wave.  He has a long face, a severe nose and a bushy eyebrows that are a shade darker than his hair.  One of his hands is flickering and ethereal, as if formed from caged flame of a pale golden hue.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a pale sage parchment in his right hand and a cylinder of gold-swirled wax in his left hand.
He is wearing a pair of gilded spectacles with circular lenses, a high-collared emerald green velvet robe graced with golden geometric designs at the breast over a loose white silk shirt with frills of lace at the neck and wrists, a gold-swirled grey steel signet adorned with round amber firedrops, a luxuriant dark green silk sash with dusky golden stitching, some gold-buttoned dark green breeches, and a pair of black leather boots adorned with golden eye sigils.
Talliver's entire body tenses as he tightens his grip on his somnis longknife.

Perigourd raises an eyebrow in Thaiagol's direction.

The ghostly voice of Darphin says, speaking to Thaiagol, "Hello."

Sorlu glances between Perigourd and Thaiagol.

You notice your companion Wolfloner slip away into hiding.

You notice your companion Queatus slip away into hiding.

Seven phantom tentacles sprout from the base of Aliashyrah's spine, wrapping her in a binding embrace.

Aliashyrah gestures at Darphin.

A silvery translucent thread extends from Aliashyrah encompassing Darphin's corpse.

Lithyia comes out of hiding.

Lithyia sneers.

Dendum whispers to the group, "CHAARGE!"

Talliver says, speaking to Thaiagol, "You."

Olgretien says, speaking deeply to Thaiagol, "Befor ya ask, de answer is still no."

You notice your companion Queatus emerge from hiding nearby.

Dendum whispers to the group, "Oh cant charge."

Dwi heartily exclaims, "Take one prisoner!"

Dwi growls ferociously!

You notice your companion Roelon emerge from hiding nearby.

Roelon squints.

Seven phantom tentacles sprout from the base of Aliashyrah's spine, wrapping her in a binding embrace.

Aliashyrah gestures at Darphin.

Rolling green mist seeps from Aliashyrah's skin and glides across her fingertips only to swirl through the air toward Darphin. As the mist connects with his prone form, a surge of power can be seen dancing across Darphin's skin, and he writhes beneath its erratic gyrations.

Darphin's body suddenly grows darker.

You hear someone calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Sorlu randomly waggles his fingers to mimic a mystical incantation.

Wolfloner comes out of hiding.

Wolfloner gestures at Darphin.

The glazed look leaves Darphin.

Sorlu gestures at Darphin.

Nothing happens.

Wolfloner gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Wolfloner gestures at Aliashyrah.

The glazed look leaves Aliashyrah.

Thaiagol holds up his glowing hand, and the flames within flicker fretfully.

Darphin stands up.

Missoni glances at Perigourd and quirks an eyebrow in his direction.

You notice your companion Lithyia slip away into hiding.

You notice your companion Wolfloner slip away into hiding.

You move to stand in front of Talliver.

Randsford says, "We are all his prisoners."

Falvicar tightens his grip on his somnis katana.

Darphin removes a rectangular green crystal bottle from in his black leather jacket.

You frown at Thaiagol.

Randsford frowns.

Darphin put a sigil-inlaid dark faewood walking stick in his black leather jacket. As it leaves his hands, the illumination of its sigils slowly ebbs away.

Darphin turns his green crystal bottle, opening its lid and shaking a faceted dark emerald pill into his waiting hand.

Randsford stares at Thaiagol.

Perigourd casually observes his surroundings.

Olgretien moves to stand in front of Talliver.

Darphin places his dark emerald pill in his mouth, and it dissolves into a puff of emerald-hued smoke. A verdant mist seeps from his lips as a cloud of mana coalesces around him, wrapping him in protective magic!

You hear someone calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Wolfloner comes out of hiding.

Wolfloner gestures.

An invisible force guides Wolfloner.

You notice your companion Wolfloner slip away into hiding.

Queatus suddenly appears weakened as an ephemeral shroud departs from his form.

You quietly say, "You keep those flames to yourself old man."

Darphin removes a sigil-inlaid dark faewood walking stick from in his black leather jacket. At his touch, a number of sigils worked into its grain take on a faint luminescence.

Darphin put a rectangular green crystal bottle in his black leather jacket.

Talliver becomes solid again.

Dwi moves over to Talliver and stands ready to guard him from attack.

Perigourd grunts.

Thaiagol says, "You have what you came for."

With a whispered word, Roelon summons the rot and ruin of nature to devour his enemies.

Roelon's eyes suddenly flash with a deep sanguine glow.

Roelon turns to face Thaiagol.

Roelon playfully flips the folds of his black woolen kilt.

Lilanna moves to stand in front of Talliver.

Roelon snorts!

Darphin removes a large jar of pallid grey salve from in his black leather jacket.

Perigourd grunts.

Missoni removes a jagged glossy black shard from in her alligator skin case.

Dwi heartily says, "'s da same ol mayer."

The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Pick on sumone yoo own side Thaiagol!"

Darphin put a large jar of pallid grey salve in his black leather jacket.

Missoni rubs the black shard in her hand.

Dwi shakes her head at Thaiagol and clucks her tongue.

Falvicar says, speaking to Thaiagol, "Then you should let us leave."

Chamorr says, speaking heartily to Thaiagol, "Well, what now."

You hear a loud stamping noise.

Missoni put a jagged glossy black shard in her alligator skin case.

Thaiagol asks, "Here in this place, do you really think that I fear your weapons?"

Dwi waves her dwarven waraxe in a sweeping arc through the air, a thick viscous mist rolling off the blade and churning in its wake. She abruptly sweeps the weapon back through the turbulent darkness, causing the mist to scatter without a trace.

Dwi smirks at Thaiagol.

Randsford nods slowly at Roelon.

The voice of Dendum says, "Oi can burn things."

The feeling of relentless peace fades.

Perigourd says, speaking to Thaiagol, "Arrogance has felled many."

The air around you sparkles briefly.

Someone sings of Kai's many triumphs, lifting your spirits.

The mirror images surrounding Lilanna undulate and grow stronger.

Lilanna renews her songs.

[ Kai's Triumph Song: +0:07:38, 0:07:38 remaining. ]

You hear a rumbling chant of phrases in the Dwarven tongue.

Gutstorm suddenly fades into view.

Gutstorm gestures at Thaiagol.

Gutstorm falters in the middle of casting a spell at Thaiagol. He looks distracted.

Roelon tightens his grip on his dragon-guised waraxe.

Geijon says, speaking to Thaiagol, "To harm us, you'd have to open up yourself one would imagine."

Olgretien growls ferociously!

Thaiagol says, speaking to Perigourd, "It has."

Gutstorm forms several angular gestures while chanting rumbling phrases of power in the Dwarven tongue...

Gutstorm rubs his orb trinket.

A panicked look appears on his face and something appears to go wrong as a bolt of energy from a tiny opaque orb trinket strikes him!

  ... 1 point of damage!
  Minor burns to Gutstorm's weapon arm.

He looks stunned!

You hear someone calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Sorlu randomly waggles his fingers to mimic a mystical incantation.

Wolfloner comes out of hiding.

Wolfloner gestures at Gutstorm.

The glazed look leaves Gutstorm.

Sorlu gestures at Gutstorm.

Nothing happens.

Aliashyrah's fingers traverse down the chain of her necklace, the perfumed tendrils of smoke constricting across her body, engufling her. Aliashyrah's voice utters a single command, causing the haze to dissipate as her silhouette emerges from the curtain.

Missoni removes a petrified packmother hand from in her silk neckpouch.

Aliashyrah gestures at Gutstorm.

Nothing happens.

Missoni's packmother hand undulates with power as she waves it at Thaiagol.

Missoni's packmother hand comes alive and begins to attack Thaiagol!

An animated packmother hand skitters across the floor, twitching like a snake slithering towards its prey, and leaving a trail of blood and flesh. Quickly, it grabs Thaiagol and drags him to the floor.

You notice your companion Wolfloner slip away into hiding.

Volute tendrils of essence coil down Missoni's arms, their atrous hue erupting in a cascade of prismatic glitter when they reach her outstretched fingertips.

Missoni gestures at Thaiagol.

Missoni falters in the middle of casting a spell at Thaiagol. She looks distracted.

Dwi quietly says, "Stop dat."

With a clack and clatter of bottles, a cowled twilight alchemist strides in.

A faceless dark-swathed myling hurtles in, its tiny feet making no sound.

Missoni stares unwaveringly at Thaiagol.

An animated packmother hand skitters across the floor, twitching like a snake slithering towards its prey, and leaving a trail of blood and flesh. Quickly, it grabs Thaiagol and pulls sharply, dragging him across the floor.

Randsford sighs.

Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "He gimme da go head!"

You notice your companion Queatus slip away into hiding.

Missoni says, speaking to Thaiagol, "I am not afraid of you."

A faceless dark-swathed myling's eyes yawn into maddening pools of molten gold, and a wave of terrible dread emanates outward from its stunted form!

 CS: +462 - TD: +461 + CvA: +5 + d100: +13 - -5 == +24
 Warded off!

Tolene looks unsettled for the merest of instants.

 CS: +462 - TD: +455 + CvA: -19 + d100: +11 - -5 == +4
 Warded off!

A moment of terror blossoms within you, but you fight it down and manage to keep your wits about you.

 CS: +462 - TD: +325 + CvA: +25 + d100: +63 - -5 == +230
 Warding failed!

Thaiagol lets out a gurgling scream, the sound stifled by his own throat.

 CS: +462 - TD: +440 + CvA: +12 + d100: +22 == +56
 Warded off!

Dendum looks unsettled for the merest of instants.

 CS: +462 - TD: +357 + CvA: -26 + d100: +43 == +122
 Warding failed!

Chamorr lets out a gurgling scream, the sound stifled by his own throat.

 CS: +462 - TD: +465 + CvA: -8 + d100: +85 == +74
 Warded off!

Raelee looks unsettled for the merest of instants.

 CS: +462 - TD: +457 + CvA: -10 + d100: +84 - -5 == +84
 Warded off!

Blades looks unsettled for the merest of instants.

 CS: +462 - TD: +371 + CvA: 0 + d100: +40 - -5 == +136
 Warding failed!
** As the dark-swathed myling strikes Darphin, his leather bodysuit suddenly begins to glow with a polychromatic light! **

[SMR result: 167 (Open d100: 85)]

The polychromatic light from Darphin's leather bodysuit suddenly lashes out at a faceless dark-swathed myling! Before it can react, an unstable vortex of energy surrounds a faceless dark-swathed myling, disorienting it before quickly exploding in a chaotic spray of elemental energy!.

  ... 25 points of damage!
  Strong blow to right arm breaks it!

Darphin looks unsettled for the merest of instants.

 CS: +462 - TD: +586 + CvA: +2 + d100: +13 - -5 == -104
 Warded off!

Missoni looks unsettled for the merest of instants.

 CS: +462 - TD: +520 + CvA: -33 + d100: +60 == -31
 Warded off!

Perigourd looks unsettled for the merest of instants.

Perigourd lets loose a nerve-shattering bellow!

[SSR result: 123 (Open d100: 12)]

A faceless dark-swathed myling is startled enough to lose initiative!

[SSR result: 110 (Open d100: 14)]

A cowled twilight alchemist is startled enough to lose initiative!

Dwi says, speaking heartily to Gutstorm, "Also Imma totally afraid o' Spite."

Gutstorm gestures at Thaiagol.

 CS: +539 - TD: +325 + CvA: +25 + d100: +81 - -5 == +325
 Warding failed!

His right arm explodes!

Thaiagol is stunned!

Sorlu randomly waggles his fingers to mimic a mystical incantation.

Elronae traces a sign that contorts in the air while she forcefully incants a dark invocation...

Elronae gestures at a faceless dark-swathed myling.

 CS: +556 - TD: +484 + CvA: +25 + d100: +91 == +188
 Warding failed!
... and hits for 20 points of damage!

A faceless dark-swathed myling is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!

  ... 70 points of damage!
  Back burnt to the bone.  Smoke curls up from what's left of a faceless dark-swathed myling.

You hear a sound like a child weeping as a white glow separates itself from the dark-swathed myling's body and rises into the heavens.

Amber light belches from the myling's eyes and maw in a scorching eruption, its shadowy form undulating madly before going pathetically still.

Darkness punctuated by a constellation of starry pinpoints wells up around a faceless dark-swathed myling and splinters away with a sound like shattering crystal.

A shadow seems to detach itself from a faceless dark-swathed myling, swiftly dissipating into the air.

Randsford says, speaking to Roelon, "Always the same path."

Sorlu gestures at Thaiagol.

The glazed look leaves Thaiagol.

You hear someone summoning the spirits of nature to his aid...

Dendum comes out of hiding.

Dendum gestures at Thaiagol.

Nebulous azure tendrils curl from Dendum's fragmented staff, enswathing Thaiagol in a shroud spangled with luminous golden spores.

Dendum closes his eyes for a moment as he slowly raises his hands to shoulder-level. You hear and feel a resounding low thrumming sound just as a multitude of sharp pieces of debris splinter off from underfoot, savagely assailing the area!

The surroundings advance upon a cowled twilight alchemist with relentless fury!

 CS: +451 - TD: +399 + CvA: +25 + d100: +21 == +98
 Warded off!

The twilight alchemist manages to escape from the furious onslaught unscathed!

As swiftly as the chaos came to be, it recedes again into the surroundings.

Dendum slips a fragmented staff bound by mycelium threads into one of the bearskin weapon loops secured with jade buttons sewn inside of his buckskin jacket. A trail of golden particles quickly disperses.

Aliashyrah's fingers traverse down the chain of her necklace, the perfumed tendrils of smoke constricting across her body, engufling her. Aliashyrah's voice utters a single command, causing the haze to dissipate as her silhouette emerges from the curtain.

Aliashyrah gestures at Thaiagol.

Nothing happens.

Dwi lets loose an eerie, modulating cry!

[SSR result: 24 (Open d100: -72)]

A cowled twilight alchemist is unaffected!

Geijon swings a gleaming rune-scribed maul at a cowled twilight alchemist!

 AS: +843 vs DS: +880 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +75 = +72
  A clean miss.

Lilanna swings a sonic falchion at Thaiagol!

 AS: +463 vs DS: +109 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +75 = +464
  ... and hits for 1 point of damage!
  Stomach shot lands with a hollow *thump*.

Chamorr looks determined and focused.

In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, Chamorr engages a cowled twilight alchemist in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!

Pearly light flares up suddenly from within Chamorr!

Chamorr swings a chromatic glaes broadsword at a cowled twilight alchemist!

 AS: +721 vs DS: +880 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +67 = -56
  A clean miss.

Chamorr swings a chromatic glaes broadsword at a cowled twilight alchemist!

The twilight alchemist barely dodges the attack!

Chamorr swings a chromatic glaes broadsword at a cowled twilight alchemist!

 AS: +706 vs DS: +880 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +34 = -104
  A clean miss.

Chamorr swings a chromatic glaes broadsword at a cowled twilight alchemist!

At the last moment, the twilight alchemist parries the blow with its runestaff!

Chamorr swings a chromatic glaes broadsword at a cowled twilight alchemist!

 AS: +706 vs DS: +880 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +80 = -58
  A clean miss.

Chamorr swings a chromatic glaes broadsword at a cowled twilight alchemist!

 AS: +706 vs DS: +880 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +54 = -84
  A clean miss.

Motes of silvery light sparkle across Falvicar's skin, twinkling like stars, as he prepares a spell...

An animated packmother hand skitters across the floor, twitching like a snake slithering towards its prey, and leaving a trail of blood and flesh. Quickly, it grabs Thaiagol and pulls sharply, dragging him across the floor.

A cowled twilight alchemist inscribes a burning blue-black sigil in the air as it intones a low chant.

You hear someone intoning a short, mystical phrase...

Wolfloner comes out of hiding.

Wolfloner gestures at Thaiagol.

A wave of snapping and crackling ethereal ripples moves outward from Wolfloner.

[SMR result: 67 (Open d100: 28, Bonus: 20)]

[SMR result: 92 (Open d100: 17)]

A cowled twilight alchemist is buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves, but is unaffected.

[SMR result: 101 (Open d100: 50, Bonus: 10)]

Darphin is buffeted by the snapping and crackling ethereal waves, and is knocked to the ground.

  ... 10 points of damage!
  Heavy spark to right hand.  Bet that hurts.

Falvicar gestures.

Motes of lambent white-gold light appear and begin to swirl around Falvicar, coalescing into a radiant aura.

You feel Falvicar's protection extend to you as an incandescent veil coalesces around you.

Elronae traces a sign that contorts in the air while she forcefully incants a dark invocation...

Elronae gestures at a cowled twilight alchemist.

 CS: +537 - TD: +470 + CvA: +25 + d100: +46 == +138
 Warding failed!
... and hits for 26 points of damage!

A cowled twilight alchemist is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!

  ... 50 points of damage!
  Skin and some muscle burnt off chest.
  The twilight alchemist is stunned!
  ... 70 points of damage!
  Belly is now a block of ice. So much for breakfast!

Something akin to disdain tugs at a cowled twilight alchemist's features as death spasms rock its body. Its throes still and it moves no more.

A cowled twilight alchemist just arrived. Wait, wasn't it here already?

[ Beacon of Courage: +0:01:00, 0:00:59 remaining. ]

Volute tendrils of essence coil down Missoni's arms, their atrous hue erupting in a cascade of prismatic glitter when they reach her outstretched fingertips.

Missoni gestures at Thaiagol.

Missoni falters in the middle of casting a spell at Thaiagol. She looks distracted.

You notice your companion Dendum slip away into hiding.

A chill breeze swirls about Roelon as he gestures and utters a phrase of magic.

Roelon gestures.

Roelon closes his eyes for a moment as he slowly raises his hands to shoulder-level. You hear and feel a resounding low thrumming sound just as a multitude of sharp pieces of debris splinter off from underfoot, savagely assailing the area!

As swiftly as the chaos came to be, it recedes again into the surroundings.

You notice your companion Wolfloner slip away into hiding.

Draelor comes out of hiding.

Draelor gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to his aid...

Draelor gestures at Thaiagol.

Draelor falters in the middle of casting a spell at Thaiagol. He looks distracted.

Lilanna changes her tune, adding a new element to her song...

Lilanna skillfully weaves another verse into her harmony, directing the sound of her voice at Thaiagol.

Lilanna falters in the middle of casting a spell at Thaiagol. She looks distracted.

Lilanna falters in the middle of casting a spell at Thaiagol. She looks distracted.

Chamorr's eyes dart around for a moment.

Thaiagol's eyes dart around for a moment.

Motes of silvery light sparkle across Falvicar's skin, twinkling like stars, as he prepares a spell...

Dwi growls ferociously!

Falvicar gestures at Talliver.

A wall of force surrounds Talliver.

A chill breeze swirls about Roelon as he gestures and utters a phrase of magic.

Roelon gestures.

A thrashing vathor club riddled with spiky clusters suddenly sprouts from the ground and begins to thrash about violently!

The vathor club lashes out, but is unable to grasp ahold of anything.

You hear someone summoning the spirits of nature to his aid...

Dendum comes out of hiding.

Dendum gestures at Thaiagol.

Dendum falters in the middle of casting a spell at Thaiagol. He looks distracted.

Darphin stands up.

Swinging his somnis katana protectively in front of him, Falvicar takes a few steps backwards.

You notice your companion Dendum slip away into hiding.

An animated packmother hand splashes around in a puddle of its own blood. With sudden determination, it grabs Thaiagol and pulls sharply, dragging him across the floor.

Roelon shifts his weight.


[The Bastion, Shadow Vaults - ] (u4070301)

A wide archway of basalt is secured by heavy doors of black ironwood. The archway's polished surface is etched with intricate runes that pulse faintly with a dim violet glow. The sepulchral chill is fed by howling wind that gusts down the vaulted hallway. Thick iron sconces, twisted and stained with soot, hold violet-flamed torches that cast erratic shadows across the lofty ceiling. You also see a thrashing vathor club riddled with spiky clusters, a severed elven arm, a faceless dark-swathed myling that appears dead, a cowled twilight alchemist that appears dead, an animated packmother hand, the Darphin disk, a pallid skin-bound grimoire flying around with its pale leathery wings, the Randsford disk, the Dwi disk, the Opalina disk, the Falvicar disk and obvious signs of someone hiding.

Also here: Thaiagol who is lying down, Dendum who is hiding, Chamorr, Concierge Darphin, Bathcwyn Missoni, Perigourd, Roelon, Queatus who is hiding, Chronicler Falvicar, Talliver, Wolfloner who is hiding, Urchin Gutstorm, Tolene, Dwi, Lilanna, Lithyia who is hiding, Olgretien, Sir Geijon, Draelor, Lord Sorlu, Lady Aliashyrah, Jehance, Elronae, Lord Randsford

Obvious exits: south

Thaiagol reacts with alarm to something unseen.

Geijon gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Geijon gestures.

An invisible force guides Geijon.

Thaiagol rises into a standing position.

You notice your companion Perigourd slip away into hiding.

Calling out to the powers of chaos and life, Roelon weaves the uncomplicated somatic components of his spell and releases it into the air.

Thaiagol's eyes suddenly glaze over.

The vathor club lashes out, but is unable to grasp ahold of anything.

Sorlu randomly waggles his fingers to mimic a mystical incantation.

Sorlu gestures at Thaiagol.

Thaiagol is able to move again.

The glazed look leaves Thaiagol.

Aliashyrah's fingers traverse down the chain of her necklace, the perfumed tendrils of smoke constricting across her body, engufling her. Aliashyrah's voice utters a single command, causing the haze to dissipate as her silhouette emerges from the curtain.

Aliashyrah gestures at Thaiagol.

Nothing happens.

Darphin joins your group.

Gutstorm forms several angular gestures while chanting rumbling phrases of power in the Dwarven tongue...

Gutstorm gestures at Thaiagol.

Gutstorm falters in the middle of casting a spell at Thaiagol. He looks distracted.

You hear someone intoning a short, mystical phrase...

Wolfloner comes out of hiding.

Wolfloner gestures at Thaiagol.

Wolfloner falters in the middle of casting a spell at Thaiagol. He looks distracted.

Roelon gestures.

A strong breeze suddenly picks up and begins to blow around in different directions through the area!

You notice your companion Wolfloner slip away into hiding.

A rawboned veteran duskblade marches in, its coming heralded by the tenebrous fabric of its billowing cloak.

Missoni grits her teeth.

You hear someone intoning a short, mystical phrase...

Wolfloner comes out of hiding.

Wolfloner gestures at Thaiagol.

Wolfloner falters in the middle of casting a spell at Thaiagol. He looks distracted.

You notice your companion Wolfloner slip away into hiding.

A faceless dark-swathed myling hurtles in, its tiny feet making no sound.

An animated packmother hand skitters across the floor, twitching like a snake slithering towards its prey, and leaving a trail of blood and flesh. Quickly, it grabs Thaiagol and drags him to the floor.

Gutstorm forms several angular gestures while chanting rumbling phrases of power in the Dwarven tongue...

Perigourd comes out of hiding.

Perigourd stows his bastard sword in his faewood scabbard with a flash of vibrant forest green radiance. A harmony of woodland scents and sounds lingers briefly in the air. A brief shimmer of honey amber light erupts from inside the scabbard along with a muffled huff.

Gutstorm gestures.

Numerous grotesque limbs in varying states of decay suddenly burst out of the floor! With startling speed and ferocity, the arms grab at whatever they can!

The arms snatch viciously at a faceless dark-swathed myling and drag it down to the floor!

The arms snatch viciously at a rawboned veteran duskblade and drag it down to the floor!

Raelee fades into visibility.

The arms snatch viciously at Raelee and drag her down to the floor!

Volute tendrils of essence coil down Missoni's arms, their atrous hue erupting in a cascade of prismatic glitter when they reach her outstretched fingertips.

Missoni gestures at a faceless dark-swathed myling.

** Tendrils of glittery prismatic energy lash out from Missoni's surita staff toward a faceless dark-swathed myling and cage it within bands of concentric geometry that constrict as one, shattering upon impact! **

Darkness punctuated by a constellation of starry pinpoints wells up around a faceless dark-swathed myling and splinters away with a sound like shattering crystal.

A murky veil coats a faceless dark-swathed myling.

A shadow seems to detach itself from a faceless dark-swathed myling, swiftly dissipating into the air.

The elemental aura around a faceless dark-swathed myling fluxes chaotically!

  ... 15 points of damage!
  The dark-swathed myling dances as the blast of cold air contacts heretofore warm toes.

The air stops shimmering around a faceless dark-swathed myling.

A hazy film coats a faceless dark-swathed myling.

 CS: +599 - TD: +460 + CvA: +25 + d125: +105 == +269
 Warding failed!
... and hits for 49 points of damage!

A faceless dark-swathed myling is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!

  ... 55 points of damage!
  Left arm incinerated.  Unfortunate.
  ... 80 points of damage!
  Blast to neck causes the dark-swathed myling to jerk with pain.  Unfortunately that snaps the now frozen neck like an icicle!

You hear a sound like a child weeping as a white glow separates itself from the dark-swathed myling's body and rises into the heavens.

Amber light belches from the myling's eyes and maw in a scorching eruption, its shadowy form undulating madly before going pathetically still.

A dull polychromatic glow suffuses the sable leather tricorn as it absorbs some power.

Perigourd reaches inside one of the containers hanging from his leather baldric and grabs a large iron gizmo.

Darphin sighs.

Elronae traces a sign that contorts in the air while she forcefully incants a dark invocation...

Elronae gestures at a rawboned veteran duskblade.

   **** Spiraling threads of misty green light extend from a smooth witchwood idol decorated with a velvety soft deep black rose with a challenging arachnid's chitter, the motes encasing Elronae's arm in incandescence and sinking into her skin.
 CS: +547 - TD: +466 + CvA: 0 + d100: +63 == +144
 Warding failed!
... and hits for 25 points of damage!

A rawboned veteran duskblade is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!

  ... 25 points of damage!
  Flames incinerate right leg to the bone.  Not a pleasant sight.
  The veteran duskblade is stunned!
  ... 20 points of damage!
  Blast of cold air to left knee causes a polar knee cap!
  ... 10 points of damage!
  Heavy spark to left arm.  Gonna hurt tomorrow.
  ... 20 points of damage!
  Blow to the eye swells it shut!

You hear someone uttering a light chant...

Wolfloner comes out of hiding.

Wolfloner gestures at Thaiagol.

Wolfloner falters in the middle of casting a spell at Thaiagol. He looks distracted.

[SMR result: 163 (Open d100: 13, Bonus: 76)]

The vathor club lashes out at a rawboned veteran duskblade, wraps itself around its body and entangles it on the floor.

  ... 20 points of damage!
  Hard shove to the back staggers the veteran duskblade.

A rawboned veteran duskblade suddenly looks very weak!

Roelon's veins stand out briefly and he appears invigorated!

You notice your companion Wolfloner slip away into hiding.

With a broad flourish, Roelon sweeps his dragon-guised waraxe into a whirling display of keen-edged menace!

[SMR result: 171 (Open d100: 13, Bonus: 80)]

In a fluid whirl, Roelon sweeps his blade at a rawboned veteran duskblade!

 AS: +595 vs DS: +535 with AvD: +40 + d100 roll: +12 = +112
  ... and hits for 3 points of damage!
  Hard blow, but deflected.
  Not much damage.

Roelon remains watchful and ready to move.

Spreading his fingers wide, Darphin holds his hands over the ground, and a sudden chill fills the air as shadows rise to his bidding.

Darphin gestures at a rawboned veteran duskblade.

 CS: +469 - TD: +466 + CvA: 0 + d100: +55 == +58
 Warded off!
 A dull grey beam snakes out toward the veteran duskblade, but dissipates upon impact.

Draelor gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to his aid...

Draelor gestures at Thaiagol.

Draelor falters in the middle of casting a spell at Thaiagol. He looks distracted.

A faceless dark-swathed myling hurtles in, its tiny feet making no sound.

Volute tendrils of essence coil down Missoni's arms, their atrous hue erupting in a cascade of prismatic glitter when they reach her outstretched fingertips.

Missoni gestures at a rawboned veteran duskblade.

 CS: +580 - TD: +466 + CvA: 0 + d125: +64 == +178
 Warding failed!
... and hits for 34 points of damage!

A rawboned veteran duskblade is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!

  ... 70 points of damage!
  Flame burns through a rawboned veteran duskblade's abdomen.  Greasy smoke billows forth.

The duskblade struggles, reaching out with one hand. Life goes out of its body and it collapses to the floor, motionless.

A rawboned veteran duskblade appears to recover some strength.

The tension in a rawboned veteran duskblade's skin eases and you notice that its complexion returns to normal.

A dull polychromatic glow suffuses the sable leather tricorn as it absorbs some power.

Geijon swings a gleaming rune-scribed maul at a faceless dark-swathed myling!

 AS: +941 vs DS: +870 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +52 = +162
  ... and hits for 52 points of damage!
  Respectable shot to the back.

The guiding force leaves Geijon.

Wolfloner comes out of hiding.

Elronae traces a sign that contorts in the air while she forcefully incants a dark invocation...

Elronae gestures at a faceless dark-swathed myling.

Elronae's runestaff glows intensely with a verdant light!

 CS: +574 - TD: +481 + CvA: +25 + d100: +99 == +217
 Warding failed!
... and hits for 23 points of damage!

A faceless dark-swathed myling is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!

  ... 50 points of damage!
  Flame consumes a faceless dark-swathed myling's right arm all the way to the shoulder.
  ... 35 points of damage!
  Brrrrr!  That was a cold blow to the chest!
  ... 35 points of damage!
  Spectacular arc of electricity enters one ear and comes out the other.  Instant death.

You hear a sound like a child weeping as a white glow separates itself from the dark-swathed myling's body and rises into the heavens.

Amber light belches from the myling's eyes and maw in a scorching eruption, its shadowy form undulating madly before going pathetically still.

Darkness punctuated by a constellation of starry pinpoints wells up around a faceless dark-swathed myling and splinters away with a sound like shattering crystal.

A shadow seems to detach itself from a faceless dark-swathed myling, swiftly dissipating into the air.

** Necrotic energy from Elronae's runestaff flares up momentarily! **
  Elronae appears to gain succour from the unnatural energy!

Wolfloner searches a faceless dark-swathed myling.

Swirling threads of impenetrable shadow rise from a faceless dark-swathed myling's body, dissipating until the myling is no more.

With a discerning eye, Wolfloner gathers up one item and casually stows it away.

You notice your companion Wolfloner slip away into hiding.

Perigourd pulls a small cord on the back of his iron gizmo. After a brief moment, it begins to sputter and hiss while a voluminous amount of smoke begins to pour out of it.

Raelee's hands fade to complete transparency as she intones a spell...

Raelee gestures.

Raelee suddenly disappears.

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

Gutstorm forms several angular gestures while chanting rumbling phrases of power in the Dwarven tongue...

Gutstorm gestures at Thaiagol.

Gutstorm falters in the middle of casting a spell at Thaiagol. He looks distracted.

Motes of silvery light sparkle across Falvicar's skin, twinkling like stars, as he prepares a spell...

Lilanna changes her tune, adding a new element to her song...

Lilanna skillfully begins to weave another verse into her harmony.

Nothing happens.

Falvicar gestures.

Falvicar briefly closes his eyes, and the faint visage of a rearing unicorn appears behind him. A faint black light builds up and emanates from Falvicar's hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal sword, and Falvicar thrusts it forward!

The ethereal sword in Falvicar's hand scatters into pinpoints of light that fade away.

Draelor gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to his aid...

Draelor gestures at Thaiagol.

Draelor falters in the middle of casting a spell at Thaiagol. He looks distracted.

Raelee fades into visibility.

A salt-crusted brick red crab pincer mottled with brown quickly snatches at Raelee, dragging her down before retreating into the floor!

Spreading his fingers wide, Darphin holds his hands over the ground, and a sudden chill fills the air as shadows rise to his bidding.

Randsford snorts!

Darphin gestures.

A brilliant white ball of light forms just above the top of Darphin's faewood walking stick. It quickly grows in size until he lightly jerks his stick, causing the radiance to instantaneously spread throughout the entire room!

Lilanna changes her tune, adding a new element to her song...

Lilanna skillfully begins to weave another verse into her harmony.

The swirl of scintillating spores wreathing Thaiagol disperses.

Dwi growls ferociously!

Raelee stands up.

Thaiagol stands up.

An animated packmother hand snaps suddenly, sending droplets of congealing blood in all directions. Its muscles convulse violently, as if with purpose, and it grabs Thaiagol and drags him to the floor.

Draelor gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to his aid...

Draelor gestures at Thaiagol.

Draelor falters in the middle of casting a spell at Thaiagol. He looks distracted.

The sputtering and hissing coming from Perigourd's iron gizmo reaches a crescendo when all suddenly goes calm. For a brief moment, it seems as though the iron gizmo has flamed out. Suddenly, Perigourd's gizmo lets loose a tremendous roar and bits of doorknob and smoke fly out towards Thaiagol.

[SMR result: 93 (Open d100: 66, Bonus: 21)]

The doorknob shrapnel misses Thaiagol!

Your plumille houppelande bends inward for a brief moment.

The vathor club lashes out, but is unable to grasp ahold of anything.

Gutstorm forms several angular gestures while chanting rumbling phrases of power in the Dwarven tongue...

Some thick salt-encrusted crab pincers quickly snatches at Raelee, dragging her down before retreating into the floor!

Chamorr lets loose an eerie, modulating cry!

Gutstorm gestures.

Numerous grotesque limbs in varying states of decay suddenly burst out of the floor! With startling speed and ferocity, the arms grab at whatever they can!

The arms snatch viciously at Raelee, but she avoids their clutches.

Roelon relaxes a little.

You hear someone intoning a short, mystical phrase...

Wolfloner comes out of hiding.

Wolfloner gestures at Thaiagol.

Wolfloner falters in the middle of casting a spell at Thaiagol. He looks distracted.

Swirling threads of impenetrable shadow rise from a faceless dark-swathed myling's body, dissipating until the myling is no more.

Falvicar moves to stand in front of Talliver.

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

You notice your companion Wolfloner slip away into hiding.

Perigourd tosses a large iron gizmo into one of the containers hanging from his leather baldric.

Perigourd reaches inside one of the containers hanging from his leather baldric and grabs an angled golvern pylon with a carved fireleaf grip.

For some reason you can't attack Thaiagol.

Perigourd tosses an angled golvern pylon with a carved fireleaf grip into one of the containers hanging from his leather baldric.

Blades comes out of hiding.

A salt-crusted brick red crab pincer mottled with brown quickly snatches at Blades, dragging him down before retreating into the floor!

Thaiagol raises a bony hand, and with a twist, golden symbols appear in the air before him.  His brow furrows with an instant of effort as a torrent of sallow yellow flame swirls into being around him.  Dancing in time with his twitching fingers, the fires take on draconic shapes--sinuous bodies, stretching wings, and gnashing maws--before hurtling outward in a deadly arc!

[SMR result: 149 (Open d100: 88)]

Dendum is driven from hiding! Impacting violently, the flames cascade over Dendum, tongues lapping cruelly at his flesh!

Dendum's ironwood cuff pulses briefly, deflecting some of the burning damage!

  ... 20 points of damage!
  Nasty burns to back.  Won't be sleeping on that for awhile.
  He is stunned!

The flames lap cruelly at Dendum, blinding him!

[SMR result: 97 (Open d100: 51)]

You manage to dodge the raging inferno, and it passes harmlessly by!

[SMR result: 142 (Open d100: 83, Bonus: 4)]

Impacting violently, the flames cascade over Chamorr, tongues lapping cruelly at his flesh!

  ... 15 points of damage!
  Burst of flames to left leg blackens kneecap.

The flames lap cruelly at Chamorr, blinding him!

    • Branching filaments of power snap outward from Missoni's airy robes in a lambent prismatic corona! **

[SMR result: 36 (Open d100: 14, Penalty: 20)]

Missoni manages to dodge the raging inferno, and it passes harmlessly by her!

[SMR result: 135 (Open d100: 90)]

Impacting violently, the flames cascade over Perigourd, tongues lapping cruelly at his flesh!

  ... 3 points of damage!
  Burst of flames to left hand burns fingers bright red.

The flames lap cruelly at Perigourd, blinding him!

[SMR result: 92 (Open d100: 37)]

Roelon manages to dodge the raging inferno, and it passes harmlessly by him!

Perigourd draws a sephwir-handled Selanthian bastard sword engraved with runes of nature from his faewood scabbard with a flash of vibrant forest green radiance. A harmony of woodland scents and sounds fills the air for a moment. A ripple of honey amber light shimmers over the surface of the sword as a faint huff vibrates through it.

The vathor club lashes out, but is unable to grasp ahold of anything.

You are now in a defensive stance.

Sorlu randomly waggles his fingers to mimic a mystical incantation.

Sorlu gestures at Dendum.

The glazed look leaves Dendum.

Glass in one of a cowled twilight alchemist's pockets shatters and a noxious, biting scent fills the air as its body is consumed in a cloud of corrosive yellow smoke. Mere seconds pass and nothing remains but a brackish stain on the ground.

An animated packmother hand snaps suddenly, sending droplets of congealing blood in all directions. Its muscles convulse violently, as if with purpose, and it grabs Thaiagol and pulls sharply, dragging him across the floor.

A pair of skeletal arms quickly snatch at Raelee, holding her firmly down before retreating into the floor!

Wolfloner comes out of hiding.

Wolfloner slings a shadow black spike-riddled buckler over his shoulder.

Raelee stands up.

You notice your companion Wolfloner slip away into hiding.

You notice your companion Dendum slip away into hiding.

You notice your companion Perigourd slip away into hiding.

A pair of bloody arms quickly snatch at Raelee, dragging her down before retreating into the floor!

Translucent streams of mana cascade across Lilanna's form as she lets loose with a rallying cry!

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

Perigourd comes out of hiding.

Perigourd stows his bastard sword in his faewood scabbard with a flash of vibrant forest green radiance. A harmony of woodland scents and sounds lingers briefly in the air. A brief shimmer of honey amber light erupts from inside the scabbard along with a muffled huff.

Thaiagol stands up.

Draelor makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...

Draelor gestures.

Draelor blends into invisibility among the surroundings.

A pair of bloody arms quickly snatch at Raelee, holding her firmly down before retreating into the floor!

Gutstorm forms several angular gestures while chanting rumbling phrases of power in the Dwarven tongue...

The vathor club lashes out, but is unable to grasp ahold of anything.

Perigourd reaches inside one of the containers hanging from his leather baldric and grabs a large iron gizmo.

A shimmering aura surrounds Jehance.

A faint blue glow surrounds Jehance's hands.

Perigourd carefully turns a small knob on his iron gizmo, and with a small series of clicks, the body of the gizmo rotates as well, bringing a different chamber to the forefront.

Gutstorm gestures.

Numerous grotesque limbs in varying states of decay suddenly burst out of the floor! With startling speed and ferocity, the arms grab at whatever they can!

The arms snatch viciously at Raelee and pin her to the floor!

The arms snatch viciously at Blades, but he avoids their clutches.

Perigourd gives his iron gizmo a thorough check, realigning various parts and looking over the gizmo's cylinders. Once satisified, he lifts the gizmo to eye level and checks its aim before lowering it once again.

An animated packmother hand splashes around in a puddle of its own blood. With sudden determination, it grabs Thaiagol and drags him to the floor.

A pair of flayed arms quickly snatch at Raelee, holding her firmly down before retreating into the floor!

A salt-crusted soft blue crab pincer mottled with barnacles quickly snatches at Raelee, holding her firmly down before retreating into the floor!

Falvicar concentrates deeply for a moment.

Blades stands up.

Perigourd's vision clears.

Motes of silvery light sparkle across Falvicar's skin, twinkling like stars, as he prepares a spell...

You hear someone summoning the spirits of nature to his aid...

Dendum comes out of hiding.

Dendum gestures at Thaiagol.

Dendum falters in the middle of casting a spell at Thaiagol. He looks distracted.

A salt-crusted brick red crab pincer mottled with brown quickly snatches at Blades, dragging him down before retreating into the floor!

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

You notice your companion Dendum slip away into hiding.

Falvicar gestures.

An invisible force guides Falvicar.

You ponder.

Jehance traces a simple symbol as he reverently calls upon the power of his patron...

Jehance gestures.

Granules of cobalt light coalesce and dance around Jehance before seeping into his very form.

Wolfloner comes out of hiding.

Wolfloner searches a faceless dark-swathed myling.

Swirling threads of impenetrable shadow rise from a faceless dark-swathed myling's body, dissipating until the myling is no more.

You notice your companion Wolfloner slip away into hiding.

Raelee stands up.

Chamorr's vision clears.

Moving his somnis katana into position, Falvicar prepares to strike.

The vathor club lashes out, but is unable to grasp ahold of anything.

Some thick salt-encrusted crab pincers quickly snatches at Raelee, dragging her down before retreating into the floor!

A clawed arm quickly snatches at Raelee, holding her firmly down before retreating into the floor!

Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Why yoo two not joined?"

You hear someone intoning a short, mystical phrase...

Wolfloner comes out of hiding.

Wolfloner gestures at Thaiagol.

Wolfloner falters in the middle of casting a spell at Thaiagol. He looks distracted.

Jehance traces a simple symbol as he reverently calls upon the power of his patron...

Jehance gestures.

Jehance utters a pious prayer and is suddenly surrounded by a grey luminescence.

Dwi lets loose an echoing shout!

Dwi's shout encourages your fighting spirit!

You notice your companion Wolfloner slip away into hiding.

Aliashyrah glances appraisingly around the room.

Moving his somnis katana into position, Falvicar prepares to strike.

Perigourd pulls a small cord on the back of his iron gizmo. After a brief moment, it begins to sputter and hiss while a voluminous amount of smoke begins to pour out of it.

An animated packmother hand snaps suddenly, sending droplets of congealing blood in all directions. Its muscles convulse violently, as if with purpose, and it grabs Thaiagol and pulls sharply, dragging him across the floor.

A pair of three-fingered arms quickly snatch at Blades, holding him firmly down before retreating into the floor!

Lithyia comes out of hiding.

Raelee stands up.

You notice your companion Lithyia slip away into hiding.

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

Chamorr lets loose an eerie, modulating cry!

The vathor club lashes out, but is unable to grasp ahold of anything.

A salt-crusted soft blue crab pincer mottled with barnacles quickly snatches at Raelee, dragging her down before retreating into the floor!

Dwi draws an intricately glowing pattern in the air before her.

A pall of shadow falls over a rawboned veteran duskblade's form, leaving nothing behind.

Swinging his somnis katana protectively in front of him, Falvicar takes a few steps backwards.

The sputtering and hissing coming from Perigourd's iron gizmo reaches a crescendo when all suddenly goes calm. For a brief moment, it seems as though the iron gizmo has flamed out. Suddenly, Perigourd's gizmo lets loose a tremendous roar and bits of bone and smoke fly out towards Thaiagol.

[SMR result: 35 (Open d100: 8, Bonus: 20)]

The bone shrapnel misses Thaiagol!

Randsford says, speaking to Thaiagol, "All this could have been avoided had you shown us decency instead of your threats."

You hear someone uttering a light chant...

Some thick salt-encrusted crab pincers quickly snatches at Blades, holding him firmly down before retreating into the floor!

Raelee stands up.

A flayed arm quickly snatches at Raelee, dragging her down before retreating into the floor!

You notice your companion Perigourd slip away into hiding.

Dendum comes out of hiding.

Dendum gestures at Thaiagol.

Dendum falters in the middle of casting a spell at Thaiagol. He looks distracted.

Randsford looks over at Thaiagol and shakes his head.

The wall of force disappears from around Talliver.

You grab some apple bourbon lipbalm from inside your elesine sack.

You notice your companion Dendum slip away into hiding.

An animated packmother hand splashes around in a puddle of its own blood. With sudden determination, it grabs Thaiagol and pulls sharply, dragging him across the floor.

The vathor club lashes out, but is unable to grasp ahold of anything.

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

You dab your finger into your apple bourbon lipbalm and apply a bit to your lips.

Gutstorm rubs his orb trinket.

Gutstorm suddenly disappears.

A pair of desiccated arms quickly snatch at Raelee, holding her firmly down before retreating into the floor!

You hear someone intoning a short, mystical phrase...

Wolfloner comes out of hiding.

Wolfloner gestures at Thaiagol.

Wolfloner falters in the middle of casting a spell at Thaiagol. He looks distracted.

You notice your companion Wolfloner slip away into hiding.

You absent-mindedly drop some apple bourbon lipbalm into your elesine sack.

Lilanna pulls Raelee to her feet.

You hear someone uttering a light chant...

Wolfloner comes out of hiding.

Wolfloner gestures at Thaiagol.

Wolfloner falters in the middle of casting a spell at Thaiagol. He looks distracted.

You notice your companion Wolfloner slip away into hiding.

Thaiagol asks, "Are you satisfied that you cannot cause me significant harm, or will you wail at my defenses like children all night?"

The vathor club lashes out, but is unable to grasp ahold of anything.

You hear someone intoning a short, mystical phrase...

Wolfloner comes out of hiding.

Wolfloner gestures at Thaiagol.

Wolfloner falters in the middle of casting a spell at Thaiagol. He looks distracted.

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

An animated packmother hand goes still for a moment, but then its fingers dig into the floor and begin clawing with a sense of purpose until it grabs Thaiagol and pulls sharply, dragging him across the floor.

You notice your companion Wolfloner slip away into hiding.

You kiss Thaiagol.

Blades stands up.

A rawboned veteran duskblade marches in, its coming heralded by the tenebrous fabric of its billowing cloak.

The voice of Dendum exclaims, "Can do this all day!"

Wolfloner comes out of hiding.

Wolfloner takes a drink from his tincture of bolmara.

Wolfloner's twitching subsides.

[SMR result: 103 (Open d100: 16)]

The vathor club lashes out violently at a rawboned veteran duskblade, dragging it to the floor!

  ... 25 points of damage!
  Solid leg grapple, pulls muscles to their limits!
  The veteran duskblade is stunned!

A rawboned veteran duskblade suddenly looks very weak!

A club runner brushes against Roelon and he appears strengthened by the contact.

Perigourd comes out of hiding.

Perigourd pulls a small cord on the back of his iron gizmo. After a brief moment, it begins to sputter and hiss while a voluminous amount of smoke begins to pour out of it.

Blades mutters dwarves.

Wolfloner retrieves a squat glass tincture of effervescent wolifrew from within his neutral-toned pouch.

Wolfloner takes a drink from his tincture of wolifrew.

Wolfloner's twitching subsides.

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

A rawboned veteran duskblade struggles momentarily with the gale.

An awful rumbling emanates from Tolene's guts.

An animated packmother hand goes still for a moment, but then its fingers dig into the floor and begin clawing with a sense of purpose until it grabs Thaiagol and pulls sharply, dragging him across the floor.

Wolfloner retrieves a squat glass tincture of effervescent woth from within his neutral-toned pouch.

Wolfloner takes a drink from his tincture of woth.

Wolfloner's twitching subsides some.

Missoni says, speaking to Thaiagol, "I will try for as long as it takes."

Lilanna changes her tune, adding a new element to her song...

Lilanna skillfully weaves another verse into her harmony, directing the sound of her voice at Thaiagol.

Lilanna falters in the middle of casting a spell at Thaiagol. She looks distracted.

Lilanna falters in the middle of casting a spell at Thaiagol. She looks distracted.

Tolene begins to look a little better.

Volute tendrils of essence coil down Missoni's arms, their atrous hue erupting in a cascade of prismatic glitter when they reach her outstretched fingertips.

Missoni gestures at a rawboned veteran duskblade.

** Polychromatic glitter gathers within the vaelfyren core of Missoni's surita staff before spiraling outward, the scintillating whorl settling like myriad tiny starflies across her form. **
 CS: +625 - TD: +457 + CvA: 0 + d125: +119 == +287
 Warding failed!
... and hits for 53 points of damage!

A rawboned veteran duskblade is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!

  ... 40 points of damage!
  Left arm burnt away at elbow.  Ointment won't help.
  ... 40 points of damage!
  Weapon arm freeze-dried!  Add water and stir.
  The duskblade's black urglaes longsword falls to the ground.
  ... 35 points of damage!
  Massive electrical shock to the right leg destroys flesh.  What remains is useless.
  ... 40 points of damage!
  Blow removes the veteran duskblade's left hand neatly!

A dull polychromatic glow suffuses the sable leather tricorn as it absorbs some power.

Spreading his fingers wide, Darphin holds his hands over the ground, and a sudden chill fills the air as shadows rise to his bidding.

Darphin gestures at a rawboned veteran duskblade.

 CS: +471 - TD: +457 + CvA: 0 + d100: +45 == +59
 Warded off!
 A dull grey beam snakes out toward the veteran duskblade, but dissipates upon impact.

Thaiagol says, "If I wished you dead, I would have you in Luukos's embrace."

Blades shakes his head.

Wolfloner retrieves a squat glass tincture of effervescent torban from within his neutral-toned pouch.

You quietly exclaim, "Now don't lick your lips that's poison!"

The sputtering and hissing coming from Perigourd's iron gizmo reaches a crescendo when all suddenly goes calm. For a brief moment, it seems as though the iron gizmo has flamed out. Suddenly, Perigourd's gizmo lets loose a tremendous roar and bits of cloth and smoke fly out towards Thaiagol.

[SMR result: 48 (Open d100: 20, Bonus: 20)]

The cloth shrapnel misses Thaiagol!

A menacing figure uncoils from the shadows, her rolaren dagger poised to eviscerate a rawboned veteran duskblade!

[SMR result: 227 (Open d100: 27, Bonus: 90)]

Catching it unaware, she carves into a rawboned veteran duskblade with cruel and ruthless savagery!

  ... 25 points of damage!
  The veteran duskblade is backed up by a strong slash to its abdomen!
  ... 50 points of damage!

Blood sprays from the veteran duskblade's abdomen in a crimson arc!

  ... 24 points of damage!

The figure quickly disappears from view.

Wolfloner takes a drink from his tincture of torban.

Wolfloner's twitching subsides.

Geijon says, speaking to Thaiagol, "All regeneration has limits."

Volute tendrils of essence coil down Missoni's arms, their atrous hue erupting in a cascade of prismatic glitter when they reach her outstretched fingertips.

Missoni gestures at a rawboned veteran duskblade.

 CS: +580 - TD: +457 + CvA: 0 + d125: +115 == +238
 Warding failed!

A rawboned veteran duskblade contorts in excruciating agony!

  ... 131 points of damage!

The duskblade struggles, reaching out with one hand. Life goes out of its body and it collapses to the floor, motionless.

The tension in a rawboned veteran duskblade's skin eases and you notice that its complexion returns to normal.

A rawboned veteran duskblade appears to recover some strength.

A dull polychromatic glow suffuses the sable leather tricorn as it absorbs some power.

The vathor club lashes out, but is unable to grasp ahold of anything.

Wolfloner searches a rawboned veteran duskblade.

A pall of shadow falls over a rawboned veteran duskblade's form, leaving nothing behind.

You notice your companion Wolfloner slip away into hiding.

Perigourd tosses a large iron gizmo into one of the containers hanging from his leather baldric.

Perigourd draws a sephwir-handled Selanthian bastard sword engraved with runes of nature from his faewood scabbard with a flash of vibrant forest green radiance. A harmony of woodland scents and sounds fills the air for a moment. A ripple of honey amber light shimmers over the surface of the sword as a faint huff vibrates through it.

Thaiagol stands up.

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

Geijon gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Geijon gestures.

An invisible force guides Geijon.

You nod.

An animated packmother hand snaps suddenly, sending droplets of congealing blood in all directions. Its muscles convulse violently, as if with purpose, and it grabs Thaiagol and drags him to the floor.

Dendum comes out of hiding.

Dendum slips a fragmented staff bound by mycelium threads into one of the bearskin weapon loops secured with jade buttons sewn inside of his buckskin jacket. A trail of golden particles quickly disperses.

Motes of silvery light sparkle across Falvicar's skin, twinkling like stars, as he prepares a spell...

The vathor club lashes out, but is unable to grasp ahold of anything.

Falvicar gestures.

Motes of lambent white-gold light appear and begin to swirl around Falvicar, coalescing into a radiant aura.

You feel Falvicar's protection extend to you as an incandescent veil coalesces around you.

Dwi faces Dendum, closes her eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between them!

Dwi opens her eyes, looking slightly drained.

Randsford nods slowly at Thaiagol.

Raelee grabs a twisted black willow rod inlaid with verdigris runes from a small silk-lined pocket inside of her white linen robe.

Perigourd grunts.

You notice your companion Dendum slip away into hiding.

Raelee raises her black willow rod toward the sky!

Raelee appears to be listening intently to something.

Raelee tucks a twisted black willow rod inlaid with verdigris runes into a small silk-lined pocket inside of her white linen robe.

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

Motes of silvery light sparkle across Falvicar's skin, twinkling like stars, as he prepares a spell...

Missoni says, speaking to Thaiagol, "Kasendra deserves as much."

Falvicar gestures.

Motes of lambent white-gold light appear and begin to swirl around Falvicar, coalescing into a radiant aura.

You feel Falvicar's protection extend to you as an incandescent veil coalesces around you.

An animated packmother hand snaps suddenly, sending droplets of congealing blood in all directions. Its muscles convulse violently, as if with purpose, and it grabs Thaiagol and pulls sharply, dragging him across the floor.

The vathor club lashes out, but is unable to grasp ahold of anything.

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

Swinging his somnis katana protectively in front of him, Falvicar takes a few steps backwards.

A severed elven arm twitches slightly on the ground.

The vathor club lashes out, but is unable to grasp ahold of anything.

An animated packmother hand snaps suddenly, sending droplets of congealing blood in all directions. Its muscles convulse violently, as if with purpose, and it grabs Thaiagol and pulls sharply, dragging him across the floor.

Geijon glances down.

Dwi examines her fingernails.

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

Thaiagol stands up.

The vathor club lashes out, but is unable to grasp ahold of anything.

Perigourd stows his bastard sword in his faewood scabbard with a flash of vibrant forest green radiance. A harmony of woodland scents and sounds lingers briefly in the air. A brief shimmer of honey amber light erupts from inside the scabbard along with a muffled huff.

Perigourd reaches inside one of the containers hanging from his leather baldric and grabs a large iron gizmo.

Perigourd carefully turns a small knob on his iron gizmo, and with a small series of clicks, the body of the gizmo rotates as well, bringing a different chamber to the forefront.

You hear someone uttering a light chant...

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

You notice your companion Perigourd slip away into hiding.

You rub your apple bourbon lipbalm.

The vathor club lashes out, but is unable to grasp ahold of anything.

Dendum comes out of hiding.

Falvicar chuckles to himself.

You notice your companion Dendum slip away into hiding.

Randsford whispers something to Lilanna.

You tilt your head and toss an inviting wink in Falvicar's direction.

Randsford glances at Lilanna.

The vathor club suddenly stops moving, drops to the ground, and dissolves away.

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

Talliver sharply asks, "What is it that you want?"

Lilanna nods at Randsford.

Perigourd comes out of hiding.

You hear someone calling upon the powers of the elements...

Wolfloner comes out of hiding.

Wolfloner gestures.

Wolfloner appears to be keenly aware of his surroundings.

You notice your companion Wolfloner slip away into hiding.

Perigourd tosses a large iron gizmo into one of the containers hanging from his leather baldric.

Perigourd draws a sephwir-handled Selanthian bastard sword engraved with runes of nature from his faewood scabbard. The sword traces an arc of vibrant forest green radiance in its wake. A harmony of woodland scents and sounds fills the air for a moment. A ripple of honey amber light shimmers over the surface of the sword as a faint huff vibrates through it.

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

Dendum comes out of hiding.

You notice your companion Dendum slip away into hiding.

Dwi says, speaking heartily to Thaiagol, "Dunno why dey tryin to kill ye...but.. dis bunch issa perty stubborn."

Dwi grunts noncommittally and shrugs her shoulders.

Randsford put a ruby-handled wolf-headed spikestar in his warg pelt sheath.

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

Thaiagol plainly says, "It is as I said. You live because I allow it."

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

Motes of silvery light sparkle across Falvicar's skin, twinkling like stars, as he prepares a spell...

Falvicar gestures.

Motes of lambent white-gold light appear and begin to swirl around Falvicar, coalescing into a radiant aura.

You feel Falvicar's protection extend to you as an incandescent veil coalesces around you.

Dwi cackles!

The guiding force leaves Falvicar.

Roelon slowly empties his lungs.

Missoni looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.

Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.

Perigourd says, speaking to Thaiagol, "You're not the bringer of life."

Perigourd chuckles.

Lilanna asks, speaking to Thaiagol, "And what would you do with the blood of a hero?"

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

Dwi exclaims, speaking heartily to Thaiagol, "Yer aint me mum!"

The voice of Lithyia says, "We know you took Talliver's blood for other reasons."

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

Thaiagol says, speaking to Lilanna, "That is not your concern."

Dwi grunts and sneers at the same time in obvious distaste!

Raelee's hands fade to complete transparency as she intones a spell...

Raelee gestures.

Raelee suddenly disappears.

The voice of Lithyia says, "It is now."

The voice of Dendum asks, "By Koars left foot is this thing Darphin's brother?"

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

The voice of Dendum says, "Sounds like Darphin."

Lilanna says, "As a matter of fact it is."

The voice of Lithyia asks, "What have you done with it?"

Talliver wearily says, "It is my blood."

Aliashyrah nods at Darphin.

The voice of Lithyia says, "It was Talliver's."

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

A few withered tendrils of club fall away from Roelon.

The voice of Lithyia says, "It was not yours to take."

Lilanna says, "It still is."

Dwi squints at Talliver.

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

Roelon asks, speaking deeply to Thaiagol, "Stolen blood aye?"

The guiding force leaves Geijon.

Roelon looks over at Thaiagol and shakes his head.

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

You hear someone whispering a soft phrase...

The voice of Lithyia says, "The sphere revealed it."

Dendum comes out of hiding.

Dendum gestures.

Only faintly visible, red-gold filaments spiral inward from the local surroundings toward Dendum and weave a web of protection about him.

Faint red-gold filaments spiral inward from the local surroundings and weave themselves around you.

You notice your companion Dendum slip away into hiding.

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

The voice of Lithyia says, "We know you have other plans."

A severed elven arm spasms for a moment on the ground.

Thaiagol says, speaking to Talliver, "An impressive sample, to be sure. You may indeed be the closest thing I have seen to a true hero in many a year. Such... grim determination toward being righteous."

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Hey, me a damned hero too!"

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

You hear a loud stamping noise.

Dwi heartily says, "Dey grow Dabbinses up here on trees."

Thaiagol says, "Yes, I do, but for know, it should suit you to know that my plans involve allowing you to live."

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

Dwi heartily says, "Well not trees...but ..."

Dwi grunts noncommittally and shrugs her shoulders.

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

Missoni narrows her eyes.

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

You cock your head.

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

Queatus comes out of hiding.

Queatus put a razor-sharp ghezyte tomahawk in his black leather baldric.

Falvicar nods.

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

You quietly ask, "Are you not supporting your other coven members?"

Thaiagol says, "I cannot sway the others of the Five away from their pursuit of the Orb, but neither does it benefit me to see our forces spent trying to claim it."

Randsford walks toward Thaiagol.

Chamorr heartily says, "Dang this guy spouts enoght."

A strong breeze continues to swirl through the area.

Dwi quietly says, "Spouty."

Dwi grunts in agreement.

Randsford says, speaking to Thaiagol, "Allow everyone to leave and I will give you what you want."

The strong breeze stops as suddenly as it arrived.

Randsford glares at Thaiagol.

Missoni glances appraisingly at Thaiagol.

Perigourd stares at Randsford.

Falvicar stares at Randsford.

Thaiagol looks thoughtfully at Randsford.

Lilanna frowns at Randsford.

Missoni asks, speaking to Thaiagol, "You do not care for the orb, then?"

Olgretien raises an eyebrow.

Chamorr says, speaking heartily to Randsford, "What."

Darphin says, "I am sure he would take it if offered."

Randsford bows his head and chants a short prayer, causing vibrant red and pale pink light to momentarily coalesce in front of him.

The air stirs around you for a moment.

Falvicar frowns.

The faint blue glow fades from around Jehance's hands.

The shimmering aura fades from around Jehance.

Cobalt light separates itself from Jehance and scatters into oblivion.

Falvicar says, speaking firmly to Randsford, "No."

Lilanna says, speaking to Randsford, "Not the way."

The grey luminescence surrounding Jehance slowly fades away.

A severed elven arm pulsates unpleasantly a bit, dripping blood.

A churning spectral aura suddenly reaches out from the shadows and surrounds you.

A churning spectral aura suddenly reaches out from the shadows and surrounds you.

Darphin says, speaking to Thaiagol, "But you have found your next relic, i take it."

Thaiagol says, speaking to Missoni, "I told you before that there are other avenues toward achieving our goals."

Randsford says, "This is the way we live to fight another day."

Sorlu looks thoughtfully at Randsford.

Randsford shakes his head.

The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Hey Blade, did ye drop dis?"

Gutstorm suddenly fades into view.

Randsford says, speaking to Thaiagol, "Allow ELLEREL to summon them back."

Gutstorm waves a severed elven arm around.

Randsford leaves your group.

Chamorr says, speaking heartily to Randsford, "Ya dont surrender fer me."

Gutstorm rubs his orb trinket.

Gutstorm suddenly disappears.

Dwi grunts, amused.

Perigourd grumbles.

Thaiagol asks, speaking to Randsford, "And you will keep your word?"

Sorlu glances around the room.

You notice your companion Dendum emerge from hiding nearby.

Randsford says, speaking to Thaiagol, "I'm waiting."

Dwi heartily exclaims, "We're da best word keepers!"

Randsford taps his foot impatiently.

Dendum says, speaking to Randsford, "Will kill you if find you on other side of this."

Missoni frowns.

Randsford just opened an elegant white knight's cape.

Randsford removes a turquoise inset eonake orb from in his white knight's cape.

Dwi chuckles to herself.

Dendum says, speaking to Randsford, "This we swear."

Randsford stares at Thaiagol.

Thaiagol says, speaking to Randsford, "Yes, you are. Stay where you are put."

Dwi lets out an eloquently vile series of grunts.

The mirror images surrounding Lilanna undulate and grow stronger.

Lilanna renews her songs.

You hear someone calling upon the powers of the elements...

Wolfloner comes out of hiding.

Wolfloner gestures.

Wolfloner appears to be keenly aware of his surroundings.

Falvicar frowns.

You notice your companion Wolfloner slip away into hiding.

Lilanna growls at Randsford.

Randsford's spirits are no longer lifted.

The air stops shimmering around Randsford.

Thaiagol gives an idle gesture.
Randsford just disappeared.

The warm glow fades from around Dwi.

You quietly ask, "Are you going to be a traitor?"

Tolene begins to look a little better.

You gaze in wonder at your surroundings.

Thaiagol says, "As for the rest of you..."

The voice of Lithyia says, "Randsford betrayed us."

The warm glow fades from around Roelon.

Falvicar says, "Traitor."

Your skin grows slightly numb for a moment as the warm glow fades from around you.

Missoni's form becomes somewhat hazy and indistinct.

Geijon closes his eyes for a moment.

You notice your companion Perigourd slip away into hiding.

Falvicar frowns.

Dwi's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around her arms.

The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Me not wit dem, me jush pashin troo."

Lilanna growls at Thaiagol.

Thaiagol says, "You may go. Remember that I treated with you in good faith, and allowed you your mayor."

A pale green glow builds in Thaiagol's eyes, intensifying until it is blinding to look upon.  He raises a bony hand and inscribes glowing yellow symbols in the air with surprising deftness.  Strange, otherworldly luminescence pours forth like water from a shattered dam, and Thaiagol disappears amidst the radiance.  His form leaves an afterimage seared in your vision as the light dies away.

The warm glow fades from around Tolene.

Missoni's hazy and indistinct form returns to normal.

Perigourd joins your group.

Missoni hisses, "Good faith."

A shimmer in the air warps your view of the far wall.

You notice your companion Lithyia emerge from hiding nearby.

(Opalina grits her teeth.)

The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Dat wot we thot!"

Lilanna growls ferociously!

Darphin says, "Well, thats unfortunate."

Perigourd says, speaking to Missoni, "He talks of good fatih after Illistim."

Geijon shifts his weight.

Perigourd shakes his head.

Missoni rubs her viridian eyes.

Dwi yells, "Ye aint da boss o' me!"

You notice your companion Draelor emerge from hiding nearby.

Geijon asks, "ELLEREL, can you hear us again at th' anchor?"

Dwi raises her fist defiantly.

Sorlu glances at Aliashyrah.

Lithyia jabs at the air with her rolaren dagger as she swears revenge against an enemy!

Lilanna yells, "ELLEREL!"

The voice of Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Someone shtuff da Mayor inna bag so dere not be no shaniginaginsh."

A ring clatters to the ground nearby.

Olgretien yells, "Try agin'!"

Geijon nods.