Icemule Trace Mayoral Election 5118: Difference between revisions

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"Icemule is a great city with many wonderful, nice people. I want to continue Nihala's work to make it the nicest, most welcoming, friendliest city in Elanthia! Everyone should feel super welcome in Icemule Trace and be able to eat the land's finest tarts and pastries. ICICLE and White Haven are super important and helpful and I would want to work very closely and happily with them. Daukhera, on the other hand, is everything Icemule is not! She is mean, murdering, and controlling. We need to band together to stop her!"
"Icemule is a great city with many wonderful, nice people. I want to continue Nihala's work to make it the nicest, most welcoming, friendliest city in Elanthia! Everyone should feel super welcome in Icemule Trace and be able to eat the land's finest tarts and pastries. ICICLE and White Haven are super important and helpful and I would want to work very closely and happily with them. Daukhera, on the other hand, is everything Icemule is not! She is mean, murdering, and controlling. We need to band together to stop her!"

{| role="presentation" class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
| <strong>Joskin's Rally </strong>
|''4 June 2018 Joskin's Rally transcript from the [[TownCrier]]''

[Icemule Trace, Town Center]<BR />
The bustling town comes together in this square. Halflings dressed in varying fashions stand about, some chattering happily, others reclining on cloaks laid on the ground. One ancient halfling leans against the base of the large ice statue of a mule, snoring blissfully. A feeling of community pervades the area, putting you immediately at ease. You also see a royal penguin, a friendly aurora spirit that is flying around, a vine-carved cherrywood cart with some stuff on it, a twisted white lectern, a twinkling bright bluish purple signboard with the words "Election Information" at the top, a blanket of snow, a carved ice bench with some stuff on it, a colorful silver-bound barrel emblazoned with a row of tiny grey penguins, a rhimar trash receptacle and a mammoth black notice.<BR />
Also here: Groh, Szad, Councillor Emeritus Igerone, Joskin, Rendena, Vereplor, Enestrie who is sitting, Liaison Tawariell, Sothog, Angellos<BR />
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west

A cat yowls in the distance, and is immediately followed by the sound of a shutter banging open and an angry growl, "If any one of those candidates does something about that dang cat, they'll have my vote!"

A deafening voice shouts right in your ear, "Joskin's rally is about to happen in Town Center! Don't be late!"

Tawariell winces.

(Tawariell wiggles a finger in her ear, chuckling.)

Joskin recites:

"I'm going to wait a couple more minutes in case people are skating across the Lake and running late!"

Joskin giggles.

The crowd applauds for a moment, welcoming the candidate.

A blinding flurry of snowflakes drifts down from the grey skies.

Joskin laces his fingers together and loudly cracks his knuckles. As he does so, a shower of sparks erupts from the silvery sigils on the backs of his gloved hands.

Joskin recites:

"I am so excited to see you all here! Before I get started, is there anyone who would like a pin?"

Enestrie applauds Joskin.

Joskin removes a glittering tart-shaped pin that reads, "Joskin for Mayor!" written in rainbow letters from in his silvery pouch, waves it, taps it, and then puts it away.

Joskin exclaims, "Of course, I'd like to welcome Tawariell!"

Tawariell cocks her head at Joskin, blushes a nice shade of pink, and waves.

Igerone, Shothog, and Enestrie applaud, while Hartesa applauds politely.

Enestrie grins at Joskin.

Joskin says, "I hope everyone here was also at her rally."

Joskin exclaims, "I made the choice to stay away from the rallies of other candidates, but I appreciate her being here!"

Tawariell inclines her head.

Joskin says, "So."

Kilded just arrived.

Joskin exclaims, "Let's talk about Icemule!"

Joskin exclaims, "Oh, Kilded too!"

Tawariell applauds.

Kilded waves to Joskin.

Speaking heartily to Joskin, Kilded exclaims, "Sorry im late!"

Joskin exclaims, "I'm just getting started!"

Joskin says, "Anyway."

Kilded applauds.

Joskin exclaims, "I love Icemule. If you know me at all, you know that's true!"

Joskin exclaims, "It doesn't hurt that it was a founded by Paradis like me!"

Joskin giggles.

The crowd grows hushed except for the occasional grunt against the freezing temperatures.

A blinding flurry of snowflakes drifts down from the grey skies.

Joskin says, "I've always found Icemule to be a warm place, aside from the temperatures and penguins."

Sothog begins chuckling at Joskin!

Joskin says, "I chose my rally for right here because of that."

Kilded nods in agreement at Joskin.

Jalodg adopts an agreeable expression.

Jalodg's shiver is barely noticeable, as if the cold barely bothers him.

Hartesa nods slowly.

Joskin says, "This is the place where old friends get together, where new friends meet."

Joskin says, "It's exciting here."

Sothog and Hailleus nod at Joskin.

Joskin asks, "And when people need help, where do they go?"

Joskin says, "They come right here."

Joskin points down.

Kilded stares downward.

Sabotage arrives in a cloud of ash.

Sothog nods at Joskin.

Joskin exclaims, "People know when they need help they can come here and they can find someone willing to help them out!"

Hartesa nods in agreement.

Sothog nods at Joskin.

Joskin exclaims, "Just a few minutes ago, someone came here looking for magical help. And he found it!"

Hailleus melodically says, "Every one is very friendly adn helpful."

Igerone applauds Joskin.

Igerone smiles at Hailleus.

Joskin exclaims, "Yes!"

Joskin says, "And that's so much of what I love this city."

Joskin says, "We help each other."

Joskin exclaims, "That's why my slogan is Icemule All Together!"

Joskin says, "Because we really are."

Sothog applauds Joskin.

Dahush smiles at Joskin.

Joskin exclaims, "Sothog just reminded me of something!"

Sothog blinks at Joskin.

Joskin recites:

"Please help yourself to delicious Icemule tarts! They're on the bench over there!"

Joskin points at a carved ice bench.

Dahush gazes with interest at a carved ice bench.

Sothog chuckles.

Joskin says, "Icemule, of course, is the best place in Elanthia to get tarts."

Joskin giggles.

Joskin exclaims, "But let's talk about the future!"

Joskin recites:

"There are a lot of things people have talked to me about when it comes to what they want Icemule Trace to be going forward"

Sothog nods at Joskin.

Joskin says, "Some people are concerned about defense and making sure everyone is safe."

Hartesa solemnly applauds.

Joskin says, "Some people want Icemule to grow."

Joskin exclaims, "Some people want Icemule not to grow!"

Joskin says, "Of course, many are concerned about the woman who calls herself a queen."

Someone in the back shouts, "Down with Daukhera!" Another hollers, "Long live the Queen!" The two scuffle for a moment.

Joskin exclaims, "Thank you for demonstrating!"

Joskin giggles.

Tawariell furrows her brow, Hailleus laughs, Sothog chuckles, and Dahush scowls.

Joskin says, "But let's all be friends here tonight."

Sothog applauds Joskin.

Jalodg adopts an agreeable expression.

Joskin says, "And I know many people are concerned about our relationship with the Landing."

Zailon suddenly pauses, a look of consternation crossing his features as he listens intently.

Joskin recites:

"I think it's OK to say that in many ways, our fortunes are tied to theirs"

Dahush says, "They have stinky sewers."

Joskin says, "If they do well, we'll benefit. And if they have problems, we're close enough that it could affect us."

Kilded nods in agreement at Joskin.

Hartesa nods somberly at Joskin.

Joskin says, "So it's very, very important Lylia feels she can work with our government for mutual benefit."

Sothog nods at Joskin and applauds.

Joskin says, "It's a really great opportunity with her being a new Mayor and us electing a new Mayor."

Jalodg agrees with Joskin.

Joskin says, "Of course, we have our own people, our own issues, our own opportunities."

Joskin recites:

"Before I go on, I want to highlight some of the great people who have been doing so much for us."

Joskin says, "First, of course, is White Haven."

Sothog nods at Joskin.

Tawariell smiles.

Joskin says, "They have been a shining house in Icemule for years and years."

Hartesa and Sothog applaud, while Dirvy applauds politely.

Sothog and Tawariell smile at Joskin.

Tawariell nods approvingly.

Joskin asks, "How many of us have gotten spells from them? Or won some money? Or simply danced at the ball?"

Tawariell gives a lopsided grin.

Sothog nods at Joskin.

Enestrie shushes herself!

Joskin says, "And they're going to keep doing these things. So if I'm elected, I will work very closely with White Haven."

Joskin says, "Of course, I'm also a member of the House."

Joskin giggles.

Sothog grins at Joskin.

Joskin exclaims, "But I'm not an officer!"

Sothog nods at Joskin.

Joskin says, "There's another group. It's newer. ICICLE."

Dirvy applauds politely.

Joskin asks, "How about that new citizens' tent?"

Joskin, Tawariell, and Sothog applaud, while Hartesa applauds warmly.

A child escapes his mother's grasp and begins tumbling in the snow mumbling, "Vote for Joskin, Vote for Joskin!"

Sothog grins.

(Jalodg chuckles and beams at the flailing child.)

Joskin sadly exclaims, "After Nihala died... ICICLE did a lot to keep Icemule together. Thank you!"

Jalodg nods at Joskin.

Joskin says, "I hope that, as Mayor, I can be an asset to them as they have to us."

A pair of young men staggers in, supporting each other as best they can. Each carries a mostly-empty bottle and sports an impressive bruise on one eye. One slurs to the other, "Fair's fair... you don't gotta tell me who yer votin' for. I STILL say... ye hit like a gnome, though." They laugh uproariously as they stagger out of sight.

Joskin recites:

"Now, a few things I would like to do."

Enestrie smiles at Joskin.

Joskin says, "First! Community building."

Sothog rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Enestrie turns an inquisitive ear toward Joskin.

Joskin says, "Icemule is already the friendiest city in Elanthia. I want to encourage more of that."

Sothog nods at Joskin.

Joskin says, "And the citizens' tent is a great idea. I propose more special perks for citizens."

Joskin says, "The idea is to encourage more people who feel like they can have a home here do so."

Enestrie nods approvingly.

(Jalodg scoffs at the drunk's remarks.)

Joskin exclaims, "But non-citizens should not feel left out!"

Sothog nods at Joskin.

Hartesa applauds Joskin warmly.

Dahush turns an inquisitive ear toward Joskin.

Joskin says, "I want to start a yearly tart-baking contest."

Enestrie smiles and applauds at Joskin.

Verryn smiles.

Joskin exclaims, "It will help our reputation of a place for delicious food. And it will being more tourists!"

You hear the growling bellies of many folks gathered nearby as food is mentioned.

Joskin says, "Next, defense."

Dirvy rubs Zailon's shoulders gently.

Hartesa peers quizzically at Joskin.

Enestrie giggles.

Sothog grins.

Kilded nods in agreement.

Sothog nods at Joskin.

Kilded tilts his head toward Joskin, examining him intently as the tip of one ear twitches briefly.

Joskin says, "I said this before, but this area needs tightening."

Enestrie agrees with Joskin.

Joskin says, "Our guards are very nice. But we need to make sure our gates are watched at all times."

Jalodg agrees with Joskin.

Hartesa nods thoughtfully.

Joskin says, "That may mean some new recruits. That may mean incentives for the current guard to be more watchful."

Joskin says, "I can work with people to see what is best."

Zailon suddenly pauses, a look of consternation crossing his features as he listens intently.

Sothog nods at Joskin.

Joskin says, "But gate security won't mean much if vathors and nasy creatures can appear right here in front of us."

Joskin says, "So we need to explore deep, strong magic to prevent that from happening."

Joskin says, "I know that's being done."

Zailon grins mischievously.

Joskin says, "But it could be done faster with official support and resources."

Joskin says, "I think that's what is most on my mind."

Joskin exclaims, "I am happy to answer your questions!"

Joskin asks, "Perhaps people can raise their hand?"

Verryn raises his hand.

Joskin points at Verryn.

Speaking to Verryn, Joskin asks, "Yes?"

Verryn stands up.

Enestrie, Tawariell, and Sothog turn an inquisitive ear toward Verryn.

Kilded frowns.

Verryn quietly says, "As some of you might know, I moved here from Ta'Vaalor, for a variety of reasons. I have since become a citizen and greatly enjoyed my time here . . ."

Enestrie nods at Verryn.

Jalodg beams happily at Verryn!

Speaking to Verryn, Joskin exclaims, "We're happy to have you!"

Jalodg and Sothog applaud Verryn.

Joskin cocks his head.

Verryn quietly asks, ". . . One of the reasons I moved was due to disdain I felt in the Elven nations toward those of my race. As mayor, what will you do to make sure that Icemule Trace will be a place that is accepting and comforatble for all races equally?"

Hartesa applauds Verryn.

Enestrie smiles at Verryn.

Sothog rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Speaking to Verryn, Darkc says, "If i can become a citizeb here there will be no problems."

Darkc snickers.

Joskin recites:

"As Mayor, I will pledge that nobody representing the city will ever discriminate or favor anyone based on their race."

Sothog grins at Darkc.

Dahush nods at Verryn.

You nod at Joskin.

Merekka says, "The pawnshop clerk does."

Dahush begins chuckling at Merekka!

Joskin frowns.

Merekka says, "He does not like gnomes."

Joskin says, "He doesn't work for the city."

Joskin says, "But that doesn't mean he can't be reasoned with."

Joskin says, "It starts with us."

Sothog nods at Joskin.

Enestrie agrees with Joskin.

Joskin says, "And if we set the right example, other people will follow."

A town guard stops you on his way to the pub and pokes you hard on the sternum. He asks, "You're voting for Sabotage, right? He's promised to hire more guards to protect this town." WIthout waiting for an answer, the guard shuffles off.

Sothog agrees with Joskin.

Laralana nods approvingly at Joskin.

Enestrie applauds Joskin.

Speaking to Joskin, Darkc says, "The pawn broker is always charging me more."

Sothog and Dahush raise their hand.

Darkc turns away from Joskin, ignoring him.

Enestrie smiles at Sothog.

Hartesa nods at Darkc.

Joskin says, "I don't like that."

Hartesa exclaims, "It's a travesty!"

(Jalodg shrugs at the worked-up Guard while agreeing with his sentiment.)

Speaking to Darkc, Joskin says, "We can talk to him, try to get him to see reason."

Darkc agrees with Hartesa.

Joskin says, "If not..."

Joskin exclaims, "Perhaps taxes could go up!"

Joskin giggles.

Szad glances at Joskin.

Jalodg cringes.

Dahush looks over at Joskin and shakes his head.

Enestrie grins at Joskin.

The surroundings are engulfed in gusts of white snow.

Darkc cackles!

Speaking to Szad, Joskin exclaims, "Of course not!"

Igerone grins at Szad.

Speaking to Joskin, Sothog asks, "I'd like to ask a related question. In light of our apparent unpopularity with some in the Elven Nations, how would you propose to smooth relations between us and them?"

Szad quietly says, "The donations are bad enough.."

Speaking to Szad, Joskin says, "I mean for people who are mean to other people."

Szad begins chuckling at Joskin!

The crowd shrieks almost in unison at the mention of raising taxes.

Szad quietly asks, "You're going to tax meanness?"

Sothog blinks.

Speaking to Szad, Joskin says, "I would consider taxing racism, yes."

Dahush mutters taxes and rolls his eyes.

Szad quietly exclaims, "Racism!"

Merekka giggles.

Szad chuckles.

Hartesa rises to her feet while applauding Joskin!

Dahush ponders.

Speaking to Sothog, Joskin exclaims, "That is a tough one!"

Merekka says, "I like the idea of taxing bigots more."

Szad quietly asks, "We are surrounded by orcs and undead rolton and you're taxing racism?"

Hartesa turns to Merekka and cheers!

Szad quietly says, "I sometimes wonder about this town."

Igerone exclaims, "Undead rolton!"

Dahush asks, "The rolton are undead?"

Szad quietly says, "Not all of them."

Enestrie shushes Igerone!

Szad quietly says, "Well, not yet."

Sothog agrees with Enestrie.

Igerone leans on his cane.

Merekka says, "Some are zombies, though."

Igerone glances at Enestrie.

Speaking to Szad, Joskin exclaims, "More tax revenue means more guards at the gates!"

Enestrie rolls her eyes at Igerone.

Joskin exclaims, "But I need to answer Sothog!"

Tawariell gazes in amusement at her surroundings.

Sothog beams happily at Joskin!

Joskin says, "I, too, have had an unpleasant experience in the Nations."

Szad quietly says, "I haven't seen any racism in this town to be honest."

Szad quietly says, "Well, apart from the gnome bar that I can't go in and whatnot."

Joskin says, "But I think that is more about misunderstanding than anything."

Sothog nods at Joskin.

Joskin asks, "If we can work with the Landing, we can work with Illistim, right?"

Szad quietly says, "Personally I'm prejudiced against anything I can't drag up an icy path.."

Joskin says, "We just need to show how it's better for everyone if we are all on the same side."

Szad quietly says, "But that's me."

Joskin says, "That won't be easy for sure."

Merekka nods at Joskin.

Joskin says, "And it may take some time. But it's worth doing."

Sothog agrees with Joskin.

Szad chuckles.

Hailleus smiles at Szad.

Speaking to Joskin, Sothog says, "Thank you."

Joskin says, "And I think they know a thing or two about unwanted demons."

Joskin giggles.

Sothog grins at Joskin.

Enestrie smiles at Joskin.

Szad quietly says, ""magic"."

Enestrie adopts an agreeable expression.

Joskin points at Dahush.

Hailleus melodically exclaims, "Thanks!"

Szad smiles.

Speaking to Dahush, Joskin asks, "Yes?"

Dahush twists his head slightly, cracking his neck. He looks relieved.

Dahush says, "Evenin m'lord, thankee for yer time tnight. I'm fairly new so if this is already in place please enlighten me."

Speaking to Dahush, Joskin exclaims, "Welcome!"

Dahush asks, "When these big mean vapers or whateve come around is there a plan for us with less experience to pitch in?"

Hartesa applauds Dahush warmly.

Tawariell smiles at Dahush.

Jalodg smiles at Dahush.

Speaking to Dahush, Joskin exclaims, "I love that question!"

Dahush asks, "Do you have something in mind for defenses or are we at the mercy of our elders to get the job done?"

Speaking to Dahush, Darkc says, "You can shoot arrows from the walls , there used to be towers but some omron had them removed."

Speaking to Dahush, Joskin says, "I think there's a lot that can be done."

Enestrie turns an inquisitive ear toward Joskin.

Speaking to Dahush, Joskin says, "As I mentioned, I want to commit to more research on how to keep them from getting into the city."

Sothog nods at Joskin.

Speaking to Dahush, Joskin says, "And anyone and everyone can help with that in some way."

Hartesa nods slowly at Joskin.

Jalodg agrees with Joskin.

Speaking to Dahush, Joskin says, "But when they DO show up..."

Jalodg mutters darnomrons.

Dahush nods.

Sothog turns an inquisitive ear toward Joskin.

Sothog begins chuckling at Jalodg!

Speaking to Joskin, Darkc says, "Start with rebuilding the towers the idjits did away with."

Speaking to Dahush, Joskin exclaims, "The most important thing to do is stay safe if you feel like you're in danger. But if you want to help, there are things you can do!"

Speaking to Dahush, Joskin says, "People will fall or get injured. They can be escorted to safety."

Vereplor just went west.

Speaking to Dahush, Joskin says, "Clerics and empaths will need things and people can get those things for them."

Speaking to Dahush, Joskin exclaims, "It's not heroic, but it helps!"

Enestrie applauds Joskin.

Dahush ponders.

Laralana smiles at Joskin.

Speaking to Dahush, Joskin asks, "Does that answer your question, or were you thinking of something else?"

Sothog glances at Dahush.

A man shouts, "I used to work on the towers, but they are broken!" His colleague agrees.

Dahush asks, "Are there any standing orders? in the hall or somewhere else where a plan of action is detailed?"

Speaking to Joskin, Darkc says, "Back a long time ago Morvule wage a very long war on Icemule, there were towers then and they were extremely useful in defeating his minions."

Hartesa nods enthusiastically at Dahush!

Sothog glances at Joskin.

Speaking to Dahush, Joskin says, "Ah, yes."

Dahush asks, "Or am I a rolton with my head cut off trying to figure out what to do if they return?"

(Jalodg turns to the shouting man and nods in enthusiastic agreement.)

Speaking to Dahush, Joskin says, "Recently, some of us met with Brokkersten and Arshwikk about this very thing."

Speaking to Dahush, Joskin says, "There will be leaders when it's time to mobilize."

Speaking to Dahush, Joskin says, "I think the exact plans are still in the works, but they're being made."

A woman shouts, "The time is now! Mobilize against the Queen!" Several cheer her on.

Tawariell gazes with interest at her surroundings.

Dahush inclines his ear, listening intently.

Dahush says, "Many thanks for your time."

Joskin says, "And, of course, we need to look at the towers."

Darkc yells, "Repair and rebuild the towers!"

Joskin says, "Smaller cities than ours have them."

Dahush nods at Joskin.

Tawariell nods in agreement.

Enestrie applauds Joskin.

Hartesa lets out a cheer!

Sothog rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Kilded begins chuckling at Darkc!

Joskin says, "They may not prevent every demon attack, but they help people feel safe."

Joskin exclaims, "And it's a lot easier to go about your day when you feel safe!"

Sothog nods at Joskin.

Joskin recites:

"Someone mentioned the 'Queen.'"

Dahush says, "A few someones."

Joskin says, "I didn't talk about her on purpose. I imagine an Icemule without her."

Joskin exclaims, "But, let's talk about her!"

Dahush turns to Joskin and cheers!

Sothog nods at Joskin.

Sothog applauds Joskin.

Joskin says, "We cannot allow a murderous tyrant to rule us."

Sothog agrees with Joskin.

Hartesa solemnly applauds.

Sothog applauds Joskin.

Dahush agrees with Joskin.

Joskin says, "I was here when Dustybeard was executed just for saying something unkind about her."

Joskin exclaims, "It was horrifying!"

A child cries out, "She just wanna be friends!" before stomping off, sobbing.

Joskin shakes his head.

Dahush gasps.

Groh asks, "Could we work along side of her?"

Joskin says, "Friends do not kill friends when they are upset."

Tawariell stands up.

Liaison Tawariell just went east.

Speaking to Groh, Joskin says, "That's what Sabotage wants to do."

Speaking to Groh, Joskin says, "And that only works if you're willing to be her subject."

Groh nods at Joskin.

Joskin recites:

"I will not be her subject and Icemule will not be her queendom!"

Groh says, "Not too familiar with the situation yet, that's why I was asking."

Sothog turns to Joskin and cheers!

Groh nods.

Dahush turns to Joskin and cheers!

Laralana agrees with Joskin.

Enestrie applauds Joskin.

Joskin says, "Part of Icemule All Together means coming together and expelling her."

Joskin exclaims, "That will be very, very hard!"

Darkc recites:

"Have you or any tried to negotiate or reason with her?"

Dirvy softly interrupts, "It is suspected that Daukhera attacked Newsby at a party last night, via an emissary who poisoned a tart Newsby ate."

Hailleus melodically says, "Who the queen? she gave mt pardon from jail."

Dahush gasps.

Joskin exclaims, "Yes. Several people right here did!"

Hailleus melodically says, "I must have caught her on a good day."

Hailleus smiles.

The crowd begins to murmur loudly about the accusations, with a clear divide between those who support her and those do not. Then they return their attention to Joskin.

Jalodg's jaw drops.

Joskin says, "I'm not saying nothing good ever happens when she's here. She led us to undiscovered magic."

Enestrie nods at Joskin.

Joskin says, "But if good things only happen when we serve her and please her, that's not a way to live."

Hailleus melodically says, "Well I got out of jail and dont owe her a thing."

Joskin exclaims, "And if someone reacts to resistance with murder and temporal rifts, that is evil!"

Enestrie adopts an agreeable expression.

Joskin says, "I promise, if I'm Mayor, I won't kill anyone who disagrees with me."

Joskin giggles.

Enestrie grins at Joskin.

Kilded nods slowly at Joskin.

Sothog blinks at Joskin.

Hartesa turns to Joskin and cheers!

Sothog rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Sothog grins at Joskin.

Sothog applauds Joskin.

Joskin says, "I know things are bad now. And she is a big part of what is happening now."

Joskin says, "But that will pass. We'll find a way. And she'll just be an unpleasant memory."

Sothog applauds Joskin.

Joskin says, "We have so much more to do and offer than her."

Joskin exclaims, "So let's talk about happier things!"

Joskin says, "Time is running low."

Joskin asks, "Does anyone else have a question?"

Enestrie smiles at Joskin.

Sothog raises his hand.

Joskin points at Sothog.

Speaking to Joskin, Sothog asks, "What are your thoughts on economic improvement for the town?"

Darkc recites:

"We need a once a year big fest here in Icemule"

An owl sounds in the distance, and a drunken voice responds, "You can ask WHO all y'want! My mind ain't -hic- made up yet!" The voice devolves into drunken laughter.

Speaking to Darkc, Joskin exclaims, "I proposed a big tart contest every year!"

Verryn agrees with Joskin.

Hailleus melodically says, "Provide better advertising for the locally owned shops, support our citizens."

Speaking to Sothog, Joskin says, "There's a lot we can do."

Sothog turns an inquisitive ear toward Joskin.

Enestrie turns an inquisitive ear toward Joskin.

Szad quietly asks, "I wonder, can we re-route streets?"

Szad quietly asks, "You know, actual city planning?"

Dahush peers quizzically at Szad.

Speaking to Sothog, Joskin says, "When the deed company clears up its issues in issuing deeds for new stores, that's going to do a lot."

Speaking to Sothog, Joskin says, "And I would want to put some money into advertising all the great things Icemule citizens have for sale."

Igerone says, "City plannin' is more of a ICICLE thing, but y'all can certainly work together."

Szad quietly asks, "Say ICICLE thing?"

Szad quietly asks, "What's an ICICLE thing?"

Joskin asks, "I imagine people have seen the advertisements for Zul Logoth by the river?"

Hailleus melodically exclaims, "Joskin I just said that!"

Jalodg smiles.

Joskin says, "Events that promote tourism would be really big for us."

Joskin says, "I think there's a lot there."

Hailleus melodically says, "Icicle thing."

Hailleus melodically asks, "What?"

Speaking softly to Szad, Dirvy says, "We can talk about ICICLE after the rally, if you like."

Szad quietly asks, "What?"

Sothog nods at Joskin.

Joskin exclaims, "I have no interest in re-doing the streets, though!"

Joskin giggles.

Sothog grins at Joskin.

Szad shakes his head.

Sothog applauds Joskin.

Szad quietly says, "Joskin I don't mean ALL streets."

Szad chuckles.

Szad quietly says, "That'd be kind of a nutty thing to do anyway."

Speaking to Joskin, Sothog says, "Thanks again."

Joskin asks, "Does anyone else have a question?"

Speaking to Sothog, Joskin exclaims, "Of course!"

Hartesa raises her hand.

Joskin points at Hartesa.

Speaking to Joskin, Hartesa says, "Thank you."

Joskin nods at Hartesa.

Some of the crowd glances warily at Hartesa.

Speaking to Joskin, Hartesa says, "At that time the Terrace was known as a center for such studies, certainly more welcoming and acommodating than the Landing."

Speaking to Joskin, Hartesa asks, "What do you propose to advance Icemule's standing as a place of learning and study?"

Joskin rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Joskin says, "We have these great guilds here. I think it's time we worked closer with them."

Joskin says, "They have these people who know so much."

Sothog nods at Joskin.

Joskin exclaims, "We need to coordinate with them and reach out to people. Educate the children. Hold workshops!"

Joskin says, "I think that's also an area where White Haven and ICICLE can help."

Dahush says, "Workshops sound interestin."

Joskin says, "I did propose more perks for citizens."

Joskin says, "Perhaps that can include education opportunities."

Sothog nods at Joskin.

[Icemule Trace, Town Center]

The bustling town comes together in this square. Halflings dressed in varying fashions stand about, some chattering happily, others reclining on cloaks laid on the ground. One ancient halfling leans against the base of the large ice statue of a mule, snoring blissfully. A feeling of community pervades the area, putting you immediately at ease. You also see the Darkc disk, a pumpkin orange tabby kitten, a tidal bobcat, a bushy-tailed chipmunk, a desolate mountain spirit that is flying around, the parrot-shaped Dirvy disk, a royal penguin that is sitting, a vine-carved cherrywood cart with some stuff on it, a twisted white lectern, a twinkling bright bluish purple signboard with the words "Election Information" at the top, a blanket of snow, a carved ice bench with some stuff on it, a colorful silver-bound barrel emblazoned with a row of tiny grey penguins, a rhimar trash receptacle and a mammoth black notice.

Also here: Tyrstald who is sitting, Groh who is sitting, Laralana, Rendena, Sothog, Lord Giffaxe, Darkc, Lord Zailon who is sitting, Szad, Merekka who is sitting, Kilded who is sitting, Verryn who is sitting, Dahush who is sitting, Hailleus who is sitting, Great Lord Jalodg, Executrix Dirvy who is sitting, Lady Hartesa, Councillor Emeritus Igerone, Joskin, Kittai, Enestrie who is sitting, Angellos

Obvious paths: north, east, south, west

Joskin exclaims, "I can take one more!"

Speaking to Joskin, Hartesa says, "Thank you for your considered response."

Speaking to Hartesa, Joskin exclaims, "You're welcome!"

(Joskin looks over the crowd for a raised hand.)

Joskin asks, "Anyone else?"

Joskin exclaims, "OK, then!"

Joskin exclaims, "THank you so much for coming!"

Joskin removes a glittering tart-shaped pin that reads, "Joskin for Mayor!" written in rainbow letters from in his silvery pouch.

Hartesa rises to her feet while applauding!

Dahush, Kilded, Enestrie, and Verryn applaud Joskin.

Joskin recites:

"Who would like a pin?"

The crowd erupts into cheers and clapping!

Hartesa lets out a loud whoop as she applauds Joskin!

Speaking softly to Joskin, Dirvy exclaims, "Thank you for taking the time to speak to everyone tonight. And for supplying tarts. They were delicious!"

A town guard stops you on his way to the pub and pokes you hard on the sternum. He asks, "You're voting for Sabotage, right? He's promised to hire more guards to protect this town." WIthout waiting for an answer, the guard shuffles off.

Darkc asks, "How do we know we can rely on a Mayor that missed the meet and greet?"

Speaking to Darkc, Joskin says, "I wanted to be there, but I already had a commitment for that time before the meet was scheduled."

Joskin exclaims, "Of course, I would put mayor things at the top of the list!"

Speaking to Joskin, Dahush says, "I'm still a little concerned about this taxes talk but otherwise you presented some interestin ideas for me to think about."

Enestrie exclaims, "And Joskin, you had a proxy--someone who stood in for you which was excellent!"

Dahush says, "Thankya for speakin to us tnight."

Speaking to Dahush, Joskin says, "That was not a promise! It was something to consider."

Speaking to Joskin, Darkc says, "The meet and greet was actually a Mayor thing."

Speaking to Darkc, Joskin says, "Part of being a Mayor is not letting down people who are counting on you."

Speaking simply to Darkc, Joskin says, "I had people counting on me that night. Igerone knew I would not be able to make it."

Speaking to Joskin, Darkc says, "But all the other candidates made it, thats tells me that maybe they desire to be Mayor more than you do perhaps."

Speaking heartily to Darkc, Kilded says, "As another candidate, I disagree with you, and think it was perfectly fine he was able to send someone in his place."

Speaking to Darkc, Joskin says, "I can't speak for anyone else's desire."

Speaking to Darkc, Joskin says, "And I don't think who wants it the most is the important thing."

Speaking to Joskin, Darkc says, "But it does show that they are reliable though."

A cheerful gnome pops in and announces, "The night should not be scary! Let's come together and defeat those who would rip us apart! Everyone vote Joskin for Mayor!" The gnome happily bounces away.

Speaking to Darkc, Joskin says, "I am reliable. I followed through on my word."

Speaking to Darkc, Joskin says, "I always do what I promise I will do."

Speaking to Joskin, Darkc says, "Time will tell perhaps."

Joskin exclaims, "It will!"

Darkc nods.

You bob a quick curtsy to Joskin.

Speaking to Joskin, you exclaim, "Thank you for this rally!"

Angellos, Darkc, Tawariell, Joskin, Kittai, Jalodg, and a tidal bobcat fall to the ground!<BR />
The ground beneath you violently shakes and rumbles causing you to fall down!<BR />
Roundtime: 9 sec.

Jalodg melodically exclaims, "Gah!!"

You blink.

You thrash around on the ground.

Joskin groans.

Joskin stands up.

Darkc exclaims, "The Queen cometh!"

You ask, "What in the world?"

Speaking to you, Joskin exclaims, "Welcome to Icemule!"

Joskin giggles.

You say, "Thank you."

You exclaim, "I am fleeing back to some cover!"

You feel a bit weak in the knees and find yourself wobbling.

[TownCrier]-You: "Looking like there could be trouble brewing in Icemule, there was a big boom, and everything shook, and everyone fell down!"



Revision as of 16:43, 6 June 2018

In Ivastaen 5118, it was announced that Icemule Trace would have the opportunity to elect a player character as mayor.

A weary fur-clad giantess steps out of the censor's office in Clovertooth Hall and closes a petrified oak door firmly behind her. With a simple twirl of her finger, a wispy key materializes and inserts itself into the lock, securing the entry before dissolving. The giantess gives a heavy sigh, readjusts the cumbersome bag slung over her shoulder, and heads east and out to greet a crowd that has already gathered to meet the candidates for Mayor in Icemule Trace's Decision 5118.

After watching the presentations, fanfare, and colorful lights intermingling with the falling snow, she turns to make a few important announcements.

A fur-clad giantess says, "Greetings, everyone. I am Lady Befionn, the Magistrate of Citizenship. I manage the Censor's Office. I imagine many of you have seen me, though few of you ask how my day is going when you pop by to check the book."

A fur-clad giantess rolls her eyes slightly through her smile.

A fur-clad giantess says, "I am going to assist Councillor Emeritus Igerone and Page of Honor Eilinora with managing the election to ensure fairness and integrity. I will help keep the campaigning clean. I will also facilitate one of the contests."

A fur-clad giantess glances at the bag slung over her shoulder that is overflowing with parchments, and you notice a slight grimace.

A fur-clad giantess says, "Because of these extra tasks, I have closed the citizenship office until the night the new Mayor is announced, on 22 Lumnea. No new citizenship applications will be processed between now and then. I simply will not have time. Only those who are citizens as of this moment will be eligible to vote on 15 - 20 Lumnea."

A fur-clad giantess says, "I will now post everyone's formal declarations of candidacy on the official trees. Please take a moment to read them. Good luck to all."



"Icemule is a great city with many wonderful, nice people. I want to continue Nihala's work to make it the nicest, most welcoming, friendliest city in Elanthia! Everyone should feel super welcome in Icemule Trace and be able to eat the land's finest tarts and pastries. ICICLE and White Haven are super important and helpful and I would want to work very closely and happily with them. Daukhera, on the other hand, is everything Icemule is not! She is mean, murdering, and controlling. We need to band together to stop her!"


"As Mayor of the town I'd like to see our town grow and thrive by welcoming citizens from all walks of life be they elf, dwarf, giantman, of course halfling, or any other race and profession. Many of our citizens have great ideas - the citizenship tent is fantastic and the snowman field is a lot of fun. When elected I look forward to working with ICICLE and our citizens to focus our resources on ways to improve our town and draw in new citizens. This works to both make our fair town more enjoyable and also brings in new revenue for more improvements! The more passionate and interested citizens we have the better Icemule becomes! We've also had some new faces show up in our town recently -- namely the new Queen. While I haven't spent much time with her many of our citizens have grown fond of her. She was also very helpful in introducing our town to new potion-making skills and guiding us through some recent town troubles. I will be sure to keep an eye on her so we can grow our alliance. I look forward to speaking to all of you more and learning about your wishes and ideas for our town and speaking to you more about my stance on the issues! Vote Kilded! Icemule's Sexiest Warrior!"

Neovik the Guardian of Icemule Trace

"As the potential Mayor of Icemule Trace, the success and protection of the people of this town are my highest priority. One of many steps in making Icemule a safe place is to work on establishing a formalized alliance with our neighbors for mutual military support and aid to strengthen our bonds. We will establish an organized militia like the Landing Militia that will train and work closely with the current organizations that have protected Icemule daily. We must bolster our defenses and secure funding to build weaponry that will stop any invaders in their tracks and make them think twice about picking a fight with us. A safe Icemule will increase trade and lead to the overall success and development into a much stronger Icemule! Our people should no longer have to live in fear for their survival. It’s time things change!"


"I would like for the town to become a true gambler's paradise. I want card games, roulette, etc. I want spas and fine dining restaurants. I want this to be a freezing cold Albatross. I also think we should get that tome unlocked and give it to me. Other than that I'm sure some glaring weakness will present itself and we'll take care of the Queen in due time."

Liaison Tawariell Andrenae

"To the good citizens of Icemule Trace, Icemule is a small town with big potential. Our sleepy little nook amongst the mountains deserves some progress and that is why I am announcing my candidacy for Mayor. I am running to bring the creative and collaborative solutions that we need for Icemule. My priorities are to rebuild our defenses, improve the Town and businesses, come to a pragmatic resolution with Queen Daukhera, and work on relations between Icemule and Wehnimer’s. As an Officer of White Haven, I stand for Hope, Service and Wisdom. With the joint effort of the Great House, MHOs and citizens alike we can work together to prosper and thrive. My door will always be open to you. Vote Tawariell Andrenae and help bring warmth back to Icemule."


  • The winner of each contest receives 5 extra votes toward the final tally, and the one who achieves second place receives 2 extra votes
  • If contests are judged, judges will be chosen by spinner from the crowd to ensure fairness
  • We will do our absolute best to ensure all candidates can compete simultaneously if possible, or to provide fair alternatives should scheduling conflicts arise
  • This portion of the month-long event will take place tentatively from 11 - 14 Lumnea (Monday, June 11 - Thursday, June 14)

Fists of Justice

Just Desserts

Icy Elegance



  • Only IMT citizens can vote
  • The voting booths will be hauled into town and open from 15 - 20 Lumnea (Friday, June 15 - Wednesday, June 20)