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Traag were extra-planar black panther creatures in the I.C.E. Age history, with horns protruding from their heads, ever dripping poisonous claws and double rows of venomous teeth. They were predatory loners who preferred darkness and residing in subterranean chambers. While they were not demonic themselves, demons and traag would never harm each other. Traag had the innate ability to summon demons at will, and would let powerful ones ride them. It was rumored there were "traag lords" on some unknown plane of existence who knew all of the spells for summoning the demonic.

Uthex Kathiasas implied he had traag originally in the Dark Grotto, which by implication of the word was artificially formed by the magru, except that the magru apparently ate them all in their need for flesh. His name for the magru was "lug'shuk traglaakh", with the first half meaning "ugly fiery wet things", and the other "made from the loss of trag" in the dead language of Iruaric.

Behind The Scenes

The Traag were never actual creatures in the game, but their existence on The Broken Lands was implied by the original name for the magru. It provides a conceptual link in how the work of Uthex Kathiasas in fashioning extra-planar entities, "(a new source of) power given physical form", would have been corrupted toward the demonic by the subtle influence of The Dark Path. If the traag were one of the allusions to "The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath" in The Broken Lands, they would be the cats who sneak off at night to the "cryptical realms" known only to cats on "the moon's dark side."