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2003-07-23 - Baronial Court Session (log)

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By Eahlstan Hjelden.


Empire Decree and Indirect Aid regarding the destruction of the Mestanir Mandis Crystal (7/23/2003)

Eahlstan sent us an account of the most recent audience held by the Baron Malwind. The Earl Jovery expressed shock and dismay at the Baron's failure to return the Mandis Crystal to Emperor Aurmont as ordered, and the behavior of his troops, and announced that the Earl Jovery and Baron Malwind would be marshalling their forces to enforce a constraint upon Jantalar's actions. Also, Malwind described the distinction between receiving a knighting at his hand vs. the Earl's. Yviara, Morgiest and Cryheart were knighted by the Earl Jovery, and Valicar was knighted at Malwind's hand. Also, Brinn, Eahlstan and Valicar were elevated in rank to be a knight-banneret (rather than a knight-errant). There was also a question and answer period.


[Vornavis, Great Hall]
On a low dais, spanning the southern end of the hall, three regal chairs of state rest before an embroidered tapestry of the Rising Swan of Vornavis that covers the wall behind them. Banners bearing the coats-of-arms of knights in service to the barony hang from the railing of the second floor gallery that lines the other three sides of the Great Hall. Opposite the dais a pair of large fel doors, inlaid with gold scrolling, are set in the north wall. You also see the sparkling Nixlsplixt disk, the Davrial disk, the Morelean disk, the Miskelme disk, the Avanine disk, the icy blue Chillwind disk, the Darkor disk, the black Simtarr disk, the Eilithyia disk, the Risky disk and an aged chamberlain.
Also here: Valakhan, Mekthros, Lord Ulial, Great Lord Taebaek, Archpain who is sitting, Nixlsplixt who is sitting, Mystianna, Paole, Lord Lenius who is sitting, Whitefoote who is sitting, Great Lady Ffionia, Varsus, Journeyman Yukito who is sitting, Marcuccio who is sitting, Rintalio who is sitting, High Lord Clintmire, Regwen, Risengunn, Jaibatsu, Guarrin, Great Lord Thaxius, Thastien, Davrial, Sinnclair, Frayser, Ismayl who is sitting, Lord Lokirro who is sitting, Aust who is sitting, Trollbinder, Lord Hashum, Lady Azzreala, Great Lady Mythala, Lady Amioweil, Lord Fewen, Sinndel, Arua, Radeth, Nilandia, Zakarin, Raeyanii, Great Lord Klaive, Peligrad, Great Lord Morelean, Lord Miskelme who is sitting, Great Lord Vormalak who is sitting, Lady Harliegha who is sitting, Naina who is sitting, Jacinto, Cylla who is sitting, Pelagio, Irksum, Murp, Thrassus, Jinnrui, Journeywoman Lihai who is sitting, Annerimae who is sitting, Avanine who is sitting, Bunnykins, Copernicus who is sitting, Blackjack who is sitting, Lord Vender, Drallen, Maddison who is sitting, Protius who is sitting, Bisco, Stahks, Celestynne who is sitting, Koldeen who is sitting, Great Lady Rubifyre, Lord Tremson who is sitting, Lord Radeek, Lady Phever, Lord Galesmight, Chillwind, Lady Aysia, Semiera who is sitting, Drektor, Lady Femereff, Crio, Lord Xeniphite, Prospera who is sitting, Simtarr who is sitting, Great Lady Silversi who is sitting, Great Lord Darkor who is sitting, Technique, Tierus, Tsin, Boomsplat, Rinika, Lady Kateerina, Bellelaide who is sitting, Great Lady Necoley who is sitting, Lord Meshach, Angeliqe, Journeywoman Daelynna who is sitting, Lady Zalexys, Klaser, Lady Jacina, Kinshack, Khandgar, Kabo, Lady Scheree, High Lord Atlanteax who is sitting, Radom, Apprentice Deler, Landceal who is sitting, Lord Shonison who is sitting, Saberwolv, High Lord Valicar, Eilithyia who is sitting, Risky, Lady Rilven, Matti, Yarx, Kriztian, Xanith, Shirkon, Frorin, Lady Deavon, Falicor, High Lord Cemb, Lady Yviara, Pomic, Murgin, Morgiest, Marex, Orenda, Geijon, Shallimar, Cryheart, Great Lord Zimrahn, Tagari, Lady Kytaara, Tebon, Brinn, Ulg who is sitting, Lord Sothog who is sitting, Lord Dragolyn, Lady Roanna, Joter, Lady Witcheaven, Lord Elrodin who is sitting, Perigourd, Balugari, Kilthal, Tyraesa, Earl Eddric who is sitting, Baron Dunrith
Obvious paths: none

Dunrith says, "We hope to achieve a number of things by this evening's audience, first Ear Eddric and myself will explain our current stance regarding the situation with Jantalar."

Dunrith says, "We are well aware of the status and location of Baron Hochstib's forces and military assets."

Dunrith says, "Second, we will recognize and honor those present who have distinguished themselves during the course of this conflict."

Dunrith says, "So I will let Earl Jovery present our stance, both as representatives of the Empire and as neighbors of Wehnimer's Landing."

Dunrith sits down.

You see Baron Dunrith Malwind.
He appears to be a Half-Elf.
He appears to be stooped with age. He has green eyes and fair skin. He has receding, light brown hair.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a silver-edged blue pelican feather, a baronial coronet, a black cloak, a gold-trimmed burgundy doublet, a gold link belt, a gold-trimmed belt pouch, a gold-trimmed black leather scabbard, some gold and grey striped trousers, a pair of polished black boots, and a pair of golden spurs.

Eddric nods to Dunrith.

Eddric stands up.

Eddric says, "Speaking as the Northern Sentinel of the Empire, I must proclaim my shock at Baron Hochstib's continued disobedience to Imperial directives pertaining to the disposition of the mana disruption crystals."

Eddric says, "I am also dismayed by his lack of regard for imperial knights who reside in the port he has chosen to take control of."

Eddric says, "Because of his actions, both myself and the Baron of Vornavis feel that we must mobilize military forces to effect a constraint upon Jantalar's actions."

Eddric says, "The disposition of Baron Hochstib's crystals we will address specifically a bit later."

You see Earl Eddric.
He appears to be a Human from Hendor.
He appears to be past his prime and tall. He has pale blue eyes and tanned skin. He has receding, steel grey hair. He has a square-jawed face, a prominent nose and a short beard.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a blue plumed bascinet in his right hand.
He is wearing a crystal amulet, a silver-lined blue silk cloak, a silver-trimmed blue silk surcoat, a dwarven forged vultite hauberk, a gem-studded blue leather belt, an elegant blue leather scabbard, a silver-edged blue suede pouch, some leather-reinforced black worsted trousers, and some elegant black leather halfboots.

Eddric says, "At this time Baron Malwind has an issue to address to those knights who received their spurs at his hand over the past several years."

Dunrith says, "I would like to make clear that there is a distinction between those who have received their spurs at my hand versus those who have received them more recently by Earl Eddric."

Dunrith says, "The distinction matters for several reasons. Perhaps the foremost is that those knighted by myself were not sworn in any way to honor or defend the Empire."

Dunrith says, "But in foregoing that obligation, you also forego some status."

Dunrith says, "So those who were knighted by my hand, as knight errants - and who have chosen to maintain that status - at this time and during the upcoming month have the option of also taking the oath that Earl Eddric offers and so take on both the obligation to support the Empire and to be recognized as knights of it."

Eddric says, "And now on to more pleasant matters."

Eddric says, "The current conflict has served as most will to aid in the definition of its combatants and of their qualities."

Eddric says, "It is because of this that such conflicts often see the elevation of those noteworthy to new status."

Eddric says, "Because of an unswerving demonstration of bravery and commitment to the cause undertaken, I would like to ask Lady Yviara to step forward and receive the spurs of knighthood at my hand."

Yviara curtsies to Eddric.

Eddric asks, "Do you swear to uphold the chivalric code, conducting yourself as a true Knight, a living example of a warrior with honor, courage and generosity?"

Yviara says, "I do"

Eddric asks, "Do you promise to support the Empire and its rightful ruler, never participating in nor supporting aggression against it nor its citizens?"

Yviara says, "I do"

Brinn whispers, "Do you swear to do the dishes, take out the trash, and rub your husband's feet?"

You quietly whisper to Brinn, "Hah! She'd skin us both if she heard that."

Eddric asks, "And finally, do you swear to continue to protect those whom seek the protection of your arm and the generosity of your heart, those too weak to protect themselves, and the virtue of every pure lady whom you may encounter?"

Yviara says, "I do."

Eddric lightly taps Yviara with the blade of the backsword, first on her right shoulder and then on her left.

Yviara gulps.

Eddric says, "Then I bestow upon you the status of Knight of the Empire. Arise, Dame Yviara."

(Yviara rises)

Dunrith removes a pair of golden spurs from in his black cloak.

Dunrith stands up.

Dunrith offers Yviara a pair of golden spurs.

Yviara accepts Dunrith's golden spurs.

Dunrith bows to Yviara.

Yviara curtsies to Dunrith.

Dunrith smiles.

Yviara curtsies to Eddric.

Eddric bows to Yviara.

(Yviara steps back, trembling slightly)

Yviara kisses you, her mouth lingering on yours.

Yviara blushes a nice shade of off-pink.

Eddric says, "Master Morgiest, I understand you have a more storied past than some, and have over time proven yourself to a greater degree than any brief conflict can highlight...if you would receive the accolade of Knight of the Empire from my hand, kneel before me."

(Morgiest steps forward and kneels before Earl Eddric.)

Morgiest kneels down.

Eddric asks, "Do you swear to uphold the chivalric code, conducting yourself as a true knight, a living example of a warrior with honor, courage and generosity?"

Morgiest deeply says, "Ah do so swear M'Lord."

Eddric asks, "Do you promise to support the Empire and its rightful ruler, never participating in nor supporting aggression against it nor its citizens?"

Morgiest deeply says, "Aye M'Lord. Ah so swear."

Eddric asks, "...and finally, do you swear to continue to protect those whom seek the protection of your arm and the generosity of your heart, those too weak to protect themselves, and the virtue of every pure lady whom you may encounter?"

Morgiest deeply says, "On me life ah swear this oath."

Eddric lightly taps Morgiest with the blade of the backsword, first on his right shoulder and then on his left.

Eddric says, "Then I bestow upon you the status of Knight of the Empire. Arise, Sir Morgiest."

Dunrith removes a pair of golden spurs from in his black cloak.

Morgiest stands up.

Dunrith offers Morgiest a pair of golden spurs.

Dunrith smiles.

Morgiest bows to Eddric.

Morgiest bows to Dunrith.

Morgiest accepts Dunrith's golden spurs.

Dunrith bows to Morgiest.

Eddric bows to Morgiest.

Morgiest deeply says, "Ah thank ye kindly fer the honor ye hae shown me this eve M'Lords."

Eddric says, "I have no doubt you will wear the title well."

(Morgiest steps back and takes his place among the crowd.)

Eddric says, "Master Cryheart, I have heard that your leadership is constant in the face of those foes who threaten the weak whom you have sworn to defend...if you would receive the accolade of Knight of the Empire from my hand, kneel before me."

(Cryheart steps forward)

Cryheart bows to Eddric.

Cryheart says, "Your Excellency"

Cryheart says, "Your Excellency"

Cryheart turns to face Eddric.

Cryheart kneels down.

Eddric nods.

Eddric asks, "Do you swear to uphold the chivalric code, conducting yourself as a true knight, a living example of a warrior with honor, courage and generosity?"

Cryheart says, "With honor, I do"

Eddric asks, "Do you promise to support the Empire and it's rightful ruler, never participating in nor supporting aggression against it nor its citizens?"

Cryheart says, "I do your Excellency"

Eddric asks, "...and finally, do you swear to continue to protect those whom seek the protection of your arm and the generosity of your heart, those too weak to protect themselves, and the virtue of every pure lady whom you encounter?"

Cryheart says, "Aye, I do"

Eddric lightly taps Cryheart with the blade of the backsword, first on his right shoulder and then on his left.

Eddric says, "Then I bestow upon you the status of Knight of the Empire. Arise, Sir Cryheart."

Cryheart stands up.

Dunrith removes a pair of golden spurs from in his black cloak.

Dunrith offers Cryheart a pair of golden spurs.

Cryheart accepts Dunrith's golden spurs.

Cryheart bows to Dunrith.

Cryheart bows to Eddric.

Dunrith bows to Cryheart.

Cryheart says, "I am deeply honored M'Lords"

Eddric bows to Cryheart.

(Cryheart steps back)

Cryheart bows.

Cryheart smiles.

Eddric says, "Although I know I risk a refusal because of your bloodline's past, I offer this honor from an empire that recognizes your tireless devotion to those whom you have chosen to shield from harm. Master Valicar, if you would receive the accolade of Knight of the Empire from my hand, kneel before me."

Valicar says, "Lord Eddric."

Valicar bows to Eddric.

Eddric bows to Valicar.

Valicar asks, "My Loyalty is ever to the Northland. Can a man do both? Serve the free north and the empire?"

Eddric says, "That is your decision to make, good sir."

Valicar asks, "I am heir to Thorgig, Chieftain of the Clan of the Ice Tiger of old T'Kirem. I am General of the Sovereign Northern Fury. Would my duties as a Knight of the Empire supercede what I am sworn to my followers to uphold?"

Valicar says, "I ask in all humility, Lord."

Valicar nods.

Eddric says, "I do not minimize the puzzle you face and the balance you would have to strike, but only you can decide whether it is a balance you would wish to attempt."

Valicar says, "I would beg a boon of you, Lord if I could."

Valicar says, "Tis an honor of great renown you offer me."

Valicar says, "But I cannot swear allegiance to the Empire at this time, Sir. I would however offer myself as Knight-Errant and become a protector of the Landing as I am also for Icemule."

Valicar bows to Eddric.

Eddric says, "Very well, then I shall leave it to Baron Malwind to offer you that status when he provides it for others who perceive the same conflicts in taking on potentially divided allegiances."

Valicar says, "You are most generous, Lord Earl Eddric"

Eddric says, "Certainly no dishonor is accrued by demonstrating wisdom and circumspection."

Eddric smiles.

Valicar smiles.

Eddric bows to Valicar.

Valicar bows to Eddric.

Dunrith bows to Valicar.

Valicar bows to Dunrith.

Eddric says, "By way of a related honor, I would like to announce the elevation of Sirs Brinn, Sir Eahlstan and the soon-to-be Knight-Errant Sir Valicar. As recognized leaders who have been steadfast in providing direction and example to those who look to them in times of conflict, I hereby bestow on them the right to bear banners bearing their own charges and lead followers under those banners into the field of battle. "

Brinn smiles.

Eddric says, "For those who may be unaccustomed to the term, such a knight is considered to be a Knight-banneret rather than a Knight-Errant." Brinn bows to Eddric.

You bow to Eddric.

Eddric says, "Please provide Baron Malwind with the necessary design information when you have had time to consider it."

You smile.

Valicar nods to Eddric.

Brinn says, "Thank you, Earl Jovery. I am honored."

Dunrith nods to Eddric.

You say, "This is a great honor."

Brinn bows to Eddric.

You bow to Eddric.

Brinn bows to Dunrith.

You say, "I am at a loss for words. Thank you, my Lord."

Valicar nods to Dunrith.

Valicar bows to Dunrith.

Dunrith bows to Brinn.

Eddric bows to Brinn.

Eddric bows to you.

Valicar bows to Eddric.

Dunrith bows to you.

Valicar bows to Dunrith.

Eddric bows to Valicar.

Eddric put a basket-hilted vultite backsword in his blue leather scabbard.

Eddric says, "Now on to less pleasant matters."

Eddric says, "The disposition of the Mestanir crystal was the focus of an intended raid by Vornavis forces back when they were at war with Jantalar."

Eddric says, "Because of the Emperor's directives, neither Hendoran nor Vornavian forces can support any move to destroy a crystal."

Eddric says, "Baron Malwind, I will let you explain what that will mean from your standpoint."

Eddric sits down.

Dunrith nods.

Dunrith says, "This means that the plans we had drawn up for the raid cannot be passed on to anyone, and the Jantalarian tabards we had constructed in order to pass as guards near the crystal cannot be given to anyone intending to use them in the destruction of a crystal."

Dunrith says, "Because of the time and effort involved so far, we have determined that rather than simply casting the tabards into the sea, we shall look for some worthy concern who can make use of such a surfeit of fabric."

Dunrith says, "If anyone knows of such an organization, please let me know."

Dunrith says, "Also, we have destroyed the written plans and diagrams that were drawn up for the raid. However, because the plans were intimately known to several of those in and about Vornavis...the Lady Talenni, Captain Kimrella, and the Captain of my guard, Gurbah, we ask that any and all please refrain from attempting to extract such information from then, either by plying them with strong drink or by appealing to their better natures."

Dunrith says, "Thank you."

Dunrith sits down.

An aged chamberlain says, "The Court will now take questions. Please bear in mind that Earl Jovery and Baron Malwind have many important matters to attend to, so this shall be rather short. When I rap my staff once more, please raise your hands and I will call on you when it is your turn."

An aged chamberlain says, "The court recognizes Kindral."

Kindral says, "Good evening."

Kindral says, "Baron Malwind, sir, I would like to request the tabards if I may."

Kindral says, "See I can put them to good use."

Kindral says, "The roa'ters get very cold in the winter and they always complain to George that they need something to keep them warm."

Kindral says, "I can use that cloth to knit warmers for them."

Kindral nods.

(Kindral nods at a smirking beanbag roa'ter.)

Eddric looks over at Dunrith and shakes his head.

Dunrith says, "I am afraid that is a cause we cannot support in this way."

Dunrith says, "Thank you for presenting it though."

Kindral says, "I'll just keep collecting tattered bits of cloth then."

Kindral sits down.

Kindral begins pouting.

An aged chamberlain says, "The court recognizes Darkor."

An aged chamberlain says, "The court recognizes Murp."

Murp says, "Sir, regarding those tabards."

Murp says, "I am the Captain of a newly formed militia that has aided the defense of the Landing, they would be a great steps towards uniformity for us."

Murp asks, "Perhaps you have heard of us, the DDR?"

Murp strikes a heroic pose.

Murp says, "Perhaps not, but we hope to make a name."

Murp says, "Our only problem is attacking our own members."

Murp says, "And you could provide us with a great boon since we seem to be short on funds."

Dunrith asks, "I have not heard of the organization. How long has it been in existence and how many number it its ranks?"

Murp says, "We were formed to rid the Krol on Teras."

Murp says, "We have been organized as a fighting force for nearly a year, but many of us have fought alongside the militias you know and trust."

Murp says, "We fight only fer freedom, and you'll not regret the gift."

Murp says, "And surely if any other militias in the area are short on materials fer uniforms, why we are generous."

Murp says, "We have 32 active members at present as well."

Dunrith says, "Very good, Master Murp, your organization will be given the surplus tabards. I will have my men bring them to you within the next few days. Most likely tomorrow."

Murp says, "My thanks sir, you will not regret it."

Eddric says, "Oh, one other aspect of Empirial forces being involved in the fray as of tomorrow evening."

Eddric says, "We would ask that those citizens and forces normally engaged in combat be particularly careful not to attack Hendoran or Vornavian forces by mistake."

Eddric says, "In fact, if you decided to engage in some other activity elsewhere tomorrow evening it might prove safest, as the Jantalarian forces should be fully occupied by Empirial combatants."

An aged chamberlain says, "The court recognizes Ylena."

Ylena curtsies.

Ylena says, "I would like to thank the court for the tabards."

Ylena says, "We appreciate support in such trying times."

Ylena nods.

An aged chamberlain says, "The court recognizes Shirkon."

Shirkon says, "Was gonna asks fer da tabards fer da displaced citizens o' Landin in da name o' House o' risin Phoenix an House Onoir"

Shirkon says, "But insteads will extends a invitations ta Gurbah an Kimrella ta visits us in da Inn"

An aged chamberlain says, "The court recognizes Xanith."

Xanith bows to Dunrith.

Xanith says, "I would like to thank both of you M’Lords for your continued support in this troubled time. I would also like to ask ye, Lord Baron Malwind, what establishments are frequented by the good Captains Kimrella and Gurbah, so that we may avoid them."

Dunrith nods to Xanith.

Dunrith says, "I believe that Captain Gurbah often speak of the Tentacle Tavern. Captain Kimrella I know frequents the Captain's Rest."

Xanith says, "Thank you my lord. The last thing I want to do is run into one of them"

Xanith bows.

Dunrith says, "And thank you for making a point not to encounter them."

Dunrith nods to Xanith.

An aged chamberlain says, "Due to the strenuous and busy schedule of our Lords due to the situations at hand, court will be dismissed early tonight."

An aged chamberlain steps forward and raps his staff sharply on the ground three times.

An aged chamberlain says, "Court is dismissed."