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Type Roleplaying
Race Half-Krolvin

The BARK verb is used to bark at someone or something. It also has special half-krolvin racial messaging. The optional styles are only visible for half-krolvin characters.


    BARK                     - Bark
    BARK {style} {target}    - Bark at someone or something
    BARK {style}             - Bark with the following options

Where {style} is one of the following:
    AMUSED       ANGRY        ANNOYED      ASSIST       BORED        
    FRANTIC      FRIEND       GREEDY       HELLO        HUNGRY       
    JOY          LAUGH        LOUD         NO           PAIN         
    PLAYFUL      PLEASURE     PROUD        SAD          SCORN        
    SKEPTICAL    SNARL        THANKS       WARNING      WONDER       

Verb Info

Verb information for verb "BARK":

People targets:
  HALF-KROLVIN - You bark at (target).
  OTHERS       - You bark wildly at (target)!

Self target:
  HALF-KROLVIN - You let a low-pitched, guttural growl grow deep in your throat.
  OTHERS       - You bark happily to yourself!

Object targets:
  HALF-KROLVIN - You bark at (object).
  OTHERS       - You bark wildly at (object)!

Creature targets:
  HALF-KROLVIN - You bark at (creature).
  OTHERS       - You bark wildly at (creature)!

No target:
  AMUSEMENT   - You emit a noise that is a combination of laughter and barking,
                your eyes full of amusement.
  ANGRY       - You pull back your upper lip revealing your sharp incisors and
                give an angry snarl.
  ANNOYANCE   - You roll your eyes and make an annoyed, barking grunt.
  ASSIST      - You adopt a hesitant posture and issue three soft barks, requesting help.
  BORED       - Your bark of boredom is truncated by a half-yawn.
  BYE         - You bark an abrupt goodbye.
  CHALLENGE   - You take an aggressive stance, lowering your head as you growl in challenge.
  DISCONTENT  - With a guarded expression, you release a bark of discontent.
  DISGUST     - You recoil in disgust as you bark out your distaste.
  DISTRESS    - You erupt in loud, high-pitched barking as you glance about with
                an insecure expression.
  DISTRUST    - You reveal your dubious opinion of the situation with a growling bark.
  EMBARRASSED - You croak out a bark of embarrassment.
  ENCOURAGE   - You bark encouragingly.
  FEAR        - Wide-eyed, you flinch and make several quiet, nervous barks.
  FONDLY      - You utter a warm bark of fondness.
  FRANTIC     - You hurriedly bark out a series of clipped yelps.
  FRIEND      - Recognition registers in your eyes, and you give a short, welcoming bark.
  GREEDY      - You unleash a string of quick, excited barks in a high tone as your
                eyes grow large with greedy desire.
  HELLO       - You give a sharp bark of greeting.
  HUNGRY      - You declare your hunger with a loud, almost piteous, bark and lick your
                large white incisors in anticipation.
  JOY         - You give a piercing bark of pure joy!
  LAUGH       - You let loose a wild yowl of laughter.
  LOUD        - You release an abrupt, ear-piercing bark!
  NO          - You bark loudly in disagreement.
  PAIN        - You let out a sharp yelp of pain!
  PLAYFUL     - In a playful tone, you bark repeatedly and give a toothy grin.
  PLEASURE    - You utter a low, long-lasting growl of pleasure.
  PROUD       - You draw yourself up proudly and give a deep, guttural bark full of dignity.
  SAD         - You issue a muted bark that transforms into a keening yowl of sorrow.
  SCORN       - You give a sneering bark, laced with derision.
  SELF        - You let a low-pitched, guttural growl grow deep in your throat.
  SKEPTICAL   - You yip a short bark that is immediately followed by a grunt of doubt.
  SNARL       - You let loose a ferocious, snarling bark!
  THANKS      - You issue a quick, appreciative bark.
  WARNING     - You bare your teeth and bark a warning that tapers off into a low growl.
  WONDER      - You bark loudly, then again in a more subdued voice to express your wonderment.
  YES         - You bark loudly in agreement.

NOTE:  ONLY first person messaging is listed unless it differs substantially from other versions.  Wedding messaging will only work with your spouse, all other targets default to standard messaging.  Messaging without an option shown applies to all options.  Special scripts and areas may override listed messaging.



Target First Second Third
None You bark loudly! N/A Vanah barks loudly!
Self You bark happily to yourself! N/A Vanah barks to herself like a manic little puppy!
Player You bark wildly at Wyrom! Vanah barks at you like a wild dog. You hope she has had her shots! Vanah barks wildly at Wyrom!



Style First Third
Amused You emit a noise that is a combination of laughter and barking, your eyes full of amusement. Vanah emits a noise that is a combination of laughter and barking, her eyes full of amusement.
Angry You pull back your upper lip revealing your sharp incisors and give an angry snarl. Vanah pulls back her upper lip revealing her sharp incisors, giving an angry snarl.
Annoyed You roll your eyes and make an annoyed, barking grunt. Vanah rolls her eyes and makes an annoyed, barking grunt.
Assist You adopt a hesitant posture and issue three soft barks, requesting help. Vanah adopts a hesitant posture and issues three soft barks, requesting help.
Bored Your bark of boredom is truncated by a half-yawn. Vanah's bark of boredom is truncated by a half-yawn.
Bye You bark an abrupt goodbye. Vanah barks an abrupt goodbye.
Challenge You take an aggressive stance, lowering your head as you growl in challenge. Vanah takes an aggressive stance, lowering her head as she growls in challenge.
Discontent With a guarded expression, you release a bark of discontent. With a guarded expression, Vanah releases a bark of discontent.
Disgust You recoil in disgust as you bark out your distaste. Vanah recoils in disgust as she barks out her distaste.
Distress You erupt in loud, high-pitched barking as you glance about with an insecure expression. Vanah erupts in loud, high-pitched barking as she glances about with an insecure expression.
Distrust You reveal your dubious opinion of the situation with a growling bark. Vanah reveals her dubious opinion of the situation with a growling bark.
Embarrassed You croak out a bark of embarrassment. Vanah croaks out a bark of embarrassment.
Encourage You bark encouragingly. Vanah barks encouragingly.
Fear Wide-eyed, you flinch and make several quiet, nervous barks. Wide-eyed, Vanah flinches and makes several quiet, nervous barks.
Fond You utter a warm bark of fondness. Vanah utters a warm bark of fondness.
Frantic You hurriedly bark out a series of clipped yelps. Vanah hurriedly barks out a series of clipped yelps.
Friend Recognition registers in your eyes, and you give a short, welcoming bark. Recognition registers in Vanah's eyes, and she gives a short, welcoming bark.
Greedy You unleash a string of quick, excited barks in a high tone as your eyes grow large with greedy desire. Vanah unleashes a string of quick, excited barks in a high tone as her eyes grow large with greedy desire.
Hello You give a sharp bark of greeting. Vanah gives a sharp bark of greeting.
Hungry You declare your hunger with a loud, almost piteous, bark and lick your large white incisors in anticipation. Vanah declares her hunger with a loud, almost piteous, bark and licks her large white incisors in anticipation.
Joy You give a piercing bark of pure joy! Vanah gives a piercing bark of pure joy!
Laugh You let loose a wild yowl of laughter. Vanah lets loose a wild yowl of laughter.
Loud You release an abrupt, ear-piercing bark! Vanah abruptly releases an ear-piercing bark!
No You bark loudly in disagreement. Vanah barks loudly in disagreement.
Pain You let out a sharp yelp of pain! Vanah lets out a sharp yelp of pain!
Playful In a playful tone, you bark repeatedly and give a toothy grin. In a playful tone, Vanah barks repeatedly and gives a toothy grin.
Pleasure You utter a low, long-lasting growl of pleasure. Vanah utters a low, long-lasting growl of pleasure.
Proud You draw yourself up proudly and give a deep, guttural bark full of dignity. Vanah draws herself up proudly and gives a deep, guttural bark full of dignity.
Sad You issue a muted bark that transforms into a keening yowl of sorrow. Vanah issues a muted bark that transforms into a keening yowl of sorrow.
Scorn You give a sneering bark, laced with derision. Vanah gives a sneering bark, laced with derision.
Skeptic You yip a short bark that is immediately followed by a grunt of doubt. Vanah yips a short bark that is immediately followed by a grunt of doubt.
Snarl You let loose a ferocious, snarling bark! Vanah lets loose a ferocious, snarling bark!
Thanks You issue a quick, appreciative bark. Vanah issues a quick, appreciative bark.
Warning You bare your teeth and bark a warning that tapers off into a low growl. Vanah bares her teeth and barks a warning that tapers off into a low growl.
Wonder You bark loudly, then again in a more subdued voice to express your wonderment. Vanah barks loudly, then again in a more subdued voice to express her wonderment.
Yes You bark loudly in agreement. Vanah barks loudly in agreement.


Style First Second Third
Self You let a low-pitched, guttural growl grow deep in your throat. N/A A low-pitched, guttural growl grows deep in Vanah's throat.
Amused You emit a noise that is a combination of laughter and barking, amused at Wyrom. Vanah emits a noise that is a combination of laughter and barking, her eyes trained on you and full of amusement. Vanah emits a noise that is a combination of laughter and barking, her eyes trained on Wyrom and full of amusement.
Angry You pull back your upper lip revealing your sharp incisors and give Wyrom an angry snarl. Vanah pulls back her upper lip revealing her sharp incisors, giving you an angry snarl. Vanah pulls back her upper lip revealing her sharp incisors, giving Wyrom an angry snarl.
Annoyed You roll your eyes at Wyrom and make an annoyed, barking grunt. Vanah rolls her eyes at you and makes an annoyed, barking grunt. Vanah rolls her eyes at Wyrom and makes an annoyed, barking grunt.
Assist You adopt a hesitant posture before Wyrom and issue three soft barks, requesting help from him. Vanah adopts a hesitant posture before you and issues three soft barks, requesting help from you. Vanah adopts a hesitant posture before Wyrom and issues three soft barks, requesting help from him.
Annoyed Your bark of boredom is truncated by a half-yawn and followed with a glance at Wyrom. Vanah's bark of boredom is truncated by a half-yawn and followed with a glance at you. Vanah's bark of boredom is truncated by a half-yawn and followed with a glance at Wyrom.
Bye You bark an abrupt goodbye to Wyrom. Vanah barks an abrupt goodbye to you. Vanah barks an abrupt goodbye to Wyrom.
Challenge You take an aggressive stance, lowering your head as you growl at Wyrom in challenge. Vanah takes an aggressive stance, lowering her head as she growls at you in challenge. Vanah takes an aggressive stance, lowering her head as she growls at Wyrom in challenge.
Discontent With a guarded expression, you face Wyrom and release a bark of discontent. With a guarded expression, Vanah faces you and releases a bark of discontent. With a guarded expression, Vanah faces Wyrom and releases a bark of discontent.
Disgust You recoil from Wyrom in disgust as you bark out your distaste. Vanah recoils from you in disgust as she barks out her distaste. Vanah recoils from Wyrom in disgust as she barks out her distaste.
Distress You erupt in loud, high-pitched barking as you glance at Wyrom with an insecure expression. Vanah erupts in loud, high-pitched barking as she glances at you with an insecure expression. Vanah erupts in loud, high-pitched barking as she glances at Wyrom with an insecure expression.
Distrust You reveal your dubious opinion of Wyrom with a growling bark. Vanah reveals her dubious opinion of you with a growling bark. Vanah reveals her dubious opinion of Wyrom with a growling bark.
Embarassed You lower your head before Wyrom and croak out a bark of embarrassment. Vanah lowers her head before you and croaks out a bark of embarrassment. Vanah lowers her head before Wyrom and croaks out a bark of embarrassment.
Encourage You bark to Wyrom encouragingly. Vanah barks to you encouragingly. Vanah barks to Wyrom encouragingly.
Fear Wide-eyed, you flinch away from Wyrom and make several quiet, nervous barks. Wide-eyed, Vanah flinches away from you and makes several quiet, nervous barks. Wide-eyed, Vanah flinches away from Wyrom and makes several quiet, nervous barks.
Fond You utter a warm bark of fondness for Wyrom. Vanah utters a warm bark of fondness for you. Vanah utters a warm bark of fondness for Wyrom.
Frantic You glance frantically at Wyrom and hurriedly bark out a series of clipped yelps. Vanah glances frantically at you and hurriedly barks out a series of clipped yelps. Vanah glances frantically at Wyrom and hurriedly barks out a series of clipped yelps.
Friend Recognition registers in your eyes, and you give a short, welcoming bark to Wyrom. Recognition registers in Vanah's eyes, and she gives a short, welcoming bark to you. Recognition registers in Vanah's eyes, and she gives a short, welcoming bark to Wyrom.
Greed You unleash a string of quick, excited barks at Wyrom in a high tone as your eyes grow large with greedy desire. Vanah unleashes a string of quick, excited barks at you in a high tone as her eyes grow large with greedy desire. Vanah unleashes a string of quick, excited barks at Wyrom in a high tone as her eyes grow large with greedy desire.
Hello You give a sharp bark of greeting to Wyrom. Vanah gives a sharp bark of greeting to you. Vanah gives a sharp bark of greeting to Wyrom.
Hungry You declare your hunger to Wyrom with a loud, almost piteous, bark and lick your large white incisors in anticipation. Vanah declares her hunger to you with a loud, almost piteous, bark and licks her large white incisors in anticipation. Vanah declares her hunger to Wyrom with a loud, almost piteous, bark and licks her large white incisors in anticipation.
Joy You give Wyrom a piercing bark of pure joy! Vanah gives you a piercing bark of pure joy! Vanah gives Wyrom a piercing bark of pure joy!
Laugh You let loose a wild yowl of laughter at Wyrom. Vanah lets loose a wild yowl of laughter at you. Vanah lets loose a wild yowl of laughter at Wyrom.
Loud You release an abrupt, ear-piercing bark at Wyrom! Vanah abruptly releases an ear-piercing bark at you! Vanah abruptly releases an ear-piercing bark at Wyrom!
No You bark loudly at Wyrom in disagreement. Vanah barks loudly at you in disagreement. Vanah barks loudly at Wyrom in disagreement.
Pain You let out a sharp yelp of pain and recoil from Wyrom! Vanah lets out a sharp yelp of pain and recoils from you! Vanah lets out a sharp yelp of pain and recoils from Wyrom!
Playful In a playful tone, you bark repeatedly and give Wyrom a toothy grin. In a playful tone, Vanah barks repeatedly and gives you a toothy grin. In a playful tone, Vanah barks repeatedly and gives Wyrom a toothy grin.
Pleasure You utter a low, long-lasting growl of pleasure to Wyrom. Vanah utters a low, long-lasting growl of pleasure to you. Vanah utters a low, long-lasting growl of pleasure to Wyrom.
Proud You draw yourself up proudly before Wyrom and give a deep, guttural bark full of dignity. Vanah draws herself up proudly before you and gives a deep, guttural bark full of dignity. Vanah draws herself up proudly before Wyrom and gives a deep, guttural bark full of dignity.
Sad You issue a muted bark that transforms into a keening yowl of sorrow for Wyrom. Vanah issues a muted bark that transforms into a keening yowl of sorrow for you. Vanah issues a muted bark that transforms into a keening yowl of sorrow for Wyrom.
Scorn You give Wyrom a sneering bark, laced with derision. Vanah gives you a sneering bark, laced with derision. Vanah gives Wyrom a sneering bark, laced with derision.
Skeptical You yip a short bark to Wyrom that is immediately followed by a grunt of doubt. Vanah yips a short bark to you that is immediately followed by a grunt of doubt. Vanah yips a short bark to Wyrom that is immediately followed by a grunt of doubt.
Snarl You let loose a ferocious, snarling bark at Wyrom! Vanah lets loose a ferocious, snarling bark at you! Vanah lets loose a ferocious, snarling bark at Wyrom!
Thanks You issue a quick, appreciative bark to Wyrom. Vanah issues a quick, appreciative bark to you. Vanah issues a quick, appreciative bark to Wyrom.
Warning You bare your teeth at Wyrom and bark a warning that tapers off into a low growl. Vanah bares her teeth at you and barks a warning that tapers off into a low growl. Vanah bares her teeth at Wyrom and barks a warning that tapers off into a low growl.
Wonder You bark loudly at Wyrom , then again in a more subdued voice to express your wonderment. Vanah barks loudly at you, then again in a more subdued voice to express her wonderment. Vanah barks loudly at Wyrom , then again in a more subdued voice to express her wonderment.
Yes You bark at Wyrom loudly in agreement. Vanah barks at you loudly in agreement. Vanah barks at Wyrom loudly in agreement.

See Also