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Black Hand Trading Co

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The Black Hand Trading Co. is a Meeting Hall Organization near Wehnimer's Landing. Their structure was officially built on Charlatos 9, 5118 (March 9, 2018) in the Landing.

Current Officers

Negotiator (Pres.) Kayse Thaellian
Trader (VP) Chaddeaux Doire
Lender (Treasurer) Drektor Black
Title TBD (Co-Treasurer) Vacant
Master of Contracts (Co-Secretary) Vacant
Broker (In memory of) Draccor


The Black Hand Trading Company is a group of misfits that consist of smugglers, thieves, and the like. They operate as a mercantile company that distributes trade goods to the surrounding towns based on need. They have been known to rob from the rich to feed the poor and if the price is right, defend against invasions to protect their interests. They run a mix of events ranging from gambling nights to pit fights that are intermixed with more cultural and lore oriented entertainment to help their cover.

Joining the Black Hand Trading Co.

  • Potential members must attend at least one event.
Attendance for the whole event (unless RL restrictions)
Attendance must be marked by an officer to gain credit towards membership.
  • Applicants may indicate interest on the official MHO board either IC/OOC or can meet directly in game with ANY officer to declare interest.
  • Applicants must pre-interview with Broker/Trader/OR Lender to determine interest, availability, experience and what the applicant can offer to the group.
  • After the interview, interviewing officer(s) will schedule a meeting for the applicant to meet the rest of the officers. When concluded, the applicant must have received approval of all officers at review meeting.
  • All officers must meet to discuss applicant's offer and deeds, and background checks are done during a short 12-24 hour period before final decision. All officers must agree. If not unanimous - reasons must be given and proof. Officers decide whether or not there will be a trial period.
  • There is an initial donation of 100,000 silvers to acquire your insignia and cover membership dues.
  • Should an applicant be accepted, they will be tested. This gauntlet will help determine the skills and talents of the individual and help assess under what specialty they will be assigned.

Inner Circle

Agent: (silver tongues) – have the gift of gab, and have the ability to manipulate the thoughts and goals of others.
Shadow: (scouts) – have the gift of being silent and unnoticed, they are listeners and observers.
Enforcer: (thugs) – have the gift of intimidation, both subtle and obtuse to obtain the goals of the organization

Black Market

Supplier: (gatherer) - has the gift of knowing what sells, procures items. All on the up and up, of course.
Smuggler: (acquisition specialist) - has the gift of finding and selling what shouldn’t be found or sold. Don’t ask.
Dealer: (gambling) - has the gift of knowing the odds, so the house wins. Always.

Bylaws of the Black Hand Trading Co.

Article I: Behavior

1) Any violation of game policy is ground for immediate removal from the group.

2) ALL members are to keep in mind their actions reflect on the group as a whole, should a member be found to bring negative attention to the Company they will be immediately terminated.

3) Once a member is trusted with the information of the group’s activities, they are required to follow the oath of silence all are required to take.

4) No member can be removed without a majority ruling of all officers, member in question MUST be present during discussion or forfeit any defense.

5) Any dispute is to be brought up in a meeting with at least three officers, all disputing parties are to be present to offer fairness.

Article II: Officers

1) Only the Broker and Negotiator are to contact the MHO GM to limit any confusion about events or the group. It is their job to communicate to the group what has been discussed via bi-weekly meetings.

2) Each officer must host one event during the calendar year. They are responsible for getting the event detail information to the Negotiator to submit for either calendar approval or criers.

3) Officer Duties:

  • Broker will be responsible for Leading Events/Meetings, and Recruitment.
  • Negotiator will be responsible for Event/Meeting Planning and Decisions and Crier.
  • Trader will be responsible for inventory of Company assets and records.
  • Lender will be responsible for Endowment Records, and Bookkeeping.
  • Publicist will be responsible for all Announcements and Public Information.
  • Broker, Negotiator and Lender will be responsible for recruitment interviews.

4) No member can be promoted to an officer position without endorsement from 3 officers, and must have attended a majority of that year's events; within reason. Candidate will be given a task to express what they bring to the group as an officer, as well as a test of skill and loyalty. - Dependent on open seat.

Article III: General Rules

1) Any use of the food cart or MHO tents must be approved by the Negotiator.

2) Any dispute is to be brought up in a meeting with both Negotiator, Trader, and Lender, all disputing parties are to be present to offer fairness.

3) All members are required to attend one event each year to remain considered active.

4) No officer can be removed from office without a majority ruling of remaining officers, opposing officer and defending officer votes are nulled.

5) No member can be promoted to an officer position without endorsement from 3 officers, and must have attended a majority of that year's events; within reason. Candidate will be given a task to express what they bring to the group, as well as a test of skill and loyalty.

6) Any and all purchases or business using Trading Funds is to be brought up with the Lender, Broker, and Negotiator. ANY purchases made without clearance will NOT be refunded.

7) If at any time an officer willfully steps down, becomes inactive (beyond active control), or leaves the lands said officer relinquishes their position for the remaining officers to share responsibility until a replacement is found. Should said officer return within 6 months, they are allowed the choice of a 3 month trial period in previous position before active officers vote on permanence - excluding Broker unless tiebreaker is needed.