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Type Roleplaying
Demeanor-based Yes
Wedding Cathedral"Cathedral" is not recognized as a Boolean (true/false) value.

The FLIRT verb is is a roleplaying verb. Flirt is also DEMEANOR-based, with messaging that can vary based on either party.


    FLIRT                          - Bats your eyelashes
    FLIRT {self}                   - Bats your eyelashes for attention
    FLIRT {target}                 - Flirts with a target
    FLIRT SET [option]             - Shows or sets the FLIRT verb options available.

Verb Info

Verb information for verb "FLIRT":

People targets:
  FIRST PERSON     - You cock your head toward (target) and give him/her a suggestive wink.  He/she grins with delight in response!
  SECOND PERSON    - (Person) winks at you suggestively, and in response you grin with delight.
  THIRD PERSON     - (Person) gives (target) a suggestive wink, and the two share a knowing grin.
WAVEDANCER WEDDING - You lean over and give (target) a playful nibble on his/her ear.
CHAPEL WEDDING     - Glancing briefly at your surroundings to ensure that no one is watching, you toss an inviting wink at (target) and then grin knowingly.
STANDARD           - You catch (targets) eye, smile slowly, and begin flirting with him/her.

Self target:
  You bat your eyelashes for attention.

Object targets:
  FIRST PERSON     - Surely there are more interesting things to flirt with than the (object)!
  OTHERS           - Vanah just tried to flirt with (object)!

Creature targets:
  FIRST PERSON     - Surely there are more interesting things to flirt with than the (creature)!
  OTHERS           - Vanah just tried to flirt with (creature)!

No target:
  You bat your eyelashes.

NOTE:  ONLY first person messaging is listed unless it differs substantially from other versions.  Wedding messaging will only work with your spouse, all other targets default to standard messaging.  Messaging without an option shown applies to all options.  Special scripts and areas may override listed messaging.



Target Demeanor First Second Third
None You bat your eyelashes. None Vanah bats her eyelashes.
Self You bat your eyelashes for attention. None Vanah bats her eyelashes for attention.
Character Target Cold You try to catch Vanah's eye, but she ignores you. Wyrom tries to catch your eye, but you ignore the silly man. Wyrom tries to catch Vanah's eye. Vanah ignores him.
Target Reserved You try to catch Vanah's eye, but she doesn't seem very interested. You glance at Wyrom and look away as he tries to catch your eye. Wyrom tries to catch Vanah's eye, but she doesn't seem very interested.
Target Demeanor neutral,
or Actor Demeanor
Cold or Reserved:
You catch Vanah's eye, smile slowly, and begin flirting with her. Wyrom catches your eye, smiles slowly, and begins flirting with you. Wyrom begins to flirt with Vanah.
Target Demeanor friendly,
Actor Demeanor Neutral,
Warm, or Friendly:
Smiling, you wink at Vanah as you flirt with her. Wyrom smiles and winks at you, flirting. Wyrom flirts with Vanah.
Target Demeanor warm,
Actor Demeanor Neutral,
Warm, or Friendly:
You flirt with Vanah, raising an eyebrow in question and smiling invitingly. Wyrom raises an eyebrow in your direction as he smiles invitingly, flirting with you. Wyrom flirts with Vanah, tossing her an inviting smile.
Creature N/A Why in the world would you want to flirt with a creature? N/A Vanah just tried to flirt with a creature!
Object N/A Surely there are more interesting things to flirt with than a bowl of colorful candies. N/A Vanah just tried to flirt with a bowl of colorful candies!


Style First Second Third
Cathedral You cock your head toward Vanah and give her a suggestive wink. She grins with delight in response! Wyrom winks at you suggestively, and in response you grin with delight. Wyrom gives Vanah a suggestive wink, and the two share a knowing grin.
Wavedancer You lean over and give Vanah a playful nibble on her ear. Wyrom leans over and gives you a playful nibble on your ear. Wyrom leans over and gives Vanah a playful nibble on her ear.
Chapel Glancing briefly at your surroundings to ensure that no one is watching, you toss an inviting wink at Wife and then grin knowingly. Husband shoots a quick glance around before tossing you an inviting wink, followed by a knowing grin. After glancing around, Husband tosses Wife an inviting wink and then grins.