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FLY is a roleplaying verb.


    FLY                            - Gaze up at the sky
    FLY {self}                     - Flap your arms
    FLY {target}                   - Flap your arms at a target
    FLY SET [option]               - Shows or sets the FLY verb options available.

Verb Info

Verb information for verb "FLY":

People targets:
STANDARD    - You hoot excitedly at (target) and run around flapping your arms in the air.
RIVERS REST - Arms outstretched, you swoop toward (target) and let out a harsh scream,
              imitating a blood eagle.

Self target:
STANDARD    - You flap your arms experimentally, then release a long sigh of disappointment.
RIVERS REST - Doing your best imitation of a newcomer's first encounter with a blood eagle,
              you windmill your arms, let out an ear-piercing shriek, and topple to the
              ground with a thud.

Object targets:
STANDARD    - You hoot excitedly at (target) and run around flapping your arms in the air.
RIVERS REST - Doing your best imitation of a newcomer's first encounter with a blood eagle,
              you windmill your arms, let out an ear-piercing shriek, and topple to the
              ground in front of (target).

Creature targets:
STANDARD    - You hoot excitedly at (target) and run around flapping your arms in the air.
RIVERS REST - Arms outstretched, you swoop toward (target) and let out a harsh scream,
              imitating a blood eagle.

No target:
STANDARD    - You turn your eyes to the sky and gazes up enviously.
RIVERS REST - You flap your arms and let out a harsh scream, imitating a blood eagle.

NOTE:  ONLY first person messaging is listed unless it differs substantially from other versions.  Wedding messaging will only work with your spouse, all other targets default to standard messaging.  Messaging without an option shown applies to all options.  Special scripts and areas may override listed messaging.