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The GRIN verb is a roleplaying verb with a variety of styles and uses. To grin is to SMILE widely.
>verb info grin Verb information for verb "GRIN": No target: STANDARD - You grin. People targets: STANDARD - You grin at (target). Self target: STANDARD - You try hard not to grin. Object targets: STANDARD - You glance at (target) and grin. Creature targets: STANDARD - You grin at (target). DEAD - You look at the dead (target) and grin. NOTE: ONLY first person messaging is listed unless it differs substantially from other versions. Wedding messaging will only work with your spouse, all other targets default to standard messaging. Messaging without an option shown applies to all options. Special scripts and areas may override listed messaging.
No Target Messaging
>grin abashed You grin abashedly. Vanah grins abashedly. >grin cheerful You grin cheerfully. Vanah grins cheerfully. >grin cheeky You break into a cheeky grin. Vanah's face breaks into a cheeky grin. >grin cold You grin coldly, your eyes reflecting no emotion. Vanah grins coldly, her eyes reflecting no emotion. >grin conspiratorial You flash a conspiratorial grin. Vanah flashes a conspiratorial grin. >grin crooked You grin crookedly. Vanah grins crookedly. >grin devilish You break into a devilish grin. Vanah's face breaks into a devilish grin. >grin drunk You grin drunkenly. Vanah grins drunkenly. (Note: If you GRIN DRUNK when you are drunk, you will get the message: "It suddenly dawns on you that you're grinning for no reason, so you attempt to wipe the silly smile off your face.") >grin ear-to-ear You grin from ear to ear. Vanah grins from ear to ear. >grin evil You grin evilly. Vanah grins evilly. >grin fade Your grin fades. Vanah's grin fades. >grin flash You flash a quick grin. Vanah flashes a quick grin. >grin forced You force a grin. Vanah forces a grin. >grin friendly You give a friendly grin. Vanah gives a friendly grin. >grin happily You grin happily. Vanah grins happily. >grin idiotic You grin like an idiot. Vanah grins like an idiot. >grin impish You grin impishly. Vanah grins impishly. >grin insane You twitch a bit and grin like a madman. Vanah twitches a bit and contorts her face in a lunatic grin. >grin joyful You grin joyfully. Vanah grins joyfully. >grin lopsided You give a lopsided grin. Vanah gives a lopsided grin. >grin maniacal You grin maniacally! Vanah grins maniacally! >grin mischievous You grin mischievously. Vanah grins mischievously. >grin nervous You grin nervously. Vanah grins nervously. >grin painful You grin bravely, ignoring the pain. Vanah grins bravely, ignoring her obvious pain. >grin relieved You grin, relieved. Vanah grins, looking relieved. >grin rueful You grin ruefully. Vanah grins ruefully. >grin sadly You manage a sad-eyed grin. Vanah manages a sad-eyed grin. >grin sardonic You grin sardonically. Vanah grins sardonically. >grin sheepish You grin sheepishly. Vanah grins sheepishly. >grin silly You break out in a silly grin. Vanah breaks out in a silly grin. >grin slow You grin slowly. Vanah grins slowly. >grin slyly You wink and flash a sly grin. Vanah winks and flashes a sly grin. >grin smug You grin smugly. Vanah grins smugly. >grin stifle You unsuccessfully try to stifle your grin. Vanah appears to be struggling to keep a straight face. >grin stupid You grin stupidly. Vanah grins stupidly. >grin toothy You flash a toothy grin. Vanah flashes a toothy grin. >grin triumphant You break out in a triumphant grin. Vanah breaks out in a triumphant grin. >grin ugly You contort your face in an ugly grin. Vanah contorts her face in an ugly grin. >grin weakly You grin weakly. Vanah grins weakly. >grin wryly You grin wryly. Vanah grins wryly. >grin wicked You grin wickedly. Vanah grins wickedly. >grin wide You flash a wide grin. Vanah flashes a wide grin. >grin wolfish You flash a wolfish grin. Vanah flashes a wolfish grin. >grin wryly You grin wryly. Vanah grins wryly.
Targetted Messaging
>grin vanah You try hard not to grin. Vanah appears to be trying hard not to grin./ta >grin abashedly wyrom You grin abashedly at Wyrom. Vanah grins abashedly at you. Vanah grins abashedly at Wyrom. >grin cheerfully wyrom You grin cheerfully at Wyrom. Vanah grins cheerfully at you. Vanah grins cheerfully at Wyrom. >grin cheekily wyrom You glance at Wyrom and break into a cheeky grin. Vanah looks at you and breaks into a cheeky grin. Vanah looks at Wyrom and breaks into a cheeky grin. >grin coldly wyrom You grin coldly at Wyrom, your eyes reflecting no emotion. Vanah grins coldly at you, her eyes reflecting no emotion. Vanah grins coldly at Wyrom, her eyes reflecting no emotion. >grin conspiratorially wyrom You flash Wyrom a conspiratorial grin. Vanah flashes you a conspiratorial grin. Vanah flashes Wyrom a conspiratorial grin. >grin crooked wyrom You grin crookedly at Wyrom. Vanah grins crookedly at you. Vanah grins crookedly at Wyrom. >grin devilish wyrom You glance at Wyrom and break into a devilish grin. Vanah looks at you and breaks into a devilish grin. Vanah looks at Wyrom and breaks into a devilish grin. >grin drunkenly wyrom You grin drunkenly at Wyrom. Vanah grins drunkenly at you. Vanah grins drunkenly at Wyrom. >grin ear-to-ear wyrom You grin at Wyrom from ear to ear. Vanah grins at you from ear to ear. Vanah grins at Wyrom from ear to ear. >grin evilly wyrom You grin at Wyrom evilly. Vanah grins at you evilly. Vanah grins at Wyrom evilly. >grin fade wyrom Your grin fades as you look at Wyrom. Vanah's grin fades as she looks at you. Vanah's grin fades as she looks at Wyrom. >grin flash wyrom You flash a quick grin at Wyrom. Vanah flashes a quick grin at you. Vanah flashes a quick grin at Wyrom. >grin forced wyrom You look at Wyrom and force a grin. Vanah looks at you and forces a grin. Vanah looks at Wyrom and forces a grin. >grin friendly wyrom You give Wyrom a friendly grin. Vanah gives you a friendly grin. Vanah gives Wyrom a friendly grin. >grin happily wyrom You grin happily at Wyrom. Vanah grins happily at you. Vanah grins happily at Wyrom. >grin idiotic wyrom You grin at Wyrom like an idiot. Vanah grins at you like an idiot. Vanah grins at Wyrom like an idiot. >grin impishly wyrom You grin impishly at Wyrom. Vanah grins impishly at you. Vanah grins impishly at Wyrom. >grin insane wyrom You twitch a bit and grin at Wyrom like a madman. Vanah twitches a bit, turns to you, and contorts her face in a lunatic grin. Vanah twitches a bit, turns to Wyrom, and contorts her face in a lunatic grin. >grin joyfully wyrom You grin joyfully at Wyrom. Vanah grins joyfully at you. Vanah grins joyfully at Wyrom. >grin lopsided wyrom You give Wyrom a lopsided grin. Vanah gives you a lopsided grin. Vanah gives Wyrom a lopsided grin. >grin maniacally wyrom You grin maniacally at Wyrom! Vanah grins maniacally at you! Vanah grins maniacally at Wyrom! >grin mischief wyrom You grin mischievously at Wyrom. Vanah grins mischievously at you. Vanah grins mischievously at Wyrom. >grin nervous wyrom You grin at Wyrom nervously. Vanah grins at you nervously. Vanah grins at Wyrom nervously. >grin painfully wyrom You grin at Wyrom bravely, ignoring the pain. Vanah grins at you bravely, ignoring her obvious pain. Vanah grins at Wyrom bravely, ignoring her obvious pain. >grin relieved wyrom You grin at Wyrom, relieved. Vanah grins at you, looking relieved. Vanah grins at Wyrom, looking relieved. >grin ruefully wyrom You grin at Wyrom ruefully. Vanah grins at you ruefully. Vanah grins at Wyrom ruefully. >grin sadly wyrom You look at Wyrom and manage a sad-eyed grin. Vanah looks at you and manages a sad-eyed grin. Vanah looks at Wyrom and manages a sad-eyed grin. >grin sardonic wyrom You grin at Wyrom sardonically. Vanah grins at you sardonically. Vanah grins at Wyrom sardonically. >grin sheepishly wyrom You grin sheepishly at Wyrom. Vanah grins sheepishly at you. Vanah grins sheepishly at Wyrom. >grin silly wyrom You glance at Wyrom and break out in a silly grin. Vanah glances at you and breaks out in a silly grin. Vanah glances at Wyrom and breaks out in a silly grin. >grin slowly wyrom You grin slowly at Wyrom. Vanah grins slowly at you. Vanah grins slowly at Wyrom. >grin slyly wyrom You wink at Wyrom and flash a sly grin. Vanah winks at you and flashes a sly grin. Vanah winks at Wyrom and flashes a sly grin. >grin smug wyrom You grin at Wyrom smugly. Vanah grins at you smugly. Vanah grins at Wyrom smugly. >grin stifle wyrom You glance at Wyrom and unsuccessfully try to stifle your grin. Vanah appears to be struggling to keep a straight face as she glances at you. Vanah appears to be struggling to keep a straight face as she glances at Wyrom. >grin stupid wyrom You grin stupidly at Wyrom. Vanah grins stupidly at you. Vanah grins stupidly at Wyrom. >grin toothy wyrom You flash Wyrom a toothy grin. Vanah flashes you a toothy grin. Vanah flashes Wyrom a toothy grin. >grin triumphantly wyrom You look at Wyrom and break out in a triumphant grin. Vanah looks at you and breaks out in a triumphant grin. Vanah looks at Wyrom and breaks out in a triumphant grin. >grin ugly wyrom You glance at Wyrom and contort your face in an ugly grin. Vanah glances at you and contorts her face in an ugly grin. Vanah glances at Wyrom and contorts her face in an ugly grin. >grin weak wyrom You grin at Wyrom weakly. Vanah grins at you weakly. Vanah grins at Wyrom weakly. >grin wearily wyrom You grin wearily at Wyrom. Vanah grins at you wearily. Vanah grins wearily at Wyrom. >grin wicked wyrom You grin wickedly at Wyrom. Vanah grins at you wickedly. Vanah grins wickedly at Wyrom. >grin wide wyrom You flash a wide grin at Wyrom. Vanah flashes a wide grin at you. Vanah flashes a wide grin at Wyrom. >grin wolf wyrom You flash Wyrom a wolfish grin. Vanah flashes you a wolfish grin. Vanah flashes Wyrom a wolfish grin. >grin wry wyrom You grin wryly at Wyrom. Vanah grins at you wryly. Vanah grins wryly at Wyrom.