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A halberd is a pole arm with a long haft topped with a blade that combines an axe head, a point and a beak.

A variant of the halberd, called the naginata, is rumored to be available in special shops. The naginata has similar but enhanced properties as the halberd, and is considered to be the better choice for the halberdier.

Alternate Names

Alternate names for the halberd weapon profile are: atgeir, bardiche, bill, brandestoc, croc, falcastra, fauchard, glaive, godendag, guisarme, half moon/half-moon, hippe, kerambit, pole axe/pole-axe, scorpion, and scythe.

Game Mechanics

Weapon AG Cloth Leather Scale Chain Plate RT Min RT Damage Type STR/DU
AsG 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Halberd DF .550 .400 .400 .300 .200 6 4 Slash/Puncture/Crush 25/150
AvD 30 30 29 28 27 31 29 27 25 32 28 24 20 32 26 20 14

The standard halberd has a weight of 9 lbs.

Note: To edit this table go to Template:Weapon table halberd

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