Icemule Town Council Meeting - 2022-10-03 - Council of Five (log)

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This log is from the Icemule Town Council Meeting on October 3, 2022 from the viewpoint of an unknown character.


[Clovertooth, Auditorium]
Raw cedar timbers perfume the air, comprising the walls of the expansive hall.  Living evergreen boughs contrast frame the southern entrance, brightly illuminated by faceted glimaerstone orbs set high into the ceiling.  The light scatters over a few dozen rows of comfortably padded seats and rugs covering parts of the polished floor.  A central aisle delineated by a quartet of braziers leads toward an expansive cedar and pine stage framed by silver-trimmed blue curtains.  You also see the Opalina disk and a stocky snow white puppy with oversized black-tipped paws.
Also here: Radoria, Seesall, Lord Sorlu, Berja who is sitting, Aliashyrah who is sitting,Lodestar Kobane who is sitting, Lightweaver Opalina who is sitting, Merrymaker Gespry who is sitting, Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry who is sitting, Roelon, Holdssalot who is sitting

Berja says, "It took me a moment to find you all. I accidently barged into the."

Berja says, "Mayor's office upstairs."

Gespry chuckles.

Aliashyrah raises an eyebrow in Berja's direction.

Gespry melodically says, "We will start in a few minutes."

Opalina gazes at her reflection in the ruby red mirror.

Speaking deeply to Berja, Roelon says, "Nice snacks up there."

Roelon nods slowly.

Gespry melodically says, "Please, relax and have a seat."

Kobane gazes in amusement at his surroundings.

Speaking to Berja, Aliashyrah says, "I had hoped that story would have a more scandalous ending."

Sorlu says, "Excuse me, for a quick moment."

Lord Sorlu strides away moving south.

Roelon nods slowly.

Opalina quietly says, "He is going to make his grand entrance."

Opalina nods.

Kobane bursts out in a sudden snort of laughter.

Kobane grins at Opalina.

Roelon snickers.

Gespry chuckles.

A loud shrieking howl echoes briefly throughout the area. 

Roelon snickers.

Opalina gazes heavenward.

Aliashyrah amusedly asks, "Do you suppose he will choose a more political route of bringing more people or go straight to threats?"

Gespry gazes heavenward.

Aliashyrah grins.

Aliashyrah glances appraisingly around the room.

Sorlu glances at Aliashyrah.

Aliashyrah asks, "What is that noise?"

Sorlu joins Gespry's group.

Speaking quietly to Aliashyrah, Kobane says, "He's never taken me as the threatening type previously."

Roelon deeply says, "Ah kilt flappin' in the wind."

Roelon deeply says, "Or some wild beast."

Sorlu grins.

Speaking to Roelon, Aliashyrah says, "I would be concerned about that kilt."

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Speaking quietly to Roelon, Kobane says, "That's one ginormous kilt, then."

Opalina quietly asks, "Or someone howling with laughter?"

Speaking to Opalina, Aliashyrah says, "You must be the optimist of the council."

Sorlu grins at Opalina.

Opalina quietly says, "Im the cheerleader for sure."

Opalina quietly asks, "Want some candy?"

Speaking to Aliashyrah, Sorlu explains, "She is the soul of the Council."

Aliashyrah looks at Opalina and shakes her head.

Sorlu grins at Aliashyrah.

Aliashyrah smiles at Sorlu.

Roelon snickers.

Speaking to Sorlu, Aliashyrah says, "An important role indeed."

Gespry nods at Kobane.

Speaking teasingly to Sorlu, Aliashyrah suggests, "Threats can be most persuasive."

Aliashyrah chuckles.

Sorlu grins at Aliashyrah.

Teaberry says, "So can piercing howls."

A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears.  The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Seesall.

Kobane gives Seesall a playful bite.

Roelon turns to Seesall and cheers!

Speaking to Teaberry, Aliashyrah says, "I fear that may be more of a deterant than a welcoming sound."

Seesall hoots.

Gespry melodically asks, "Shall we begin?"

Gespry cocks his head at Sorlu.

Teaberry waves to Seesall.

Speaking to Gespry, Sorlu says, "We might as well."

Sorlu nods at Gespry.

Radoria just arrived.

Kobane puffs rapidly on his teak pipe, some moss green wisps of fragrant musky-scented smoke dancing about him.

Sorlu clears his throat.

Kobane frowns at a blackened teak pipe with a translucent flame-shaped bowl.

Aliashyrah settles her gaze on Sorlu, watching him intently.

Kobane turns his teak pipe over and taps it, causing some dimly glowing cinders to fall out in a small cloud to the floor.

Aliashyrah folds her hands in her lap.

Seesall beams happily at Kobane!

Introduction of Councilors

Sorlu says, "Good evening, all. Thank you, for those that have taken time out of your schedule to be here tonight."

Seesall lets out a cheer!

Kobane flashes a wide grin at Seesall.

Seesall touches one finger to her lips.

Kobane put a blackened teak pipe with a translucent flame-shaped bowl in his leather satchel.

Kobane turns an inquisitive ear toward Sorlu.

Sorlu says, "I am Councillor Sorlu Jae'kym, one of the two newly elected members of the Council."

Sorlu bows.

Missoni flounces in amidst a diffuse cloud of prismatic glitter.

Gespry nods approvingly.

Aliashyrah smiles at Sorlu.

Her hand lowered, Missoni gives a subtle wave.

Gespry stands up.

Speaking quietly to Sorlu, Kobane says, "Well done, Councilor."

Sorlu says, "Unfortunately, the other was not able to make it tonight. But we have on hand the remaining three Councillors. If they would kindly introduce themselves."

Sorlu smiles at Kobane.

Sorlu bows to Kobane.

Kobane stands up.

Kobane bows to Sorlu.

Opalina gazes in wonder at her surroundings.

Gespry melodically says, "The other newly elected council member Nodyre, was unable to attend tonight."

Roelon nods.

Radoria loses some awareness.

Gespry melodically says, "For those who didn't know, which would be few I hpoe.  I'm Gespry, also on the council."

Gespry nods at Roelon.

Gespry sits down.

Sorlu smiles at Gespry.

Roelon deeply says, "Ah am Roelon McColend. Keeper of Kilts and ah Councillor of Icemule as well."

Roelon playfully flips the folds of his black woolen kilt.

Roelon bows.

Sorlu smiles at Roelon.

Teaberry giggles.

Gespry grins at Opalina.

Sorlu looks at Opalina and hums.

Seesall exclaims, "Speak woman!"

Opalina quietly says, "Hi and good evening everyone I'm Opalina halfling elf of Icemule and  also a counciler of Icemule and well keeper of candy too sometimes when Im not eating it or feeding Bippins."

Seesall turns to Opalina and cheers!

Gespry melodically says, "Sounds like a trifling to me.."

Aliashyrah smiles.

Gespry winks at Opalina.

Roelon whispers something to Opalina.

Opalina quietly says, "It was a mouth full."

Roelon grins at Opalina.

Sorlu grins at Opalina.

Opalina agrees with Roelon.

Sorlu bows to Opalina.

Berja smiles.

Roelon snickers.

Roelon nods.

Sorlu says, "And such a fine grouping of Councilors."

Sorlu flashes a quick grin.

Opalina quietly says, "I was there when that happened.. the mule approved."

Aliashyrah agrees with Sorlu.

Kobane adopts an agreeable expression.

Roelon agrees with Opalina.

Recap of information about Moonsedge and summary of Council discussion with Mayor Dabbings

Sorlu says, "So, let us we have several things of importance to announce tonight."

Kobane cocks his head at Sorlu.

Gespry nods at Sorlu.

Missoni leans forward.

Sorlu says, "First, if I may request a round of applaus for this current Council. I am happy to report that since we have reunited The Five, there has not been one single murder by a serial killer in town."

Seesall applauds.

Sorlu says, "We have worked dilligently to ensure your safety."

Kobane applauds loudly.

Sorlu smiles.

Holdssalot applauds.

Berja applauds.

Sorlu applauds.

Missoni nods approvingly.

Missoni applauds warmly.

Sorlu says, "I am sure this streak shall continue..."

Sorlu flashes a quick grin.

Sorlu says, "But now, on to a much more pressing issue..."

Kobane slips a hand to his ankle, deftly retrieving a steel-hilt drakar knife with a vaalin-caged black diamond set in its hilt.

Kobane tilts his drakar knife back and forth, as if deciding what he's going to do with it.

Momentarily revealing the small flyrsilk ankle sheath hidden at his ankle, Kobane deftly sheathes his drakar knife, concealing both it and the sheath once more.

Sorlu says, "As Icemule is a small town, news often travels fast. But for those who were not able to be around on election night, Rammael brought news that was, to put it mildly, concerning."

Sorlu says, "While we know little at this point, I can disclose to you what has been learned..."

Gespry whispers something to Roelon.

Roelon adopts an agreeable expression.

Sorlu says, "To our west, the Olbin River flows towards the Frostmain. This is an area, as many of you are well aware, where the evil of Zeban's raids did extensive damage to many of the farming communities...with many families being entirely eliminated."

Aliashyrah leans forward and rests her chin in her hand, a thoughtful expression on her face.

Gespry nods.

Sorlu says, "And of course, Briarmoon Cove, a town which Icemule does a great deal of business with, bustles with life not far across the Frostmain."

Kobane frowns.

Sorlu nods slowly.

Sorlu says, "Recently, one of the small townships along the way to Briarmoon Cove, near the fallen hold of the half-krolvin that were assaulted by Zeban some time back, has reached out to us specifically for assistance...and a most dire situation it seems to be for them."

Roelon whispers something to Gespry.

Sorlu says, "Upon receiving a note from a courier, we were informed that Moonsedge, a settlement we know very little about, and have had no contact with in several decades, has been stricken with some form of plague. They ask with seeming desperation that we send healers, alchemists, and clerics, with all due haste."

Seesall's face turns slightly pale.

Sorlu says, "We, The Council, have since met with Mayor Dabbings, who was able to provide a bit more information upon reaching out to a contact of Reiphe's that dwells in Briarmoon Cove. This contact advised that this settlement is ruled over by a local human Lord that is supposedly descended from nobility who once claimed much of this area. Mayor Dabbings made the guess that he could possibly be of the Kannalan or Turamzzyrian line, but this is not confirmed."

Berja frowns.

Sorlu says, "Beyond this, little else is known. In fact, at this time, we are not even able to confirm this Lord's name."

Sorlu frowns.

Aliashyrah furrows her brow.

Sorlu says, "What is a bit worrisome is that we have learned that Briarmoon Cove, which is significantly closer to Moonsedge than we, has not received any such request for aid.  While Briarmoon Cove, being a large trade hub, is notorious for caring about the gathering of coin far more than the welfare of their surrounding neighbors, it still seems slightly....suspicious."

Aliashyrah nods in agreement at Sorlu.

Sorlu nods slowly.

Sorlu says, "While there have been talks of contacting the Sisters of Hope to request their highly skilled aid, prudence dictated that we have Mayor Dabbings dispatch a simple courier willing to make the trip to Moonsedge. One that has been informed to gather what information they may on the situation at hand there."

Missoni furrows her brow.

Roelon nods slowly.

Teaberry turns an inquisitive ear toward Sorlu.

Sorlu says, "This courier is also transporting many doses of an alchemical medicine that is known to cure many forms of common disease.  Should this work, we may have found an easy solution, and an easy win. Icemule surely could use more of those."

Sorlu slowly exhales.

Kobane nods quickly at Sorlu!

Sorlu casually glances around the room.

Sorlu says, "I'd appreciate if everyone would give a round of applause to our very own Master Alchemist Gespry, as well as Master Alchemist Missoni, for their immediate work in preparing these antidotes.  Their dedication to the betterment of the world, while simply an average day for them, should not go unnoticed."

Kobane quietly says, "One problem though."

Seesall turns to Gespry and cheers!

Teaberry applauds Gespry.

Teaberry applauds Missoni.

Kobane quietly asks, "When do we ever have an easy win?"

Missoni flushes slightly, some color reaching her cheeks.

Holdssalot applauds.

Berja applauds.

Sorlu applauds.

Aliashyrah applauds Missoni.

Sorlu nods at Missoni.

Aliashyrah applauds Gespry.

Sorlu nods at Gespry.

Roelon nods at Kobane.

Kobane turns to Gespry and cheers!

Teaberry asks, "What's the catch, Sorlu?"

Missoni murmurs, "Thank you."

Gespry melodically says, "Also, Roelon helped gather ingredients for the cause."

Kobane turns to Missoni and cheers!

Gespry nods at Roelon.

Aliashyrah raises an eyebrow in Teaberry's direction.

Teaberry turns to Roelon and cheers!

Sorlu says, "My last comment on this topic. As we are all aware, disease is something we should never take lightly, especially when rumors of plague are involved. As such, should any of you notice anyone appearing ill around town, you are being asked to immediately distance yourself from them and report their symptoms to the nearest law officer or town official so that we might investigate and process the suspected plague carrier."

Aliashyrah smiles at Roelon.

Roelon lets out a cheer!

Roelon grins.

Sorlu winces.

Missoni nods appreciatively at Roelon.

Gespry nods at Sorlu.

Speaking to Roelon, Sorlu says, "My apologies, Roelon. I do beg your forgiveness for failing to mention that."

Roelon agrees with Sorlu.

Sorlu bows to Roelon.

Speaking quietly to Sorlu, Kobane asks, "Can we kill them with fire?"

Seesall asks, "Ya know symptoms?"

Speaking to Sorlu, Aliashyrah says, "A wise precaution."

With a quick incantation, a spark in Kobane's palm quickly swirls into a heaving globe of fire, heat distorting the air around it like a desert mirage...

Gespry melodically says, "He went trolling.."

Gespry chuckles.

Speaking deeply to Kobane, Roelon says, "Or feed them to Jiarine. Same outcome."

Gespry just nudged Roelon.

Roelon appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Speaking teasingly to Kobane, Aliashyrah says, "Have you met Jiarine? I believe you two may get along well."

Roelon grins at Aliashyrah.

Teaberry asks, "Have we received any word from the courier yet?"

Sorlu says, "At this time, this is all we truly know. Not even the symptoms, unless news has arrived that didn't reach my ear."

Gespry looks over at Teaberry and shakes his head.

Speaking quietly to Aliashyrah, Kobane says, "Hi, I'm Kobane. I don't think we've met."

Seesall nods.

Kobane bursts out in a sudden snort of laughter.

Sorlu says, "As someone who has done a bit of research on disease, I feel I am in the position to advise you that illness is suspected to come from either bad air within the body, or small demons which can haunt the blood. As both these travel upon the winds, it is imperative that you always remain upwind from the suspected ill."

Roelon deeply says, "Jiarine is bark. Kobane bites."

Gespry waves to Noiya.

Roelon grins slowly.

Sorlu nods sagely.

Gespry nods appreciatively at Kobane.

Noiya adds Kobane to her group.

Missoni gazes in amusement at Sorlu.

Radoria just went south.

Kobane quietly says, "I be back."

Kobane stands up.

Roelon nods at Kobane.

Lodestar Kobane's group just went south.

Gespry turns an inquisitive ear toward Sorlu.

Roelon nods.

Speaking melodically to Sorlu, Gespry says, "Your on a roll, please continue."

Sorlu says, "And I should have stated this, but we will have time at the end for any questions or concerns you might have, so that we can properly address them."

Seesall asks, "Any good news?"

Sorlu smiles at Gespry.

Sorlu grins at Seesall.

Speaking to Seesall, Sorlu says, "I'm glad you asked."

Seesall beams!

Announcement about Winterfest 5122

Sorlu exclaims, "Now, onto happier news!"

A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears.  The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Falvicar.

Falvicar pants.

Falvicar sheathes his high steel katana in his pure white scabbard.

Sorlu says, "Though winter never ceases here in the frozen north, that season is drawing ever closer. And with the coming of winter comes the return of Winterfest, 5122! This will be running from the 8th of Eorgaen, through the 11th here in Icemule."

Roelon grins at Falvicar.

Falvicar bows to Gespry and takes his arm.

Seesall says, "Speakin of demons.."

Seesall smirks.

Aliashyrah gazes with interest at Sorlu.

Sorlu says, "From my understanding, this celebration has surpassed the decade milestone, which is truly quite the feat.  And with Icemule being a town that holds tradition near its heart, I am sure that many of you might wish to seek out ways in which you can help support this event."

Falvicar gazes in amusement at Seesall.

Sorlu says, "If you've missed the notes tacked up all over town, Argent Aspis, and our local ICEICLE organization, would greatly appreciate any help you might be willing to offer. If you would like to seek out ways in which you might help, or wish to get on the events list, please reach out to any officer within those groups."

Seesall hoots.

Sorlu says, "If you are not sure who those might be, you may contact either Richaard, or locally Dirvy, for further information."
Sorlu adds, "And to provide just a sneak peak, I have been given permission to announce that the infamous Penguin Plunge will indeed be returning this Winterfest!"

Roelon nods once.

Teaberry lets out a cheer!

Seesall lets out a cheer!

Gespry hoots excitedly!

Falvicar whispers something to Seesall.

Sorlu flashes a wide grin.

Sorlu adopts an agreeable expression.

Falvicar grins at Seesall.

Seesall cackles!

Sorlu exclaims, "Indeed!"

Aliashyrah gazes in amusement at her surroundings.

Gespry melodically says, "Oh wait..penguin."

Sorlu says, "For those that aren't aware, the Penguin Plunge is an activity held during Winterfest for the sake of charity. All you must do is dig deep into your bottomless silver accounts, and bring a bank note to Penguin Hill. After your donation is received, you'll be asked to take the plunge....and once done, you will receive as a thank you for your generosity a penguin plush."

Gespry melodically exclaims, "Chrip!"

Sorlu removes a plush stuffed penguin wearing an embroidered red sweater from in his midnight suede rucksack.

Sorlu tilts his stuffed penguin side to side, making the light play off it.

Sorlu gazes with interest at the stuffed penguin in his hand.

Missoni flashes a quick grin.

Sorlu says, "This too, can be yours...for a small, charitable donation."

Sorlu nods.

Aliashyrah amusedly says, "How fitting with all I have learned of this town."

Aliashyrah chuckles.

Sorlu says, "Let us continue to strive to show the world that the generosity of Icemule knows no bounds."

Sorlu clears his throat.

Seesall nods at Sorlu.

Roelon grins slowly.

Search for volunteers for new town militia

Sorlu says, "And last on the agenda of announcements for tonight, but most certainly not least..."

Seesall says, "This is good news."

Opalina quietly says, "Those Penguins are adorable too they all need homes... and they are less begging than our local penguin children."

Sorlu smiles.

Seesall leans softly against Opalina.

Gespry raises his hand.

Sorlu says, "As we all know, our current local defenses are, to put it frankly, in absolute shambles. This, while not only being a source of embarrassment, is also a glaring vulnerability that might very well cost lives. We on The Council, as well as many of you, are not blind to such an opening to our enemies."

Speaking quietly to Seesall, Opalina says, "You fed them too many herring."

Falvicar gazes at his reflection in the polished steel mirror.

Aliashyrah nods slowly.

Seesall snickers.

Falvicar whispers something to Opalina.

Falvicar casually glances at Seesall.

Sorlu mutters, "I believe, as it stands, all that remains of our current militia are a few drunken halflings and three aging penguins in desperate need of retirement."

Sorlu smirks.

Falvicar snickers at Opalina.

Sorlu excitedly says, "So it is my great honor to announce that we have begun an initiative to rectify this problem. Starting tonight, The Council will begin accepting applications from those among you with the skills, experience, or simply the enthusiasm to begin rebuilding and reinforcing the defenses of what is the greatest town in all of the North."

Speaking to Sorlu, Aliashyrah says, "The penguins still show promise but the halfings..."

Aliashyrah grins.

Speaking melodically to Sorlu, Gespry says, "Three? you can't count the two stuffed penguins."

Sorlu winks at Aliashyrah.

Roelon chuckles.

Sorlu grins at Gespry.

Opalina glances at Seesall, teeth chattering and rubbing her hands together for warmth.

Missoni smiles.

Seesall begins chuckling at Opalina!

Sorlu says, "Fine. One."

Sorlu chuckles.

Speaking to Gespry, Sorlu whispers aloud, "I was trying to beef the numbers up a bit."

Gespry melodically says, "Well, truth be told, the stuffed ones defend better then the last two gate guards."

Sorlu appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Teaberry says, "Rex and Dex are still spending a lot of time in the Nightowl Pub."

Aliashyrah flashes a quick grin at Gespry.

Sorlu nods in agreement.

Opalina laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Speaking to Gespry, Aliashyrah adds, "And drink far less."

Roelon deeply says, "And the others..."

Berja nods at Teaberry.

Sorlu says, "Any who are curious to learn more, and who wish to take that step into a position of leadership, should reach out to a member of The Council at your earliest possible convenience. As these are received, we will begin to schedule interviews with those interested parties."

Roelon deeply says, "Well...."

Gespry nods to Aliashyrah.

Roelon tilts his head up.

Seesall snaps her fingers.

Sorlu continues, "While there is no official time table for this, we are looking to get this process underway immediately. Time is surely of the essence when it comes to such matters, and we have been quite blessed that no enemy has caught us with our pants down quite yet."

Opalina gives Seesall a friendly hug.

Sorlu says, "From my understanding, Councillor Opalina would specifically request that all correspondence, either regarding the new militia or with any other questions, comments, or concerns that may later come to mind, be sent directly to her mail box here in town. But if I am mistaken, I'm quite confident she'll correct me."

Sorlu surreptitiously glances at Opalina.

Sorlu appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Opalina quietly says, "Ohh I accept all mail."

Speaking melodically to Sorlu, Gespry says, "We have alot of able bodied adventurers around.  they tend to pick up the slack."

Gespry glances at Seesall.

Roelon nods once.

Seesall nods at Gespry.

Sorlu nods at Gespry.

Speaking to Sorlu, Falvicar asks, "Prithee, what -exactly- do you mean by "reinforcing the defenses"?  As in a guardsman or something?"

Seesall points at Gespry.

Speaking melodically to Seesall, Gespry says, "I'm a given."

Falvicar asks, "Are Roblar and I not enough?"

Seesall smirks.

Falvicar grins.

Sorlu says, "It would be quite a relief to many of the mothers around town if they felt we had a more organized way of protecting their home, and their families."

Opalina quietly says, "I will read it respond to it and promise to bring it before the council and the mayor."

Opalina nods enthusiastically!

Questions and discussion with gathered townspeople.

Sorlu asks, "And with all that said...let us now hand the floor to you, Icemule. What questions might you have for The Council?" Seesall raises her hand. Falvicar shrugs. Seesall asks, "Any word about guards?" Speaking to Falvicar, Sorlu says, "A good question. I refer to an actual organized defense of the town, as it is currently...well..." Sorlu rubs his chin thoughtfully. Sorlu says, "Disorganized." Sorlu nods. Seesall says, "Drunk." Opalina quietly says, "They died Miss Seesall." Roelon grins. Roelon sighs. Falvicar nods. Seesall says, "I know but thought ya was hirin new ones." Sorlu says, "We have half a dozen trebuchets, on the walls for example...and few even know how to operate the machines." Sorlu frowns. Roelon deeply says, "They were eaten." Teaberry says, "But it is way past time that two new ones were hired, Opalina." Lodestar Kobane just arrived. Roelon sighs. Gespry melodically says, "Lets just say the town defenses as they are now, are loosely policed, and in need of refinement." Speaking to Seesall, Aliashyrah says, "I believe the initiative the council is setting forth is to help aid in the town defense as the guard situation is quite dismal." Missoni furrows her brow. Sorlu nods at Gespry. Speaking quietly to Gespry, Kobane asks, "What town defenses?" Opalina adopts an agreeable expression. Kobane acts puzzled. Seesall nods to Aliashyrah. Gespry melodically says, "Well, since two of the gate guards were slurp'd up by frostwyrms.." Roelon nods at Kobane. Aliashyrah asks, "I belive only the Mayor is able to hire new guards or am I mistaken on that point?" Speaking deeply to Kobane, Roelon says, "We hopefully kin finally get that solved." Aliashyrah says, "This would be a supplement to any guards that are hired." Gespry melodically says, "And now ghost wolves now patrol up to the sought and west gate." Roelon deeply says, "Otherwise its mah two fists and mah kilt." Falvicar whispers, "Tis the impression I have too." Aliashyrah nods at Falvicar. Opalina quietly says, "We do have a few Half-Krolvin and giants helping out until we get new guards hired. Not too many folks are jumping out of the wood work to accept the jobs with so many of the local gaurds being targeted." Speaking to Roelon, Sorlu says, "Mighty as they are." Sorlu grins at Roelon. Speaking quietly to Roelon, Kobane says, "Wouldn't be the first time we've haf to man the gates ourselves." Seesall says, "Kilt is very scary, ill admit." Opalina fidgets. Seesall nods at Roelon. Sorlu nods slowly at Opalina. Sorlu says, "This, sadly, is true. Those that would be interested would do well to hold within them the spirit of a hero." Sorlu nods. Roelon nods once. Gespry melodically says, "The defenses arn't nil. they just need to re-tuned, refined and better managed." Sorlu agrees with Gespry. Seesall says, "And a program.." Seesall gazes heavenward. Aliashyrah says, "An organized group of volunteers is a prudent choice and does not diminish the current defenses but only would seek to enhance them." Teaberry says, "And a schedule so that all the gates are not unmanned at once." Aliashyrah nods approvingly. Seesall nods at Teaberry. Kobane quietly exclaims, "Yes, we need a militia!" Sorlu nods at Teaberry. Aliashyrah chuckles. Roelon nods at Kobane. Seesall says, "Like all of em at Pub." Seesall mumbles something under her breath. Aliashyrah says, "Sounds like the first volunteer has come forward." Seesall lets loose with an involved and improbable curse against the day she was born. Teaberry says, "I thought we had a militia. The Northern Fury." Aliashyrah grins at Kobane. Falvicar asks, "I'm guessing that means two gaurds at each post that don't take a break at the same time is out of the question?" Gespry melodically says, "As sorlu has mentioned, those who may have an intrest, please get with the council after." Speaking quietly to Aliashyrah, Kobane says, "If I had the time, I would lead them." Missoni furrows her brow. Speaking quietly to Teaberry, Opalina says, "I thought so too I haven't seen many around." Speaking to Teaberry, Sorlu says, "Perhaps so. But, I have not heard their name mentioned in quite some I imagine they are more ghost than anything else at this point." Falvicar asks, "Or at least have a floating guard that temporary takes the watch while the normal guard is on break?" Falvicar shrugs. Speaking to Opalina, Teaberry says, "I've seen Olgretien around on Restdays." Seesall nods. Speaking to Kobane, Aliashyrah says, "Leaders come in all forms. Even if you do not have the time to formally lead, a seasoned fighter is always an asset to any defense." Sorlu says, "It would be good to have active patrols on the street. We do want to make sure our streak of murderless nights continues." Speaking to Falvicar, Berja says, "I imagine a floating guard would just be joining the others at the pub." Seesall begins chuckling at Berja! Sorlu smiles at Opalina. Teaberry nods at Berja. Speaking quietly to Aliashyrah, Kobane says, "You're not wrong." Speaking to Berja, Falvicar says, "He wouldn't if his job is relieve the other guard that is at the pub." Aliashyrah nods. Gespry ponders. Falvicar says, "Not like he can't patrol otherwise." Speaking to Falvicar, Aliashyrah teases, "I do not believe the pub requires additional guards." Falvicar says, "I didn't say the floating guard would be at the pub..." Missoni raises her hand. Teaberry says, "But they always end up there, Falvicar." Opalina quietly says, "Please Also if you have ideas and they don't get addressed fully here this evening please feel free to send me a letter in the mail." Falvicar says, "The normal and current ones do." Berja agrees with Teaberry. Sorlu says, "And of course, as we move further into that process, the plan will be refined." Falvicar says, "This one doesn't have to." Sorlu nods at Missoni. Seesall says, "Expect my corespondance Opallina." Missoni curiously says, "I was just wondering if any progress had been made in finding the murderer, given their absence." Opalina smiles at Seesall. Falvicar says, "Especially if he is ordered to check the other gates first before he goes on break and the normal guards get told to not leave their post til they are relieved by him." Roelon deeply says, "It is better to get this movin' now." Roelon nods slowly. Speaking melodically to Sorlu, Gespry says, "Thank you Councillor Sorlu for the main agenda for tonight." Opalina looks over at Missoni and shakes her head. Sorlu bows to Gespry. Gespry surveys the area. Sorlu takes a few steps back. Missoni nods slightly. Sorlu glances at Missoni. Speaking to Falvicar, Aliashyrah asks, "Do you believe the current tendency of the guards to spend their time at the pub is due to a scheduling deficiency?" Speaking to Falvicar, Aliashyrah says, "Or perhaps they have already been instructed to not both be there, and yet they often are." Speaking to Missoni, Sorlu says, "None, as of yet. Though there is a chance he has simply fled town." Sorlu nods at Missoni. Gespry recites melodically: "Let us move on to followup questions or ideas. and as Missoni has asked. as of yet, we are still looking into it" Speaking to Sorlu, Missoni exclaims, "I should hope so!" Speaking to Aliashyrah, Falvicar asks, "Are you oppossed to them changing the current schedule because you don't care if the gate is not manned?" Missoni dryly says, "Perhaps to Moonsedge." Speaking to Falvicar, Aliashyrah says, "On the contrary." Gespry nods at Missoni. Gespry melodically says, "It is possible, that the agent is the cause, but we are still gathering information on Moonsedge." Missoni adopts an agreeable expression. Gespry melodically asks, "Does anyone else have a question, not guard, gate, or assassin related?" Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully. Berja raises his hand. Speaking to Falvicar, Aliashyrah says, "I am merely suggesting that there is more that needs correcting than assigning a floating guard. Until the current issues are addressed, adding more guards will only put a temporary fix on the problem." Gespry nods. Gespry nods at Berja. Berja asks, "Regarding the winter festivities, is it a good idea to gather so many people when a disease might be around?" Seesall turns an inquisitive ear toward Berja. Sorlu put a plush stuffed penguin wearing an embroidered red sweater in his midnight suede rucksack. Perigourd just arrived. Speaking quietly to Berja, Kobane says, "Just wear a mask, it's fine." Kobane waves his hand in a dismissive gesture. Perigourd joins Missoni's group. Roelon whispers something to Sorlu. Seesall snickers. Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully. Missoni tilts her head up. Missoni smiles at Perigourd. Teaberry says, "Berja might have a point there." Perigourd cocks his head at Missoni. Speaking quietly to Berja, Opalina says, "The Disease is not in Icemule and we are taking as much precautions as possible to not bring it here." Aliashyrah counters, "As of yet, there has been no sign of the disease reaching Icemule, but it is a wise comment to consider." Kobane coughs. Kobane sneezes. Sorlu whispers something to Roelon. Gespry melodically says, "Cancelling the festivities, without a true sense of any issue that may be detrimental. We can't just change things without a real cause." Aliashyrah corrects, "No sign until now." Sorlu nods slowly at Roelon. Perigourd cocks his head at Missoni. Kobane's face turns slightly pale. Kobane looks at Aliashyrah and gasps, trembling and flailing his arms in panic! Berja nods. Aliashyrah rolls her eyes. Sorlu nods at Gespry. Aliashyrah nods at Gespry in agreement. Aliashyrah says, "Panic is often more dangerous than any true threat." Gespry melodically says, "There is always some pending doom, we just have to manage as best we can." Roelon nods to Aliashyrah. Kobane flashes a wide grin at Aliashyrah. Aliashyrah says, "Icemule must not let herself fall prey to that." Kobane nods quickly to Aliashyrah! Speaking to Aliashyrah, Berja says, "That is a good point." Roelon deeply says, "We continue on, but with ah more watchful eye." Berja nods. Sorlu agrees with Roelon. Perigourd begins chuckling at Missoni! Berja asks, "Do we have a local stockpile of the antidote if needed?" Roelon deeply says, "More reason fir the Militia." Opalina quietly says, "Well we could always social distance and cover our faces with Masks." Kobane nods quickly at Roelon! Speaking melodically to Berja, Gespry says, "If it becomes and issue, it will be addressed." Opalina taps a snarling frost white bear mask bearing ivory fangs that she is wearing. Kobane raises his voice at Opalina in merry laughter. Berja nods at Gespry. Sorlu nods eagerly at Roelon. Seesall says, "I would think that any sign of plague would be dealt with accordingly." Gespry melodically asks, "Next question?" Speaking to Gespry, Berja says, "I will leave it in your hands then." Berja nods once. Speaking to Berja, Teaberry says, "We don't know if the potions Gespry and Missoni made will work. We hope they will." Speaking to Aliashyrah, Falvicar says, "It doesn't need to be temporary. I don't see a problem nor understand the hate and close-mindedness to just dismiss the idea of getting a fifth to ensure the gates are always manned. Unless you think the longer hours at the gate is bad for the gate gaurds in which case then just have two and they can do other responsibilities when they aren't manning temporary relieving the normal guards. Unless it is a money issue. I dont think it's a high priority, but I still think we should hire two replacements." Missoni nods. Aliashyrah gently brushes her auburn hair away from her eyes and, with a deft twist of her wrist, tucks it behind one ear. Several strands of Kobane's white blonde hair slip into his face and across his eyes. Speaking quietly to Teaberry, Sorlu adds, "That Roelone also gathered ingredients for." Kobane gently brushes his white blonde hair away from his eyes and, with a deft twist of his wrist, tucks it behind one ear. Teaberry nods at Sorlu. Gespry melodically says, "It was a team effort." Teaberry says, "It was." Seesall says, "Aint no I in TEAM." Teaberry says, "And I hope that the potions Roelon gathered ingredients for will wipe out the plague in Moonsedge." Speaking to Falvicar, Aliashyrah says, "I believe you misunderstood my comments. I have no opposition whatsoever to hiring additional guards. In fact, I fully support it. I was only pointing out that I do not believe the current issue of having both guards abandon their posts simultaneously can be solved by -only- adding more guards." Speaking to Seesall, Berja says, "There is a ME though." Gespry leans on Seesall, giving her a companionable grin. Opalina buries her face in her hands. Berja nods. Roelon grins at Teaberry. Seesall pokes Roelon in the ribs. Missoni nods at Perigourd. Gespry nods slowly. Gespry bows to Sorlu. Sorlu grins at Berja. Seesall says, "Thanks Roe." Sorlu bows to Gespry. Seesall nods. Roelon deeply says, "Roelon is innocent whatever those ingredients were....." Roelon grumbles. Seesall praises Gespry. Roelon grins. Missoni gazes in amusement at Roelon. Perigourd raises an eyebrow in Missoni's direction. Seesall angrily grabs a bright yellow sign reading "KICK ME!" from her back, crumples it up into a ball, and flings it over her shoulder, muttering something about blood, pain, and torture. Seesall mumbles something under her breath. Speaking respectfully to Falvicar, Aliashyrah says, "I value the defense of this town and wish to see the issues with the guards that I and others have noted be addressed. But please do not think that I would ever suggest that hiring more guards is not advisable." Gespry melodically says, "If you all want to continue to discuss guard issues, after the meeting is over, by all means. but let us not get bog'd down into details we have lil controll over currerntly." Opalina removes a bright pink heart-shaped sign reading "FREE HUGS!" from in her white bearskin coat. Seesall hugs Opalina, who wraps her in a warm embrace. Opalina stands up. Opalina gives Seesall a friendly hug. Opalina gives Seesall a friendly slap on the back. Seesall cackles! Seesall coughs. Teaberry gives Opalina a friendly hug. Aliashyrah nods at Gespry. Opalina smooches Seesall on the cheek. Speaking to Gespry, Aliashyrah says, "My apolgies. I was attempting to correct a misunderstanding but there are more appropriate times and places for that." Roelon nods once. Gespry melodically says, "As mentioned before, Opalina has agreed to currently be the received of council ideas, notes or issues via the mail." Sorlu smiles at Opalina. Missoni nods gratefully. Opalina gives Seesall a friendly slap on the back. Opalina gives Seesall a friendly slap on the back. Gespry melodically says, "This also includes future agenda items, or issues that need to be brought to the council's attention, or to all who attend." Opalina quietly exclaims, "It's not working!" Opalina quietly says, "You can't have a hug me sign." Opalina offers Seesall a bright pink heart-shaped sign reading "FREE HUGS!". Seesall beams happily at Opalina! Seesall accepts Opalina's heart-shaped sign. Opalina nods enthusiastically! Seesall grins evilly. Gespry melodically says, "By all means, if you see a council member, and have something urgent, by all means talk to any of us." Opalina quietly says, "Anything you may be thinking about and just want to share with us." Sorlu nods encouragingly. Falvicar looks at Opalina and hums. Gespry melodically says, "That includes Nodyre." Roelon adopts an agreeable expression. Aliashyrah says, "My thanks to the council for sharing this information with all of us. I am eager to see what may come of the suggestions brought forth this evening." Kobane gestures. Kobane suddenly disappears. Speaking to Aliashyrah, Sorlu says, "These are exciting times indeed." Sorlu smiles. Aliashyrah nods at Sorlu in agreement. Falvicar nods. Speaking to Sorlu, Aliashyrah murmurs, "Indeed." Opalina fastens the line of reticulated opalescent orb toggles on her coat, securing it comfortably around her. Gespry melodically says, "Roelon, Opalina and Sorlu. if you have any last bit of advise or words to say before close. I'd do so now." Speaking to Gespry, Sorlu says, "I have spoken quite enough, I'm sure. I have nothing else to add." Sorlu chuckles. Gespry nods at Sorlu. Gespry melodically asks, "Roelon?" Roelon shakes his head. Gespry melodically asks, "Opalina?" Roelon deeply says, "Nae at all. Yir time was greatly appreciated here." Roelon bows. Opalina quietly says, "I look forward to seeing our town continue to Moveforward together." Sorlu agrees with Roelon. Gespry nods approvingly at Opalina. Opalina nods enthusiastically! Sorlu grins at Opalina. Seesall exclaims, "Thanks to all the public servants!" Seesall lets out a cheer! Sorlu applauds . Opalina gives Seesall a friendly hug. Teaberry lets out a cheer! Opalina gives Seesall a warm buss on the lips. Missoni cheerfully says, "Thank you all." Sorlu smiles at Missoni. Sorlu surreptitiously glances at Perigourd. Seesall just licked Gespry! Gespry recites melodically: "On behalf of the council, We would all like to thank you for attending tonights meeting." Gespry smooches Seesall on the cheek. Seesall hoots. Missoni stands up. Perigourd scratches at his beard. Berja smiles. Holdssalot stands up. Seesall just marched off to the south. Berja nods gratefully. Speaking melodically to Sorlu, Gespry says, "Thank you for getting us started." Holdssalot just went south. Missoni sets about preparing herself to be as presentable as possible. Perigourd nods at Sorlu. Sorlu bows to Gespry. Berja stands up. Aliashyrah applauds politely. Speaking to Gespry, Sorlu says, "My pleasure to serve." Roelon nods once. Gespry nods. Roelon applauds. Aliashyrah smiles quietly to herself. Gespry surveys the area. Gespry nods once. Roelon dusts off his black woolen kilt. Opalina dusts herself off. Opalina quietly says, "Thank you all for attending this evening." Teaberry stands up. Gespry melodically says, "I'd gavel us out, but that requires a gavel and something wooden to smack. And sonce Nod..err..we are missing a wood block. maybe next time." Gespry stares off into space. Opalina laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Teaberry abruptly punches at an expansive cedar and pine stage! Roelon deeply says, "How about ..." Roelon playfully flips the folds of his black woolen kilt. Roelon nods at Gespry. Opalina quietly says, "Nothing like a good kilt flip." Speaking melodically to Roelon, Gespry says, "Works for me."