Lich:Script Eloot
Lich:Script Eloot is a third party script and is not maintained by Simutronics. Simutronics is not responsible for the accuracy of the information presented on this page, nor is it liable for issues stemming from the use of the application on players' personal devices.
Eloot is an automatic looting script in lich that is the spiritual predessory, and borrows heavily from concepts in sloot. Eloot is actively maintained by the Elanthia-Online team. As with all scripts that deal with inventory management, it is Highly recommend to mark and register every item you value until you understand how eloot will handle your inventory, and it is not recommended to be wearing any gem hoarding containers until you can verify your eloot settings and behavior.
What does it do?
Eloot will gather loot from a killed monster or room, place that loot into the defined containers including overflow containers. It will not gather specific loot types you define,skin creatures, will drop boxes off at the locksmith pool or town locksmith if you desire, and will sell loot that meets the criteria and deposit coins. Eloot settings are saved per character per instance, in your lich5 data folder. Ex lich-5\data\eloot\GSIV\Rinualdo.yaml. If you wish to keep eloot settings across more than one char, you can copy and paste this file and rename the .yaml to each character you have.
How do I get it?
Eloot can be downloaded via ;repo download eloot
As a script in active development and with the constant state of changes in the game, it is recommended to set eloot and all Elanthia-Online scripts to auto-update via ;repo set-updatable eloot
Eloot scans your inventory each time lost, so adding ;autostart add --global eloot start to your lich autostart can populate the information it needs at the start of your gaming session.
How does it work?
Eloot operates off in game STOW settings where a user can define one or multiple containers for loot. STOW settings need to be configured in game or eloot will not function. Eloot does not utilize User.vars like Sloot does. Eloot allows the user to define a variety of loot and selling conditions. You can access the configuration via ;eloot setup
The Looting Tab
The looting tab allows the user to define what items you want eloot to pick up. Item categorization is based on lich's gameobj-data.xml file. When no exclusions are defined and all available loot on the ground meets the relevant criteria, eloot will use the in game verb loot room, which the game engine gathers and places items based on your stow settings
- Loot Types
- Allows the user to tell eloot what things to loot. Of note, this is based on lich classification so some items may fit multiple categories. For example, a weapon may be both a weapon, magical, valuable, and uncommon.
- Other Settings
- A variety of switches for eloot configuration. Supports Coin Hands and a switch is provided for eloot to keep a lot in the yaml file for items that eloot is unable to loot.
- Overflow containers
- These are containers the user defines when the default stow containers are full. Of note, these should not be your default or box containers. For example, if your default container is a cloak and your box container is a backpack, then you would not designate either as overflow for boxes, but instead would pick satchel and knapsack as your primary and secondary overflow.
- Never Loot
- Items to never loot. Black ora, urglaes are popular exclusions for non clerics.
- Always Loot
- Always loot these items, no matter what other settings contain
- Creature exclusions
- If there is a creature you do not want to loot, such as one that can injur you when searching.
- Unlootable
- Note, sometimes due to player interaction, an item can be classified as unlootable. For example, if there is an uncut diamond on the ground and you run eloot, then another group or group member loots that diamond before eloot finishes, eloot may attempt to classify that as an unlootable item and will not try to loot again. You can check this location to see what items eloot was unable to loot previously.
The Selling Tab
- Sell Types
- Which items you want eloot to sell. MARK EVERYTHING IMPORTANT
- Only Sell from these STOW containers
- If you have a STOW container you want eloot not to sell from, you would remove it here. Testing beforehand is highly recommended.
- Exclusions
- If you want eloot not to sell any items supported by nouns or regex here
- Keep Scrolls
- Allows a defined list of spell numbers that eloot will not attempt to sell. Requires the appropriate training in reading scrolls to determine if a scroll contains the defined spells. Supports vibrant scrolls by doing 401v or 401 vibrant.
- Appraisals
- If enabled, eloot will attempt to appraise the designated categories to determine if they meet the Gemshop and Pawnshop limits established. This is useful for determining enhancive items that may require futher player inspection. Eloot will not attempt to resell items above these thresholds during the current session and will provide a notification to the user. If the current session is closed, eloot will attempt again on the next session.
- Locksmithing
- Allows the user to define which, if any, locksmithing component to use and allows the user to set a preconfigured tip as an actual silver amount or as a tip percentage.
- Other Settings
- Allows the user to define if they want collectiables deposited to the town collection location, to sell in FWI and if they want gold rings delivered to the chronomaster. 1212/1205/650 are options as well for those who can cast.
The Skinning Tab
- Settings
- Fill in the appropriate switches if you want eloot to skin, if you want it to keel and or use ranger spell 604 or Sunfist's Sigil of Resolve
- Skin Weapons
- Eloot needs to know what your skin weapon is and what container it is contained in. If your creature list requires a blunt weapon to skin, these also need to be filled out
- Skinning Exclusions
- Any creatures you do not want eloot to attempt to skin
Ingame Screenshot
Click to expand
v2.2.0 (2025-02-20) - updated required lich version to 5.8.0 - added support for house lockers - added additional container content checks - added check for selling bounty items in the correct town - misc improvements to UI functionality v2.1.6 (2025-02-10) - bugfix for selling boxtraps - modified hording bugfix to be more comprehensive. Was failing on an end of line condition - bugfix for standard account gem inventory v2.1.5 (2025-02-07) - bugfix for hoarding inventory when using a family vault v2.1.4 (2025-01-25 - rework coin bag logic to reduce excessive inspect calls v2.1.3 (2025-01-24) - bugfix in incrimental tipping v2.1.2 (2025-01-23) - added support for looting/selling locksmith traps - bugfix for breakdown calc v2.1.1 (2025-01-23) - add support for keeping vibrant scrolls. Enter the scroll number (Ex:101v or 101 vibrant) in the Keep Scrolls section - add box detail to selling output - added support for looting/selling locksmith traps v2.1.0 (2025-01-13) - added option to output debug information to file v2.0.10 (2025-01-11) - bugfix for box inhand and full locksmith pool v2.0.9 (2025-01-01) - bugfix for locksmith pool box list v2.0.8 (2024-12-21) - additional error checking for looting to avoid false pauses - removed get_lines method and combined it with get_command - add custom vine name - bugfix in loot_regular method when looting a box and default container is full v2.0.7 (2024-12-12) - add HW uncommon loot to loot_specials method - update reject loot method for 335 Deity effects - added automatic data reload if new version downloaded v2.0.6 (2024-12-06) - temporarily disable raiding from house lockers - bugfix in account type comparison - bugfix for running results report when nothing to report v2.0.5 (2024-12-06) - bugfix for house lockers check - bugfix for thinking bags were full when actually stunned. v2.0.4 (2024-12-01) - temporarily disable hording for house lockers - bugfix to hording regex when creating inventory v2.0.3 (2024-11-23) - will try to selling clothing at the gemshop first, then the pawnshop if applicable - bugfix in put_regex - bugfix in store_item v2.0.2 (2024-11-20) - bugfix in single_loot method - bugfix in hording process - bugfix for urchin guide v2.0.1 (2024-11-12) - bugfix to only buff for selling if something to sell - bugfix to exit if insufficient funds at bank v2.0.0 (2024-09-04) - support for hording gems and alchemy ingredients - support for in-between script to run. This runs between finishing the pool and before selling. Usecase: totems, hording, supplies, whatever - addition of CLI selling options: sellable, type, and itemized - disk usage tracking improvements - incremental tipping added for locksmith pool - added appraisal container to store items appraised over limit. - added crumble messaging for the bowels - bugfix for selling in HW - bugfix for closed coin bag - bugfix for favor_left skinning - bugfix for silver_deposit if keeper_silvers returns a note - bugfix for coin hand bank deposit - changes to UI - bugfix for coin bag capacity check - bugfix for shattered urchin usage - bugfix for 1205 Glamour - updated changelog on wiki - removed changelog in script before 1.6.20 v1.6.36 (2024-08-16) - pause script instead of exit when failing to empty container v1.6.35 (2024-08-10) - fix for emptying container but failing due to full bag v1.6.34 (2024-08-07) - bugfix for box_in_hand method v1.6.33 (2024-07-25) - add additional get_regex for READY WEAPON v1.6.32 (2024-07-20) - box_in_hand method updated to process both hands. v1.6.31 (2024-06-30) - add toggle for coin hand closing to be optional after selling v1.6.30 (2024-06-28) - fix for coin hand not closing after selling routine v1.6.28 (2024-05-01) - Change bad Char.methods to Stats.method v1.6.27 (2024-04-28) - add additional disk noun bassinet v1.6.26 (2024-04-24) - fix for GST and F2P accounts - fix for disk noun regex word boundary v1.6.25 (2024-04-24) - handle all the new custom disk nouns v1.6.24 (2024-04-05) - update change_stance to use percentstance instead of checkstance - add support for CMAN STANCE in change_stance v1.6.23 (2024-04-05) - additional open/close messaging for squelching - reduce Lich::Util.quiet_command_xml timeout from default 5 to 2 seconds v1.6.22 (2024-03-29) - fix for Frozen Bramble creatures requiring left hand to be empty in order to loot. v1.6.21 (2024-03-26) - add messaging for valence weapons v1.6.20 (2024-03-16) - added use of trash verb - (F2P) withdraw a note when the max bank account balance is reached - fix to not "Share silvers" from the allotment of "Keep Silvers" - fix to locksmith rooms without trashcans v1.6.19 (2024-03-13) - fix to not sell bounty items in FWI when selling disabled for that type v1.6.18 (2024-03-08) - fix for bulk selling skins when bundles are worth to much to sell via bulk sell v1.6.17 (2024-02-25) - withdraw exact amount if using flat tipping for locksmith pool v1.6.16 (2024-01-29) - bugfix in break_rocks method v1.6.15 (2023-12-17) - added breakable looting and selling options for Hive items (released 12/17/2023) - added word boundary check for notes - bugfix for urchin guild at locksmith pool in Hinterwilds v1.6.14 (2023-12-04) - fix bug in coin bag. It needed a free hand - incorporated urchin guide support for shattered and plat (prime already supported) - typo in gem selling method v1.6.13 (2023-11-27) - changed unknown response at locksmith to put item in container and keep going instead of exiting v1.6.12 (2023-11-24) - update get_regex for unique messaging v1.6.11 (2023-11-19) - check to make sure box is locked when using locksmith v1.6.10 (2023-11-03) - bugfix to use eonake gauntlet with correct hand - bugfix for sewer rat sack - support for coin bags - add 'sling' to get_regex - add check for Gtk gem - fix typo in return_hands method - add look messaging for modular neck sheath v1.6.9 (2023-11-02) - check mapdb and xmldata for trashcan searching fallback logic v1.6.8 (2023-09-21) - added support to sell when a box is in hand v1.6.7 (2023-09-21) - Bugfix for matching change in wealth output. v1.6.6 (2023-09-10) - bugfix to deposit silvers for ;eloot pool deposit. v1.6.5 (2023-09-05) - bugfix for the bugfix for calling deposit when nothing to do. v1.6.4 (2023-09-05) - bugfix for skinning routine not excluding from creature exclude list - bugfix for calling deposit when nothing to do. v1.6.3 (2023-08-24) - update for dropping boxes (shattered only) to include both hands - excluded shimmering orbs from sell list - bugfix for excluding items - added method to get script version from only one location - misc variable adjustments in Data class v1.6.2 (2023-08-14) - added regex for GEF weapon retrieval v1.6.1 (2023-08-03) - extended support for fossil charm (ground coins) v1.6.0 (2023-07-31) - added support for fossil charm v1.5.37 (2023-07-19) - switched Lich::Util.silver_count for using 'wealth quiet' v1.5.36 (2023-06-23) - fix for assume lion to check for 25 mana if 650 already active - fix for assume lion to check for proper cooldown number v1.5.35 (2023-06-11) - change to 650 implementation v1.5.34 (2023-06-08) - bugfix for looting coins in a box when encumbered v1.5.33 (2023-06-04) - prep for new Lich 5.7.0 infomon.lic change v1.5.32 (2023-05-12) - reworked method for cursed items to support eonake gauntlets v1.5.31 (2023-04-12) - bugfix for never loot section not working correctly with regex v1.5.30 (2023-04-07) - split drag method to wear and drag and added RT check for wearing containers after bulk sell. v1.5.29 (2023-04-04) - added regex for pirate harnesses v1.5.28 (2023-03-30) - bugfix for trashcans v1.5.27 (2023-03-30) - additional find_trash method changes to utilize meta:trashcan v1.5.26 (2023-03-30) - added "wastebin" to list of trashcans v1.5.25 (2023-03-25) - another try at finding the trashcan v1.5.24 (2023-03-23) - added additional trashcan identification if no room description available v1.5.23 (2023-03-22) - added open regex for container v1.5.22 (2023-03-08) - bugfix for updating setting on nil for Ruby v3 v1.5.21 (2023-03-06) - bugfix for bag_loot method v1.5.20 (2023-02-25) - bugfix for scroll selling in setup v1.5.19 (2023-02-22) - added toggle for unlootable tracking v1.5.18 (2023-02-07) - added additional error checking for autoclose bags v1.5.17 (2023-02-01) - added support for Assume Aspect - Lion (650) v1.5.16 (2023-01-31) - added child to unlootable list v1.5.15 (2023-01-30) - bug fix for wait_for_disk method v1.5.14 (2023-01-22) - added support for plinite looting v1.5.13 (2023-01-22) - add RT check to retrieving weapon/shield after looting - added support to not sell alchemy items: ;eloot sell alchemy_mode v1.5.12 (2023-01-17) - add check to prevent trying to loot something that's not yours v1.5.11 (2023-01-13) - add extra output to eloot test (disk and full containers) v1.5.10 (2022-12-23) - fixed location bug for locksmithing in KF v1.5.9 (2022-12-05) - added unlootable list to the UI (bottom of loot tab) - bugfix for trying to put loot in full container v1.5.8 (2022-12-05) - added word boundary checks for container setup - bug fix for phased box's v1.5.7 (2022-11-27) - removed custom quiet command to use Lich command instead - fixed bug if encumbered at the locksmith and can't get the box out of the disk - fixed bug for ice elemental looting v1.5.6 (2022-11-11) - added an "Always Loot" list - added support for auto closing bags - bug fix for handling reliquaries - bug fix for skinning without a designated skinning tool v1.5.5 (2022-11-03) -bugfix for unlootable tracking v1.5.4 (2022-11-01) - bugfix for silver totals v1.5.3 (2022-10-31) - added check for unlootable items v1.5.2 (2022-10-29) - added muck and cloud to unlootable list v1.5.1 (2022-10-28) - bugfix for terminal-table silver breakdown v1.5.0 (2022-10-09) - removed dependancy on separate UI file and associated code - cleaned up inventory & looting logic - added support to always check the locksmith pool - fixed bug that was looting cursed items in boxes - added validation check for setup - silver summary at end of selling using terminal-table - archived change log before 1.4.0 - adds CLI interface to update settings v1.4.22 (2022-09-25) - bug fix for cursed items in boxes v1.4.21 (2022-09-23) - added support for hidden skin sheathes - bug fix for crumbly bandit bandanas - locksmith pool functionality added: over encumbered coin deposit and box drop off only option - fixed bug in track_full_sacks default setting - fixed bug when trying to do initial load when in RT - added small delay to ;eloot start v1.4.20 - bug fix for cursed items and some crumbly ones v1.4.19 - fixed looting logic when its flagged as two items with one not wanted (eg. uncommon & clothing). It will pick up the item to prevent valuable items getting left behind - additional error checking for empty box's in containers - additional error checking for looting - added support to use left hand for looting - added support for users who don't sell with eloot (full container tracking) - added secondary overflow container - moved UI check only when loading or setup v1.4.18 - follow-up typo fix for default crumbly list v1.4.17 - add rough leather quiver to the default crumbly items v1.4.16 (2022-08-23) - fixed typo in overflow setting v1.4.15 (2022-08-23) - changed regex for scabbards again v1.4.14 (2022-08-19) - will sell bounty items in original town if selling in FWI - added regex for custom scabbard - reworked data loading, should be faster now - changed the container identification to skip non-worn containers (helps with getting the correct skinning sheath) v1.4.13 - empty gold, silver, mithril boxes if selling them - fixed trying to loot gangplank - fix for stancing with verbose turned on v1.4.12 - fixed duplicate container saving - fixed bug in box looting that wasn't recognizing box found armor/weapons v1.4.11 (2022-08-02) - added support for looting coins on the ground v1.4.10 (2022-07-28) - more edits for locksmithpool not recognizing worker v1.4.9 (2022-07-28) - another edit to the locksmith pool v1.4.8 (2022-07-20) - close sacks function had a bug preventing it from working - additional changes for the load delay in locksmith pool v1.4.7 (2022-07-09) - fix for object load delay in locksmith pool v1.4.6 (2022-07-09) - added option to deposit coins/notes without sell routine - fixed bug in empty box selling causing it to duplicate v1.4.5 - performance improvement in selling and storing items - added logic to address having a box in hand at start of sell routine. - added support to loot a box in hand then exit - ;eloot box v1.4.4 - added skin matching for alchemically ruined skins v1.4.3 - added support for skinning rotting chimera's when they have scorpion tails v1.4.2 (2022-06-15) - bug fix in blunt skinning v1.4.1 (2022-06-15) - bug fix for disks v1.4.0 (2022-06-10) - added support for shroud and glamour - added check in valid loot routine to exclude disks
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