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Lofty Lorgnette

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Lofty Lorgnettes premiered at Windfellow's Retreat in Accessories After the Fact.

Tier 1


This jade-handled lorgnette can be altered to have a long description and/or a show but the noun MUST remain lorgnette. The description should not contradict that it is a set of spectacles attached to a handle.

Your lorgnette has been unlocked to Tier 2.  The following verbs will work with the lorgnette:

TAP, CLEAN, SCOWL (SCOWL my lorgnette at <TARGET>), GLARE, EXHALE, FLIRT (FLIRT my lorgnette at <TARGET> or FLIRT my lorgnette), SNAP.


Verb Style First Third
CLEAN You raise the wire-framed lorgnette to your eyes and squint at an offensive mote of dust marring your view. You blow two short gusts of air on each lens and give a satisfied nod once you have confirmed the culprit has been eliminated. XXX raises her wire-framed lorgnette to her face but pauses momentarily, squinting at it. She blows two short gusts of air on each lens and looks through them once more, then gives an almost imperceptible nod.
SCOWL at Person You rest your wire-framed lorgnette on your nose and lean forward slightly while peering through the lenses at Person, scowling suspiciously at her. XXX rests her wire-framed lorgnette on her nose and leans forward while peering through the lenses, giving you a suspicious scowl.
TAP You tap the frame of your wire-framed lorgnette against your palm and roll your chestnut eyes dramatically. XXX taps the frame of her wire-framed lorgnette against her palm while rolling her chestnut eyes dramatically.

Tier 2

Adds the verbs GLARE, EXHALE, FLIRT (FLIRT my lorgnette at <TARGET> or FLIRT my lorgnette), SNAP.


Verb Style First Third
EXHALE You idly place your wire-framed lorgnette on the bridge of your nose, and a small sigh of ennui escapes you. You could not be more bored. XXX disinterestedly places her wire-framed lorgnette on the bridge of her nose and utters a small sigh of boredom before dropping it back to her side.
FLIRT A coquettish smile plays about your lips as you peek through your lorgnette looking for someone to flirt with. A coquettish smile plays about XXX's lips as she peeks through the lenses of her wire-framed lorgnette.
FLIRT at Person You slowly raise your wire-framed lorgnette to your chestnut eyes and gaze pointedly through the lenses at Person, boldly giving her a flirtatious once-over from head to toe and back again. Ooh la la! XXX slowly raises her wire-framed lorgnette to her chestnut eyes and then quite boldly gives you a flirtatious once-over, gazing at you through the lorgnette's lenses from head to toe and back up again.
GLARE You lift your wire-framed lorgnette to your eyes and cast a scathing glance at your surroundings before giving a small "hmph!" of disapproval. You lower the lorgnette and frown. XXX lifts her wire-framed lorgnette to her eyes and casts a scathing glance at her surroundings. Person gives a small "hmph!" of disapproval and lowers her lorgnette, frowning primly.
SNAP In a fit of pique, you whip your lorgnette up to your nose, glowering at anyone that crosses your line of sight. An irritated expression crosses XXX's face as she abruptly raises her wire-framed lorgnette, glowering.
Lofty Lorgnette Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Accessory
Item(s) Applied to Handheld
Alterable Yes
Original Release Venue Windfellow's Retreat
Original Release Year 2019
Tiered Yes
Number of Tiers 2
How to Unlock Merchant
Restrictions Must remain a lorgnette
Item Verbs