Don't forget: You can log in with your account


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PIN is a verb that provides the player with information regarding numbers pertinent to their character. It has limited usage at this time.


WARNING:  Do not give this number out to anyone!

Your Character Index Number is XXXXX.
Your Player Identification Number is

Please save this number in a secure place.

WARNING:  Do not give this number out to anyone!

         For details, click PIN HELP.

Pin help:

New Player Identification Numbers!

As a special service to our customers, Simutronics Corporation has installed a new feature that we are calling your Player Identification Number (PIN).

The Player Identification Numbers are like a password that you can use to verify that a character belongs to you.  Usually, when we get Email from a player about their character, we simply match the return Email address with the Email address that is recorded as part of the character record.  However, as the online community grows and more and more people have more and more accounts on a variety of services, including the Internet, the Email we get about characters is not always from the account that the character is associated with.

Using your PIN, you can identify a character as belonging to you, even when you are not Emailing us from that account.  If you were to suddenly be called out of town and send Email to us from a remote Internet account, for example, asking that your character be protected from being purged, then you would be able to provide us with the PIN, and we would know the request really comes from you.

WARNING:  It is absolutely vital that you keep your Player Identification Number secret.  Never tell another player what your PIN is.  Your PIN is just like a password, KEEP IT SECRET.

There are three things that you must know about your character in order to identify it.  You must know the full, proper spelling of the character's first and last names.  You must know the character index number(a reference number used in the game database), a number that is told to you when you get your PIN, and you must know the PIN.

Next time you are in the game, use the PIN command and jot down those three things:
          Full first and last name of the character.
          Character index.
          Player Identification Number.