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Solhaven Cataclysm - 2009-09-05 - Paidreg's death (log)

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This is from Geijon's perspective on Imaerasta 5, 5109 (Sept 5, 2009). The actual arrow shot that slays Paidreg is missing from this entry, but it adds significant detail to Aydan's report.

Speaking deeply to Bristenn, Guarrin says, "Sometimes, its terrible to be right."

Cryheart says, "Curses on ye, Luukos."

Guarrin frowns at Bristenn.

Kateerina says, "But if raelee can turn the magic."

Currin ponders.

Bristenn glances at Guarrin and slowly exhales.

[Marshtown, Shoreline]
As the raised platform approaches the Cairnfang river, less and less stable soil is available to support the buildings and inhabitants of Marshtown. Rafts of large barrels have been tied together and serve as flotation for the walkway and the squat wooden buildings that line either side. A chiaroscuro mingling of hues takes place in the waters to the southeast as the Cairnfang mingles with Solhaven Bay. You also see Langi's pier to the southeast.
Also here: Sir Cryheart, Protector Misun, Guarrin, Droit, Currin, Melorra, Shirkon, Bristenn, Evelith, Kizzen, Kippe, Lady Kateerina, Vender, Metadi, Kyaloria, Perigourd, Karibeth, Sir Yarx, Tebon, Endarya, Neev, Protector Aydan, Nilandia, Belnia, Mirke who is kneeling
Obvious paths: north, southwest

The corpse of the creature collapses, bubbling out into a black, tarry substance that stinks of rot.

Speaking to Mirke, Perigourd asks, "What now?"

Kateerina asks, "We have to try......How can we not?"

Speaking quietly to Guarrin, Bristenn mutters, " really is."

Misun glances southwestward.

Karibeth covers her nose tightly.

Tebon says, "Voln curse yer foul soul, Luukos."

Cryheart says, "There be a corpse still near the bridge."

(Evelith stares at the ground where the creature once was.)

Tebon grunts.

Speaking to Kateerina, Perigourd asks, "And risk whatever Nershuul was doing?"

Cryheart says, "And the plinite."

Kippe asks, "To finish Nershuul's work?"

You hear very soft footsteps.

Speaking to Kateerina, Perigourd says, "For all we know it could bring back Nighthaven."

Perigourd says, "And the four."

Kilthal [General]: "Perhaps he should come explain things to Raelee then."

Kateerina says, "To turn his work."

Violet-black radiance strikes across the night sky.

Metadi closes his eyes for a moment.

Guarrin nods to Perigourd.

Cryheart gazes up into the sky.

Perigourd says, "And return us to the dark days of the past we fought against."

Misun glances upward.

Aydan says, "Mirke, Raelee is attempting to continue what he started."

Mirke says, "It's... it's destabilizing."

Karibeth sighs.

Mirke stands up.

You see Mirke.
He appears to be a Half-Elf from Mestanir.
He is short and appears to be an adult. He has burning sunken blue eyes and ashen skin. He has raggedly shorn, brittle black hair with a span of ruined, hairless skin extending up from his damaged face. He has a badly warped nose and a skin like molten wax over a good three quarters of his face, leaving only the portion around his left eye untouched. A tiny white scar bisects his left eyebrow.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a glowbark long bow in his right hand.
He is wearing a loose-fitting raven silk shirt, a pair of dark fingerless hide gloves, a simple vultite ring, a silver-buckled dark leather belt adorned by several small sheaths, a pair of tight black suede breeches, and a pair of thrak hide boots.
Karibeth says, "Someone help him."

Speaking to Mirke, Nilandia says, "Careful. You are still weak."

Melorra slings a scarred black rolaren tower shield off from over her shoulder.

Melorra moves over to Mirke and stands ready to guard him from attack.

Mirke coughs up more blood.

Mirke just went southwest.

Karibeth frowns.

Misun glances away.

Protector Aydan's group just went southwest.

[Marshtown, Shoreline]
Occasional splashing waves wet the planks of the walkway here, making footing treacherous in places. Warped and cracked planks are difficult to navigate and are in dire need of repair. To the south, the Market Bridge rises out of the marsh and curves to the southeast before ending in splinters. You also a spindly silver stand clutching a scarlet-cored green plinite shard.
Also here: Sir Cryheart, Protector Misun, Droit, Currin, Shirkon, Bristenn, Evelith, Kizzen, Vender, Kyaloria, Perigourd, Karibeth, Sir Yarx, Tebon, Endarya, Neev, Protector Aydan, Metadi, Lady Kateerina, Guarrin, Kippe, Belnia, Melorra, Nilandia, Mirke, Lord Rorac, Yukito, Raelee, Sedrithe, Kilthal
Obvious paths: north, northeast, west

(Raelee holds a hand at each side of the plinte.)

Speaking harshly to Raelee, Mirke says, "You have to stop."

(Yukito moves to stand close to the shard near Raelee.)

Rorac exclaims, "Back, traitor!"

Speaking softly to Raelee, Kilthal says, "Some of us cannae be here tae support ye and be listening over there."

Raelee says, "... I am not doing anything, Mirke."

Speaking quietly to Perigourd, Mirke says, "No time."

Guarrin frowns at Mirke.

Speaking to Mirke, Perigourd says, "As you say."

Speaking to Raelee, Mirke says, "Don't..."

Raelee says, "I cannot even feel it."

Kilthal glances at Mirke.

You see Raelee Svala the Academic.
She appears to be a Human from Chastonia.
She is shorter than average and appears to be young. She has distant, gold-flecked snow white eyes and milky white skin. She has long, loosely ringleted copper red hair tied into a loose ponytail with a simple leather hair-tie. She has a slender, porcelain-like countenance, made more striking by the rounded angles of her face.
She has a faint angular pattern tattooed in gold along her upper arms, and a complex gold circular tattoo on the back of her right hand.Mbr>
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a gold-traced bronze earcuff, a slender choker of gold-set honey beryls linked side-to-side, a small blonde leather neck pouch, a deeply hooded white linen robe, some russet bronze-scaled leathers, an ivory and gold brocade bodice, a segmented silk components pack, a pair of pale linen handwraps, a sunstone-set bronze and gold band, a layered white linen wrap skirt, and a set of pale linen foot wrappings under some calf-laced blonde leather sandals.

Yarx moves over to Raelee and stands ready to protect her from attack.

Raelee tiredly says, "I do not know what to do."

Evelith says, "'s worthless to ask if you knew."

Speaking sharply to Yukito, Raelee exclaims, "Did you not hear me, Yukito!"

You say, "A lot of doubt is being generated on all sides here."

Neev frets.

Speaking deeply to Rorac, Metadi says, "We all vouch for what he had tae do."

Cryheart moves over to Mirke and stands ready to protect him from attack.

You see Yukito Lennan the Messenger.
He appears to be a Half-Sylvan.
He is delicately petite and appears to be very young. He has large, expressive blue-violet eyes and smooth, creamy skin. He has floor length, silky honey gold and chestnut brown hair that falls around him in a soft veil. He has boyishly gentle features and a slight melancholy in his eyes.
He has a golden coil of tiny brambles in his right eyebrow, a violet-sheened silver snowflake tattooed upon his right cheek, and a blue ring tattoo on his finger.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing some silver thick-lensed spectacles, a hooded dark linen cloak clasped with a silver orange blossom, a loosely laced white silk shirt, a delicate silver bracer, a jade and jet rose-marked signet, a low-slung white silk sash, some low-slung dark brown linen pants, and some black velvet boots.

Speaking sharply to Yukito, Raelee says, "I said I am not doing anything."

Yukito nods.

Rorac glances skeptically at Metadi.

Speaking quietly to Guarrin, Mirke says, "Deathwort."

Cryheart glances at a floating headless corpse.

Speaking to Mirke, Perigourd asks, "How did it get to him?"

Mirke says, "I had to be sure..."

Guarrin nods to Mirke.

Nilandia nods slowly.

Yukito clasps his hand over his mouth.

Mirke says, "...had to be sure that it would kill the creature, too."

Speaking softly to Mirke, Kilthal asks, "How exactly did ye know he was being controlled?"

Speaking quietly to Mirke, Nilandia says, "I am sorry you had to do it."

Cryheart turns an inquisitive ear towards Mirke.

(Raelee lightly touches the plinite in the stand.)

Raelee closes her eyes for a moment.

Rorac harshly snaps, "How do you know Mirke isn't being controlled?"

Speaking to Kilthal, Mirke says, "Saw... waited in the shadows..."

Mirke coughs up dark, partially-clotted blood.

Speaking to Rorac, Perigourd says, "He is dying."

Perigourd sighs.

Speaking softly to Mirke, Kilthal asks, "Saw it where?"

Rorac says, "Good."

Rorac nods to Perigourd.

Speaking gently to Mirke, Nilandia says, "Careful. Do not strain yourself too much."

Speaking to Mirke, Kateerina says, "Lean on me if you need."

Speaking quietly to Mirke, Aydan says, "Sit, you're in no shape to be on your feet still."

Metadi deeply asks, "How did the scholar die?"

Speaking to Mirke, Rorac says, "You would depart a bit faster if the rest of this group were not on your side."

Speaking to Metadi, Perigourd says, "Nershuul.. possibly."

Kippe settles his gaze on Mirke, watching him intently.

Speaking to Metadi, Perigourd says, "Through the Provost."

Metadi nods to Perigourd. 

Kilthal softly asks, "How exactly do ye know it was Nershuul?"

Driven by an especially large wave, Paidreg's body floats southward, toward the dome of power encircling Solhaven. As it passes beyond the dome, the body begins to glow before collapsing into skeins of golden light that drift into the air.

You say, "If Mirke's life is going to pass. It's not time to pamper him. He knows he is dying. He needs to share as much information as possible before his life’s coil expires."

Yarx says, "That wasn't a horseshoe crab."

Cryheart blinks.

Bristenn glances southward.

Speaking to Kilthal, Nilandia says, "I saw the corpse, Kilthal. Both this one, and the one in Ta'Illistim."

(Raelee focuses her gaze on the plinite, lightly tracing its angles with her fingertips.)

Aydan stands up.

Kateerina says, "If we cannot stop what was begun, perhaps we can reshape it."

Karibeth glances at Raelee.

Mirke breathlessly says, "It's... it's going to get worse."

Metadi deeply says, "If nae Nershuul, then one o' his get."

Guarrin frowns at Mirke.

(Yukito hovers near the shard beside Raelee, watching her closely.)

Misun glances at Mirke.

Kilthal softly says, "That doesnae make it Nershuul, it makes it a creature."

Speaking to Mirke, Perigourd asks, "What did he do?"

Speaking quietly to Raelee, Mirke says, "One mage cannot do this."

Cryheart glances at Mirke.

Rorac moves into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.

Speaking to Mirke, Rorac snaps, "There'd be more if you didn't go around killing them!"

Speaking to Mirke, Raelee says, "I know this."

Speaking to Mirke, Karibeth asks, "Worse how? What do you know?"

Speaking to Mirke, Raelee says, "But I am not leaving this here."

Nilandia says, "We need a way to unravel it."

Mirke says, "We need more. We need..." He chokes and spits out more blood. "We need the Hall."

Cryheart glances at a spindly silver stand clutching a scarlet-cored green plinite shard.

Speaking deeply to Rorac, Metadi asks, "Would ye rather the Luukosians succeeded?"

Mirke's body is wracked by a series of spasming coughs.

Perigourd says, "Would that Sarise was here."

Cryheart says, "Ye must hang in there, Mirke."

In the dark streets, shadows coalesce and collapse in rapid succession.

Kilthal softly asks, "What was it that the creature was trying tae do?"

Speaking absently to Mirke, Raelee says, "... I can try to send another missive their way."

Cryheart says, "Great Kai, give him strength."

Misun quietly says, "Someone do something, help him."

Cryheart gazes up into the heavens.

(Yukito stares at the city.)

Speaking quietly to Kilthal, Mirke says, "Don't know. Couldn't be good."

Speaking to Misun, Perigourd says, "He won't accept aid."

Tebon asks, "Feh, ain't ye's got some sort of magik that ye's kin get there attention?"

Speaking softly to Mirke, Kilthal asks, "How long ago did ye see him get infected?"

Mirke sits down, hard.

Nilandia sits down next to Mirke.

Kateerina says, "Can we reverse the magic or turn it to our purposes."

Speaking to Kateerina, Mirke says, "Only Kestrel mages... that much... skill..."

Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd asks, "Can you contact the hall of mages?"

Mirke says, "Saw the blood in Paidreg's cabin. Heard it. The carnage in the scholar's apartments."

Raelee nods to Perigourd.

Raelee quietly says, "... yes."

Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd says, "With all expediency then."

Kilthal softly says, "Someone should contact Vornavis. They doubtlessly have fast birds and means of contacting the Empire."

Mirke says, "Trying to do something... what he would have brought back..."

Speaking to Perigourd, Raelee says, "I do not need to be told that."

Mirke says, "...not Solhaven at all."

Nilandia quietly says, "No wonder he would not listen to us."

Mirke wearily says, "Warn Vornavis. Warn the Baron."

Perigourd says, "Vornavis gate."

Aydan nods.

Perigourd nods to Aydan.

Aydan says, "Let's go."

Cryheart says, "The Esplanade gate."

Speaking to Aydan, Nilandia says, "Go quickly. I still stay with Mirke."

Aydan says, "Can't get there."

Speaking quietly to Mirke, Misun says, "Mirke..."

Aydan says, "North gate."

Mirke stands up.

Protector Aydan's group just went northeast along the shoreline towards Vornavis. They arrive shortly at the Vornavis, North Gate.

[Vornavis, North Gate]
The sounds of the beast pens and other caravan noises to the north echo off the immense blue granite walls that surround Vornavis. From within the walls come the familiar noises of city life that, in turn, combine with the animal noises to make an odd mix of sounds. A guard stands at the gate into the city, watching carefully all who enter. You also see a handsome human guard. 
Also here: Sir Cryheart, Protector Misun, Droit, Currin, Shirkon, Bristenn, Evelith, Kizzen, Vender, Kyaloria, Perigourd, Karibeth, Sir Yarx, Tebon, Endarya, Neev, Metadi, Lady Kateerina, Melorra, Mohrgan, Protector Aydan
Obvious paths: north

Cryheart glances at a handsome human guard.

Bristenn bitterly mutters, "..such a damned mess."

Speaking to a handsome human guard, Aydan exclaims, "Guardsman Edders!"

A handsome human guard asks, "What's a mess, sirs, ma'ams?"

A handsome human guard glances southwest.

Speaking deeply to Bristenn, Metadi says, "It could be worse."

A handsome human guard says, "Oh, my gods."

Cryheart says, "Aydan, present the situation to the guard."

Speaking to a handsome human guard, Aydan says, "Send word to the sergeant, the colonel, the Baron himself, Lord Venquinor is dead."

Aydan exclaims, "Do it now!"

A handsome human guard exclaims, "Not Lord Venquinor!"

Speaking quietly to Nilandia, Misun says, "Where is Mirke?"

Speaking to a handsome human guard, Perigourd says, "It is so."

Speaking deeply to a handsome human guard, Metadi says, "In all haste."

Tebon asks, "You still standin there?"

Cryheart nods to the human guard.

Tebon peers quizzically at a handsome human guard.

A handsome human guard yells, "Send word to the Baron!"

Speaking to a handsome human guard, Karibeth says, "Make haste."

A handsome human guard yells, "Lord Paidreg is dead!"

Yarx says, "May want to put some extra guards on the walls, too."

A shout rises from the other side of the gate.

Kateerina says, "And Kilthal did not do it, for the record...."

Currin agrees with Kateerina.

Aydan says, "He was possessed by a parasitic creature. Nilandia has details regarding it, but it was controlling him and attempting to make... Solhaven, something else entirely."

You say, "Guard. Are any Imperial Drakes in th' near vicinity? Mirke was requesting Wizards from the Kestrels."

A handsome human guard says, "I have to watch the--"

Metadi deeply says, "And ware the Luukosians. It seems they hae nae given up their plans."

A handsome human guard asks, "What, you mean like a moulis?"

Speaking to a handsome human guard, Nilandia asks, "Do you remember the name of Nershuul?"

Kilthal softly says, "Nae, something far worse."

A handsome human guard says, "...that's not a good name."

A handsome human guard exclaims, "Don't say stuff like that!"

Kilthal softly says, "A remnant from the Griffin Sword War."

Cryheart says, "Indeed."

Nilandia says, "I saw it, sir."

Yarx nods.

A handsome human guard asks, "What would it want with Solhaven now!?"

Nilandia says, "I would not say it if I did not believe it."

Speaking deeply to a handsome human guard, Metadi says, "We must. Hiding from truth doesnae make it go away."

Speaking to a handsome human guard, Perigourd says, "To restore that which once was."

Evelith asks, "..the Library?"

Kilthal softly says, "Revenge, power, the return of its master. Tae be the master."

Speaking to a handsome human guard, Nilandia says, "Teacher only knows. I only know what I saw."

Bristenn quietly mutters, "Same things they've always wanted.".

Yarx says, "Because it had a chance to mold it to its master's wishes."

Speaking slowly to Evelith, Nilandia says, "That is possible."

Aydan says, "Something bad, suited to their purposes."

Nilandia says, "Nershuul is a devoted servant of Morvule."

Yarx says, "Incidentally the spell is still in action. We need some mages to work on stopping it."

Nilandia says, "He could have been trying to get Morvule back."

Metadi nods to Yarx.

Bristenn growls something vile beneath his breath.

Karibeth brushes her fingers lightly against her Ronan symbol.

Kilthal softly says, "Assuming it was Nershuul and nae another creature like him."

Metadi deeply says, "Aye, it needs tae be unraveled before it does something... Unexpected."

A handsome human guard yells, "We might be under attack, Sergeant! Send word to the barracks, too!"

Kateerina says, "We need the mages to reverse the spell or change it."

Speaking quietly to Kilthal, Evelith says, "Mirke suggested it was Nershuul, but you are right."

A call answers from the other side of the gate. "Hold your position, soldier!"

Kilthal softly says, "Another one of those things is dead in the Shining City."

Vender says, "Also, send any healers you can spare to the bridge now, Mirke doesn't have much time."

Speaking to Kilthal, Nilandia says, "I have no indications to believe it was anything else, Kilthal. We need to work from that hypothesis."

Speaking deeply to Kilthal, Metadi says, "O' that type, yes."

Kilthal softly says, "They claimed it was Nershuul there too."

Currin casually observes his surroundings.

You nod to Vender.

Speaking deeply to Nilandia, Metadi says, "We'll jes' call it a hand o' Luukos."

Speaking to Kilthal, Perigourd says, "Perhaps it is no longer in the shining city."

Speaking to Kilthal, Nilandia says, "I examined that one myself, Kilthal."

Speaking to Kilthal, Perigourd says, "Perhaps we've been had."

Speaking to Kilthal, Perigourd says, "And used."

Bristenn offhandedly mutters, "..considering none of us have ever -SEEN- Nershuul, nor a 'body' that wasn't a fake or double."

Misun glances at a huge dusky shrike.

Speaking softly to Perigourd, Kilthal says, "Or perhaps there are more than one, the strings of the web Nershuul is weaving."

Kateerina says, "I saw what he used to be."

You say, "Not entirely true, Bristenn."

Speaking to Bristenn, Nilandia says, "I have seen one that was claimed to be Nershuul, Bristenn."

Kateerina says, "Right before he smashed my head in."

Speaking sharply to Nilandia, Bristenn exclaims, "..then what in the hells was that?!"

Speaking to Bristenn, Nilandia says, "Identical to the creature I saw in physiology."

Speaking to Nilandia, Bristenn snaps, "My point exactly."

Nilandia says, "But the one I examined did not respond to my mental probes in the least. As if it had never been alive."

Tebon says, "I believe Nershuul was described in a book as well."

Nilandia says, "This one we saw living."

A handsome human guard shakes his head.

Speaking to a handsome human guard, Kateerina says, "Time is running out."

A handsome human guard says, "Night like this, it's got me jumping. The Baron, he'll know what to do."

The human guard sighs slightly and leans back against the gate.

Speaking to Metadi, Tebon says, "Feh, we beat tha four afore...we kin do it again."

Tebon mutters under his breath.

Perigourd whispers to the group, "Perhaps we ought to prepare, just in case battle is coming?"

Yarx says, "We had a bit of help."

Speaking to a handsome human guard, Nilandia asks, "Do you know if the scholar Avelorre is still in the vicinity?"

Speaking deeply to a handsome human guard, Metadi asks, "On the Protector's own authority, ye can hae word sent tae the Hall, nae?"

Yarx removes a silvery hammered tower shield from in his black harness.

The human guard sighs slightly and leans back against the gate.

Nilandia says, "She has travelled here from Ta'Illistim."

Speaking to Nilandia, Perigourd says, "Indeed she did."

You whisper, "It seems prudent." to your group.

Speaking to Metadi, Tebon says, "I'm gettin that antsy feelin'."

Speaking deeply to Tebon, Metadi says, "We donnae ken what that spell is doing, if it's still following the creature's wishes."

Dunrith [General]: "Citizens of Solhaven, attend to my thoughts!"

(Evelith hisses after Alisaire.)

Kilthal softly says, "The Baron."

Yukito [General]: "We hear you my lord."

Evelith sharply says, "Watch your own."

Kateerina [General]: "We are here Baron."

Aydan says, "Rub your amulets, His Excellency addresses us."

Bristenn rubs his crystal amulet.

Bristenn gets an odd look on his face.

Tebon rubs his phoenix pin.

Misun [General]: "We are listening, My Lord."

Tebon [General]: "M'lord."

Dunrith [General]: "I have sent word to the members of House Kestrel. You must be on guard until their arrival. We are fortifying the walls."

Perigourd whispers to the group, "We should make defensive preperations then."

Guarrin nods to Perigourd.

Kateerina [General]: "Then we are on our own outside the walls?"

Dunrith [General]: "Someone must elaborate as to what has happened here."

Perigourd [General]: "We shall defend as we may, should it be necessary, Lord."

Tebon asks, "Barracade tha camp entrance?"

Aydan [General]: "Your Excellency, I will do so."

Metadi deeply says, "Nae."

Droit asks, "What do we expect..?"

Metadi deeply says, "Defend the plinite."

Droit asks, "More Luukosians?"

Yukito [General]: "Dunrith: My lord, you blood was slain by Nershuul."

Cryheart says, "Let one voice speak."

Dunrith [General]: "You have knights of the Empire and Paidreg's named Protectors to guide you. You are not alone."

Dunrith [General]: "We will mourn Lord Venquinor later. For now, we must ensure that no more ill comes of this night."

Droit asks, "The camps?"

Perigourd whispers to the group, "I should think it ought not be left alone."

Tebon says, "Ring of steel."

Aydan [General]: "Excellency, Lord Venquinor was about to enact a ritual that would have drawn upon our memories to restore the town as it was. Before he could complete this rite, however, his ally, Mirke, slew him. A parasite had infected Lord Venquinor's body. Mirke chased the parasite down and killed it."

Cryheart [General]: "What are your orders, your Excellency?"

Droit shifts his weight.

Aydan [General]: "It is Mirke's belief that Lord Venquinor died the moment the parasite entered his body, some nights ago. He also believed that the scholar with whom Lord Venquinor had some dealings had first been infected by this parasite, Excellency."

Droit says, "I'll be scouting."

Dunrith [General]: "You must gather information and hold your ground. If this was not an isolated attempt from a servant of Luukos, but part of a larger plan, you will be our first line of defense." 

Shirkon deeply says, "Ya knows da memory dat him might have been tryin ta recreate was our memory o' Solhaven when it was undah Morvule's control."

Perigourd says, "Vanguard duty.."

Kilthal softly says, "Why stop there Shirkon."

Speaking deeply to Perigourd, Guarrin says, "What else is new."

Rorac [General]: "How can you be so sure that Mirke was not the one affected?"

Perigourd says, "Indeed."

Speaking to Kilthal, Perigourd says, "I've been thinking.."

Yukito [General]: "Something didn't explode out of his head?"

Perigourd asks, "What if that isn't the library between the walls?"

Rorac [General]: "And you saw Mirke perish?"

Rorac [General]: "I didn't think so."

Cryheart [General]: "Your Excellency, do you think it prudent we post guards around that plinite stand?"

You focus on projecting your thoughts...
You [General]: "Understood your Excellency. Luukosians are a bit of a specialty of ours."

Kateerina says, "I would think that is where we should gather."

Kateerina says, "If it falls into the wrong hands."

Aydan says, "Raelee says she doesn't need any help guarding the plinite.”

Cryheart says, "Well..he said to gather information..and to stand our ground."

Kateerina says, "She has no idea what may get thrown at ya."

Kilthal [General]: "The plincite should not be left laying there in Marshtown. It should be secured somewhere safe."

Speaking amusedly to Guarrin, Aydan says, "Right."

Speaking to Aydan, Perigourd says, "She would say that even if she did."

Speaking deeply to Aydan, Guarrin says, "She's probably trying to pry it out as we speak."

Raelee [General]: "Plinite. Plinite. Named after Plin. How many times must we go through this?"

Tebon [General]: "Feh...tha magik rock!"

Aydan says, "We can finish our preparations at the camp."

Dunrith [General]: "I'll be sending someone along to retrieve Paidreg's experimental energy source shortly. You are to provide him with all necessary support."

Dunrith [General]: "In the meantime, ensure that it is guarded."

Cryheart says, " the bridge it sounds."

Karibeth nods to Cryheart.

Aydan says, "Belay that, we return to Marshtown."

Rorac [General]: "Indeed, Mirke may be about."

Cryheart [General]: "Aye, your Excellency."

Droit [General]: "And what of the camps? Might they be attacked?"

Aydan [General]: "Thank you, Excellency. We will not fail you."

Speaking hoarsely to Currin, Hinonshu says, "Should've thought of that, thanks."

Nilandia [General]: "Excellency, several of us have information concerning the creature that was seen. Where should we send this information?"

You furrow your brow, probably adding a wrinkle or two in the process.

You say, "We are goin to hafta try to identify people more accurately as friend or foe going forward."

Protector Aydan's group moves to the plinite shard location.

[Marshtown, Shoreline]
Occasional splashing waves wet the planks of the walkway here, making footing treacherous in places. Warped and cracked planks are difficult to navigate and are in dire need of repair. To the south, the Market Bridge rises out of the marsh and curves to the southeast before ending in splinters. You also see a spindly silver stand clutching a scarlet-cored green plinite shard.
Also here: Sir Cryheart, Protector Misun, Currin, Shirkon, Bristenn, Evelith, Kizzen, Kyaloria, Perigourd, Karibeth, Sir Yarx, Tebon, Endarya, Neev, Metadi, Lady Kateerina, Melorra, Mohrgan, Guarrin, Nilandia, Hinonshu, Swilling, Protector Aydan, Belnia, Lord Rorac, Kippe, Yukito, Raelee
Obvious paths: north, northeast, west

Cryheart glances at a spindly silver stand clutching a scarlet-cored green plinite shard.

Dunrith [General]: "You will report to him directly."

Cryheart leans on his flail.

Cryheart says, "He said someone is coming."

Perigourd whispers to the group, "Everyone remember their demon fighting tactics?"

Kilthal [General]: "Who will you be sending, Baron Malwind?"

Cryheart says, "To gather the energy source."

You focus on projecting your thoughts...
You [General]: "Would you describe this individual, Baron? We are being deceived rather regularly."

Aydan quietly mutters, "Lord Augusten Valgrass, my bet.

Speaking to Perigourd, Tebon says, "Feh...again."

Cryheart says, "Perhaps."

Kyaloria sighs softly.

Kippe [General]: "Or should we hand it over to the first person who says they represent you?"

Kateerina says, "Hopefully not."

Speaking softly to Hinonshu, Kilthal asks, "Yes?"

Melorra rolls her eyes.

Guarrin whispers, "I asked him to do the same."

Yukito bows to Aydan.

Guarrin whispers, "He apparently does not remember us."

Cryheart whispers to the group, "The Occuloths, etc."

Perigourd whispers to the group, "I'm more concerned of the higher echelon myself."

[Marshtown, Shoreline]
Occasional splashing waves wet the planks of the walkway here, making footing treacherous in places. Warped and cracked planks are difficult to navigate and are in dire need of repair. To the south, the Market Bridge rises out of the marsh and curves to the southeast before ending in splinters. You also see a spindly silver stand clutching a scarlet-cored green plinite shard.
Also here: Apprentice Megeara, Alisaire, Nilandia, Vender, Belnia, Oravia, Kediaq, Kilthal, Swilling, Hinonshu, Guarrin, Mohrgan, Sir Cryheart, Protector Misun, Currin, Shirkon, Bristenn, Evelith, Kizzen, Kyaloria, Perigourd, Karibeth, Sir Yarx, Tebon, Endarya, Metadi, Lady Kateerina, Melorra, Protector Aydan, Lord Rorac, Kippe, Yukito, Raelee
Obvious paths: north, northeast, west

Speaking distractedly to Kippe, Raelee says, "... you do not need to do that."

Rorac looks about and lets loose an echoing shout! 

Speaking deeply to Raelee, Metadi says, "Sounds like there were two, from appearances."

Shirkon rubs his bloodjewel wristlet, causing darkness to stream across its surface briefly.

Speaking to Raelee, Vender says, "Ah, ok. that makes me feel a tiny bit better."

Kilthal softly says, "There was a second one at least."

Speaking to Raelee, Kippe says, "Mmhm."

Speaking to Cryheart, Perigourd asks, "Dissipators you mean?"

Aydan whispers to the group, "... do not allow yourselves to be goaded, if it happens."

You say, "If we're dealin with Dissipators an' th' Hands of Luukos this is a whole lot worse than Kraken."

Cryheart nods to Aydan.

Megeara asks, "Whats that stand for?"

Kateerina says, "I could."

Bristenn whispers to the group, "..goaded by what?"

Speaking to Kilthal, Nilandia says, "Kilthal, this one was alive. This one actually did control the Provost. The last one could have been a shell to deceive, but this one was functional."

Rorac praises Karibeth.

Rorac says, "I hope you all ate well today."

Speaking softly to Nilandia, Kilthal says, "The last one the Guard killed Nilandia."

Speaking to Kilthal, Nilandia says, "But it did not have a host."

Speaking softly to Nilandia, Kilthal says, "It was alive and they killed it. It is why they thought it was Nershuul."

Cryheart whispers to the group, "In otherwords. Show restraint."

Speaking to Kilthal, Nilandia says, "That one was alone. There is a difference."

Metadi nods in agreement.

Shirkon leans on his axe.

Aydan whispers to the group, "In particular, those who may have once sided with those who would wish this town ill."

Speaking to Kilthal, Nilandia says, "This may well be him. We need to be sure, but it is possible."

Speaking softly to Nilandia, Kilthal says, "And it is quite possible it is nae him."

Rorac removes a battle-worn vultite waraxe from in his axe frog.

Tebon turns towards Hinonshu and renders a sharp salute with his matte ebon maul.

Evelith nods slowly.

Bristenn whispers to the group, "You think they brought whatever that was here, and that it did not come on its own?"

Speaking to Kilthal, Nilandia says, "I recognize that. But we do need to know what we are dealing with here."

Speaking softly to Nilandia, Kilthal says, "If ye dunnae want this tae be the same as before, then dunnae be like the Elves were in assuming it was him."

Kateerina whispers to the group, "If they decide to side there they will not live."

Speaking sharply to Kilthal, Nilandia says, "Do not think I have already made my choice, Gleeman."

Speaking softly to Nilandia, Kilthal says, "Then stop trying tae correct me when I point out that it may nae have been Nershuul."

Metadi deeply says, "Och, both o' ye, stop badgering each other."

Speaking to Kilthal, Nilandia says, "I am not. I am offering another perspective."

Guarrin whispers to the group, "I'd suggest you should all go and sit by Ulstram's shrine to refresh your lessons, but, unfortunately the current situation prevents that."

Hinonshu nods to Kilthal.

Currin sways back and forth.

Speaking thoughtfully to Metadi, Rorac says, "Maybe they're both infected as well."

Olgretien deeply asks, "Ulstram?"

Olgretien deeply asks, "The Giant?"

The overwhelming scent of roses chokes the air before dissipating into an odor of decay.

Cryheart says, "Folks, it does not matter who did what, right now we are expecting someone whom we must escort safely to the encampments."

Bristenn glances around the area.

Karibeth nods to Cryheart.

Belnia slings a rhimar-etched silver imflass longbow over her shoulder.

Nilandia covers her nose tightly.

Aydan whispers to the group, "... and don't give that fellow the benefit of the time of night, if he keeps insisting we're infected."

Speaking quietly in Sylvankind to herself, Nilandia says something you don't understand.

Cryheart nods to Aydan.

Metadi laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

You hear very soft footsteps.

Olgretien grins.

Bristenn whispers to the group, "..which fellow?"

Perigourd nods to Guarrin.

Swilling asks, "Vectrus to the camps aye?"

(Evelith gives a brief chuckle.)

Kilthal softly asks, "If they are sending someone, why isnae someone meeting him at the North Gate?"

Cryheart nods to Swilling.

(Yukito stares out over the city.)

Cryheart says, "He said to come here."

Speaking bluntly to Kilthal, Rorac says, "Go find out."

Cryheart says, "His Excellency."

Shirkon deeply says, "Might na be comin from inside town."

Misun quietly says, "We were instructed to meet him here."

Megeara asks, "Then why are you here?"

A swarm of hairy spiders erupt from the folds of Yarx's spidersilk cloak and forms a pattern.

Olgretien removes a jet black mithril claidhmore from in his wolverine pelt sheath.

Yukito [General]: "Everyone else smells rotting roses, right?"

Oravia whistles tunelessly to herself.

Speaking softly to Megeara, Kilthal says, "Fer the lovely conversation."

The sound of a hacking cough emits from Belnia's tapestry-weave satchel.

Yukito shifts his weight.

Speaking to Oravia, Droit says, "I wouldn't get too close if i were you."

Speaking to Droit, Oravia says, "Really, he should be mad at you though."

Evelith [General]: "I did."

Kilthal [General]: "Faint, but it is there."

Megeara leans on Kilthal.
Kyaloria sniffs.

Cryheart [General]: "Aye."

Kateerina sniffs.
Droit sniffs.

(Nilandia snakes through the crowd to find Evelith and hovers by her side.)

(Yukito stays by the plinite.)

Megeara sniffs.

Bristenn just closed a side-buckled white wool surcoat crossed at the hip with two leather belts.

[Marshtown, Shoreline]
Occasional splashing waves wet the planks of the walkway here, making footing treacherous in places. Warped and cracked planks are difficult to navigate and are in dire need of repair. To the south, the Market Bridge rises out of the marsh and curves to the southeast before ending in splinters. You also see a scarlet-cored green plinite shard.
Also here: Annelie, Droit, Olgretien, Apprentice Megeara, Nilandia, Vender, Belnia, Oravia, Kediaq, Kilthal, Swilling, Hinonshu, Guarrin, Mohrgan, Sir Cryheart, Protector Misun, Currin, Shirkon, Bristenn, Evelith, Kizzen, Kyaloria, Perigourd, Karibeth, Sir Yarx, Tebon, Endarya, Metadi, Lady Kateerina, Melorra, Protector Aydan, Lord Rorac, Kippe, Yukito, Raelee
Obvious paths: north, northeast, west

(Evelith slips an arm around Nilandia's shoulders and gives the other woman a friendly hug.)

Kateerina says, "The roses... Oleani .... Lady Songie."

Evelith nods to Nilandia.

Speaking softly to Kateerina, Kilthal says, "There was a rot tae it."

Kateerina frowns.

Kateerina says, "I know."

Nilandia put an amber-capped slender faewood runestaff in her faenor-hued mantle.

Speaking softly to Kateerina, Kilthal says, "I dunnae think it was Oleani or Songie related."

Kateerina says, "I was keeping that memory in my head."

Kateerina says, "I know who else uses them."

Within the boundaries of a nigh-invisible dome arcing over South 'Haven, a flock of vertiginous horrors and aberrations materializes in full flight like dark shadows against a darker sky. As they reach the edge of the dome, they disintegrate into motes of light that do not pass its boundaries.

Swilling says, "Hrm."

Cryheart says, "Oy."

Annelie warily asks, "What's happening?"

Megeara says, "Eek."

Melorra frowns.

Kilthal glances southeastward.

Rorac amusedly exclaims, "We've been had!"

Tebon grunts.

You lean on a laen broadsword from in your dark imflass scabbard.

Bristenn flatly states, "Koar's balls."

Cryheart says, "Hmm..wonder what that means."

Misun quietly exclaims, "No!"

Kilthal softly says, "Seems the portal isnae closed."

Rorac yells, "Charl you sly dog!"

You say, "Get ready."

Nilandia says, "No, no..."

Misun furrows her brow.

You grip your laen broadsword a little tighter.

Aydan asks, "A memory?"

Droit asks, "What just happened??"

Kyaloria shakes her head.

Perigourd says, "That's not good."

Perigourd removes a well-worn mithril claidhmore from in his leather swordbelt.

Speaking deeply to Aydan, Guarrin says, "I hope."

Nilandia put a dark silk-wrapped volume in her faenor-hued mantle.

Metadi deeply says, "They're trapped inside."

Metadi deeply adds, "For now."

Megeara says, "Well they disintegrated."Nilandia says, "If we unravel that dome, more may be released."

A dim celadon wisp flares briefly about each of Annelie's hands, trailing soft pulses of residual light as they move.

Kateerina says, "So destroying the town did not seal it...... or is it a memory."

Misun quietly asks, "How were they still there?"

Raelee says, "... I suspect it is more likely that we just reopened something."

Speaking to Misun, Nilandia asks, "Using memories to a time when they were still in the city?"

Bristenn quietly mumbles, "..or they just survived, you know. They -are- water elementals, after all."

Rorac says, "Or... Charl's domain is keeping them sealed within, yet inside they can live."

Shirkon deeply says, "Solhaven undah Morvule's rule. A verra bad time."

Cryheart says, "Think of only the good times."

Metadi deeply says, "Well, considering that the Hand was probably trying tae create the deadliest army that he could..."

Cryheart says, "That spell is still active..think of when there were none but citizens and nobility about."

Yarx says, "We should think of ourselves in the town. We could use the reinforcements."

Mohrgan [General]: "Recalls his first visit to Solhaven, so many years ago...a quiet seaside town of great beauty."

Speaking deeply to Karibeth, Metadi asks, "Can Elanith really survive two Yarxes fighting o'er your pet collection?"

Yarx says, "Other Yarx will have his own collection."

Perigourd awkwardly asks, "I don't suppose anyone has some.. tobacco..?"

Speaking deeply to Perigourd, Guarrin says, "Still out."

Speaking deeply to Mohrgan, Olgretien says, "All my memries of Sol involve war."

Blinding energy ripples across the ruins of Solhaven, illuminating the edges of a towering building that stands in place of the town. As the disruption fades, so, too, does the immense silhouette.

Cryheart says, "Use your old memories of what it use to be."

Shirkon deeply says, "Gertie sellin her ices, da muffin stall."

Tebon asks, "Was that tha stone tower thing that came up nae too long ago in North Market?"

Yukito [General]: "I don't think we should randomly wish things into existance."

Perigourd says, "If the spell is still active."

Perigourd says, "Without a guide..."

Perigourd says, "Perhaps we're creating what we think."

Cryheart says, "Faith provides hope."

Tebon says, "Faith provides strength of will."

Cryheart says, "Faith in yourself and your friends."

Kilthal softly says, "The future is what we make of it. And we must grab it in our hands and make it so."

Cryheart says, "Faith that we shall endure."

Kateerina says, "'someone think the bridge back so we can go in."

The overwhelming scent of roses chokes the air before dissipating into an odor of decay.

Cryheart asks, "Ye smelled it again?"

Kilthal softly says, "Roses and then rot."

As Vender turns his robes it is washed away in inky-darkness as the light folds inward upon it.

(Raelee stares at the bound plinite and sighs.)

For a moment, water fills the lower reaches of the dome of violet-black light covering Solhaven. Moonlight sparkles across its rippling surface, and a massive tentacle explodes from its depths. The water and tentacle vanish in the space between seconds, leaving only muddy ruins behind.

Aydan quietly says, "That's got to be memories or.. something else."

Aydan says, "Nightmares, maybe."

Speaking to herself, Alifair says, "I remember a lovely Linden Tree."

Speaking softly to Alifair, Kilthal says, "We are waiting fer the man Baron Malwind is saying tae take custody of the plinite."

Speaking to Kilthal, Kediaq asks, "Is it still active?"

Speaking deeply to Raelee, Metadi asks, "The Library yet remains, does it nae?"

Balinworn says, "So one thing did occur to me. That homicidial nose-eatin no good lobster Pinchy must be awfully happy. He's got lotsa room now."

Aydan asks, "Has the scholar from Ta'Illistim been seen since a few nights before the town fell?"

Speaking to Aydan, Nilandia says, "I have heard nothing."

Kilthal softly says, "It is like a perverse version of the dome that Ulstram made so many years ago."

Metadi deeply asks, "Someone's going tae hae to in there and clean all that out, aren't we?"

Speaking deeply to Metadi, Guarrin says, "Most likely."

Blue light blazes out of the ground nearby, forming a sigil-incised circle in the dirt. The radiance intensifies, coalescing into a humanoid form that swiftly materializes into the form of Vectrus.

Bristenn glances at Vectrus.

Kilthal glances at Vectrus.

Kasia raises an eyebrow.

Nilandia breathes in slightly.

Yukito blinks.

Misun looks thoughtfully at Vectrus.

Vectrus says, "Good evening."

Perigourd takes a moment to observe Vectrus.

Speaking softly to Vectrus, Kilthal asks, "And who would ye be?"

(Raelee's eyes fall on the crest on Vectrus's coat.)

Speaking to Vectrus, Raelee says, "Sir."

Speaking to Vectrus, Aydan asks, "Sir Vectrus, I presume?"

You see Sir Vectrus Kestrel Ranheles, the Mage-Knight.
He is shorter than average and appears to have come of age. He has green-speckled lustrous silver eyes and ivory skin. He has shoulder-length, dark brown hair held in a ponytail by an emerald-lacquered silver band. He has a comely face and a sharply patrician nose. Lines of green and black ink swirl form a jagged barbed circle around his right eye, which seems to glow faintly.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a peaked blue suede hat adorned with a banded white feather, a dark indigo longcoat clasped by a silver spread-winged kestrel, a lapis-buttoned white cotton shirt, a pair of thin-striped cerulean breeches, and a pair of silver-buckled boots with cobalt spurs.

Speaking to Raelee, Vectrus says, "Svala. It's been a while."

Speaking carefully to Vectrus, Raelee says, "It has been, sir. Yes."

Cryheart says, "Good evening, Sir Vectrus."

You turn towards Vectrus and render a sharp salute with your laen broadsword.

Vectrus asks, "Yes, that's me. Why does it smell like roses?"

Balinworn says, "Err, if Cryheart calls someone Sir, dats gotta be serious."

Balinworn takes a few steps back.

Vectrus glances around, frowning.

Metadi deeply says, "We've been asking the same question."

Speaking to Vectrus, Aydan says, "Protector Aydan Mursilis. We have been ordered by His Excellency to provide you with any support you require, and escort to Camp Kezmon as needed."

Vectrus nods to Aydan.

Bristenn faces Vectrus and smartly brings his right fist up to his chest. Holding it there, he bows deeply.

Vectrus says, "First, I think, I'll be retrieving this."

Speaking quietly to Vectrus, Misun says, "Protector Misun Sethlorr, Sir."

Misun bows to Vectrus.

Vectrus says, "I'm coming into things late, so someone will need to fill me in."

Vectrus picks up a scarlet-cored green plinite shard.

Speaking to Vectrus, Currin says, "Provost exploded in a bloody mess."

Speaking to Vectrus, Raelee says, "I can, sir. We have months of work to review."

Aydan says, "Sir Vectrus, Lord Venquinor had been attempting a ritual that would, if successful, restore the town of Solhaven from our memories."

Vectrus glances at Aydan.

Speaking to Aydan, Vectrus says, "That sounds dangerous and not entirely founded on reasonable magical principles."

Vectrus glances southward.

Speaking to Vectrus, Perigourd says, "He was.. infected."

Speaking quietly to Vectrus, Misun says, "But we learned it was not Lord Venquinor."

Speaking to Vectrus, Raelee says, "... we were not afford the opportunity to examine the work."

Speaking to Vectrus, Aydan says, "I admit I am not familiar with the theoretical grounding in the entire ritual, but Raelee will be able to detail that further."

Vectrus says, "I suppose that explains the dome of obvious malevolence."

Speaking to Vectrus, Nilandia says, "We believe the Provost was infected with a parasitic organism known to us by the name of Nershuul."

Aydan says, "His ally, Mirke, knew that Lord Venquinor had been infected by this parasite, and slew.. him, with an arrow."

Metadi deeply adds, "Tipped with deathwort."

Speaking to Aydan, Vectrus asks, "How did he know?"

Tebon says, "Though, accordin ta Mirke, tha Provost had been dead fer days already."

Speaking to Vectrus, Aydan says, "He said that he saw blood within the Provost's cabin, along with the mess that had been the scholar's private quarters."

Vectrus asks, "Is the assassin available for questioning?"

Raelee says, "He may be dead, sir."

Raelee says, "... it is uncertain."

Aydan says, "He was grievously wounded a week ago."

Misun quietly says, "He was quite injured."

Speaking to Vectrus, Perigourd says, "He seemed badly wounded when he did this."

Kilthal softly says, "He staggered off saying he wished tae die alone."

Aydan says, "He was in no condition to be out of bed. It is very possible that he has succumbed to the stress of being out of bed for so long, and doing such strenuous activity."

You say, "All very peculiar actions by many involved, Vectrus. Forgive us if we question your credentials as well."

For a moment, water fills the lower reaches of the dome of violet-black light covering Solhaven. Moonlight sparkles across its rippling surface, and a massive tentacle explodes from its depths. The water and tentacle vanish in the space between seconds, leaving only muddy ruins behind.

Speaking to you, Raelee says, "I know this man. I will vouch for him."

Speaking to Raelee, Vectrus says, "Acceptable for now."

Raelee nods slowly to Vectrus.

Vectrus narrows his eyes.

Speaking to Raelee, Rorac muses, "You vouched for the Provost as well, right up until his end."

Speaking to Rorac, Vectrus says, "Enough, Giant."

Speaking to Raelee, Vectrus says, "You are not being questioned. Although we will need to talk about a little elemental spell. Later."

Kateerina asks, "Can we figure out a way to hald that thing out there or manipulate it back to what we originally desired to do?"

Raelee carefully says, "Understood."

Speaking to Vectrus, Raelee says, "At your order."

Speaking to Kateerina, Vectrus says, "It won't be impossible."

Speaking to Vectrus, Rorac says, "This crowd is easily swayed by those claiming nobility, and righteousness. I am swayed by actions. Questions get under your skin mage? Don't take offense, I believe who you say you are for now."

Speaking to Vectrus, Perigourd asks, "Than can we close it and return it to what it was before the process was started?"

Perigourd raises an eyebrow.

Speaking to Rorac, Vectrus says, "Nothing gets under my skin."

Vectrus quietly says, "You'll know if it does."

(Yukito eyes the shard in Vectrus' hand.)

Tebon scratches his chin.

Yukito folds his arms over his chest.

You say, "Have to agree with Rorac begrudingly. On that statement anyways."

Speaking to Perigourd, Vectrus says, "That's not an option."

Rorac grins at Vectrus.

Tebon says, "Nae offense...but kin we move this ta say....tha encampment."

Perigourd grunts.

Vectrus glances southward.

Guarrin leans over and whispers, "The baron said he was sending this man."

You nod to Guarrin.

Vectrus says, "No, it looks as if the spell was nearly complete."

Speaking slowly to Yukito, Raelee says, "... that is the property of the Hall of Mages, as all remnants of Plin's work should have been from their appearance in this barony."

Vectrus says, "Unraveling it would cause more harm than good."

Speaking softly to Vectrus, Kilthal asks, "What are the options then?"

Perigourd frowns.

Speaking to Vectrus, Kateerina says, "Can the magic be manipulated as it were to the positive... the recreation of the city."

Vectrus says, "As soon as my brethren arrive, we will finish it."

Speaking softly to Vectrus, Kilthal asks, "And how is it ye know it is complete or nae when ye know nothing about the research or spell being woven?"

For mere seconds, it appears to be full daylight within the dome over the ruins of Solhaven, and the city looks completely whole. In the succeeding seconds, buildings collapse in upon one another before exploding into golden mist.

Vectrus taps his right eye.

Speaking to Kilthal, Vectrus says, "I can see the flows."

Speaking sternly to Kilthal, Vectrus says, "You must be a very poor manipulator of elemental magics, if you cannot."

Speaking to Vectrus, Kediaq says, "Was an honest question."

Speaking to Vectrus, Nilandia asks, "If I may, sir?"

Speaking to Kediaq, Vectrus says, "And an honest answer."

Speaking deeply to Shirkon, Olgretien says, "It wont last ferever."

Speaking softly to Vectrus, Kilthal says, "I am glad ye answer questions with insults, good man."

Speaking to Nilandia, Vectrus says, "I cannot grant permission if I don't know what you're asking."

Speaking pleasedly to Vectrus, Rorac says, "I like your style, mage."

Speaking to Vectrus, Nilandia says, "Merely to offer you some information that may be of use to you."

Speaking softly to Vectrus, Kilthal asks, "If ye can see flows are are such a skilled manipulator of magic, what was Paidreg doing in creating this mess? And why were ye nae here tae help or stop him?"

Speaking to Kilthal, Vectrus says, "I'm sorry. You seem to be under the impression that I answer to you, somehow."

Speaking to Kilthal, Vectrus says, "This is--perhaps, to your shock?--not the case."

Cryheart asks, "Sir Vectrus, shall we escort ye to the where it might be a bit safer?"

You scrub your hand through your long light brown hair in frustration.

Speaking sharply to Kilthal, Raelee says, "The Hall of Mages holds a great many responsibilities. Fishing this town out of trouble is hardly at the top of the list."

Speaking to Vectrus, Aydan says, "Sir Vectrus, we stand ready upon your order."

Vectrus says, "Let's."

Cryheart says, "Please join Protector Aydan."

Speaking to Vectrus, Aydan says, "By your leave, Sir."

Cryheart says, "Keep your vigil folks."

Vectrus turns to face Aydan.

Rorac asks, "If the creatures are after the plinite and, perhaps this Mage, why would we lure them to our camps and make innocent refugee's suffer?"

Vectrus says, "That's you, right."

Speaking softly to Metadi, Kilthal says, "Controlled or nae it was Paidreg's body."

Vectrus joins Aydan's group.

Sir Aydan's head Northeast.

(Aydan arrives at camp.)

[Camp Kezmon, Entrance]
A pile of freshly hewn timbers sits beneath the nascent rise of a watchtower overlooking the camp's wide entrance. Several buildings, in various states of construction, gather about a squat cabin that looks--but for a lack of paint to lend hue to its seasoned oak composition--to be almost complete. A dirt trail runs through browned grass to form a circuit around the camp's sparse interior. You also see a stack of supplies, a large waste bin and a fortified cabin.
Also here: Apprentice Megeara, Nilandia, Vender, Oravia, Kediaq, Swilling, Hinonshu, Guarrin, Mohrgan, Sir Cryheart, Protector Misun, Currin, Shirkon, Bristenn, Evelith, Kizzen, Kyaloria, Perigourd, Karibeth, Sir Yarx, Tebon, Endarya, Metadi, Lady Kateerina, Melorra, Lord Rorac, Kippe, Yukito, Raelee, Olgretien, Annelie, Balinworn, Alifair, Kasia, Sir Vectrus, Eugenides, Meureii, Protector Aydan
Obvious paths: northeast, northwest

Speaking to his green plinite shard, Vectrus says, "It looks crystalline, but it's far closer to organic in makeup."

Speaking quickly to Vectrus, Raelee says, "The Provost kept a great many things to himself, but I can provide copies of the circles and the formula for the chalk used in its creation."

Vectrus nods to Raelee.

Speaking to Vectrus, Aydan says, "This is Camp Kezmon. Lord Venquinor had been using it as his base of operations in recent days."
You hear very soft footsteps.

Speaking to Raelee, Vectrus says, "I would find that acceptable."

Speaking to Vectrus, Raelee says, "... it was created by harnessing the energy of an elemental."

Speaking to Vectrus, Nilandia says, "Sir, the Illistim captured and killed a creature that appears, on the surface, to be similar to that which we saw escape from the Provost's head. Copies of the report following their investigation were made available to several of us. I hold one of them and offer it to you, if it will be helpful."

Speaking to Aydan, Vectrus asks, "When did the Lord Provost cease to be himself?"

Vectrus nods to Nilandia.

Vectrus says, "Hm. I will need a base of operations of my own."

Bristenn loudly explains, "We do not know for sure."

Evelith says, "It was thought to be him."

Vectrus ponders.

Vectrus opens his leather folio.

Speaking to Vectrus, Aydan says, "Mirke believed that it was no more than a couple of days ago, at most."

Vectrus quietly reads his leather folio.

Speaking to Vectrus, Belnia says, "We can offer you this lovely, lightly used cabin."

Speaking to Belnia, Vectrus says, "I ascribe to an old Kezmon custom. I do not believe in examining the possessions of a dead man until the appropriate time of mourning has passed. We shall let his soul find rest first."

Speaking deeply to Aydan, Metadi says, "It cannae hae been much before that or Indril would hae raised the alarm if he'd had the time."

Aydan says, "If I had to make an educated guess, I would say it was the evening of Leyan. He had met with the Scholar Indril Avernas, and shortly thereafter the scholar was found dead outside the camp."

Speaking deeply to Metadi, Guarrin says, "It was the next day he seemed to have changed his mind and started doing more research."

Cryheart asks, "What was the name of that scholar in the mirror?"

Aydan says, "The Provost retrieved a folio from the remains of what we believed to be the scholar, then went for a walk, alone, afterward."

Cryheart glances at Raelee.

Speaking to Nilandia, Vectrus asks, "May I keep this for a short while?"

Speaking to Cryheart, Raelee says, "Sivathas."

Speaking to Vectrus, Nilandia says, "Of course. I have also examined the creature they mention directly, and have seen the one found tonight. I stand ready should you have any questions."

Speaking to Raelee, Meureii asks, "Sivathas was seen here as well?"

Aydan says, "We did not see or hear from him until the next night, when we heard him working in a fervor within his cabin."

Cryheart says, "Through a mirror."

Speaking to Meureii, Raelee says, "Never physically."

Speaking to Vectrus, Nilandia says, "Of course. I have also examined the creature they mention directly, and have seen the one found tonight. I stand ready should you have any questions."

Speaking quietly to himself, Meureii says, "Why would the Scholars wish to bring Him here with them..."

Aydan says, "He would not allow us entry, and simply told us via thoughts to give him a quiet moment to study."

Speaking to Meureii, Perigourd says, "Maluverre himself is directly connected to that past, and did ask him to look into it, by Sivathas word."

Vectrus ponders.

Vectrus shakes his head.

Vectrus says, "I'm unused to dealing with so much noise while I am attempting to study an artifact."

Speaking to Vectrus, Aydan says, "Sir Vectrus, I recommend that if the scholar Avelorre Nellereune Illistim is still within the Vornavian area, she be found and detained. She was tied to the original investigation regarding the parasitic creature that had infected Lord Venquinor, and she had been in the area as recently as a week and a half ago."

Speaking to Vectrus, Nilandia says, "To add, she has a keen interest in insects."

Vectrus asks, "Do you all have reason to believe that she brought this alleged parasite here?"

Bristenn says, "I do not."

Bristenn folds his arms over his chest.

Aydan says, "Circumstantial, but she would have more information regarding the parasite than most of us would."

Guarrin deeply asks, "Did she have contact with Indril?"

Speaking to Perigourd, Bristenn says, "Circumstance and coincidence. That's all we have to go on."

Vectrus asks, "Someone may have said, but where is Lord Venquinor's body?"

Speaking to Vectrus, Raelee says, "... in the bay."

Nilandia says, "She conducted much of the initial dissections in Ta'Illistim."

Speaking to Vectrus, Perigourd says, "Her master, Sivathas is a studier of Necromancy."

Speaking to Vectrus, Perigourd says, "It passed through the dome."

Vectrus asks, "Intriguing. What happened to it?"

Speaking to Vectrus, Perigourd says, "It seemed to turn into skeins of the golden energy of the dome."

Nilandia says, "It dissipated in golden light, if I recall aright."

Tebon says, "Wave caught it, swept away."

Vectrus says, "Mm."

Speaking to Vectrus, Nilandia says, "He would often use the plinite to teleport, accompanied with similar golden light."

Speaking to Nilandia, Vectrus says, "I have theories about that, although I only met the man once."

Speaking carefully to Vectrus, Raelee says, "... he was growing less.... discerning... with its use."

Vectrus says, "Now then. I need a place to stay."

Vectrus says, "This shouldn't take but a moment."

Vectrus gestures and utters a phrase of magic.

Vectrus raises his hand before his body as if cupping an invisible apple. Stone erupts from the ground ahead, taking on a distinct bluish tone and a glassy sheen as it reforms itself into a simple edifice.

Sir Vectrus just went into a blue stone building.

Protector Aydan's group just went into a blue stone building.
[Camp Kezmon, Sanctum]
Glass-smooth walls of stone border the small room, which is empty of furnishings. You also see a blue stone archway.
Also here: Apprentice Megeara, Nilandia, Oravia, Kediaq, Swilling, Hinonshu, Guarrin, Mohrgan, Sir Cryheart, Protector Misun, Currin, Shirkon, Bristenn, Evelith, Kizzen, Kyaloria, Perigourd, Karibeth, Sir Yarx, Tebon, Endarya, Metadi, Lady Kateerina, Melorra, Kippe, Olgretien, Annelie, Balinworn, Kasia, Eugenides, Belnia, Meureii, Alifair, Lord Radford, Shannivar, Protector Aydan, Raelee, Lord Rorac, Sir Vectrus
Obvious paths: none 

Vectrus says, "It's not my best work, but it is acceptable for now."

Speaking to Vectrus, Perigourd says, "To some of us it impresses regardless."

Speaking to Vectrus, Revalos says, "We may need these skills to rebuild the town if we can't raise it."

Speaking to Revalos, Vectrus says, "There are better architectural mages out there than I."

Cryheart says, "Still impressive."

Speaking curiously to Vectrus, Eugenides asks, "Do you have siblings?"

Speaking to Eugenides, Vectrus says, "Several."

Vectrus says, "I am the middle child."

Speaking gently to Eugenides, Vectrus asks, "Do these questions have a purpose?"

Speaking to Vectrus, Eugenides asks, "And, do you have a significant other?"

Eugenides nods to Vectrus.

Speaking to Vectrus, Meureii says, "Knowledge is everything Sir."

Speaking to Vectrus, Aydan asks, "Sir Vectrus, will you be acting in same capacity of the Provost?"

Speaking to Aydan, Vectrus says, "No."

Speaking to Aydan, Vectrus says, "I've been told that Lord Augusten Valgrass is in consideration to become provost, should there be a need to fill the position."

Aydan mutters, "I was afraid of that."

Speaking to Aydan, Vectrus says, "It is possible that the office might be left abandoned entirely."

Speaking quietly to Vectrus, Aydan says, "One week ago, Lord Venquinor stated that I was to hold his duties, until Lord Valgrass or whoever else succeeded his position would be appointed by the Baron."

Vectrus says, "This mess does not amount to a success story in the annals of Vornavian intervention into Solhaven."

Speaking to Vectrus, Perigourd asks, "How long may it be before the others arrive to help with the dome?"

Vectrus says, "On the morrow, at least one other member of the Hall will have arrived."

Cryheart asks, "And his or her name, Sir Vectrus?"

Vectrus says, "I have not been so informed."

Vectrus says, "The Baron sent out the call to reach me first, and I was busy preparing my teleportation spell when the missives were sent to the Hall."

Vectrus says, "I want to be sure as to the history of this alleged creature first."

Vectrus says, "I need to know what it was trying to do."

Speaking to Vectrus, Nilandia says, "I can help with that, sir. I have a detailed history of his actions during the struggle for the Griffin Sword, told from his perspective."

Speaking to Vectrus, Perigourd says, "There is much guessing as to that."

Vectrus says, "We cannot afford unsubstantiated guesses."

Vectrus quietly says, "Nor can we afford another Griffin Sword War."

Speaking to Vectrus, Nilandia asks, "Shall I locate my set of books on the history of the struggle, sir?"

Vectrus says, "Do so."

Nilandia says, "It will take me some time to find them. Do excuse me."

Vectrus asks, "Was this thing the only one of its species?"

Speaking to Vectrus, Revalos asks, "Is there anything else you might need of us citizens?"

Speaking to Revalos, Vectrus says, "I need you all to be on your guard."

Vectrus quietly reads his leather folio.

Vectrus flips through his leather folio.

Speaking softly to Vectrus, Kilthal asks, "And the magical dome? That will be left tae ye and the others from the Hall when they arrive on the morrow?"

Speaking to Vectrus, Karibeth says, "If that is the report on the creature found in Illistim, the one here appeared to be the same.. or very similar."

Speaking to Kilthal, Vectrus says, "I shall defer to their wisdom in this. They'll doubtless send more powerful mages than I."

Vectrus asks, "Are there any places nearby that are hallowed to these 'Four'?"

Kilthal softly says, "They are all underwater."

Vectrus nods.

Speaking quietly to herself, Karibeth says, "Course we didn't dissect this one."

Vectrus says, "The Hall is not at the beckon of mortal needs. We intercede when we must."

Eugenides confusedly asks, "Four?"

Shirkon says, "The Dark Alliance."

Speaking softly to Vectrus, Kilthal says, "True enough. Portals that will destroy the world just seem like that might be their area of expertise, and they would want tae be involved in dealing with them."

Raelee slowly says, "Some things, as odd as it may seem, are simply more important than this little town."

Speaking to Alisaire, Vectrus asks, "Are you affiliated with the creature?"

Nilandia joins Aydan's group.

Speaking to Vectrus, Perigourd says, "This woman served the Dark Alliance for a time."

Yukito bends over his book and begins writing with his quill. After a moment, he lifts his head and scans back over what he has written with a critical eye.

Speaking softly to Raelee, Kilthal says, "I am hardly harping. I dunnae have a single instrument out. I simply find it curious this now draws attention."

Speaking to Vectrus, Alisaire asks, "With Nershuul?"

Vectrus asks, "Were all of the altars, shrines, and the like dedicated to them here in Solhaven?"

Evelith says, "There is someone that may be best suited to answer your questions, Sir."

Speaking to Vectrus, Perigourd says, "Dedicated to the gods they served, some were. Yes."

Speaking sharply to Kilthal, Raelee says, "You have been told time and time again that this was not a priority for the Hall. Accept it. Stop harping on it."

Evelith smiles pointedly at Alisaire.

Speaking to Alisaire, Evelith says, "Since you're being helpful."

Vectrus glances at Alisaire.

Speaking to Evelith, Alisaire asks, "Hm?"

Speaking to Alisaire, Vectrus says, "Yes."

Speaking to Vectrus, Alisaire says, "I have been hunting it, if you call that 'affiliation'."

Speaking to Alisaire, Vectrus asks, "To what end?"

Speaking to Vectrus, Nilandia says, "Sir, my books were in storage in Ta'Illistim. They are in transit and will be available in half an hour."

Speaking to Vectrus, Alisaire says, "I haven't fully decided yet. I'm still rather disappointed with some of what it has said."

Speaking to Vectrus, Alisaire says, "This is why I was trying to ascertain if this ... potential Nershuul were truly dead, or if it in fact just crawled away."

Vectrus asks, "Did anyone see it perish?"

Perigourd nods to Vectrus.

Aydan says, "We saw its body decay away."

Metadi deeply says, "I donnae believe sae..."

Alisaire asks, "Where are its remains?"

Belnia says, "Oh yes, it decayed into a puddle of black ooze."

Tebon asks, "Wasnae Nershuul capable of replication?"

Speaking to Vectrus, Currin says, "Bubbled up."

Cryheart says, "Disintegrated it seems."

Metadi deeply says, "We only saw its supposed corpse. We didnae see it die."

Speaking to Alisaire, Kippe says, "They rotted."

Alisaire quietly says, "Mmmm.."

Eugenides helpfully says, "Ooze is a semi-solid."

Speaking to Eugenides, Vectrus says, "Yes."

Alisaire says, "Perhaps it is dead then."

Vectrus asks, "And what was it?"

Cryheart says, "Six legged creature."

Alisaire asks, "I was not present for the previous encounter-- though I believe your notes mention it?"

Alisaire nods to Vectrus.

Speaking to Vectrus, Nilandia says, "The creature looked nearly identical to the one studied in Ta'Illistim."

Alisaire absently says, "I know bits and pieces."

You see Alisaire Thinevael the Watcher.
She appears to be a Dark Elf.
She appears to be in the prime of life. She has almond-shaped dark violet eyes and sable skin. She has jaw-length, fine snowy white hair that falls loosely around her long, pointed ears and is closely cropped in the back. She has a sharp-angled face and high cheekbones.
She has a barely-discernible labyrinthine webwork of shadowy sigils encircling her forearms in black ink.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a darkened yew great bow in her left hand.
She is wearing a sprig of aconite, a silver-bound shadowy crystal talisman, an onyx-bound bloodjewel amulet, a pale sycamore quiver, a deeply hooded dark wool cloak, a smoke grey fox fur-trimmed corselet, a high-collared long doeskin vest, a wing-clasped falconer's gauntlet, a braided brushed suede belt, a leather survival kit, a dark woven silk mesh tote, some black heavy twill pants, and a tall pair of faenor-buckled sorrel leather boots.

Vectrus quietly reads his leather folio.

Vectrus says, "These notes suggest to me that the provost's assassin was correct."

Vectrus says, "This creature's modus operandi was to consume the brain, and likely break it down into its basic parts, so as to consume memories."

Vectrus asks, "And you did not notice a change in the provost's behavior?"

Tebon says, "Aye."

Megeara says, "Eww."

Nilandia says, "We did."

Megeara asks, "Is that why he wanted solhaven memories?"

Eugenides offhandedly says, "I did."

Speaking to Vectrus, Raelee says, "... in retrospect, yes."

Aydan says, "He was much more exciteable, but we'd seen it before, when he was set on a goal."

Evelith says, "It was assumed that the burden of his decision had made him desperate to set things right."

Aydan says, "But we didn't see or speak with him long enough to notice any other changes in mannerisms. We were simply attributing it to him having found a way that would've, in theory, made everything right."

Speaking carefully to Aydan, Raelee says, "... actually..."

Kilthal softly says, "He did change his mind drastically about the scholar and his plan."

Raelee slowly says, "When I met with him last night, he was... excessively harsh."

Vectrus nods.

Lord Licel just came out of a blue stone archway.

Licel narrows his eyes.

You see Lord Licel Lotanfa.
He appears to be a Human.
He is average height and appears to be an adult. He has piercing grey-green eyes and fair skin. He has a bald head.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a deep pack, a black velvet cloak, a dark components pouch, a dark green linen robe, an onyx-inlaid round mithril brooch, and a silver band.

Tebon says, "Oh joy...Luukosians come ta visit."

Speaking softly to Vectrus, Kilthal asks, "Ye wanted someone that had interacted with Nershuul?"

Speaking to Kilthal, Vectrus says, "I wished for a place that might be attuned to the creature."

Vectrus says, "Or its masters."

Kilthal points at Licel.

Speaking softly to Vectrus, Kilthal says, "That man aided Nershuul since his escape out East."

Speaking to Licel, Vectrus asks, "You know the creature known as Nershuul?"

Licel glances at Vectrus.

Licel asks, "Know as what?"

Licel blinks at Vectrus.

Kateerina says, "Watch what you believe as he tends to lie."

Shannivar adds, "About as often as he breathes, yes."

Speaking softly to Vectrus, Kilthal says, "There is a shrine up north. A monestary in the Broken Lands. And then perhaps a location out East that might have ties tae the four High Priests. But nothing close, given the state of 'haven."

Vectrus nods.

Vectrus says, "Mm."

Vectrus asks, "I must return to Vornavis and gather some necessary supplies. On the morrow, toward... shall we say, mid-afternoon?"

Vectrus says, "We shall venture to at least one of these locations."

Vectrus says, "Be careful, all of you."

Vectrus raises his hands, and blue light consumes him.

See Also