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RUNE is used to access knowledge of runes.

The user must be holding a wy'zio to use the RUNE FORGET option.

RUNE TEACH without arguments will show how many teachings are left for each uncommon rune that the user may know.


Rune help:

Usage: RUNE {option}

Where {option} is one of the following:
               COMMON - Lists common runes known to you.
               UNCOMMON - Lists uncommon runes known to you.
               TEACH {player} {rune} - Attempt to teach a rune to someone else.
               FORGET {rune} - Focus on forgetting a rune.
               POWER - Lists tutelage received by the mysterious runes of power.

NOTE: Forgetting a rune requires a specialized forget runestone.

How to make a runestone:  Runestone creation is a fairly simple procedure, and can be done in one of two ways.  A caster may purchase runestones that are already prepared for scribing from an alchemist shop or wandering merchant, or they may prepare an item (like a smooth stone) for scribing themselves by pouring an aish'vrak potion on it.  Once they have a prepared item, they'll need to have a brush and ink, and DIP MY BRUSH IN MY INK.  Then DRAW {rune} RUNE [ON {runestone}] [WITH {runebrush}] while holding the prepared item and the brush.


A rune of power is an ancient relic capable of engaging you with an otherworldly tutelage.  This engagement will permanently increase your prowess in one of the following ways, depending on the specific rune of power engaged.

Melee Attack Strength:       +0
Ranged Attack Strength:      +0
Bolt Attack Strength:        +0
Hurling Attack Strength:     +0
Unarmed Attack Factor:       +0

Elemental Casting Strength:  +0
Mental Casting Strength:     +0
Spiritual Casting Strength:  +0

Elemental Target Defense:    +0
Mental Target Defense:       +0
Spiritual Target Defense:    +0
Defense Strength:            +0

Physical SMR Strength:       +0
Magical SMR Strength:        +0

           Slash:  +0%
           Crush:  +0%
        Puncture:  +0%
            Heat:  +0%
            Cold:  +0%
      Electrical:  +0%
          Plasma:  +0%
      Disruption:  +0%
       Unbalance:  +0%
         Grapple:  +0%
          Vacuum:  +0%
            Acid:  +0%
           Steam:  +0%
  Disintegration:  +0%
          Impact:  +0%

Resistance boosts will stack with all other sources, but they will not exceed 40%.