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SPRINKLE is a mechanical verb.
Sprinkle help:
Usage: SPRINKLE [item] - Sprinkle something over the area SPRINKLE [item] [IN|ON|UNDER|BEHIND] [target] - Sprinkle an item in, on, under, or behind a target SPRINKLE [RIGHT|LEFT] [IN|ON|UNDER|BEHIND] [target] - Sprinkle contents of your left or right hand SPRINKLE SET [option]
Verb Info
Verb information for verb "SPRINKLE": People targets: Target standing: CLERIC OR PALADIN (with holy item) - You sprinkle (person) with some (object) in a ritual consecration. OTHER - You sprinkle (person) with some (object). Target kneeling or sitting: CLERIC OR PALADIN (with holy item) - You sprinkle (person)'s head with some (object) in a ritual consecration. OTHER - You sprinkle (person)'s head with some (object). Target prone: CLERIC OR PALADIN (with holy item) - You sprinkle (person)'s body with some (object) in a ritual consecration. OTHER - You sprinkle (person)'s body with some (object). Self target: CLERIC OR PALADIN (with holy item) - You sprinkle yourself with some (object) in a ritual consecration. OTHER - You sprinkle yourself with some (object). Object targets: You sprinkle your (object) in|on|under|behind (target). Creature targets: Target dead: CLERIC OR PALADIN (with holy item) - You sprinkle your (object) on the remains of (creature) in a ritual consecration. OTHER - You sprinkle your (object) on the remains of (creature). Target sleeping: CLERIC OR PALADIN (with holy item) - You sprinkle your (object) on a sleeping (creature) in a ritual consecration. OTHER - You sprinkle your (object) on a sleeping (creature). Other: CLERIC OR PALADIN (with holy item) - You sprinkle your (object) in the direction of (creature) in a ritual consecration. OTHER - You sprinkle your (object) in the direction of (creature). No target: CLERIC OR PALADIN (outdoors with holy item) - You sprinkle the ground with some (object) in a ritual consecration. CLERIC OR PALADIN (indoors with holy item) - You sprinkle the floor with some (object) in a ritual consecration. OTHER (outdoors) - You sprinkle the ground with some (object). OTHER (indoors) - You sprinkle the floor with some (object). NOTE: ONLY first person messaging is listed unless it differs substantially from other versions. Wedding messaging will only work with your spouse, all other targets default to standard messaging. Messaging without an option shown applies to all options. Special scripts and areas may override listed messaging.