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Lich:Script foreach
Lich:Script foreach is a third party script and is not maintained by Simutronics. Simutronics is not responsible for the accuracy of the information presented on this page, nor is it liable for issues stemming from the use of the application on players' personal devices.
What is it?
foreach is a script for sending a series of commands for each item that matches its criteria.
While not a full replacement for "proper" purpose-built Lich scripts, it is still frequently useful in its own regard.
I don't want to read docs, can you give me some examples?
No rogues around? Move all your boxes to your locker: `;foreach box in inv; move to locker`
Own a gemcutter and want to cut all the gems in a container? `;foreach gem in red sack; move to gemcutter; turn gemcutter; waitrt; move to blue sack`
Getting boxes picked? `;foreach box in inv; get item;give item to Rogue;waitfor Rogue offers you;accept item` *(This'll only work if you're fast enough to empty boxes while the rogue is picking)*
Checking for orb gems? Sorcerer: `;foreach gem in queue bag;get item;waitmana 4;prep 704;cast item;pause;put item in reject bag` Bard using `;loresing`: `;foreach gem in queue bag;get item;waitfor You remove;waitmana 20;;loresing purpose noun;pause;waitrt?;put item in reject bag` While the script is paused, put the gem in the orb bag if it's an orb. `;unpause` it will put it in the reject bag if you're still holding it.
Bulk reading scrolls? `;foreach scroll in inv; read item`
Accidentally move a bunch of items to the wrong container using foreach? `;foreach in last;move to container` *(back where they started)* *or* `;foreach in last;get item;move to correct backpack` Turning in gems or herbs for a bounty? `;foreach name=uncut diamond in inv;get item;sell item` Don't want to sell ALL of your diamonds for said bounty? `;foreach first 7 name=uncut diamond in inv;get item;sell item` Doing a long task and want to be able to resume it later (possibly on the same source container?) `;foreach unmarked gem in whereever;get item;do lots of things;mark item;return` as many times as needed, followed by `;foreach marked gem in whereever;get item;unmark item` (`whereever` must be a container in your inventory or your entire `inv`)
Need to ditch your sorcerer wands but want the wizard ones? `;foreach q=/(bloodwood|twisted|yew|bone|glass|thanot) wand/ in inv;sell` (This uses the new pattern matching introduced in 0.10.5)
That's nice. But what can it REALLY do?
;foreach** _[options]_ _[what]_ **in/on/under/behind** _targets_ [**;** _command1_**;** _command2_**;** ...] ;foreach** _[options]_ _[what]_ **in/on/under/behind** _targets_ [**/** _command1_**/** _command2_**/** ...] ;foreach** _[options]_ _[what]_ **in/on/under/behind** _targets_ [**|** _command1_**|** _command2_**|** ...]
_options_ is a set of optional filters on what matching items `foreach` will operate on. It can consist of zero or more of the following:
**registered** _or_ **unregistered** Only filters items that are registered or not registered. This option is only available if the items in question are in your inventory or your premium locker. (`locker manifest` is used to determine item status in the latter case, which is not available for standard lockers.) **marked** _or_ **unmarked** Only filters items that are marked or not marked as unsellable. This has the same restrictions as the above. You can use this in conjunction with MARKing items as pat of your ;foreach script to prevent operating on the same item more than once in situations where you might run ;foreach multiple times. **unique** Only the first item with any given full name will be matched. This is global between all containers, so if you have the same item in two different containers only the first item (whichever `foreach` sees first) will be matched. **first _N_** Stop after _N_ matching items have been encountered. (The word `first` is optional) **skip _N_** _or_ **after _N_** Skip the first _N_ matching items. **sort** or **sorted** Sort items by name within each respective container. Articles "a", "an", "some" and "the" are ignored when sorting. Containers will still be handled one at a time, and the order of the containers themselves is not affected. **reverse** or **reversed** Reverse the order of items within each container. If used alone, this means the last item in each container in processed first and vice versa. If used with **sorted**, items will be handled in descending alphabetical order rather than ascending. Containers will still be handled one at a time, and the order of the containers themselves is not affected.
Options are applied roughly in the order listed above. You can combine **first** with **skip**: `;foreach first 5 after 10` will match items 11 through 15.
_what_ allows you to filter the types of items `foreach` acts on. It can be one of the following :
**type=**_pattern_ or **t=**_pattern_ or simply _pattern_ You can specify any type of item that Lich knows about. Examples include 'gem', 'wand' and 'scroll' (which includes things like palimpests and other 'alternate names' for scrolls). `;foreach` by itself will show all the known types. `;foreach in inv` with no commands will show the types of all items it finds. You can use `type=none` to explicitly find items that have no defined type according to Lich. **Note:** This is only as accurate as Lich's own type data. You may be able to get more accurate type data by downloading and running the `gameobjadd` script at startup.
**noun=**_pattern_ or **n=**_pattern_ You can specify items that have a specific noun. This must be an exact match (unless using wildcards). **name=**_pattern_ or **m=**_pattern_ You can specify items that have a specific name. This may or may not excludes the article, dpeend **fullname=**_pattern_ or **f=**_pattern_ You can specify items that have a specific full name. This is like `name=pattern`, but includes things like long descriptions. See `;foreach in inv` to get a list of item full names. **quick=**_pattern_ or **q=**_pattern_ Identical to `fullname`, except the ends of `pattern` are wildcarded. `;foreach q=red,blue ...` is equivalent to `;foreach f=*red*,*blue* ...`
_pattern_ can be:
`one or more words with including spaces`: Must be an exact match `*use*asterisks*for*wildcards`: Asterisks function as wildcards. `name=*snowflake-cut*` will find anything with 'snowflake-cut' anywhere in the name, for instance. `this,that`: Match any one of the options separated by commas. `blue sapphire,emerald,*diamond,*emerald,uncut ruby`: You can mix the above. `/(blue|white) crystal/`: You can match against a regular expression. The slashes are required, and matching is always case-insensitive.
_targets_ tells ;foreach where you want to look for the items. You can specify one or more _target_, separated by commas.
Each target can be the name of an actual container in game ("cloak", "my backpack", etc.), or one of the following options:
**inv** or **inventory** Examines the contents all containers in your inventory. Note that containers in your hands are not in your inventory. **floor** or **ground** or **room** Examines items on the ground. *The items, not their contents* **loot** Examines the contents of containers that are on the ground -- boxes, disks, errantly left behind backpacks, etc. **locker** Examines the contents of your locker. *If your locker is not open, ;foreach will open it and close it when it is done*. **worn** Examines items in your inventory, *not* their contents. Want to register everything you are wearing? `foreach in worn; remove item;register item;wear item` **last** or **previous** Last is a set of items that matches whatever the last run of foreach found. You can use this to quickly undo if you manage to flub something up, like accidentally moving all of your inventory to your locker rather than just your boxes. When using **last**, the container items are reported in will be the container they started the previous run in -- not their current location. So `;foreach in last;move to container` will move all (reachable) items to their original locations. **fastinv** or **qinv** Similar to **inv**, but this uses container contents as currently known by Lich rather than doing an INV FULL. This allows for faster startup, but with two caveats: - Item registration/marked status is unavailable. (If you're using one of the relevant _options_, this will be automatically converted to `inv`) - Containers that Lich doesn't know the contents of will be skipped. Most notably, if you have not LOOKed in a container since you have logged in, that container will be skipped. Note that `;foreach in inv` does NOT satisfy the "looked in a container" requirement, but `;foreach in worn;look in item` probably will. If you specified a _what_ (above section), it will further restrict the list of what foreach is working on.
Commands are separated by semicolons (`;`), slashes (`/`) or pipes (`|`). You can only use type of separator in a given invocation of Foreach -- it's determined by the first one Foreach sees. The examples here all use semicolons, but the other two formats may be useful if one of your commands needs to actually include semicolons (aside from Lich scripts) -- say, the lines of `LORESING`.
If you don't give Foreach any commands to perform, it simply spits out a list of all the matching items and some relevant stats. This is useful, but usually you want to do something with items.
Any command you can send to the game can be used with Foreach. There's also a few shortcuts, conveniences, and some very basic scripting support (like waiting for a piece of text)
For commands to be worthwhile, there needs to be an option to replace some part of the command with information about the item. For this, there's some variable replacement rules -- as noted in the list below:
Certain words within a command will be replaced with some detail about the current item. Here's a list.
**item** The most important replacement. This is replaced with an exact reference to an item using its unique ID. It's good for commands, but not particularly useful if you want to talk about the item in SAY or ECHO
**container** This is like `item`, but refers to the container the item was found in. It won't work properly if the item was not in a container (e.g. when using the `floor` and `worn` targets If you're using the `last` target, `container` refers to the container the item was *originally* in. Thus, the following will dump your inventory into your locker and then put it all back exactly how it was before, aside from container orders becoming flipped: `;foreach in inv;move to locker` `;foreach in inv;move to container` **noun** This will be replaced with the item noun, e.g. `diamond`, `chest`, `scroll`. **name** This will be replaced with the item name, e.g. `uncut diamond`, `enruned mithril chest`, `old scroll`.
For some normal game commands, typing `command` by itself is equivalent to `command item`. Also, if one of these commands is the first command in the list, an implicit `get item` might be automatically added provided that the command refers to the item in some way. These commands currently are: **drop**, **place**, **sell**, **put**, **appraise**, **read**,
- look**, **inspect** and **analyze**
In addition, the following convenience shortcuts exist:
**move** _[what]_ **to** _where_ Shorthand for getting _what_ and then putting it in _where_. If you omit _what_, 'item' is assumed. If _where_ is your locker, `;foreach` tries to open it (once) and, if successful, will close it when done. **mv** is shorthand for **move** Newer versions of foreach will use `_drag` (mimicking Stormfront drag-and-drop functionality) to reduce this from two commands to one when they think it is safe to do so.
**fastmove** _[what]_ **to** _where_ This is a somewhat faster version of the above, but it's more prone to failing if you have oddly scripted containers involved or tasks that involve roundtime. It utilizes typeahead -- namely sending the GET and PUT portions at the same time. This can be shortened as **fastmv**, **fmove** or **fmv**
Newer versions of foreach will use `_drag` (mimicking Stormfront drag-and-drop functionality) to reduce this from two commands to one when they think it is safe to do so.
**stash** _[what]_ This tries to store _what_ in your defined lootsack. If it is full, it tries lootsack2 and so on. You can setup your lootsacks with `;vars` -- e.g. ``` ;vars set lootsack=backpack ;vars set lootsack2=cloak ``` Lootsacks that stop being in your inventory while **Foreach** is running will stop having items fed to them.
**giveitem** [**to**] _player_ If this is the *first* command, foreach adds an implicit `get item` before it. Offers the item to the specified _player_ and waits for them to accept it before continuing. This is only for players; NPCs don't produce the appropriate 'has accepted your offer' messaging. That said, you don't need to wait for NPCs to accept item offers anyways -- so just use `give` instead of `giveitem` for them. **appraise** or **appraise item** If this is the *first* command, foreach adds an implicit `get item` before it. If you're still holding the item at the end of running all of the commands, it will be returned to its parent container. `appraise` by itself is shorthand for `appraise item`. **return** Equivalent to `put item in container`. Returns whatever item Foreach is currently processing to whereever it originally found it. Just like `put item in container`, this only works if the item is still in your hands (which you can take advantage of in your commands)
**echo** _message_ Echos the specified text to your client. Not sent to the game. **pause** Pauses ;foreach. This is particularly useful if you're using ;foreach to examine a set of items and making decisions about them. For instance, you can write a script to test gems for orbs, pause after casting/singing, and then manually move the gem to the correct container based on the result before unpausing foreach to continue to the next gem. **sleep _time_** Pauses ;foreach. This is particularly useful if you're using ;foreach to examine a set of items and making decisions about them. For instance, you can write a script to test gems for orbs, pause after casting/singing, and then manually move the gem to the correct container based on the result before unpausing foreach to continue to the next gem. **waitrt** or **waitrt?** Waits for roundtime to finish. If you are not currently in RT, `waitrt` assumes you are about to be and waits it to happen. `waitrt?` only waits if you are currently in RT, and might miss RT that you're about to be in (i.e. due to a command you sent that the server hasn't received yet.) These function identical to, and are implemented using, the corresponding functions in Lich.
**waitcastrt** or **waitcastrt?** As above, but waits for cast roundtime instead. The same limitations and caveats apply. **waitfor** _text_ Waits to see the specified bit of text. Just like Lich's `waitfor`, except only one string of text can be matched. Matching occurs in text mode (e.g. not the raw XML stream) **waitre** _pattern_ Waits for text matching the regular expression _pattern_. Note that matching currently applies in XML mode. You can use the `;logxml` or `;showxml` scripts to get an idea of what raw XML is being sent to the client. [Regex101]( is a good resource for testing out patterns against text from the game before trying them for real. **waitmana** _amount_ or **waitmp** _amount_ Waits until you have at least this much mana. **waithealth** _amount_ or **waithp** _amount_ Waits until you have at least this many health points. **waitspirit** _amount_ or **waitsp** _amount_ Waits until you have at least this much spirit. **waitstamina** _amount_ or **waitst** _amount_ Waits until you have at least this much stamina.
Technical Explanation
If you think `;foreach` is doing something funny, here is a rough overview of the entire logic process from start to finish:
Depending on the level of depth you want, either just read the bold parts, just read the first sentences, or read the whole thing.
**Option Parsing**: All of the options are interpreted, validated, and converted into a usable format
**Implicit Commands**: The command list is fixed up * Shortened versions of some verbs that Foreach has special handling for are expanded to their full versions. This includes shortened versions of `drop`, `place`, `sell`, `appraise`, `register`, `get` and `take`. * If `stash` is in the command list, a list of lootsacks is built and the script exits if it can't find any. * Any `giveitem` commands resolve to an exact player name in the room (and the script fails if no match is found). * Commands like `place`, `sell`, `stash`, `appraise`, `mark` and `unmark` get the word `item` added to the end unless they already have something after them. (`sell` becomes `sell item`, `sell emerald` is unchanged.) * *For the first command only:* An implicit `_remget item` (for worn targets) or `get item` (everything else") is added for commands that are known to only work with an item in hand, such as `giveitem`, `place`, `sell`, `stash`, `appraise`, `register`, `mark` and `unmark`. This only applies if the command string is `get item`, i.e. `get emerald` skips this check. - `_remget` is a hidden Foreach command equivalent to "remove item if its parent container is `_worn`, otherwise get it." * *If there is only one command*: For commands in the above list that don't dispose of an item (so not `drop` or `sell`), an implicit `return` is added to the end of the list **Item Scanning**: Foreach builds a list of containers and items that are in them. At this point, `foreach` has an empty map of container IDs to names (with fake IDs `_worn` and `_ground` for those two targets), an empty map of container IDs to lists of container contents, and an empty list of containers to scan. Throughout this process, container names are mapped as they're discovered (mainly for the item listing mode if you `;foreach in ...` with no commands), some container IDs are added to the "to scan" list, and each container along with its items are added to the "to filter" list. If you're filtering by status (marked/registered status, e.g. `;foreach unmarked`), a table is made of items and their registration statuses. * `inv` aborts if you specified at least one command but no item types to avoid affecting every single thing you own (unless you did `;foreach ALL in inv`). Otherwise it reads all of your items (second level results) and their containers (first level results). If you're filtering by status, their status data is saved as well. * `last` simply restores the container/item data from the previous ;foreach invocation. It fails immediately if you're filtering by status. * `loot` adds each container on the ground to the "to scan" queue. It fails immediately if you're filtering by status, as that information cannot be determined for items on the ground. * If you are premium, `locker` determines your location and looks at the appropriate `locker manifest`. If, for some reason, `;foreach` can't determine your current location, it fails if you're filtering by status (only the locker manifest can show marked/registered for contents of a locker), and otherwise adds the locker containers to the "to scan" queue. * `floor` (and synonyms) places all the contents of the room (GameObj.loot) into the `_ground` container. Like `loot`, it fails immediately if you're filtering by registration/mark status * `worn` places `GameObj.inv` into the `_worn` container. * Anything else is treated like a single container: If you are filtering by status and your target is `locker` (only possible for non-premium lockers), ;foreach exits immediately with an error. Otherwise, it LOOKs in the container to get the game to send over its inventory data and determine what its ID and searches for status data (if needed, see the "To Scan" section) Then, if there are any containers to scan: * The `sorter` script is paused, if it is running, to avoid spam. * Each container is looked in (to get or refresh its inventory) * For each container: ) * Its contents are added to the "to filter" list * If you are filtering by status and status data is unknown for this container: (The INV commands here are only done once and data saved for subsequent containers) If the container is in your right hand or left hand, an `INV HANDS FULL` to get its registration status Otherwise, an `INV FULL` is done, followed by an `INV HANDS FULL` if the container was not found in your inventory. If, after all of the above, ;foreach doesn't have status data for the container (meaning it's probably not in your inventory), it assumes that it won't have status data for any of its contents either and exits. * The `sorter` script is resumed, if it was paused. **Item Sorting**: If the SORTED or REVERSED options are specified, they are applied to each container inventory.
**Item Filtering**: For each container and list of items in to_filter, items are filtered based on your criteria, including applying any options (e.g. `UNIQUE`, `MARKED`, `FIRST 5`). If you're filtering by status and any item is not found in the the table, `;foreach` complains loudly and exits. This particular failure should never occur, since of all the related checks should have happened earlier. Any containers that have items left after the filtering phase are removed from the relevant tables. If no remaining items exist, ;foreach exits. **Snapshot**: At this point, ;foreach knows every single item and container it is going to work on. This information is saved for later usage in `;foreach in last`, and then the execution phase begins **Execution**: For each container: * If there are no commands, pretty-print a list of matching contents in that container. * Otherwise, for each item in the container, for each command: * Replace "item", "noun", "name" and "container" with the item ID, item noun, item name and container ID. * If the command starts with `$lich_char` (usually `;`), run it. * If this is any of the convenience shortcuts (i.e. MOVE) or control commands (PAUSE), handle it. Some noteworthy things: * MOVE/FASTMOVE will try to learn the ID of containers it is moving something to, since `_drag` only works with IDs. and allows movements to be done in one command rather than two. If the IDs are known, it uses `_drag`. It also has its own logic for adding an implicit 'item' if needed since it is not at the end of the command. * STASH also tries to use _drag when possible, which is almost all the case since lootsack IDs are determined at startup and the IDs of 'item' are always known. * Some commands define a "run this before the next command" procedure (usually consisting of 'waitrt?' and sometimes waiting for a prompt). Most commands (including anything sent natively to the game) will execute and clear this, but some control commands (like `waitfor`, `waitre`, `pause` and `sleep`) ignore it and let the next command in the list resolve it. This prevents various issues like trying to `waitfor` a message that would scroll by while in roundtime, or the script waiting to pause (and thus preventing it from being unpaused until you are out of roundtime)
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