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Tanai (platinum)
You step in turds no matter where you go, and the thicker the boot, the more protection you have. That is the most important piece of advice I can give to you.
I mostly dislike people, or at the very least I am apathetic. Ever since I met your father, however, I've somehow blundered into making friends, few though they may be. Which means I guess I'm not as heartless as I thought I was. I'm sorry you were stuck with me as a mother. I don't think sirens were really meant to be mothers, but then, I only have my own sea hag of a mother for reference. It took me a good while to trust Jaynon, and we have been through a lot, but your father and I have no regrets. Well, that isn't entirely true. I do regret not being a better mother, though I did try my best. Never think that I didn't love you and your sister, though. I did, and I do (wherever I might be - if there are gods, I guess I'll find out). I hope you grow up to be more like Jaynon, as he is the better half of us (maybe don't look in the mirror as much as he does, though). Be good, and nice, and all that stuff I'm supposed to tell you to be. That's what good mothers do, right? But I'm not really a good mother, so in addition to the advice about turds, I can give you real advice and not that sappy feel-good stuff.
Even though you are a Lord, never forget I was a street-rat in Shanty Town. I might be a siren, but I'm not a Lady and never will be, despite Jaynon trying to convince me I am now, just because I married him. Don't become a stuck up twat and think you're better than others just because you have a title and live nicely.
Don't get taken advantage of. Your father can be pretty gullible, and though I hope you grow up to be like him, don't get the gullible part. Keep your trust for those who earn it at least five times over, and then don't completely trust them one hundred percent.
Let Sahalee feed. She has a preference for elves and humans, but she isn't too picky. I've taught her to be discrete (at least as much as possible) and not to eat anyone we know or may know. We don't want any hint of connection, even if some people I know deserve to be eaten. Also, if she still insists she and Ezabell are 'eel sisters', keep telling her they aren't. Ghezresh can kiss my arse.
Right, so this letter has gone on long enough. I don't think I've ever written this much in my life. Did you know your father taught me how to read and write? I'd like to give myself credit for how fancy my words sound, but I had help writing this. I didn't know how to spell apathetic. I guess I do now, though.
Sorry I'm not around to see you grow up, to see the man you will become. I will miss you, even though you probably won't remember me much. But that's alright. I'm not really worth remembering, especially as a mother. I do love you though. Always remember that, if anything.
Keep your boots on and stomp firmly.
Tanai (your mother)
A letter written by Tanai Murchadha to her son Eamon, hidden away and only known to one other person. To be given to Eamon at a later date, assuming Tanai has finally bit the dust as she is so convinced her death is imminent.