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The Blood that Binds (storyline)/2023-07-09 - Tea in the Shining City (log)

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This log is from The Blood that Binds on 07/9/2023 from the viewpoint of Daenamaryllis.


Cogsmead Gizmo and concerned adventurers meet with Branok and Liel in the gardens of Veythorne Manor located in Ta'Illistim. Branok reveals that Thanela Saxe never arrived in Ta'Illistim as scheduled and has been missing for quite some time.

Characters in Attendance

List of characters linked to their pages using the formatting shown in Help:Character_pages.


[Veythorne Manor, Gardens]
A ring of weathered grey stones marks the borders of a shallow grey pool, its surface rippling quietly as a triad of tiny streams flow into it.  Fuzzy, deep green moss hangs in trails over the surface of the tiny pool, and miniature silver fish dart within its dark waters.  Sweet alyssums bloom within the cracks between the rocks, their pale white hue standing out amidst the darker-hued flowers and plants cultivated within the tranquil area.  You also see an ivy-carved mahogany chair set on wide bronze-capped rockers, the hammered bronze Vyrshkana disk, several slender wrought iron chairs, an elegant wrought iron table and a low silver-edged cart with some stuff on it.
Also here: Tanai, Kiel, Vyrshkana who is sitting, Virion, Lady Valescii, Oliviero
Obvious paths: north, east, south, southwest, west

Oliviero nods to you in greeting.
You nod at Oliviero.
You politely say, "Good evening everyone."
Oliviero walks over to the chair and settles down.
Virion replies, "Good eve."
You sit down next to an elegant wrought iron table.
Tanai squints at Virion.
Kiel leans against an elegant wrought iron table.
You pour yourself a glass of warm cinnamon tea.
Tanai gobbles down her cherry doughnut in one enormous bite.
Speaking to Tanai, Virion says, "Still have a taste for sweets I see."
That would be much easier if you were holding the tea.
The sound of conversation reaches your ears as footsteps grow closer.
You sniff your warm cinnamon tea.
It smells like nice, fresh warm cinnamon tea!
Branok's group just arrived.
Valescii glances over her shoulder.
Kiel inclines his ear, listening intently.
Branok nods at Liel.
You take a drink from your warm cinnamon tea.  The comforting, gently spicy flavor spreads warmth all the way down to your toes.
You have 4 quaffs left.
You see Liel the Archmage.
He appears to be a Human.
He is average height.  He appears to be an adult.  He has red-rimmed ale-brown eyes and alabaster skin.  He has long, chestnut hair.  He has a clean-shaven face, a pinched nose and a small goatee.  His face is shadowed by the deep hood of his pleated ebon robes.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a chunk of twisted metal suspended from a thick cord, some deeply pleated ebon linen robes woven with silver threading, a bulging canvas pouch, and some dark blue square-toed shoes.
Speaking to Branok, Liel asks, "Of course, that's how it always goes yes?"
Liel chuckles.
Branok smiles.
Branok agrees, "Of course."
Branok glances around the area.
Speaking to Virion, Tanai says, "Still? Like that'll ever go away."

You see Branok the Archmage.
He appears to be an Illistim Elf.
He is tall.  He appears to be in the meridian of life.  He has silver-flecked pale blue eyes and alabaster skin.  He has waist length, silky platinum hair smoothed back beneath a slender braided platinum circlet.  He has an angular face, an aquiline nose and angular pointed ears.  His face is shadowed by the deep hood of his ivory linen robes.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a throat-to-chin tiered choker layered with obsidian teardrops, some pale ivory linen robes with sweeping bell-sleeves, a waxed black leather pouch, and a pair of pale silk sandals.

Oliviero nods to Branok in greeting.
Branok says, "Good evening."
Oliviero nods to Liel in greeting.
Valescii inclines her head.
A scrawny mage's apprentice attends to his robes, while staying close by Branok'ss side.
You nod at Branok.
Virion smiles slightly.
Liel smiles.
Oliviero says, "Hello."
Liel says, "Yes, it is."
Liel nods slightly.
Liel glances at his pleated ebon robes and folds his arms over his chest.
Branok smiles.

You see Liel the Archmage.
He appears to be a Human.
He is average height.  He appears to be an adult.  He has red-rimmed ale-brown eyes and alabaster skin.  He has long, chestnut hair.  He has a clean-shaven face, a pinched nose and a small goatee.  His face is shadowed by the deep hood of his pleated ebon robes.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a chunk of twisted metal suspended from a thick cord, some deeply pleated ebon linen robes woven with silver threading, a bulging canvas pouch, and some dark blue square-toed shoes.

Jaired just arrived.
The blue-eyed black cat sits down.
Branok asks, "I was expecting an Inspector Cogsmead?  Are you his..employees?"
Oliviero nods to Jaired in greeting.
Jaired nods at Oliviero.
You make a horrendous warthog-like noise.
Jaired reaches up and touches a finger against the edge of his morduska hide hat, tilting it forward.
You cough.
Inspector Cogsmead just arrived.
Vyrshkana waves to Cogsmead.
Cogsmead nods to Vyrshkana in greeting.
You offer, "Concerned onlookers?"
Liel casually glances at Jaired.
Jaired leans against the chair, taking a momentary rest.
Tanai asks, "Uh.. were we supposed to dress up or something?"
Virion apologetically says, "I am not an employee. I am Virion Miritar Illistim."
Jaired nods to Liel in greeting.
Speaking to Jaired, Liel greets, "Good evening, Delone."
Kiel nods to Jaired in greeting.
Vyrshkana beams!
Kiel says, "Evening brother."
Branok smiles at Virion.
Speaking to Liel, Jaired says, "Mm-hm..."
Vyrshkana removes a garnet-inset bathing maiden statuette from in her gilt mail carryall.
Jaired nods to Kiel in greeting.
Vyrshkana offers Jaired a garnet-inset bathing maiden statuette.
Cogsmead takes a tattered dark tweed hat off his head.
Speaking to Branok, Oliviero says, "Not quite. We are investigating with him, but not for him."
Vyrshkana says, "I's sabinged dat for yous."
Jaired casually glances around the area.
Jaired begins chortling at Vyrshkana.
Branok raises an eyebrow.
Oliviero nods to Cogsmead in greeting.
Cogsmead nods to Oliviero in greeting.
Speaking wryly to Vyrshkana, Jaired says, "Thanks."
Branok says, "It's quite the discussion then."
Vyrshkana nods emphatically at Jaired!
Jaired says, "It's a good one."
A cacophony of whispers rise around you, a faint sizzling, moments before ethereal azure flames erupt from your damask dress, sheathing you in flame from head to toe.  The stirring air tugs gently at your hair before slowly dying, along with the flames.
Virion admits, "I am recently returned and somewhat clueless, myself. But hope to learn."
Kiel grins at Vyrshkana.
Tanai says, "I'm just here for the crepes."
Jaired slips a garnet-inset bathing maiden statuette inside one of the small pouches hanging from his modular leather bandolier.
Branok smiles at Tanai.
Kiel says, "You have a thing for creaps."
You quietly whisper to Jaired, "Will we be seeing a certain mage's blood tonight?"
Tanai snickers at Kiel.
Branok says, "They are some of the best the city has to offer."
You smirk at Jaired.
Tanai takes a bite of her strawberry crepe.
Speaking to Branok, Cogsmead asks, "Good evening.  You musth be ththe Archmage, yes?"
Vyrshkana helps herself to some thinly sliced quail.
A small sanguine will-o'-wisp flits out from inside your black acorn amulet, hovering around your empty right hand and retreats back inside the amulet.
Vyrshkana pours herself a glass of warm cinnamon tea.
Speaking to Cogsmead, a scrawny mage's apprentice says, "That's Archmage Branok, yes."
Valescii stares at an elegant wrought iron table expectantly, as if waiting for something.
A scrawny mage's apprentice nods.
Vyrshkana takes a drink from her warm cinnamon tea.
Cogsmead glances appreciatively around the area.
Branok says, "I am, yes."
Vyrshkana takes a bite of her sliced quail.
Virion bows deeply at the waist, honoring Branok.
You help yourself to a glimmering spun sugar rose.
Cogsmead bows to Branok.
Branok glances at a scrawny mage's apprentice.
Jaired whispers, "Would hardly be productive, no?"
Valescii cocks her head at Branok.
A scrawny mage's apprentice smiles at Branok.
Speaking to a scrawny mage's apprentice, Vyrshkana asks, "Yous needinged doinged lots ob sweepings?"
Tanai has accepted your offer and is now holding a glimmering spun sugar rose.
Tanai surreptitiously glances at you.
Oliviero says, "This is the first time I've been to this city. I have rented a room at the Moonglae Inn."
Vyrshkana takes a drink from her warm cinnamon tea.
Vyrshkana takes a bite of her sliced quail.
Tanai sniffs at her spun sugar rose.
Kiel strikes a heroic pose.
Speaking to Oliviero, Virion says, "Choice accomodations. Welcome to our city."
Speaking to Cogsmead, Branok asks, "And who might you be?"
Speaking suspiciously to you, Tanai asks, "What did you do to it? Poison?"
Cogsmead says, "I am Inspecthor Cogsmead Gizmo."
Kiel says, "I have to sneak in, I was banished at one point."
Speaking sweetly to Tanai, you say, "I would never, I simply know how much you care for sweets."
Daenamaryllis smiles sweetly at Tanai.
Speaking to Branok, Cogsmead says, "A pleasure."
Tanai snorts derisively at you!
Cogsmead puts a tattered dark tweed hat on his head.
Branok says, "Well then, please have a seat so we may talk."
Kiel sits down.
Cogsmead adopts an agreeable expression.
Valescii nods respectfully.
Speaking to Branok, Cogsmead says, "Ththank you."
Branok walks over to the chair and settles down.
Kiel narrows his eyes in concentration, the runes on his arm glimmering briefly.  He seems to glow with power!
Kiel's eyes gleam with a newfound understanding.
Valescii walks over to the chair and settles down.
Tanai says, "That is a bunch of malarkey."
Liel folds his hands.
Cogsmead walks over to the chair and settles down.
Branok raises an eyebrow in Tanai's direction.
Tanai points at you!
Virion glances skeptically at Tanai.
Kiel stands up.
Kiel tenses slightly, clearly focusing his energies.
Speaking to Branok, Cogsmead asks, "Do you care if I thake some nothes?"
You take a drink from your warm cinnamon tea.  The comforting, gently spicy flavor spreads warmth all the way down to your toes.
You have 3 quaffs left.

You see Inspector Cogsmead Gizmo.
He appears to be a Burghal Gnome.
He is short.  He appears to be an adult.  He has gold-flecked green eyes and dark brown skin.  He has chin length, thick black hair.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a tattered dark tweed hat, a tailored dark grey longcoat with black silk lining and a wide belt, a rope-laced leather satchel, an old pair of cropped pants, and a pair of cracked leather boots.

Branok says, "Not at all."
Branok smiles.
Cogsmead nods.
Cogsmead says, "Ththank you."
Cogsmead removes a small black leather journal from in his leather satchel.
Cogsmead carefully opens his leather journal.
Oliviero glances between Cogsmead and Branok.
Tanai sniffs at her spun sugar rose.
Oliviero inclines his ear, listening intently.
Cogsmead removes a short black quill from in his leather journal.
Tanai squints at a glimmering spun sugar rose.
Branok asks, "So I understand you are still searching for Thanela?"
Branok frowns.
A sleek blue-eyed black cat languidly stalks the area, making prolonged figure-eights around everything and everyone he passes.
Valescii casually observes her surroundings.
Oliviero nods approvingly.
Cogsmead agrees with Branok.
A scrawny mage's apprentice ponders a moment.
Tanai takes a bite of her strawberry crepe.
Reaching over his shoulder, Kiel draws his illthorn runestaff from a series of straps on the back of his morduska hide bandolier.
A scrawny mage's apprentice asks, "That's the Saxe girl, right?"
Virion quietly interjects, "Forgive me, but who is Thanela and why are you searching for them?"
Cogsmead glances at a scrawny mage's apprentice.
Kiel leans on his runestaff.
Branok nods to Lhoris.
Jaired says, "Unless I'm mistaken her last known whereabouts were around here."
Shadowy flames engulf Jaired's upper body and whip around his head before vanishing.
Branok patiently says, "Yes, Lhoris, she is a Saxe."
A scrawny mage's apprentice says, "Oh, right.  Yeah, we know her.  Well, of her."
Cogsmead raises an eyebrow.
Tanai says, "Some weird female who doesn't want to be a brood mare and probably ran away."
Tanai nods at Virion.
As Kiel taps his illthorn runestaff on the ground, the soulstone orb atop it gives off a soft white glow.
Branok sighs quietly.
Virion's expression toward Tanai gives the impression that perhaps a different approach is in order.
Branok folds his hands in his lap.
A scrawny mage's apprentice says, "I mean, she was SUPPOSED to join us but ... she never showed."
A scrawny mage's apprentice nods.
Like embers trapped beneath the grating of a brazier, the ethereal azure flames held hostage within the fabric of your damask dress fitfully brighten and dim with a slow but insistent rhythm.
Cogsmead asks, "Really?"
You blink.
Jaired removes a dark brown leather-bound sketchbook from in his black leather hip-satchel.
Cogsmead jots down some quick notes into his journal.
Branok glances sharply at a scrawny mage's apprentice.
Kiel ponders.
Jaired studies the mage's apprentice as he prepares to sketch.
A scrawny mage's apprentice cowers slightly from Branok.
Virion put some brown leather reins in his grey greatcloak.
Jaired glances between Branok and a scrawny mage's apprentice.
Branok says, "My overly eager apprentice.. please excuse him."
A scrawny mage's apprentice frowns.
You worry, "That is most concerning as she was supposedly training in Ta'Illistim for quite some time."
The misty halo fades from you.
Cogsmead asks, "And you reported this?  Wasn't she supposed to be here some time ago?"
Branok reassures, "Miss Saxe has been training here for a few months every summer solstice."
Tanai says, "If she didn't want to be found, she wouldn't go here. Or.. there.. or... wherever this school is."
A sleek blue-eyed black cat digs his paws into the ground and begins kneading away with every ounce of his focus on the current task.  As quick as he began, he glances up and then wanders away.
Branok adds, "For some years now."
You glance between Branok and a scrawny mage's apprentice.
You pause in introspection, your gaze growing distant with your ponderings.
Branok continues, "There's been a Saxe who attends training here for some time."
Liel nods slightly.
Tanai says, "Gotta break the cycle sometime."
Jaired asks, "Bit of a family tradition, yeah?"
Branok nods at Jaired.
Oliviero asks, "Who was before her?"
Branok says, "Indeed."
Kiel asks, "So they come to train, and then leave for a time, and then a new member of the family comes?"
The sanguine corona surrounding your black acorn amulet rotates around in a circle.
Branok says, "Only if they are not suited."
Kiel rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Branok smiles.
Jaired asks, "Do they have a particular focus in their studies?"
Tanai says, "Blood magic."
Tanai smirks.
The blue-eyed black cat gazes at Vyrshkana.
Cogsmead continues to write in his journal, keeping an ear towards the crowd.
Valescii shifts her weight.
Branok says, "Oh indeed.  The Elves have much to offer for an aspiring, talented apprentice."
Kiel ponders.
Kiel sits down next to Vyrshkana.
Jaired nods at Branok.
Branok says, "Thanela enjoyed the element of fire quite a bit, but her main focus here was transformation magic."
Speaking to Branok, Oliviero asks, "Which Saxe trained here before this other lass? One of her parents?"
Virion asks, "Thaumaturgy?"
Branok smiles at Oliviero.
Tanai says, "Oh. So she transformed herself into someone else and ran off, none the wiser."
Speaking to Oliviero, Branok says, "Her mother."
Speaking in Gnomish, Kiel says something you don't understand.
Tanai takes a bite of her strawberry crepe.
Kiel leans softly against Vyrshkana.
Oliviero nods at Branok.
Kiel reaches inside one of the containers hanging from his morduska hide bandolier and grabs a wide steel band.
Kiel slips a wide steel band behind his ear and a metal disc beneath his tongue.
You elbow Tanai in the ribs in a playful sort of way.
Jaired asks, "So by your best estimate, when was she in attendance last?"
Speaking to you, Tanai asks, "What?"
Cogsmead agrees with Jaired.
Speaking to Branok, Cogsmead says, "Yes, whath he said."
You smile at Tanai.
A sleek blue-eyed black cat arches his back and emits a low and menacing growl, on alert against some unseen menace lurking in the shadows.  He finally relaxes after a moment, the invisible threat apparently having passed.
Branok smiles at Cogsmead.
Speaking to you, Tanai says, "Why are you smiling at me? It's creepy."
Jaired slips his hand under the a sleek blue-eyed black cat's head and lightly scratches at his chin and neck.
A cacophony of whispers rise around you, a faint sizzling, moments before ethereal azure flames erupt from your damask dress, sheathing you in flame from head to toe.  The stirring air tugs gently at your hair before slowly dying, along with the flames.
Speaking quietly to Cogsmead, Branok asks, "Is this typical of an official investigation?  To allow all of this..extra business?"
A sleek blue-eyed black cat says, "You learn to filter out the noise."
Jaired agrees with a sleek blue-eyed black cat.
Virion glances between Cogsmead and Branok.
Oliviero glances between Tanai and yourself.
Oliviero shakes his head.
Branok looks thoughtfully at a sleek blue-eyed black cat.
Speaking to Branok, Cogsmead says, "I find ith helpful.  When oththers ask certhain questhions, I can wathch reacthions."
Speaking thoughtfully to a sleek blue-eyed black cat, Branok says, "There is something.. very interesting about you."
Branok smiles at Cogsmead.
A sleek blue-eyed black cat says, "Thank you.  I think so, too."
Speaking to Branok, Oliviero asks, "Besides that he talks?"
Tanai takes a bite of her strawberry crepe.
Kiel dusts himself off.
Tanai belches.
Speaking to Oliviero, Branok says, "I've known many who could."
Cogsmead says, "Bran like I nothiced you nervous when your apprenthice was speaking justh a bith ago."
Kiel grins at Tanai.
Speaking to Cogsmead, Branok says, "You mistake nervousness for irritation."
Kiel surveys his surroundings carefully.
Valescii gazes in amusement at Branok.
Cogsmead says, "Indeed."
You nod in agreement at Branok.
Branok says, "He is overly eager and is still learning to listen more and speak less."
Cogsmead writes down several more things.
Kiel removes a gold-green auroral emerald from in his crimson linen satchel.
A scrawny mage's apprentice fidgets idly.
You offer, "Good help is so hard to find."
Oliviero moves a little closer to a scrawny mage's apprentice, closely watching every movement.
Speaking to Kiel, Tanai says, "If something tastes as good as it does coming back up as it does going in, that's definitely a good sign."
Speaking to a scrawny mage's apprentice, Jaired asks, "Were you friends?"
A scrawny mage's apprentice asks, "With who?"
Kiel put a gold-green auroral emerald in his crimson linen satchel.
Vyrshkana blinks.
Vyrshkana frowns.
Jaired says, "...the one that didn't show up."
Kiel agrees with Tanai.
Branok sighs, "The Saxe girl."
Vyrshkana takes a bite of her sliced quail.
Branok looks at a scrawny mage's apprentice blankly, at a loss to express himself.
Speaking in Gnomish, Kiel says something you don't understand.
Kiel says, "I will not argue that point."
A scrawny mage's apprentice says, "Oh, no.  But I just noticed she wasn't in her class for defensive magic that I help assist in teaching."
Jaired asks, "And when was this?"
Speaking to Branok, Tanai says, "Maybe you're hiding her. Maybe you two are lovers, and you can't bear to subject your sweetheart to the broodmareary that awaits her."
Branok begins chuckling at Tanai!
Speaking to a scrawny mage's apprentice, Kiel asks, "Was she competent in that field?"
Valescii stares downward.
Speaking to a scrawny mage's apprentice, Oliviero asks, "How many times has she been....absent?"
A scrawny mage's apprentice exclaims, "How dare you speak of the Archmage in such a manner!"
Speaking to Tanai, Branok says, "I'm always amused of your type of thought process."
A scrawny mage's apprentice glares at Tanai.
Jaired takes a slow, deep breath then pinches the bridge of his nose.
Your black acorn amulet flickers various shades of red.
(Tanai gives the mage's apprentice a crude gesture.)
Deep in thought, Virion glances up and rests his gaze on Tanai for a long moment before returning to his private mulling.
Kiel agrees with Jaired.
Branok clears his throat.
You take a drink from your warm cinnamon tea.  The comforting, gently spicy flavor spreads warmth all the way down to your toes.
You have 2 quaffs left.
A scrawny mage's apprentice makes a quick flick of his wrist.
For no apparent reason Tanai trips over her own feet falling flat on her face!  The clumsy oaf.
A scrawny mage's apprentice says, "Hmph."
Speaking to Branok, Tanai says, "You didn't say no."
Tanai stands up.
Tanai snickers.
Oliviero shakes his head.
You see a fairly typical mage's apprentice.
He appears to be in good shape.
He has nothing at this time.
Vyrshkana mutters shenanegans.
Speaking to Tanai, Branok says, "Young woman, I do not know where you hail from or what your typical behavior is, but I do not tolerate fools.  Either hold yourself to a higher standard of behavior or kindly depart my presence."
Branok frowns at Tanai.
Tanai rolls her eyes.
You help yourself to a milk chocolate coin.
A scrawny mage's apprentice nods.
Speaking to a scrawny mage's apprentice, Oliviero asks, "Do you recall how many times this lass has missed that class?"
Tanai mutters, "A simple no would have sufficed."
Tanai has accepted your offer and is now holding a milk chocolate coin.
Speaking to Tanai, you say, "Be a good girl and eat some chocolate."
A scrawny mage's apprentice says, "Since day 1."
Virion raises an eyebrow.
You help yourself to a handful of whiskey drops.
Jaired says, "When was day 1."
From the shoulders of your damask dress, spirals of ethereal azure flame twine down your arms to coalesce about your wrists.
Tanai has declined the offer.
You take a bite of your whiskey drops.  The peaty whiskey flavors temper the confection's sweetness.
You have 4 bites left.
Oliviero agrees with Jaired.
Kiel's appearance shimmers briefly.
Kiel says, "Hmm."
Branok says, "About a month ago."
Jaired nods once.
The hem of Jaired's black jacket wraps tightly around his body before returning to its normal state.
Cogsmead crosses something out in his journal and makes a new note.
Tanai takes a bite of her chocolate coin.
Jaired says, "So we've got a trail thirtyish days cold."
Speaking pleasantly to Virion, Branok says, "You have been most quiet.  Please partake of the refreshments if you like."
Kiel folds her arms across her chest and with a shrug, grins deviously.  She must be up to something!
Kiel winks at Vyrshkana.
Speaking to Branok, Virion says, "I appreciate the hospitality, Archmage."
A sleek blue-eyed black cat says, "It was already cold."
Virion pours himself a cup of lavender tea.
Jaired asks, "Her brother was making his way here, did he ever arrive?"
You take a bite of your whiskey drops.  The peaty whiskey flavors temper the confection's sweetness.
You have 3 bites left.
Liel says, "The lavender tea is especially good."
Branok smiles.
Vyrshkana takes a drink from her warm cinnamon tea.
Virion nods gratefully at Liel.
Vyrshkana takes a bite of her sliced quail.
Vyrshkana takes a bite of her sliced quail.
Purring with affection, a sleek blue-eyed black cat pads around the area, as if soliciting attention.  As quickly as he started, the cat lifts his tail and slinks away with an air of disinterest.
Kiel reaches over and the six-stemmed snapdragon draws its stems under it and stalks from her shoulder into her hand.
Virion takes a drink from his lavender tea.
Speaking to Jaired, Oliviero says, "Supposedly."
Valescii gives a sidelong glance at Virion.
The six-stemmed snapdragon in Kiel's hand stalks up her arm and settles itself atop her shoulder.
The black ora manacle around Jaired's wrist is momentarily engulfed in a shroud of darkness!
Speaking annoyedly to Jaired, Liel asks, "Why do you keep speaking?"
Speaking to Liel, Branok says, "Now now."
Cogsmead glances between Jaired and Liel.
Speaking to Liel, Jaired says, "Yes.  Now now."
You say, "I thought he was dead honestly."
Liel smiles forceably.
Valescii nods almost imperceptibly.
Speaking to Liel, you say, "But so good to see you survived."
Valescii pours herself a cup of lavender tea.
Kiel's appearance shimmers briefly.
Speaking to you, Tanai says, "So did I. Well, I really just forgot he existed. Same thing, really."
Liel says, "Indeed."
Virion asks, "This 'Saxe' girl, however. I would be glad to keep a sharp eye as I make my rounds about the city, but why do you seek her?"
A look of concentration briefly passes across Kiel's face.
Kiel's appearance briefly shimmers.
Kiel dusts himself off.
Virion says, "Forgive my ignorance, as I am recently returned home."
Speaking to Virion, Branok says, "I do not, but she did not arrive here and she did not arrive at home."
Valescii wraps her hands tightly around her lavender tea, warming her fingers.
Branok says, "And so a search has begun."
Speaking to Virion, Cogsmead says, "She's missing.  She was due back tho her home in Solhaven, buth never arrived."
Tanai takes a bite of her chocolate coin.
Branok smiles at Cogsmead.
Kiel says, "Her family is woried."
Cogsmead agrees with Branok.
Virion reasons, "Vornavian, then. She must be of a noble family."
Kiel says, "So we search."
Tanai says, "Her brother wants her back to perform their weird ritual stuff. I'd run away too."
Speaking to Virion, Liel says, "The Saxes."
Virion says, "I am not overly familiar with imperial nobility."
Speaking to Branok, Cogsmead asks, "Did Ladicius arrive tho speak withth you?"
Branok says, "They are not nobility."
Branok chuckles.
Speaking quietly to Jaired, Oliviero asks, "Is he the one mentioned about in our last meeting in Solhaven?"
Valescii takes a tiny sip of her lavender tea, warming her lips and making sure it's cool enough to drink.
Oliviero glances at Liel.
Speaking to Tanai, Kiel says, "Some traditions are set in stone and ...."
Jaired nods at Oliviero.
Kiel shrugs.
Speaking to Kiel, Tanai says, "And some are meant to be broken."
Tanai grins.
Branok nods at Cogsmead.
You take a drink from your warm cinnamon tea.
You have one quaff left.
Branok says, "Some time ago."
Cogsmead nods.
Jaired appears less secure.
Kiel leans on his runestaff.
A subtle stirring of the air about you tugs at the ethereal azure flames enveloping you, teasing thin threads of fire from the damask dress.
Branok says, "We are sorrowed to hear of her disappearance of course.  The Saxes have been attending the Guild for quite some time."
Branok says, "Thanela was kind."
Liel nods.
Liel says, "Gentle girl."
Virion distractedly glances at Valescii.
Jaired says, "By all accounts."
Virion nods politely.
Branok pours himself a cup of chilled citrus tea.
Branok takes a drink from his chilled citrus tea.
Virion studies Branok, giving him an intense consideration.
Speaking to Branok, Tanai asks, "Do they have a history of donating?"
Branok looks thoughtfully at Tanai.
Branok says, "Most of the wealthier families do."
Branok says, "And yes."
Cogsmead turns his leather journal over, running his hand lovingly over its cover.
Cogsmead turns to the next page of his journal.
Jaired asks, "Back to the question regarding Ladicius... did he ever arrive?"
Cogsmead nods at Jaired.
Branok smiles.
Tanai says, "Ah. Yeah, I can see how you would be sorrowed."
Your black acorn amulet suddenly flares a bright shade of red.
Speaking to Jaired, Cogsmead says, "I already asked ththath."
Cogsmead nods at Jaired.
Branok amusedly says, "I suppose the shorter lived forget things quickly.  I said that earlier."
Branok says, "Yes, he arrived some time ago."
Jaired says, "My apologies I missed it in all the noise..."
Oliviero asks, "Where is the lad now?"
Branok says, "I'm afraid I do not know."
Speaking to Branok, Kiel asks, "Shorter lived, is that really where this is going?"
Speaking to Branok, Cogsmead asks, "How was his demeanor when you thold him his sisther wasn'th here and hasn'th been for some thime?"
Branok raises an eyebrow in Kiel's direction.
Kiel ponders.
Speaking to Kiel, Branok asks, "Is it not true?"
Jaired's black jacket flutters slightly with an unseen breeze.
Branok asks, "He was concerned, of course, would you not expect him to be?"
You take a drink from your warm cinnamon tea.
That was the last of it!
Branok says, "He and Thanela are very close."
Tanai snickers.
Tanai says, "I'll bet."
Vyrshkana stares at Tanai.
Branok frowns at Tanai.
Cogsmead glances at Tanai.
Liel's face turns slightly pale.
Vyrshkana says, "Is beinged castinged aspertions again."
Ribbons of dark ether ooze from seams in Jaired's tenorite black sweater and pool in his hands, then vanish upward.
Liel says, "How crude."
Tanai rolls her eyes at Liel.
Speaking to Branok, Kiel says, "A time, long ago, yes.  But now?  they write down things, so that nothing is forgotten, they are empassioned  because they live such short lives."
You soothe, "Now now everyone, Master Branok has been kind enough to meet with us and he has been met with some disresepect.  Let us all remember why we are here and work towards that purpose."
Vyrshkana mutters anodertings.
Speaking to Kiel, Branok asks, "So you know all of them?"
Branok smiles at Kiel.
Speaking to Branok, Cogsmead says, "Please excuse her, she's quithe rude and doesn'th know how tho hold her thongue."
Speaking in Elven to Branok, Kiel says something you don't understand.
Branok begins chuckling at Cogsmead!
Branok says, "It's fine, but thank you."
A cacophony of whispers rise around you, a faint sizzling, moments before ethereal azure flames erupt from your damask dress, sheathing you in flame from head to toe.  The stirring air tugs gently at your hair before slowly dying, along with the flames.
Cogsmead nods.
Speaking in Elven, Kiel says something you don't understand.
Branok says, "Rather than indulge in that nonsense, I'd like to see if you have any other questions.  My time is limited."
Kiel removes a fresh peach doughnut from in his silk pack.
Branok glances incredulously at Kiel.
Valescii takes a drink from her lavender tea.
Branok asks, "Candy?"
Kiel offers Tanai a fresh peach doughnut.
A sleek blue-eyed black cat's ears suddenly perk as his attention is drawn to something in the distance.  His pupils narrow to vertical slits as he stares for a long, unnerving moment and then indifferently looks away.
Branok shakes his head.
Liel glances around the area.
Speaking to Branok, Cogsmead asks, "Is Misther Saxe sthill here?  Or has he lefth already?"
Tanai says, "Giving me sweets won't stop me asking questions no one else will."
Kiel grins at Tanai.
Speaking to Cogsmead, Branok says, "Oh he left already."
Kiel says, "No, but it slows down the process to give us more time to think."
Kiel winks at Tanai.
Tanai snickers.
Speaking to Branok, Oliviero asks, "Back home?"
Branok takes a drink from his chilled citrus tea.
Tanai takes a bite of her peach doughnut.
Speaking to Oliviero, Branok says, "I do not know his plans."
Branok says, "We are not friendly, he is a patron."
Cogsmead bends over his journal and begins writing with his quill.  After a moment, he lifts his head and scans back over what he has written with a critical eye.
Kiel removes a gold-striated deep purple crystal from in his golden burnoose.
Kiel carefully inspects his deep purple crystal.
Kiel ponders.
Kiel rubs a gold-striated deep purple crystal in his hand.
Kiel suddenly starts moving light-footedly.
Kiel exclaims, "Hah!"
You say, "I imagine he was most distressed to discover his sister never arrived here to beginw ith."
Virion ventures, "Might we have a description, in case I happen to see her on my patrol of the city environs?"
Kiel says, "I'm a wizard."
Kiel leans forward and rests his chin in his hand, a thoughtful expression on his face.
Speaking to Branok, Cogsmead asks, "Has a search parthy been esthablished here tho look for Ththanela?"
Liel glances at Kiel.
Kiel put a gold-striated deep purple crystal in his silk pack.
Kiel says, "Sorry, I dont mean to be distracting."
Tanai gobbles down her peach doughnut in one enormous bite.
Branok says, "'Oh yes, we have some posters of her.  Ladicius brought them."
Branok nods at Virion.
Cogsmead nods.
Virion nods appreciatively at Branok.
Kiel suddenly stops moving light-footedly.
Tanai says, "Pretty sure she doesn't want to be found. Especially if Ladderbus wants to brood her out."
Cogsmead asks, "Have you received any new informathion since hanging ththose up?"
Branok confusedly asks, "Did anyone else understand her?"
Cogsmead stares at Tanai.
Branok glances around the area.
Speaking distractedly to Tanai, Virion asks, "You keep mentioning this 'broodmare' business. What do you mean?"
You place one hand up to your forehead, partially covering your face, and just shake your head in disbelief.
Vyrshkana frowns.
Liel shakes his head, totally at a loss.
Speaking to Branok, Cogsmead says, "She's ththrowing outh wild accusathions ththath hold no ground or have proof of."
Cogsmead glares at Tanai.
Speaking to Virion, Tanai says, "She's supposed to pop out a set of twins. It's a really weird thing with that family, apparently."
Speaking to Virion, Oliviero says, "Don't instigate her to talk."
A subtle stirring of the air about you tugs at the ethereal azure flames enveloping you, teasing thin threads of fire from the damask dress.
Virion lets out a long, contemplative breath.
Branok glances between Cogsmead and Oliviero.
Branok chuckles.
Tanai rolls her eyes.
Speaking to Cogsmead, Branok says, "Interesting company you keep, Inspector."
Cogsmead sighs.
Liel chuckles to himself.
Liel says, "They're a fiery lot."
Liel smiles ever so slightly.
Speaking to Branok, Cogsmead asks, "I do apologize, Archmage.  Perhaps we can have a furthther discussion privathely?"
Valescii takes a drink from her lavender tea.
Kiel asks, "Am I on fire still?"
Speaking to Liel, Tanai says, "I'm behaving myself, actually."
Tanai shrugs.
Branok nods at Cogsmead.
Kiel leans to his left slightly.
Branok glances around the area.
Kiel leans to his right slightly.
Cogsmead nods at Branok.
Branok says, "I believe that's probably best."
Branok stands up.
Branok takes a drink from his chilled citrus tea.
Cogsmead stands up.
Valescii stands up.
Speaking to Branok, Oliviero says, "I apologize archmage. I am just here to help try and locate where the lass might be."
Kiel taps a small lead crystal that he is wearing.
Valescii inclines her head.
Kiel taps something in a faded golden burnoose with a crimson flame-embroidered closure.
Tanai exclaims, "Quick, go pass the coin to keep this covered up!"
Cogsmead put a short black quill in his leather journal.
Kiel ponders.
Cogsmead gently closes his leather journal.
Virion says, "At any rate, I will have a look at the posters and keep a sharp eye."
Speaking to Liel, Branok says, "I will look forward to seeing you in the morning, Archmage."
Kiel removes a perfect maple-handled mithril forging-hammer from his leather belt.
Liel nods politely.
Kiel flips his mithril forging-hammer high into the air.  It spins end over end several times, and as it comes down, he snatches it out of midair, like a viper strike, then attaches it to his belt.
Cogsmead bows to Branok.
Tanai says, "I'm here to ask indelicate questions."
Speaking to Branok, Liel says, "We will meet in the morning, yes.  Have a pleasant evening, Archmage."
Branok nods.
Virion says, "Thank you for hosting us. Veythorne's gardens are always a sight to behold."
Cogsmead says, "Ththank you for your thime, ith was very kind of you tho come visith withth us."
Branok nods at Virion.
Vyrshkana nods emphatically!
Kiel ponders.
Branok smiles at Cogsmead.
Vyrshkana takes a bite of her sliced quail.
Vyrshkana takes a bite of her sliced quail.
Branok says, "I will see you soon, Inspector.  Just let the doorman know."
Cogsmead nods.
Branok just went east.
A sleek blue-eyed black cat says, "Hrm..."
Jaired nods to the blue-eyed black cat.
Speaking amusedly to Vyrshkana, Virion asks, "As for you. Will you be able to find your own way out?"
Kiel nods to the blue-eyed black cat.
A scrawny mage's apprentice just went east.
Kiel says, "Inded."
Speaking to Virion, Oliviero says, "I was told at the Inn to tour the city before I leave. I might have a look around."
Virion nods at Oliviero.
Cogsmead grumbles.
Valescii walks over to the chair and settles down.
Liel says, "It's a lovely city."
You take a bite of your whiskey drops.
You have 2 bites left.
Kiel glances at Virion.
Speaking to Oliviero, Virion says, "Please consider yourself a welcome guest."
Kiel says, "Of course she will."
Tanai surreptitiously glances at Cogsmead.
Speaking to Liel, you ask, "It is! How long have you been hid-staying here?"
Liel chuckles.
You smile at Liel.
Speaking to Kiel, Virion explains, "I escorted her here at her request."
You take a bite of your whiskey drops.  A touch of lemon and honey brightens and sweetens the drops.
You have one bite left.
Speaking to you, Liel says, "I've just arrived yesterday."
Kiel nods at Virion.
Kiel says, "Thank you, I did not mean to sound intense about it, my appologies."
You ask, "Oh yes that's right.  You were actually in Solhaven for sometime now, yes?"
Cogsmead says, "Now ththath I have a mess to clean up.  I will thake my leave as well."
Virion says, "There is no need."
Virion shakes his head.
Valescii takes a drink from her lavender tea.
Cogsmead glances at Tanai.
Liel nods slightly.
Tanai says, "Oh, so that's what smelled."
Kiel reaches inside one of the containers hanging from his morduska hide bandolier and grabs a small obsidian obelisk.
Liel bows to Cogsmead.
Tanai nods slowly at Cogsmead.
Kiel pours a small pool of oil from his obsidian obelisk, working it into his skin.
Speaking to Jaired, Cogsmead says, "Ththank you for your questhions, perhaps she can thake some hinths from you."
Kiel put a small obsidian obelisk in his silk pack.
Vyrshkana stares at Tanai.
Cogsmead glances at Tanai.
Kiel leans on Tanai, giving her a companionable grin.
Jaired begins chuckling at Cogsmead!
Liel says, "Good evening, Inspector."
Cogsmead bows to Liel.
Cogsmead says, "Good evening, Archmage."
You say, "I must say I'm quite impressed that you and Jaired here have been so cordial towards one another.  I quite expected a murder or at least someone to be caged by the end of the evening."
Cogsmead wanders off.
You take a bite of your whiskey drops.
That was the last of it!
Speaking to you, Liel says, "Civility is a necessity in most situations."
Valescii stares vacantly at an elegant wrought iron table.
Speaking to you, Tanai says, "Impressed and probably disappointed."
A faint silvery glow fades from around Vyrshkana.
Kiel stands up.
Kiel leans on his runestaff.
Liel says, "Even when she rested in a cage, she was taken care of."
Virion thoughtfully muses, "The Saxes must be of uncommon magical ability if they are so highly regarded this far from Vornavis."
Liel says, "I would not be so uncouth."
Liel picks idly at some deeply pleated ebon linen robes woven with silver threading.
Kiel nods at Virion.
Speaking to Virion, Tanai says, "The twins blood bond with each other."
A sleek blue-eyed black cat says, "I think he's trying to provoke us."
Thin fingers of ethereal azure flame rise from the fabric of your damask dress, licking hungrily at the air.
Liel smiles at the cat.
(Virion gives Tanai a dismayed look that quickly disappears.)
Virion neutrally says, "They say there is power in twin siblings."
Speaking to a sleek blue-eyed black cat, Liel says, "I thought your time at the bottom of the Bay would have curbed your wit.  I'm glad it did not."
Tanai says, "Sure. But maybe she doesn't want to continue with this weird stuff. Everyone keeps insisting she's missing, but I'm convinced she ran away."
Tanai shrugs.
Liel tiredly says, "It is not so sinister as you all make it appear."
Liel curiously says, "Your minds just go all over the place."
Virion asks, "'Broodmare' again. Do you believe she is escaping some arranged marriage?"
Virion glances at Tanai.
Liel says, "No real pattern or insight is happening.  You're just yammering."
Liel smiles at Tanai.
Speaking to Liel, Tanai says, "Better than rotting in a corner, stagnating."
Jaired looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.
You notice Kiel slip into a hiding place.
Liel says, "I suppose you have a point."
Speaking to Virion, Tanai says, "No, I think maybe she just wants her own life. Away from being a 'Saxe'."
Virion nods thoughtfully.
Speaking to Virion, Liel says, "The Saxes are known for their magical eptitude and are skilled in the ways of magic.  Often, they exceed expectations and are curious to a fault."
Jaired says, "I don't see much opportunity for productivity... I think I'll hurry up and wait back home."
Speaking to Liel, Virion says, "I see."
You remark, "I think the concerning part is that none of us have any inclination as to why Thanela has gone missing."
Speaking to Jaired, Oliviero says, "I'm glad I don't get out of Solhaven much."
Kiel comes out of hiding.
Reaching over his shoulder, Kiel secures his illthorn runestaff into a series of straps on the back of his morduska hide bandolier.
Liel says, "It is true, the offspring twins of the family come into enormous talent at the peak of their youth."
Kiel nods to you.
Virion says, "That, frankly, seems to be the Inspector's duty."
Tanai says, "I already said what my inclination is."
Kiel says, "I disagree, if she's hiding, and not missing, it's an entirely different thing, and I'm not sure I'd turn her in in that instance."
You say, "Yes yes."
You nod at Tanai.
Liel asks, "Why do you think she's hiding?"
Tanai stares at Liel.
The blue-eyed black cat begins to carefully observe its surroundings.
Jaired gets a distant look in his eyes.
Jaired just went east.
Kiel says, "If she's being held somewhere, or is injured, then getting her help would be reasonable."
Liel says, "I'm unsure where you get the theory that she's a broodmare.  It's odd even for you."
Oliviero says, "When I get back to Solhaven, going to check in with the barmaid and see if the lad made it back."
Tanai says, "I guess everything I've said went in one ear and out the other."
Liel says, "Yes, it often does."
Liel nods at Tanai.
Virion says, "It seems to me the only way to know for certain is to find her and ask."
Oliviero stands up.
Speaking to Liel, Tanai says, "She probably wants her own life, apart from being a Saxe."
Kiel agrees with Virion.
Liel asks, "What leads you to believe that?"
Kiel says, "And so we shall search."
Liel asks, "Did you know her?"
Liel cocks his head at Tanai.
Speaking to Liel, Tanai says, "Yeah. We were best friends."
Liel glances at Tanai and rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Liel says, "You're not very  good at that."
Tanai rolls her eyes.
Liel chuckles.
Kiel says, "I wonder at why the brother cant find her.  He's her twin, and they are both magical, why cant he find her."
Vyrshkana ponders.
Virion studies Kiel, giving him an intense consideration.
Speaking to Vyrshkana, Oliviero says, "Good to see you tonight, little one."
Liel says, "They do not have the vision."
Virion says, "What does he think about the matter? Assuming he has been asked."
Kiel nods at Liel.
Kiel ponders.
Tanai says, "He was very cagey about the whole thing."
Liel says, "But he would know if she was deceased, so there is reasonable belief that she's alive."
Kiel nods at Liel.
Liel admits, "It does make this somewhat awkward."
Speaking to Liel, Tanai says, "Unless he killed her and is lying about it."
Kiel says, "Indeed."
Liel smiles.
Liel says, "No, that's not possible."
Flames flare at the hem of your damask dress, tumbling in roiling waves upward along the skirt to break against the waist of the bodice, where a calmer tide of ethereal azure fire slithers along the fabric.
Liel chuckles.
Tanai asks, "Why not?"
Kiel says, "Why go through all the trouble of a search if he's killer her.  There would e no reaons to call so mucj attention."
Liel says, "If she were dead, so would he be."
Tanai asks, "Oh. Blood bond thing?"
Valescii gazes with interest at Liel.
Kiel says, "Well, that is akward."
Liel nods slightly.
Vyrshkana ponders.
A sleek blue-eyed black cat digs his paws into the ground and begins kneading away with every ounce of his focus on the current task.  As quick as he began, he glances up and then wanders away.
Speaking to Liel, Virion asks, "Could you explain that?"
Liel says, "So, you see it's quite impossible."
Tanai says, "Eh, nothing is impossible."
Kiel rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Kiel says, "Could a priest not use his blood in sort sort of spirit spell to finder her?\."
Speaking to Virion, Liel says, "The Saxe magical line infuses the essence of the twins within each other, successfully binding them to one another."
Speaking to Liel, Virion asks, "Even their very lives?"
You observe, "It does seem that Ladicius is intrinsically motivated to find Thanela then."
A blue-green aura briefly flares up around your electrum circlet before dissipating into nothingness.
A blue-green aura briefly flares up around the brass-hilted craquemarte in your harness before dissipating into nothingness.
Kiel says, "I wonder at what they get from this bonding to risk so much with it."
Liel says, "Yes.  This is how they take thei rrole."
Tanai says, "He probably doesn't want to die. Too many oats to sew."
Tanai snickers.
(Virion knits his brow, folding his arms about himself tightly.)
You feel drained!
Liel smiles.
Kiel shrugs.
Liel says, "Oh he is very.. boisterous."
Liel clears his throat.
Liel nods slightly.
Kiel says, "I imagine he has enough coin to have done so already."
Kiel nods at Tanai.
Liel raises an eyebrow.
Liel says, "I honestly don't understand you."
Liel looks thoughtfully at Tanai.
Kiel starts chortling.
Kiel says, "That would be the point."
Tanai bursts out in a sudden snort of laughter.
Speaking to Tanai, Liel says, "I've tried.  A few times."
A small sanguine will-o'-wisp mischievously peeks out from inside your black acorn amulet.
Kiel folds his arms across his chest and with a shrug, grins deviously.  He must be up to something!
Liel shrugs.
Kiel just nudged Tanai.
Virion clears his throat.
Tanai says, "You mentioned he's boisterous."
Virion says, "At any rate."
Kiel says, "Oh."
Kiel offers Vyrshkana a flexing arm token.
Liel says, "Yes, I should take my leave."
Liel says, "I've got a dagger to dodge."
Tanai smirks.
Liel smiles.
Kiel nods at Liel.
Valescii glances about with a look of concern on her face.
Valescii takes a drink from her lavender tea.
Liel grasps one side of his pleated ebon robes's raised hood and shields his face from view.
Liel just went east.
Kiel says, "Watch out, our names are similar enough. you could get a dagger meant for m."
Kiel snaps his fingers.
Tanai says, "I'm sure Jaired can tell the difference."
Virion looks suddenly very self-aware.
Kiel put a flexing arm token in his silk pack.
Kiel sits down.
Vyrshkana frowns.
Valescii takes a drink from her lavender tea.
Vyrshkana blushes a nice shade of dark red.
Like embers trapped beneath the grating of a brazier, the ethereal azure flames held hostage within the fabric of your damask dress fitfully brighten and dim with a slow but insistent rhythm.
Speaking to Virion, Oliviero says, "I'm going to head back to the Inn. I will take a look around the city tomorrow. Maybe even ask around about the lass."
Speaking to Kiel, Vyrshkana says, "Later."
Tanai says, "Well, I have an arrest to dodge. It's been... interesting."
Tanai renders a sharp hand salute.
Tanai just went east.
Vyrshkana stares off into space.
Vyrshkana says, "Why I's not surprisinged."
Vyrshkana folds her arms over her chest.
Speaking in Gnomish, Kiel says something you don't understand.
Kiel nods at Vyrshkana.
Kiel chuckles.
Speaking politely to Oliviero, Virion says, "I am certain your stay at the Moonglae will prove restful."
You stand back up.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
Oliviero nods.
Oliviero smiles.
You politely say, "Do be safe everyone."
You incline your head.