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Training spreadsheet

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This is a guide, tutorial, or gameplay strategy written by one or more players to better assist others with their gameplay enjoyment. The information presented here may be subject to the personal opinion of the contributor(s), and may additionally require periodic updates to keep current as the game environment changes.

Title: Training spreadsheet

Author: KITHUS

Date Published: 2017-05-10

I'll be adding change notes and release info as well as other information about the spreadsheet when I have time. - Kithus

NOTE: The spreadsheet is too complex to be viewed as a google doc. You actually have to download the spreadsheet and view it locally. If you get an error when selecting download just select view in a new window. Once you can view it go to FILE -> Download As and select an Excel Spreadsheet:

GS4 Training Spreadsheet 4.6.2 (3/13/2022) (Newest version)

NOTE: If you are using Excel 2016 you must disable protected mode to properly view the Training Spreadsheet. In Excel, this is accomplished by going to File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Protected View, then unchecking the 'Enable Protected View for files originating from the Internet'

Change Log

- 3/13/22: Adjusted training costs/potential for classes based on the big changes in 2020: - Tsalinx

- 7/31/20: The long-awaited new version has been loaded for the spreadsheet. This new version includes: updates and improvements to the CMAN page, a shield maneuvers page, Runestaff DS calculation, update spells page, and various other bug fixes and cleanups. I have removed the Backup Link for the time being as the version it was linking is hopelessly outdated. In the coming weeks I hope to further update the spreadsheet to reflect more resent changes and updates. Those at Town Crier are welcome to add the Backup Link for the new hosted sheet if they so choose. - Kithus OLD VERSION LINK 4.6.1 (7/31/2020)

- 5/9/17: Added new combat maneuvers and fixed errors with the combat maneuver table. This included updating all the links from krakiipedia to gswiki.

- 10/2/13: Fixed a major longstanding error in the shield DS calculation formula that de-valued large and tower shields.

- 6/18/13: Fixed an error in the post cap max mana and added SidebySide for everyone. (Thanks Valmos)

- 5/1/13: Corrected a problem with one of the shield skill calculations.

- 4/5/13: Fixed an issue with Autofill when you select Post as your target level. (Thanks Daiyon)

- 4/5/13: Turned off screenupdating after a profession change or on a reset to speed it up. (Thanks Whirlin)

- 4/4/13: Fixed the monk mana stats and mana calculation.(Thanks Kaliq)

- 4/4/13: Added the new combat manuvers, shield manuver prereqs and general cleanup.

- 4/4/13: Added a Shield tab with all the new shield manuvers, calculated just like the CMans are.

- 7/9/12: Fixed a small error in one of the total mental training point display formulas

- 7/9/12: Added Combat Mobility to the available monk Cmans

- 7/9/12: Combat Manuvers with Pre-requisites will now "yellow out" until the pre-reqs are met

- 7/14/12: Fixed a problem with monk TP calculations using the old prime stats (Thanks Kaliq)

- 7/14/12: Bit of careless copy and pasting with the last fix broke TP truncating (Thanks again Kaliq)

- 7/16/12: Training point formulas were pointing to the wrong place again. (I think Kaliq is enjoying this)