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Uniana and Teveriel - 2022-01-22 - Betrothal Agreement (log)
The Betrothal of Uniana Le'Gondren Nalfein and Teveriel Anduin Vaalor
This log is from Uniana's point of view and follows the requirement for marriage of a Vaalorian household as listed in the document Customs of the Elves of House Vaalor.
You remove a gold filigree keyring from your belt.
[Hunter's Respite, Courtyard]
Well-worn cobblestones of ashen grey and taupe form a winding trail towards a wood-framed dark stone cottage encircled by a copse of full-grown apple trees, a thin trail of chimney smoke dancing between their sturdy branches. A colorful garden of fruits and vegetables encloses either side of the trail, the faint sounds of buzzing and the occasional shuffle from its woodland occupants causing the fauna to rustle. Resting next to a stag-carved mahogany bench are a variety of supplies, the gear protected by the slanted roof. You also see an eahnor-framed door carved from gilded mahogany.
Obvious paths: out
Teveriel followed.
You hear a click as it unlocks.
The eahnor-framed door appears to be closed.
You open an eahnor-framed door carved from gilded mahogany.
[Hunter's Respite, Chamber]
Wood-framed maps, their once vibrant ink aged beneath the panes of glass, hang between paintings of local flora and wildlife that dot the stone-stacked walls of the stone cottage. Two half-circles of worn leather couches enclose an intaglio-carved table in the center of the room, the seating opening up to a trophy-adorned fireplace rising to the ceiling. Crystalline decanters and glasses rest upon a wheeled steel cart nestled in a back corner. You also see an eahnor-framed door carved from gilded mahogany.
Obvious exits: north
Teveriel followed.
Teveriel has quiet breaths of vetiver accompanying hearty shades of velvety rose whisking over his skin. Bright overtones of orange blossom complicate the darker melange.
You see Lord Teveriel Anduin Vaalor the Nobleman.
He appears to be an Elf.
He is tall in stature and has a broad-shouldered slender frame. He appears to be in the spring of life. He has brooding steel grey eyes and fair skin. He has mid-back length, straight pale blonde hair with several strands pulled forward to rest against his chest. He has a chiseled, angular face, a straight nose and tall upswept pointed ears. His steeply arched, dark eyebrows and symmetrical features lend him a dour countenance.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a trio of illthorn medallions lacquered to preserve the scaly ridges of the wood, a wide-cuffed scarlet velvet shirt fringed around the left shoulder by eahnor rose petals, a tripartite band of black onyx and translucent crystal, an eburnean suede belt with an eahnor buckle resembling interlocking claws, some tailored oxblood linen pants cinched at the hips by lacquered illthorn discs, and some greyish white aqilorn knee-boots with marbled ivory toes.
On the linden table you see a tawny lacewood case, a bundle of roses and a blue wicker basket.
You are wearing some filamentous vaalorn earrings surmounted by tiny crimson blazestars, a wide cincher of ruched carmine satin buttoned with vaalorn seeds over a long-sleeved crimson charmeuse bliaut with a dramatically deep back, a gilt-spangled ecru satin fan, a band of eahnor-thorned vines engulfing the left ring finger, a gold filigree keyring, and a cardinal aqilorn ribbon tied in your hair, and some vermilion flora-inked silk high-heeled shoes capped with marbled ivory.
Speaking in Elven, you worriedly ask, "Is this too informal?"
You glance around the room.
You gaze thoughtfully at a stone fireplace.
Speaking in Elven, you ask, "Is it too chilly? Should we opt for a fire or would that be too loud?"
You gracefully twist your wrist with a flourish sliding the closed ecru satin fan into your hand swiftly.
Speaking in Elven, Teveriel notes, "A fire might be appreciated. There -is- a chill in the air."
Speaking kindly in Elven to you, Teveriel assures, "I will see to it."
[Hunter's Respite, Courtyard]
Well-worn cobblestones of ashen grey and taupe form a winding trail towards a wood-framed dark stone cottage encircled by a copse of full-grown apple trees, a thin trail of chimney smoke dancing between their sturdy branches. A colorful garden of fruits and vegetables encloses either side of the trail, the faint sounds of buzzing and the occasional shuffle from its woodland occupants causing the fauna to rustle. Resting next to a stag-carved mahogany bench are a variety of supplies, the gear protected by the slanted roof. You also see an eahnor-framed door carved from gilded mahogany.
Obvious paths: out
Adjutant Avariale just arrived.
Avariale nods respectfully to you.
You smile at Avariale.
You incline your head.
You see Adjutant Avariale Greyvael Illistim.
She appears to be an Elf.
She is tall. She appears to be time-worn. She has pale-lashed tilted moon grey eyes and unblemished, magnolia white skin. She has immaculate, platinum blonde hair coiled into a high chignon and pierced with a blue-glossed crow feather quill. She has tall upswept ears tapering to slender points. Faint lines radiate from the corners of her eyes and cerise-tinged lips adding a touch of austerity to her aristocratic elven features.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a silver-nibbed crow feather quill tucked behind one ear, a pair of oval spectacles half-framed in silver, an ink-black leather folio, a back-laced gentian blue samite surcoat with a staggered hemline, a polished vaalin signet ring, some silver hieroglyph knuckle rings, a draped gown of pristine ivory silk with fingertip-length sleeves, and a pair of oil-sheened jet leather slippers with extended toes.
Speaking formally in Elven to you, Avariale asks, "I assume I'm in the right place?"
Avariale glances around the area.
Speaking kindly in Elven to Avariale, you say, "Indeed. Welcome, Adjutant Greyvael and thank you for taking time to oversee this affair."
Speaking in Elven to you, Avariale says, "Of course, I am happy to assist."
(Uniana places a hand just below her throat.)
Speaking in Elven to Avariale, you introduce, "I am Uniana Le'Gondren Nalfein."
Avariale nods in greeting.
Speaking wryly in Elven to Avariale, you say, "The other party is just inside, if you wish to join me."
Speaking in Elven to you, Avariale asks, "The bride-to-be?"
Avariale smiles at you.
You nod enthusiastically at Avariale!
Avariale nods approvingly.
Avariale joins your group.
[Hunter's Respite, Chamber]
Wood-framed maps, their once vibrant ink aged beneath the panes of glass, hang between paintings of local flora and wildlife that dot the stone-stacked walls of the stone cottage. Two half-circles of worn leather couches enclose an intaglio-carved table in the center of the room, the seating opening up to a trophy-adorned fireplace rising to the ceiling. Crystalline decanters and glasses rest upon a wheeled steel cart nestled in a back corner. You also see an eahnor-framed door carved from gilded mahogany.
Also here: Lord Teveriel
Obvious exits: north
Avariale followed.
Avariale nods respectfully at Teveriel.
Teveriel smiles at Avariale.
Speaking in Elven to Avariale, you explain, "And the groom, Lord Teveriel Anduin Vaalor."
Speaking politely in Elven to Teveriel, Avariale inquires, "The groom-to-be, I presume?"
Avariale smiles at you.
Speaking respectfully in Elven to Teveriel, Avariale says, "A pleasure to meet you."
Avariale curtsies gracefully to Teveriel.
Speaking respectfully in Elven to Avariale, Teveriel says, "And you must be Adjutant Greyvael. It is both an honor and a pleasure."
Teveriel bows deeply at the waist, honoring Avariale.
Speaking in Elven to you, Avariale corrects, "A pleasure to meet you both."
Avariale surveys the area.
Speaking respectfully in Elven to Avariale, you ask, "We are very grateful for your time. May we offer you something to drink?"
Speaking in Elven to Avariale, Teveriel wishes, "Welcome to the Hunter's Respite. Please, make yourself at home."
Speaking in Elven to you, Avariale says, "Some water would be appreciated, thank you."
Avariale smiles at Teveriel.
Speaking gratefully in Elven to Teveriel, Avariale says, "Thank you."
You nod understandingly at Avariale.
Speaking in Elven to you, Avariale says, "But not if it is too much trouble."
Avariale rummages through an ink-black leather folio searching with intent, but it quickly becomes apparent she's not got a clue where to look.
A log crashes and falls over into the fire. The flames grow upon it slowly, like roses awakening, until the whole log is aglow with a garden of embers.
Speaking in Elven to Avariale, you say, "Absolutely not! Please, allow me. Though I just need to check briefly that no others have arrived."
You remove a tall glass of spring water from in a tawny lacewood case with knotwork marquetry.
You walk toward Avariale.
You offer your spring water to Avariale, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Click CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Avariale smiles at you.
Avariale has accepted your offer and is now holding a tall glass of spring water.
A sharp knocking sound emanates from an eahnor-framed door carved from gilded mahogany.
Speaking appreciatively in Elven to you, Avariale says, "Thank you."
Lintarith just came through an eahnor-framed door carved from gilded mahogany.
You smile at Lintarith.
Speaking in Elven, Lintarith pleasantly says, "Ah, good. I hope you will not mind if I let myself in."
Lintarith smiles wryly.
Avariale studies Lintarith, giving him an intense consideration.
Speaking warmly in Elven to Lintarith, Teveriel says, "You are, as ever, welcome, cousin."
Speaking in Elven, you say, "The morning chill seems to have softened. I saw no reason not to keep it open for a few moments and make sure we had a bit of fresh air."
Straightening his back, Lintarith gives a formal, low bow to Avariale. He inclines his head as well, giving Avariale a brief nod.
Speaking in Elven to Lintarith, Avariale introduces, "Avariale Greyvael, Adjutant to Commander Murstyr of the Sapphire Guard."
Speaking in Elven to Lintarith, Avariale asks, "And you are?"
Avariale smiles at Lintarith.
Uniana stiffens a bit at the mention of Murstyr.
You tilt your head up.
The flames glimmer, red and scarlet, orange and yellow. The colors warm the surroundings and bring a cheerful glow to all things.
Speaking in Elven to Avariale, Lintarith introduces, "Lintarith Anduin Vaalor, Crimson Flame of Ta'Vaalor's Wizard Guild."
(Lintarith clicks his heels together and executes a stately bow.)
Speaking respectfully in Elven to Lintarith, Avariale says, "A pleasure to meet you."
You think to yourself, "Wizards, how unnecessarily dramatic."
Avariale surveys the area.
Speaking in Elven to Avariale, Lintarith assures, "The pleasure is all mine, Lady Greyvael."
Avariale smiles at Lintarith.
Lintarith glances between Teveriel and yourself.
Speaking in Elven, you politely say, "You are all very welcome to have a seat. I am sure the remaining guests will be upon us any moment."
Speaking in Elven, Avariale inquires, "And your relationship to the groom-to-be?"
Avariale raises an eyebrow in Lintarith's direction.
Uniana smiles easily and gestures towards the couches facing the fireplace.
Speaking in Elven to Avariale, Lintarith answers, "I am his favorite cousin, of course."
Avariale glances appraisingly at a worn dark leather couch.
Lintarith casually glances at Teveriel.
Avariale nods approvingly at Lintarith.
Speaking in Elven, Teveriel amusedly says, "Quite."
Avariale smiles quietly to herself.
Speaking in Elven to Lintarith, Teveriel asks, "And have you spoken with your lord father?"
Speaking in Elven to you, Avariale says, "Thank you, but I prefer to stand if that is alright."
(Lintarith pauses, reaching up to tap one thoughtful finger against his lips.)
Speaking in Elven to you, Avariale whispers aloud, "Age has a way of catching up with us and my hip is troubling me today."
Speaking gently in Elven to Avariale, you say, "At your comfort, by all means."
Sparks shoot up from the flames to dance in the hot air above the fire. They glow brightly for a time and then slowly burn up and fly away as ash on the wind. You feel this is a commentary on life itself, and it saddens you for a moment.
Speaking quietly in Elven to Avariale, you whisper aloud, "And the Respite is a bit rustic in nature but since we are to be wed in the courtyard we thought it would be ideal to have this gathering here as a precursor."
Speaking in Elven, Lintarith wryly says, "Let me ferry him over. He may have gotten lost on his way to the hamlet."
Lintarith just went through an eahnor-framed door carved from gilded mahogany.
You slowly tilt your wrist upwards, flicking your ecru satin fan open in a smooth delicate motion while gazing demurely past the thin razored blades branching across the fan.
Speaking in Elven to you, Avariale remarks, "I do like an outdoor wedding."
Speaking in Elven to you, Avariale says, "I hope the weather is kind."
(Uniana briefly shoots Teveriel a desperate look from behind her fan before turning to offer another broad smile to the adjutant.)
Speaking in Elven to Avariale, you say, "The exact reason we are planning for something late into the spring almost on the cusp of summer. It should be clear skies with just a hint of wind to shake the apple blossoms loose from their boughs."
Speaking in Elven, Teveriel says, "The courtyard will be perfect for such. In spring, when the apple tree is in full bloom."
Teveriel nods in agreement to you.
Avariale nods understandingly.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale lightly teases, "Assuming all goes well today, of course."
You laugh politely.
Avariale winks at you.
Teveriel smiles wryly.
Now and again, some resin hidden in the wood is ignited by the flames, and the fire snaps and crackles loudly. The sweet smell of the resin permeates the air and fills your nostrils.
Avariale glances over her shoulder.
Avariale purses her mouth, pondering a stone fireplace. The expression on her face speaks volumes.
You think to yourself, "What is this absurd tardiness? What if Strata isn't coming? What if she doesn't want this union?"
A sharp knocking sound emanates from an eahnor-framed door carved from gilded mahogany.
Speaking in Elven to Avariale, you say, "Is the --"
You glance at an eahnor-framed door carved from gilded mahogany.
Avariale inclines her head.
[Hunter's Respite, Courtyard]
Well-worn cobblestones of ashen grey and taupe form a winding trail towards a wood-framed dark stone cottage encircled by a copse of full-grown apple trees, a thin trail of chimney smoke dancing between their sturdy branches. A colorful garden of fruits and vegetables encloses either side of the trail, the faint sounds of buzzing and the occasional shuffle from its woodland occupants causing the fauna to rustle. Resting next to a stag-carved mahogany bench are a variety of supplies, the gear protected by the slanted roof. You also see an eahnor-framed door carved from gilded mahogany.
Also here: Lintarith, Lysistrata, Lord Vyctus, Telethir
Obvious paths: out
You let out a sigh of relief.
Vyctus pulls his ivory wool coat together, fastening it deftly with quick movements of his fingers. Afterwards, he smoothes out the fabric and adjusts the sleeves, then places his hands casually within the pockets as he strikes a pose. He must think he's fashionable or something.
Lysistrata smiles at you.
Speaking in Elven to you, Vyctus says, "I was not late cousin, simply fetching everyone."
Vyctus gently brushes his sanguine hair away from his eyes and, with a deft twist of his wrist, tucks it behind one ear.
Lintarith gazes in amusement at Vyctus.
(Uniana takes a moment to swallow and turns before the Vaalorians.)
You bow your head slightly as you drop into a deep, respectful curtsy.
Speaking warmly in Elven to you, Lysistrata says, "Uniana, it's wonderful to see you again under such felicitous circumstances."
Speaking in Elven, Lintarith kindly says, "Lady Le'Gondren, it has been too long."
Speaking quietly in Elven to Lysistrata, you mouth, "You look just as perfect as ever." She glances away for a moment, blinking quickly, "thank you for coming."
Lysistrata inclines her head.
Speaking in Elven, you kindly say, "We should all move inside for introductions."
Speaking in Elven to you, Lysistrata says, "I would not have missed it for the world."
Vyctus nods to you.
[Hunter's Respite, Chamber]
Wood-framed maps, their once vibrant ink aged beneath the panes of glass, hang between paintings of local flora and wildlife that dot the stone-stacked walls of the stone cottage. Two half-circles of worn leather couches enclose an intaglio-carved table in the center of the room, the seating opening up to a trophy-adorned fireplace rising to the ceiling. Crystalline decanters and glasses rest upon a wheeled steel cart nestled in a back corner. You also see an eahnor-framed door carved from gilded mahogany.
Also here: Adjutant Avariale, Lord Teveriel
Obvious exits: north
Speaking in Elven to Avariale, Teveriel admits, "Our retreat from the bustle behind the fortress walls. But far more accommodating to guests, or so we have found."
Speaking in Elven, you quickly say, "Everyone is here."
Avariale nods thoughtfully at Teveriel.
Avariale smiles at you.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "Excellent."
Telethir's group just came through an eahnor-framed door carved from gilded mahogany.
Telethir and Teveriel bash their forearms in greeting.
Teveriel flashes a quick grin at Telethir.
Uniana smiles at the group as they come in, gently closing the door behind them.
Lysistrata nods graciously at Teveriel.
You close an eahnor-framed door carved from gilded mahogany.
Avariale gazes with interest at her surroundings.
A log crashes and falls over into the fire. The flames grow upon it slowly, like roses awakening, until the whole log is aglow with a garden of embers.
Lysistrata nods politely at Avariale.
Speaking lovingly in Elven to Teveriel, you say, "Perhaps you should like to go first, Lord Anduin."
Speaking in Elven to you, Avariale asks, "Shall I leave you to the introductions?"
Speaking in Elven, Teveriel enthuses, "Uncle! It has been so long, welcome."
Avariale nods in greeting at Lysistrata.
Teveriel smiles at Lysistrata.
Speaking in Elven to Teveriel, Telethir greets, "Nephew. It has been some time, indeed."
Telethir glances around the room.
Speaking in Elven to Avariale, Teveriel says, "If I may present my uncle, Lord Telethir Anduin Vaalor, and his son Lintarith, whom you have already met of course."
Avariale glances around the room.
Avariale nods slowly.
Telethir nods politely at Avariale.
Avariale nods in greeting at Telethir.
Lintarith folds his hands behind his back.
The fire dies down a bit until it finds some fresh wood to burn. The flames dance higher as they
(Uniana distractedly draws closer to Lysistrata, glancing over to her with a proud smile.)
Telethir glances inquiringly at you.
Speaking formally in Elven to Telethir, you say, "We are very honored to have you join us for this event."
Speaking in Elven to Teveriel, Avariale says, "I can see the family resemblance."
You incline your head.
(Lysistrata offers you a fleeting smile and a faint nod.)
You quietly whisper to Teveriel, "Introduce me, to them, darling."
Speaking in Elven to Teveriel, Telethir remarks, "That is the second time someone has said that today."
Lysistrata gazes in amusement at Telethir.
Teveriel appears to be struggling to keep a straight face as he glances at Telethir.
You see Telethir Anduin Vaalor the Aristocrat.
He appears to be an Elf.
He is tall. He appears to be middle-aged. He has deep-set blue eyes and fair skin. He has shoulder length, straight blonde hair streaked with silver. He has a straight nose and high cheekbones.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing an onyx wool longcoat with epaulettes caught at each shoulder, a gold-on-crimson brocade vest with two rows of buttons over a niveous dupioni silk shirt accented with crisp fan pleats, a garnet-eyed golden wyvern signet band, a pair of grey wool trousers with black satin side-stripes, and some knee-cuffed jet black leather boots.
You see Lord Teveriel Anduin Vaalor the Nobleman.
He appears to be an Elf.
He is tall in stature and has a broad-shouldered slender frame. He appears to be in the spring of life. He has brooding steel grey eyes and fair skin. He has mid-back length, straight pale blonde hair with several strands pulled forward to rest against his chest. He has a chiseled, angular face, a straight nose and tall upswept pointed ears. His steeply arched, dark eyebrows and symmetrical features lend him a dour countenance.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a trio of illthorn medallions lacquered to preserve the scaly ridges of the wood, a wide-cuffed scarlet velvet shirt fringed around the left shoulder by eahnor rose petals, a tripartite band of black onyx and translucent crystal, an eburnean suede belt with an eahnor buckle resembling interlocking claws, some tailored oxblood linen pants cinched at the hips by lacquered illthorn discs, and some greyish white aqilorn knee-boots with marbled ivory toes.
You see Lintarith Anduin Vaalor the Elementalist.
He appears to be an Elf.
He is moderately tall. He appears to be youthful. He has argent-haloed sky blue eyes and fair skin. He has shoulder length, fine silver blonde hair with long, asymmetrical bangs cut to frame his face. He has a chiseled, angular face, an aquiline nose and severely upswept pointed ears.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a stately grey marbrinus robe with wide sleeves, a slate blue muslin tunic edged with matte silver silk, a pair of vaalin-sigiled silk gloves, a ruby and twisted gold ring, some dark raw silk hosen with braided leather ties, and some low ebon leather boots with folded square-dagged cuffs.
Speaking politely in Elven to you, Telethir assures, "It is my honor to join you."
Speaking in Elven to Telethir, Teveriel says, "And this is Lady Uniana Le'Gondren Nalfein, my betrothed."
You see Lord Vyctus Scio Nalfein the Captain.
He appears to be an Elf.
He is taller than average. He appears to have come of age. He has piercing, almond-shaped ash-hued eyes and fair skin. He has long, satiny soft sanguine hair swept back behind his ears and tumbling loosely to his waist. He has slightly downswept pointed ears. His refined features are enhanced by nigh-perfect symmetry and a subtle arch to his brow.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a twice-knotted burgundy silk cravat, a high-collared slender ivory wool coat with ebon pockets, a fitted vest of burgundy and jet rose brocade over a pressed ashen chambray shirt, a jade-inset onyx signet ring, an oiled leather dual sword belt crossed and bound with an onyx rose, some fitted raven suede pants with a silver buckle, and some polished ebon leather boots banded at the ankles by striated faenor plates.
You see Lysistrata Scio Nalfein.
She appears to be an Elf.
She is average height. She appears to be an adult. She has slanting, mismatched grey and black eyes and intensely pale skin. She has long, smooth deep scarlet hair caught in a loose chignon, then pierced by a thin obsidian needle entwined with a strand of prayerbeads. She has a refined collection of quintessentially Elven features, from the sharply defined cheekbones and patrician nose to the delicate outline of her jaw. She has glinting black cherry lacquer brushed onto her immaculately manicured fingernails.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a sleek dark bladed silk fan in her left hand.
She is wearing a filigree collar of dark garnet teardrops, a soft marbrinus pelisson of cascading muted bronze tones, a crow black lampas cotehardie depicting pale bronze tracery with a lace-edged chemise cut from fine pale cream wool underneath, a black vaalin elven signet ring, a petite carved ebonwood case, and some luxurious black velvet spike-heeled boots with bronze toes.
You see Adjutant Avariale Greyvael Illistim.
She appears to be an Elf.
She is tall. She appears to be time-worn. She has pale-lashed tilted moon grey eyes and unblemished, magnolia white skin. She has immaculate, platinum blonde hair coiled into a high chignon and pierced with a blue-glossed crow feather quill. She has tall upswept ears tapering to slender points. Faint lines radiate from the corners of her eyes and cerise-tinged lips adding a touch of austerity to her aristocratic elven features.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a tall glass of spring water in her right hand.
She is wearing a silver-nibbed crow feather quill tucked behind one ear, a pair of oval spectacles half-framed in silver, an ink-black leather folio, a back-laced gentian blue samite surcoat with a staggered hemline, a polished vaalin signet ring, some silver hieroglyph knuckle rings, a draped gown of pristine ivory silk with fingertip-length sleeves, and a pair of oil-sheened jet leather slippers with extended toes.
You are holding a gilt-spangled ecru satin fan in your left hand.
You are wearing some filamentous vaalorn earrings surmounted by tiny crimson blazestars, a wide cincher of ruched carmine satin buttoned with vaalorn seeds over a long-sleeved crimson charmeuse bliaut with a dramatically deep back, a band of eahnor-thorned vines engulfing the left ring finger, a gold filigree keyring, and a cardinal aqilorn ribbon tied in your hair, and some vermilion flora-inked silk high-heeled shoes capped with marbled ivory.
Telethir gazes at you.
Avariale takes a drink from her spring water.
(Teveriel moves to your side, taking your arm gently with his own.)
You curtsy to Teveriel and take his arm, joining his group.
Speaking evenly in Elven to you, Telethir says, "It is a pleasure to meet you."
Speaking in Elven, you charmingly offer, "This is the matriarch of my family, my cousin, Lady Lysistrata Scio Nalfein. And her brother, Lord Vyctus Scio Nalfein."
Lysistrata inclines her head.
Avariale glances between Lysistrata and Vyctus.
Avariale bows her head slightly as she drops into a deep, respectful curtsy.
Vyctus bows to Avariale.
Speaking in Elven to Avariale, Vyctus says, "A pleasure."
Vyctus smiles.
Speaking in Elven to Teveriel, Telethir says, "A most charming choice in partner."
Speaking respectfully in Elven to Lysistrata, Avariale greets, "A pleasure to meet you, Lady Scio. Your reputation precedes you."
The fire begins to die down somewhat, the flames retreating, and the embers shifting colors as they cool.
Teveriel smiles slightly and bows his head to Telethir in appreciation.
Uniana is trying not to tremble, years, almost two decades, since she's been able to see her lady cousin.
Speaking in Elven to Avariale, Lysistrata says, "Such kind words. The pleasure is surely reciprocated."
Speaking formally in Elven to Vyctus, Avariale says, "Lord Scio, a pleasure."
Telethir glances meaningfully at Lintarith.
Lintarith looks at Telethir and hums.
Speaking in Elven to Lysistrata, Avariale comments, "The Mirror has spoken of you."
You gaze confidently at Lysistrata.
Speaking in Elven, Lysistrata says, "I hear her court sessions are still the talk of the region."
Avariale laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
You think to yourself, "A fact that may have stayed some punishment on my behalf, thankfully."
Lintarith slowly empties his lungs.
Lintarith distractedly glances at Telethir.
Speaking lightly in Elven to Lysistrata, Avariale says, "Long may they do so."
Lysistrata gazes in amusement at Avariale.
Lysistrata inclines her head.
Avariale lets out a long, contemplative breath.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale asks, "Shall we?"
Avariale glances between Teveriel and yourself.
Speaking in Elven to Avariale, Teveriel says, "Indeed, and thank you for your patience."
Teveriel inclines his head.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale exclaims, "Of course!"
Avariale takes a few steps toward a stone fireplace.
Speaking in Elven, you state, "Yes, please. This is our officiant for today, Adjutant Avariale Greyvael Illistim."
Avariale gazes with interest at her surroundings.
You cock your head at Avariale.
Telethir folds his hands behind his back.
Avariale smiles.
Avariale nods once.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "I have been asked to officiate on behalf of the Clerk of Records in Ta'Vaalor."
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "Who is unable to be here today."
Teveriel nods understandingly.
You quietly whisper to Teveriel, "Asssuming everything goes well, I have champagne." She glances briefly toward the cart, "and if not, we have the whiskey."
Vyctus folds his hands behind his back.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale reassures, "I have the authority to file all the necessary paperwork."
Speaking in Elven, Teveriel says, "All of the Keep's clerks have been preoccupied of late, with the harbour nearing completion."
Telethir nods.
Avariale nods understandingly at Teveriel.
You quietly whisper to Lysistrata, "I hope your journey here was not unpleasant, I wish we did not have to get into the midst of business but the adjutant's time is understandbly limited."
Avariale rummages through an ink-black leather folio.
Avariale removes a sheet of sapphire-edged paper from in her leather folio.
Avariale clears her throat.
You quietly whisper to Vyctus, "Thank you for fetching her, Vyctus. I could not have asked for a better gift."
Speaking in Elven, Avariale states, "The purpose of today is to ensure the completion and filing of a betrothal agreement as per marital law in the City State of Ta'Vaalor."
Vyctus whispers, "I do not think she would have missed it, cousin."
Avariale glances around the room.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale clarifies, "This is not a marriage ceremony. It is merely the initiation of the wedding process."
Lysistrata whispers, "The journey was not unpleasant, no, and thank you for asking. I managed to leverage a bit of favor owed to me from the Chronomages, and they afforded me passage straight from home. There were some timing necessities in the favor, or I would have been here sooner."
Speaking in Elven, Avariale asks, "Before we proceed, can I confirm that both parties are here willingly and that neither is under duress?"
Avariale glances between Teveriel and yourself.
You tilt your head up.
Uniana smiles up at Teveriel.
Teveriel smiles down at Uniana.
Speaking in Elven, you agree, "I am here of my own free will."
Speaking in Elven to Avariale, Teveriel assures, "More than willing."
Avariale lets out a sigh of relief.
You cock your head at Avariale.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale lightly says, "Always a tense moment."
Lintarith appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Lintarith bites his lip.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale exclaims, "Then we may begin!"
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "Could I ask the first party to step forward please and introduce themselves."
Avariale nods at Teveriel.
You quietly whisper to Lysistrata, "It is a gift that you are here at all."
Teveriel confidently strides a few steps forward.
You see Lord Teveriel Anduin Vaalor the Nobleman.
He appears to be an Elf.
He is tall in stature and has a broad-shouldered slender frame. He appears to be in the spring of life. He has brooding steel grey eyes and fair skin. He has mid-back length, straight pale blonde hair with several strands pulled forward to rest against his chest. He has a chiseled, angular face, a straight nose and tall upswept pointed ears. His steeply arched, dark eyebrows and symmetrical features lend him a dour countenance.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a trio of illthorn medallions lacquered to preserve the scaly ridges of the wood, a wide-cuffed scarlet velvet shirt fringed around the left shoulder by eahnor rose petals, a tripartite band of black onyx and translucent crystal, an eburnean suede belt with an eahnor buckle resembling interlocking claws, some tailored oxblood linen pants cinched at the hips by lacquered illthorn discs, and some greyish white aqilorn knee-boots with marbled ivory toes.
Speaking in Elven, Teveriel notes, "Lord Teveriel Anduin Vaalor."
Avariale nods politely at Teveriel.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "And the second party, please make yourself known."
Avariale smiles at you.
You lean forward.
Speaking in Elven, you pleasantly say, "Lady Uniana Le'Gondren Nalfein."
Avariale nods briefly to you.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "I shall now read the agreement as it stands and invite you both to agree to its terms."
Telethir shifts his weight.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale explains, "I shall then ask the family representatives to witness the agreement accordingly."
Avariale glances around the room.
You glance over your shoulder.
You smile at Lysistrata.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "The signed agreement will then be filed with the Clerk of Records and copies sent to you both for keeping."
Lintarith gazes with interest at Avariale.
You turn to face Avariale.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale asks, "Are we all happy to proceed?"
Avariale smiles.
Speaking in Elven, you say, "I am, yes."
Avariale nods perfunctorily.
Avariale carefully places a tall glass of spring water on the floor.
Speaking in Elven, Teveriel says, "Of course."
Avariale clears her throat.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale formally reads, "This agreement is between the first party, Lord Teveriel Anduin Vaalor, and the second party, Lady Uniana Le'Gondren. Now collectively known as the parties."
Speaking in Elven, Avariale continues, "The parties intend this agreement to provide for their respective rights and obligations under Vaalorian marital law to include the marriage itself and any subsequent separation or dissolution."
Lysistrata nods faintly.
Avariale glances around the room.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "The parties agree the following."
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "First, that the marriage shall take place within one hundred and eighty days of this agreement and the parties will both be domiciled in the city of Ta'Vaalor or its immediate environs at the time of the marriage."
Avariale raises an eyebrow.
You glance expectantly at Teveriel.
Speaking in Elven, Teveriel reasonably says, "These terms are agreeable."
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "I should add that should that not prove possible, you will need to file these documents again."
Avariale nods once.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "Secondly, that affirmation from the appropriate representatives of both parties shall be obtained prior to the marriage and consent given as subscribed, witnessed, and notarised in this agreement."
Avariale glances expectantly between Teveriel and yourself.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "I am assuming that those present are said representatives."
Avariale chuckles to herself.
Telethir nods at Avariale.
Speaking in Elven, Teveriel agrees, "Those representatives are all present."
You nod graciously.
Avariale nods once.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale continues, "Thirdly, that notice of the marriage shall be publicly posted at least one month in advance."
Avariale glances down.
Avariale purses her mouth, pondering her sapphire-edged paper. The expression on her face speaks volumes.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale reads, "It is specifically agreed that both parties shall have the usual and customary duties of marriage including, but not limited to mutual affection, mutual society, mutual responsibility, and mutual support."
Lysistrata gazes in amusement at Avariale.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale clearly asserts, "The following shall be considered violations of the agreement: abandonment, infidelity, assault, criminal activity, and banishment."
The fire goes quietly out. Small sounds come from the remaining bits of wood as they begin to cool off. A last wisp of smoke rises to signal surrender to the forces of nature.
(Teveriel distractedly regards you with the faintest of smiles.)
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "Abandonment."
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "Infidelity."
Avariale glances around the room.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "Assault."
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "Criminal activity."
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "Banishment."
Avariale nods once.
Vyctus ponders.
Avariale glances around the room.
Speaking in Elven to Avariale, Teveriel assures, "That will not prove to be an issue at all."
Speaking in Elven, Avariale clarifies, "Abandonment shall be defined as either the filing with the clerk in the Town Hall of any instrument seeking either legal separation or legal dissolution of the marriage, or desertion from the marital home for a period of no less than 180 days - whether support has been provided by the deserting party or not."
Lintarith breaks a stick into pieces and tosses them into the fireplace.
Lintarith just grabbed a wooden stick from the wooden sticks.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "Define Separation shall be defined as the leaving or removal of one party at the demand of another party based upon allegations of violation of the contractual prohibitions above. Where separation is initiated, the accused party shall leave the domicile and all financial obligations shall cease forthwith. Resolution and reconciliation may proceed by mutual agreement."
Lintarith takes some wooden sticks and places them in the fireplace. Using two of the smaller pieces, he rubs them until a tiny flame bursts out. Placing the burning twigs among the prepared wood, he blows gently on them until the flames spread and grow.
Lintarith clears his throat.
Speaking appreciatively in Elven to Lintarith, Avariale says, "Thank you, my hip appreciates it."
Avariale winks at Lintarith.
(Uniana idly traces a finger over the velvet of Teveriel's sleeve, nodding as she listens.)
Vyctus gazes with interest at a crystalline decanter of dark amber whiskey on a wheeled steel cart.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale authoritatively says, "Conclude if all are in agreement to the terms of this contract, then I shall ask the necessary parties to sign."
Lintarith glances expectantly between Teveriel and yourself.
Avariale carefully removes her crow feather quill from behind her ear.
Avariale offers you a silver-nibbed crow feather quill. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
Lysistrata gazes with interest at you.
You ponder the meaning of Teveriel's existence.
Offer declined.
Speaking thoughtfully in Elven to Avariale, you suggest, "An addendum, first, if that is alright."
Teveriel cocks his head at you.
Telethir glances at you.
Telethir raises an eyebrow.
Speaking in Elven to you, Avariale asks, "Of course, what do you wish to be considered for addition?"
Avariale carefully tucks her crow feather quill behind one ear.
Avariale glances expectantly at you.
Speaking in Elven to Avariale, you say, "All gifts given to the other party shall remain in the possession of the recipient."
Avariale nods thoughtfully to you.
Avariale glances at Teveriel.
Speaking in Elven to Teveriel, Avariale inquires, "And you are in agreement with this?"
Vyctus rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Teveriel looks thoughtfully at you.
You think to yourself, "I cannot let Lysistrata believe this is not going to be beneficial for the family as a whole."
You lower your gaze.
Speaking in Elven to Avariale, Teveriel says, "I find the original terms and Lady Le'Gondren's addendum acceptable."
Avariale nods appreciatively at Teveriel.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale asks, "And do the representatives of both families present agree to the terms and addendum?"
Avariale glances around the room.
Lysistrata inclines her head.
Speaking in Elven, Lysistrata says, "I agree to the terms and addendum as presented, on behalf of Uniana Le'Gondren."
Avariale nods appreciatively at Lysistrata.
Avariale turns to face Telethir.
Speaking in Elven, Lintarith says, "For my part, so long as the bride and groom to be are content, then so am I."
Avariale smiles at Lintarith.
Speaking in Elven to Telethir, Avariale asks, "And as the elder of the household?"
Lysistrata nods encouragingly at Vyctus.
Teveriel reaches over and gently rests his hand on your arm.
Speaking pleasantly in Elven to Avariale, Vyctus says, "I rather enjoy Lord Anduin, and would be happy to call him cousin to these terms."
Avariale gazes in amusement at Vyctus.
Telethir nods at Avariale.
You lean to your right.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "Excellent."
Speaking in Elven, Telethir says, "I agree, if it satisfies Teveriel."
(Teveriel gives you a reassuring smile--one that fades into a deadpan expression as he glances at Vyctus.)
Vyctus grins mischievously.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "Then I shall have this contract redrafted to include the addendum and send it to all parties for signature."
Lysistrata inclines her head.
Lintarith nods understandingly.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "Please ensure the contracts are returned in good time so that they may be filed accordingly."
You nod faintly.
Avariale idly creases her paper.
Avariale put a sheet of sapphire-edged paper in her leather folio.
The fire goes quietly out. Small sounds come from the remaining bits of wood as they begin to cool off. A last wisp of smoke rises to signal surrender to the forces of nature.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale asks, "Are there any questions before I take my leave?"
Avariale smiles.
Avariale glances around the room.
Avariale picks up a tall glass of spring water.
Avariale takes a drink from her spring water.
Uniana wonders how a fire wizard is so awful at making a fire.
You smile at Avariale.
Telethir shakes his head.
Vyctus shakes his head.
Speaking in Elven, Teveriel replies, "I have none, but I thank you for your time this afternoon."
Vyctus glances at a crystalline decanter of dark amber whiskey on a wheeled steel cart.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "You can both relax now."
Avariale winks at Teveriel.
Avariale smiles at you.
Lintarith looks lost in thought.
Speaking sincerely in Elven to Avariale, you say, "None from me, Adjutant. Your services have been nothing short of ideal."
Speaking in Elven, Lintarith begins, "If I may."
Lintarith raises his hand.
Speaking in Elven to you, Avariale says, "Feel free to send a letter to the Illistim Keep should you have any concerns."
Lysistrata studies Lintarith, giving him an intense consideration.
Avariale nods at Lintarith.
Telethir glances at Lintarith.
You nod understandingly at Avariale.
You turn to face Lintarith.
Speaking in Elven, Lintarith asks, "Can we expect to receive a copy of the document in the mail, then?"
Speaking in Elven to Lintarith, Avariale says, "Yes."
Lintarith nods understandingly.
Speaking in Elven, Lintarith assures, "My reply will be swift."
Speaking in Elven to Lintarith, Avariale says, "That would be appreciated."
Teveriel glances meaningfully at Lintarith.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale remarks, "The documents do need to be filed in a timely fashion."
Telethir glances at Lintarith and rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "Your Clerk of Records is most particular about that here."
Speaking in Elven, Telethir says, "Of course."
You glance at Avariale and unsuccessfully try to stifle your grin.
You think to yourself, "How unsurprising."
Speaking plainly in Elven to Avariale, Telethir says, "We keep excellent records."
Teveriel nods gravely.
Speaking quietly in Elven to you, Vyctus asks, "You did hear that you have to live in Ta'Vaalor for at least one hundred and eighty days, right?"
Speaking wryly in Elven to Telethir, Avariale quips, "You keep copious records."
Telethir squints at Avariale.
Speaking quietly in Elven to Vyctus, you add, "I am actually bound to take my partial citizenship test on Volnes."
Speaking in Elven to Telethir, Avariale elaborates, "Trying to retrieve said documentation for research purposes leaves a little to be desired."
Telethir nods understandingly at Avariale.
Speaking in Elven to you, Vyctus says, "I've done that, but Malwith still doesn't like me."
Vyctus grins mischievously.
You shoot Vyctus the smallest of dismayed glances, conveying your disapproval.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale asks, "Are there any further questions or concerns?"
Lysistrata gazes in amusement at Vyctus.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "I am more than happy to answer them."
(Teveriel shoots Vyctus a vaguely disapproving glance.)
Lintarith chuckles to himself.
Avariale takes a drink from her spring water.
Speaking in Elven to Avariale, Lysistrata says, "I have none. Thank you for your time, and your thoroughness, in ensuring that the Vaalorian traditions of precise documents is handled appropriately."
Vyctus looks thoughtfully at Teveriel.
Speaking in Elven to Teveriel, Vyctus asks, "Did Uniana teach you that look?"
Speaking in Elven to Lysistrata, Avariale says, "My pleasure, Lady Scio."
Lysistrata inclines her head.
Avariale bows her head slightly toward Lysistrata as she drops into a deep, respectful curtsy before her.
Speaking in Elven, Lintarith reasonably says, "I have no further questions."
Uniana smiles and turns towards Avariale, withdrawing from Teveriel as she nears the Illistim elf.
Vyctus smiles.
Speaking in Elven, Vyctus says, "No questions from me."
Avariale smiles.
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "Then I shall leave you all to your familial celebrations."
Avariale takes a drink from her spring water.
Speaking in Elven to Avariale, you ask, "Permit me to see you out?"
[Hunter's Respite, Chamber]
Wood-framed maps, their once vibrant ink aged beneath the panes of glass, hang between paintings of local flora and wildlife that dot the stone-stacked walls of the stone cottage. Two half-circles of worn leather couches enclose an intaglio-carved table in the center of the room, the seating opening up to a trophy-adorned fireplace rising to the ceiling. Crystalline decanters and glasses rest upon a wheeled steel cart nestled in a back corner. You also see an eahnor-framed door carved from gilded mahogany.
Also here: Lintarith, Lysistrata, Lord Vyctus, Telethir, Adjutant Avariale, Lord Teveriel
Obvious exits: north
Speaking in Elven to you, Avariale says, "That would be appreciated, thank you."
Teveriel nods appreciatively to you.
Teveriel smiles.
You quietly whisper to Teveriel, "Fetch the glasses in the case on the table?"
Teveriel whispers, "Of course."
Speaking in Elven, Avariale says, "I bid you all a pleasant afternoon."
Straightening her back, Avariale gives a formal, low curtsy. She inclines her head as well, giving a brief nod.
Speaking in Elven to Avariale, Teveriel wishes, "And you, Lady Greyvael."
Teveriel's bow is graceful, if perfunctory. He follows the bow with a brief nod of his head.
Lysistrata nods graciously at Avariale.
Speaking in Elven to Avariale, Telethir says, "Thank you for your assistance."
Straightening his back, Lintarith gives a formal, low bow to Avariale. He inclines his head as well, giving Avariale a brief nod.
Avariale smiles.