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Verb:WEIGHT/saved posts

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Weapon Base Weights

Category: Game Design Discussions
Topic: Research and Investigation
Message #: 3054
Date: 9/9/2006 4:12:20 PM
Subject: Re: Materials and Weight Mods, Weapon Base Weights
tigerclaw <2
dagger 1
main gauche 2
rapier 3
estoc 4
cudgel 4
short sword 4
longsword 5
backsword 5
scimitar 5
quarterstaff 5
broadsword 5
crowbill 5
pilum 5
handaxe 6
katana 6
war hammer 7
maul 8
mace 8
awl-pike 8
military pick 8
halberd 9
battle axe 9
ball and chain 9
hammer of Kai 9
jeddart-axe 9
bastard sword 9
flamberge 10
greatsword 12
lance 15

Besides brawlers, that has everything covered except falchion, whip-blade, katar, morning star, whip, ball & chain, flail, war mattock, spear, javelin, and trident. I can snag a javelin, flail, and mattock from creatures, the rest I dunno.

I'm going to look into the costs for materials and weapons, but if anyone happens to have (storebought) material gear, that would really help. I've got imflass nailed, everything else is up in the air.

-Anathemus' player

Brawling and Additional Weapons

Category: Game Design Discussions
Topic: Research and Investigation
Message #: 3055
Date: 9/10/2006 12:37:04 AM
Subject: Re: Materials and Weight Mods, Weapon Base Weights
Tiger-claw 1
Knuckle-duster 1
Hook-knife 1
Cestus 2
Knuckle-blade 2
Paingrip 2
Razorpaw 2
Yierka-spur 2
Blackjack 3
Jackblade 3
Troll-claw 3
Fist-scythe 4
Katar 4
Falchion 5
Morning star 8
Trident 12

I'm missing the Sai from the brawlers.

Also, I have some shining vultite platemail (ABP). It is off-the-shelf from RR, but purchased several years ago, so its reliability may be suspect. It inspects as mainly crafted from vultite and weighs 23. As a reference, basic, off-the-shelf ABP weighs 25 and MBP 23.


Material Weight Modifiers, Armors, Shields

Category: Game Design Discussions
Topic: Research and Investigation
Message #: 3059
Date: 9/11/2006 10:12:56 PM
Subject: Re: Materials and Weight Mods, Weapon Base Weights

I have a few of the material weight mods. Further research may prove unnecessary if Coase receives permission to post the official modifiers to the website materials page, when it is updated.

Anathemus' player has established that the standard base modifier to be used is 1 (steel), and that imflass is .7. I have incorporated these into the table below.

Material Weight
Imflass 0.70
Bronze 0.80
Modwir 1.00
Steel 1.00
Wood 1.00
Iron 1.25
Obsidian 1.40

Example: Standard Augmented Breastplate weighs 25 lbs. If crafted from bronze that same ABP would weigh 20 lbs. Base weight (25) x modifier (.8) = 20 lbs.

The next two tables are the standard weights for armor and shields (didn't know if they were readily available anywhere).

Armor Base Weights
AsG Name Weight
2 Flowing robes 8
5 Light leather 10
6 Full leather 13
7 Reinforced leather 15
8 Double leather 16
9 Leather breastplate 16
10 Cuirbouilli leather 17
11 Studded leather 20
12 Brigandine armor 25
13 Chain mail 25
14 Double chain 25
15 Augmented chain 26
16 Chain hauberk 27
17 Metal breastplate 23
18 Augmented breastplate 25
19 Half plate 50
20 Full plate 75
Shield Base Weights
Size Type Weight
Small Kidney 5
Medium/std. Target 8
Large Round 10
Tower/Wall Greatshield 12

Encumbrance Messages:

Wearing Bronze Full Plate (60 lbs.) -

>Your load is a bit heavy, but you feel confident that the weight is not affecting your actions very much.

Wearing Steel (standard) Full Plate (75 lbs.) -

>You feel somewhat weighed down, but can still move well, though you realize you are not as quick as you could be.

Wearing Obsidian Full Plate (105 lbs.) -

>You can't quite get comfortable, and are definitely feeling the effects of the weight you are carrying. Lightening your load could help.


More Material Weight Modifiers and Additional Weapon Base Weights

Category: Game Design Discussions
Topic: Research and Investigation
Message #: 3064
Date: 9/13/2006 4:19:55 AM
Subject: Re: Materials and Weight Mods, Weapon Base Weights

>I'll take your word for the round function. Would be curious to see if it pans out, or how often. At least we have a better idea now.

Anathemus' player's theory holds up quite well. I was able to find a weight of 83 for full plate (75 base weight) but it was an extremely rare result.

>Who wants to buy the vultite full plate and find out that one? :)

Material Weight Modifier
Imflass .7
Bronze .8
Vultite .8*
Mithril .9
Modwir 1
Ora 1
Ruby 1
Steel 1
Wood 1
Iron 1.25
Obsidian 1.4
Glaes 1.5
* I've only been able to narrow the range of the vultite mod to min .8 - max .86

I purchased a vultite lance (base weight 15) and it turns out to weigh 12 pounds. After reselling it, I managed to limit the net loss to 25k...substantially better than the beating I would have taken on vultite plate. I suspect that .8 is probably the actual modifier. Some vultite MBP would narrow it down even further, but my accountant said, "enough already!".

Couple of more weapon base weights:

  • Whip - 5
  • War Mattock - 8
  • Bows (short, composite, long) - 3
  • Light Crossbow - 8
  • Heavy Crossbow - 12
