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< BVShop:Bolt From The Blue
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August 2024

a wave-painted brick door, [Map Room XX], Room# 8212545, Lich# LXX, go brick door

Bolt From The Blue

[Bolt From The Blue - 8212607]
The narrow walls are painted in shades of midnight blue and stormy grey, the paler hues sweeping in spiraling arcs around a rectangular seascape painting at the back. On opposite sides of the room, a dark-grained mistwood case and a carved white pine chest symmetrically mirror the position of a broad willow-planked hutch, each container illuminated by a solitary hanging silver lantern.
Obvious exits: south, out

In the mistwood case you see: a molten orb of smoke token, a hazy orb of fire token, a glowing scarlet torrent token, an acrid column token, a roaring jet of flames token, a hissing green token, an angry bubbling yellow token, and a hissing glob token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a molten orb of smoke token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe heaves a molten orb of smoke and flame at a giant rat!
a hazy orb of fire token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe conjures a hazy orb of smoke-shrouded fire at a giant rat!
a glowing scarlet torrent token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe unleashes a torrent of glowing scarlet flames at a giant rat!
an acrid column token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe releases a flaming column of acrid smoke at a giant rat!
a roaring jet of flames token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe spews a roaring jet of crimson flames at a giant rat!
a hissing green token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Acid bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe flings a hissing ball of caustic green acid at a giant rat!
an angry bubbling yellow token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Acid bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe hurls an angry fist of bubbling yellow acid at a giant rat!
a hissing glob token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Acid bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe flings an ugly glob of hissing fluid at a giant rat!

In the white pine chest you see: a howling windswept token, a wintry globe of frost token, a chilling icy blast token, a rumbling swirl of snow token, and a pristine sphere of ice token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a howling windswept token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Cold bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe blasts a howling windswept storm of sharpened ice at a giant rat!
a wintry globe of frost token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Cold bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe propels a wintry globe of frost and ice at a giant rat!
a chilling icy blast token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Cold bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe unleashes a chilling blast of icy air at a giant rat!
a rumbling swirl of snow token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Cold bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe slings a rumbling swirl of ice and snow at a giant rat!
a pristine sphere of ice token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Cold bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe aims a pristine sphere of elemental ice at a giant rat!

In the willow-planked hutch you see: a rippling sapphire blue token, a wavering crystalline token, an undulating water sphere token, a dazzling silver pulse token, a hissing white cascade token, and a crackling elemental token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a rippling sapphire blue token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Water bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe conjures a rippling sphere of sapphire blue water at a giant rat!
a wavering crystalline token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Water bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe aims a wavering orb of crystalline liquid at a giant rat!
an undulating water sphere token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Water bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe slings an undulating sphere of water at a giant rat!
a dazzling silver pulse token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Shock bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe propels a pulse of dazzling silver elemental electricity at a giant rat!
a hissing white cascade token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Shock bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe conjures a cascade of hissing white electricity at a giant rat!
a crackling elemental token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Shock bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe unleashes a spray of crackling elemental electricity at a giant rat!

Bolt From The Blue, Niche

[Bolt From The Blue, Niche - 8212608]
A faint note of ozone hangs lightly in the air, aptly playing off the sky blue tones used in the niche's interior. Finely honed woodworking skills are presented in the forms of a glossy mahogany counter and a lacquered oak table placed at the center of the space. Stacked neatly at the back, some golden bramblespine crates sit next to an oversized iron-bound trunk that is incised with an array of silvery glyphs and symbols.
Obvious exits: north, west

On the mahogany counter you see: a briny seawater token and a pristine blessed water token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a briny seawater token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Holy Bolt bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe blasts a briny ball of salty seawater at a giant rat!
a pristine blessed water token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Holy Bolt bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe hurtles a pristine sphere of blessed water at a giant rat!

On the oak table you see: a crumbling earth token, a black basalt pyramid token, a thundering column token, a wild tempest token, and a rumbling dark pillar token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a crumbling earth token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Hurl Boulder bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe hurls a massive and crumbling hunk of earth at a giant rat!
a black basalt pyramid token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Hurl Boulder bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe manifests a sharpened pyramid of glittering black basalt at a giant rat!
a thundering column token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Hand of Tonis bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe blasts a thundering column of churning white wind at a giant rat!
a wild tempest token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Hand of Tonis bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe summons a wild tempest of spinning wind at a giant rat!
a rumbling dark pillar token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Hand of Tonis bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe manifests a rumbling dark pillar of stormy air at a giant rat!

In the bramblespine crates you see: a crackling violet corona token, a peacock blue corona token, a jagged electric arc token, a crackling white token, and a torrent of lightning token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a crackling violet corona token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Shock bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe summons a furious corona of crackling violet lightning at a giant rat!
a peacock blue corona token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Shock bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe fires a corona of peacock blue elemental electricity at a giant rat!
a jagged electric arc token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Shock bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe aims a jagged arc of ferocious electric force at a giant rat!
a crackling white token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Shock bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe hurls a wild arc of crackling white lightning at a giant rat!
a torrent of lightning token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Shock bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe unleashes a torrent of unbridled elemental lightning at a giant rat!

In the iron-bound trunk you see: a swirling golden globe token, a globe of silver fire token, a massive fireball token, an angry lashing sphere token, and a searing sigil token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a swirling golden globe token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe unleashes a swirling globe of radiant golden fire at a giant rat!
a globe of silver fire token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe heaves a tremendous globe of silver-haloed fire at a giant rat!
a massive fireball token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe hurls a massive smoking fireball at a giant rat!
an angry lashing sphere token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe slings an angry sphere of lashing flames at a giant rat!
a searing sigil token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe manifests a searing sigil of elemental fire at a giant rat!

Bolt From The Blue, Nook

[Bolt From The Blue, Nook - 8212609]
Ivory-swept dark grey silk walls wrap around the semi-circular nook area, providing a pleasingly stark backdrop for a pewter-set ivory stand and a beveled ironwood sideboard. Tiny clusters of silvery lights are suspended in a gentle wave configuration from the ceiling, illuminating an ornate willow receptacle resting in the middle of the room.
Obvious exits: east

In the willow receptacle you see: a shrouded crimson token, a blinding scarlet radiance token, a crackling white plasma token, a shrouded crimson flames token, a crackling green plasma token, and a rippling green token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a shrouded crimson token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Disintegrate bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe fires a smoke-shrouded beam of crimson light at a giant rat!
a blinding scarlet radiance token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Empathic Assault bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe projects an ebon-veined orb of blinding scarlet radiance at a giant rat!
a crackling white plasma token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Empathic Assault bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe shoots a furious bolt of crackling white plasma at a giant rat!
a shrouded crimson flames token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Balefire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe blasts a smoke-shrouded globe of crimson flames at a giant rat!
a crackling green plasma token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Balefire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe hurls a crackling sphere of glowing green plasma at a giant rat!
a rippling green token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Disintegrate bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe directs a violent pulse of rippling green energy at a giant rat!

On the ironwood sideboard you see: a hissing globe token, a hissing green sphere token, a sharpened ice chunk token, a jagged snow-swirled token, a hot hissing plume token, and a churning steam torrent token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a hissing globe token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Acid bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe hurls a hissing globe of bubbling liquid at a giant rat!
a hissing green sphere token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Acid bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe spews an undulating sphere of hissing green acid at a giant rat!
a sharpened ice chunk token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Cold bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe points a viciously sharpened chunk of ice at a giant rat!
a jagged snow-swirled token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Cold bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe tosses a jagged block of snow-swirled ice at a giant rat!
a hot hissing plume token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Steam bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe unleashes a hot plume of hissing steam at a giant rat!
a churning steam torrent token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Steam bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe spews a churning torrent of heat and steam at a giant rat!

On the ivory stand you see: a white webbing token, a white webbing token, a dazzling silver flame token, and a sparkling scarlet fire token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a white webbing token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Web bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe shoots gossamer threads of white webbing at a giant rat!
a white webbing token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Web bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe slings a spray of sticky white webbing at a giant rat!
a dazzling silver flame token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Fire Spirit bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe fires a dazzling bolt of searing silver flames at a giant rat!
a sparkling scarlet fire token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Fire Spirit bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe aims a sparkling sphere of scarlet fire at a giant rat!

February 2024

a wave-painted brick door, [Map Room 16], Room# 8212545, Lich# L26878, go brick door

Bolt From The Blue

[Bolt From The Blue - 8212607]
The narrow walls are painted in shades of midnight blue and stormy grey, the paler hues sweeping in spiraling arcs around a rectangular seascape painting at the back. On opposite sides of the room, a dark-grained mistwood case and a carved white pine chest symmetrically mirror the position of a broad willow-planked hutch, each container illuminated by a solitary hanging silver lantern.
Obvious exits: south, out

In the willow-planked hutch you see: a crackling elemental token, a hissing white cascade token, a dazzling silver pulse token, an undulating water sphere token, a wavering crystalline token, and a rippling sapphire blue token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a crackling elemental token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Shock bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe unleashes a spray of crackling elemental electricity at a giant rat!
a hissing white cascade token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Shock bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe conjures a cascade of hissing white electricity at a giant rat!
a dazzling silver pulse token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Shock bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe propels a pulse of dazzling silver elemental electricity at a giant rat!
an undulating water sphere token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Water bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe slings an undulating sphere of water at a giant rat!
a wavering crystalline token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Water bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe aims a wavering orb of crystalline liquid at a giant rat!
a rippling sapphire blue token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Water bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe conjures a rippling sphere of sapphire blue water at a giant rat!

In the white pine chest you see: a pristine sphere of ice token, a rumbling swirl of snow token, a chilling icy blast token, a wintry globe of frost token, and a howling windswept token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a pristine sphere of ice token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Cold bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe aims a pristine sphere of elemental ice at a giant rat!
a rumbling swirl of snow token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Cold bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe slings a rumbling swirl of ice and snow at a giant rat!
a chilling icy blast token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Cold bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe unleashes a chilling blast of icy air at a giant rat!
a wintry globe of frost token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Cold bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe propels a wintry globe of frost and ice at a giant rat!
a howling windswept token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Cold bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe blasts a howling windswept storm of sharpened ice at a giant rat!

In the mistwood case you see: a hissing glob token, an angry bubbling yellow token, a hissing green token, a roaring jet of flames token, an acrid column token, a glowing scarlet torrent token, a hazy orb of fire token, and a molten orb of smoke token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a hissing glob token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Acid bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe flings an ugly glob of hissing fluid at a giant rat!
an angry bubbling yellow token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Acid bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe hurls an angry fist of bubbling yellow acid at a giant rat!
a hissing green token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Acid bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe flings a hissing ball of caustic green acid at a giant rat!
a roaring jet of flames token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe spews a roaring jet of crimson flames at a giant rat!
an acrid column token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe releases a flaming column of acrid smoke at a giant rat!
a glowing scarlet torrent token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe unleashes a torrent of glowing scarlet flames at a giant rat!
a hazy orb of fire token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe conjures a hazy orb of smoke-shrouded fire at a giant rat!
a molten orb of smoke token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe heaves a molten orb of smoke and flame at a giant rat!

Bolt From The Blue, Niche

[Bolt From The Blue, Niche - 8212608]
A faint note of ozone hangs lightly in the air, aptly playing off the sky blue tones used in the niche's interior. Finely honed woodworking skills are presented in the forms of a glossy mahogany counter and a lacquered oak table placed at the center of the space. Stacked neatly at the back, some golden bramblespine crates sit next to an oversized iron-bound trunk that is incised with an array of silvery glyphs and symbols.
Obvious exits: north, west

In the iron-bound trunk you see: a searing sigil token, an angry lashing sphere token, a massive fireball token, a globe of silver fire token, and a swirling golden globe token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a searing sigil token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe manifests a searing sigil of elemental fire at a giant rat!
an angry lashing sphere token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe slings an angry sphere of lashing flames at a giant rat!
a massive fireball token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe hurls a massive smoking fireball at a giant rat!
a globe of silver fire token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe heaves a tremendous globe of silver-haloed fire at a giant rat!
a swirling golden globe token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe unleashes a swirling globe of radiant golden fire at a giant rat!

In the bramblespine crates you see: a torrent of lightning token, a crackling white token, a jagged electric arc token, a peacock blue corona token, and a crackling violet corona token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a torrent of lightning token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Shock bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe unleashes a torrent of unbridled elemental lightning at a giant rat!
a crackling white token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Shock bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe hurls a wild arc of crackling white lightning at a giant rat!
a jagged electric arc token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Shock bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe aims a jagged arc of ferocious electric force at a giant rat!
a peacock blue corona token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Shock bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe fires a corona of peacock blue elemental electricity at a giant rat!
a crackling violet corona token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Shock bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe summons a furious corona of crackling violet lightning at a giant rat!

On the oak table you see: a rumbling dark pillar token, a wild tempest token, a thundering column token, a black basalt pyramid token, and a crumbling earth token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a rumbling dark pillar token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Hand of Tonis bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe manifests a rumbling dark pillar of stormy air at a giant rat!
a wild tempest token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Hand of Tonis bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe summons a wild tempest of spinning wind at a giant rat!
a thundering column token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Hand of Tonis bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe blasts a thundering column of churning white wind at a giant rat!
a black basalt pyramid token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Hurl Boulder bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe manifests a sharpened pyramid of glittering black basalt at a giant rat!
a crumbling earth token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Hurl Boulder bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe hurls a massive and crumbling hunk of earth at a giant rat!

On the mahogany counter you see: a pristine blessed water token and a briny seawater token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a pristine blessed water token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Holy Bolt bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe hurtles a pristine sphere of blessed water at a giant rat!
a briny seawater token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Holy Bolt bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe blasts a briny ball of salty seawater at a giant rat!

Bolt From The Blue, Nook

[Bolt From The Blue, Nook - 8212609]
Ivory-swept dark grey silk walls wrap around the semi-circular nook area, providing a pleasingly stark backdrop for a pewter-set ivory stand and a beveled ironwood sideboard. Tiny clusters of silvery lights are suspended in a gentle wave configuration from the ceiling, illuminating an ornate willow receptacle resting in the middle of the room.
Obvious exits: east

On the ivory stand you see: a sparkling scarlet fire token, a dazzling silver flame token, a white webbing token, and a white webbing token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a sparkling scarlet fire token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Fire Spirit bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe aims a sparkling sphere of scarlet fire at a giant rat!
a dazzling silver flame token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Fire Spirit bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe fires a dazzling bolt of searing silver flames at a giant rat!
a white webbing token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Web bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe slings a spray of sticky white webbing at a giant rat!
a white webbing token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Web bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe shoots gossamer threads of white webbing at a giant rat!

On the ironwood sideboard you see: a churning steam torrent token, a hot hissing plume token, a jagged snow-swirled token, a sharpened ice chunk token, a hissing green sphere token, and a hissing globe token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a churning steam torrent token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Steam bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe spews a churning torrent of heat and steam at a giant rat!
a hot hissing plume token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Steam bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe unleashes a hot plume of hissing steam at a giant rat!
a jagged snow-swirled token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Cold bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe tosses a jagged block of snow-swirled ice at a giant rat!
a sharpened ice chunk token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Cold bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe points a viciously sharpened chunk of ice at a giant rat!
a hissing green sphere token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Acid bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe spews an undulating sphere of hissing green acid at a giant rat!
a hissing globe token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Acid bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe hurls a hissing globe of bubbling liquid at a giant rat!

In the willow receptacle you see: a rippling green token, a crackling green plasma token, a shrouded crimson flames token, a crackling white plasma token, a blinding scarlet radiance token, and a shrouded crimson token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a rippling green token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Disintegrate bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe directs a violent pulse of rippling green energy at a giant rat!
a crackling green plasma token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Balefire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe hurls a crackling sphere of glowing green plasma at a giant rat!
a shrouded crimson flames token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Balefire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe blasts a smoke-shrouded globe of crimson flames at a giant rat!
a crackling white plasma token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Empathic Assault bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe shoots a furious bolt of crackling white plasma at a giant rat!
a blinding scarlet radiance token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Empathic Assault bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe projects an ebon-veined orb of blinding scarlet radiance at a giant rat!
a shrouded crimson token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging
[[Custom bolt messaging]]<br> 
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Disintegrate bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe fires a smoke-shrouded beam of crimson light at a giant rat!

August 2023

a wave-painted brick door, [Map Room XX], Room# 8212545, Lich# LXX, go brick door

Bolt From The Blue

[Bolt From The Blue - 8212607]
The narrow walls are painted in shades of midnight blue and stormy grey, the paler hues sweeping in spiraling arcs around a rectangular seascape painting at the back. On opposite sides of the room, a dark-grained mistwood case and a carved white pine chest symmetrically mirror the position of a broad willow-planked hutch, each container illuminated by a solitary hanging silver lantern.
Obvious exits: south, out

In the mistwood case you see: a molten orb of smoke token, a hazy orb of fire token, a glowing scarlet torrent token, an acrid column token, a roaring jet of flames token, a hissing green token, an angry bubbling yellow token, and a hissing glob token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a molten orb of smoke token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe heaves a molten orb of smoke and flame at a giant rat!
a hazy orb of fire token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe conjures a hazy orb of smoke-shrouded fire at a giant rat!
a glowing scarlet torrent token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe unleashes a torrent of glowing scarlet flames at a giant rat!
an acrid column token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe releases a flaming column of acrid smoke at a giant rat!
a roaring jet of flames token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe spews a roaring jet of crimson flames at a giant rat!
a hissing green token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Acid bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe flings a hissing ball of caustic green acid at a giant rat!
an angry bubbling yellow token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Acid bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe hurls an angry fist of bubbling yellow acid at a giant rat!
a hissing glob token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Acid bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe flings an ugly glob of hissing fluid at a giant rat!

In the white pine chest you see: a howling windswept token, a wintry globe of frost token, a chilling icy blast token, a rumbling swirl of snow token, and a pristine sphere of ice token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a howling windswept token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Cold bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe blasts a howling windswept storm of sharpened ice at a giant rat!
a wintry globe of frost token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Cold bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe propels a wintry globe of frost and ice at a giant rat!
a chilling icy blast token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Cold bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe unleashes a chilling blast of icy air at a giant rat!
a rumbling swirl of snow token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Cold bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe slings a rumbling swirl of ice and snow at a giant rat!
a pristine sphere of ice token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Cold bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe aims a pristine sphere of elemental ice at a giant rat!

In the willow-planked hutch you see: a rippling sapphire blue token, a wavering crystalline token, an undulating water sphere token, a dazzling silver pulse token, a hissing white cascade token, and a crackling elemental token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a rippling sapphire blue token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Water bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe conjures a rippling sphere of sapphire blue water at a giant rat!
a wavering crystalline token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Water bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe aims a wavering orb of crystalline liquid at a giant rat!
an undulating water sphere token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Water bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe slings an undulating sphere of water at a giant rat!
a dazzling silver pulse token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Shock bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe propels a pulse of dazzling silver elemental electricity at a giant rat!
a hissing white cascade token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Shock bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe conjures a cascade of hissing white electricity at a giant rat!
a crackling elemental token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Shock bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe unleashes a spray of crackling elemental electricity at a giant rat!

Bolt From The Blue, Niche

[Bolt From The Blue, Niche - 8212608]
A faint note of ozone hangs lightly in the air, aptly playing off the sky blue tones used in the niche's interior. Finely honed woodworking skills are presented in the forms of a glossy mahogany counter and a lacquered oak table placed at the center of the space. Stacked neatly at the back, some golden bramblespine crates sit next to an oversized iron-bound trunk that is incised with an array of silvery glyphs and symbols.
Obvious exits: north, west

On the mahogany counter you see: a briny seawater token and a pristine blessed water token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a briny seawater token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Holy Bolt bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe blasts a briny ball of salty seawater at a giant rat!
a pristine blessed water token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Holy Bolt bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe hurtles a pristine sphere of blessed water at a giant rat!

On the oak table you see: a crumbling earth token, a black basalt pyramid token, a thundering column token, a wild tempest token, and a rumbling dark pillar token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a crumbling earth token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Hurl Boulder bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe hurls a massive and crumbling hunk of earth at a giant rat!
a black basalt pyramid token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Hurl Boulder bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe manifests a sharpened pyramid of glittering black basalt at a giant rat!
a thundering column token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Hand of Tonis bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe blasts a thundering column of churning white wind at a giant rat!
a wild tempest token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Hand of Tonis bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe summons a wild tempest of spinning wind at a giant rat!
a rumbling dark pillar token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Hand of Tonis bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe manifests a rumbling dark pillar of stormy air at a giant rat!

In the bramblespine crates you see: a crackling violet corona token, a peacock blue corona token, a jagged electric arc token, a crackling white token, and a torrent of lightning token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a crackling violet corona token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Shock bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe summons a furious corona of crackling violet lightning at a giant rat!
a peacock blue corona token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Shock bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe fires a corona of peacock blue elemental electricity at a giant rat!
a jagged electric arc token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Shock bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe aims a jagged arc of ferocious electric force at a giant rat!
a crackling white token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Shock bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe hurls a wild arc of crackling white lightning at a giant rat!
a torrent of lightning token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Shock bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe unleashes a torrent of unbridled elemental lightning at a giant rat!

In the iron-bound trunk you see: a swirling golden globe token, a globe of silver fire token, a massive fireball token, an angry lashing sphere token, and a searing sigil token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a swirling golden globe token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe unleashes a swirling globe of radiant golden fire at a giant rat!
a globe of silver fire token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe heaves a tremendous globe of silver-haloed fire at a giant rat!
a massive fireball token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe hurls a massive smoking fireball at a giant rat!
an angry lashing sphere token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe slings an angry sphere of lashing flames at a giant rat!
a searing sigil token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Fire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe manifests a searing sigil of elemental fire at a giant rat!

Bolt From The Blue, Nook

[Bolt From The Blue, Nook - 8212609]
Ivory-swept dark grey silk walls wrap around the semi-circular nook area, providing a pleasingly stark backdrop for a pewter-set ivory stand and a beveled ironwood sideboard. Tiny clusters of silvery lights are suspended in a gentle wave configuration from the ceiling, illuminating an ornate willow receptacle resting in the middle of the room.
Obvious exits: east

In the willow receptacle you see: a shrouded crimson token, a blinding scarlet radiance token, a crackling white plasma token, a shrouded crimson flames token, a crackling green plasma token, and a rippling green token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a shrouded crimson token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Disintegrate bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe fires a smoke-shrouded beam of crimson light at a giant rat!
a blinding scarlet radiance token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Empathic Assault bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe projects an ebon-veined orb of blinding scarlet radiance at a giant rat!
a crackling white plasma token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Empathic Assault bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe shoots a furious bolt of crackling white plasma at a giant rat!
a shrouded crimson flames token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Balefire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe blasts a smoke-shrouded globe of crimson flames at a giant rat!
a crackling green plasma token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Balefire bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe hurls a crackling sphere of glowing green plasma at a giant rat!
a rippling green token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Disintegrate bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe directs a violent pulse of rippling green energy at a giant rat!

On the ironwood sideboard you see: a hissing globe token, a hissing green sphere token, a sharpened ice chunk token, a jagged snow-swirled token, a hot hissing plume token, and a churning steam torrent token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a hissing globe token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Acid bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe hurls a hissing globe of bubbling liquid at a giant rat!
a hissing green sphere token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Major Acid bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe spews an undulating sphere of hissing green acid at a giant rat!
a sharpened ice chunk token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Cold bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe points a viciously sharpened chunk of ice at a giant rat!
a jagged snow-swirled token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Cold bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe tosses a jagged block of snow-swirled ice at a giant rat!
a hot hissing plume token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Steam bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe unleashes a hot plume of hissing steam at a giant rat!
a churning steam torrent token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Minor Steam bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe spews a churning torrent of heat and steam at a giant rat!

On the ivory stand you see: a white webbing token, a white webbing token, a dazzling silver flame token, and a sparkling scarlet fire token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a white webbing token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Web bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe shoots gossamer threads of white webbing at a giant rat!
a white webbing token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Web bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe slings a spray of sticky white webbing at a giant rat!
a dazzling silver flame token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Fire Spirit bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe fires a dazzling bolt of searing silver flames at a giant rat!
a sparkling scarlet fire token < 1 lb
When REDEEMed, this token will grant a custom Fire Spirit bolt message to your character:

Thandiwe aims a sparkling sphere of scarlet fire at a giant rat!

February 2023

a wave-painted brick door, [Map Room 16], Room# 8212545, Lich# L26878, go brick door

Bolt From The Blue

[Bolt From The Blue - 8212607]
The narrow walls are painted in shades of midnight blue and stormy grey, the paler hues sweeping in spiraling arcs around a rectangular seascape painting at the back. On opposite sides of the room, a dark-grained mistwood case and a carved white pine chest symmetrically mirror the position of a broad willow-planked hutch, each container illuminated by a solitary hanging silver lantern.
Obvious exits: south, out

In the willow-planked hutch you see: a crackling elemental token, a hissing white cascade token, a dazzling silver pulse token, an undulating water sphere token, a wavering crystalline token, and a rippling sapphire blue token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a crackling elemental token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Shock (901) spell
  You unleash a spray of crackling elemental electricity at a giant rat!
  <Player> unleashes a spray of crackling elemental electricity at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a hissing white cascade token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Shock (901) spell
  You conjure a cascade of hissing white electricity at a giant rat!
  <Player> conjures a cascade of hissing white electricity at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a dazzling silver pulse token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Shock (901) spell
  You propel a pulse of dazzling silver elemental electricity at a giant rat!
  <Player> propels a pulse of dazzling silver elemental electricity at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
an undulating water sphere token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Water (903) spell
  You sling an undulating sphere of water at a giant rat!
  <Player> slings an undulating sphere of water at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a wavering crystalline token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Water (903) spell
  You aim a wavering orb of crystalline liquid at a giant rat!
  <Player> aims a wavering orb of crystalline liquid at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a rippling sapphire blue token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Water (903) spell
  You conjure a rippling sphere of sapphire blue water at a giant rat!
  <Player> conjures a rippling sphere of sapphire blue water at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.

In the white pine chest you see: a pristine sphere of ice token, a rumbling swirl of snow token, a chilling icy blast token, a wintry globe of frost token, and a howling windswept token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a pristine sphere of ice token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907) spell
  You aim a pristine sphere of elemental ice at a giant rat!
  <Player> aims a pristine sphere of elemental ice at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a rumbling swirl of snow token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907) spell
  You sling a rumbling swirl of ice and snow at a giant rat!
  <Player> slings a rumbling swirl of ice and snow at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a chilling icy blast token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907) spell
  You unleash a chilling blast of icy air at a giant rat!
  <Player> unleashes a chilling blast of icy air at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a wintry globe of frost token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907) spell
  You propel a wintry globe of frost and ice at a giant rat!
  <Player> propels a wintry globe of frost and ice at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a howling windswept token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907) spell
  You blast a howling windswept storm of sharpened ice at a giant rat!
  <Player> blasts a howling windswept storm of sharpened ice at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.

In the mistwood case you see: a hissing glob token, an angry bubbling yellow token, a hissing green token, a roaring jet of flames token, an acrid column token, a glowing scarlet torrent token, a hazy orb of fire token, and a molten orb of smoke token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a hissing glob token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Acid (904) spell
  You fling an ugly glob of hissing fluid at a giant rat!
  <Player> flings an ugly glob of hissing fluid at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
an angry bubbling yellow token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Acid (904) spell
  You hurl an angry fist of bubbling yellow acid at a giant rat!
  <Player> hurls an angry fist of bubbling yellow acid at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a hissing green token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Acid (904) spell
  You fling a hissing ball of caustic green acid at a giant rat!
  <Player> flings a hissing ball of caustic green acid at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a roaring jet of flames token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906) spell
  You spew a roaring jet of crimson flames at a giant rat!
  <Player> spews a roaring jet of crimson flames at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
an acrid column token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906) spell
  You release a flaming column of acrid smoke at a giant rat!
  <Player> releases a flaming column of acrid smoke at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a glowing scarlet torrent token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906) spell
  You unleash a torrent of glowing scarlet flames at a giant rat!
  <Player> unleashes a torrent of glowing scarlet flames at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a hazy orb of fire token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906) spell
  You conjure a hazy orb or smoke-shrouded fire at a giant rat!
  <Player> conjures a hazy orb or smoke-shrouded fire at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a molten orb of smoke token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906) spell
  You heave a molten orb of smoke and flame at a giant rat!
  <Player> heaves a molten orb of smoke and flame at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.

Bolt From The Blue, Niche

[Bolt From The Blue, Niche - 8212608]
A faint note of ozone hangs lightly in the air, aptly playing off the sky blue tones used in the niche's interior. Finely honed woodworking skills are presented in the forms of a glossy mahogany counter and a lacquered oak table placed at the center of the space. Stacked neatly at the back, some golden bramblespine crates sit next to an oversized iron-bound trunk that is incised with an array of silvery glyphs and symbols.
Obvious exits: north, west

In the iron-bound trunk you see: a searing sigil token, an angry lashing sphere token, a massive fireball token, a globe of silver fire token, and a swirling golden globe token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a searing sigil token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908) spell
  You manifest a searing sigil of elemental fire at a giant rat!
  <Player> manifests a searing sigil of elemental fire at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
an angry lashing sphere token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908) spell
  You sling an angry sphere of lashing flames at a giant rat!
  <Player> slings an angry sphere of lashing flames at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a massive fireball token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908) spell
  You hurl a massive smoking fireball at a giant rat!
  <Player> hurls a massive smoking fireball at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a globe of silver fire token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908) spell
  You heave a tremendous globe of silver-haloed fire at a giant rat!
  <Player> heaves a tremendous globe of silver-haloed fire at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a swirling golden globe token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908) spell
  You unleash a swirling globe of radiant golden fire at a giant rat!
  <Player> unleashes a swirling globe of radiant golden fire at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.

In the bramblespine crates you see: a torrent of lightning token, a crackling white token, a jagged electric arc token, a peacock blue corona token, and a crackling violet corona token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a torrent of lightning token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910) spell
  You unleash a torrent of unbridled elemental lightning at a giant rat!
  <Player> unleashes a torrent of unbridled elemental lightning at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a crackling white token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910) spell
  You hurl a wild arc of crackling white lightning at a giant rat!
  <Player> hurls a wild arc of crackling white lightning at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a jagged electric arc token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910) spell
  You aim a jagged arc of ferocious electric force at a giant rat!
  <Player> aims a jagged arc of ferocious electric force at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a peacock blue corona token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910) spell
  You fire a corona of peacock blue elemental electricity at a giant rat!
  <Player> fires a corona of peacock blue elemental electricity at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a crackling violet corona token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910) spell
  You summon a furious corona of crackling violet lightning at a giant rat!
  <Player> summons a furious corona of crackling violet lightning at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.

On the oak table you see: a rumbling dark pillar token, a wild tempest token, a thundering column token, a black basalt pyramid token, and a crumbling earth token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a rumbling dark pillar token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Hand of Tonis (505) spell
  You manifest a rumbling dark pillar of stormy air at a giant rat!
  <Player> manifests a rumbling dark pillar of stormy air at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a wild tempest token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Hand of Tonis (505) spell
  You summon a wild tempest of spinning wind at a giant rat!
  <Player> summons a wild tempest of spinning wind at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a thundering column token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Hand of Tonis (505) spell
  You blast a thundering column of churning white wind at a giant rat!
  <Player> blasts a thundering column of churning white wind at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a black basalt pyramid token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Hurl Boulder (510) spell
  You manifest a sharpened pyramid of glittering black basalt at a giant rat!
  <Player> manifests a sharpened pyramid of glittering black basalt at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a crumbling earth token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Hurl Boulder (510) spell
  You hurl a massive and crumbling hunk of earth at a giant rat!
  <Player> hurls a massive and crumbling hunk of earth at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.

On the mahogany counter you see: a pristine blessed water token and a briny seawater token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a pristine blessed water token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Holy Bolt (306) spell
  You hurtle a pristine sphere of blessed water at a giant rat!
  <Player> hurtles a pristine sphere of blessed water at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a briny seawater token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Holy Bolt (306) spell
  You blast a briny ball of salty seawater at a giant rat!
  <Player> blasts a briny ball of salty seawater at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.

Bolt From The Blue, Nook

[Bolt From The Blue, Nook - 8212609]
Ivory-swept dark grey silk walls wrap around the semi-circular nook area, providing a pleasingly stark backdrop for a pewter-set ivory stand and a beveled ironwood sideboard. Tiny clusters of silvery lights are suspended in a gentle wave configuration from the ceiling, illuminating an ornate willow receptacle resting in the middle of the room.
Obvious exits: east

On the ivory stand you see: a sparkling scarlet fire token, a dazzling silver flame token, a white webbing token, and a white webbing token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a sparkling scarlet fire token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Fire Spirit (111) spell
  You aim a sparkling sphere of scarlet fire at a giant rat!
  <Player> aims a sparkling sphere of scarlet fire at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a dazzling silver flame token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Fire Spirit (111) spell
  You fire a dazzling bolt of searing silver flames at a giant rat!
  <Player> fires a dazzling bolt of searing silver flames at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a white webbing token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Web (118) spell
  You sling a spray of sticky white webbing at a giant rat!
  <Player> slings a spray of sticky white webbing at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a white webbing token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Web (118) spell
  You shoot gossamer threads of white webbing at a giant rat!
  <Player> shoots gossamer threads of white webbing at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.

On the ironwood sideboard you see: a churning steam torrent token, a hot hissing plume token, a jagged snow-swirled token, a sharpened ice chunk token, a hissing green sphere token, and a hissing globe token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a churning steam torrent token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Steam (1707) spell
  You spew a churning torrent of heat and steam at a giant rat!
  <Player> spews a churning torrent of heat and steam at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a hot hissing plume token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Steam (1707) spell
  You unleash a hot plume of hissing steam at a giant rat!
  <Player> unleashes a hot plume of hissing steam at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a jagged snow-swirled token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Cold (1709) spell
  You toss a jagged block of snow-swirled ice at a giant rat!
  <Player> tosses a jagged block of snow-swirled ice at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a sharpened ice chunk token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Cold (1709) spell
  You point a viciously sharpened chunk of ice at a giant rat!
  <Player> points a viciously sharpened chunk of ice at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a hissing green sphere token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Acid (1710) spell
  You spew an undulating sphere of hissing green acid at a giant rat!
  <Player> spews an undulating sphere of hissing green acid at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a hissing globe token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Acid (1710) spell
  You hurl a hissing globe of bubbling liquid at a giant rat!
  <Player> hurls a hissing globe of bubbling liquid at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.

In the willow receptacle you see: a rippling green token, a crackling green plasma token, a shrouded crimson flames token, a crackling white plasma token, a blinding scarlet radiance token, and a shrouded crimson token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a rippling green token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Disintegrate (705) spell
  You direct a violent pulse of rippling green energy at a giant rat!
  <Player> directs a violent pulse of rippling green energy at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a crackling green plasma token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Balefire (713) spell
  You hurl a crackling sphere of glowing green plasma at a giant rat!
  <Player> hurls a crackling sphere of glowing green plasma at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a shrouded crimson flames token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Balefire (713) spell
  You blast a smoke-shrouded globe of crimson flames at a giant rat!
  <Player> blasts a smoke-shrouded globe of crimson flames at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a crackling white plasma token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Empathic Assault (1110) spell
  You shoot a furious bolt of crackling white plasma at a giant rat!
  <Player> shoots a furious bolt of crackling white plasma at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a blinding scarlet radiance token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Empathic Assault (1110) spell
  You project an ebon-veined orb of blinding scarlet radiance at a giant rat!
  <Player> projects an ebon-veined orb of blinding scarlet radiance at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a shrouded crimson token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Disintegrate (705) spell
  You fire a smoke-shrouded beam of crimson light at a giant rat!
  <Player> fires a smoke-shrouded beam of crimson light at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.

August 2022

a wave-painted brick door, [Map Room 16], Room# 8212545, Lich# L26878, go brick door

Bolt From The Blue

[Bolt From The Blue - 8212607]
The narrow walls are painted in shades of midnight blue and stormy grey, the paler hues sweeping in spiraling arcs around a rectangular seascape painting at the back. On opposite sides of the room, a dark-grained mistwood case and a carved white pine chest symmetrically mirror the position of a broad willow-planked hutch, each container illuminated by a solitary hanging silver lantern.
Obvious exits: south, out

In the willow-planked hutch you see: a crackling elemental token, a hissing white cascade token, a dazzling silver pulse token, an undulating water sphere token, a wavering crystalline token, and a rippling sapphire blue token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a crackling elemental token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Shock (901) spell
  You unleash a spray of crackling elemental electricity at a giant rat!
  <Player> unleashes a spray of crackling elemental electricity at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a hissing white cascade token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Shock (901) spell
  You conjure a cascade of hissing white electricity at a giant rat!
  <Player> conjures a cascade of hissing white electricity at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a dazzling silver pulse token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Shock (901) spell
  You propel a pulse of dazzling silver elemental electricity at a giant rat!
  <Player> propels a pulse of dazzling silver elemental electricity at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
an undulating water sphere token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Water (903) spell
  You sling an undulating sphere of water at a giant rat!
  <Player> slings an undulating sphere of water at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a wavering crystalline token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Water (903) spell
  You aim a wavering orb of crystalline liquid at a giant rat!
  <Player> aims a wavering orb of crystalline liquid at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a rippling sapphire blue token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Water (903) spell
  You conjure a rippling sphere of sapphire blue water at a giant rat!
  <Player> conjures a rippling sphere of sapphire blue water at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.

In the white pine chest you see: a pristine sphere of ice token, a rumbling swirl of snow token, a chilling icy blast token, a wintry globe of frost token, and a howling windswept token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a pristine sphere of ice token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907) spell
  You aim a pristine sphere of elemental ice at a giant rat!
  <Player> aims a pristine sphere of elemental ice at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a rumbling swirl of snow token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907) spell
  You sling a rumbling swirl of ice and snow at a giant rat!
  <Player> slings a rumbling swirl of ice and snow at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a chilling icy blast token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907) spell
  You unleash a chilling blast of icy air at a giant rat!
  <Player> unleashes a chilling blast of icy air at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a wintry globe of frost token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907) spell
  You propel a wintry globe of frost and ice at a giant rat!
  <Player> propels a wintry globe of frost and ice at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a howling windswept token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907) spell
  You blast a howling windswept storm of sharpened ice at a giant rat!
  <Player> blasts a howling windswept storm of sharpened ice at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.

In the mistwood case you see: a hissing glob token, an angry bubbling yellow token, a hissing green token, a roaring jet of flames token, an acrid column token, a glowing scarlet torrent token, a hazy orb of fire token, and a molten orb of smoke token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a hissing glob token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Acid (904) spell
  You fling an ugly glob of hissing fluid at a giant rat!
  <Player> flings an ugly glob of hissing fluid at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
an angry bubbling yellow token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Acid (904) spell
  You hurl an angry fist of bubbling yellow acid at a giant rat!
  <Player> hurls an angry fist of bubbling yellow acid at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a hissing green token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Acid (904) spell
  You fling a hissing ball of caustic green acid at a giant rat!
  <Player> flings a hissing ball of caustic green acid at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a roaring jet of flames token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906) spell
  You spew a roaring jet of crimson flames at a giant rat!
  <Player> spews a roaring jet of crimson flames at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
an acrid column token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906) spell
  You release a flaming column of acrid smoke at a giant rat!
  <Player> releases a flaming column of acrid smoke at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a glowing scarlet torrent token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906) spell
  You unleash a torrent of glowing scarlet flames at a giant rat!
  <Player> unleashes a torrent of glowing scarlet flames at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a hazy orb of fire token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906) spell
  You conjure a hazy orb or smoke-shrouded fire at a giant rat!
  <Player> conjures a hazy orb or smoke-shrouded fire at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a molten orb of smoke token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906) spell
  You heave a molten orb of smoke and flame at a giant rat!
  <Player> heaves a molten orb of smoke and flame at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.

Bolt From The Blue, Niche

[Bolt From The Blue, Niche - 8212608]
A faint note of ozone hangs lightly in the air, aptly playing off the sky blue tones used in the niche's interior. Finely honed woodworking skills are presented in the forms of a glossy mahogany counter and a lacquered oak table placed at the center of the space. Stacked neatly at the back, some golden spinewood crates sit next to an oversized iron-bound trunk that is incised with an array of silvery glyphs and symbols.
Obvious exits: north, west

In the iron-bound trunk you see: a searing sigil token, an angry lashing sphere token, a massive fireball token, a globe of silver fire token, and a swirling golden globe token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a searing sigil token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908) spell
  You manifest a searing sigil of elemental fire at a giant rat!
  <Player> manifests a searing sigil of elemental fire at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
an angry lashing sphere token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908) spell
  You sling an angry sphere of lashing flames at a giant rat!
  <Player> slings an angry sphere of lashing flames at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a massive fireball token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908) spell
  You hurl a massive smoking fireball at a giant rat!
  <Player> hurls a massive smoking fireball at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a globe of silver fire token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908) spell
  You heave a tremendous globe of silver-haloed fire at a giant rat!
  <Player> heaves a tremendous globe of silver-haloed fire at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a swirling golden globe token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908) spell
  You unleash a swirling globe of radiant golden fire at a giant rat!
  <Player> unleashes a swirling globe of radiant golden fire at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.

In the spinewood crates you see: a torrent of lightning token, a crackling white token, a jagged electric arc token, a peacock blue corona token, and a crackling violet corona token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a torrent of lightning token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910) spell
  You unleash a torrent of unbridled elemental lightning at a giant rat!
  <Player> unleashes a torrent of unbridled elemental lightning at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a crackling white token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910) spell
  You hurl a wild arc of crackling white lightning at a giant rat!
  <Player> hurls a wild arc of crackling white lightning at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a jagged electric arc token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910) spell
  You aim a jagged arc of ferocious electric force at a giant rat!
  <Player> aims a jagged arc of ferocious electric force at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a peacock blue corona token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910) spell
  You fire a corona of peacock blue elemental electricity at a giant rat!
  <Player> fires a corona of peacock blue elemental electricity at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a crackling violet corona token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910) spell
  You summon a furious corona of crackling violet lightning at a giant rat!
  <Player> summons a furious corona of crackling violet lightning at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.

On the oak table you see: a rumbling dark pillar token, a wild tempest token, a thundering column token, a black basalt pyramid token, and a crumbling earth token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a rumbling dark pillar token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Hand of Tonis (505) spell
  You manifest a rumbling dark pillar of stormy air at a giant rat!
  <Player> manifests a rumbling dark pillar of stormy air at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a wild tempest token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Hand of Tonis (505) spell
  You summon a wild tempest of spinning wind at a giant rat!
  <Player> summons a wild tempest of spinning wind at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a thundering column token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Hand of Tonis (505) spell
  You blast a thundering column of churning white wind at a giant rat!
  <Player> blasts a thundering column of churning white wind at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a black basalt pyramid token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Hurl Boulder (510) spell
  You manifest a sharpened pyramid of glittering black basalt at a giant rat!
  <Player> manifests a sharpened pyramid of glittering black basalt at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a crumbling earth token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Hurl Boulder (510) spell
  You hurl a massive and crumbling hunk of earth at a giant rat!
  <Player> hurls a massive and crumbling hunk of earth at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.

On the mahogany counter you see: a pristine blessed water token and a briny seawater token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a pristine blessed water token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Holy Bolt (306) spell
  You hurtle a pristine sphere of blessed water at a giant rat!
  <Player> hurtles a pristine sphere of blessed water at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a briny seawater token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Holy Bolt (306) spell
  You blast a briny ball of salty seawater at a giant rat!
  <Player> blasts a briny ball of salty seawater at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.

Bolt From The Blue, Nook

[Bolt From The Blue, Nook - 8212609]
Ivory-swept dark grey silk walls wrap around the semi-circular nook area, providing a pleasingly stark backdrop for a pewter-set ivory stand and a beveled ironwood sideboard. Tiny clusters of silvery lights are suspended in a gentle wave configuration from the ceiling, illuminating an ornate willow receptacle resting in the middle of the room.
Obvious exits: east

On the ivory stand you see: a sparkling scarlet fire token, a dazzling silver flame token, a white webbing token, and a white webbing token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a sparkling scarlet fire token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Fire Spirit (111) spell
  You aim a sparkling sphere of scarlet fire at a giant rat!
  <Player> aims a sparkling sphere of scarlet fire at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a dazzling silver flame token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Fire Spirit (111) spell
  You fire a dazzling bolt of searing silver flames at a giant rat!
  <Player> fires a dazzling bolt of searing silver flames at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a white webbing token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Web (118) spell
  You sling a spray of sticky white webbing at a giant rat!
  <Player> slings a spray of sticky white webbing at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a white webbing token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Web (118) spell
  You shoot gossamer threads of white webbing at a giant rat!
  <Player> shoots gossamer threads of white webbing at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.

On the ironwood sideboard you see: a churning steam torrent token, a hot hissing plume token, a jagged snow-swirled token, a sharpened ice chunk token, a hissing green sphere token, and a hissing globe token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a churning steam torrent token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Steam (1707) spell
  You spew a churning torrent of heat and steam at a giant rat!
  <Player> spews a churning torrent of heat and steam at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a hot hissing plume token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Steam (1707) spell
  You unleash a hot plume of hissing steam at a giant rat!
  <Player> unleashes a hot plume of hissing steam at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a jagged snow-swirled token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Cold (1709) spell
  You toss a jagged block of snow-swirled ice at a giant rat!
  <Player> tosses a jagged block of snow-swirled ice at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a sharpened ice chunk token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Minor Cold (1709) spell
  You point a viciously sharpened chunk of ice at a giant rat!
  <Player> points a viciously sharpened chunk of ice at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a hissing green sphere token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Acid (1710) spell
  You spew an undulating sphere of hissing green acid at a giant rat!
  <Player> spews an undulating sphere of hissing green acid at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a hissing globe token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Major Acid (1710) spell
  You hurl a hissing globe of bubbling liquid at a giant rat!
  <Player> hurls a hissing globe of bubbling liquid at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.

In the willow receptacle you see: a rippling green token, a crackling green plasma token, a shrouded crimson flames token, a crackling white plasma token, a blinding scarlet radiance token, and a shrouded crimson token.

Item Type Info Details Price
a rippling green token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Disintegrate (705) spell
  You direct a violent pulse of rippling green energy at a giant rat!
  <Player> directs a violent pulse of rippling green energy at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a crackling green plasma token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Balefire (713) spell
  You hurl a crackling sphere of glowing green plasma at a giant rat!
  <Player> hurls a crackling sphere of glowing green plasma at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a shrouded crimson flames token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Balefire (713) spell
  You blast a smoke-shrouded globe of crimson flames at a giant rat!
  <Player> blasts a smoke-shrouded globe of crimson flames at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a crackling white plasma token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Empathic Assault (1110) spell
  You shoot a furious bolt of crackling white plasma at a giant rat!
  <Player> shoots a furious bolt of crackling white plasma at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a blinding scarlet radiance token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Empathic Assault (1110) spell
  You project an ebon-veined orb of blinding scarlet radiance at a giant rat!
  <Player> projects an ebon-veined orb of blinding scarlet radiance at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.
a shrouded crimson token < 1 lb
Custom bolt messaging - Disintegrate (705) spell
  You fire a smoke-shrouded beam of crimson light at a giant rat!
  <Player> fires a smoke-shrouded beam of crimson light at a giant rat!

Cosmetic effect only: It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell, and it does NOT grant spell knowledge.

February 2022


a wave-painted brick door (inside Spellbound), [Map Room #16], Lich# 26878, go brick door

Bolt From The Blue

[Bolt From The Blue - 26879]
The narrow walls are painted in shades of midnight blue and stormy grey, the paler hues sweeping in spiraling arcs around a rectangular seascape painting at the back. On opposite sides of the room, a dark-grained mistwood case and a carved white pine chest symmetrically mirror the position of a broad willow-planked hutch, each container illuminated by a solitary hanging silver lantern.
Obvious exits: south, out

In the carved white pine chest you see: a pristine sphere of ice token, a rumbling swirl of snow token, a chilling icy blast token, a wintry globe of frost token and a howling windswept token.

a pristine sphere of ice token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907): You aim a pristine sphere of elemental ice at a giant rat! 2,500
a rumbling swirl of snow token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907): You sling a rumbling swirl of ice and snow at a giant rat! 2,500
a chilling icy blast token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907): You unleash a chilling blast of icy air at a giant rat! 2,500
a wintry globe of frost token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907): You propel a wintry globe of frost and ice at a giant rat! 2,500
a howling windswept token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907): You blast a howling windswept storm of sharpened ice at a giant rat! 2,500

In the dark-grained mistwood case you see: a hissing glob token, an angry bubbling yellow token, a hissing green token, a roaring jet of flames token, an acrid column token, a glowing scarlet torrent token, a hazy orb of fire token and a molten orb of smoke token.

a hissing glob token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Acid (904): You fling an ugly glob of hissing fluid at a giant rat! 2,500
an angry bubbling yellow token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Acid (904): You hurl an angry fist of bubbling yellow acid at a giant rat! 2,500
a hissing green token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Acid (904): You fling a hissing ball of caustic green acid at a giant rat! 2,500
a roaring jet of flames token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906): You spew a roaring jet of crimson flames at a giant rat! 2,500
an acrid column token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906): You release a flaming column of acrid smoke at a giant rat! 2,500
a glowing scarlet torrent token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906): You unleash a torrent of glowing scarlet flames at a giant rat! 2,500
a hazy orb of fire token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906): You conjure a hazy orb or smoke-shrouded fire at a giant rat! 2,500
a molten orb of smoke token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906): You heave a molten orb of smoke and flame at a giant rat! 2,500

In the broad willow-planked hutch you see: a crackling elemental token, a hissing white cascade token, a dazzling silver pulse token, an undulating water sphere token, a wavering crystalline token and a rippling sapphire blue token.

a crackling elemental token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Shock (901): You unleash a spray of crackling elemental electricity at a giant rat! 2,500
a hissing white cascade token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Shock (901): You conjure a cascade of hissing white electricity at a giant rat! 2,500
a dazzling silver pulse token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Shock (901): You propel a pulse of dazzling silver elemental electricity at a giant rat! 2,500
an undulating water sphere token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Water (903): You sling an undulating sphere of water at a giant rat! 2,500
a wavering crystalline token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Water (903): You aim a wavering orb of crystalline liquid at a giant rat! 2,500
a rippling sapphire blue token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Water (903): You conjure a rippling sphere of sapphire blue water at a giant rat! 2,500

Bolt From The Blue, Niche

[Bolt From The Blue, Niche - 26882]
A faint note of ozone hangs lightly in the air, aptly playing off the sky blue tones used in the niche's interior. Finely honed woodworking skills are presented in the forms of a glossy mahogany counter and a lacquered oak table placed at the center of the space. Stacked neatly at the back, some golden spinewood crates sit next to an oversized iron-bound trunk that is incised with an array of silvery glyphs and symbols.
Obvious exits: north, west

On the lacquered oak table you see: a rumbling dark pillar token, a wild tempest token, a thundering column token, a black basalt pyramid token and a crumbling earth token.

a rumbling dark pillar token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Hand of Tonis (505): You manifest a rumbling dark pillar of stormy air at a giant rat! 2,500
a wild tempest token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Hand of Tonis (505): You summon a wild tempest of spinning wind at a giant rat! 2,500
a thundering column token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Hand of Tonis (505): You blast a thundering column of churning white wind at a giant rat! 2,500
a black basalt pyramid token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Hurl Boulder (510): You manifest a sharpened pyramid of glittering black basalt at a giant rat! 2,500
a crumbling earth token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Hurl Boulder (510): You hurl a massive and crumbling hunk of earth at a giant rat! 2,500

On the glossy mahogany counter you see: a pristine blessed water token and a briny seawater token.

a pristine blessed water token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Holy Bolt (306): You hurtle a pristine sphere of blessed water at a giant rat! 2,500
a briny seawater token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Holy Bolt (306): You blast a briny ball of salty seawater at a giant rat! 2,500

In the oversized iron-bound trunk you see: a searing sigil token, an angry lashing sphere token, a massive fireball token, a globe of silver fire token and a swirling golden globe token.

a searing sigil token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908): You manifest a searing sigil of elemental fire at a giant rat! 2,500
an angry lashing sphere token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908): You sling an angry sphere of lashing flames at a giant rat! 2,500
a massive fireball token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908): You hurl a massive smoking fireball at a giant rat! 2,500
a globe of silver fire token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908): You heave a tremendous globe of silver-haloed fire at a giant rat! 2,500
a swirling golden globe token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908): You unleash a swirling globe of radiant golden fire at a giant rat! 2,500

In the some golden spinewood crates you see: a torrent of lightning token, a crackling white token, a jagged electric arc token, a peacock blue corona token and a crackling violet corona token.

a torrent of lightning token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910): You unleash a torrent of unbridled elemental lightning at a giant rat! 2,500
a crackling white token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910): You hurl a wild arc of crackling white lightning at a giant rat! 2,500
a jagged electric arc token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910): You aim a jagged arc of ferocious electric force at a giant rat! 2,500
a peacock blue corona token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910): You fire a corona of peacock blue elemental electricity at a giant rat! 2,500
a crackling violet corona token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910): You summon a furious corona of crackling violet lightning at a giant rat! 2,500

Bolt From The Blue, Nook

[Bolt From The Blue, Nook - 26883]
Ivory-swept dark grey silk walls wrap around the semi-circular nook area, providing a pleasingly stark backdrop for a pewter-set ivory stand and a beveled ironwood sideboard. Tiny clusters of silvery lights are suspended in a gentle wave configuration from the ceiling, illuminating an ornate willow receptacle resting in the middle of the room.
Obvious exits: east

On the pewter-set ivory stand you see: a sparkling scarlet fire token, a dazzling silver flame token, a white webbing token and a white webbing token.

a sparkling scarlet fire token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Fire Spirit (111): You aim a sparkling sphere of scarlet fire at a giant rat! 2,500
a dazzling silver flame token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Fire Spirit (111): You fire a dazzling bolt of searing silver flames at a giant rat! 2,500
a white webbing token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Web (118): You sling a spray of sticky white webbing at a giant rat! 2,500
a white webbing token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Web (118): You shoot gossamer threads of white webbing at a giant rat! 2,500

On the beveled ironwood sideboard you see: a churning steam torrent token, a hot hissing plume token, a jagged snow-swirled token, a sharpened ice chunk token, a hissing green sphere token and a hissing globe token.

a churning steam torrent token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Steam (1707): You spew a churning torrent of heat and steam at a giant rat! 2,500
a hot hissing plume token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Steam (1707): You unleash a hot plume of hissing steam at a giant rat! 2,500
a jagged snow-swirled token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Cold (1709): You toss a jagged block of snow-swirled ice at a giant rat! 2,500
a sharpened ice chunk token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Cold (1709): You point a viciously sharpened chunk of ice at a giant rat! 2,500
a hissing green sphere token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Acid (1710): You spew an undulating sphere of hissing green acid at a giant rat! 2,500
a hissing globe token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Acid (1710): You hurl a hissing globe of bubbling liquid at a giant rat! 2,500

In the ornate willow receptacle you see: a rippling green token, a crackling green plasma token, a shrouded crimson flames token, a crackling white plasma token, a blinding scarlet radiance token and a shrouded crimson token.

a rippling green token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Disintegrate (705): You direct a violent pulse of rippling green energy at a giant rat! 2,500
a crackling green plasma token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Balefire (713): You hurl a crackling sphere of glowing green plasma at a giant rat! 2,500
a shrouded crimson flames token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Balefire (713): You blast a smoke-shrouded globe of crimson flames at a giant rat! 2,500
a crackling white plasma token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Empathic Assault (1110): You shoot a furious bolt of crackling white plasma at a giant rat! 2,500
a blinding scarlet radiance token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Empathic Assault (1110): You project an ebon-veined orb of blinding scarlet radiance at a giant rat! 2,500
a shrouded crimson token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Disintegrate (705): You fire a smoke-shrouded beam of crimson light at a giant rat! 2,500

August 2021


a wave-painted brick door (inside Spellbound), [Map Room #16], Lich# 26878, go brick door

Bolt From The Blue

[Bolt From The Blue - 26879]
The narrow walls are painted in shades of midnight blue and stormy grey, the paler hues sweeping in spiraling arcs around a rectangular seascape painting at the back. On opposite sides of the room, a dark-grained mistwood case and a carved white pine chest symmetrically mirror the position of a broad willow-planked hutch, each container illuminated by a solitary hanging silver lantern.
Obvious exits: south, out

In the carved white pine chest you see: a pristine sphere of ice token, a rumbling swirl of snow token, a chilling icy blast token, a wintry globe of frost token and a howling windswept token.

a pristine sphere of ice token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907): You aim a pristine sphere of elemental ice at a giant rat! 2,500
a rumbling swirl of snow token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907): You sling a rumbling swirl of ice and snow at a giant rat! 2,500
a chilling icy blast token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907): You unleash a chilling blast of icy air at a giant rat! 2,500
a wintry globe of frost token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907): You propel a wintry globe of frost and ice at a giant rat! 2,500
a howling windswept token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907): You blast a howling windswept storm of sharpened ice at a giant rat! 2,500

In the dark-grained mistwood case you see: a hissing glob token, an angry bubbling yellow token, a hissing green token, a roaring jet of flames token, an acrid column token, a glowing scarlet torrent token, a hazy orb of fire token and a molten orb of smoke token.

a hissing glob token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Acid (904): You fling an ugly glob of hissing fluid at a giant rat! 2,500
an angry bubbling yellow token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Acid (904): You hurl an angry fist of bubbling yellow acid at a giant rat! 2,500
a hissing green token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Acid (904): You fling a hissing ball of caustic green acid at a giant rat! 2,500
a roaring jet of flames token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906): You spew a roaring jet of crimson flames at a giant rat! 2,500
an acrid column token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906): You release a flaming column of acrid smoke at a giant rat! 2,500
a glowing scarlet torrent token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906): You unleash a torrent of glowing scarlet flames at a giant rat! 2,500
a hazy orb of fire token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906): You conjure a hazy orb or smoke-shrouded fire at a giant rat! 2,500
a molten orb of smoke token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906): You heave a molten orb of smoke and flame at a giant rat! 2,500

In the broad willow-planked hutch you see: a crackling elemental token, a hissing white cascade token, a dazzling silver pulse token, an undulating water sphere token, a wavering crystalline token and a rippling sapphire blue token.

a crackling elemental token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Shock (901): You unleash a spray of crackling elemental electricity at a giant rat! 2,500
a hissing white cascade token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Shock (901): You conjure a cascade of hissing white electricity at a giant rat! 2,500
a dazzling silver pulse token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Shock (901): You propel a pulse of dazzling silver elemental electricity at a giant rat! 2,500
an undulating water sphere token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Water (903): You sling an undulating sphere of water at a giant rat! 2,500
a wavering crystalline token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Water (903): You aim a wavering orb of crystalline liquid at a giant rat! 2,500
a rippling sapphire blue token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Water (903): You conjure a rippling sphere of sapphire blue water at a giant rat! 2,500

Bolt From The Blue, Niche

[Bolt From The Blue, Niche - 26882]
A faint note of ozone hangs lightly in the air, aptly playing off the sky blue tones used in the niche's interior. Finely honed woodworking skills are presented in the forms of a glossy mahogany counter and a lacquered oak table placed at the center of the space. Stacked neatly at the back, some golden spinewood crates sit next to an oversized iron-bound trunk that is incised with an array of silvery glyphs and symbols.
Obvious exits: north, west

On the lacquered oak table you see: a rumbling dark pillar token, a wild tempest token, a thundering column token, a black basalt pyramid token and a crumbling earth token.

a rumbling dark pillar token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Hand of Tonis (505): You manifest a rumbling dark pillar of stormy air at a giant rat! 2,500
a wild tempest token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Hand of Tonis (505): You summon a wild tempest of spinning wind at a giant rat! 2,500
a thundering column token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Hand of Tonis (505): You blast a thundering column of churning white wind at a giant rat! 2,500
a black basalt pyramid token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Hurl Boulder (510): You manifest a sharpened pyramid of glittering black basalt at a giant rat! 2,500
a crumbling earth token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Hurl Boulder (510): You hurl a massive and crumbling hunk of earth at a giant rat! 2,500

On the glossy mahogany counter you see: a pristine blessed water token and a briny seawater token.

a pristine blessed water token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Holy Bolt (306): You hurtle a pristine sphere of blessed water at a giant rat! 2,500
a briny seawater token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Holy Bolt (306): You blast a briny ball of salty seawater at a giant rat! 2,500

In the oversized iron-bound trunk you see: a searing sigil token, an angry lashing sphere token, a massive fireball token, a globe of silver fire token and a swirling golden globe token.

a searing sigil token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908): You manifest a searing sigil of elemental fire at a giant rat! 2,500
an angry lashing sphere token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908): You sling an angry sphere of lashing flames at a giant rat! 2,500
a massive fireball token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908): You hurl a massive smoking fireball at a giant rat! 2,500
a globe of silver fire token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908): You heave a tremendous globe of silver-haloed fire at a giant rat! 2,500
a swirling golden globe token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908): You unleash a swirling globe of radiant golden fire at a giant rat! 2,500

In the some golden spinewood crates you see: a torrent of lightning token, a crackling white token, a jagged electric arc token, a peacock blue corona token and a crackling violet corona token.

a torrent of lightning token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910): You unleash a torrent of unbridled elemental lightning at a giant rat! 2,500
a crackling white token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910): You hurl a wild arc of crackling white lightning at a giant rat! 2,500
a jagged electric arc token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910): You aim a jagged arc of ferocious electric force at a giant rat! 2,500
a peacock blue corona token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910): You fire a corona of peacock blue elemental electricity at a giant rat! 2,500
a crackling violet corona token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910): You summon a furious corona of crackling violet lightning at a giant rat! 2,500

Bolt From The Blue, Nook

[Bolt From The Blue, Nook - 26883]
Ivory-swept dark grey silk walls wrap around the semi-circular nook area, providing a pleasingly stark backdrop for a pewter-set ivory stand and a beveled ironwood sideboard. Tiny clusters of silvery lights are suspended in a gentle wave configuration from the ceiling, illuminating an ornate willow receptacle resting in the middle of the room.
Obvious exits: east

On the pewter-set ivory stand you see: a sparkling scarlet fire token, a dazzling silver flame token, a white webbing token and a white webbing token.

a sparkling scarlet fire token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Fire Spirit (111): You aim a sparkling sphere of scarlet fire at a giant rat! 2,500
a dazzling silver flame token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Fire Spirit (111): You fire a dazzling bolt of searing silver flames at a giant rat! 2,500
a white webbing token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Web (118): You sling a spray of sticky white webbing at a giant rat! 2,500
a white webbing token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Web (118): You shoot gossamer threads of white webbing at a giant rat! 2,500

On the beveled ironwood sideboard you see: a churning steam torrent token, a hot hissing plume token, a jagged snow-swirled token, a sharpened ice chunk token, a hissing green sphere token and a hissing globe token.

a churning steam torrent token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Steam (1707): You spew a churning torrent of heat and steam at a giant rat! 2,500
a hot hissing plume token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Steam (1707): You unleash a hot plume of hissing steam at a giant rat! 2,500
a jagged snow-swirled token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Cold (1709): You toss a jagged block of snow-swirled ice at a giant rat! 2,500
a sharpened ice chunk token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Cold (1709): You point a viciously sharpened chunk of ice at a giant rat! 2,500
a hissing green sphere token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Acid (1710): You spew an undulating sphere of hissing green acid at a giant rat! 2,500
a hissing globe token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Acid (1710): You hurl a hissing globe of bubbling liquid at a giant rat! 2,500

In the ornate willow receptacle you see: a rippling green token, a crackling green plasma token, a shrouded crimson flames token, a crackling white plasma token, a blinding scarlet radiance token and a shrouded crimson token.

a rippling green token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Disintegrate (705): You direct a violent pulse of rippling green energy at a giant rat! 2,500
a crackling green plasma token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Balefire (713): You hurl a crackling sphere of glowing green plasma at a giant rat! 2,500
a shrouded crimson flames token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Balefire (713): You blast a smoke-shrouded globe of crimson flames at a giant rat! 2,500
a crackling white plasma token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Empathic Assault (1110): You shoot a furious bolt of crackling white plasma at a giant rat! 2,500
a blinding scarlet radiance token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Empathic Assault (1110): You project an ebon-veined orb of blinding scarlet radiance at a giant rat! 2,500
a shrouded crimson token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Disintegrate (705): You fire a smoke-shrouded beam of crimson light at a giant rat! 2,500

February 2021


a wave-painted brick door (inside Spellbound), [Map Room #16], Lich# 26878, go brick door

Bolt From The Blue

[Bolt From The Blue - 26879]
The narrow walls are painted in shades of midnight blue and stormy grey, the paler hues sweeping in spiraling arcs around a rectangular seascape painting at the back. On opposite sides of the room, a dark-grained mistwood case and a carved white pine chest symmetrically mirror the position of a broad willow-planked hutch, each container illuminated by a solitary hanging silver lantern.
Obvious exits: south, out

In the carved white pine chest you see: a pristine sphere of ice token, a rumbling swirl of snow token, a chilling icy blast token, a wintry globe of frost token and a howling windswept token.

a pristine sphere of ice token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907): You aim a pristine sphere of elemental ice at a giant rat! 2,500
a rumbling swirl of snow token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907): You sling a rumbling swirl of ice and snow at a giant rat! 2,500
a chilling icy blast token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907): You unleash a chilling blast of icy air at a giant rat! 2,500
a wintry globe of frost token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907): You propel a wintry globe of frost and ice at a giant rat! 2,500
a howling windswept token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Cold (907): You blast a howling windswept storm of sharpened ice at a giant rat! 2,500

In the dark-grained mistwood case you see: a hissing glob token, an angry bubbling yellow token, a hissing green token, a roaring jet of flames token, an acrid column token, a glowing scarlet torrent token, a hazy orb of fire token and a molten orb of smoke token.

a hissing glob token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Acid (904): You fling an ugly glob of hissing fluid at a giant rat! 2,500
an angry bubbling yellow token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Acid (904): You hurl an angry fist of bubbling yellow acid at a giant rat! 2,500
a hissing green token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Acid (904): You fling a hissing ball of caustic green acid at a giant rat! 2,500
a roaring jet of flames token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906): You spew a roaring jet of crimson flames at a giant rat! 2,500
an acrid column token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906): You release a flaming column of acrid smoke at a giant rat! 2,500
a glowing scarlet torrent token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906): You unleash a torrent of glowing scarlet flames at a giant rat! 2,500
a hazy orb of fire token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906): You conjure a hazy orb of smoke-shrouded fire at a giant rat! 2,500
a molten orb of smoke token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Fire (906): You heave a molten orb of smoke and flame at a giant rat! 2,500

In the broad willow-planked hutch you see: a crackling elemental token, a hissing white cascade token, a dazzling silver pulse token, an undulating water sphere token, a wavering crystalline token and a rippling sapphire blue token.

a crackling elemental token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Shock (901): You unleash a spray of crackling elemental electricity at a giant rat! 2,500
a hissing white cascade token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Shock (901): You conjure a cascade of hissing white electricity at a giant rat! 2,500
a dazzling silver pulse token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Shock (901): You propel a pulse of dazzling silver elemental electricity at a giant rat! 2,500
an undulating water sphere token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Water (903): You sling an undulating sphere of water at a giant rat! 2,500
a wavering crystalline token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Water (903): You aim a wavering orb of crystalline liquid at a giant rat! 2,500
a rippling sapphire blue token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Water (903): You conjure a rippling sphere of sapphire blue water at a giant rat! 2,500

, [Map Room #], Lich# 26879, south

Bolt From The Blue, Niche

[Bolt From The Blue, Niche - 26882]
A faint note of ozone hangs lightly in the air, aptly playing off the sky blue tones used in the niche's interior. Finely honed woodworking skills are presented in the forms of a glossy mahogany counter and a lacquered oak table placed at the center of the space. Stacked neatly at the back, some golden spinewood crates sit next to an oversized iron-bound trunk that is incised with an array of silvery glyphs and symbols.
Obvious exits: north, west

On the lacquered oak table you see: a rumbling dark pillar token, a wild tempest token, a thundering column token, a black basalt pyramid token and a crumbling earth token.

a rumbling dark pillar token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Hand of Tonis (505): You manifest a rumbling dark pillar of stormy air at a giant rat! 2,500
a wild tempest token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Hand of Tonis (505): You summon a wild tempest of spinning wind at a giant rat! 2,500
a thundering column token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Hand of Tonis (505): You blast a thundering column of churning white wind at a giant rat! 2,500
a black basalt pyramid token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Hurl Boulder (510): You manifest a sharpened pyramid of glittering black basalt at a giant rat! 2,500
a crumbling earth token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Hurl Boulder (510): You hurl a massive and crumbling hunk of earth at a giant rat! 2,500

On the glossy mahogany counter you see: a pristine blessed water token and a briny seawater token.

a pristine blessed water token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Holy Bolt (306): You hurtle a pristine sphere of blessed water at a giant rat! 2,500
a briny seawater token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Holy Bolt (306): You blast a briny ball of salty seawater at a giant rat! 2,500

In the oversized iron-bound trunk you see: a searing sigil token, an angry lashing sphere token, a massive fireball token, a globe of silver fire token and a swirling golden globe token.

a searing sigil token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908): You manifest a searing sigil of elemental fire at a giant rat! 2,500
an angry lashing sphere token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908): You sling an angry sphere of lashing flames at a giant rat! 2,500
a massive fireball token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908): You hurl a massive smoking fireball at a giant rat! 2,500
a globe of silver fire token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908): You heave a tremendous globe of silver-haloed fire at a giant rat! 2,500
a swirling golden globe token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Fire (908): You unleash a swirling globe of radiant golden fire at a giant rat! 2,500

In the some golden spinewood crates you see: a torrent of lightning token, a crackling white token, a jagged electric arc token, a peacock blue corona token and a crackling violet corona token.

a torrent of lightning token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910): You unleash a torrent of unbridled elemental lightning at a giant rat! 2,500
a crackling white token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910): You hurl a wild arc of crackling white lightning at a giant rat! 2,500
a jagged electric arc token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910): You aim a jagged arc of ferocious electric force at a giant rat! 2,500
a peacock blue corona token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910): You fire a corona of peacock blue elemental electricity at a giant rat! 2,500
a crackling violet corona token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Shock (910): You summon a furious corona of crackling violet lightning at a giant rat! 2,500

Bolt From The Blue, Nook

[Bolt From The Blue, Nook - 26883]
Ivory-swept dark grey silk walls wrap around the semi-circular nook area, providing a pleasingly stark backdrop for a pewter-set ivory stand and a beveled ironwood sideboard. Tiny clusters of silvery lights are suspended in a gentle wave configuration from the ceiling, illuminating an ornate willow receptacle resting in the middle of the room.
Obvious exits: east

On the pewter-set ivory stand you see: a sparkling scarlet fire token, a dazzling silver flame token, a white webbing token and a white webbing token.

a sparkling scarlet fire token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Fire Spirit (111): You aim a sparkling sphere of scarlet fire at a giant rat! 2,500
a dazzling silver flame token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Fire Spirit (111): You fire a dazzling bolt of searing silver flames at a giant rat! 2,500
a white webbing token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Web (118): You sling a spray of sticky white webbing at a giant rat! 2,500
a white webbing token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Web (118): You shoot gossamer threads of white webbing at a giant rat! 2,500

On the beveled ironwood sideboard you see: a churning steam torrent token, a hot hissing plume token, a jagged snow-swirled token, a sharpened ice chunk token, a hissing green sphere token and a hissing globe token.

a churning steam torrent token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Steam (1707): You spew a churning torrent of heat and steam at a giant rat! 2,500
a hot hissing plume token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Steam (1707): You unleash a hot plume of hissing steam at a giant rat! 2,500
a jagged snow-swirled token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Cold (1709): You toss a jagged block of snow-swirled ice at a giant rat! 2,500
a sharpened ice chunk token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Minor Cold (1709): You point a viciously sharpened chunk of ice at a giant rat! 2,500
a hissing green sphere token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Acid (1710): You spew an undulating sphere of hissing green acid at a giant rat! 2,500
a hissing globe token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Major Acid (1710): You hurl a hissing globe of bubbling liquid at a giant rat! 2,500

In the ornate willow receptacle you see: a shrouded crimson token, a rippling green token, a crackling green plasma token, a shrouded crimson flames token, a crackling white plasma token and a blinding scarlet radiance token.

a shrouded crimson token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Disintegrate (705): You fire a smoke-shrouded beam of crimson light at a giant rat! 2,500
a rippling green token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Disintegrate (705): You direct a violent pulse of rippling green energy at a giant rat! 2,500
a crackling green plasma token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Balefire (713): You hurl a crackling sphere of glowing green plasma at a giant rat! 2,500
a shrouded crimson flames token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Balefire (713): You blast a smoke-shrouded globe of crimson flames at a giant rat! 2,500
a crackling white plasma token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Empathic Assault (1110): You shoot a furious bolt of crackling white plasma at a giant rat! 2,500
a blinding scarlet radiance token Weight: <1 pound Custom bolt messaging - Empathic Assault (1110): You project an ebon-veined orb of blinding scarlet radiance at a giant rat! 2,500

August 2020


a wave-painted brick door (inside Spellbound), [Map Room #16], Lich# 26878, go brick door

Bolt From The Blue

[Bolt From The Blue - 26879]
The narrow walls are painted in shades of midnight blue and stormy grey, the paler hues sweeping in spiraling arcs around a rectangular seascape painting at the back. On opposite sides of the room, a dark-grained mistwood case and a carved white pine chest symmetrically mirror the position of a broad willow-planked hutch, each container illuminated by a solitary hanging silver lantern.
Obvious exits: south, out

In the carved white pine chest you see: an undulating water sphere token, a rippling amethyst-hued token, a perfect rainwater token, a frothy seawater token, a brackish brine token, a brackish swamp water token, a hissing green glob token, an angry caustic fist token, a vivid emerald green token, a bubbling brackish token and a churning sickly green token.

an undulating water sphere token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the water sphere token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Water (903) spell as such:

You sling an undulating sphere of water at a giant rat!

Xanlin slings an undulating sphere of water at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a rippling amethyst-hued token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the amethyst-hued token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Water (903) spell as such:

You aim a rippling ball of amethyst-hued liquid at a giant rat!

Xanlin aims a rippling ball of amethyst-hued liquid at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a perfect rainwater token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the rainwater token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Water (903) spell as such:

You direct a perfect sphere of crystal clear rainwater at a giant rat!

Xanlin directs a perfect sphere of crystal clear rainwater at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a frothy seawater token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the seawater token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Water (903) spell as such:

You unleash a geyser of frothy seawater at a giant rat!

Xanlin unleashes a geyser of frothy seawater at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a brackish brine token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the brine token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Water (903) spell as such:

You project a powerful torrent of brackish brine at a giant rat!

Xanlin projects a powerful torrent of brackish brine at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a brackish swamp water token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the swamp water token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Water (903) spell as such:

You fling a disgusting glob of rank swamp water at a giant rat!

Xanlin flings a disgusting glob of rank swamp water at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a hissing green glob token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the green glob token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Acid (904) spell as such:

You fling an ugly glob of hissing green fluid at a giant rat!

Xanlin flings an ugly glob of hissing green fluid at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

an angry caustic fist token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the caustic fist token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Acid (904) spell as such:

You hurl an angry fist of caustic black acid at a giant rat!

Xanlin hurls an angry fist of caustic black acid at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a vivid emerald green token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the emerald green token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Acid (904) spell as such:

You aim a vivid sphere of emerald green acid at a giant rat!

Xanlin aims a vivid sphere of emerald green acid at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a bubbling brackish token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the brackish token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Acid (904) spell as such:

You heave a bubbling ball of brackish black liquid at a giant rat!

Xanlin heaves a bubbling ball of brackish black liquid at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a churning sickly green token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the sickly green token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Acid (904) spell as such:

You shoot a churning jet of sickly green acid at a giant rat!

Xanlin shoots a churning jet of sickly green acid at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.


In the dark-grained mistwood case you see: a hissing white cascade token, a crackling elemental token, a crackling sparks token, a menacing electric wave token, an angry torrent token, a purplish electric sparks token, a golden column token, a vivid blue pulse token and a silver spark shower token.

a hissing white cascade token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the white cascade token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Shock (901) spell as such:

You conjure a cascade of hissing white electricity at a giant rat!

Xanlin conjures a cascade of hissing white electricity at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a crackling elemental token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the elemental token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Shock (901) spell as such:

You unleash a spray of crackling elemental electricity at a giant rat!

Xanlin unleashes a spray of crackling elemental electricity at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a crackling sparks token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the sparks token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Shock (901) spell as such:

You project a wall of crackling sparks at a giant rat!

Xanlin projects a wall of crackling sparks at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a menacing electric wave token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the electric wave token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Shock (901) spell as such:

You manifest a wave of menacing electrical energy at a giant rat!

Xanlin manifests a wave of menacing electrical energy at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

an angry torrent token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the torrent token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Shock (901) spell as such:

You release a torrent of angry sparks at a giant rat!

Xanlin releases a torrent of angry sparks at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a purplish electric sparks token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the electric sparks token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Shock (901) spell as such:

You direct a surge of purplish electric sparks at a giant rat!

Xanlin directs a surge of purplish electric sparks at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a golden column token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the column token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Shock (901) spell as such:

You blast a column of golden electric energy at a giant rat!

Xanlin blasts a column of golden electric energy at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a vivid blue pulse token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the blue pulse token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Shock (901) spell as such:

You propel a pulse of vivid blue elemental electricity at a giant rat!

Xanlin propels a pulse of vivid blue elemental electricity at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a silver spark shower token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the spark shower token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Shock (901) spell as such:

You rain a dazzling shower of silver sparks at a giant rat!

Xanlin rains a dazzling shower of silver sparks at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.


In the broad willow-planked hutch you see: a glowing orange fire token, a burning scarlet orb token, a yellow flame sphere token, a jet of roaring flames token, a acrid black column token, a glowing red torrent token, a hazy orb of heat token, a molten elemental orb token, an intense burning golden token and a fiery rose petal token.

a glowing orange fire token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the orange fire token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:

You aim a glowing ball of intense orange fire at a giant rat!

Xanlin aims a glowing ball of intense orange fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a burning scarlet orb token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the scarlet orb token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:

You fire a burning orb of scarlet flame at a giant rat!

Xanlin fires a burning orb of scarlet flame at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a yellow flame sphere token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the flame sphere token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:

You hurl a trio of spinning yellow spheres of flame at a giant rat!

Xanlin hurls a trio of spinning yellow spheres of flame at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a jet of roaring flames token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the roaring flames token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:

You spew a jet of roaring flames at a giant rat!

Xanlin spews a jet of roaring flames at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a acrid black column token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the black column token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:

You release a flaming column of acrid black smoke at a giant rat!

Xanlin releases a flaming column of acrid black smoke at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a glowing red torrent token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the red torrent token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:

You unleash a torrent of glowing red flames at a giant rat!

Xanlin unleashes a torrent of glowing red flames at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a hazy orb of heat token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the orb of heat token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:

You heave a hazy orb of intense white heat at a giant rat!

Xanlin heaves a hazy orb of intense white heat at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a molten elemental orb token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the elemental orb token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:

You sling a molten orb of elemental flame at a giant rat!

Xanlin slings a molten orb of elemental flame at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

an intense burning golden token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the burning golden token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:

You flick an intense swirl of burning golden fire at a giant rat!

Xanlin flicks an intense swirl of burning golden fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a fiery rose petal token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the rose petal token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:

You fire a spray of flame-wrought rose petals at a giant rat!

Xanlin fires a spray of flame-wrought rose petals at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.


Bolt From The Blue, Niche

[Bolt From The Blue, Niche - 26882]
A faint note of ozone hangs lightly in the air, aptly playing off the sky blue tones used in the niche's interior. Finely honed woodworking skills are presented in the forms of a glossy mahogany counter and a lacquered oak table placed at the center of the space. Stacked neatly at the back, some golden spinewood crates sit next to an oversized iron-bound trunk that is incised with an array of silvery glyphs and symbols.
Obvious exits: north, west

On the lacquered oak table you see: a torrent of electricity token, a crackling purple token, a jagged electric arc token, a sapphire blue corona token, a crackling sigil token, a silver-white bolt token, an ebon orb token, a thunderous bolt token, an ephemeral filaments token, a billowing white plume token, a spinning silver sigil token and a sinuous wave token.

a torrent of electricity token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the electricity token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Shock (910) spell as such:

You unleash a torrent of unbridled elemental electricity at a giant rat!

Xanlin unleashes a torrent of unbridled elemental electricity at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a crackling purple token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the purple token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Shock (910) spell as such:

You hurl a wild arc of crackling purple lightning at a giant rat!

Xanlin hurls a wild arc of crackling purple lightning at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a jagged electric arc token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the electric arc token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Shock (910) spell as such:

You aim a jagged arc of raw electric force at a giant rat!

Xanlin aims a jagged arc of raw electric force at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a sapphire blue corona token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the blue corona token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Shock (910) spell as such:

You fire a corona of sapphire blue elemental electricity at a giant rat!

Xanlin fires a corona of sapphire blue elemental electricity at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a crackling sigil token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the sigil token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Shock (910) spell as such:

You fling a crackling sigil of pure lightning at a giant rat!

Xanlin flings a crackling sigil of pure lightning at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a silver-white bolt token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the bolt token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Shock (910) spell as such:

You fire a ferocious bolt of silver-white lightning at a giant rat!

Xanlin fires a ferocious bolt of silver-white lightning at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

an ebon orb token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the orb token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Shock (910) spell as such:

You sling an ebon orb lashing with wild arcs of lightning at a giant rat!

Xanlin slings an ebon orb lashing with wild arcs of lightning at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a thunderous bolt token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the bolt token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Shock (910) spell as such:

You throw a single thunderous bolt of lightning at a giant rat!

Xanlin throws a single thunderous bolt of lightning at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

an ephemeral filaments token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the filaments token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Shock (910) spell as such:

You spew a spray of ephemeral electric filaments at a giant rat!

Xanlin spews a spray of ephemeral electric filaments at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a billowing white plume token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the white plume token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Shock (910) spell as such:

You release a billowing white plume alight with electric energy at a giant rat!

Xanlin releases a billowing white plume alight with electric energy at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a spinning silver sigil token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the silver sigil token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Shock (910) spell as such:

You flick a spinning sigil of silver lightning at a giant rat!

Xanlin flicks a spinning sigil of silver lightning at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a sinuous wave token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the wave token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Shock (910) spell as such:

You conjure a sinuous and undulating wave of electricity at a giant rat!

Xanlin conjures a sinuous and undulating wave of electricity at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.


On the glossy mahogany counter you see: a flaming sigil token, a spinning golden sphere token, a massive fireball token, a globe of orange fire token, a spinning red chain token, a burning blue sphere token, an orb of hissing flame token, a molten red ball token, a radiant white sphere token, an angry blue fire token and a globe of golden fire token.

a flaming sigil token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the sigil token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:

You manifest a flaming elemental sigil of fire at a giant rat!

Xanlin manifests a flaming elemental sigil of fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a spinning golden sphere token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the golden sphere token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:

You sling a spinning sphere of golden flame at a giant rat!

Xanlin slings a spinning sphere of golden flame at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a massive fireball token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the fireball token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:

You hurl a massive smoking fireball at a giant rat!

Xanlin hurls a massive smoking fireball at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a globe of orange fire token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the orange fire token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:

You heave a tremendous globe of orange-haloed fire at a giant rat!

Xanlin heaves a tremendous globe of orange-haloed fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a spinning red chain token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the red chain token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:

You fling a spinning chain of lava red flames at a giant rat!

Xanlin flings a spinning chain of lava red flames at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a burning blue sphere token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the blue sphere token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:

You direct a radiant sphere of burning blue fire at a giant rat!

Xanlin directs a radiant sphere of burning blue fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

an orb of hissing flame token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the hissing flame token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:

You spew a smoke-shrouded orb of hissing flame at a giant rat!

Xanlin spews a smoke-shrouded orb of hissing flame at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a molten red ball token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the red ball token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:

You flick a molten red ball of smoke and flame at a giant rat!

Xanlin flicks a molten red ball of smoke and flame at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a radiant white sphere token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the white sphere token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:

You point a perfect sphere of radiant white heat at a giant rat!

Xanlin points a perfect sphere of radiant white heat at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

an angry blue fire token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the blue fire token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:

You spew a wild blast of angry blue fire at a giant rat!

Xanlin spews a wild blast of angry blue fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a globe of golden fire token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the golden fire token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:

You fling a glowing globe of golden fire at a giant rat!

Xanlin flings a glowing globe of golden fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.


In the oversized iron-bound trunk you see: a jagged sickly green token, a hazy black token, a noxious sulfur yellow token, a glowing green plasma token, a sulfurous yellow fire token, a perfect violet sphere token, a scarlet plasma orb token, a brackish green fire token, a darkly lambent sphere token, a luminous fiery swirl token and a brilliant blazing silver token.

a jagged sickly green token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the sickly green token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Disintegrate (705) spell as such:

You fire a jagged ray of sickly green light at a giant rat!

Xanlin fires a jagged ray of sickly green light at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a hazy black token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the black token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Disintegrate (705) spell as such:

You direct a violent pulse of hazy black energy at a giant rat!

Xanlin directs a violent pulse of hazy black energy at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a noxious sulfur yellow token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the sulfur yellow token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Disintegrate (705) spell as such:

You channel a noxious bolt of sulfurous yellow haze at a giant rat!

Xanlin channels a noxious bolt of sulfurous yellow haze at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a glowing green plasma token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the green plasma token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Balefire (713) spell as such:

You hurl a heaving sphere of glowing green plasma at a giant rat!

Xanlin hurls a heaving sphere of glowing green plasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a sulfurous yellow fire token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the yellow fire token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Balefire (713) spell as such:

You blast a smoke-shrouded globe of sulfurous yellow fire at a giant rat!

Xanlin blasts a smoke-shrouded globe of sulfurous yellow fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a perfect violet sphere token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the violet sphere token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Balefire (713) spell as such:

You project a perfect sphere of dark violet fire at a giant rat!

Xanlin projects a perfect sphere of dark violet fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a scarlet plasma orb token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the plasma orb token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Balefire (713) spell as such:

You toss an ebon-veined orb of scarlet plasma at a giant rat!

Xanlin tosses an ebon-veined orb of scarlet plasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a brackish green fire token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the green fire token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Balefire (713) spell as such:

You aim a violent orb of brackish green fire at a giant rat!

Xanlin aims a violent orb of brackish green fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a darkly lambent sphere token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the lambent sphere token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Balefire (713) spell as such:

You summon a darkly lambent sphere of electrified smoke at a giant rat!

Xanlin summons a darkly lambent sphere of electrified smoke at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a luminous fiery swirl token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the fiery swirl token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Balefire (713) spell as such:

You fire a luminous swirl of fiery golden motes at a giant rat!

Xanlin fires a luminous swirl of fiery golden motes at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a brilliant blazing silver token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the blazing silver token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Balefire (713) spell as such:

You unleash a brilliant sphere of blazing silver radiance at a giant rat!

Xanlin unleashes a brilliant sphere of blazing silver radiance at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.


In the some golden spinewood crates you see: a black granite token, a grey stalactite token, a glittering quartz token, a wild tempest token, a rumbling grey pillar token and a churning white wind token.

a black granite token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the granite token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Hurl Boulder (510) spell as such:

You fire a perfect sphere of gleaming black granite at a giant rat!

Xanlin fires a perfect sphere of gleaming black granite at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a grey stalactite token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the stalactite token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Hurl Boulder (510) spell as such:

You throw a sharpened grey stalactite at a giant rat!

Xanlin throws a sharpened grey stalactite at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a glittering quartz token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the quartz token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Hurl Boulder (510) spell as such:

You hurl a jagged hunk of glittering quartz at a giant rat!

Xanlin hurls a jagged hunk of glittering quartz at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a wild tempest token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the tempest token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Hand of Tonis (505) spell as such:

You summon a wild tempest of thunderous wind at a giant rat!

Xanlin summons a wild tempest of thunderous wind at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a rumbling grey pillar token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the grey pillar token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Hand of Tonis (505) spell as such:

You manifest a rumbling grey pillar of cloudy air at a giant rat!

Xanlin manifests a rumbling grey pillar of cloudy air at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a churning white wind token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the white wind token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Hand of Tonis (505) spell as such:

You aim a column of churning white wind at a giant rat!

Xanlin aims a column of churning white wind at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.


Bolt From The Blue, Nook

[Bolt From The Blue, Nook - 26883]
Ivory-swept dark grey silk walls wrap around the semi-circular nook area, providing a pleasingly stark backdrop for a pewter-set ivory stand and a beveled ironwood sideboard. Tiny clusters of silvery lights are suspended in a gentle wave configuration from the ceiling, illuminating an ornate willow receptacle resting in the middle of the room.
Obvious exits: east

On the pewter-set ivory stand you see: an aquamarine sphere token, a sulfurous swamp water token, a pristine clear water token, a sparkling ruby fire token, a dazzling golden flame token, a silver webbing token and a white webbing token.

an aquamarine sphere token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the sphere token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Holy Bolt (306) spell as such:

You hurtle a mist-enshrouded sphere of aquamarine water at a giant rat!

Xanlin hurtles a mist-enshrouded sphere of aquamarine water at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a sulfurous swamp water token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the swamp water token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Holy Bolt (306) spell as such:

You blast a brackish ball of sulfurous swamp water at a giant rat!

Xanlin blasts a brackish ball of sulfurous swamp water at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a pristine clear water token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the clear water token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Holy Bolt (306) spell as such:

You release a pristine globe of crystal clear water at a giant rat!

Xanlin releases a pristine globe of crystal clear water at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a sparkling ruby fire token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the ruby fire token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Fire Spirit (111) spell as such:

You aim a sparkling sphere of burning ruby fire at a giant rat!

Xanlin aims a sparkling sphere of burning ruby fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a dazzling golden flame token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the golden flame token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Fire Spirit (111) spell as such:

You fire a dazzling bolt of searing golden flames at a giant rat!

Xanlin fires a dazzling bolt of searing golden flames at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a silver webbing token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the webbing token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Web (118) spell as such:

You fire a wall of glittering silver webbing at a giant rat!

Xanlin fires a wall of glittering silver webbing at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a white webbing token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the webbing token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Web (118) spell as such:

You shoot gossamer threads of white webbing at a giant rat!

Xanlin shoots gossamer threads of white webbing at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.


On the beveled ironwood sideboard you see: a hot fiery plume token, a twisting steam column token, a spinning steam torrent token, a jagged ice block token, a massive blue icicle token, a glittering white frost token, a caustic green token, a sulfurous yellow sphere token and a hissing violet token.

a hot fiery plume token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the fiery plume token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Steam (1707) spell as such:

You unleash a hot plume of fiery steam at a giant rat!

Xanlin unleashes a hot plume of fiery steam at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a twisting steam column token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the steam column token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Steam (1707) spell as such:

You fire a twisting column of blistering steam at a giant rat!

Xanlin fires a twisting column of blistering steam at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a spinning steam torrent token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the steam torrent token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Steam (1707) spell as such:

You spew a spinning torrent of mist and steam at a giant rat!

Xanlin spews a spinning torrent of mist and steam at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a jagged ice block token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the ice block token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Cold (1709) spell as such:

You toss a jagged and glassy block of ice at a giant rat!

Xanlin tosses a jagged and glassy block of ice at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a massive blue icicle token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the blue icicle token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Cold (1709) spell as such:

You point a viciously sharpened massive blue icicle at a giant rat!

Xanlin points a viciously sharpened massive blue icicle at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a glittering white frost token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the white frost token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Cold (1709) spell as such:

You throw a haze-shrouded sphere of glittering white frost at a giant rat!

Xanlin throws a haze-shrouded sphere of glittering white frost at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a caustic green token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the green token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Acid (1710) spell as such:

You aim a heaving and bubbling ball of caustic green fluid at a giant rat!

Xanlin aims a heaving and bubbling ball of caustic green fluid at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a sulfurous yellow sphere token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the yellow sphere token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Acid (1710) spell as such:

You spew an undulating sphere of sulfurous yellow acid at a giant rat!

Xanlin spews an undulating sphere of sulfurous yellow acid at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a hissing violet token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the violet token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Acid (1710) spell as such:

You hurl a hissing globe of dark violet liquid at a giant rat!

Xanlin hurls a hissing globe of dark violet liquid at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.


In the ornate willow receptacle you see: a swirling vivid purple token, a bright blue plasma token, a searing green sphere token, a crackling blue plasma token, a crackling white plasma token, a burning golden bolt token, a hazy blood red token, a blinding white radiance token, an ebon-veined violet orb token and a sapphire blue bolt token.

a swirling vivid purple token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the vivid purple token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:

You fling a ferocious swirling ball of vivid purple plasma at a giant rat!

Xanlin flings a ferocious swirling ball of vivid purple plasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a bright blue plasma token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the blue plasma token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:

You fire a haze-enshrouded fist of bright blue plasma at a giant rat!

Xanlin fires a haze-enshrouded fist of bright blue plasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a searing green sphere token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the green sphere token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:

You direct a perfect sphere of searing green radiance at a giant rat!

Xanlin directs a perfect sphere of searing green radiance at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a crackling blue plasma token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the blue plasma token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:

You shoot a loud bolt of crackling blue plasma at a giant rat!

Xanlin shoots a loud bolt of crackling blue plasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a crackling white plasma token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the white plasma token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:

You hurl an energetic bolt of crackling white plasma at a giant rat!

Xanlin hurls an energetic bolt of crackling white plasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a burning golden bolt token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the golden bolt token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:

You aim a burning bolt of golden radiance at a giant rat!

Xanlin aims a burning bolt of golden radiance at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a hazy blood red token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the blood red token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:

You unleash a hazy sphere of blood red light at a giant rat!

Xanlin unleashes a hazy sphere of blood red light at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a blinding white radiance token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the white radiance token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:

You project a silver-veined orb of blinding white radiance at a giant rat!

Xanlin projects a silver-veined orb of blinding white radiance at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

an ebon-veined violet orb token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the violet orb token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:

You hurtle an ebon-veined orb of pulsing violet light at a giant rat!

Xanlin hurtles an ebon-veined orb of pulsing violet light at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

a sapphire blue bolt token Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the blue bolt token and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:

You conjure a glowing bolt of sapphire blue plasma at a giant rat!

Xanlin conjures a glowing bolt of sapphire blue plasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.


February 2020

Bolt from the Blue

What does the shop look like from the outside?, What is the Map Room # and Lich ID?

[Bolt From The Blue]

Inventory verified: 2/13/2020

[Bolt From The Blue]
The narrow walls are painted in shades of midnight blue and stormy grey, the paler hues sweeping in spiraling arcs around a rectangular seascape painting at the back. On opposite sides of the room, a dark-grained mistwood case and a carved white pine chest symmetrically mirror the position of a broad willow-planked hutch, each container illuminated by a solitary hanging silver lantern.
Obvious exits: south, out

In the carved white pine chest you see:

an incandescent rune token for sale You draw a sinuous incandescent rune at a giant rat! 901 2500
an ivory spark token for sale You flick a shower of radiant ivory sparks at a giant rat! 901 2500
a white spherical token for sale You sharply wave a hand, conjuring a surge of pure white electrified spheres at a giant rat! 901 2500
a red spherical token for sale You sharply wave a hand, conjuring a surge of blood red electrified spheres at a giant rat! 901 2500
a black spherical token for sale You sharply wave a hand, conjuring a surge of silvery black electrified spheres at a giant rat! 901 2500
a violet spherical token for sale You sharply wave a hand, conjuring a surge of stormy violet electrified spheres at a giant rat! 901 2500
a green spherical token for sale You sharply wave a hand, conjuring a surge of forest green electrified spheres at a giant rat! 901 2500
an orange spherical token for sale You sharply wave a hand, conjuring a surge of deep orange electrified spheres at a giant rat! 901 2500
a yellow spherical token for sale You sharply wave a hand, conjuring a surge of vivid yellow electrified spheres at a giant rat! 901 2500
a jade green lightning rune for sale You release a broken chain of jade green lightning at a giant rat! 910 2500
a copper lightning rune for sale You conjure an outburst of radiant copper lightning strikes at a giant rat! 910 2500
a dark amber lightning rune for sale You conjure a crackling cloud of dark amber lightning at a giant rat! 910 2500
an emerald lightning rune for sale You conjure a sizzling bolt of intense emerald lightning at a giant rat! 910 2500
a crimson lightning rune for sale You conjure a shifting lattice of fiery crimson lightning at a giant rat! 910 2500
an amethyst lightning rune for sale You conjure a crackling burst of amethyst-hued lightning at a giant rat! 910 2500
a midnight blue lightning rune for sale You conjure a vicious spray of midnight blue lightning forks at a giant rat! 910 2500
a niveous lightning rune for sale You conjure a sharply darting branch of niveous lightning at a giant rat! 910 2500
an ebon lightning rune for sale You conjure a rotating sphere of silver-forked ebon lightning at a giant rat! 910 2500
a sparking arc rune for sale You release a broadly strewn arc of sparking electricity at a giant rat! 910 2500
a hissing sigil rune for sale You project a hissing sigil composed of undulating energy at a giant rat! 910 2500

In the dark-grained mistwood case you see:

a dark gale token for sale You exhale a precisely controlled gale at a giant rat! 505 2500
an intense copper fireball token for sale You swiftly summon an undulating intense copper fireball at a giant rat! 713 2500
a puffed fiery token for sale You belch forth a roaring puff of virulent balefire at a giant rat! 713 2500
a scintillating water token for sale You conjure a surge of scintillating water at a giant rat! 306 2500
a silver-white water token for sale You launch a zealous torrent of pure silver-white water at a giant rat! 306 2500
a silky webbing token for sale You emit fine, silky threads that twist into a coating of sticky webbing at a giant rat! 118 2500
a sparking fire orb token for sale You pitch a vividly sparking orb of pure crimson fire at a giant rat! 111 2500
a spherical niveous fire token for sale You smoothly conjure a hazy sphere of glowing niveous fire at a giant rat! 111 2500
an opalescent viridian light token for sale You boldly summon a sidewinding opalescent viridian light at a giant rat! 705 2500
a spiraling whirlwind token for sale You summon a spiraling whirlwind of riotous air at a giant rat! 518(Air) 2500
a frosty air token for sale You project a wildly churning cyclone of frosty air at a giant rat! 505 2500
a torrid air token for sale You propel forth a violently whipping wall of scorching torrid air at a giant rat! 505 2500
a hole-riddled crag token for sale You fling a bulky hole-riddled crag at a giant rat! 510 2500
a fractured yellow ray token for sale You project a fractured ray of sickly yellow radiance at a giant rat! 705 2500

In the broad willow-planked hutch you see:

a churning fog bauble for sale You propel a churning wall of dense stone grey fog at a giant rat! 1707 2500
a steam bauble for sale You summon a blistering wave of steam at a giant rat! 1707 2500
an opaque steam bauble for sale You exhale a profuse outpouring of opaque steam at a giant rat! 1707 2500

Bolt From The Blue, Niche

[Bolt From The Blue, Niche - 26882]
A faint note of ozone hangs lightly in the air, aptly playing off the sky blue tones used in the niche's interior. Finely honed woodworking skills are presented in the forms of a glossy mahogany counter and a lacquered oak table placed at the center of the space. Stacked neatly at the back, some golden spinewood crates sit next to an oversized iron-bound trunk that is incised with an array of silvery glyphs and symbols.
Obvious exits: north, west

On the lacquered oak table you see:

an iridescent statue Weight: <1 pound
This statue, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:
You summon a threadlike interlacing of iridescent plasma at a giant rat!
Syc summons a threadlike interlacing of iridescent plasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a sheer white globe statue Weight: <1 pound
This statue, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:
You conjure a shifting globe of sheer white plasma at a giant rat!
Syc conjures a shifting globe of sheer white plasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a fiery red globe statue Weight: <1 pound
This statue, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:
You conjure a shifting globe of fiery red plasma at a giant rat!
Syc conjures a shifting globe of fiery red plasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a royal purple globe statue Weight: <1 pound
This statue, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:
You conjure a shifting globe of royal purple plasma at a giant rat!
Syc conjures a shifting globe of royal purple plasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a jet black globe statue Weight: <1 pound
This statue, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:
You conjure a shifting globe of jet black plasma at a giant rat!
Syc conjures a shifting globe of jet black plasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
an aloeas green globe statue Weight: <1 pound
This statue, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:
You conjure a shifting globe of aloeas green plasma at a giant rat!
Syc conjures a shifting globe of aloeas green plasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a coral orange globe statue Weight: <1 pound
This statue, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:
You conjure a shifting globe of coral orange plasma at a giant rat!
Syc conjures a shifting globe of coral orange plasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
an ocean blue globe statue Weight: <1 pound
This statue, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:
You conjure a shifting globe of ocean blue plasma at a giant rat!
Syc conjures a shifting globe of ocean blue plasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a pallid gold globe statue Weight: <1 pound
This statue, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:
You conjure a shifting globe of pallid gold plasma at a giant rat!
Syc conjures a shifting globe of pallid gold plasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
an opaline white statue Weight: <1 pound
This statue, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Empathic Assault (1110) spell as such:
You conjure a wavy-edged aura of opaline white energy at a giant rat!
Syc conjures a wavy-edged aura of opaline white energy at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

On the glossy mahogany counter you see:

a serrated blue icicle trinket Weight: <1 pound
This trinket, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Cold (907) spell as such:
You thrust a serrated ring of pale blue icicles at a giant rat!
Syc thrusts a serrated ring of pale blue icicles at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
an icy hoarfrost trinket Weight: <1 pound
This trinket, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Cold (907) spell as such:
You summon a rapid downpouring of icy hoarfrost at a giant rat!
Syc summons a rapid downpouring of icy hoarfrost at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a fragmented hailstone trinket Weight: <1 pound
This trinket, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Cold (907) spell as such:
You let fly a slushy mix of icy fragments and hailstone at a giant rat!
Syc lets fly a slushy mix of icy fragments and hailstone at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a snow-coated stone ornament Weight: <1 pound
This ornament, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Cold (1709) spell as such:
You summon a massive snow-coated stone at a giant rat!
Syc summons a massive snow-coated stone at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a ridged ice crag ornament Weight: <1 pound
This ornament, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Cold (1709) spell as such:
You conjure an immense frost-ridged ice crag at a giant rat!
Syc conjures an immense frost-ridged ice crag at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

In the oversized iron-bound trunk you see:

a flame glyph button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You project a glyph wrought of ash-traced flame at a giant rat!
Syc projects a glyph wrought of ash-traced flame at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a white-gold fireball button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You loudly belch a spinning white-gold fireball at a giant rat!
Syc loudly belches a spinning white-gold fireball at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a curved flame button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You exhale a wicked curvation of white-hot flames at a giant rat!
Syc exhales a wicked curvation of white-hot flames at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a rondure of ivory fire button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You summon a luminous rondure of searing ivory fire at a giant rat!
Syc summons a luminous rondure of searing ivory fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a rondure of silver fire button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You summon a luminous rondure of brilliant silver fire at a giant rat!
Syc summons a luminous rondure of brilliant silver fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a rondure of golden fire button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You summon a luminous rondure of pale golden fire at a giant rat!
Syc summons a luminous rondure of pale golden fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a rondure of dark lilac button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You summon a luminous rondure of dark lilac fire at a giant rat!
Syc summons a luminous rondure of dark lilac fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a rondure of indigo fire button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You summon a luminous rondure of blazing indigo fire at a giant rat!
Syc summons a luminous rondure of blazing indigo fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a rondure of verdigris fire button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You summon a luminous rondure of gleaming verdigris fire at a giant rat!
Syc summons a luminous rondure of gleaming verdigris fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a rondure of titian fire button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You summon a luminous rondure of bright titian fire at a giant rat!
Syc summons a luminous rondure of bright titian fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a rondure of honeyed fire button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You summon a luminous rondure of honeyed yellow fire at a giant rat!
Syc summons a luminous rondure of honeyed yellow fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a gold bonfire button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You breathe a bonfire-sized collection of gold flames at a giant rat!
Syc breathes a bonfire-sized collection of gold flames at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
an arched flame button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You emit a sulphur-scented arch of sanguine flame at a giant rat!
Syc emits a sulphur-scented arch of sanguine flame at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a molten sputum button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You hawk up and spit a smoldering gob of molten-laden sputum at a giant rat!
Syc hawks up and spits a smoldering gob of molten-laden sputum at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a shield of fire token Weight: <1 pound
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You smoothly conjure an undulating shield of scorching fire at a giant rat!
Syc smoothly conjures an undulating shield of scorching fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a panel of fire button Weight: <1 pound
This button, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Fire (908) spell as such:
You swiftly conjure a vacillating panel of searing blue fire at a giant rat!
Syc swiftly conjures a vacillating panel of searing blue fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

In the some golden spinewood crates you see:

a caustic mist stone Weight: <1 pound
This stone, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Acid (1710) spell as such:
You project a seething onslaught of caustic mist at a giant rat!
Syc projects a seething onslaught of caustic mist at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a dark miasma stone Weight: <1 pound
This stone, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Acid (1710) spell as such:
You exhale a powerfully acidulous dark miasma at a giant rat!
Syc exhales a powerfully acidulous dark miasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a green miasma stone Weight: <1 pound
This stone, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Acid (1710) spell as such:
You throw a green orb of hissing miasma at a giant rat!
Syc throws a green orb of hissing miasma at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a caustic orb stone Weight: <1 pound
This stone, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Major Acid (1710) spell as such:
You exhale a caustic green orb at a giant rat!
Syc exhales a caustic green orb at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
an acrid mist token Weight: <1 pound
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Acid (904) spell as such:
You spray forth a hazy, acrid mist at a giant rat!
Syc sprays forth a hazy, acrid mist at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
an intense green liquid token Weight: <1 pound
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Acid (904) spell as such:
You summon a current of noxious intense green liquid at a giant rat!
Syc summons a current of noxious intense green liquid at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a yellow-green fluid token Weight: <1 pound
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Acid (904) spell as such:
You belch a shower of acerbic yellow-green fluid at a giant rat!
Syc belches a shower of acerbic yellow-green fluid at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a pea green acid token Weight: <1 pound
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Acid (904) spell as such:
You direct a strong wave of pea green acid at a giant rat!
Syc directs a strong wave of pea green acid at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a muddled acid token Weight: <1 pound
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Acid (904) spell as such:
You spit a muddled spray of bitter acid at a giant rat!
Syc spits a muddled spray of bitter acid at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a chaotic liquid token Weight: <1 pound
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Acid (904) spell as such:
You direct a chaotic stream of erosive liquid at a giant rat!
Syc directs a chaotic stream of erosive liquid at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a blue-green gob token Weight: <1 pound
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Acid (904) spell as such:
You hawk loudly and spit a strikingly blue-green gob of phlegm at a giant rat!
Syc hawks loudly and spits a strikingly blue-green gob of phlegm at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

Bolt From The Blue, Nook

[Bolt From The Blue, Nook - 26883]
Ivory-swept dark grey silk walls wrap around the semi-circular nook area, providing a pleasingly stark backdrop for a pewter-set ivory stand and a beveled ironwood sideboard. Tiny clusters of silvery lights are suspended in a gentle wave configuration from the ceiling, illuminating an ornate willow receptacle resting in the middle of the room.
Obvious exits: east

On the pewter-set ivory stand you see:

a prismatic coin Weight: <1 pound
This coin, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Arcane Blast (1700) spell as such:
You fling a fragment of prismatic-threaded energy at a giant rat!
Syc flings a fragment of prismatic-threaded energy at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

On the beveled ironwood sideboard you see:

a cascading white fire charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You emanate a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping white fire at a giant rat!
Syc emanates a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping white fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a cascading red fire charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You emanate a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping red fire at a giant rat!
Syc emanates a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping red fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a cascading black fire charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You emanate a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping black fire at a giant rat!
Syc emanates a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping black fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a cascading blue fire charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You emanate a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping blue fire at a giant rat!
Syc emanates a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping blue fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a cascading purple fire charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You emanate a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping purple fire at a giant rat!
Syc emanates a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping purple fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a cascading green fire charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You emanate a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping green fire at a giant rat!
Syc emanates a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping green fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a cascading yellow fire charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You emanate a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping yellow fire at a giant rat!
Syc emanates a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping yellow fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a cascading orange fire charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You emanate a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping orange fire at a giant rat!
Syc emanates a mercurial cascade of harshly snapping orange fire at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a lava rune charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You fling a coursing flood of lava-dripping runes at a giant rat!
Syc flings a coursing flood of lava-dripping runes at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a wyvern flame charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You summon a flame-cloaked semblance of a smoldering wyvern at a giant rat!
Syc summons a flame-cloaked semblance of a smoldering wyvern at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a basilisk flame charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You summon a flame-scaled semblance of a searing hot basilisk at a giant rat!
Syc summons a flame-scaled semblance of a searing hot basilisk at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a skayl flame charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You summon a flaming-mawed semblance of a fiery skayl at a giant rat!
Syc summons a flaming-mawed semblance of a fiery skayl at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
an effulgent flames charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You spew a bevy of effulgent tridented flames at a giant rat!
Syc spews a bevy of effulgent tridented flames at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a red-hot flame charm Weight: <1 pound
This charm, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Fire (906) spell as such:
You blow a broiling red-hot sequence of flaming symbols at a giant rat!
Syc blows a broiling red-hot sequence of flaming symbols at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.

In the ornate willow receptacle you see:

a vaporous glyph token Weight: <1 pound
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Water (903) spell as such:
You artfully draw a fluent strand of vaporous glyphs at a giant rat!
Syc artfully draws a fluent strand of vaporous glyphs at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a frothy wave token Weight: <1 pound
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Water (903) spell as such:
You summon a rushing wave of frothy water at a giant rat!
Syc summons a rushing wave of frothy water at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.
a gushing geyser token Weight: <1 pound
This token, if redeemed, will provide custom bolt messaging for the Minor Water (903) spell as such:
You expertly direct a gushing geyser of clear water at a giant rat!
Syc expertly directs a gushing geyser of clear water at a giant rat!
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell. This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that you already have the ability to cast the spell natively, from a spell knowledge enhancive, or from a magical item.