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>read parchment

Revision as of 22:18, 1 July 2024

Premium Trove

The Premium Trove will be opened each month to distribute a variety of customization services with selections for all professions throughout the year. These are all delayed services that the winner will work on with a GM. There will be a strict deadline of 2 weeks from the time the winner is drawn for the service to be in QC. Please remember to REDEEM your win.

Entry tokens will be 50,000 silvers, and the win will be attuned to the winning character. Entries cannot be refunded and wins are nontransferable and cannot be exchanged, so please be sure you only enter raffles you want to win.

A Premium Trove winner does not need to be online to win, but does need to pick up their prize within 24 hours of the draw or it will be forfeited. If you enter a raffle, make sure to log back in and check. Picking up a win is the winner's responsibility. Accounts that win one of the raffles will be unable to win another Trove raffle for this month.

Reminder that every month will not include all professions. Most months will have 5 items in the trove, but there may be more some months due to starting later in the year than planned.


Go through the entryway in the merchant lounge in Firefly Villa. Tokens can be bought on the table in the same room. READ THE SIGN AND THE PARCHMENT! Look on the shelf for the current item being raffled. Look on the tray for upcoming offerings. If you win, take your item from the rack.

[Firefly Villa, Library]
Shadows from the flickering lantern's cut-outs in the adjacent lounge flit aimlessly through this modest room of knowledge, creating illusions of flying insects among the plethora of parchments, journals, and books lining the enclosing shelves. Situated between two reading tables is an elaborately carved cabinet with depictions of prominent historians chiseled onto its surface. Large bundles of aged papyrus secured with twine rest in the corner, but the ink appears to have faded from most of the pages. You also see a very large bright yellow parchment and an oversized bright orange sign.

Obvious exits: out

>read sign
**               PREMIUM TROVE RAFFLES                    **
**  ****************************************************  **
**  Trove entries cannot be refunded, so be certain you   **
**  want the raffled item before entering.                **
**                                                        **
**  Wins attune to the winning character, so please do    **
**  not enter unless you are able to use the prize.       **
**                                                        **
**          Attuned wins are nontransferable              **
**                                                        **

>read parchment **Instructions**
Look on the shelf to see what is up for raffle. If you want to enter, buy a token from the table. Put your token in the drawer. If you win, you will need to check back within 24 hours and take your winning item from on the rack or the win is forfeit. THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Upcoming items are on the tray. LOOK at the drawer to see how much time is left on the raffle."

This is a trial run. The trove will be reevaluated at the end of the year.