BVShop:Stay Vigilant: Difference between revisions

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|location=Map Room #17, Lich# 26876, go white tent
|location=Map Room #17, Lich# 26876, go white tent
===Stay Vigilant===<!--==={{{ [Stay Vigilant] 2021-08-16 09:40:26 -0700}}}===-->
===Stay Vigilant===<!--==={{{ [Stay Vigilant] 2021-08-18 18:14:53 -0500}}}===-->
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The ensigiled candles offer the same protection, but will also whisk you away to a sanctuary where those you trust with your resurrection may find you.</nowiki>}}
The ensigiled candles offer the same protection, but will also whisk you away to a sanctuary where those you trust with your resurrection may find you.</nowiki>}}
{{Container2||container=On the large polished silver candelabra you see:||contents= a grape-etched wine purple vigil candle, a slender orange blossom vigil candle, a narrow pearl white vigil candle etched with ice blossoms, a fragrant peach vigil candle with a pit inside, an elongated vanilla candle with a narrow taper, an ensigiled pine green vigil candle etched with ivory snowflakes, an ensigiled golden sand-hued vigil candle etched with a palm tree, an ensigiled beeswax vigil candle bleeding from crimson to bronze and an ensigiled cobalt beeswax vigil candle imbedded with ivory teardrops.}}
{{Container2||container=On the large polished silver candelabra you see:||contents= an ensigiled cobalt beeswax vigil candle imbedded with ivory teardrops, an ensigiled beeswax vigil candle bleeding from crimson to bronze, an ensigiled golden sand-hued vigil candle etched with a palm tree, an ensigiled pine green vigil candle etched with ivory snowflakes, an elongated vanilla candle with a narrow taper, a fragrant peach vigil candle with a pit inside, a narrow pearl white vigil candle etched with ice blossoms, a slender orange blossom vigil candle and a grape-etched wine purple vigil candle.}}
{| class="wikitable col-5-right" {{prettytable}}
{| class="wikitable col-5-right" {{prettytable}}
| a grape-etched wine purple vigil candle || Weight: <1 pound ||
| an ensigiled cobalt beeswax vigil candle imbedded with ivory teardrops || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Vigil Candle]] - Greater || 150
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-agrape-etchedwinepurplevigilcandle" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-agrape-etchedwinepurplevigilcandle">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the purple vigil candle and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br><b>************************* Vigil Candle *************************</b><br>
The purple vigil candle holds the Vigil Candle script.<br>
The purple vigil candle may be altered, but its noun must stay as "candle" and it must be made of wax.<br>
When purple vigil candle is lit, its article changes to reflect that and will overwrite its existing article.<br>
This is a lesser vigil candle. Upon death, it will light, then cast Preservation (305) on you and cast Minor Sanctuary (213). It is only usable once.<br>
| 50
| a slender orange blossom vigil candle || Weight: <1 pound ||
| an ensigiled beeswax vigil candle bleeding from crimson to bronze || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Vigil Candle]] - Greater || 150
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-aslenderorangeblossomvigilcandle" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-aslenderorangeblossomvigilcandle">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the orange vigil candle and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br><b>************************* Vigil Candle *************************</b><br>
The orange vigil candle holds the Vigil Candle script.<br>
The orange vigil candle may be altered, but its noun must stay as "candle" and it must be made of wax.<br>
When orange vigil candle is lit, its article changes to reflect that and will overwrite its existing article.<br>
This is a lesser vigil candle. Upon death, it will light, then cast Preservation (305) on you and cast Minor Sanctuary (213). It is only usable once.<br>
| 50
| a narrow pearl white vigil candle etched with ice blossoms || Weight: <1 pound ||
| an ensigiled golden sand-hued vigil candle etched with a palm tree || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Vigil Candle]] - Greater || 150
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-anarrowpearlwhitevigilcandleetchedwithiceblossoms" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-anarrowpearlwhitevigilcandleetchedwithiceblossoms">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the white vigil candle and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br><b>************************* Vigil Candle *************************</b><br>
The white vigil candle holds the Vigil Candle script.<br>
The white vigil candle may be altered, but its noun must stay as "candle" and it must be made of wax.<br>
When white vigil candle is lit, its article changes to reflect that and will overwrite its existing article.<br>
This is a lesser vigil candle. Upon death, it will light, then cast Preservation (305) on you and cast Minor Sanctuary (213). It is only usable once.<br>
| 50
| a fragrant peach vigil candle with a pit inside || Weight: <1 pound ||
| an ensigiled pine green vigil candle etched with ivory snowflakes || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Vigil Candle]] - Greater || 150
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-afragrantpeachvigilcandlewithapitinside" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-afragrantpeachvigilcandlewithapitinside">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the peach vigil candle and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br><b>************************* Vigil Candle *************************</b><br>
The peach vigil candle holds the Vigil Candle script.<br>
The peach vigil candle may be altered, but its noun must stay as "candle" and it must be made of wax.<br>
When peach vigil candle is lit, its article changes to reflect that and will overwrite its existing article.<br>
This is a lesser vigil candle. Upon death, it will light, then cast Preservation (305) on you and cast Minor Sanctuary (213). It is only usable once.<br>
| 50
| an elongated vanilla candle with a narrow taper || Weight: <1 pound ||
| an elongated vanilla candle with a narrow taper || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Vigil Candle]] - Lesser || 50
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-anelongatedvanillacandlewithanarrowtaper" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-anelongatedvanillacandlewithanarrowtaper">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the vanilla vigil candle and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br><b>************************* Vigil Candle *************************</b><br>
The vanilla vigil candle holds the Vigil Candle script.<br>
The vanilla vigil candle may be altered, but its noun must stay as "candle" and it must be made of wax.<br>
When vanilla vigil candle is lit, its article changes to reflect that and will overwrite its existing article.<br>
This is a lesser vigil candle. Upon death, it will light, then cast Preservation (305) on you and cast Minor Sanctuary (213). It is only usable once.<br>
| 50
| an ensigiled pine green vigil candle etched with ivory snowflakes || Weight: <1 pound ||
| a fragrant peach vigil candle with a pit inside || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Vigil Candle]] - Lesser || 50
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-anensigiledpinegreenvigilcandleetchedwithivorysnowflakes" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-anensigiledpinegreenvigilcandleetchedwithivorysnowflakes">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the green vigil candle and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br><b>************************* Vigil Candle *************************</b><br>
The green vigil candle holds the Vigil Candle script.<br>
The green vigil candle may be altered, but its noun must stay as "candle" and it must be made of wax.<br>
When green vigil candle is lit, its article changes to reflect that and will overwrite its existing article.<br>
This is a greater vigil candle. WHISPER CANDLE &lt;CLERIC NAME&gt; to it while alive. Upon death, it will light, then cast Preservation (305) on you and cast Minor Sanctuary (213). PRAY to the candle to notify the Cleric that you WHISPERed to it (if they are in the lands) and give them the option to teleport to you if you are in the same teleportation zone. If they agree you will both be transported to a Major Sanctuary (220) where they can raise you. It is only usable once.<br>
| 150
| an ensigiled golden sand-hued vigil candle etched with a palm tree || Weight: <1 pound ||
| a narrow pearl white vigil candle etched with ice blossoms || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Vigil Candle]] - Lesser || 50
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-anensigiledgoldensand-huedvigilcandleetchedwithapalmtree" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-anensigiledgoldensand-huedvigilcandleetchedwithapalmtree">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the sand-hued vigil candle and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br><b>************************* Vigil Candle *************************</b><br>
The sand-hued vigil candle holds the Vigil Candle script.<br>
The sand-hued vigil candle may be altered, but its noun must stay as "candle" and it must be made of wax.<br>
When sand-hued vigil candle is lit, its article changes to reflect that and will overwrite its existing article.<br>
This is a greater vigil candle. WHISPER CANDLE &lt;CLERIC NAME&gt; to it while alive. Upon death, it will light, then cast Preservation (305) on you and cast Minor Sanctuary (213). PRAY to the candle to notify the Cleric that you WHISPERed to it (if they are in the lands) and give them the option to teleport to you if you are in the same teleportation zone. If they agree you will both be transported to a Major Sanctuary (220) where they can raise you. It is only usable once.<br>
| 150
| an ensigiled beeswax vigil candle bleeding from crimson to bronze || Weight: <1 pound ||
| a slender orange blossom vigil candle || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Vigil Candle]] - Lesser || 50
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-anensigiledbeeswaxvigilcandlebleedingfromcrimsontobronze" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-anensigiledbeeswaxvigilcandlebleedingfromcrimsontobronze">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the crimson vigil candle and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br><b>************************* Vigil Candle *************************</b><br>
The crimson vigil candle holds the Vigil Candle script.<br>
The crimson vigil candle may be altered, but its noun must stay as "candle" and it must be made of wax.<br>
When crimson vigil candle is lit, its article changes to reflect that and will overwrite its existing article.<br>
This is a greater vigil candle. WHISPER CANDLE &lt;CLERIC NAME&gt; to it while alive. Upon death, it will light, then cast Preservation (305) on you and cast Minor Sanctuary (213). PRAY to the candle to notify the Cleric that you WHISPERed to it (if they are in the lands) and give them the option to teleport to you if you are in the same teleportation zone. If they agree you will both be transported to a Major Sanctuary (220) where they can raise you. It is only usable once.<br>
| 150
| an ensigiled cobalt beeswax vigil candle imbedded with ivory teardrops || Weight: <1 pound ||
| a grape-etched wine purple vigil candle || Weight: <1 pound || || [[Vigil Candle]] - Lesser || 50
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-anensigiledcobaltbeeswaxvigilcandleimbeddedwithivoryteardrops" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-anensigiledcobaltbeeswaxvigilcandleimbeddedwithivoryteardrops">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the cobalt vigil candle and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br><b>************************* Vigil Candle *************************</b><br>
The cobalt vigil candle holds the Vigil Candle script.<br>
The cobalt vigil candle may be altered, but its noun must stay as "candle" and it must be made of wax.<br>
When cobalt vigil candle is lit, its article changes to reflect that and will overwrite its existing article.<br>
This is a greater vigil candle. WHISPER CANDLE &lt;CLERIC NAME&gt; to it while alive. Upon death, it will light, then cast Preservation (305) on you and cast Minor Sanctuary (213). PRAY to the candle to notify the Cleric that you WHISPERed to it (if they are in the lands) and give them the option to teleport to you if you are in the same teleportation zone. If they agree you will both be transported to a Major Sanctuary (220) where they can raise you. It is only usable once.<br>
| 150

Revision as of 16:35, 18 August 2021


a grungy white tent, Map Room #17, Lich# 26876, go white tent

Stay Vigilant

[Stay Vigilant -]
At odds with the grungy exterior, the interior of the tent is gently glowing with a variety of lit candles casting a golden light over the sparse furnishings and large oval rug of silver-threaded linen. Forming a centerpiece in the middle of the shop is a large polished silver candelabra, proudly displayed atop a wooden platform. A tent flap flutters in the breeze, offering an exit to the village.
Obvious exits: none
large sign
~~ Try not to die out there - but if you do, stay vigilant ~~ ~~ Mix and Match - Pick and Choose ~~ ~~- NO REFUNDS! ~~ These candles will help protect you and those who may come to rescue you when you have succumbed to death! Be cautious - they have only one use and then their magic is expended. The ensigiled candles offer the same protection, but will also whisk you away to a sanctuary where those you trust with your resurrection may find you.

On the large polished silver candelabra you see: an ensigiled cobalt beeswax vigil candle imbedded with ivory teardrops, an ensigiled beeswax vigil candle bleeding from crimson to bronze, an ensigiled golden sand-hued vigil candle etched with a palm tree, an ensigiled pine green vigil candle etched with ivory snowflakes, an elongated vanilla candle with a narrow taper, a fragrant peach vigil candle with a pit inside, a narrow pearl white vigil candle etched with ice blossoms, a slender orange blossom vigil candle and a grape-etched wine purple vigil candle.

an ensigiled cobalt beeswax vigil candle imbedded with ivory teardrops Weight: <1 pound Vigil Candle - Greater 150
an ensigiled beeswax vigil candle bleeding from crimson to bronze Weight: <1 pound Vigil Candle - Greater 150
an ensigiled golden sand-hued vigil candle etched with a palm tree Weight: <1 pound Vigil Candle - Greater 150
an ensigiled pine green vigil candle etched with ivory snowflakes Weight: <1 pound Vigil Candle - Greater 150
an elongated vanilla candle with a narrow taper Weight: <1 pound Vigil Candle - Lesser 50
a fragrant peach vigil candle with a pit inside Weight: <1 pound Vigil Candle - Lesser 50
a narrow pearl white vigil candle etched with ice blossoms Weight: <1 pound Vigil Candle - Lesser 50
a slender orange blossom vigil candle Weight: <1 pound Vigil Candle - Lesser 50
a grape-etched wine purple vigil candle Weight: <1 pound Vigil Candle - Lesser 50


a grungy white tent, Map Room #17, Lich# 26876, go white tent

Stay Vigilant

[Stay Vigilant -]
At odds with the grungy exterior, the interior of the tent is gently glowing with a variety of lit candles casting a golden light over the sparse furnishings and large oval rug of silver-threaded linen. Forming a centerpiece in the middle of the shop is a large polished silver candelabra, proudly displayed atop a wooden platform. A tent flap flutters in the breeze, offering an exit to the village.
Obvious exits: none
large sign
~~ Try not to die out there - but if you do, stay vigilant ~~ ~~ Mix and Match - Pick and Choose ~~ ~~- NO REFUNDS! ~~ These candles will help protect you and those who may come to rescue you when you have succumbed to death! Be cautious - they have only one use and then their magic is expended. The ensigiled candles offer the same protection, but will also whisk you away to a sanctuary where those you trust with your resurrection may find you.

On the large polished silver candelabra you see: an ensigiled cobalt beeswax vigil candle imbedded with ivory teardrops, an ensigiled beeswax vigil candle bleeding from crimson to bronze, an ensigiled golden sand-hued vigil candle etched with a palm tree, an ensigiled pine green vigil candle etched with ivory snowflakes, an elongated vanilla candle with a narrow taper, a fragrant peach vigil candle with a pit inside, a narrow pearl white vigil candle etched with ice blossoms, a slender orange blossom vigil candle and a grape-etched wine purple vigil candle.

an ensigiled cobalt beeswax vigil candle imbedded with ivory teardrops Weight: <1 pound Greater Vigil Candle 150
an ensigiled beeswax vigil candle bleeding from crimson to bronze Weight: <1 pound Greater Vigil Candle 150
an ensigiled golden sand-hued vigil candle etched with a palm tree Weight: <1 pound Greater Vigil Candle 150
an ensigiled pine green vigil candle etched with ivory snowflakes Weight: <1 pound Greater Vigil Candle 150
an elongated vanilla candle with a narrow taper Weight: <1 pound Lesser Vigil Candle 50
a fragrant peach vigil candle with a pit inside Weight: <1 pound Lesser Vigil Candle 50
a narrow pearl white vigil candle etched with ice blossoms Weight: <1 pound Lesser Vigil Candle 50
a slender orange blossom vigil candle Weight: <1 pound Lesser Vigil Candle 50
a grape-etched wine purple vigil candle Weight: <1 pound Lesser Vigil Candle 50


a grungy white tent, Map Room #17, Lich# 26876, go white tent

Stay Vigilant

[Stay Vigilant -]
At odds with the grungy exterior, the interior of the tent is gently glowing with a variety of lit candles casting a golden light over the sparse furnishings and large oval rug of silver-threaded linen. Forming a centerpiece in the middle of the shop is a large polished silver candelabra, proudly displayed atop a wooden platform. A tent flap flutters in the breeze, offering an exit to the village.
Obvious exits: none
large sign
~~ Try not to die out there - but if you do, stay vigilant ~~ ~~ Mix and Match - Pick and Choose ~~ ~~- NO REFUNDS! ~~ These candles will help protect you and those who may come to rescue you when you have succumbed to death! Be cautious - they have only one use and then their magic is expended. The ensigiled candles offer the same protection, but will also whisk you away to a sanctuary where those you trust with your resurrection may find you.

On the large polished silver candelabra you see: an ensigiled blue vigil candle, an ensigiled crimson vigil candle, an ensigiled golden vigil candle, an ensigiled snow white vigil candle, a squat dark grey vigil candle, a vine-wrapped pale pink vigil candle, a slender petal-etched crimson vigil candle, a slender honey and vanilla vigil candle and a fragrant lavender beeswax vigil candle.

an ensigiled blue vigil candle Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the blue vigil candle and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

************************* Vigil Candle *************************

The blue vigil candle holds the Vigil Candle script.
The blue vigil candle may be altered, but its noun must stay as "candle" and it must be made of wax.
When blue vigil candle is lit, its article changes to reflect that and will overwrite its existing article.

This is a greater vigil candle. WHISPER CANDLE <CLERIC NAME> to it while alive. Upon death, it will light, then cast Preservation (305) on you and cast Minor Sanctuary (213). PRAY to the candle to notify the Cleric that you WHISPERed to it (if they are in the lands) and give them the option to teleport to you if you are in the same teleportation zone. If they agree you will both be transported to a Major Sanctuary (220) where they can raise you. It is only usable once.
an ensigiled crimson vigil candle Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the crimson vigil candle and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

************************* Vigil Candle *************************

The crimson vigil candle holds the Vigil Candle script.
The crimson vigil candle may be altered, but its noun must stay as "candle" and it must be made of wax.
When crimson vigil candle is lit, its article changes to reflect that and will overwrite its existing article.

This is a greater vigil candle. WHISPER CANDLE <CLERIC NAME> to it while alive. Upon death, it will light, then cast Preservation (305) on you and cast Minor Sanctuary (213). PRAY to the candle to notify the Cleric that you WHISPERed to it (if they are in the lands) and give them the option to teleport to you if you are in the same teleportation zone. If they agree you will both be transported to a Major Sanctuary (220) where they can raise you. It is only usable once.
an ensigiled golden vigil candle Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the golden vigil candle and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

************************* Vigil Candle *************************

The golden vigil candle holds the Vigil Candle script.
The golden vigil candle may be altered, but its noun must stay as "candle" and it must be made of wax.
When golden vigil candle is lit, its article changes to reflect that and will overwrite its existing article.

This is a greater vigil candle. WHISPER CANDLE <CLERIC NAME> to it while alive. Upon death, it will light, then cast Preservation (305) on you and cast Minor Sanctuary (213). PRAY to the candle to notify the Cleric that you WHISPERed to it (if they are in the lands) and give them the option to teleport to you if you are in the same teleportation zone. If they agree you will both be transported to a Major Sanctuary (220) where they can raise you. It is only usable once.
an ensigiled snow white vigil candle Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the white vigil candle and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

************************* Vigil Candle *************************

The white vigil candle holds the Vigil Candle script.
The white vigil candle may be altered, but its noun must stay as "candle" and it must be made of wax.
When white vigil candle is lit, its article changes to reflect that and will overwrite its existing article.

This is a greater vigil candle. WHISPER CANDLE <CLERIC NAME> to it while alive. Upon death, it will light, then cast Preservation (305) on you and cast Minor Sanctuary (213). PRAY to the candle to notify the Cleric that you WHISPERed to it (if they are in the lands) and give them the option to teleport to you if you are in the same teleportation zone. If they agree you will both be transported to a Major Sanctuary (220) where they can raise you. It is only usable once.
a squat dark grey vigil candle Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the dark grey vigil candle and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

************************* Vigil Candle *************************

The dark grey vigil candle holds the Vigil Candle script.
The dark grey vigil candle may be altered, but its noun must stay as "candle" and it must be made of wax.
When dark grey vigil candle is lit, its article changes to reflect that and will overwrite its existing article.

This is a lesser vigil candle. Upon death, it will light, then cast Preservation (305) on you and cast Minor Sanctuary (213). It is only usable once.
a vine-wrapped pale pink vigil candle Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the pale pink vigil candle and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

************************* Vigil Candle *************************

The pale pink vigil candle holds the Vigil Candle script.
The pale pink vigil candle may be altered, but its noun must stay as "candle" and it must be made of wax.
When pale pink vigil candle is lit, its article changes to reflect that and will overwrite its existing article.

This is a lesser vigil candle. Upon death, it will light, then cast Preservation (305) on you and cast Minor Sanctuary (213). It is only usable once.
a slender petal-etched crimson vigil candle Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the crimson vigil candle and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

************************* Vigil Candle *************************

The crimson vigil candle holds the Vigil Candle script.
The crimson vigil candle may be altered, but its noun must stay as "candle" and it must be made of wax.
When crimson vigil candle is lit, its article changes to reflect that and will overwrite its existing article.

This is a lesser vigil candle. Upon death, it will light, then cast Preservation (305) on you and cast Minor Sanctuary (213). It is only usable once.
a slender honey and vanilla vigil candle Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the honey vigil candle and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

************************* Vigil Candle *************************

The honey vigil candle holds the Vigil Candle script.
The honey vigil candle may be altered, but its noun must stay as "candle" and it must be made of wax.
When honey vigil candle is lit, its article changes to reflect that and will overwrite its existing article.

This is a lesser vigil candle. Upon death, it will light, then cast Preservation (305) on you and cast Minor Sanctuary (213). It is only usable once.
a fragrant lavender beeswax vigil candle Weight: <1 pound
You analyze the lavender vigil candle and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

************************* Vigil Candle *************************

The lavender vigil candle holds the Vigil Candle script.
The lavender vigil candle may be altered, but its noun must stay as "candle" and it must be made of wax.
When lavender vigil candle is lit, its article changes to reflect that and will overwrite its existing article.

This is a lesser vigil candle. Upon death, it will light, then cast Preservation (305) on you and cast Minor Sanctuary (213). It is only usable once.