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Revision as of 18:24, 15 February 2022

The Safe House on the island sometimes gave Yukito the chills, and he didn't like to be inside of the caverns longer than he needed to be. It was all very cozy inside, the furnishings were comfortable, and it was never really too warm or too cold, and food and medicine was plentiful. He just couldn't shake the feelings of unease inside of himself whenever the main doors closed. In his worst moments, it was a struggle not to grab at the handle and demand to be let out into the open air where he could breathe, fight and RUN if he needed to.

Still, every once in a while, he found himself needing to linger inside and focus on whatever task needed doing. This was, unfortunately, one of those times. Abdelina and Jorry were sitting beside him as they neatly bundled herbs and put them away for future use. The girl was a force of nature, and moved here and there to help people perform small tasks; it was as if she could barely stand to sit still for wanting something to do, or for needing something else to learn. Jorry was more sedate in nature, and while he would readily assist with things that needed doing - and he was still a very quiet individual. He remained calmly by Yukito's side, focused on carefully twining the stems of the herbs together, his large hands delicate with the fragile plants.

A young hunter walked over toward the group as Abdelina sat back down and began braiding a basket to store food supplies. Yukito looked up and waved at the hunter, his gaze taking in the man's movements from head to toe. He was favoring his left leg. There wasn't much blood staining the hunter's clothing, but he was fairly bruised from the shoulders down.

The man absently sheathed his sword and murmured, "Are any of you healers?"

Yukito nodded once, but soundlessly replied, "I am. I'm happy to help you. Would you mind if I took a little time to instruct? I promise not to leave you in pain for long."

The hunter nodded and sit in front of Yukito, who began gesturing to the two children sitting near with simple and exaggerated hand movements.

"This man is suffering from a few light injuries. I'm going to have you both observe and offer a small amount of assistance. What is the most important thing that you must remember as a healer?"

Abdelina perked up and replied, "Stay alive."

Yukito's smile was big as he nodded to her, and he sent a wink the hunter's way. The man was watching curiously, and asked, "What do you mean?"

Again, Abdelina perkily supplied, "Mr. Lennan is teaching us about healing. We also have been getting lessons on the subject from Squire Alosaka. We're going to watch and help, if we can, but Mr. Lennan doesn't talk. He only uses his hands."

Casually, the hunter lowered his hands, and shielded his fingers as he engaged with Abdelina, asking her questions about what they had learned. The air between Yukito and the hunter, however, was momentarily tense. "You have not betrayed your vows, have you?"

Suppressing a snort, Yukito answered with a direct thought, "Of course not. I do not speak, and so know of more traditional methods to communicate. I also cannot answer you in kind, because these children watch my gestures very closely. They will never learn a single secret from me."

The two silently measured each other up, their faces outwardly wreathed in smiles. Then Jorry interrupted the moment by rumbling in his soft voice, "How can we help?"

Refocusing a bit, Yukito squinted at the hunter. "You see how he sits awkwardly to compensate for the pain in his left leg? Also, observe his posture and how he breathes. Abdelina, gather a bandage, please."

The girl picked up a clean white bandage, a towel, and a jug of water. At Yukito's urging, the hunter rolled up the cuff of his pant leg, showing a series of rough-looking scrapes on his shin - it looked as if he'd had a round with a badger, or some other small animal. The wounds weren't serious, or he would have just healed them and not allowed the children to see. This, however, was something that just about anyone would encounter, so was the perfect lesson.

"Thank you." Was Yukito's sincere thought to the other adult, "This will be a good lesson, and we'll have you up and about quickly."

"It's nothing you don't regularly see when empaths are around."

The hunter was being calm and permissive, as Yukito instructed Abdelina to cleanse the scrape with water, and taught her how to apply pressure and secure a tight bandage. They kept their working area neat, and soon Abdelina was positioning the bandage with sisterly care.

"Excellent!" To emphasize the thought, Yukito lifted both palms facing outward and moved them forward a few times enthusiastically. As Abdelina grinned proudly, Yukito continued, "Stopping someone's bleeding is very important when you are helping them. If you don't keep the wound clean, they can get sick - there won't always be an empath nearby, either. Most people, won't sit still for treatment of this sort, because it doesn't feel very nice to press on a wound, but keep your head about you. Eventually this will become second nature."

Yukito gazed calmly at the hunter, and the bandages fell away from the man's calf, revealing unblemished skin. The small pain manifested in his own body, but after a powerful beat of his heart, the wound vanished from his skin as well, leaving not even a scar. The rest of the wounds the hunter had vanished in a similar, swift fashion.

Crooking his finger, Yukito beckoned Jorry closer, "This man is healed now, and he doesn't have any visible injuries. You both know that acantha leaf stimulates the production of blood, yes?" Both children nodded, so he glanced at Jorry and said, "Our friend here is feeling a bit weak and dizzy from blood loss." The explosive snort that burst from the hunter made him grin, and the children chuckle.

"Please attempt to heal that feeling of weakness and fatigue, Jorry."

The giantman boy furrowed his brow and seemed to fumble for a moment, but a flush of pink appeared on the hunter's cheeks, even as Jorry looked confused, and maybe even a bit frightened. Immediately, Yukito took the boy by both hands and stared up into the boy's face.

"Now, what I need for you to do, is to say these words, Jorry." The language that Yukito softly shared in the young man's mind almost made the air hum, even unspoken. Jorry murmured the chant to himself, and his skin pinked.

Softly, Yukito mentally murmured to the hunter, "Thank you again, and I hope you do, indeed, feel better. Your cooperation has been valuable."

The hunter gave a casual wave and pressed a couple of gems into Yukito's palm. "I needed the rest anyway. May as well have watched the lesson."

Yukito sheepishly grinned at the hunter as the man walked away. Turning back to Jorry, Yukito took in the curiously wondering expression. "We have spoken on this before, but I am going to say it to you again, as you realize this power for what it is. What do we remember as healers?"

Both Jorry and Abdelina replied, "Stay alive."

Yukito's demeanor grew serious and he grabbed both of them by the hand, "You cannot heal or help anyone if you are too injured to go on. Know when to bandage a wound in the field, and when to drag someone away to safety. You do not have permission to run under the heels of combatants in order to assist. Stay put, stay focused, and stay alive. Do you both understand me?"

"Yes, Mr. Lennan."

"And Jorry.. this is a beginning of the path that every young empath finds themselves on. You are absolutely, even if you FEEL that you are able, NOT ALLOWED to take a wound from another person. Not yet. You have to learn the limits of your own body first. A simple wound has felled many an empath because they were not paying attention. If you accidentally take a wound in the same spot, you do not have the strength yet to heal that wound yourself without the aid of an herb. But someday, if it is what you want, you very much will."

Yukito bit his lip, it was important information, but he didn't want to scare or overwhelm them. He exhaled and gave the children a confident smile, "Never give so much of yourself, that you end up giving everything. Jorry, use that chant and stay alert to what your body tells you. Transfer as often as you need to in a session, within these guidelines, and you will get stronger while learning a lot. Don't get discouraged if you can't heal all of their dizziness at once. Imagine filling a cup with a thimble. Some people are very strong and have massive wells of energy that is hard to replenish, especially if you are not experienced. The more you work at it, the larger your own cup will be."

Waving his hand dismissively, Yukito wrapped up, "Never be afraid to ask another healer for help, remember how to bandage wounds, and you will be okay. Do not be reckless."

He let go of their hands and pushed himself to his feet, gesturing for them to rise. "Follow me."

His shoulders slumped with relief as the door to the Safe House opened and they walked down the rough stone hall. Yukito had no intentions of teaching the kids combat healing techniques, and it was important that they learned to muster at a particular location so that they could feel helpful and stay safe. That meant sacrificing his own comfort, and he practically gibbered inside with suppressed terror as he hastened to the altar and more open space nearby.

Turning, Yukito pushed the gems that the hunter had paid into the hand of each child and motioned them forward. "Ask Jaston to offer you his protection. If anything, it will make you feel more at ease as you go about your work. A little faith never hurt anyone."

The words felt a bit ironic, and the feelings they stirred made Yukito fold his arms over his chest and glare like a short and angry titan. The children didn't argue, and returned looking at peace. Nodding his head, Yukito gave them a wide, relieved smile. Being a healer was difficult at times, and he wanted Lorminstra to know who these children were and grant them clemency.

Inwardly, he sighed as he waved goodbye to Jorry and Abdelina. "We all need to believe in SOMETHING. I just don't know what."

"You Gotta Be" - by Des'ree