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m (GS4-XERAPHINA moved page EGShop:For Your Protection to CIShop:For Your Protection: moving to new name page to reflect venue/location) |
(updating page formatting to new shop listing standards) |
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==Current Shop Listing== |
==2019== |
{{:CIShop:For Your Protection/2019}} |
<section begin=2019 /> |
{{Festshop |
|shopname=For Your Protection |
|look=a copper-banded wagon with brightly painted shingles |
|location=[Map Room 20], Lich #26431, go copper-banded wagon |
|fest=eg |
|year=2019 |
|letter=F |
}} |
<!--==={{{ [For Your Protection] 27514 2019-10-07 21:40:19 -0500}}}===-->===For Your Protection=== |
{{RoomDescription| |
|roomname=For Your Protection - 27514 |
|desc=A crimson and gold rug, woven with the image of a wyvern in flight, stretches across the floor of the wagon. A low wooden bunk over a wooden drawer with a gear for a handle is built into the rear of the wagon, reinforced with two thick steel chains that secure it to the wall. Brightly colored tapestries line the walls above neatly organized workspaces that hold bits of leather, assorted metal rings and plates, and other materials used in armor manufacturing. Nearly hidden behind a diminutive armoire inlaid with copper sprockets is a small wooden hatch that leads outside. |
|exits= out}} |
<blockquote> |
{{Container| |
|container=In the diminutive armoire you see:}} |
{| {{prettytable}} |
| a hunter green vultite byrnie || Weight: 20 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| chain mail ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 13) |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-ahuntergreenvultitebyrnie" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-ahuntergreenvultitebyrnie">'''Analyze:'''<br>This armor is able to transform from armor into clothing at a simple TICKLE. Both the armor and clothing may be freely altered. The unlocking status of this item is: Off the Shelf, three tiers remaining.</div> |
| 505000 |
|- |
| a suit of black imflass half-plate etched with horses || Weight: 35 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| half plate ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 19) |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-asuitofblackimflasshalf-plateetchedwithhorses" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-asuitofblackimflasshalf-plateetchedwithhorses">'''Analyze:'''<br>This armor is able to transform from armor into clothing at a simple TICKLE. Both the armor and clothing may be freely altered. The unlocking status of this item is: Off the Shelf, three tiers remaining.</div> |
| 1550000 |
|- |
| a suit of charcoal vultite augmented chainmail inlaid with vaalin || Weight: 21 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| augmented chain ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 15) |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-asuitofcharcoalvultiteaugmentedchainmailinlaidwithvaalin" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-asuitofcharcoalvultiteaugmentedchainmailinlaidwithvaalin">'''Analyze:'''<br>This armor is able to transform from armor into clothing at a simple TICKLE. Both the armor and clothing may be freely altered. The unlocking status of this item is: Off the Shelf, three tiers remaining.</div> |
| 590000 |
|- |
| some sapphire-hued imflass full plate inlaid with gold || Weight: 52 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| full plate ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 20) |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-somesapphire-huedimflassfullplateinlaidwithgold" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-somesapphire-huedimflassfullplateinlaidwithgold">'''Analyze:'''<br>This armor is able to transform from armor into clothing at a simple TICKLE. Both the armor and clothing may be freely altered. The unlocking status of this item is: Off the Shelf, three tiers remaining.</div> |
| 2500000 |
|- |
| a tree-etched smoke imflass breastplate || Weight: 16 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| metal breastplate ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 17) |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-atree-etchedsmokeimflassbreastplate" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-atree-etchedsmokeimflassbreastplate">'''Analyze:'''<br>This armor is able to transform from armor into clothing at a simple TICKLE. Both the armor and clothing may be freely altered. The unlocking status of this item is: Off the Shelf, three tiers remaining.</div> |
| 820000 |
|- |
| some polished imflass double-ring hauberk || Weight: 19 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| chain hauberk ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 16) |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-somepolishedimflassdouble-ringhauberk" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-somepolishedimflassdouble-ringhauberk">'''Analyze:'''<br>This armor is able to transform from armor into clothing at a simple TICKLE. Both the armor and clothing may be freely altered. The unlocking status of this item is: Off the Shelf, three tiers remaining.</div> |
| 685000 |
|- |
| some silver and cerulean-hued vultite chainmail || Weight: 20 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| double chain ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 14) |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-somesilverandcerulean-huedvultitechainmail" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-somesilverandcerulean-huedvultitechainmail">'''Analyze:'''<br>This armor is able to transform from armor into clothing at a simple TICKLE. Both the armor and clothing may be freely altered. The unlocking status of this item is: Off the Shelf, three tiers remaining.</div> |
| 545000 |
|- |
| a golden imflass cuirass with drake-shaped pauldrons || Weight: 17 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| augmented plate ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 18) |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-agoldenimflasscuirasswithdrake-shapedpauldrons" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-agoldenimflasscuirasswithdrake-shapedpauldrons">'''Analyze:'''<br>This armor is able to transform from armor into clothing at a simple TICKLE. Both the armor and clothing may be freely altered. The unlocking status of this item is: Off the Shelf, three tiers remaining.</div> |
| 1030000 |
|- |
|} |
{{Container| |
|container=In the wooden drawer you see:}} |
{| {{prettytable}} |
| some silver-edged emerald casting leathers || Weight: 13 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| full leather ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 6) |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-somesilver-edgedemeraldcastingleathers" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-somesilver-edgedemeraldcastingleathers">'''Analyze:'''<br>This armor is able to transform from armor into clothing at a simple TICKLE. Both the armor and clothing may be freely altered. The unlocking status of this item is: Off the Shelf, three tiers remaining.</div> |
| 200000 |
|- |
| a drake-embossed leather breastplate || Weight: 16 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| leather breastplate ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 9) |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-adrake-embossedleatherbreastplate" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-adrake-embossedleatherbreastplate">'''Analyze:'''<br>This armor is able to transform from armor into clothing at a simple TICKLE. Both the armor and clothing may be freely altered. The unlocking status of this item is: Off the Shelf, three tiers remaining.</div> |
| 245000 |
|- |
| some teal leather armor studded with pewter || Weight: 20 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| studded leather ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 11) |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-sometealleatherarmorstuddedwithpewter" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-sometealleatherarmorstuddedwithpewter">'''Analyze:'''<br>This armor is able to transform from armor into clothing at a simple TICKLE. Both the armor and clothing may be freely altered. The unlocking status of this item is: Off the Shelf, three tiers remaining.</div> |
| 280000 |
|- |
| an ivory and rose leather gambeson secured with sinew || Weight: 16 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| double leather ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 8) |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-anivoryandroseleathergambesonsecuredwithsinew" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-anivoryandroseleathergambesonsecuredwithsinew">'''Analyze:'''<br>This armor is able to transform from armor into clothing at a simple TICKLE. Both the armor and clothing may be freely altered. The unlocking status of this item is: Off the Shelf, three tiers remaining.</div> |
| 225000 |
|- |
| a celadon leather tunic edged in ivory piping || Weight: 10 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| light leather ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 5) |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-aceladonleathertunicedgedinivorypiping" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-aceladonleathertunicedgedinivorypiping">'''Analyze:'''<br>This armor is able to transform from armor into clothing at a simple TICKLE. Both the armor and clothing may be freely altered. The unlocking status of this item is: Off the Shelf, three tiers remaining.</div> |
| 190000 |
|- |
| a midnight blue coat-of-plates with vultite studs || Weight: 17 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| brigandine armor ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 12) |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-amidnightbluecoat-of-plateswithvultitestuds" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-amidnightbluecoat-of-plateswithvultitestuds">'''Analyze:'''<br>This armor is able to transform from armor into clothing at a simple TICKLE. Both the armor and clothing may be freely altered. The unlocking status of this item is: Off the Shelf, three tiers remaining.</div> |
| 380000 |
|- |
| a silvery vultite brigandine with gold arabesque inlay || Weight: 20 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| brigandine armor ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 12) |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-asilveryvultitebrigandinewithgoldarabesqueinlay" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-asilveryvultitebrigandinewithgoldarabesqueinlay">'''Analyze:'''<br>This armor is able to transform from armor into clothing at a simple TICKLE. Both the armor and clothing may be freely altered. The unlocking status of this item is: Off the Shelf, three tiers remaining.</div> |
| 425000 |
|- |
| some ebon cuirbouilli leather embossed with an eagle || Weight: 17 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| cuirbouilli leather ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 10) |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-someeboncuirbouillileatherembossedwithaneagle" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-someeboncuirbouillileatherembossedwithaneagle">'''Analyze:'''<br>This armor is able to transform from armor into clothing at a simple TICKLE. Both the armor and clothing may be freely altered. The unlocking status of this item is: Off the Shelf, three tiers remaining.</div> |
| 260000 |
|- |
| some ivory quilted leathers with onyx buttons || Weight: 15 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| reinforced leather ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 7) |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-someivoryquiltedleatherswithonyxbuttons" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-someivoryquiltedleatherswithonyxbuttons">'''Analyze:'''<br>This armor is able to transform from armor into clothing at a simple TICKLE. Both the armor and clothing may be freely altered. The unlocking status of this item is: Off the Shelf, three tiers remaining.</div> |
| 210000 |
|- |
|} |
</blockquote> |
<!-- Other Rooms Here --> |
<section end=2019 /> |
==2018== |
<section begin=2018 /> |
{{Festshop |
|shopname=For Your Protection |
|look=a copper-banded wagon with brightly painted shingles |
|location=[Map Room 20], Lich #26431, go copper-banded wagon |
|fest=eg |
|year=2018 |
|letter=F |
}} |
{{RoomDescription| |
|roomname=For Your Protection |
|desc=A crimson and gold rug, woven with the image of a wyvern in flight, stretches across the floor of the wagon. A low wooden bunk over a wooden drawer with a gear for a handle is built into the rear of the wagon, reinforced with two thick steel chains that secure it to the wall. Brightly colored tapestries line the walls above neatly organized workspaces that hold bits of leather, assorted metal rings and plates, and other materials used in armor manufacturing. Nearly hidden behind a diminutive armoire inlaid with copper sprockets is a small wooden hatch that leads outside. |
|exits = out |
|rnum=27514}} |
<blockquote> |
{{big|'''[[Morphing Armor]]}} |
==Previous Shop Listing== |
{{Container| |
* [[/2019|2019 shop listing]] |
|container=In the diminutive armoire you see:}} |
* [[/2018|2018 shop listing]] |
{| {{prettytable}} |
* [[/full archive|Full Shop Archive]] |
| a polished vultite byrnie || [[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]]: 13|| 405000 |
|- |
[[Category:Caligos Isle shops|F]] |
| a suit of white imflass half plate emblazoned with an indigo cross ||[[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]]: 19|| 1450000 |
|- |
| a suit of myrtle and argent vultite augmented chainmail ||[[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]]: 15|| 490000 |
|- |
| some lilac imflass full plate embossed with a floral pattern ||[[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]]: 20|| 2400000 |
|- |
| a wolf-etched cyan imflass breastplate ||[[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]]: 17|| 720000 |
|- |
| some shiny imflass hauberk with highly polished chain links ||[[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]]: 16|| 685000 |
|- |
| some silver-washed vultite chainmail ||[[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]]: 14|| 445000 |
|- |
|} |
{{Container| |
|container=In the wooden drawer you see:}} |
{| {{prettytable}} |
| an ebon imflass cuirass with silver skull pauldrons || [[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]]: 18|| 930000 |
|- |
| some crimson leather armor studded with tiny gold dragons ||[[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]]: 11|| 180000 |
|- |
| some jade-edged ivory casting leathers ||[[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]]: 6|| 100000 |
|- |
| a polished leather breastplate embossed with rearing horses ||[[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]]: 9|| 145000 |
|- |
| a green and white leather gambeson secured with sinew ||[[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]]: 8|| 125000 |
|- |
| a soft grey leather tunic secured with an ebon silk tie ||[[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]]: 5|| 90000 |
|- |
| a dark amethyst coat-of-plates with vaalin studs ||[[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]]: 12|| 280000 |
|- |
| a midnight vultite brigandine etched with a silver dragon ||[[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]]: 12|| 325000 |
|- |
| some crimson cuirbouilli leather with gold buckles ||[[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]]: 10|| 160000 |
|- |
| some ebon quilted leathers with silver buttons ||[[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]]: 7|| 110000 |
|- |
|} |
</blockquote> |
{{big|'''You need to purchase a service pass to enter the hatch.}}<section end=2018 /> |
Latest revision as of 23:08, 8 September 2022
Current Shop Listing
The 2019 run of Ebon Gate was the final run of this shop.
a copper-banded wagon with brightly painted shingles, [Map Room 20], Lich #26431, go copper-banded wagon
For Your Protection
[For Your Protection - 27514] | |
A crimson and gold rug, woven with the image of a wyvern in flight, stretches across the floor of the wagon. A low wooden bunk over a wooden drawer with a gear for a handle is built into the rear of the wagon, reinforced with two thick steel chains that secure it to the wall. Brightly colored tapestries line the walls above neatly organized workspaces that hold bits of leather, assorted metal rings and plates, and other materials used in armor manufacturing. Nearly hidden behind a diminutive armoire inlaid with copper sprockets is a small wooden hatch that leads outside. | |
Obvious exits: out |
In the diminutive armoire you see:
a hunter green vultite byrnie Weight: 20 pounds
Enchant: +20chain mail (AsG 13) analyze505000 a suit of black imflass half-plate etched with horses Weight: 35 pounds
Enchant: +20half plate (AsG 19) analyze1550000 a suit of charcoal vultite augmented chainmail inlaid with vaalin Weight: 21 pounds
Enchant: +20augmented chain (AsG 15) analyze590000 some sapphire-hued imflass full plate inlaid with gold Weight: 52 pounds
Enchant: +20full plate (AsG 20) analyze2500000 a tree-etched smoke imflass breastplate Weight: 16 pounds
Enchant: +20metal breastplate (AsG 17) analyze820000 some polished imflass double-ring hauberk Weight: 19 pounds
Enchant: +20chain hauberk (AsG 16) analyze685000 some silver and cerulean-hued vultite chainmail Weight: 20 pounds
Enchant: +20double chain (AsG 14) analyze545000 a golden imflass cuirass with drake-shaped pauldrons Weight: 17 pounds
Enchant: +20augmented plate (AsG 18) analyze1030000 In the wooden drawer you see:
some silver-edged emerald casting leathers Weight: 13 pounds
Enchant: +20full leather (AsG 6) analyze200000 a drake-embossed leather breastplate Weight: 16 pounds
Enchant: +20leather breastplate (AsG 9) analyze245000 some teal leather armor studded with pewter Weight: 20 pounds
Enchant: +20studded leather (AsG 11) analyze280000 an ivory and rose leather gambeson secured with sinew Weight: 16 pounds
Enchant: +20double leather (AsG 8) analyze225000 a celadon leather tunic edged in ivory piping Weight: 10 pounds
Enchant: +20light leather (AsG 5) analyze190000 a midnight blue coat-of-plates with vultite studs Weight: 17 pounds
Enchant: +20brigandine armor (AsG 12) analyze380000 a silvery vultite brigandine with gold arabesque inlay Weight: 20 pounds
Enchant: +20brigandine armor (AsG 12) analyze425000 some ebon cuirbouilli leather embossed with an eagle Weight: 17 pounds
Enchant: +20cuirbouilli leather (AsG 10) analyze260000 some ivory quilted leathers with onyx buttons Weight: 15 pounds
Enchant: +20reinforced leather (AsG 7) 210000