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#REDIRECT [[Category:Caligos Isle]]
<div class="alert alert-info"><center>'''[ Follow Gemstone IV on Twitter] for merchant announcements during the 2019 Ebon Gate Festival.<BR><br><big>[[/services|Services]] · [[Ebon Gate 2019 shop listing|Ebon Gate 2019 Shop List]] · [[Deep Sea Diving]] · [[Ebon_Gate_2019/teasers|Teasers]] · [[/mini-games prize list|Prize List]] · [[/GHOUL|GHOUL]] </big>'''</center></div>
[[File:EbonGate2019 CaligosIsle.jpeg|center|800px]]


Interrupted in their daily playtime, the children at the docks stopped to observe one of the locals add another poster to the side of the pier, already generously covered in similar notices: a vacant-eyed portrait with the boldly written word, "MISSING," across the top, and smaller words, "Last seen...," added to the bottom. Turning to address the wide-eyed children, the woman said, "You must stay in pairs... It's the only way to be safe."

As she turned away, the children made faces at her and giggled, and as she turned the corner, they began to argue with each other. "No, I want to be the bad guy!" said one; "Nope! You got to play him the last time! It's my turn!" yelled another. They resumed their play with a chorus of laughter.

From around the corner, the woman stifled a tear and looked for another place to hang her missing person poster.

Will you help solve the mysteries going on at Caligos?

'''Beginning October 1 at 9:00 pm!'''

{{TOCright}}'''Ebon Gate 2019''' opens October 1, 2019, with '''Caligos Isle''' as the [[Ebon Gate Festival]] area.

Once you arrive on Caligos Isle, you will be able to explore at your leisure.

Some live games will have limited capacity; you will need a Service & Raffles pass to enter both the live games and [[/GHOUL | GHOUL]].
{| {{prettytable}}
! Instance||Dates||Event
||Both||October 1 - 6||Storyline
||Platinum||October 5 - 10||Live Games
||Both||October 7 - 31||Shops Open
||Both||October 10 - 31||Digging, Multi-Games, Deep Sea Diving, Mist Survivor, Fishing
||Prime||October 12 - 17||Live Games
||Platinum||October 11 - 18||Merchant Week
||Prime||October 18 - 25||Merchant Week

{{big|'''A Shopping Pass is not needed to purchase items for sale for Ebon Gate seashells'''}}

{| {{prettytable}}
|- bgcolor=lightblue
! Item || Cost || Length || Applicability
|[ Shopping Pass] || 1000 [[SimuCoin]]s || Event Duration || Account
|[ Raffles & Services Pass] || 3000 SimuCoins || Event Duration<sup><small>&dagger;</small></sup> || Character <br> 10 Characters for Platinum
|[ Games and Digging Pass] || 1500 SimuCoins || 7 days from [[REDEEM|redemption]] <br> 14 days for Platinum|| Account
|[[Deep Sea Diving]] || 100 SimuCoins || 10 or 5 searches/30 minutes || Per entry
|Fishing || 50 [[Ebon Gate seashell]]s || Fish caught/leave area || Per entry
|Diving Competition|| 50 [[Ebon Gate seashell]]s || ?? || Per entry
:<small><sup>&dagger;</sup> The merchant event is scheduled to be 7 days in each instance (Prime and Plat) as noted in the schedule, but the pass is set up for the duration of the event to cover any mishaps or re-scheduling.</small>


==Automated Games==



==Announced Services==


[[File:Ebon gate caligos isle.png|850px]]
[[Category: Ebon Gate Festival]]

Latest revision as of 14:38, 13 September 2022