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== News for the North! ==
== News for the North! ==
[[File:FNNMalwindeatsrocks1.png|375px|thumb|right|Baron Malwind tries Rock Tending, generated by MidJourney, Prompt by Faerinn]]
[[File:FNNMalwindeatsrocks1.png|375px|thumb|right|Baron Malwind tries Rock Tending, generated by MidJourney, Prompt by Faerinn]]

* Dwarven Emissaries Travel Across The Lands- Under the mountain the human empire is discussed but the dwarves decide to remain neutral for now.
* Dwarven Emissaries Travel Across The Lands- Under the mountain the human empire is discussed but the dwarves decide to remain neutral for now.

Revision as of 18:43, 1 July 2023

This is a creative work set in the world of Elanthia, attributed to its original author(s). It does not necessarily represent the official lore of GemStone IV.

Title: The Free North News Issue #4

Author: Various

"Newspaper" is not in the list (essay, letter, periodical, poetry, short story, song, storyline, vignette) of allowed values for the "Creative-work-type" property.

OOC Disclaimer: The following is about Empire, revolution, settler colonialism, and it’s many consequences. The opinions stated here are to be taken in character and should not be taken as out of character judgements. It is intended as in chracter rhetoric. Except that we should have a rolton cryptid. Oh and do not insert into any orifices. Or do, I’m just not legally responsible for it.

IC Disclaimer: The Black Thorns are more of a collective, and less of a organization with heirachy and a roster. Please do not take the perspective of one member to apply to all of us.

Created in Midjourney Edited by player of Ceilia & Dendum uploaded by player of Dendum

The Faerinn Well, Notes from the Editor

The People's Envoy, generated by MidJourney, Prompt by Faerinn

OOC Disclaimer: The following are the in character views of Faerinn. While things may be embellished or exaggerated to help make a point or to entertain, the facts stated here are as far as Faerinn is aware true. I call to those who call Wehnimer’s Landing home and thank you for once again putting up with another campaign by me.

I came here a refugee time and time again. People say I hate Imperials, but forget that I came here as one. And I went back to Talador time and time again only to be driven out by one half-human progrom after another. I thought Talador was my home, because I was born there. The Landing always took me back no questions asked. It took years after the destruction of Talador to realize that my real home was here all alone.

I don’t hate the people of the Empire. I don’t even hate the Empire itself Not What I hate are the machinations of Imperialism. The systems that oppress everyone in its borders from Sun Throne to South Haven. The mechanisms that produce great heros, but rewards the greatest villains. As Jovery fought Hochstib on our behalf, the Sentinal had no issue with also accepting Hochstib’s claims for for the Sun Throne. A system that can’t but help to subjugate and expand as the top of the pyramid hoard more and more resources.

I’ve lost so much to this machine. Loss that is incalculable and incomprehensible except to Aletoi from Bre’Nere. I watch the reactions from the Reach, and I don’t think I can do it again. I don’t have it in me to lose another home.  That is how you can know I am genuine. This is my guarantee to serve you to the very best of my abilities. 

Whether it was the intentional or not, once this position came up for a vote to the citizens of the Landing the position changed from someone who reports to the Mayor, Council, and Sentinal. This is a brand new position now that, one that is beholden not only to the voters, but all the residents of the Landing.

The People's Envoy.

I will be taking your concerns abroad not that of the Elites. I’m not taking just the Consortium’s concerns abroad, nor just the Empire’s, nor just the Mayors, but EVERYONES.

If you deem to have me, I will be your Envoy. To take your concerns and issues not only to Imperial interests, but to renew our languishing relationships to the North and the East.

Faerinn Greatsinger, Esq, of Talador and Loenthra

Rumor Woods, Koaratos, 5123

News for the North!

Baron Malwind tries Rock Tending, generated by MidJourney, Prompt by Faerinn
  • Dwarven Emissaries Travel Across The Lands- Under the mountain the human empire is discussed but the dwarves decide to remain neutral for now.
  • Icemule- A Dwarven Caravan is attacked. The Mayor plans to sends condolences to the mountain.
  • Sol Haven- Rumors abound of children eating rocks after misunderstanding certain cultural oddities of Aldora.
  • Wehnimer's Landing- Envoy selection takes place the world waits in anticipation to see who will speak for the Landing.

Everything You're Dreaming

The barony of Darkstone will bring everything you're dreaming

Elidal's the greatest force of good you're ever seeing
We'd surely fall to ruin if not for his intervening
The barony of Darkstone will bring everything you're dreaming

Because of the parade of threats we've faced for many years
This Elidal is taking steps to now assuage our fears
And so one day he made a vow of some contentious prose
The biggest vow I've heard by now and this is how it goes:

The barony of Darkstone will bring everything you're dreaming
Hope and safety, wealth and wisdom, deeper inner meaning
He's the apex, he's the leadership that we've been needing
The barony of Darkstone will bring everything you're dreaming

Now, it might seem precocious, like your lives are a disgrace
Or it might seem atrocious, like your heroes die a waste
But all the blood shed by our fallen fighters need not fail
Just ally now with Elidal or it's to no avail

The barony of Darkstone will bring everything you're dreaming
Not to sound too grand or condescending or demeaning
But have you seen the trouble this frontier is always gleaning?
The barony of Darkstone will bring everything you're dreaming

(You could say it nearly backwards:
Dreaming your everything will bring Darkstone of barony...
But that's going a bit too far, don't you think?)

So as you face down yet more wars you didn't need to fight
Reflect on Eli's words and how he'll be our shining light
You'd better ponder carefully since this could change your life
For example: a permanent stability that sees the end of strife

The barony of Darkstone will bring everything you're dreaming
Lift you out of hopeless doubts and fears since they're deceiving
If you say it oft enough, you'll find yourself believing
The barony of Darkstone will bring everything you're dreaming

Ask Lithyia

The People's Envoy, generated by MidJourney, Prompt by Faerinn

Dear Lithyia

Every morning a dwarf smelling of liquor breaks into my shop and smashes all the vases claiming he is looking for “real gems”. I tried locking the doors, and barring the windows but he just passes through them like a ghost. Please advise.

Vaseless in Vornavis

Dear Vaseless in Vornavis,

Something I have learned over the years is that the fastest way to many dwarve’s hearts is through freshly made brew. I recommend you get your hands on a still and begin leaving “gifts” outside your shop for this dwarf. You should notice you no longer need to lock the doors or bar the windows because you will find them passed out drunk in front of your shop. You can then haul them off yourself or pay some youngin who needs a few silvers to do it for you. If you do not have access to a still, seek me out. I am a brewmaster and would be happy to craft some specialities just for you and this…situation.

Fresh brew is best brew! Miss Lithy

Ask Lithyia

Dear Miss Lithy,

I am worried about the knitting circles in which a good friend of mine has found herself. She is quite impressionable, and this particular group is what one might consider nefarious. Do you suppose I can convince her to rip out a few rows and get the project of her life back on track?


Vexed in Vornavis

Dear Vexed in Vornavis,

I'm sorry you are feeling distressed about your good friend. Perhaps she is simply on a journey of finding herself. Perhaps it's a mid-life crisis. It could also be too much time spent in Wehnimer's Landing (does she live there?). That place can make a person a bit...unstable...or so I've heard. The best thing you can do is be there for your friend, even when you don't agree with her actions. There's a good chance she's going to do what she wants anyway. Best of luck! Miss Lithy

PS There's nothing nefarious about knitting.

On Davard - by Dendum

generated by MidJourney
In tales of old, where legends dwell,
There lived a knight, Davard of Talador, they tell,
His heart ablaze, his spirit bold,
A warrior fierce, his story to unfold.
With armor gleaming, his sword held high,
He swore an oath, vengeance in his eye,
For his liege lord, betrayed and slain,
He sought retribution, his justice to attain.
In Wehnimer's Landing, standing alone in the night
Davard besieged, his heart consumed by the fight,
His love, fair Cosima, torn from his embrace, 
Her life extinguished, leaving only a trace.
Through the moonlit nights, he planned his scheme,
To capture the town, fulfill his vengeful dream, 
Yet darkness beckoned, whispered in his ear, 
And Davard, ensnared, succumbed to its fear.
The shadows clung to his tormented soul, 
His noble purpose twisted, beyond control,
His armor tarnished, stained with despair,
He traded honor for a malevolent affair.
With every passing day, the the future grew dim
Destruction and sorrow, his legacy grew grim
The town resisted, united and brave, 
Against the corrupted knight, a town to save.
But Davard, blinded by his seething ire,
Lost sight of the truth, consumed by dark desire, 
In the flames of his rage, he withered away, 
A tragic figure, ensnared in his own decay.
And as the final battle waged its might,
Davard's soul crumbled, enveloped in blight, 
Defeat loomed large, his purpose unveiled, 
A fallen hero, his destiny derailed.
The town stood strong, triumphant at last,
Their resolve unyielding, their spirit steadfast, 
Though Davard's path led to ruin and strife, 
His tale serves as a warning, a caution in life.
For vengeance, when sought, can consume the soul,
Leading even noble hearts down a treacherous hole, 
Let us remember Davard's tragic descent,
Cleave to the light or be forgotten, destroyed with purpose rent.

Help Wanted and Classifieds

Ask Lithyia!

Ever wondered how to navigate a crowded ball room?
Need help chosing between two suitors?
Ask the questions you are afraid to ask and get expert advice!
Mail your questions to Lithyia! Confidentiality guaranteed!

Mercenary Captain Needed!

Looking for someone with experience forming a mercenary unit to help build an organization dedicated to the protection of the landing. Both sign on bonus and monthly silvers available. Pay based on performance! – Seek out the Black Thorns.

Nails & Ales by Yardie

Manicures done by the Blade of the Faendryl!
Multiple Colors to choose from, it's not just nails it's an experience!
See Yardie for Details!
Award Winning Ale!


Do not forget to Vote
They can not take away your voice!

Escort Needed

Halfing dignitary in need of escort to Icemule
Looking fer sum help on gettin up to da mule!
Seek out the Adventure Guild for more Details

Wood for Sale!

Come by your local bowyer and try out our fantastic woods for sale!

We are all Rooks!

They do not stand alone!

The Tale of (Failed Mayoral Candidate) Old Dom - by by Anon Imus Bystendar

generated by MidJourney

He sat by the fireside, the stoutest table in Helga’s tavern supporting his massive frame, holding court over the assorted rabble, Shanty Town friends and nemeses looking on with admiration, disdain, or a dash of both. Dominucci the Elder, Old Dom to most and Hairy Dom to those wanting a punch in the face, surveyed the crowded bar before him.

Tonight was Dom’s night, his candidacy for mayor was to begin here amongst his people. He threw back his beer, slammed the empty mug on the table, and pounded the table with his massive paw of a hand to gain the room’s attention.

“Aye, bet yas wonder why it is I be here tonight?”

From deep across the bar came the first retort. ``Old Dom, ya arse, you be here with your soused self every damn night. What you harp’n on abouts this eve?”

Dom nodded to the voice in the crowd. “Tonight be special. Tonight I bark on a new journey.”

Another voice cut him off. “Yas some kinda weredog nows?”

“No, it’s what ‘em fancy folks say when they be start’n things. They be bark’n on journeys and adventures and all that.”

“Dommy boy, why ‘tem richie riches bark’n so much at ‘tings ‘tere?”

It dawned on Old Dom that if he didn’t take the room back here and now that he might lose control of his messaging. Perhaps he shouldn’t have started his campaign at 3am in a bar.

“Shut yas traps, ya arseholes, I be run’n for mayor.

A young boy closer to his table spit out his beer laughing. “Old Dom, you ain’t run’n anywhere. You is a bit portly for all that, eh?”

Dom sighed the first of what would be many. “Nah, that’s what thems folks says when yas try to be mayor. Yas gotta run for mayor and get them votes from the likes of yas.”

The boy’s friend chimed in “So it be like a race? Yas mayor peoples gotta run around the town? I gots my money on that Amos one, he’ll rig it.”

“It ain’t a race!” He slammed his fist down on the table and the crowd quieted some. “I’m here tonight to get me campaign go’n and tells yas about me platform.”

Stinky Tom’s brother, sensing Dom’s souring mood, ventured to raise a hand. Dom nodded for him to proceed with his question, finally content at some order in the room.

“If yas need a platform, mayhaps yas can use the stage the next room over.”

Old Dom lowered his head to the table for a moment, but gathered himself and pressed on. “I wanna be the next mayor ‘round these parts. So I wanna tell yas all what I’m think’n we should be do’n.”

A half-elf over by the bar laughed. “I heard yas gots a garbage service now, gonna clean up the town, yeah?”

Dom nodded. “Aye, some fancy lady was complaining ‘bout all them trash from them politics peoples, figured I could make a coin or two help’n the town…” A voice cut him short from somewhere he couldn’t see.

“Ain’t you part of the group write’n all them things anyways? You make’n all that trash in the first place! Smart business make’n all that garbage and then pick’n it up for coins! This be like when you trained all them raccoons!”

His political team, a squat man named Jarv that was either a short human or tall dwarf, handed him a fresh frothy mug, while he shook his head at the last assertion. “Allegedly…”

Dom took another deep pull from his mug.

“Well is you a Black Thorn or not?”

Another voice cut off his response. “Nah, I heard him a Rook, that one, one of em’s key members. He was there on that bust-up night, but them just thought he was a furry cloak on a tall coat hanger.” The entire room burst out laughing.

Dom took another drink.

A Sylvan lady, sitting full-up on the bar itself, chimed in over the roar. “Ain’t what I heard, I heard old Dom here be Aldoran. Joined his brethren in marching his arse to the gates of them half-heights in dwarf town demanding to punch elves as Imperial retri’buting.”

Dom took another drink.

“I heard Dom loves Amos so much he was try’n out to be one of them Lightning Ladybugs of his.”

Dom ordered another.

“Oi, I heard he consorts with Manrolt by the pale moonlight!”

Dom downed two mugs in rapid succession.

“I ‘eard he IS Manrolt!”

Dome chugged two more and motioned for replenishment.

“I seen him on that Bodack’s ship, he was part of dat rogue Imperial crew dat killed all our brothers in the boats and docks.” The room started to boo him in unison.

Dom signalled for some stronger swill.

“Nah, I ‘eard he captured that Bodie man, took his ship. Uses it to trade wit ‘em Four Wind Lands people.”

Dom threw back a shot of rotgut whiskey.

“Dom a Reiver, yas can see it in his shifty eyes!”

Dom tossed back as many shots as he could find near his person.

“Nah, I heard he be a failed squire for one o’dem knightly orders!”

With the last bit of energy he had left, he looked at the crowd. “Aye, if I have yas vote, I can be whatevers yas need of me. Yas want me to be a friend of the Empire on Volnes, I’ll cozy right on up to that Ely Doll and tell’im what a great Empire he gots. On Tilamaires I gots my bird mask for them sneaky business, Leyan for some Thorns pamphlets tell’n Ely Doll to shove it, but on Niiman I be pick’n em same flyers up for them people in them towers outside town complain’n about al them trashes. On the Day of the Huntress, I can dress up as Manrolt, with Feastday for dinning with the Lich King, and Restday I be help’n Amos cook the books in my Lightning Ladybug costume.” He looked at them all, completely exasperated.

For the first time all evening, the bar was silent.

“Oi, Dommy Boy, when in ‘teh Gods yas gonna find time in all ‘tat ‘tere to help us Land’n folk?”

That was the last thing Old Dom heard as his head hit the table. He awoke the next day slumped over about a fallen man’s distance from where he had started his political dreams, It was about 4 o’clock that next evening. The cutoff for registering as a mayoral candidate had passed at noon. He raised his hand to order a fresh one, and Helga sighed, adding it to his massive tab.

Tennalnen Campaign Announcement

People of Wehnimer's Landing!

I, Tennalnen Silverstar, announce my campign for Regional Envoy of Wehnimer's Landing. Most of you do not know me, nor do I know you, and this is a good thing. As Regional Envoy it will be my job to listen and hear what all peoples have to say, and bring their word back to the government of Landing for discussion. I make only one promise, I promise to listen to the people and bring their words to the leadership. I cannot promise change, I cannot promise action, but I will do my best to ensure the voice of ALL people is taken into account.

My platform is simple: A fresh face, a fresh perspective, an open mind.

A fresh face: I am new, unknown to many, untried compared to my fellow applicants. I have not seen the dead rise during the reign of the Lich King. I did not stand beside or against Grishom Stone. I did not pick a side during the recent territorial disputes in Town. I have no history with the North, the East, or any of our other neighbors except Bourth where I was raised.

A fresh perspective: I have not lived here for long, and in my time in Wehnimer's Landing I have heard many views. I have listened to those varied voices and I have considered them. While I cannot claim to know which view is correct, I can provide an ear to listen, and a voice to speak their words to the leaders of Landing.

An open mind: My beliefs are my own, as are yours. This region is populated by a variety of races, cultures, and religious beliefs, not all of which can agree on things. I promise to listen, and pass along all views presented to me as representative of Wehnimer's Landing, with no judgement or biased towards those who present themselves appropriately.

Vote Tennalnen Silverstar for Regional Envoy of Wehnimer's Landing in 5123!

The Plucky Town - by Leafiara

This is a story about a town that's plucky!

Invaders charge in, full of bloodlust, Assailing us from all around A rain-soaked battle where heroes rush, Rallying back to stand our ground

They'll say: "Aren't they fiery, that Wehnimer's town?" And they'll see...

We're so plucky, full of fight, How we try, try, try using all our might, knowing Evil forces disrupt our every plan But surely we'll pull through in the end

The Landing standing: a mystery Besieged by threats on every side But our blades keep whirling and our spells keep swirling Relentless and we'll always turn the tide

They'll say: "Aren't they crazy, that Wehnimer's town?" And they'll see...

We're so plucky, full of fight How we fry, fry, fry foes with pylon light, knowing We draw our strength from our courage and our friends And surely we'll pull through in the end

"They're only lucky, that Wehnimer's town!"

Our town's so plucky, must be how we survive Even Raelee Svala has no other theories why Yet we still grow and thrive

And they'll see! We're so plucky, full of fight Enemies die, die, die when they attack at night, knowing If we're still breathing, we rise up to defend For surely we'll triumph in the end

We are so plucky Riding high, high, high to protect what's right, knowing Whenever needed, our inner strength will shine And surely we'll triumph every time

Leaked Criminal Notes on the Nefarious Knitter - by The Alleged Sapphire Guard

generated by MidJourney

OOC Disclaimer: No this is not actually written by a member of the Sapphire Guard. This an IC reimagining by the anonymous author of what might be in the point for giggles. It's a bit!

While trying our best to find someone, anyone to take the blame for the Princess’s death aside from Arditin’s niece, we have been gathering intelligence for the benefit of the Sun Throne on one known as the ‘Nefarious Knitter’.

We have found the following:

  • She is a member of the Black Thorns, a terrorist organization devoted to the spread of vile anti-socialist ideologies such as ‘Democracy’ and ‘Equality’.
  • This anti-imperialist agent was not available to kill the Princess as she was fighting a giant earth elemental with an entire town of witnesses. At that time Orelwen was pushing Kasendra off of a staircase or something. But Arditin does not like this lady.
  • We can’t find her.

So in instead of pertinent information here is our information on the membership of the Black Thorns:

  • The Black Thorns have an estimated 3,000 members trained in forty different martial arts lost from the days of Despana and the strength of a hundred demons.
  • Their leader is one, Talliver Dabbins, the warlord of Silver Mule Trace. He wanted for his war crimes during the Griffon Sword War of creating vampires and wyrms. His lair is deep in the Hinterwilds, but he is easy to spot due to his thirteen foot hairy frame.
  • His lieutenant is a real player in the Cult of Zelia and a rogue Palestra Blade named Yoshie. This deranged assassin’s trade mark is a squid branded to his hand, and the replacement of his victim’s nails with rails.
  • The Talon, a half-elf pirate from Mist Harbor who enraged a column of Aldoran swamp-berserkers to march on the Shining City until a Knights of the Realm convinced diverted them into dying in a swamp. We suspect this is another anatomy based alias of Socius, because screw that guy.
  • The red-haired, half-sylvan former leader of the Rooks and Mayor of Wehnimer’s Landing - Casiphia.
  • An ottoman that Thadston threw so hard with his magic arms that it became sentient.
  • A gnome under the alias, Dr. C
  • Gurbah, who requires no further explanation.

We hope you find this information useful as we coverup the deaths of many of your suspects, I mean, subjects including your cousin.

Faerinn for Envoy

generated by MidJourney
generated by MidJourney

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed members of the Wehnimer's Landing community, I rise before you today to advocate for Faerinn as the best candidate for councilor. Faerinn's remarkable qualities and unwavering dedication make them the ideal choice to represent our beloved town and ensure its prosperity.

First and foremost, Faerinn possesses a deep understanding of Wehnimer's Landing. Through their active involvement and extensive experience within the community, they have proven themselves to be well-versed in the town's rich history, its challenges, and its aspirations. This familiarity enables Faerinn to make informed decisions and take actions that truly benefit our town.

Furthermore, Faerinn is a natural leader with a genuine passion for community development. They have demonstrated an exceptional ability to bring people together, fostering a sense of unity and collaboration. By actively engaging with residents and soliciting their input, Faerinn ensures that the voices of the people are heard, and their concerns are addressed. Such inclusive leadership is essential for the growth and prosperity of Wehnimer's Landing.

Moreover, Faerinn's commitment to progress is unparalleled. They possess a forward-thinking mindset and are always seeking innovative solutions to enhance our town's infrastructure, economy, and overall quality of life. With Faerinn at the helm, Wehnimer's Landing can embrace advancements while staying true to its unique character, ensuring a thriving and sustainable future.

Lastly, Faerinn's integrity and transparency set them apart as a councilor. They prioritize open communication and accountability, keeping residents informed about important decisions and actively seeking their feedback. This level of transparency builds trust and empowers the community, fostering a stronger bond between the councilor and the people they represent.

In conclusion, Faerinn's deep understanding of Wehnimer's Landing, their inclusive leadership style, their commitment to progress, and their integrity make them the ideal candidate for councilor. By electing Faerinn, we can be confident that our town will be in capable hands, working tirelessly to ensure our collective success. Let us rally behind Faerinn and together create a brighter future for Wehnimer's Landing.