BVShop:The Vaalin Rose: Difference between revisions

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(Revised location of previously added Elven Armor page links to analyze and finished adding the link to the remaining surfaces.)
m (Updating most recent entry for Aug 2024 run)
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==Current Shop Listing==
{{:BVShop:The Vaalin Rose/August 2024}}
<section begin=2021Q1 />
|shopname=The Vaalin Rose
|look=a large veniom-plated airship
|location=[Map Room 12], Lich# 26884, go veniom-plated airship
===The Vaalin Rose, Cargo Hold, North===<!--==={{{ [The Vaalin Rose, Cargo Hold] 2021-02-13 15:10:27 -0500}}}===-->
|roomname=The Vaalin Rose, Cargo Hold -
|desc=Polished oak beams frame out the spacious cargo hold, their lengths carved with various symbols and images. Several large iron racks displaying various pieces of armor line one side of the room while sealed boxes and crates are piled on the other. The light from a trio of dark bronze lanterns casts a pale glow on the collection of items for sale. You also see a polished oak gangplank.
|exits= south}}
{{Container2||container=On the Several large iron racks you see:||contents= a polished eahnor jazerant with silver-sheened links, a vaalorn jazerant dyed a pale golden, a polished vaalorn chain tunic patterned with contrasting silver, a brushed eahnor haubergeon with pale quilted padding, a double-linked vaalorn chain shirt lined with ebon silk, an eahnor-linked chain corslet reinforced with silver studding, some polished vaalorn splint armor etched with tiny flames, some eahnor-layered scalemail arranged in a viperskin pattern, some eahnor studded splint leather embossed with ebon accents and some vaalorn studded lamellar armor with dark inserts.}}
{| class="wikitable col-5-right" {{prettytable}}
| a polished eahnor jazerant with silver-sheened links || Weight: 21 pounds <br>Enchant: +18|| augmented chain ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 15)
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-apolishedeahnorjazerantwithsilver-sheenedlinks" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-apolishedeahnorjazerantwithsilver-sheenedlinks">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the eahnor jazerant and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is tier 1 [[Elven Armor|Elven Armor]].<br><br>Tier<br>
1: Magic Affinity - Spells cast to permanently improve this armor, such as Enchant or Ensorcell, are more easily incorporated into it. Those spells gain a +10 bonus per tier to success rolls.<br><br>Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull, remove, rub, tap, wear<br>
<b>You may alter the eahnor jazerant to change its description, but it must NOT ever imply that it was not originally crafted by elves - it was.</b><br></div>
| 5,000
| a vaalorn jazerant dyed a pale golden || Weight: 23 pounds <br>Enchant: +18|| augmented chain ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 15)
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-avaalornjazerantdyedapalegolden" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-avaalornjazerantdyedapalegolden">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the vaalorn jazerant and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is tier 1 [[Elven Armor|Elven Armor]].<br><br>Tier<br>
1: Magic Affinity - Spells cast to permanently improve this armor, such as Enchant or Ensorcell, are more easily incorporated into it. Those spells gain a +10 bonus per tier to success rolls.<br><br>Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull, remove, rub, tap, wear<br>
<b>You may alter the vaalorn jazerant to change its description, but it must NOT ever imply that it was not originally crafted by elves - it was.</b><br></div>
| 5,000
| a polished vaalorn chain tunic patterned with contrasting silver || Weight: 22 pounds <br>Enchant: +18|| double chain ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 14)
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-apolishedvaalornchaintunicpatternedwithcontrastingsilver" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-apolishedvaalornchaintunicpatternedwithcontrastingsilver">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the vaalorn chain tunic and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is tier 1 [[Elven Armor|Elven Armor]].<br><br>Tier<br>
1: Magic Affinity - Spells cast to permanently improve this armor, such as Enchant or Ensorcell, are more easily incorporated into it. Those spells gain a +10 bonus per tier to success rolls.<br><br>Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull, remove, rub, tap, wear<br>
<b>You may alter the vaalorn chain tunic to change its description, but it must NOT ever imply that it was not originally crafted by elves - it was.</b><br></div>
| 5,000
| a brushed eahnor haubergeon with pale quilted padding || Weight: 20 pounds <br>Enchant: +18|| double chain ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 14)
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-abrushedeahnorhaubergeonwithpalequiltedpadding" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-abrushedeahnorhaubergeonwithpalequiltedpadding">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the eahnor haubergeon and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is tier 1 [[Elven Armor|Elven Armor]].<br><br>Tier<br>
1: Magic Affinity - Spells cast to permanently improve this armor, such as Enchant or Ensorcell, are more easily incorporated into it. Those spells gain a +10 bonus per tier to success rolls.<br><br>Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull, remove, rub, tap, wear<br>
<b>You may alter the eahnor haubergeon to change its description, but it must NOT ever imply that it was not originally crafted by elves - it was.</b><br></div>
| 5,000
| a double-linked vaalorn chain shirt lined with ebon silk || Weight: 22 pounds <br>Enchant: +18|| chain mail ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 13)
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-adouble-linkedvaalornchainshirtlinedwithebonsilk" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-adouble-linkedvaalornchainshirtlinedwithebonsilk">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the vaalorn chain shirt and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is tier 1 [[Elven Armor|Elven Armor]].<br><br>Tier<br>
1: Magic Affinity - Spells cast to permanently improve this armor, such as Enchant or Ensorcell, are more easily incorporated into it. Those spells gain a +10 bonus per tier to success rolls.<br><br>Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull, remove, rub, tap, wear<br>
<b>You may alter the vaalorn chain shirt to change its description, but it must NOT ever imply that it was not originally crafted by elves - it was.</b><br></div>
| 5,000
| an eahnor-linked chain corslet reinforced with silver studding || Weight: 20 pounds <br>Enchant: +18|| chain mail ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 13)
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-aneahnor-linkedchaincorsletreinforcedwithsilverstudding" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-aneahnor-linkedchaincorsletreinforcedwithsilverstudding">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the chain corslet and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is tier 1 [[Elven Armor|Elven Armor]].<br><br>Tier<br>
1: Magic Affinity - Spells cast to permanently improve this armor, such as Enchant or Ensorcell, are more easily incorporated into it. Those spells gain a +10 bonus per tier to success rolls.<br><br>Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull, remove, rub, tap, wear<br>
<b>You may alter the chain corslet to change its description, but it must NOT ever imply that it was not originally crafted by elves - it was.</b><br></div>
| 5,000
| some polished vaalorn splint armor etched with tiny flames || Weight: 22 pounds <br>Enchant: +18|| brigandine armor ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 12)
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-somepolishedvaalornsplintarmoretchedwithtinyflames" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-somepolishedvaalornsplintarmoretchedwithtinyflames">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the vaalorn splint armor and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is tier 1 [[Elven Armor|Elven Armor]].<br><br>Tier<br>
1: Magic Affinity - Spells cast to permanently improve this armor, such as Enchant or Ensorcell, are more easily incorporated into it. Those spells gain a +10 bonus per tier to success rolls.<br><br>Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull, remove, rub, tap, wear<br>
<b>You may alter the vaalorn splint armor to change its description, but it must NOT ever imply that it was not originally crafted by elves - it was.</b><br></div>
| 5,000
| some eahnor-layered scalemail arranged in a viperskin pattern || Weight: 20 pounds <br>Enchant: +18|| brigandine armor ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 12)
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-someeahnor-layeredscalemailarrangedinaviperskinpattern" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-someeahnor-layeredscalemailarrangedinaviperskinpattern">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the eahnor-layered scalemail and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is tier 1 [[Elven Armor|Elven Armor]].<br><br>Tier<br>
1: Magic Affinity - Spells cast to permanently improve this armor, such as Enchant or Ensorcell, are more easily incorporated into it. Those spells gain a +10 bonus per tier to success rolls.<br><br>Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull, remove, rub, tap, wear<br>
<b>You may alter the eahnor-layered scalemail to change its description, but it must NOT ever imply that it was not originally crafted by elves - it was.</b><br></div>
| 5,000
| some eahnor studded splint leather embossed with ebon accents || Weight: 16 pounds <br>Enchant: +18|| studded leather ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 11)
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-someeahnorstuddedsplintleatherembossedwithebonaccents" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-someeahnorstuddedsplintleatherembossedwithebonaccents">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the studded splint leather and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is tier 1 [[Elven Armor|Elven Armor]].<br><br>Tier<br>
1: Magic Affinity - Spells cast to permanently improve this armor, such as Enchant or Ensorcell, are more easily incorporated into it. Those spells gain a +10 bonus per tier to success rolls.<br><br>Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull, remove, rub, tap, wear<br>
<b>You may alter the studded splint leather to change its description, but it must NOT ever imply that it was not originally crafted by elves - it was.</b><br></div>
| 5,000
| some vaalorn studded lamellar armor with dark inserts || Weight: 18 pounds <br>Enchant: +18|| studded leather ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 11)
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-somevaalornstuddedlamellararmorwithdarkinserts" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-somevaalornstuddedlamellararmorwithdarkinserts">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the lamellar armor and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is tier 1 [[Elven Armor|Elven Armor]].<br><br>Tier<br>
1: Magic Affinity - Spells cast to permanently improve this armor, such as Enchant or Ensorcell, are more easily incorporated into it. Those spells gain a +10 bonus per tier to success rolls.<br><br>Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull, remove, rub, tap, wear<br>
<b>You may alter the lamellar armor to change its description, but it must NOT ever imply that it was not originally crafted by elves - it was.</b><br></div>
| 5,000
|shopname=The Vaalin Rose
|look=<!--#shop look, the outside: e.g. crumbling two-story stone tower overrun with vines-->
|location=[Map Room 12], Lich# <!-- room # outside shop-->, go south

==Previous Shop Listings==
===The Vaalin Rose, Cargo Hold, South===<!--==={{{ [The Vaalin Rose, Cargo Hold] 2021-02-13 15:13:38 -0500}}}===-->

|roomname=The Vaalin Rose, Cargo Hold -
[[Category:Bloodriven Village shops|V]]
|desc=Stacks of unopened crates, boxes, and barrels line the walls of the massive hold. Tucked away in a corner is a small wooden table. Several large iron stands are placed down the center showing off their wares. Narrow beams of light, shifting through a grate above, shed fractured illumination over the area.
|exits= north}}
{{Container2||container=On the small wooden table you see:||contents= an ebon elven armor certificate, a green elven armor certificate and a blue elven armor certificate.}}
{| class="wikitable col-5-right" {{prettytable}}
| an ebon elven armor certificate || Weight: <1 pound ||
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-anebonelvenarmorcertificate" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, examine</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-anebonelvenarmorcertificate">'''Analyze:'''<br> Your certificate is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.<br><br> The elven armor certificate will upgrade [[Elven Armor|Elven Armor]] from tier 3 to 4.<br><br> You need only RAISE your certificate while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.<br><br> Your certificate may not be altered or changed in any way.<br>
'''Examine:'''<br>You glance at the elven armor certificate.<br>
You notice something written on it...<br>
This will unlock and advance your elven armor by one tier. This waiver will take it from tier 3 to tier 4. This certificate will ONLY work if your item is already unlocked to tier 3.
| 120,000
| a green elven armor certificate || Weight: <1 pound ||
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-agreenelvenarmorcertificate" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, examine</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-agreenelvenarmorcertificate">'''Analyze:'''<br> Your certificate is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.<br><br> The elven armor certificate will upgrade [[Elven Armor|Elven Armor]] from tier 2 to 3.<br><br> You need only RAISE your certificate while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.<br><br> Your certificate may not be altered or changed in any way.<br>
'''Examine:'''<br>You glance at the elven armor certificate.<br>
You notice something written on it...<br>
This will unlock and advance your elven armor by one tier. This waiver will take it from tier 2 to tier 3. This certificate will ONLY work if your item is already unlocked to tier 2.
| 50,000
| a blue elven armor certificate || Weight: <1 pound ||
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-ablueelvenarmorcertificate" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, examine</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-ablueelvenarmorcertificate">'''Analyze:'''<br> Your certificate is used to unlock the potential of things held in your other hand.<br><br> The elven armor certificate will upgrade [[Elven Armor|Elven Armor]] from tier 1 to 2.<br><br> You need only RAISE your certificate while holding a compatible piece of equipment in your other hand.<br><br> Your certificate may not be altered or changed in any way.<br>
'''Examine:'''<br>You glance at the elven armor certificate.<br>
You notice something written on it...<br>
This will unlock and advance your elven armor by one tier. This waiver will take it from tier 1 to tier 2. This certificate will ONLY work if your item isn't unlocked yet.
| 25,000
{{Container2||container=On the Several large iron stands you see:||contents= a suit of eahnor body armor inlaid with slivers of obsidian, a suit of vaalorn plate armor etched with a blooming rose, some polished vaalorn half-plate etched with a flying wyvern, some eahnor plate with alabaster steel rivets, an etched vaalorn breastplate patterned with light markings, a dark eahnor coracia set with pale jade, an ebon-sheened vaalorn cuirass with golden pauldrons, a hammered eahnor plate corslet etched with a large starburst, some fitted eahnor body armor belted with alabaster leather and a vaalorn jazerant hauberk with ebon-trimmed leather.}}
{| class="wikitable col-5-right" {{prettytable}}
| a suit of eahnor body armor inlaid with slivers of obsidian || Weight: 60 pounds <br>Enchant: +18|| full plate ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 20)
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-asuitofeahnorbodyarmorinlaidwithsliversofobsidian" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-asuitofeahnorbodyarmorinlaidwithsliversofobsidian">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the eahnor body armor and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is tier 1 [[Elven Armor|Elven Armor]].<br><br>Tier<br>
1: Magic Affinity - Spells cast to permanently improve this armor, such as Enchant or Ensorcell, are more easily incorporated into it. Those spells gain a +10 bonus per tier to success rolls.<br><br>Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull, remove, rub, tap, wear<br>
<b>You may alter the eahnor body armor to change its description, but it must NOT ever imply that it was not originally crafted by elves - it was.</b><br></div>
| 5,000
| a suit of vaalorn plate armor etched with a blooming rose || Weight: 60 pounds <br>Enchant: +18|| full plate ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 20)
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-asuitofvaalornplatearmoretchedwithabloomingrose" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-asuitofvaalornplatearmoretchedwithabloomingrose">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the vaalorn plate armor and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is tier 1 [[Elven Armor|Elven Armor]].<br><br>Tier<br>
1: Magic Affinity - Spells cast to permanently improve this armor, such as Enchant or Ensorcell, are more easily incorporated into it. Those spells gain a +10 bonus per tier to success rolls.<br><br>Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull, remove, rub, tap, wear<br>
<b>You may alter the vaalorn plate armor to change its description, but it must NOT ever imply that it was not originally crafted by elves - it was.</b><br></div>
| 5,000
| some polished vaalorn half-plate etched with a flying wyvern || Weight: 45 pounds <br>Enchant: +18|| half plate ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 19)
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-somepolishedvaalornhalf-plateetchedwithaflyingwyvern" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-somepolishedvaalornhalf-plateetchedwithaflyingwyvern">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the vaalorn half-plate and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is tier 1 [[Elven Armor|Elven Armor]].<br><br>Tier<br>
1: Magic Affinity - Spells cast to permanently improve this armor, such as Enchant or Ensorcell, are more easily incorporated into it. Those spells gain a +10 bonus per tier to success rolls.<br><br>Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull, remove, rub, tap, wear<br>
<b>You may alter the vaalorn half-plate to change its description, but it must NOT ever imply that it was not originally crafted by elves - it was.</b><br></div>
| 5,000
| some eahnor plate with alabaster steel rivets || Weight: 40 pounds <br>Enchant: +18|| half plate ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 19)
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-someeahnorplatewithalabastersteelrivets" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-someeahnorplatewithalabastersteelrivets">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the eahnor plate and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is tier 1 [[Elven Armor|Elven Armor]].<br><br>Tier<br>
1: Magic Affinity - Spells cast to permanently improve this armor, such as Enchant or Ensorcell, are more easily incorporated into it. Those spells gain a +10 bonus per tier to success rolls.<br><br>Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull, remove, rub, tap, wear<br>
<b>You may alter the eahnor plate to change its description, but it must NOT ever imply that it was not originally crafted by elves - it was.</b><br></div>
| 5,000
| an etched vaalorn breastplate patterned with light markings || Weight: 22 pounds <br>Enchant: +18|| augmented plate ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 18)
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-anetchedvaalornbreastplatepatternedwithlightmarkings" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-anetchedvaalornbreastplatepatternedwithlightmarkings">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the vaalorn breastplate and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is tier 1 [[Elven Armor|Elven Armor]].<br><br>Tier<br>
1: Magic Affinity - Spells cast to permanently improve this armor, such as Enchant or Ensorcell, are more easily incorporated into it. Those spells gain a +10 bonus per tier to success rolls.<br><br>Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull, remove, rub, tap, wear<br>
<b>You may alter the vaalorn breastplate to change its description, but it must NOT ever imply that it was not originally crafted by elves - it was.</b><br></div>
| 5,000
| a dark eahnor coracia set with pale jade || Weight: 20 pounds <br>Enchant: +18|| augmented plate ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 18)
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-adarkeahnorcoraciasetwithpalejade" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-adarkeahnorcoraciasetwithpalejade">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the eahnor coracia and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is tier 1 [[Elven Armor|Elven Armor]].<br><br>Tier<br>
1: Magic Affinity - Spells cast to permanently improve this armor, such as Enchant or Ensorcell, are more easily incorporated into it. Those spells gain a +10 bonus per tier to success rolls.<br><br>Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull, remove, rub, tap, wear<br>
<b>You may alter the eahnor coracia to change its description, but it must NOT ever imply that it was not originally crafted by elves - it was.</b><br></div>
| 5,000
| an ebon-sheened vaalorn cuirass with golden pauldrons || Weight: 21 pounds <br>Enchant: +18|| metal breastplate ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 17)
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-anebon-sheenedvaalorncuirasswithgoldenpauldrons" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-anebon-sheenedvaalorncuirasswithgoldenpauldrons">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the vaalorn cuirass and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is tier 1 [[Elven Armor|Elven Armor]].<br><br>Tier<br>
1: Magic Affinity - Spells cast to permanently improve this armor, such as Enchant or Ensorcell, are more easily incorporated into it. Those spells gain a +10 bonus per tier to success rolls.<br><br>Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull, remove, rub, tap, wear<br>
<b>You may alter the vaalorn cuirass to change its description, but it must NOT ever imply that it was not originally crafted by elves - it was.</b><br></div>
| 5,000
| a hammered eahnor plate corslet etched with a large starburst || Weight: 18 pounds <br>Enchant: +18|| metal breastplate ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 17)
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-ahammeredeahnorplatecorsletetchedwithalargestarburst" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-ahammeredeahnorplatecorsletetchedwithalargestarburst">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the eahnor plate corslet and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is tier 1 [[Elven Armor|Elven Armor]].<br><br>Tier<br>
1: Magic Affinity - Spells cast to permanently improve this armor, such as Enchant or Ensorcell, are more easily incorporated into it. Those spells gain a +10 bonus per tier to success rolls.<br><br>Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull, remove, rub, tap, wear<br>
<b>You may alter the eahnor plate corslet to change its description, but it must NOT ever imply that it was not originally crafted by elves - it was.</b><br></div>
| 5,000
| some fitted eahnor body armor belted with alabaster leather || Weight: 22 pounds <br>Enchant: +18|| chain hauberk ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 16)
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-somefittedeahnorbodyarmorbeltedwithalabasterleather" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-somefittedeahnorbodyarmorbeltedwithalabasterleather">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the eahnor body armor and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is tier 1 [[Elven Armor|Elven Armor]].<br><br>Tier<br>
1: Magic Affinity - Spells cast to permanently improve this armor, such as Enchant or Ensorcell, are more easily incorporated into it. Those spells gain a +10 bonus per tier to success rolls.<br><br>Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull, remove, rub, tap, wear<br>
<b>You may alter the eahnor body armor to change its description, but it must NOT ever imply that it was not originally crafted by elves - it was.</b><br></div>
| 5,000
| a vaalorn jazerant hauberk with ebon-trimmed leather || Weight: 24 pounds <br>Enchant: +18|| chain hauberk ([[Armor#Spell_Hindrance|AsG]] 16)
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-avaalornjazeranthauberkwithebon-trimmedleather" role="link" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-avaalornjazeranthauberkwithebon-trimmedleather">'''Analyze:'''<br>You analyze the jazerant hauberk and sense that the creator has provided the following information:<br><br>This is tier 1 [[Elven Armor|Elven Armor]].<br><br>Tier<br>
1: Magic Affinity - Spells cast to permanently improve this armor, such as Enchant or Ensorcell, are more easily incorporated into it. Those spells gain a +10 bonus per tier to success rolls.<br><br>Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull, remove, rub, tap, wear<br>
<b>You may alter the jazerant hauberk to change its description, but it must NOT ever imply that it was not originally crafted by elves - it was.</b><br></div>
| 5,000
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[[Category:Bloodriven Village Shops]]

Revision as of 10:35, 29 August 2024

Current Shop Listing

a large veniom-plated airship, [Map Room 12], Room# 8214514, Lich# L23760, go veniom-plated airship

The Vaalin Rose, Cargo Hold

[The Vaalin Rose, Cargo Hold - 8212737]
Polished oak beams frame out the spacious cargo hold, their lengths carved with various symbols and images. Several large iron racks displaying various pieces of armor line one side of the room, while sealed boxes and crates are piled on the other. The light from a trio of dark bronze lanterns casts a pale glow on the collection of items for sale. You also see a polished oak gangplank.
Obvious exits: south

Items sold in this shop may be purchased with account attunement for a discounted price (Prime only). Attunement is permanent and cannot be removed.

Attunement Discount Legend
* Account attunement available for a 25% discount.

On the iron racks you see: some brushed eahnor chainmail threaded with silver, a burnished vaalorn jazerant patterned with ebon tinting, a double-linked vaalorn chain shirt finished with shades of crimson, a polished eahnor haubergeon woven with tight links, a triple-linked vaalorn chain tunic edged with an ebon sheen, a linked eahnor chain corslet lined with ebon wool, a vaalorn jack-of-plate sewn with leather cording, some eahnor laminar armor with overlapping bands of scales, some eahnor splint leather layered with edged scales, and some vaalorn lamellar leather strung with studded plates.

Item Type Info Details Price
some brushed eahnor chainmail threaded with silver augmented chain 21 lbs
Material: eahnor
shirt-worn (functional)
Elven Armor
Enchant: +18
Tier 1
Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull remove, rub, tap, wear
   - Magic Affinity
a burnished vaalorn jazerant patterned with ebon tinting augmented chain 23 lbs
Material: vaalorn
shirt-worn (functional)
Elven Armor
Enchant: +18
Tier 1
Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull remove, rub, tap, wear
   - Magic Affinity
a double-linked vaalorn chain shirt finished with shades of crimson double chain 22 lbs
Material: vaalorn
shirt-worn (functional)
Elven Armor
Enchant: +18
Tier 1
Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull remove, rub, tap, wear
   - Magic Affinity
a polished eahnor haubergeon woven with tight links double chain 20 lbs
Material: eahnor
shirt-worn (functional)
Elven Armor
Enchant: +18
Tier 1
Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull remove, rub, tap, wear
   - Magic Affinity
a triple-linked vaalorn chain tunic edged with an ebon sheen chain mail 22 lbs
Material: vaalorn
shirt-worn (functional)
Elven Armor
Enchant: +18
Tier 1
Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull remove, rub, tap, wear
   - Magic Affinity
a linked eahnor chain corslet lined with ebon wool chain mail 20 lbs
Material: eahnor
shirt-worn (functional)
Elven Armor
Enchant: +18
Tier 1
Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull remove, rub, tap, wear
   - Magic Affinity
a vaalorn jack-of-plate sewn with leather cording brigandine armor 22 lbs
Material: vaalorn
shirt-worn (functional)
Elven Armor
Enchant: +18
Tier 1
Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull remove, rub, tap, wear
   - Magic Affinity
some eahnor laminar armor with overlapping bands of scales brigandine armor 20 lbs
Material: eahnor
shirt-worn (functional)
Elven Armor
Enchant: +18
Tier 1
Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull remove, rub, tap, wear
   - Magic Affinity
some eahnor splint leather layered with edged scales studded leather 16 lbs
Material: eahnor
shirt-worn (functional)
Elven Armor
Enchant: +18
Tier 1
Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull remove, rub, tap, wear
   - Magic Affinity
some vaalorn lamellar leather strung with studded plates studded leather 18 lbs
Material: vaalorn
shirt-worn (functional)
Elven Armor
Enchant: +18
Tier 1
Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull remove, rub, tap, wear
   - Magic Affinity

The Vaalin Rose, Cargo Hold

[The Vaalin Rose, Cargo Hold - 8212738]
Stacks of unopened crates, boxes, and barrels line the walls of the massive hold. Tucked away in a corner is a small wooden table. Several large iron stands are placed down the center showing off their wares. Narrow beams of light, shifting through a grate above, shed fractured illumination over the area.
Obvious exits: north

Items sold in this shop may be purchased with account attunement for a discounted price (Prime only). Attunement is permanent and cannot be removed.

Attunement Discount Legend
* Account attunement available for a 25% discount.

On the wooden table you see: an ebon elven armor certificate, a green elven armor certificate, and a blue elven armor certificate.

Item Type Info Details Price
an ebon elven armor certificate unlock certificate
Elven Armor
The elven armor certificate will upgrade Elven Armor from tier 3 to 4.
a green elven armor certificate unlock certificate
Elven Armor
The elven armor certificate will upgrade Elven Armor from tier 2 to 3.
a blue elven armor certificate unlock certificate
Elven Armor
The elven armor certificate will upgrade Elven Armor from tier 1 to 2.

On the iron stands you see: a suit of eahnor body armor polished with a silver sheen, a suit of vaalorn plate armor with silver rivets, some vaalorn platemail inlaid with an ebon rose, some bright eahnor half-plate secured with thick leather belting, a fitted vaalorn plate corslet hinged with bronze pins, an eahnor augmented breastplate with ebon studding, an etched vaalorn breastplate patterned with oak leaves, a hammered eahnor cuirass etched with a soaring wyvern, an eahnor chain hauberk woven with whorling patterns, and some vaalorn body armor padded with azure quilting.

Item Type Info Details Price
a suit of eahnor body armor polished with a silver sheen full plate 60 lbs
Material: eahnor
shirt-worn (functional)
Elven Armor
Enchant: +18
Tier 1
Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull remove, rub, tap, wear
   - Magic Affinity
a suit of vaalorn plate armor with silver rivets full plate 67 lbs
Material: vaalorn
shirt-worn (functional)
Elven Armor
Enchant: +18
Tier 1
Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull remove, rub, tap, wear
   - Magic Affinity
some vaalorn platemail inlaid with an ebon rose half plate 45 lbs
Material: vaalorn
shirt-worn (functional)
Elven Armor
Enchant: +18
Tier 1
Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull remove, rub, tap, wear
   - Magic Affinity
some bright eahnor half-plate secured with thick leather belting half plate 40 lbs
Material: eahnor
shirt-worn (functional)
Elven Armor
Enchant: +18
Tier 1
Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull remove, rub, tap, wear
   - Magic Affinity
a fitted vaalorn plate corslet hinged with bronze pins augmented breastplate 22 lbs
Material: vaalorn
shirt-worn (functional)
Elven Armor
Enchant: +18
Tier 1
Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull remove, rub, tap, wear
   - Magic Affinity
an eahnor augmented breastplate with ebon studding augmented breastplate 20 lbs
Material: eahnor
shirt-worn (functional)
Elven Armor
Enchant: +18
Tier 1
Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull remove, rub, tap, wear
   - Magic Affinity
an etched vaalorn breastplate patterned with oak leaves metal breastplate 21 lbs
Material: vaalorn
shirt-worn (functional)
Elven Armor
Enchant: +18
Tier 1
Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull remove, rub, tap, wear
   - Magic Affinity
a hammered eahnor cuirass etched with a soaring wyvern metal breastplate 18 lbs
Material: eahnor
shirt-worn (functional)
Elven Armor
Enchant: +18
Tier 1
Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull remove, rub, tap, wear
   - Magic Affinity
an eahnor chain hauberk woven with whorling patterns chain hauberk 22 lbs
Material: eahnor
shirt-worn (functional)
Elven Armor
Enchant: +18
Tier 1
Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull remove, rub, tap, wear
   - Magic Affinity
some vaalorn body armor padded with azure quilting chain hauberk 24 lbs
Material: vaalorn
shirt-worn (functional)
Elven Armor
Enchant: +18
Tier 1
Verbs: bow, clean, push, pull remove, rub, tap, wear
   - Magic Affinity

Previous Shop Listings