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<section begin=GTK3PublicBeta />
The current osxlich installer (preparing for pkg delivery? Ugh)

==GTK3 Beta Test==
#!/usr/bin/env bash

The GTK3 Beta Test period is over, and has been released to the public for general use. Please see the [[Lich_(software)/Installation]] page.
# Created by doug on 7/30/16
# version 1.3
# 4/15/17 - updated for Sierra
# 4/15/18 - updated for High Sierra
# 4/16/18 - updated Ruby logic to install 2.2.5 on High Sierra (2.3) machines
# 6/10/18 - updated cairo location to reverse Homebrew decision to remove x11
# 6/14/18 - general improvements while preparing for pkg builds

# Welcome to the automagic Mac OS X Lich install script
# I am prepared to turn your Mac system
# into an awesome Siumtronics gaming machine via Tillmen Magic.
# Script built and maintained by Doug (

# Logging, yay

today_Date=$(date +"%F")

exec > >( tee >( sed -l 's/\[[0-9]*m//g' >> ~/Desktop/"$LOG" ) )
exec 2>&1

# Let's set up a few constants here, shall we?


## Proc Defs

# Time the install process

start_Timer () {

user_echo ""
user_echo ""
user_echo "${bold}\t Welcome to Mac OS X and Lich Installer${normal}"
user_echo "\t Run at $SCRIPT_START"
user_echo ""
user_echo ""

end_Timer () {
hack_Timer 'Script'
user_echo "\t Ended at $SCRIPT_END"

end_Msg () {
local fmt="$1"

hack_Timer () {
local fmt="$1"


if [[ "$SECONDS" ]]; then
if [[ "$MINUTES" > "0" ]] && [[ "$HOURS" > "0" ]]; then
user_echo "\n${bold}$fmt finished in $HOURS hr, $MINUTES min, and $SECS sec from script start${normal}"
elif [[ "$MINUTES" > "0" ]] && [[ "$HOURS" == "0" ]]; then
user_echo "\n ${bold}$fmt finished in $MINUTES min, and $SECS sec from script start${normal}"
user_echo "\n\t${bold}$fmt finished in $SECS sec from script start${normal}"


# Get your echo on

user_echo() {
local fmt="$1"; shift
printf "$fmt\n" "$@"

# Proc to append to bash_profile

append_to_bash() {
local text="$1" bashloc
local skip_new_line="${2:-0}"

if [ -w "$HOME/.bash_profile.local" ]; then

if ! grep -Fqs "$text" "$bashloc"; then
if [ "$skip_new_line" -eq 1 ]; then
printf "%s\n" "$text" >> "$bashloc"
printf "\n%s\n" "$text" >> "$bashloc"

# Color me a picture worthy of words
# display a message in red with an x by it
function echo_fail {
# echo first argument in red
printf " \e[31m✘"
# reset colours back to normal
echo "\033[0m"

# display a message in green with a tick by it
function echo_pass {
# echo first argument in green
printf " \e[32m✔"
# reset colours back to normal
echo "\033[0m"

# Return version of ruby

ruby_ver() {
ruby -v

# Return OS version

os_ver() {
sw_vers -productVersion

# Return CLT status

CLT_ver() {

# Return xQuartz status

XQ_ver() {
pkgutil --info org.macosforge.xquartz.pkg

## End Proc Defs


# Welcome message

user_echo "\n${bold}This will install software to run Lich on your Mac."
user_echo "If you use this machine to develop software, especially in ruby"
user_echo "I would strongly encourage you to stop this script and review"
user_echo "it carefully. It will attempt to install Ruby managers and gems."
user_echo "You may also be required to log back into OS X and rerun this"
user_echo "script one time. Please consider this.${normal}"

user_echo ""

# Prompt to continue
read -p " Continue? (y/n) " ans
if [[ $ans != "y" ]]; then
user_echo "\nQuitting...\n"

# This determines ths version of Mac OSX
# Will only function on Mac OSX
# Continue extending to other implementations via uname


if [[ "$valid_os" =~ "10.9" ]]; then
user_echo "OS X Mavericks detected. OS Supported. $(echo_pass)"
user_echo ""
elif [[ "$vaild_os" =~ "10.10" ]]; then
user_echo "OS X Yosemite detected. OS Supported. $(echo_pass)"
user_echo ""
elif [[ "$valid_os" =~ "10.11" ]]; then
user_echo "OS X El Capitan detected. OS Supported. $(echo_pass)"
user_echo ""
elif [[ "$valid_os" =~ "10.12" ]]; then
user_echo "OS X Sierra detected. OS Supported. $(echo_pass)"
user_echo ""
elif [[ "$valid_os" =~ "10.13" ]]; then
user_echo "OS X High Sierra detected. OS Supported. $(echo_pass)"
user_echo ""
user_echo "${bold}Your Mac OS is $valid_os, and is not supported. $(echo_fail)"
user_echo "There may be hope, but you'll have to work manually to install everything."
user_echo "You can email to see if assistance is available.${normal}"
user_echo ""

# This determines if brew has been installed.
# Interesting thing about brew is it will install the CLT automatically
# if needed, and it has xQuartz in a delivery mode that doesn't require
# exiting Terminal and restarting it. Inorite?

# So our order will be
# Check for brew - if found, fall back to xQuartz and beyond.
# If not found (brew) - install brew (which gets CLT)
# then install everything elsee
# This means we can drop the CLT check, because either it
# exists with brew, or it gets installed with brew.
# We'll test everything on exit, though.
# First, though - let's check for rvm

# This check is to determine if either
# rvm is presently installed on the system
# if not present, rbenv will be installed
# If it is present, bail out!

if command -v rvm >/dev/null; then
user_echo "It appears that this system already has"
user_echo "the rvm ruby manager installed. Because"
user_echo "this usually means that the sytsem is"
user_echo "actively being used for development in"
user_echo "Ruby, and because rvm and the manager"
user_echo "that this script installs (rbenv) do NOT"
user_echo "play well together, I am going to stop"
user_echo "and exit here. Seek further guidance"
user_echo "from"
user_echo ""
sleep 5s
user_echo "Ruby manager rvm is not detected. $(echo_pass)"
user_echo ""

# Now brew (installs CLT if not present)

if ! command -v brew >/dev/null; then
user_echo "Homebrew is not installed. $(echo_fail)"
user_echo "Installing Homebrew. You will be asked for your password."
user_echo ""
curl -fsS '' | ruby
user_echo "Homebrew detected. $(echo_pass)"
user_echo ""

hack_Timer 'Homebrew checkpoint'

# Now xQuartz

if [[ "$valid_XQ" =~ "version" ]]; then
user_echo "Your system already has xQuartz installed. $(echo_pass)";
user_echo ""
brew tap Caskroom/cask
brew install Caskroom/cask/xquartz

hack_Timer 'xQuartz checkpoint'

# This check is to determine your existing active
# Ruby version and revision. If greater than 2.0
# no action need be taken, but we should determine
# how that newer version of Ruby is managed



if [[ "$installed_ver" =~ "2.0.0" ]] ; then
user_echo "Ruby version 2.0.0 detected. Will update. $(echo_fail)"
user_echo ""
elif [[ "$installed_ver" =~ "2.1" ]] || [[ "$installed_ver" =~ "2.2" ]] ; then
user_echo "Ruby version 2.1 or 2.2 detected. Leaving in place. $(echo_pass)"
user_echo ""
elif [[ "$installed_ver" =~ "2.3" ]] || [[ "$installed_ver" =~ "2.4" ]]; then
user_echo "Ruby version 2.3 or 2.4 detected. Installing supported Ruby version. $(echo_pass)"
user_echo ""
user_echo "For some reason, I've failed to detect a Ruby version I understand. $(echo_fail)"
user_echo "May need help. Exiting. . ."

# Getting down to brass tacks here. At this point, we
# know the envrionment well enough to start our installations

user_echo "Updating Homebrew for latest formulas."
user_echo ""
brew update
if ! brew list | grep -Fq rbenv; then
user_echo "Installing rbenv"
user_echo ""
brew install rbenv
brew install ruby-build
rbenv init
append_to_bash 'eval "$(rbenv init - --no-rehash)"'
eval "$(rbenv init -)"
user_echo "You have rbenv already installed. $(echo_pass)"

hack_Timer 'rbenv checkpoint'

if ! brew list | grep -Fq gtk+; then
user_echo "Installing gtk+ and dependencies"
user_echo ""
curl -OL
curl -OL
mv "$(brew --repo homebrew/core)"/Formula/cairo.rb "$(brew --repo homebrew/core)"/Formula/cairo-save.rb
mv "$(brew --repo homebrew/core)"/Formula/gtk+.rb "$(brew --repo homebrew/core)"/Formula/gtk+-save.rb
mv ./cairo.rb "$(brew --repo homebrew/core)"/Formula
mv ./gtk+.rb "$(brew --repo homebrew/core)"/Formula
HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew install --build-from-source gtk+
brew pin gtk+
brew pin cairo
user_echo "You have gkt+ libraries already installed. $(echo_pass)"

hack_Timer 'gtk+ checkpoint'

# Time to go after Ruby updates

if $RUBYREQ; then
user_echo "Changing system Ruby to Ruby version 2.2.5."
user_echo ""
rbenv install 2.2.5
user_echo "Setting Ruby version 2.2.5 as the global Ruby."
user_echo ""
append_to_bash 'eval "$(rbenv init - --no-rehash)"'
source $HOME/.bash_profile
sleep 5s
rbenv global 2.2.5
ruby -v
rbenv rehash
gem update --system

if ! $RUBYREQ; then
user_echo "Ensuring current system Ruby is valid."
user_echo ""
source $HOME/.bash_profile
if [[ "$installed_ver" =~ "2.1" ]] || [[ "$installed_ver" =~ "2.2" ]] ; then
user_echo "Ruby version seems good."
ruby -v
hack_Timer 'Ruby 2.2.5 checkpoint'

# Check to see if a gem is installed

if ! gem spec sqlite3 > /dev/null 2>&1; then
user_echo "Gem sqlite3 is not installed. $(echo_fail)"
user_echo "Installing sqlite3 and related dependencies."
user_echo ""
gem install sqlite3 --no-ri --no-rdoc
rbenv rehash
user_echo "Gem sqlite3 already installed. $(echo_pass)"

hack_Timer 'sqlite3 checkpoint'

if ! gem spec gtk2 > /dev/null 2>&1; then
user_echo "Gem gtk2 is not installed. $(echo_fail)"
user_echo "Installing gtk2 and related dependencies."
user_echo ""
gem install gtk2 --no-ri --no-rdoc
rbenv rehash
user_echo "Gem gtk2 already installed. $(echo_pass)"

hack_Timer 'gtk2 checkpoint'

# Nearly done. Check to see if this script's default locations
# for these files shows the files to exist. If not, then
# grab Avalon and Lich and put them in their locations

if [ -d ~/lich ]; then
user_echo "Lich is installed in the best location. $(echo_pass)"
curl -OL

if [ -d ~/Desktop/ ]; then
user_echo "Avalon is installed on the Desktop. $(echo_pass)"
curl -OL
open -a "Archive Utility" && sleep 5s
mv ~/Desktop/

user_echo "Process complete."
user_echo ""

# Print the time elapsed


user_echo ""
user_echo ""


==Older news ==

Let's start a short note page that keeps track of what I'm trying to do to get Lich to run on El Capitan. Using Virtual Box to keep from having to reinstall over and over and over. . .

Initial effort successful. Now working with basic installation. Basic installation below successful (for those who might be peeking and simply can't wait). Now working on bottling the two odd lines (cairo and gtk+). If I can bottle them, I should be able to build a binaries distribution package that won't require a long time compiling these brew recipes and the gems. It'll start being El Cap only, but I might add Mavericks and Yosemite to the binaries package as well. I'd have to move to downloading most of the bottles at that point, but it still would be significantly faster.

==Update 8/7/2016==

Getting ahead of the curve: Downloaded Sierra public beta (10.12) and installed to VM. Challenges:

- creating ISO image requires two additional directories be copied over, BaseSystem.chunklist and BaseSystem.dmg (thanks, Apple-ama!)

- current osxlich install script using homebrew grabs CLT version 7.3x, all subsequent builds fail (thanks again, Apple-ama!)

- need to use Applestore to update to beta CLT 8.x for builds to succeed

- after CLT 8 install - builds proceeding normally (perhaps, only got through rbenv)

Adds / changes to scripts

- need to add 10.12 to scripts for OS detect

- need to fix install script to get correct CLT (probably self correcting upon release, but let's check, shall we?)

Of interesting note - Sierra comes with ruby 2.0.0 (still!). Need to check in final release to ensure that remains the same. Note in to Tillmen concerning allowing $SAFE deprecation so we can use 2.3x ruby builds

==Update 8/2/2016==

Ok, I'm satisfied with the bash scripts. I'll be releasing them through the wiki on the Mac Install page.

Next steps:

Create brew point

Create brew formula

distribute through brew

And later:

create install_wine shell script for SFE / Wizard

create applescript applet (or bash script that calls osascript) to automate the login sequence

==Results from

Ok, this one's ready for prime time, I think.

===Results from 10.9.5 system actively used===


Welcome to Mac OS X and Lich Diagnostics
Run on Sun Jul 31 22:11:29 PDT 2016

## Item ## Version ## Status ##
## Your OS is supported ## 10.9.5 ## ✔ ##
## You have xQuartz installed ## 2.7.94 ## ✔ ##
## You have Command Line Tools ## ## ✔ ##
## Your Ruby may not work ## 2.3.1 ## ✘ ##
## Homebrew is installed ## 0.9.9 ## ✔ ##
## Ruby mgr rbenv is installed ## 1.0.0 ## ✔ ##
## Cairo installed ## 1.12.16_1 ## ✔ ##
## gtk+ tools installed ## 2.24.23 ## ✔ ##
## sqlite3 gem installed ## 1.3.11 ## ✔ ##
## gtk2 gem installed ## 3.0.8 ## ✔ ##
## You have Lich ## ## ✔ ##
## You have Avalon ## ## ✔ ##

If you are running this script because you're having a
problem with getting Lich (or a script, like narost) to
run, but you don't see anything in the diagnostics check
that can help, this script can save further diagnostic
information to the diagnostics text file on your desktop,
so you can forward it for analysis to someone you trust.

Gather additonal diagnostics? (y/n) y

Script finished in 13 sec from script start

Script finished: Sun Jul 31 22:11:42 PDT 2016

===Results from 10.11 bare bones reference system===


Welcome to Mac OS X and Lich Diagnostics
Run on Sun Jul 31 22:00:51 PDT 2016

## Item ## Version ## Status ##
## Your OS is supported ## 10.11.6 ## ✔ ##
## You do not have xQuartz ## ----- ## ✘ ##
## You do not have CL Tools ## ----- ## ✘ ##
## Your Ruby needs updating ## 2.0.0 ## ✘ ##
## Homebrew is not installed ## ----- ## ✘ ##
## Ruby mgr rbenv not installed ## ----- ## ✘ ##
## Without Homebrew, no Cairo ## ----- ## ✘ ##
## Without Homebrew, no gtk+ ## ----- ## ✘ ##
## sqlite3 gem installed ## 1.3.7 ## ✔ ##
## gtk2 gem not found ## --- ## ✘ ##
## You should download lich ## ## ✘ ##
## You should download Avalon ## ## ✘ ##

If you are running this script because you're having a
problem with getting Lich (or a script, like narost) to
run, but you don't see anything in the diagnostics check
that can help, this script can save further diagnostic
information to the diagnostics text file on your desktop,
so you can forward it for analysis to someone you trust.

Gather additonal diagnostics? (y/n) n

Script finished in 14 sec from script start

Script finished: Sun Jul 31 22:01:05 PDT 2016

Additional diags presently is brew --config and gem env outputs.

As time goes on, I'll build in a library of recommendations for the user to consider live.

The installer script is also ready for beta release. It isn't nearly as nicely formatted, but it installs to the 10.11 bare reference system.

Will be testing on 10.9 and 10.10 (mebbe?) throughout the week.

==Current Issues==

Formatting on install script - and sudo is going to be required for xQuartz and Homebrew - so dreams of unattended install vanish in the night like a fresh breeze of jasmine.

==7/30 Testing status: V 1.0==

Testing against 10.11.6 bare system.

Constraints - Network bandwidth and virtual instance slows test cycles. Time to upgrade!

Time to clone reference system - 4 minutes (Virtualbox for the win)

Time to execute script - estimated to be 1.5 hours (all up, on a virtual instance and middling network)

Anticipated time to execute script on MacBookPro - estimated 45 minutes with good network

Anticipated time to execute script on MacPro - estimated 35 minutes with good network

First pass - minor logical errors (8)

Second pass - correcting log out signal at xQuartz install complete

Third pass - Add time hack to xQuartz install and rerun clean; nearly flawless. Two points - CLT tools license acceptance which (may?) lead to sudo being necessary to complete brew install. Unanticipated, but doesn't seem to hurt.

Fourth pass - Modify CLT to do participative install; test to see if that helps the brew situation

Next steps:

Create 10.9 and 10.10 reference systems

Run script with various elements of configuration missing (no Ruby 2.2.5, no gtk2, perhaps with Ruby 2.1.x)

Continue diag script development while staring at little spinning balls and wishing for more / better / faster

Consider better organization in script - functional, but might be easier to maintain if.

==AS OF 7/30/2016==

Ok, let's get this party started. Decisions:

1) bash script - not presently concerned about portability - faster to use. If somehow asked to port to Linux or Windows, might regret non-portability, but eh.

2) Fix locations for Lich and Avalon installs for now. Lich should be in ~/ and Avalon should be ~/Desktop . These are rather arbitrary but common sensical for right now. FIXME: mdfind might be an option, or perhaps locate - not ideal choice.

3) Outside of the necessary gtk+ version limit, and bumping to a higher ruby until I can get Tillmen's attention, not going to enforce any particular versioning.

4) Diagnostics / troubleshooting will be very light in script. FIXME: Probably need a separate diagnostic tool anyway, and it needs to make life easy!

5) Error trapping and present options to user. Well, ok, first reporting. FIXME: Then maybe presenting options.

Implemented the following features in a bash script (as of 7/30)
1) Detect version of OS X (supporting 10.9 through current - or Mavericks through El Capitan)
2) Detect xQuartz installed - FIXME: Good grief this is messy and requires logout / login and rerunning the script, ugh.
3) Detect CLT installed - quiet install of CLT if not present (which can't xQuartz be managed this way?!)
4) Detect ruby version - if 2.1 or 2.2, leave alone, if 2.0, prep to update to 2.2.5, if 2.3, warn and bail out.
5) Detect rvm - if present, assume system is used for ruby dev and bail out with warning that rvm / rbenv do not coexist.
6) Detect homebrew - update if present, install if not
7) Detect rbenv - updated via homebrew (6) if present, install if not. Need to resource bash profile to finish?! (Ugh.)
8) Detect cairo and gtk+ - install if not present and PIN. FIXME: need diagnostics to gather version / revision and test suitability
9) If Ruby version is 2.0.0, use rbenv to install 2.2.5, set up as global ruby and update gem system
10) Detect sqlite3 / gtk2 - install if not present. FIXME: need diagnostics to gather version / revision and test suitability
11) Detect lich - download / unzip in $HOME if not detected at $HOME. Remove zip file. FIXME: Current version handling, detect at locations other than $HOME
12) Detect Avalon - download / unarchive in $HOME/Desktop if not detected at $HOME/Desktop. Remove zip file. FIXME: Current version handling, detect at locations other than $HOME/Desktop.

Testing: Bare bones 10.11.6

Needful things before general release

1) FIXME - detect lich, detect Avalon
2) Error handling - right now, doesn't exist.

Probably move diagnostics to a separate script - might need to bundle test suite in order to facilitate.

AS OF 7/25/2016

Newest gem versions (3.0.8) do not compile under Ruby 2.0 (OEM install on OSX)

Homebrew no longer supports versions (can't install anything but current brews)

Ruby 2.3+ drops support for $SAFE to only 0 and 1 (normal and tainted data). Lich uses $SAFE=3.

Note: Modify Lich file to $SAFE=1 allows Lich to operate in 2.3 - fastest possible path, but need Tillmen's input and his risk acceptance

Building pkg has several challenges, including continual auto build / test / update cycles that aren't available to me presently.

'''Turning focus to a shell script install, which will take the actions for the users and will hopefully be simpler to maintain.'''

==Script outline==

1) Detect platform (OSX 10.9, 10.10 or 10.11)
2) Detect CLT and if absent, install CLT (oh, and xQuartz. . . hmmm)
3) Detect current active Ruby version (likely 2.0.0.p645 on OEM installs)
4) Detect homebrew and if present, update to latest formulae. If not present, install.
5) Detect rbenv / rvm - might need to consider if this is a developer platform. If neither present, install rbenv
6) Install and set global ruby 2.2.5 (last general release prior to 2.3)
7) Update gem and rehash rbenv env
8) Install cairo (x-11), gtk+ (2.24!), sqlite3, gtk2 gems
9) Grab lich, avalon
10) Test lich (both login window type and gemstone / avalon switch)
11) Save all log / diagnostic and publish loc to user for follow up if required
12) Release to user

Options to consider:
Apple script or additional bash script to semi-automate game start with lich
Maintenance methods (partial update, troubleshooting assistance)
MacPorts for ruby version install (not desired)

==Prior Issues==
'''[[3/7]]''' Created hash and edited formula. Bottle pours properly, build seems to work. Have a couple decisions to make - bottles for each of 3 (Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitan) which will make the install bundle 75M for about 25M worth of useful files, or bottles for 'most popular' and compile for all the rest. A third option - check to see if 'universal binary' means what it says and it works on all three OS's. Probably a pipe dream, though.

[[prior to 3/7]] 2.24.28 doesn't want to bottle - but kludged through. Formula needs to be updated and sent or bottle cannot be installed. - need sha256 value for bottle to install - stopping here for a day or two.

==Alpha Build Package==
add pre action script to start log, detect major.minor of OS
add pre action script health check (gcc, brew, gem, installed brews, installed gems)

needs a lot of work here, but will have to make some logical choices and decide if moving / saving old configs might be in the cards.

add post action script to existing package to pour 2.24.28 properly.
add post action script to pin 3 gems

==Build Installation==

Clean 10.11.3 install with CLT, Homebrew (and glib), xQuartz

bottle cairo with the x11 arg

bottle gtk+2.24.28

package up the gems

pkgbuild two (or more?) bottles with prefix /Library/Caches/Homebrew and 7 gems with prefix $(gem environment gemdir)

then put them together into an OS X Installer package - no frills.

Copy installer package to subsequent clean 10.11.3 install and install.

Then manually brew install the bottles, copy / extract lich, download avalon and test.

==Basic Installation==
'''This works''' for anyone who wants to use it on a clean install. Might require some cleanup if user already attempted to install.

Base 10.11 install

gcc -v to force command line tool install

update through App Store to 10.11.3 (current as of 2/29/2016)

Install Homebrew

brew install glib

Install Chrome

Install xQuartz

brew install --with-x11 cairo

brew install

updated long link to - brew install (test this)

sudo gem install gtk2

sudo gem install sqlite3

curl -OL (current Tillmen Lich)

install Avalon 4.3.2 beta (current GS FE for Mac)

sudo ruby ~/lich/lich.rbw --gemstone --avalon

(Options to set up for no sudo - hate using sudo for local gem installs)

change sudo gem install gtk2 to gem install --user-install --bindir~/bin --no-document gtk2

change sudo gem install sqlite3 to gem install --user-install -bindir~/bin --no-document sqlite3

still have to sudo to get into the game (due to having to temp modify /etc/hosts) '''This *could* be addressed a couple different ways, pursue this!'''


'''Important note''': while 2.24.28 already has a bottled install, it causes the same issue. No value to that bottle.

Base OS 10.11 install.

Update to 10.11.3 (current as of 4 March 2016).

Install Chrome (because)

Install CLT

Install Homebrew


Install XQuartz

Install RBENV (because I personally prefer this to RVM)

Install ruby 2.2.2

Global 2.2.2

Install gtk+2.24.28 (requires specific pull from

gem install gtk2

gem install sqlite3

curl -OL (current Tillmen Lich)

install Avalon 4.3.2 beta (current GS FE for Mac)

Special note - seems gtk+-2.24.28 will require Cairo built with X11 (xQuartz) extensions, so the normal cairo bottle will fail. - brew install --with-x11 cairo to address.


If all this works, back up to base image and try with standard El Cap Ruby

Latest revision as of 14:51, 12 March 2021

GTK3 Beta Test

The GTK3 Beta Test period is over, and has been released to the public for general use. Please see the Lich_(software)/Installation page.