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|name= Telagan Vangauri
|race= Human
|class= Bloodletter
|profession= [[Empath]]
|affiliations= Master of the [[Order of Voln]]
|disposition= Playful and inquisitive
|demeanor= Friendly, Approachable
|flaw= Attention seeking to a fault.
|strength= Drawing news, secrets, and chatter from people.
|weakness= Very trusting of new people
|hobbies= Archery, travel, food and drink
|likes= Baked goods, warm nights, exploration, rescuing
|dislikes= Finds betrayal intolerable, those who value money over relationships.
|fears= Failing others
|friend= Several, though [[Berkana]], [[Flame]], and [[Desorceri]] are near to him.
|spouse= [[Granita]] (m. 5098; died 5114)
|instance= Prime

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'''Telagan Vanguari,''' the Bloodletter, is a human empath and follower of the [[The Huntress]]. He resides mainly in [[Solhaven]], where can often be found traveling to-and-from the [[Sanctum of Scales]]. He has a fondness for baked goods, adventure, and helping others. Atypical of most empaths, he prefers to wear double chain armor and uses a long bow, which he favors over magic when possible. He will do anything he can to help those who ask, considering service a core part of his duty as a healer. He has an uncanny knack for drawing conversation out of people, which typically leads to him learning and exploring other's background and history. When resting, he can often be found at [[Cafe Dumont]] or near the North Market.

At his core, Telagan is a very trusting person and will go to lengths to help another in need, even at cost to himself. His primary colors are forest green, ivory, and gold, which identify much of his wardrobe. His favorite items are his bow, locket, and healer's kit. When relaxing, he prefers to enjoy Brigatta's house bourbon, Elanthian Comfort, and a small plate of cheese and fruits.

== '''History''' ==
Telagan grew up in a small dwarven village west of the Spine during his formative years. Naturally adept at healing, his skills quickly grew and he decided to seek out a life of adventure in [[Wehnimer's Landing]], arriving on Phoenatos 24, 5097. He quickly took to life in the, to him, big city and achieved nobility on Lormestra 8, 5098. During this time, he began a courtship with a dwarven warrior, Granita Smithdott, and they quickly became inseparable. On Koaratos 27th, 5098, they were married. His adventuring up to this point had largely consisted of healing in town and the [[Abandoned Inn]] located just to the south. With his wife, though, he began to hone his martial prowess and took up an axe and shield, which he began to hunt with - clumsily at first, but quickly becoming more proficient. By the time he reached the title of 'Legend' on Phoenatos 8, 5099, he was hunting mostly full time and healing during the interstitial downtimes. His wife had likewise become more skilled and their hunting ranged from the Shadow Valley near Wehnimer's Landing to the Fhorian Village on Teras. By 5102, he was hunting in the Rift when alone and in the Stronghold with Granita. However, it was in 5105, just after the celebration of their 7th wedding anniversary that he learned his wife was not well. Within the span of a few months, her condition had deteriorated to the point where she was mostly confined to their small home where he stayed to look after her. In 5014 she passed away and Telagan again left all he had known to wander the lands and grieve.

It wasn't until Lormestra 5120 that Telagan was seen again in civilization. Over the intervening 16 years since he had last adventured, he had changed many aspects of himself. Gone were the blacks and silvers that had defined him and his worship of Jastev, whom he now regarded a fallible Arkati. His sword and shield were laid down and in its place he had taken up the bow, which he proved to be quite adept at. His wardrobe had shifted towards one ideally suited for tracking through forests and dense jungle. His disposition, however, had remained - a warm and welcoming personality willing to listen to others to hear their stories and troubles. After a brief stay in Ta'Illistim, Telagan moved to Teras Isle in Fashanos 5120 where he remained a fixture within the community - hunting, healing and rescuing those in need. However, life on the Isle grew boring as time progressed and he yearned for the bustle of the mainland. With a final farewell, he said goodbye to Teras for good in Charlatos 5121 and settled into his new, yet familiar, home: Solhaven. Since then, he has continued to hunt and hone his craft, often working to cleanse the Sanctum of Scales or clear the trails near Solhaven of bandits.

== '''Relationships''' ==
Telagan was only ever married once - to the dwarven warrior Granita Smithdott. They met when Granita was hunting in the Abandoned Inn where Telagan had taken up residence as the inn's healer. Over time, and many broken bones, their friendship blossomed and they became nigh inseparable. They were married in 5097 and their unshakable marriage lasted until 5114 when she was taken for the final time by Lorminstra. Telagan grieved over his loss for a considerable amount of time and still feels her presence on occasion. Though he doesn't often talk about it, he lost a piece of himself with her passing.

== '''Appearance''' ==
As of the 25th day of Ivastaen in the year 5121:
:You see Lord Telagan Vangauri the Blodletter.

Latest revision as of 00:59, 29 May 2021