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Thank you all for Viewing my pages. If you are looking for the Diary it's been moved to allow conversation to happen here. [[Opalina's Diary]]
'''This is a personal accounting of [[Opalina]]'s experience--these are her personal views, and actions from her perspective, logs are being recorded/and transcribed occasionally. '''

[[File:Opalina writing desk.png|thumbnail|Opalina sitting at her desk<br> AI Art generated using []]]

= The Icemule's City Council =

:[[Opalina]]'s Thoughts

==A call to action from the citizens of Icemule==

Sitting at the table in my home I'm running through my desire to support Icemule. I don't feel confident in being able to help be on a council but I am feeling this strong desire to do so. I lay my head down on the cool table. My white lizard companion nuzzles my cheek before biting my ear Great even he wants me to stop moping.. Fine Fine I'll just throw myself out there and see what happens.

==The speeches==

The gods above that was a terrible experience! I was so flustered..But it's over now to just wait. I do not like public speaking it's always created deep anxiety in my stomach but I was filled with a fire I didn't understand and I thankfully didn't get sick lucky them...

==The wait==

I've been so blessed, people have returned to town as of late to cast their votes. Whispers and Kind words are pressed on me like a soft blanket of encouragement. I almost feel too warmed by their vote of confidence that I would be a good choice to add to the council. Will I?

==Out come==

Ohh it was so exciting a change of the hands meeting with the Mayor was made to change over to the new city council members. I am so excited to have made it! The voters choose Gespry, Myself, Kobane, Roelon, and Bakarus. I feel really good about this group. Arianiss passed along a nice cloak to Bakarus and gave me a folded parchment. He whispered to me that I needed to show it to Gespry as soon as possible. That was kinda puzzling since I thought the parchment was just a list of Council items to work on! Soon as I had a free moment I opened the note and read it. My heart sank at one of the lines. I put on a smile and refolded the note placing it back into my bag.

= The List =

After the party I rushed to a private table to re-read the parchment handed to me from the former Council member Arianiss. I unfold the parchment and read..


In the Common language, it reads:

* a wooden plaque in Clovertooth with the names of those who donated metal slabs (Aethyra, Arianiss, Asben, Cyar, Earthdiver, Erienne, Fahlo, Falvicar, Gespry, Jastalyn, Jasron, Jiarine, Kittai, Laelithonel, Portes, Roelon, Taulramil, Teaberry, Trouthe)

* alley shop taxes, where do they go

* will the cottage on east road ever open (otherwise tear it down and put a petting zoo in its place)

* Faire of the North

* more guards (12 of them so shifts can be taken at each gate)

* Vaalor treaty decision

* mend relations with the King of Ta'Vaalor

* elevate Icemule with other cities

* Ta'Illistim embassy in Icemule

* better anti-air defenses

* citizens in town guard positions as captains

* status of Kadya and her Eorgina request

* fix the statue in Town Center

* fix the windmill in the southwest corner of town

* clean up the wreckage in the Elven Alley

* [[Arnabas]]

* the traitor is [[Bakarus]] (and [[Aethyra]] is on the verge of telling everything she knows if something isn't done about it)

* reconnect Icemule to the [[half-krolvin]] village in the west

* dock for sea access

* safe haven for non combatants during attacks on town

* system to promote stronger engagement between citizens and council (government)


I read and re-read the name Bakarus... It can't be so this makes no sense at all.. My mind is made up.. I will speak to Bakarus. There is no way I'll sully his name to the rest of the group. I mean we only just made it to the council, it's not fair to hurt him before we know all the truth.

I send a private message to Bakarus, "Do you have a moment? We need to talk. Can you meet me in private at the Moot Hall Lockers?"

Bakarus agreed and traversed to landing only to receive a new message from me correcting the location to the Icemule lockers. This would throw off anyone following him.

Pulling the secret volume on the shelf I enter into the quiet room and wait.

Bakarus enters and greets me with my new title. I'm flustered but smiled anyway. I have no idea if this is right but I have to share anyway I'd want someone to share if I were being accused of something.

I cleared my throat and Told him congrats on getting the cloak from [[Arianiss]] and asked him if he remembered the parchment that I was handed.. he nodded and I quickly continued.

It says some terrible things Bakarus.. I don't want to believe it!

He asks to see the parchment and I show him and wait patiently as he reads it not once but twice as well..

He sighs and shakes his head and then asks me if I'd heard of the letters left at the Shrine outside the west gate revealing town secrets.

I nodded my head slowly but shared that I've not read them so I have no idea what was revealed or even who revealed it.

He said there was a woman who found the letters and turned them over to Arianiss, and that even he didn't know what was on them.

He did see, however, how his name could be used because he was used by the lich to share a message. He stated it was entirely out of his control and he is more concerned about the town than ever.

I couldn't help but feel for him Even I know what it means to be controlled by a lich without your permission. It's happened to me!..

I will not share with the rest of the council Bakarus' name. Right in front of him I erased the line that accused him.

I was asked to show this to [[Gespry]] as soon as possible.. But it will only be what is needed right now. Bakarus and I agreed to be careful and watch out for each other.

Later I found Gespry and gave him the modified parchment.


== What do you know? ==

Awe I love a good Dreavening! [[Dreaven]] has a team of folks that get together and provides special services so we can travel a little safer. Sometimes folks from all over come together at his meetings, to drink, chat, and have a good time.

This is where I was when [[Sorlu]] found me. He waved to me. He whispered, "If you have time later can we chat? I want to share a few things with you now that you are on the council." How can I pass that up?! I of course accepted. I was really curious about what was on his mind. I agreed to meet with him he stated he wanted someplace private and I of course thought of the Underground tunnel in Icemule. I suggested we meet at the Lockers..later..

So here I found myself pulling the volume to access the hidden room for a second time.

After speaking with Sorlu and learning a few interesting tidbits about him it became obvious that no one has seen the letters that were written at the Altar revealing town secrets. Town secrets that were supposed to be private? I think the time has some to address that. What was actually in those letters anyway.

Time to visit with Arianiss and if I can't find him.. maybe I should seek out the woman..


== No Answers... just more questions! ==

Looking at the statue in town center creates a sadness inside me. Why did it have to be destroyed.. Well plans are in place to rebuild. The sculpture artist is hired, and the plans are being submitted. I can't wait to see the creativity that is expressed by the artist.

[[Kobane]] suddenly comes into view. I guess he was hiding in the shadows. He's such a strange wizard. He could almost pass as rogue! I hear myself giggle a little bit as even I was hidden in the shadows. I step around the broken statue just as [[Roelon]] enters the square. Ohh perfect!

I link arms with Roelon and stride over to Kobane, " hey do you two have a minute? I have some questions"

Of course they both agree and I link arms with Kobane and march us off to White Haven's conference room. I secretly hoped that Gespry would be sitting in his usual spot but he wasn't. So it was just us three.

My attention on Kobane I ask the only other member of the previous council I had access too at this time.. "Did you see the letters that were left at the shrine?"

Kobane so casually sits in one of the chairs and smiles with a slight twinkle in his eye .. damn he does know everything.. I wonder .. will he share with me??

And he does! He told me that there wasn't a signature on the letters.. It was only signed with a letter.. B... And truth be told there were not city secrets revealed.. only an offer of service.. Interesting.. indeed..

Service? What kind of Service? And who was B? Can it really be Bakarus? or was it another B.. names were thrown at me [[Bhenidre]], and the lack of trust in Arianiss, and some fire mage named [[Jiarine]].. So many more questions! ... Where does the circle start and close?

I tried to convince them that I didn't suspect Bakarus, but how can even I hold faith in those words when I barely know him myself.. I have to trust in my intuition and have faith in the group.. Time will reveal itself eventually


== Bakarus Name cleared... [[Reiphe]].. questionable! ==

The town center..

People began gathering in front of the bonfire discussing the statue and pointing out the broken pieces..

Reiphe enters and stands up so everyone can see him. Sure he's short in statue but he always commands a presence. All eye's turn to him and he begins to talk about issues with the Firebird and the plans to travel north.. But before he continued he changed his tune to the newly appointed council members and Congratulated us. I don't think he actually looked at me but Im sure his eye's met Kobanes.

No sooner than his words flow from his mouth, a group of deputies enter the room looking around with suspect and march up to Reiphe cuff him and haul him off to jail!!!

Among the chaos our Mayor [[Talliver]] walks in and begins to explain. He started to apologies to Bakarus for thinking he was a traitor! and then he was stating that Reiphe was embezzling coin from the town coffers! Even though it wasn't a whole lot so far.. it was enough to get attention..

There were folks balking at such an idea and demanding release and offering to pay the amount which was revealed was only about 10 million silvers.

Others were concerned as to why Reiphe would do such a thing. I was wondering if he was being cohersed or threaten..

The mayor assured the town that Reiphe would be kept safe but not released without further questioning, the possibility of a trial and or a meeting for discussion with him..

I for one want to ensure fair treatment and understanding of what has happened both for the town and for Reiphe's sake..


= Town Mule --don't forget to enter your own suggestions-- =


Here is my submission for the Statue. I look forward to seeing the end result!

An ice statue of a climbing mule
>look statue

A crystal-clear star dais, etched with a tiny parade of penguins, creates the bottom of this statue. There are pointed arrows indicate the four quarters of the town. Exploding upward from the dais, is a snow beaten mountain being climbed, with determination reflected in the eyes and muscles of a mule. The mule’s head nearly touches its chest as it’s bent down fighting the winds and weather to reach its destination. The sculptures artist captured movement with the chiseled spray of the mane and tail behind the climbing mule. You also see a plaque.

>read plaque

The plaque reads in common, "The Four joined to One at the heart of the Mule"


= Did...[[Icemule]]'s government become the cat's-paw for foreign powers??? =

== The Judge Discussion QnA Updated ==

I joined my fellow Council members as we discussed how best to help the Mayor with the trial.. We all finally agreed on a Judge and a backup judge. We have formulated a list of interested parties and announce a meeting time for interviews on Feastday <saturday> at 10pm as the elves tell time. <10pm eastern> The list so far is so short! I hope others step up at the last minute to offer their service.

The List



Hopefully the questions we ask will help narrow down the panel to a possible judge (with the option of a backup) that will be fair and look at all the data provided to be able to formulate a decision.

<So to be clear.. I misunderstood what the plan was and I am correcting it. So instead of 5 jurors it will be 1 judge with a backup in case something happens to the first or they are unable to meet at the time needed to run the trail.>


== The Search for a Judge QnAs ==

Questions asked by the council to the potential Judges:

Kobane recites quietly:

"My two questions are!
What makes ya think ya's qualified t'be ah fair an'impartial judge in this case?
An' what is ya availability?"

Bakarus recites:

"I would like to know past interractions with Reiphe and how you would judge or punish the respective crimes of forgery, theft and treason"

Roelon recites deeply:

"Mah questions fir ye is as follows
One, If you were to disagree with how an Icemulian law is outline, would this effect how you would pass judgement?
And Two, It regards to Reiphe. Would the opinion of close friends or family, be they outside or if a testimony, effect your decisions?"

You recite quietly:

"I personally would like to know if one: you feel Reiphe is Innocent until proven guilty and
two if your willing to examin all the evidance provided with a clear and open mind."

Gespry recites melodically:

"My Query is
Question one: coffee or Tea? I'm just curious"



: <div class="mw-customtoggle-Sorlu" style="color:#052B83">'''Speech'''</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-Sorlu"><pre{{log3}}>
Speaking to Kobane, Sorlu says, "I have spent many years within the Warrens of River's Rest. I know as well as anyone the ways of those with hands not so clean. I also believe I bring a unique perspective, having dealt with the tactics of our enemy in an intimate way. If his hand is involved, and Reiphe is our traitor, I will know."

Speaking to Bakarus, Sorlu says, "A fair question. My dealings with Reiphe are light, at best. So I bring no preconceived knowledge of his character...from what Iunderstand, he has always done a decent job, beyond that, I know little of him."

Sorlu says, "As far as the punihsment...treason, of course, is the ultimate charge. For this, there can be only one sentence...and that is death."

Speaking to Roelon, Sorlu says, "It is not the position of the judge to legislate new laws. It is his job to simply follow the law, thus being impartial and bringing forth an impartial verdict. And no, nothing beyond the truth of the facts would weigh my decision."

Speaking to you, Sorlu says, "I appreciate the directness of your question. A man is not truly guilty unless prove to be so. This even applies to halflings."

Speaking to you, Sorlu says, "And of course, every detail is important...all the evidence must be weighed."

Speaking to Gespry, Sorlu says, "Coffee."



: <div class="mw-customtoggle-Perigourd" style="color:#052B83">'''Speech'''</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-Perigourd"><pre{{log3}}>
Speaking to Kobane, Perigourd says, "I am a former general of the Northern Fury in which I filled every role of responsibility including that of establishing guilt and removals of members from within that group. I do not judge people or situations based on more than proven action and what the evidence can prove. I do not currently reside within Icemule and haven't for some time so I have no conflict of interest that I know of."

Speaking to Kobane, Perigourd says, "Secondly, I am flexible to being available when needed, all I need is notice aforehand."

Speaking to Bakarus, Perigourd says, "I've only seen Reiphe in passing once prior and we didn't speak. Forgery and theft are property crimes and as such deserve a fitting punishment but do not necessarily ascend to a sentence of injury. Treason however is high crime and, should it be proven, could be potential grounds for a sentence of death."
Speaking to Bakarus, Perigourd says, "I currently reside in Solhaven, and have since travelling many years back."

Speaking to Roelon, Perigourd says, "No. The laws of the land in which the trial is being held must be applied equally, regardless of personal bias."

Speaking to Roelon, Perigourd says, "And as far as goes outside influences, Categorically, no. I make my own mind up regardless of the pressure of others."

Speaking to you, Perigourd says, "All persons must be proven guilty and the evidence in fact must prove such. All else is conjecture of circumstance and considering a high charge, must be taken into account with a higher burden of proof."

Speaking to you, Perigourd says, "One must take into account all evidence prior to rendering judgement."

Speaking to Gespry, Perigourd says, "Tea."




: <div class="mw-customtoggle-Meliyara" style="color:#052B83">'''Speech'''</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-Meliyara"><pre{{log3}}>

Speaking to Kobane, Meliyara says, "I am a mage of Sharath. One of the important lessons we are taught is that emotion betrays truth and that knowledge is power. We do not act rashly. We consider what we can learn before deciding on a course."

Speaking to Kobane, Meliyara says, "I am frequently available, and more easily so with appropriate notice in advance."

Speaking to Bakarus, Meliyara says, "I have had no previous interactions with the one called Reiphe. In fact, I do not recall hearing his name until earlier this week. I believe this also demonstrates my impartiality, as I have no opinion whatsoever of the man."

Speaking to Bakarus, Meliyara says, "As Perigourd just noted, the crimes with which he is charged require different punishments. While theft and forgery must be taken seriously and punished, they do not require death in the way that treason likely would."

Speaking to Roelon, Meliyara says, "The law is the law. Were I to disagree with it, that would be my opinion, not the task I would be carrying out as judge."

Speaking to Roelon, Meliyara says, "As to your other question, it would depend entirely. A testimony is quite different than an outside opinion. All admissible testimony must be considered. After all, if the opinion of a close friend or family member had some bearing on the evidence, it must be appropriately weighed."

Speaking to you, Meliyara says, "The facts must speak for themselves and prove guilt before the accused can be judged. A rush to judgment serves nobody's interests."

Speaking to you, Meliyara says, "And, of course, the evidence must be considered openly, without determination until all sides have been presented."

Speaking to Gespry, Meliyara says, "Both, though I tend to be more partial to coffee, especially earlier in the day."


: <div class="mw-customtoggle-Vaemyr" style="color:#052B83">'''Speech'''</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-Vaemyr"><pre{{log3}}>

Speaking to Gespry, Vaemyr says, "Coffee, always, preferably with a bit of liquor."

Speaking to Kobane, Vaemyr says, "For your questions."
Vaemyr says, "Well, I'm not completely sure to be honest what would make me the most qualified here, that's what we're finding out I guess. I believe that I try to always look at things based on logic and evidence. I'm not from Icemule and don't have any close ties to Reiphe, but I also visit the town often, like to think I understand it a bit, so I believe that these things would help me if the council deemed me qualified to recide over this case."

Speaking to Bakarus, Vaemyr says, "My main dealings with Reiphe have just been as him acting as clerk and go between for Talliver, he would typically deliver news one way or another and that was mainly it. As far as punishment, for crimes of forgery and theft I believe a fine and some imprisonment would be warranted, however if treason was proven, then I believe I would probably seek exile and banishment."

Speaking to Roelon, Vaemyr says, "So as far as the law, I would follow the law as it is dictated here, it shouldn't be up to the judge to change procedures that are already established by the town as law, that is the jobs of their governing institution, regardless if I had different opinions on the manner."

Speaking to Roelon, Vaemyr says, "Anyone that can provide relavent evidence and facts would be more than welcome to come forward, be it friends and family, or people who might have a grudge, any potential evidence can help lead you to the truth even if it may seem irrelavent at the time."

Speaking to you, Vaemyr says, "I believe everyone has a right to innocence until proven otherwise, although that is not always the case in some nations that I have visited. And I will certainly swear to look and scrutenize all evidence that is gathered and hope that they lead to a conclusive result, if not then either more evidence would need to be gathered or the accused would need to be released."


: <div class="mw-customtoggle-Bellaja" style="color:#052B83">'''Speech'''</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-Bellija"><pre{{log3}}>

Bellaja thoughtfully says, "Well, I have no personal stake in this case other than I am a resident of Icemule Trace since a was a child. I look to keep my home safe and running successfully."

Speaking simply to Bakarus, Bellaja says, "I do not know the man."

Speaking to Roelon, Bellaja says, "As a judge it is my duty to remain impartial and uphold the law of the land, if you wil. My opinion matters not in all of this."

Speaking to Roelon, Bellaja says, "No. I wouldn't care on what anyone but witnesses said. Rumors, conjecture, small talk all hold opinions and they've no place in a trial."

Speaking to you, Bellaja affirms, "Most certainly. Everyone is."

Speaking to you, Bellaja says, "Yes. It's imperative."

Speaking to Gespry, Bellaja says, "Tea."


: <div class="mw-customtoggle-Trouthe" style="color:#052B83">'''Speech'''</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-Trouthe"><pre{{log3}}>

Speaking to Kobane, Trouthe says, "I've lived in Icemule Trace my entire life. Although I was gone for a bit studying. I love Icemule Trace and want to see the best outcome for any situation that arises."

Trouthe says, "My philosophy is modeled after my studies with Voln and my patron Leya."

Trouthe exclaims, "I'm availble in the evenings as long as I have some notice. But not too late!"

Speaking to Bakarus, Trouthe says, "I've only seen Reiphe with a group of citizens interacting with him on matters that have come before the Major or council."

Trouthe says, "I have not interacted with him personally, to my knowledge."

Trouthe says, "There are established punishments for forgery, theft and treason."

Speaking to Bakarus, Trouthe says, "It's not hard to remember things, it's just that things and persons may not always be as they seem."

Trouthe says, "Punishment should fit the crime."

Trouthe says, "As for disagreeing with the law. I haven't actually seen the actually statutes that call out punishments for crimes. So I would not let that influence me."

Trouthe says, "Character references help to establish the facts of a case, but the source must be considered carefully."

Speaking to you, Trouthe says, "I don't have an opinion about Reiphe's innocence or guilt. So I would base my decisions on proven facts."

Trouthe says, "So I think I have a clear and open mind."

Trouthe says, "Coffee over tea, cocoa over both."


: <div class="mw-customtoggle-Teaberry" style="color:#052B83">'''Speech'''</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-Teaberry"><pre{{log3}}>

Speaking to Kobane, Teaberry says, "I can't claim any illustriousness, unlike many of the other candidates. But most of you know me, and you know that I care deeply about fairness and equality before the law. I have argued with mayoral candidates about what is just, and I am not afraid to ask probing questions to get at the truth. Plus--I love this town. This is my town. I would never do anything to be less than the good, fair judge it deserves. And I'm available anytime, though notice would be good."

Speaking to Bakarus, Teaberry says, "My only interactions with Reiphe have been when he makes a public appearance and I ask him questions. Forgery and theft merit prison. Treason, of course, is the worst crime, and I cannot see punishing him with exile or prison in that case. That said, if I were going to sentence him to death, the evidence would have to be solid. I wouldn't do it casually."

Teaberry says, "While I have no objection to judges creating new law through decisions where, for example, rights are involved, overturning laws purely because you dislike them or find them inconvenient is wrong. It can't be done casually or selfishly. And I definitely don't see any reason to do this in a case of forgery, theft, and treason."

Teaberry says, "Also, the opinion of friends and family outside of court is irrelevant. I am concerned with the evidence and with testimony presented under oath. I want to hear all available evidence in court. That's what matters. I would not give friends' testimony more weight than those of strangers. That would be wrong."

Speaking to you, Teaberry exclaims, "Yes, of course Reiphe is innocent until proven guilty. Everyone is!"

Speaking to you, Teaberry says, "And yes, I am willing to examine all evidence with a clear and open mind. That's essential for a fair trial."

Teaberry says, "Oh, and for the tie-breaker? Coffee."


: <div class="mw-customtoggle-Randsford" style="color:#052B83">'''Speech'''</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-Randsford"><pre{{log3}}>

Randsford says, "I would like to start by saying I am here at the behest of the Town Council and to do my part as a citizen of Icemule. Those who knew me from my travels long ago know who I am and what I stand for. Since my return I have made it a point to resume my role as Protectorate of our fair city. I do not consider myself any more or less qualified than any other citizen. If selected to be a Judicator, I will be just that. Here to judge purely based on any evidence provided."

Speaking to Kobane, Randsford says, "I will be as fair as the trail may be. I say this only to point to the fact that we have an enemy that is known to be able to possess the minds of others, members of our own council have even succumb to his will. I will be as fair as the evidence allows. Do I have an pre-conceived notions of our defendent? No. He is a member of this city accused of high crimes and I will judge as fair as possible according to our laws. As per my availability, evenings are best."

Speaking to Bakarus, Randsford says, "My interactions are limited to seeing Reiphe perform his buearacratic actions. The most vivid memories I have are after the mayor was attacked and Reiphe was there to inform us of his progress and what had transpired. I have no personal dealings."

Speaking to Roelon, Randsford says, "I do not pretend to be a scholar of our laws. If selected I would like to be presented with any scrolls with said laws so that I may study them ahead of time. If there is a law that I disagree with it is not my place to decide; if anything I would say it is yours and the rest of this council to make that decision. I will follow and judge on the law as it is scribed."

Speaking to you, Randsford says, "We are all innocent until proven otherwise. Even if I were to judge someone as guilty it would only be in this world at this point in time. It would ultimately be up to the Gods to decide someone's true fate."

Speaking to Gespry, Randsford says, "Tea, prefably iced and with sugar. Coffee does not agree with me but if I must chilled with chocolate and as much sweetener as to hide most of the coffee itself."



====Opalina's After Thoughts on the Search====

So many good people have stepped up to offer their services! Thank goodness this choice is not entirely mine. Pulling a piece of parchment out of a box on the table in her home she places it in front of her. She stares at the blank page before writing 1. then leaving a space, 2. leaving another space, 3. she taps the quill against her lips and thinks back over the evening again. She leans forward and writes three names down on her parchment and folds it carefully and stuffs it into an envelope ready to go.


== Reiphe Escape or Halfing-napped??==

Relaxing in the town square after a hard days battling against Tree-spirits with the Drakes and un-dead in the Reim is a regular happening for my normal evening. But today was no normal evening. Mayor Talliver strolled into the town square surrounded by an abnormal amount of guards.

The citizens gathered around him and the Mayor suggested we all go indoors.. With that, all interested parties followed the Mayor into the Meeting Pavilion at the edge of the square. It is here, the Mayor informed everyone, that the Council had chosen a judge to oversee the case of Reiphe. He agreed that Teaberry would be a great choice! With the Judge and the council present, Talliver proclaimed to have Reiphe brought out for questioning! Oh my goodness... did the questions fly.. It was hard to hear in the madness.

Seriously expressed by Reiphe, he claimed to have nothing to do with any of the Malarkey happening...He consistently proclaimed his innocence.

Reiphe also assured everyone he was being treated with kindly and not mistreated at all and he did retain counsel. I was very glad to hear that.

It was hard to see Reiphe in shackles...

You see REIPHE O'Mallory the Prisoner.

He appears to be a Paradis Halfling.

He is short. He appears to be an adult. He has hooded periwinkle blue eyes and freckled skin. He has swept back, neatly cut silvery-grey hair. He has a clean-shaven face and large feet.

He is in good shape.

He is wearing a black and white striped uniform, and a pair of enruned steel shackles.

It was good to see that Reiphe still had trust and faith in our Mayor. He expressed that they had spoken and agreed to the questionings.

When Reiphe was questioned about the documents found within his home, Reiphe claimed to not have the foggiest idea how they got there. REIPHE also stated "I maintain *very* accurate records. The idea that ten million silvers might go missing on my watch is impossible." Reiphe held his grounds that he did not take from the coffers of the town.

How was this possible? I personally asked who and what was the evidence found but received no answer.. So that got me even more puzzled.. Was Reiphe being used by the Lich?.. Was someone else being used by the Lich to set him up?.. Was the Lich Zeban even involved? Could Zeban have meant what he said when he stated he was happy where we was and this was something else entirely?..



===[[Aethyra]] Shares her story===

Speaking to Talliver, Aethyra asks, "May I tell my story?"
Talliver nods at Aethyra.
Talliver says, "Please do."
Aethyra slowly empties her lungs.

Aethyra recites:

"It was after a meeting we had where there was a discussion about spies. There was a crumpled note that I caught a glimpse of that mentioned Amasalen's shrine."
Aethyra recites:

"Since that shrine is in the area where I hunted at the time, I went to go have a look."

Aethyra says, "There was another copy of the note still sitting on the altar of the shrine, which was dripping with blood."

Aethyra recites:

"As I read and re-read the note, blook bubbled up over the edge of the altar, and a sibilant hiss filled my ears, followed by cold laughter that shook my bones with its power."

REIPHE exclaims, "That there were multiple notes doesn't immediately suggest that I wrote them!"
Aethyra slowly empties her lungs.

Speaking sternly to REIPHE, Talliver says, "REIPHE.

Aethyra recites:

"The voice said, "A pity, this little discovery of yours. But he was just a catspaw, a distraction for you impudents to toy with while I worked.""

Kobane quietly says, "Those notes were signed with a B, nah a R."

REIPHE points at Kobane.

REIPHE shrilly exclaims, "And remember the warning about the upside-down star!"

Aethyra recites:

"Smoke rose out of the burbling blood, taking on tortured, serpentine shapes. One arm-thick tendril snatched the note from the altar and it began blackening, rapidly decaying away as if eaten by years of rot."

Speaking loudly to Bakarus, REIPHE exclaims, "Don't you think I didn't see your pentagram!"

Bakarus chuckles.

Speaking to REIPHE, Talliver exclaims, "REIPHE! She is talking!"

Speaking to REIPHE, Bakarus says, "I've worn this robe as long as I can remember, my pilgims robe."

Aethyra recites:

"Another of the tendrils struck out at me, trailing around my neck like a tightening noose."

Aethyra recites:

"I couldn't move, and I couldn't breathe."

Aethyra recites:

"I became aware of a presence in the room."

Aethyra recites:

"A twisted, stunted body seemed to stand where there was nothing but empty air, and its eyes were the red of blood and the black of corpse rot. It rasped, "Run along. Tell them of his treachery if you want. Nothing can halt what I have put into motion now." The smoky tendrils drooped and vanished, and the blood seeped into the floor and was no more."

Aethyra recites:

"I wrote down what the note said."

Aethyra recites:

"I have a copy, and I gave Arianiss a copy."

Aethyra recites:

"Arianiss didn't want me to incriminate the guilty party without a fair trial, but this has gone on too long."

Talliver says, "We have yet to determine how a perfect copy of the note came to be."

Speaking to Talliver, Aethyra asks, "May I read the note?"

Aethyra removes a sheet of watermarked parchment from in her dark leather jacket.

Aethyra opens her parchment, scanning its contents.

Speaking to Aethyra, Talliver says, "Please do."

Aethyra recites:

"Arnabas, I certainly hope this missive finds you well. I wished to report that our sad little town has taken to finding aid from outside sources. Namely the Silver Gryphons and the Vaalorian Legion. A two pronged strategy where half assault your location and half remain in town for safety will be in place. Triage is to be in town center with a fallback at the gates of Voln. How quaint. I am not certain if any of this information is necessary, but I willingly provide it regardless. Your Servant, B"

Aethyra recites:

"Arianiss has information that directly relates to this."

REIPHE exclaims, "I swear this on my soul: I did not write that note!"

Talliver says, "The signature of the note is not, in and of itself, evidence of a party's malfeasance."


Discussions continued longer but seemed to turn away from Reiphe... other than to question how someone could have gained access to his home.. I mean I'm a rogue.. There are always ways to get into locks if you want to get in.. It still doesn't make me feel like we've gained any deeper proof at proving Reiphe was guilty.

Shortly after Reiphe expressed his tiredness and asked to return to his cell. Talliver agreed it was enough questions for one night and asked Reiphe if he would consider more questioning during the weekend, but Reiphe stated he would need to consult with his counsel.. and with that he was led away by the guards. The Mayor requested the Guards to report back to the Pavilion once the prisoner was secure.

I looked around the room still buzzing with discussion and speculations. Mayor Talliver conversing with Gespry, Randford, Roelon and Cryheart. A concern in the Mayor's tone as he expressed worry about Reiphe.

Hovering close to Bakarus we discuss the differences between the Liches behavior and we both express doubts about lich control being involved. My gaze follows the Mayor as he floats between different groups of people answering questions and expressing concerns. Gentle hands resting on shoulders or shaking other offered hands.

I couldn't help but wonder why would anyone want to harm this town and it's people? Why would there need to be distention within so far I don't even feel that Reiphe was a fault, anymore than I feel Bakarus a part of the lich's actions..

I glanced at my wedding band once more as I felt the burn against my skin thinking of .. no .. best to keep the focus on other things.

The guards sure were taking a long time to return.. I wasn't the only one to notice that .. though others started to question...

Everyone joined Roelon to go on a search to see what was keeping the guards so long.. The South West part of town is where Reiphe was being held.. and it was there we found the two dead guards and a puddle of blood, and no Reiphe in Site...

He is either captured.. escaped.. or dead.. But one thing is for sure..

Reiphe is No longer in Icemule Custody..


= A Story =

A woman ran and ran and ran as far as she could. She didn’t know where to run for she didn’t know where she was. It was cold, it was dark no trail was visible. Trees and bushes snagged at her clothes, arms, and hair, leaving scratches and drawing blood. But she refused to slow down or stop. Not yet she had to get away.

She was kept in a house on a hill looking over a little town. The town was surrounded by a wall too keep things out, or to keep things in- is really more like it. There were no visible openings to exit because none were needed. The bodies out the window were moving slowly their eyes were sightless and empty but they were still doing tasks. Snow was all around and mountains were off in the distance. Though the snow looked the same as home this was not her home. This was her husband’s home. He needed her to be close for the energy she held. She was one of the originals after all and didn’t react the same as others. Her spirit was strong and could withstand the hold of a lich without weakening.

But He couldn’t hold her forever she was able to escape. But she will never be able to escape his curse. His ring can not be removed she tried, so now she just hides it under her gloves. Even though the woman ran she knows she didn’t really escape.

He just waits.

[[Category: Icemule Trace politics]]


= Death, Change, & Resolve =


Sometimes I think of death as a temporary state. It's easy to consider death as temporary. Our lives are filled with powerful empaths that can heal our wounds and high godly infused clerics that can breathe life back into the bodies of the fallen. They have become strong and resilient in a world that needs them. Even in our temporary state of death we find sorrow because we remember what it was like when it wasn't so temporary. We remember the deaths and loss and we offer up our silvers and gems to praise the gods that allow our clerics and healers to keep our family and friends here. It is this loss that we take for granted until it's hanging from a noose from our temple. My heart hurts, my body hurts, my eyes are burning with the sight of the brutality that cannot be undone. It’s not that I haven't seen brutality. I have I've seen some of the worst lost limbs, poked out eyes. Even I have gutted a bear or a bandit. It’s that the healing that won't come, the body that will not breathe. It's over for him. Truly over. No soul will be returning. No grace from the gods. It was a poison they said. A poison that removes the soul and prevents its return. A lost soul? or a melted soul. They said destroyed. Oh, the gods must be weeping for even they were denied their treasured soul. Who would make such as toxic substance? "[[Luukosian deathwort]]."

We heard a scream. That's what drew us to the temple. Like moths to the flame we could not resist, someone in our town was in trouble and as a town we rush to protect and support. No. we failed. for the body dangling there proved we are no match for the malicious hidden enemy we are up against. They work in secrete, hiding their movements so well under our noses that we can't even begin to know where to look. We are losing and we don't even know where to start looking to even attempt to fight back. The body hangs there before us my heart in my stomach.

[Temple Burrow, Koar and Lumnis]
On the edge of the glacier, you have a marvelous view of the city to the south. Above you towers the temple, carved from the purest ice and shining with a nearly divine aura in the moonlight. A ramp of ice leads down to the west, while an ice staircase leads down to the east and a set of carved ice steps lead down to the northwest around an oddly shaped ice flow. You also see a hanged man.
Also here: [[Aenternoll]], Lightweaver [[Kobane]], [[Mellny]], Lord [[Randsford]], Merrymaker [[Gespry]], Land Pirate [[Maylan]], High Lord [[Azanoth]], [[Bakarus]], [[Fropple]], [[Roelon]], High Lord [[Svardin]] Obvious paths: down

[at first glance the hanged man]

The halfling is quite dead, though his eyes have not yet had the time necessary to film over. They stare accusingly out into the distance, blue and wide. Precise incisions down the front of the functionary's Clovertooth Hall doublet allow his innards to spill outward, dislodged from inside of him by the same force that has left his neck at an unholy angle. He hangs from a rope that is suspended from the top of the temple.

We couldn't tell who he was and no one seemed to recognize him right off. I being the curious little rogue I am, decided to examine the body and looked inside the doublet he was wearing to see if there was any identifying tidbits. I found a parchment in the pocket and pulled it out.


read my parchment In the Common language, it reads:

Forgive me, [[Reiphe]]. This was never meant to happen.



I shared the note with everyone. But it honestly made no sense to me, and shed no light on anything.



[[Hazlenut]] showed up at the sounds of the scream but he too was unable to identify the body. Hazlenut was kind enough to retrieve the mayor letting us know that he was in a meeting currently with another of the Hall Clerks.

[at second glance the hanged man]

The halfling is quite dead, though his eyes have not yet had the time necessary to film over. They stare accusingly out into the distance, blue and wide. A sheen of green froth mars his lips. Precise incisions down the front of the functionary's Clovertooth Hall doublet allow his innards to spill outward, dislodged from inside of him by the same force that has left his neck at an unholy angle. He hangs from a rope that is suspended from the top of the temple.

Talliver arrived with a clerk I hadn't met before. And I gave him the note.

Talliver says, "[[Destrian]] was another of Reiphe's clerks."

Speaking to Dayzed, Talliver asks, "I'm afraid I didn't work closely with him. [[Rammael]]?"

You see Rammael the Clerk.

He appears to be a Half-Sylvan.
He is short and has a lithe physique. He appears to be in the flower of life. He has heavy-lidded ale brown eyes and tanned skin. He has lank, dark blond hair that is starting to silver at the temples. He has an angular face, an unforgiving nose and thin lips. He is in good shape.

He is holding a papyrus parchment in his right hand.

He is wearing a dark peaked hat adorned with a single yellow feather, a woven steel neckchain suspending a piece of chatoyant golden quartz, a combed dark woolen doublet adorned with an even march of golden buttons, a collared cream cotton shirt, a pair of dark wool pants, and some dark cuffed slouch boots.

It appeared that the body may be Destrian. The Clerk Rammael, seemed to be distressed to think it was so.

The constable was called and had the body removed, thankfully. It was really a sore sight. I hope the constable will be able to find the bodies family and they are able to give him a proper burial.

Due to the last few weeks things in the hall were not going as smoothly as they should. The mayor was trying to find a replacement for Reiphe and decided to share with us on the spot that Rammael will be stepping into the position. Poor fella. Will he be the next target? That was a highly expressed concern by all those present.



I listened to all the discussion around me everything swimming around like toxic smoke, almost as thick as the green froth oozing out of the mouth of the dead. I wanted to hide away and not be a part of it anymore, but I knew that wasn't the answer. I feel helpless. I look around the room trying to find even a spec of evidence that could point at someone or something that could do this to our town.. I found nothing more..

One thing was sure our town defenses are not working. The Mayor agreed and challenged the city council to resolve the issue, Come up with some plans of defense! He wants several plans on his desk by next week!

The council...


===Death Continues===

Opalina finishes putting a few touches on the map outline of the current city defense structure. After speaking with numerous residents and citizens it was clear that not everyone knew what kind of defenses were available to the city. The town is struggling right now. Several of the town guard were killed in the streets. Deathwort and abdominal damage the playing factor in the deaths all very much in the same method as the hanged body at the temple. The town constable was also put into harms way, he was shot with what appears to be a poisoned dart. What kind of poison at this moment is unknown, hopefully not that dreaded deathwort. These deaths have left our town vulnerable. On the upside I did see several half-krolvin warriors trod-ding about. They are wearing Icemule ensembles which leads me to believe they were hired to either guard or protect to some extent though I've not witnessed them provide any such service as of yet.


The main question that revealed itself was where is this Deathwort coming from! We have no real clues other than that. No footprints, no fingerprints, no murder weapons, no smells, nothing.. it almost feel helpless!

We are on the look out for anyone who might be smuggling this dangerous poison into our town. And looking for a Grey cloaked male stranger.

After setting aside the defense map Opalina draws several other sheets of paper from her case.



Town Guards

Apply today!


Any information about smuggled poisons and any person related to the smuggling or carrying of poison.

Any person caught carrying DeathWort during random searches will be detained for questioning.


Opalina sets the papers aside and breaths a deep sigh. She will present them to the other Council members later to see if they will approve of the postings.


===Murder Weapon or Fancy Mail Opener===

Opalina was on her way to leave a message on the desk of the mayor about the upcoming meeting. She looked around the room.

[Clovertooth, Mayor's Office]

Walls paneled with ancient pinewood frame the low-ceilinged room, which is illuminated by starlight winking in through a large bay window with a fine-grained cedar bench beneath it. Behind an antique spruce desk equipped with inks, quills, and scrawled papers sits an imposing chair of leather simply adorned with silver studs. Hanging on the wall above the seat is a mounted rolaren knife affixed to an equally aged modwir board, the sole extraneous decoration to the office. You also see a riveted hoarbeam door.
Obvious exits: none

You spy an ancient rolaren knife with a carved horsebone hilt that had been obscured from view!
Roundtime: 6 sec.

Could someone have used the weapon in the attacks? unknown. A bard was called to sing to the weapon but nothing was revealed.

The weapon can be touched and liquids can be used on it. It is possible it could be laced with a poison but without further testing from the professionals there's no way of knowing. I'll bring in the others tomorrow to check it out.


= Opalnapped =

Sometimes after a long day at sea, it's nice to just relax under the tree in landing before returning home to the snow.

It was that day today. Waiting for my turn with the healers when hands grabbed me in the crowd stuffed me into some form of wrapping and dragged me gagged and squirming through the town and out to the forests.

It's here that I finally see my captures a pair of Krolvin fulled roped. Talking among themselves, they begin to search my belongings, talking about trying to find something.. they searched my herb kit, my sack, and even my pouch..

I was able to get a thought across to some friends. I was unable to move at all to stop the pair from their search. I am glad I had my Krolvin ear translator on so I could understand them, but they must not have been able to understand me. I was livid and even threatened them .. I would eat their souls! But they didn't care they just ignored me and kept going.

Finally, Falvicar found me and without thinking made fast work of the two assailants. With their deaths my constrains disappeared and I was free. The two never found what they were looking for and with their deaths we didn't know what that was.

Next time if I ever see one of those Krolvin hopefully we can ask them what they are looking for without the kidnapping. I mean If I had it I'd gladly hand it over!

One nice thing these two Krolvin didn't hurt me they just took me when I was already too weak to do much against them.

Landing residents and Officials expressed high concern for my well being. I felt truly cared for even in my mild state of shock. The landing Mayor showed his concern for safety especially since someone was grabbed right from the center of town! He expressed that he would set up extra guards on patrol. He also put out a request for capture not death of any future Krolvin nappers for questioning.


= Don't mess with the Butterfur =

The little old lady may seem to be harmless, but catch her unaware and she'll remove your finger! An elderly halfling woman says, "M-Meglin Butterfur, that's me." At least that's what happened to one unaware man with deliciously golden cat like eye's. What I wouldn't give to have one of those eye's in my collection. I wonder what I could see through his eye's. Well now I will have to find him and ask! I got to see the finger it was pretty disgusting by that time. That lady didn't even know how to preserve it just stuffed it into a bag and let it rot. There was only one person to see who would have healed a golden eyed stranger, Mirtag our town's backstreet Healer who will heal anyone with the coin and will generally not ask too many questions. Mirtag doesn't really have much to offer in regards to the strangers looks, maybe he is just a plain Jon after-all, but still those eye's were noted along with a payment that the healer begrudgingly handed over to the Mayor because, Mirtag had not gotten around to taking it to the bank proper.

The famed healer Mirtag says, "There are only so many parsnip accidents that I can treat for Farmer Alefellow before I start charging extra."

The payment was a crumpled up note from Vornavis.

The council still has so much to discuss with the Mayor and will be setting up a time to meet with him. I feel we've gotten now where with our poor town statue, Reiphe is still missing, there have been no known murders in in the past few weeks but town folks are still on edge, And we still have no true leads. Or do we....

Ohh on a side note.. the knife in the Mayors office was truly just his envelope opener and was replaced, freshly blessed, back into place. <''not to self, not the murder weapon!''>

Finger in the bag:

The finger was once long and thin and finely manicured, but it is just a bloated, severed digit now. It was separated from its former owner by a surprisingly neat cut.


==Butterfur limeric presented for the spring fling==

Opalina steps forward.

You recite quietly:

"There was an old lady named Butterfur
She was in her snow garden cutting flowers
Along came a man
She cut off his hand
And now in Icemule, it's claimed she has superpowers!"


= Firebird Test Flight =

Tonight was the most magical night ever! I was able to join the crew of [[The Firebird]] on its test voyage around the mountain. Captain Brashton was a great host and really directed the crew with the skill of the best Captains around, not that I had any worries. This was to be my first air ship flight but how different could it be from sailing on the seas? The flight was truly memorable and I can't wait till we can go again. Supplies for the long trip up North will be our next goal before we leave. So pack your bags!

-The Captain and Warlock-

You see Captain [[Brashton]] the Skipper of the Firebird.
He appears to be a Human from Selanthia.
He is average height. He appears to be in the prime of life. He has sharp blue-green eyes and sun-weathered skin. He has short, straight steel grey hair with lighter streaks at the temples. He has a twice-broken nose and a white scar bisecting his chin. His left arm has been entirely replaced with a clockwork limb forged from eonake and copper.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a flagon of blackdew grog in his right hand and a heavy veil iron chest traced with eonake sigils in his left hand.
He is wearing a gleaming sunstone stud earring, a fiery red scarf, a stiff wool surcoat bearing an embroidered firebird on the chest over a white twill shirt with carved wooden buttons, a pair of crisp black wool trousers, and a pair of gold-buckled boots bearing small spurs.

You see [[Ellerel]] Barrowfoot the Warlock.
He appears to be a Paradis Halfling.
He is short but substantial. He appears to be middle-aged. He has heavy-lidded coal black eyes and light skin. He has thinning, swept-back dark grey hair with wings of white at the temples. He has a lined face, a pinched nose and an unimpressive chin.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a knotted haon walking stick in his left hand.
He is wearing a deep green silk cravat secured by a gold and lapis pin, a midnight blue wool doublet with golden pentagonal buttons, some blue-black wool trousers, and a pair of dark leather boots.


-Upper Deck and Everyone Present for the voyage-

[ [[The Firebird]], Upper Deck]

Shaded slightly by walls to either side supporting the port and starboard gangways, the upper deck is shielded from all but the strongest natural breezes, but not from the constant gusting of wind deflected by the whir of the propellers holding the ship aloft. A towering blade assembly dominates the area, the crimson and golden lacquer adorning it vivid compared to the ash-colored wood of the deck. You also see an iron-banded oak keg of plum and honey mead, the Gutstorm disk, a blazing blue fire puppy enshrouded in a cloud of silver sparks, the Opalina disk, the Wolfloner disk, the Gespry disk, a gangly black and tan dobrem that is sitting, a lazy wild blood red dog, a fat ginger cat, a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx, a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, a massive snowy white tiger and some smooth wooden stairs.

Also here: [[Vaemyr]], [[Archeth]], Dragoon [[Dayzed]], [[Mohrgan]], [[Earthdiver]],[[Falvicar]], [[Lurrah]], Lord [[Randsford]], [[Katiesa]], Commodore [[Jaysehn]], Mayor [[Talliver]], [[Dendum]], [[Aeith]], Lady [[Meliyara]], [[Gutstorm]], [[Missoni]], [[Perigourd]], [[Jiarine]], [[Trouthe]], [[Zeminar]], Sir [[Cryheart]], Lord [[Sorlu]], The Infamous [[Gespry]], [[Bakarus]], [[Geijon]], [[Wolfloner]], [[Roelon]], [[Ellerel]], Captain [[Brashton]]

Obvious paths: north

-The propellers-

The spinning propellers at the top of the assembly are far too distant to reach. Each is longer than the body of a tall man, and more than capable of turning flesh into a fine red mist.


-Ambiance of the Voyage-

A thrum of power passes through the ship. There is a faint smell of burning ozone and a crackling sound from the deck as it is suffused with energy, but the odor passes in the cold wind and the thrumming sound evens out.

Another thrum of power rocks the ship as the blade assemblies overhead whir to life. Despite the fan blades wailing, the only breeze on deck remains the whistling of the cold wind.

The whine of the fan blades rises to a shrill whistle as slowly, miraculously, the bulk of the ship begins to shift.

The airship rocks in the wind as it begins to climb from the ground, slowly at first but with increasing speed. Your stomach feels like it is moving independently from the rest of your body.

The airship rises smoothly into the skies, buffeted by the whipping winds but remaining steady. Snow birds fly past, but soon the vessel has risen above them, remaining surprisingly level through the process.

The deck wrenches underfoot ungently, but not enough to throw you off your feet, as the ship turns toward the north. Mist prickles on your skin.

The ship gives a start, losing altitude in a shocking--but blessedly brief--drop. It levels out once more as it begins accelerating northward.

The deck rocks underfoot as the ship surges forward with a sudden burst of speed. After a few seconds, the rush eases off, but the landscape below blazes by in a scroll of snow-capped trees and hilly crags. To the north is a mountain that rises even higher than the ship's current altitude. Its peak is lost in swirling clouds.

There is an abrupt change in the sound of one of the blade assemblies, and the ship begins to list slightly to the right.

Another thrum of energy emanates through the deck. Although the list does not decrease, the ship remains mostly steady.

There is an awful but brief grinding sound, and the assembly whirs back into motion with a squeal. Its whine evens out, and so does the ship's deck.

Several "aye-aye"s echo from various parts of the deck.

With more grace than in her prior turn, the ship executes a lazy half-circle around the mountain, reorienting toward the south.

The Firebird soars over the town of Icemule Trace. Scents of woodsmoke are but whispers on the breeze. In the starlight, the rooftops and snowy burrows of the town glisten like diamonds, and the townsfolk are tiny shapes in the streets.

As the ship approaches the southern forest, it begins a slow descent toward the ground.

The ship drops a few feet in an uneven descent, but manages to level out.

The remainder of the descent is smooth. As the Firebird settles back toward earth, there is a brief bump, and then the fan blades begin to slow.


Brashton says, "Soft as a whisper."


== Icemule under Attack! ==

Walking through the town during the aftermath of destruction a horrible scene unfolds before her. Bodies litter the streets both of those of the townsfolk and those of the creatures who attacked. Egged on by the Lich.. He was warned.. I can't believe it.. someone told him we were coming!.. he tried to take us out to stop us.. but no.. His words and his actions just prove we must put a stop to his craziness once and for all...

''Closes her eye's and replays the last few hours in her mind....''

Serpentine shadows writhe in the pools of fallen blood as they freeze, without substance as they perform a hypnotic dance.

Blood trickles down from the grey skies.

A terrible vision bleeds into your mind, hot with the scent of blood. A gnarled, small hand reaches toward the hulking body of a titanic fallen warrior, immense of musculature and with arms of pocked and pitted stone. As if his voice were your own, you hear the hand's owner begin a sibilant chant. Wounds slash across the exposed flesh of the sleeping giant, blood spilling from them in thick cascades. "If you will not join me, Zerroth," the voice says, "then you will serve."

A sudden gust blows the bloodrain at you in a stinging attack.

The ground beneath you violently shakes and rumbles causing you to fall down!
Roundtime: 7 sec.

The smell of blood overwhelms your senses as another vision tears into your mind, raw and red-tinged. Blood flows from the body of the fallen warrior, dripping from his immense bier. Your awareness follows the flood as it trickles down through the stones of a temple that is beyond ancient, the corrupted flow coursing violently as it floods into the very foundations. All around are the long dead, but as the blood spills into their resting places, tormented eyes open to cold darkness.

The vision returns with burning intensity and a smell like burning copper stings in your nostrils. Withered, blood-drenched hands clutch a tablet as black as night and hold it overhead. All around, otherworldly voices chant as a gurgling, high-pitched voice says, "Awaken for me, my army. Heed the call of Zeban."

Delyorik is seized by a sudden fit of mad laughter. Blood begins to spill from his mouth.

A sudden gust blows the bloodrain at you in a stinging attack.

The sky is stained crimson as the blood rains down from the heavens.

Dark droplets of blood rain from the grey skies.

Something screeches as it flies by, glistening wings black against the curtain of starlight.

Something screeches as it flies by, glistening wings black against the curtain of starlight.

Painful pressure builds behind your eyes as a voice speaks, gurgling and high-pitched. "No surrender except the oblivion you so richly deserve."

A sibilant voice shrieks above the winds, "Now, while their defenses are weakened! Take the town. Crush Icemule Trace!"

Mayor Dabbings's voice pipes out over the sounds of combat, "Get the wounded to some place safe!"

The sounds of combat begin to diminish, but still the cries of the wounded echo through the bloody night.

Swirling clouds overhead mold themselves into a hideous, glaring visage with eyes like sanguine stars. The ephemeral face glares down upon the town, but its features dissolve into the hint of a triumphant sneer before the clouds begin to disperse, bereft of the power animating them.

Much to your horror, a devastating inferno of flaming rocks ignite the entire sky and smite the area!

''...Squeezes her eye's closed and shakes her head taking a deep breath to free herself of the horrible spell...''

It is time..


== ALMOST time to TRAVEL ==

'''Short log of an in town discussion from the viewpoint of Opalina.'''

You quietly exclaim, "So many wonderful people!"

Gespry melodically says, "You'd think something might happen."

Lurrah says, speaking to Bakarus, "Hello, Bakarus."

You quietly exclaim, "Ohh good!"

Gespry says, speaking melodically to Roelon, "Firebird."

Roelon deeply says, "Hmm. Let is go peek at the gates."

Trouthe says, "Mana cake for who ever want."

Roelon deeply says, "Movin'."

You quietly say, "The supplies have started to arrive."

Missoni calls, "Hello!"

Gespry yells, "Where yas at!"

A group of halflings and half-krolvin carry barrels of supplies southward, tottering toward the gates.

Bilfords asks, "Mind if I join ypu?"

Ellerel says, "Good evening."

Gespry melodically says, "Evening Ellerel."

Missoni says, "Fair eve."

You quietly say, "Ohh Good evening Ellerel."

Roelon says, speaking deeply to Ellerel, "Even' to ye."

Meliyara says, "Sh'rein."

Teaberry says, speaking to Ellerel, "Good evening."

Ellerel says, "If you're looking for the crew, they're down below, helping the mayor's handpicked delivery folks store the provisions."

Lurrah repeats, "Handpicked."

Gespry melodically asks, "Anything we can do to help?"

Gespry melodically asks, "Or we be in the way?"

Ellerel says, "Not at all in the way."

Gespry melodically says, "Roelon here has a broad back."

Trouthe says, "Mana cake."

Gespry melodically says, "He works hard."

Roelon deeply says, "Ah kin move ah crate or two."

Missoni muses, "Do the supplies mean we are flying again this eve?"

Roelon deeply says, "But perhaps the supplies should also be guarded as its transported. Make sure nothin' is tampered with."

Bilfords asks, "Flying?"

Ellerel says, "I'm afraid not, but soon."

Ellerel says, "The Captain seems to have resigned himself to the likelihood that the Firebird will require repairs after the journey."

Earthdiver says, "Greetings."

Gespry asks, speaking melodically to Ellerel, "How has ship security been?"

Missoni says, speaking to Ellerel, "Why is that? She did so well on the test flight."

Guarrin greets, "Good evening, everyone."

Ellerel says, "I do, however, believe that once we are there, I can work to establish... well, a way back."

Lurrah says, "I'm guessing the cost of the core."

Cryheart says, "Good evening, Guarrni and Katiesa."

Ellerel says, speaking to Gespry, "Nothing I've seen gives me reason to worry."

Cryheart says, "Guarrin."

Gespry says, speaking melodically to Ellerel, "If by portals, I can lend you my strength."

Roelon says, speaking deeply to Ellerel, "Ah hope ye are able to do so."

Ellerel says, speaking quietly to Missoni, "She did, but we did not even make it into the Long Snow before we needed to turn back."

Meliyara says, "Needed? I thought we went as far as intended."

Ellerel tersely says, "However... I am unsettled."

Missoni says, speaking reasonably to Ellerel, "Best to be prepared, at any rate."

Teaberry asks, speaking to Ellerel, "Why are you unsettled?"

Bakarus asks, speaking to Ellerel, "For what reason?"

(OOC) Bilfords's player whispers to the group, "Do we already know where we're trying to go?"

(OOC) Lurrah's player whispers to the group, "Yes... way far North further than anyone else has ever gone."

Ellerel says, "My scryings have... not succeeded."

Cryheart asks, "Aye?"

Ellerel says, "All I see of him are images, like half-remembered dreams."

Earthdiver asks, "Of whom?"

Missoni carefully asks, "So we do not know what awaits?"

Bilfords asks, speaking to Ellerel, "Because of distance or wardings?"

Sorlu asks, speaking to Ellerel, "Do you think he has done something to block you?"

Cryheart says, "Perhals he uses magic to disguise himself."

Lurrah says, speaking to Missoni, "No. It's terribly exciting."

Roelon says, speaking deeply to Bilfords, "Ah am guessin' both."

Ellerel distantly says, "The Berserker is in many of them. I do not know what Zeban wants of him, but he has not yet gotten it, or we would be dead by now."

Earthdiver says, "It is trivial to block general scrying techniques."

Missoni says, speaking to Lurrah, "I like that way of looking at it."

Cryheart says, "That dinnae sound good."

Teaberry says, "Maybe he wants the Berserker to be his host."

Roelon deeply says, "Nae at all."

Ellerel says, "It is possible."

Bilfords says, speaking to Lurrah, "I was excited earlier, just before I spent a deed."

Lurrah says, speaking to Bilfords, "If that worries you, I'm afraid you're in the wrong group. The folks are willing to risk what it takes to protect their town."

Perigourd says, speaking to Ellerel, "Regardless, we ought to meet the threat."

Missoni encouragingly says, "We handled Zerroth once. I am sure we can do so again."

Lurrah says, speaking to Bilfords, "And if the visions of the Berserker are true, trust me, they will need as many as step forward."

Sorlu says, speaking to Perigourd, "Or at least try to learn what the threat truly is at this point. Right now we have little more than assumptions."

Roelon deeply says, "Ah recall how overwhelmin' that berserker still...."

Bilfords says, speaking to Lurrah, "FOr Icemule...all my deeds."

Ellerel worriedly says, "Best, then, that he remains asleep."

Cryheart says, "Aye."

Sorlu says, "Let the dead stay dead."

Ellerel says, "Dead? Hardly that."

Sorlu says, speaking to Lurrah, "That is all our enemy has....death."

Earthdiver says, "I have not seen Zerroth in some ages."

Sorlu says, speaking to Ellerel, "I make an exception for you."

Missoni says, speaking to Earthdiver, "Likewise."

Ellerel says, speaking to Sorlu, "You meant the Berserker. He is not dead."

You quietly say, "I doubt death is what his is."

Sorlu says, speaking to Ellerel, "No? A long sleep seems much the same as death to me."

Lurrah says, speaking to Sorlu, "You know better than that."

Ellerel says, "In my research, I've learned much of the fates of the Four."

You quietly ask, "Four?"

Perigourd says, "The four pillars of the Dark Alliance."

Lurrah says, speaking to Ellerel, "Sorlu has an... issue.. with V'tull."

Teaberry asks, speaking to Ellerel, "What happened to them?"

Earthdiver says, "They were defeated."

Teaberry says, "Yes, but AFTER that."

Ellerel says, "One, trapped beyond the walls of the world, digging at the thinnesses. Another left bodiless, a shadow of madness. The third, cast down into his own master's Maw to burn for eternity. And then there is Zerroth."

Perigourd says, speaking to Earthdiver, "I'm not sure defeated is the right way to put it."

Missoni offers, "Subdued?"

Ellerel says, "A mindless brute in name and truth, now. Severed are his thoughts and form."

Earthdiver says, "Defeated in morale."

Teaberry asks, speaking to Ellerel, "So if Zerroth is mindless, does that mean that he needs someone else's mind to command him?"

Lurrah says, speaking to Earthdiver, "I'd wager the morale of a zealot much harder to overcome."

Ellerel says, speaking to Teaberry, "I do not know. This sort of thing is beyond my knowledge, and my knowledge is vast."

Sorlu asks, speaking to Ellerel, "Does he still share a connection with V'tull, or is such a thing beyond whatever is left of him?"

Meliyara says, speaking to Zeminar, "Sh'rein, sho'nah."

Ellerel says, speaking to Sorlu, "Most certainly. I believe that is all that keeps his body alive."

Zeminar says, speaking darkly to Meliyara, "Eii, Kris Har'esh."

Ellerel says, "Once we make our way there, we had better hope that my knowledge is significant."

Ellerel says, "Else making our way back will take many a month."

Cryheart says, "In frigid weather no less."

Sorlu says, speaking to Ellerel, "Assuming we last that long in that weather."

Missoni hopefully asks, "At least spring is here?"

Earthdiver says, "I don't think Spring comes to where we are going."

Ellerel says, "I do not serve Amasalen any longer. I find myself wondering if Zeban has abandoned his patronage as well, or if there is a part of him that still believes."

Sorlu asks, speaking to Ellerel, "What does your gut tell you?"

You worriedly ask, "We won't see Zeban there will be?"

Ellerel says, speaking quietly to Sorlu, "As some people here are fond of pointing out... it is not entirely my own gut."

Lurrah says, speaking to Ellerel, "Judging from the trail of bodies, someone still does."

Ellerel says, speaking faintly to you, "Oh, almost certainly."

Missoni asks, speaking to Ellerel, "What made you stop serving?"

Ellerel says, speaking to Missoni, "I was shown mercy. That is not something I had ever derived from the Lord of Blood."

Missoni asks, speaking to Ellerel, "Was Zeban shown mercy as well?"

Ellerel says, speaking warily to Missoni, "He does not know the concept, not any more."

Sorlu says, speaking to Missoni, "He deserves none."

Lurrah interrupts, "Mercy is for those with a lack of conviction to begin with."

Missoni says, speaking worriedly to Ellerel, "Then likely he has not made the same turn you have."

Ellerel says, speaking to Sorlu, "Of course, he has the Tablet as well."

Gespry melodically says, "Zeben or Arnabas has gone out of his/its way to not want it, but thrives in the chaos and misery of others."

Sorlu says, speaking to Ellerel, "And we know with it an army can be created."

Roelon deeply says, "And he has had time....too much of it, to grow it."

Missoni asks, speaking curiously to Ellerel, "Do you know much of Andelas?"

Ellerel says, speaking to Missoni, "I do."

Missoni adds, "And his local factions?"

Gespry asks, speaking melodically to Ellerel, "Might eh problem be that Zeban has taken over another body like he did Zeben, and this might be the reason you have issues scrying him?"

Ellerel says, speaking to Missoni, "There are none. Were none, anyway."

Ycelacie whispers, "Why do imperials get to come up here and throw their weight around?"

Missoni says, speaking to Ellerel, "There is a murderer locally who thought perhaps was related to him."

Gespry melodically says, "Err, arnabas."

Ellerel says, "I had considered the same."

Ellerel says, speaking to Gespry, "It is entirely possible."

Gespry melodically says, "So basically, when we get there, He could be anyone or anything."

Gespry melodically says, "We really need to be able to stop this body possession ability of his."

Meliyara teases, speaking lightly to Gespry, "He could even be you."

Lurrah says, speaking to Ellerel, "You do realize that we are grasping at straws, at best. There's a chance we go North, confront Zerroth who has done nothing to us, and rain trouble beyond what we already have."

Perigourd says, "Zerroth has done much, just not as recently."

Bakarus says, speaking to Gespry, "With the capable force that will gather on this mission, I have no doubt he will be stopped."

Gespry melodically says, "He takes over the mindless, and if he was to possess me, he'd die of a massive coffee overdose."

Lurrah says, speaking to her bone periapt, "Sleeping bears and all that."

Perigourd says, speaking to Lurrah, "Sleeping bears wake to feed sometime."

Ellerel says, speaking to Lurrah, "I have no especial dislike for the Berserker."

You quietly ask, "Will we be leaving tonight?"

Sorlu says, speaking to Perigourd, "Not if you stab them in their sleep."

Roelon deeply says, "Supplies are still bein' gathered and repairs bein' made."

You quietly say, "Good."

Perigourd says, speaking to Sorlu, "They have thick hides."

Ycelacie curiously asks, "Where is the ship going again?"

Lurrah says, speaking to Ellerel, "Yes, but here his name is being thrown around when we've seen not sign of his presence."

Sorlu says, speaking to Ycelacie, "To the edge of the world."

Ycelacie says, "Oh..."

Gespry melodically says, "Think I'ts so far north, it might become south."

Lurrah says, "Just pointing out what some forget."

Ycelacie asks, "Mount Aenatumgana?"

Meliyara says, speaking to Ycelacie, "Beyond."

Ycelacie curiously asks, "How do you know it's the edge?"

Sorlu asks, speaking to Ycelacie, "What else would be there?"

Gespry says, speaking melodically to Ycelacie, "It is so far north of there, that it will make the cold of icemule like a blazing hot summer day in solhaven. and thats before the wind chill."

Ycelacie asks, "Does anyone actually know?"

Roelon asks, speaking deeply to Sorlu, "We will find out, won' we?"

Meliyara says, speaking to Ycelacie, "Neh, we shall discover."

Sorlu says, speaking to Roelon, "Most definitely."

Ycelacie curiously says, "That should be exciting."

Roelon deeply says, "However, what greets us, is still in question."

Cryheart says, "An adventure."

Perigourd says, speaking to Roelon, "If it's a lich, burn it."

Roelon says, speaking deeply to Ycelacie, "And we mae nae be able to return."

Perigourd says, speaking to Roelon, "If it's a berserker, stab it."

Roelon asks, speaking deeply to Perigourd, "And if it's both?"

Perigourd says, speaking to Roelon, "In either order."

Missoni says, speaking to Roelon, "Flaming sword."

Ellerel says, "It feels like days, now. Not weeks."

Perigourd says, "Zeban is a real threat as he's attacked the town, so leaving him to his own up there would seem foolhardy, regardless of Zerroth being there or not."

Gespry melodically says, "So you mean next month."

Ellerel says, "When the time comes, I believe I will be ready to help face Zeban."

Ycelacie curiously asks, "So someone lives there? Where you are going?"

Ellerel says, speaking to Ycelacie, "We have seen signs, yes."

Roelon says, speaking deeply to Ellerel, "Fir ah final time ah hope."

You ask, speaking quietly to Ellerel, "What if eban doesn't want to fight?"

You quietly exclaim, "Zeban!"

Ellerel says, "In the old days, before the founding of this town, when there was but a settlement called Ice Vale, some of our brethren and sisters thought that these lands would be our doom."

Ellerel says, "They continued onward and were lost to us."

Cryheart says, "I can imagine."

Ellerel says, "I believe that their descendants may have made their way across the Long Snow, and that some survived."

Maevie asks, "More halflings?"

Missoni hopefully says, "That would be a nice welcome."

Ellerel says, speaking flatly to Maevie, "Perhaps."

Lurrah says, "Giants make more sense, though."

Cryheart says, "Perhap cousins of some here."

Ycelacie asks, "Do you plan to travel with more than the standard crew?"

Cryheart says, "Descendants."

Gespry says, speaking melodically to Maevie, "Potential possible new boyfriends for you."

(OOC) Ycelacie's player whispers to the group, "Are players going to get to go?"

Ellerel says, "The Mayor insists upon it."

(OOC) Lurrah's player whispers to the group, "I will being stowing away if not!"

Ycelacie asks, "When is this all happening?"

Ellerel says, "And then there are the rumors of the gigas."

(OOC) Ycelacie's player whispers to the group, "Oh! duh lol."

Maevie asks, "What are gigas?"

Missoni curiously asks, "The what?"

Gespry melodically says, "Gigas."

Cryheart says, "I hae heard of those rumors."

Gespry melodically says, "Sounds large."

Cryheart says, "Nasty creatures."

Earthdiver says, "Giants. bigger giants. Same diff."

Ellerel reluctantly says, "When Hazelnut spent all that time among the giant clans, he learned of their lore."

Ellerel says, "The clans themselves are so very different, with vast gulfs between their customs and natures."

Earthdiver says, "So I come up to the ankle of one, and the shin of another."

Ellerel says, "Fire giants, frost giants, storm giants, stone..."

Roelon deeply says, "Hazelnut is one tough halflin''."

Gespry says, speaking melodically to Roelon, "Hazelnut is well traveled."

Ellerel says, "But they all share legends of ancient progenitors whose powers vastly outstripped their own."

Missoni asks, "They are friendly?"

Ellerel says, speaking to Sorlu, "The carvers of your Tablet, I suspect."

Sorlu says, speaking to Ellerel, "The ones that created the Tablets."

Lurrah says, "And the builders of the colossus."

Ellerel says, speaking to Lurrah, "Perhaps. Or perhaps the Colossus was built to resemble them."

Missoni asks, speaking to Lurrah, "Oh?"

Sorlu says, "The greatest view in the world."

Missoni says, "Second to the view from this ship."

Lurrah says, "And fascinating in it's legendary power."

Sorlu says, speaking to Missoni, "Fair enough."

Ellerel says, "So no, I do not look forward to what awaits up there."

Ellerel says, "The last time I threw myself against Zeban, he nearly bested me unaided."

Sorlu says, "But it will surely be an adventure, whatever we find."

Bilfords asks, speaking to Ellerel, "But still feel it's necessary to go?"

Ellerel says, "It was only with your considerable aid that I was able to do anything at all against him."

Sorlu says, speaking to Ellerel, "He almost took out all of the town's defenders on his own in the process. He's not to be underestimated."

Perigourd says, "I should thik we'll do what we can to assist in any effort to protect the town."

Bakarus says, speaking to Ellerel, "This time we are aware and will be better prepared. I have no doubts as to the outcome."

Perigourd says, "Think rather."

Ellerel says, "Mm."

Missoni says, speaking to Perigourd, "Yes, and we will expect... resistance."

Perigourd says, speaking to Missoni, "Best to prepare for all eventualities."

Ellerel says, "I'm certain that the Mayor will let everyone know when we are due to set forth."

Bilfords says, "And so Zeban will know as well."

Perigourd asks, speaking to Ellerel, "Is he coming with?"

Ellerel says, speaking quietly to Perigourd, "I am trying to dissuade him, but we shall see."

Lurrah says, speaking to Ellerel, "Good to know. Brute will be needed, for certain."

Gespry melodically says, "He plans too."

Ellerel says, "For now, this has been a welcome respite from my work on the core. I may actually be able to tolerate that gnome's squeaking for a little while longer."

Roelon deeply says, "The Mayor..ah dinnae think we kin stop him this time."

Gespry melodically says, "He is of the mind, that you Lead from the front."

Gespry melodically says, "Not sit back and let others do your work for you."

Ellerel says, speaking to Roelon, "We will not let him pit himself against anything more lethal than air travel. I hope that is understood."

Ellerel says, "The voyage is dangerous enough."

Ellerel says, "He can wait behind and lead from the back for bloody once. Just once."

Earthdiver says, "I think he has a good mind for that, as well."

Lurrah says, "Good luck with that."

Roelon says, speaking deeply to Ellerel, "Ah dinnae watch to see him injured again as he once was."

Bilfords says, speaking to Ellerel, "Good luck with that."

Perigourd says, "Hard to break a soldiers habit to be in the field."

Ellerel says, "Good evening, all of you."

Gespry melodically says, "He will not be alone."

Trouthe says, speaking to Ellerel, "Good evening."

Missoni says, speaking to Perigourd, "Many generations of soldiers, even."

Cryheart says, "Rest well."

Berean quietly says, "Good evening."

Bilfords says, speaking to Ellerel, "Luck in the scrying."

Gespry melodically says, "Thanks for keeping us informed."

Roelon deeply says, "How he tolerates those gnomes...."

Sorlu says, speaking to Roelon, "Must have something to do with not being fully alive."

Gespry melodically says, "I'm sue they have a healthy fear of Ellerel."

Gespry melodically says, "Sure too."

Trouthe says, "Need earflaps on my hat."

Roelon deeply asks, "Well. Shall we return back to town?"

Bilfords exclaims, "Night all and all be safe!"

Bakarus says, "Much to consider and prepare for."

Ycelacie curiously asks, "When does this all happen?"

Seesall says, "Wait."

Eyvindr asks, "But also, yes, I have lots of orbs for ya. Where do you want em so you can all sort and make chrisms?"

Lurrah says, speaking to Ycelacie, "Several weeks out, yet."

Gespry says, speaking melodically to Roelon, "Couple more times like that, and your title of "the Lost" ranger will be nullified."

Roelon deeply says, "But prepare just the same."

(OOC) Ycelacie's player whispers to the group, "Oh like nexus orb or something?"

Roelon deeply says, "There is time yet...."

Eclevdra exclaims, "And awaaaaaayyyy we go!"


= The Hunt for Zeban (LOGS) =

'''The next several entries are logs provided by Opalina.'''

[[2020-05-04 Introduction to Hinter Wilds Part1 (log)]]

[[2020-05-04 Air Ship Ride Hinterwilds Part 2 (log)]]

[[2020-05-04 Hinterwilds History Part 3 (log)]]

[[2020-05-04 Making Friends Hinterwilds Part 4 (log)]]

[[2022-05-07 Find the Entrance Part 5 (log)]]

[[2022-05-07 Bring down the Dome Part 6 (log)]]

[[2022-05-07 Zeban Destroyed Part 7 (log)]]


= Controlled or Betrayer =

Thinking over the past events of the last few days I can't help but rub my temples as a roaring headache won't stop.. Ever sense I dropped that ring I can't seem to focus. What is happening to me. Bakarus! you have changed.. perhaps you are under his control. With the body of Zeban gone he would go to one he knows he can control, his spirit could be inside you using you.. couldn't he? Gods.. why does my head hurt so much!.. And my wedding.. just days away..


Wedding Day....

So much to finish up. But I'll thinking of nothing else.. Nothing but today. She ignores the pounding at the back of her head..



I can't think.. What is wrong with me.. sleep yes I just need to sleep.. God my head hurts.. Why does my head hurt so much.. Falvicar must be worried . I've not left my room for a few days.. no.. I'm okay.. I'll be okay..


Mail from Gespry,

Opalina, Please write to Rammael about you are available to discuss the trial/stuff dealing with Bakarus.


With a heavy sigh. I get up and write:

To: Rammael,

Subject: Town Council member Bakarus


My name is Opalina, I am a member of the Icemule Council. I am sorry I was unable to make your aquaintance at your recent visit to town. I was informed that you wished to meet with the council members in regards to a Trial for Council Member Bakarus. My availablility at this time is uncertain due to my recent honeymoon, however, I should be able get away for a meeting MMT time, (9:30 pm Eastern) for a few hours, Thursday, Friday, or Monday.

Counciler, Opalina.


== Going to Trial ==

Opalina rub her temples as she sits in her quite little cottage writing out the events of the evening. Her pen scribbling across the parchment almost angrily. Gosh they just are so hungry for blood..everyone was so into their own agenda and desires they don't even see the bigger picture.. I don't think he's actually dead.. not yet anyway.. Sure raining blood and a single hand.. no.. He's not truely gond.. pauses in her writing and again rubs her throbbing head. Why won't my head just stop hurting already!.. continues writing.. Bakarus may or may not be guilty. I think the lich was more involved than anyone realizes but now it will have to be proven. I am not against a trial. I just want it to be a fair trial. No one wanted to hear that from me. But that's all right. So let me see what was he accused of again?..

[[Rammael]] says, "The matter at hand is the alleged treasonous activity of Councillor Bakarus Klysus. This investigation was forwarded to the Town Council by Mayor Talliver Dabbings, who stands as the accuser."

[[Rammael]] says, "Councillors, citizenry, the accusation against Bakarus is as follows:"

[[Rammael]] says, "That he knowingly engaged in collusion with the undead monstrosity Zeban for some months."

[[Rammael]] says, "That, as supported by physical evidence, he engaged in willing communication with Zeban."

[[Rammael]] says, "That he engaged in acts of sabotage against the town of Icemule Trace, including planning and participating in the destruction of several pieces of property, including the Old Mill."

[[Rammael]] says, "The foremost crime for which Bakarus stands accused is willing murder and high--"

[[Rammael]] says, "Willing murder and high crimes."

[[Rammael]] says, speaking to Bakarus, "Icemule Trace's legal code has... broad latitude when it comes to enacting the will of liches and evil gods, as you might imagine."

[[Rammael]] says, "Those statutes are all covered under 'high crimes'."

The Decision to see Bakarus at trial passed with a vote from the council.

[[Rammael]] says, speaking to Bakarus, "Bakarus Klysus, Councillor of Icemule Trace, you stand accused of collusion with an enemy of Icemule Trace, of murder, and of high crimes. A trial will be held on a mutually agreeable date under the eyes of Judge Teaberry Wildroot, who will assist in setting the terms of the trial and rendering the deciding verdict."

[[Rammael]] says, speaking quickly to Bakarus, "In the meantime, your activities and status a Town Councillor are suspended, pursuant to the resolution of your trial."

So Bakarus is currently suspended as a counciler.. Who will defend this man?! Who will dig into this mess and look for the answers that so desperately need to be found. Is Bakarus innocent or is he guilty? I'm hoping he's innocent, but hope and facts are totally different. We will have to wait for the facts.

My vote was counted as a no. But I do not see any other way to prove Bakarus's innocence except through a trial. So in fact my vote should have counted as a yes. But I did not contest it. Since both Gespry and Roelon supported a yes. And Bakarus still needed support from an innocent perspective.

[[2022-05-25 - Bakarus Accused (log)]]


= The Statue Ice-Mule aka HeeHaw =

The illness which overtook me these past few weeks has really taken it's tole on my mind and body, wiggling my quill between my fingers I think about the past events that I barely remember and wonder how I can put them into my journal and make much sense. A bottle of ink sits open besides the paper and I dip my quill in and begin writing:

Stubborn Mule is an understatement! Re-using the old Ice from the original Mule that was shattered the Artists reinvention comes to life.

[a sturdy mule statue carved from glacial ice.]

Hewn from glacial ice, the towering statue of a stubborn mule stares down upon the town center with obstinate eyes. Ambient light suffuses the statue with a cold glow and collects in blue and green ribbons within its crystalline form. The mule's hooves are splayed and firmly planted as it resists being led. Safe in the statue's shadow is a town carved from ice and imbued with hints of living color, the streets of which proceed toward burrows carved into the sprawling glacier to the north.

It's a great town improvement to see the good old mascot back and ready for licking once again. It's great to see the mule spirit back in action. This event really helped ease the pain of earlier events.

Bakarus' trial was long and powerful. Though there were still so many unanswerable questions both sides tried to present their data to the best of their abilities. Bakarus was eventually found guilty of murder and removed from the city council, but other crimes like destruction of the city was removed because they were unable to prove them. Still one less council member.. means... Openings.. two to be honest Hopefully we are able to get a council together and move forward with town improvements.

Setting her quill down she sighs softly and returns to her bed to cuddles with her husband who is already asleep.


= Replacements =

Sitting at my desk I read over the Candidates for Icemule Town council openings and I struggle with the decision. We need two more members on the board and the choices are tough. I am sad when I heard I missed the speeches. Luckily notes were taken and I was able to catch up. The Options:

[[Icemule Town Council Candidate Speeches - Imaerasta, 5122]]

Option 1: Aliashyrah
Option 2: Delyorik
Option 3: Fropple
Option 4: Jiarine
Option 5: Loralaii
Option 6: Nodyre
Option 7: Sorlu

As I walk to the Pavilion in the Center of Icemule I can't help but ask everyone on my way if they have voted and encourage them to do so. The last day will be soon.


= The List - Part 2 =

Looking over the list handed down to me from a past council I start checking off completed or touched items. And adding new items that have come up over the last 9 months. I was impressed by how much was untouched and were actually touched on. This has been an exciting time for Icemule. May we continue to grow and bring light to our town.

In the Common language, it reads:

a wooden plaque in Clovertooth with the names of those who donated metal slabs (Aethyra, Arianiss, Asben, Cyar, Earthdiver, Erienne, Fahlo, Falvicar, Gespry, Jastalyn, Jasron, Jiarine, Kittai, Laelithonel, Portes, Roelon, Taulramil, Teaberry, Trouthe)--'''Scratched, Theses were not the only people to donate metal slabs to the cause, just the ones who were able to show up to present them. The ship was built.. That should be honor enough.

alley shop taxes, where do they go- '''Toward Maintaining the alley streets, Carts make a huge mess!'''

will the cottage on east road ever open (otherwise tear it down and put a petting zoo in its place)-'''Still under review'''

Faire of the North

''more guards (12 of them so shifts can be taken at each gate)'' '''This was actually discussed heavily, however, during an invasion two guards were killed and there are no future plans to replace them. Other town guards were also killed throughout the year to poison and vicious guttings. Krolvin warriors are supporting the town during invasions and even walk the streets with eye's open occasionally. Things are still not what they seem.'''

Vaalor treaty decision

mend relations with the King of Ta'Vaalor

elevate Icemule with other cities

Ta'Illistim embassy in Icemule

better anti-air defenses--'''It's really too cold for air defense.. Use a Trebuchet.

citizens in town guard positions as captains-- '''Difficult during invasions, because you never know when an invasion will hit. What is the captains are out of town.'''

status of Kadya and her Eorgina request

''fix the statue in Town Center'' -- '''Fixed.'''

fix the windmill in the southwest corner of town-- Do we really miss it? But seriously needs to be cleaned up.

clean up the wreckage in the Elven Alley other places as well.


''the traitor is Bakarus (and Aethyra is on the verge of telling everything she knows if something isn't done about it)''

reconnect Icemule to the half-krolvin village in the west '''Where was that trail again? someone dig!!'''

dock for sea access --'''Do we have an Ice Breaker?'''

''safe haven for non combatants during attacks on town'' '''VOLN/White Haven/ Under Moot Hall.'''

''system to promote stronger engagement between citizens and council (government)'' '''Just get out there and talk to the poeple. They love it.

'''Newly added to the list:'''
Find safer trading routes poisons are getting into the city.
Stones on the wall that are used in Trebuchets are not bless-able. Can we change these out for bless-able stones to be effective against the walking dead.


= Town Spice Traders =

After attending a meeting on the history of spice and it's many uses I made a list of all the spice traders within Icemule city. These are merchants who in some fashion have access to spice and either use it within their goods or trade.

BerryToe- General Goods Store

The Tart-Baker-Tartifacts Bakery


The Barber and Attendants at the- New Look Pavilion

Bentrill- Honeybeer


Bendel- A burly halfling Baker *** has reason to be upset! I mean his mill was destroyed.. and that's his.. lively hood. And it's still not fixed***

Desteil - Farmhand

Charlevorn -- Silvermule

Sarathine- Nightowl Pub

Sorena- Alchemy

Pebblegem- Cafe

The Shopkeeper- Two Tarts Trading Company

Ma Leaftoe- Health and Bake Shop

Brother Stumbleskink- Cleric Shop

Hendofin- The Thirsty Penguin

Wadul- Bank Teller

Hazelnut - Hailscatter Atelier

As I stare out of the window into the snow I'm sure there's more but the names are escaping me. This list sure looks daunting! There are so many in town who use spices in their crafts. It's almost impossible to know where to start asking questions.. But <taps her quill feather against her own cheek in thought> There was that disgruntled halfling pushing the cart.. Maybe..


= New Icemule Mule Councilors=

I snuggle against my sleeping husband in bed going over the evening events. Hum.. So the largest vote since the last Mayoral vote.. sounds interesting indeed. So many turned out to vote and speak up for the town of Icemule, I am so happy so many let their voices be heard! With a close race for the candidates the chosen were:

[[Sorlu]] and [[Nodyre]]

So the Icemule council members are a full number of 5 again






With our ranks filled once again, the town is hit by a new situation. Hopefully we can, no I'm sure we can come together as a team and be productive. We just gotta, she hits the bed with her fist, takes a deep breath and thinks about some of the things Rammael said earlier;

[[RAMMAEL]] says, "You may all recall that the heinous Zeban assailed a half-krolvin hold west of here. Many of the survivors now live within the confines of this town., We received a recent request for assistance from a small township near the fallen krolvin hold."

[[Nodyre]] asks, speaking to [[RAMMAEL]], "How long ago was the request received?"

[[RAMMAEL]] says, "Several days, and it was a request for healers."

[[RAMMAEL]] says, "Reiphe's contacts in Briarmoon seem to believe that some sort of disease has come to Moonsedge, so... Master Dabbings is understandably cautious."

[[Gespry]] is making some dimly glowing sky-blue potions the undisease ones to send to the village as a fine gesture of support until other plans can be made.

Speaking of plans the council will be meeting with the Mayor to discuss options and then holding an open meeting for the town. Hopefully we can find a safe and honorable solution to move forward.

Stretching my arms above my head I slide down into the bed into the covers to drift off to sleep a small cough escaping between my lips.


== Moonsedge ==

Where in the world is Moonsedge! I've never heard of that place..

To the west of Icemule, the Olbin River flows toward the Frostmain.

RAMMAEL says, "There were quite a few farms in the Olbin Delta and the abounding highlands, but many of the farm families were wiped out during Zeban's rise."

RAMMAEL says, "And then, not far across the Frostmain is Briarmoon Cove."

RAMMAEL quietly says, "I reached out to several of Reiphe's contacts in Briarmoon and confirmed that there were several human settlements out that way."

RAMMAEL says, "Including one called Moonsedge, ruled by a local lord whose family once had significant influence over that area."



== Another Iceburg! ==

[Opalina's Home]

A large fluffy down bed and a large oaken dining table rest upon the tiled white marble floor of this small room. A large stone fireplace, an engraved rhimar map of Icemule Trace hanging above it, sits at the edge of the polar bear rug covering the floor. Fancifully carved pine walls enclose the area, holding in its mild smell of tarts. You also see an expansive bay window, a cerulean silk upholstered chair and a hand-carved maoral door.
Obvious exits: none

Sitting at the dinning table Opalina opens her diary and start writing;

The meeting was informative and interesting this evening with quick and decisive direction.


You quietly say, "Good evening Mayor sir."

You quietly ask, "How are you feeling?"

You quietly say, "Im sure the others will arrive shortly."

Talliver says, "I am doing well enough, though this is a matter of some consternation for me."

Talliver says, "For reasons I promise I will explain."

Roelon says, speaking deeply to Sorlu, "Welcome to our chambers."

You quietly say, "Good evening Gentlemen."

Jiarine says, "You should lock the doors."

You quietly say, "M'lady Jiarine."

Sorlu asks, "We don't keep snacks, or refreshments, in the Council Chambers?"

You quietly say, "I reached out to Nodyre He might be asleep already."

Roelon deeply says, "Best to keep booze out of here."

Gespry melodically says, "I skip'd going to the mayor's snack bar, this time. I left enough crumbs sitting here for a half hour earlier."

Roelon deeply says, "But snacks.."

Sorlu says, speaking to you, "I assumed he wasn't able to make it, based on what he said last night."

Sorlu says, speaking to you, "Seems a bit heavy for me, but thank you."

You quietly say, "'well next time I'll bring you a bowl of fruit if you forget something."

You quietly say, "That's a tad lighter."

Roelon deeply says, "Nodyre mae hae had things to do with his ships. Take ah bit to manage just one...let alone several."

Talliver says, "Well, let us hope this does not require any contentious votes."

Talliver says, "As I'm sure Rammael communicated, we've verified the existence of the township of Moonsedge."

Roelon deeply says, "As well as the spreadin' illness."

Talliver says, "My understanding is that the local lord there is descended from human nobility that once ruled over much of this region. I assume from Kannalan or Turamzzyrian stock, some ranging noble who put down roots."

Talliver says, "I suppose the folk of Briarmoon Cove must have come from somewhere, but I can't say it was a thought I had entertained before."

Talliver says, "Nonetheless, the Cove has become a prominent trade hub, and this little township seems to have withered into a backwater over the years."

Sorlu asks, "I have never before heard of this community, or this ruler. Do we know anything of his character?"

Talliver says, "It sounds as if there has been little contact between Moonsedge and Briarmoon Cove for some years, perhaps decades."

Gespry melodically says, "So a claim of independance could be made."

Sorlu says, "Or neglect."

Talliver says, "I had Rammael reach out to Reiphe's old contacts in the Cove and they could not even confirm a name."
You quietly say, "Or a feud."

Gespry melodically says, "Or any combination of things."

Talliver says, "It sounds as if Moonsedge lacks the means or manpower to exert any influence over Briarmoon at all, if I'm reading the situation right."

Gespry melodically says, "A political non-entity."

Talliver says, "The wilds around Icemule Trace are vast, but they must be keeping a low profile indeed. I visited with some of the farmers who were displaced from the Olbin Strath, and they confirmed that they'd had dealings with humans over the years who had not come through Icemule Trace."

Talliver says, "So, it's surprising, but not shocking."

Talliver says, "This is all to say that I think there's little harm in being of assistance, provided that we are safe about it."

Sorlu says, "It would seem to me worthwhile for us to at least investigate, to see what else we might learn of them. Since information is so lacking, perhaps we should send a delegation."

Talliver says, "I thought as much. While I know most of you are adventurers of some renown, I think it might be safest to send a courier with the restorative draughts as an expression of our goodwill."

Talliver says, "...but also to determine the truth and severity of this illness."

Gespry melodically says, "Let us hope they help."

Roelon deeply says, "Aye."

Sorlu says, "I am in full agreement."

Talliver says, "Sicknesses have spread through Icemule Trace quickly in the past. The cold air keeps us indoors and in close quarters. It's a recipe for disaster if it's something catching."

Talliver says, "I think we must walk a line between compassion and carelessness. It certainly costs us little to provide aid, but it could cost us greatly if we're foolhardy about it."

Roelon deeply says, "If it is indeed ah sickness that spreads rapidly, it is best to catch it now before it kin spread further."

Sorlu says, speaking to Talliver, "Might you have a suggestion on who we might send? I had considered we request the aid of the Sisters of Hope. They seem to be quite experienced dealing with this sort of thing."

Talliver says, "I think that might be shrewd."

Talliver says, "But that brushes up on my concern."

Gespry melodically says, "Hence the creation of the potions, as both a symbol of goodwill and hopefully a way to deal with the issue, BEFORE it get out of hand."

Talliver says, "Any town of decent size ought to have healers, clerics, alchemists, and the like."

You say, speaking quietly to Gespry, "We don't know if the potions will work.. who ever we send could die."

Roelon deeply says, "Very true."

Talliver asks, "So... why request ours?"

Talliver says, "Briarmoon Cove received no such request."

Roelon deeply says, "Knowin' our good could be just ah lure as well..."

Sorlu says, "It is odd that Briarmoon Cove was not asked for help."

Roelon deeply says, "But why..."

Gespry melodically says, "There is ways to give it to them, with lil exposure."

Talliver asks, "It's always an iceberg, isn't it?"

Roelon deeply says, "Aye. They are closer, if such urgency is needed."

Talliver says, "I don't mean to raise unnecessary alarm."

You quietly say, "Alarms were already raised."

Sorlu says, "Say It does sound like there is at least a possibility that this is some sort of trick. If one, or more, of the Sisters do agree to make this trip...perhaps we should make sure they are quarantined before being allowed anywhere near town upon their return."

Gespry melodically says, "Maybe Briarmoon, IS the reason they have seperated, and would rather not go back.
politics, can be ingrained and fester for generations. or it could be something sinister..or neither."

Talliver says, speaking to Gespry, "It's entirely possible. Briarmoon's been an enthusiastic trade partner with us, but a town full of merchants doesn't always make for the most fulfilling relationship."

You quietly say, "Illness is not a joke. and with questions already floating around with the deaths in our town.. Compassion but safety.. *she trails off softly*."

Talliver says, "It's coin that drives most of the Cove, not kindness."

Sorlu notes, "That is logical, at the least."

Gespry melodically says, "Either way, I'd rather foster good will with any or all near us. it is better to have people on at least grudgingly acceptable or better terms, then harboring resentment that we ignore there plight."

Talliver says, "If the Council agrees, I'll send a courier with the potions and a formal introduction. Perhaps we can suss out the name of this human lord."

Sorlu says, speaking to Gespry, "It will help bolster Icemule's appearance of strength."

Gespry melodically says, "I concur."

Sorlu says, "I am in agreement with this plan."

Talliver says, "And we can arrange for a more formal delegation. I hate the thought of anyone suffering because of our inactivity."

Roelon deeply says, "As do mahself."

Sorlu says, "Ah, well look at that...we work well together."

Roelon says, speaking deeply to Sorlu, "Ah also agree with snacks. So thats two."

Talliver asks, "It does not look as if we have much of a public to worry about. Would you all be so kind as to disperse the news?"

Gespry says, speaking melodically to Talliver, "I don't see anyone here, out of the four present who is againts this."

Talliver says, "I'll ensure that a courier heads west at first light."

Sorlu says, "Excellent."

Talliver asks, "Very well, then. Are there any other matters in need of discussion?"

Sorlu says, "I have no other pressing concern needing your attention at the moment."

You quietly say, "Well the mill."

Roelon deeply says, "Of urgency? Nae."

Gespry melodically says, "Not that the potions will loose potency for many years. I'd rather they get them sooner then later, to gauge its effectiveness. And if helpful, help sooner."

You quietly say, "I noticed there are folks still moving bags to and from the mill the it's in shambles!.."

Talliver says, speaking to you, "We've had some construction work begin, but it's early days yet. I'll see what we can do to keep citizens away from there."

Roelon deeply says, "Ah assumed they tryin' to make do with what they hae fir now."

Gespry says, speaking melodically to Talliver, "The new town statue in, town center, has been well received by most."

Sorlu says, speaking to you, "Halflings find a way to get the job done. You must respect their dedication to their work."

Roelon says, speaking deeply to Gespry, "Tongues and all."

Gespry melodically says, "Yes yes, it has a few new wiggly tongue pieces already stuck to it."
You quietly say, "Including my own."

Talliver says, "Well, if there remains no further business, I will return your night to all of you along with my thanks for such a late meeting."

Gespry melodically says, "Well, not my fault you didn't use the approved way to remove yer tongue."

Sorlu says, speaking politely to Talliver, "Thank you for meeting with us on such short notice, Mayor."

Talliver says, "Thank you all for attending. We have a great deal of work to do."


Opalina scribbles on her paper toward the end.. Hope, Service, and Wisdom.


= Icemule Town Hall Meeting =

Scribbled at the top of the page is the date: 10-3-2022

''Pops another piece of candy into her mouth''.. Wow that trick or treating was fun but, finding the candy shop was the best! [[EHShop:Luck of the Draw|Luck of the Draw]] will be seeing me again before the month is out. I would love to stock up on those goodies to last me all year.. '''yummm''' it was actually fate tonight during our first full group in months Icemule Town Hall Meeting that I got to share my lovely delights. These surprise favors got to play on the tongue of each of the council members. Gespry got a lavender one it was very purple, Roelon got a fishy one that tasted like Kelp I got a coffee one and Sorlu got the best of the lot with a cockatrice flavored one-- nice and gamey. It brought quite the giggle to me as he exhaled and the entire room during his speech could smell the lovely flavor mmmm Cockatrice... just needed a little extra spice..

So the meeting went pretty well I think, Sorlu got to introduce himself formally before those who showed up to partake. It was pretty good showing too! We nearly filled the auditorium. The rest of us re-introduced ourselves and unfortunately we were missing Nodyre, We will hopefully get a meeting where he is present.

After the introductions by Roelon the Kilt flipper, and Gespry the Merry Scamper-er I got to remind folks that I'm the halfling elf from Icemule and I love candy I forgot to mention tarts.. next time. I am sorry tarts I do love you too but it's the season for candy! ''pulls herself out of her candy filled thought and continues..'' Right Introductions.. We even introduced the not there Nodyre as a member because we didn't want to leave him out I mean he's important too!

'''City Business-'''

Sorlu recounted the recent events regarding Moonsedge and what the Mayor will be doing to start investigations in that area.

Second topic was sharing the news and asking for support for the Icicle winter-fest the following month to encourage town involvement and bring awareness. There was a little bit of worry here since festivals bring people together and with the threat of illness not too far away. ''a slight frown creases Opalina's forehead'' It was assured that at the moment there was no danger and things would go on as planned. But the fear is still lingering in some of the public's hearts you could just feel the tension and movement in the crowd.

This was followed up with a discussion on the Militia and the guards of town. Whatever happened to Northern Fury? I remember them, I was a member, but, then they kinda dwindled and disappeared. There was a request for interested parties to jump in be involved here. But I didn't see too many hands shooting into the air. Lots of grumbling in the background about the recently killed guards did not encourage signups.

More discussions on the town guards and rotations into the bars took over the conversation and even the mention of a floating guard hey maybe we can hire a ghost from Ebon's Gate they float..''giggles lightly at her own poor attempt at humor''

The meeting was closed with the offer that if anyone had concerns, additions, ideas, or just wanted the council to know something they are welcome to not only speak to any of us but, they could send a mail to me, yep Opalina's Icemule Mailbox is open and waiting for all your correspondence!,

I personally, will ensure that all the Icemule city related messages sent to me are presented to the entire council and the Mayor... ''mutters oftly to herself, Sorry I won't share the love letters and all hate mail will be returned.''

Overall it was a lovely meeting and a nice jump start forward once again for Icemule.


= Moonsedge Mystery =

It's been a month now .. and we've heard nothing.. Until now.. and even then it's.. vague.. oh so vague.

''Opalina rests her hands on either side of a blood stained parchment and re-reads the missive.''

'''Esteemed Mayor and Council of Icemule Trace,

'''The hearts of Moonsedge are warmed by the graciousness of your offer. We have received your delegates and they remain here in the Bramblekeep as our honored guests. We look forward to what new opportunities a relationship with Icemule Trace might bring. My people are in the gravest of need. Please do not tarry with your assistance.'''

'''Yours in faith,'''

'''Barlan Kane,'''

'''Lord of Moonsedge'''

The paper was handed to me from Gespry which I returned to him after the meeting tonight. It was distressing to say the least. Our fine mayor is still so worried about deception and traps and he's not wrong. We should all still be worried. It's not truly safe anywhere these days. But We are supposed to be a beacon of hope and service in this crazy world. We can't lose ourselves in face of danger. Right?

Four scouts including Hazzlenut were sent to take supplies to Moonsedge and they have not returned and We have not heard from them, and we got this missive off a beast during an invasion. It is not feeling too good and has not helped ease the tensions our Mayor and others are feeling.

First gut reactions were to send an army and take our people back... but after cooling off everyone agreed it may be just fear talking and we should maybe not barge in. But go none the less.

We still have risks. Moonsedge is under siege by an illness that we don't understand or have much details on. Our people may be prisoners or ill themselves, and we really don't know were this town is located!.. We know roughly where but it's not really on any maps so finding it's location may be harder than we expect. What dangers are lurking in the shadows? Who is this Barlan Kane, can he be trusted?

It was decided and volunteers are needed.. '''this coming Feastday in the cover of darkness 9pm as the elves tell time, those who wish to seek out Moonsedge and help find our scouts and discover what is really going on.. to be ready to help, defend, or rescue as need determines. We will be needing healers, clerics, Armed and spell readied bodies.'''


== Exploration of Moonsedge ==

Grutak leader of The Regulators is recruiting folks to help protect the town. He also lead the townsfolk into the wilds in search of Moonsedge and our lost patrol.

Interesting people of note:

You see Gorga the Guide.
She appears to be a Half-Krolvin of the Swu'lin Klinast.
She is short. She appears to have come of age. She has bestial dark amber eyes and tanned skin. She has sleek, bright silver hair shaved on one side and long on the other. She has a grim face, a thrice-broken nose and pronounced canines.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a beaver pelt hat, an open-front leather tunic, a pair of laced buckskin pants, and a pair of brown hide boots.

You see Lord Barlan Kane the Marquis of Moonsedge.
He appears to be a Human.
He is tallish and has a warrior's build. He appears to be middle-aged. He has incisive dark eyes and sallow skin. He has immaculate, wavy raven black hair and a pronounced widow's peak. He has a severe face and an aquiline nose.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a glass of deep garnet cabernet in his right hand.
He is wearing a golden bramble circlet adorned with firedrops and garnets, a crimson-lined charcoal velvet cape, a ruby-set dark golden stickpin, a deep grey velvet waistcoat over a pale shirt with spills of lace at the throat and wrists, some dark woolen breeches, and a pair of polished black leather boots.

You see Hazelnut Honeybrook the Chronicler.
He appears to be a Paradis Halfling.
He is not tall, even for a halfling. He appears to be in the spring of life. He has bright hazel eyes and heavily freckled skin. He has a shock of curly, tousled dark copper hair. He has a youthful face, a small nose and a slender but fit build. There is a constant flush to his cheeks, as if he has been caught mid-blush.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a pair of fuzzy earmuffs, a honey-hued topaz ear stud caught in a bright web of gold filaments, a small amber pendant carved into the shape of a hazel tree, a black combed wool doublet with a pair of honey oak mule collar pins over a heavy white wool shirt, a combed dark wool kilt, and a pair of dark-cuffed slouched leather boots.

We headed out the West gate and climbed down a ridge heading further Westwards. We followed an old road until we came to a Briar Gate, where a grand Pavilion was set up. We entered the Pavilion where Lord Barlan was waiting, Everyone present were:

Also here: Elliathe, High Lord Svardin, Gorga, Mauss, Pekka, Ouendi, Aryleste, Satrn, Lord Sorlu, Sir Geijon, Caeileen, Lady Vailwyn, Chamorr, Commodore Nodyre, Olgretien, Missoni, Magister Raelee, Bakarus, Lord Randsford, Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry, Land Pirate Maylan, Radoria, Zeminar, Mayor Talliver, Fisher Roelon, Chronicler Falvicar, Peltast Alanisse, Lady Aliashyrah, Lady Akenna, Nalver, Trouthe, Sir Cryheart, Lilanna, Perigourd, Grutak, Lord Barlan who is sitting

**Gorga told us to stay away from several places, 1) the Barrows, for the dead do not sleep as once they did there. 2) Stay away from the Crawling Shore. It is an ill place now.

'''Snip it of history of Moonsedge as told by the esteemed Marquis of Moonsedge himself. Barlan Kane'''

Barlan says, "First, I should like to tell you of Moonsedge."

Barlan says, "There was a time when my ancestors ruled the totality of the area you have seen, and the lands were green and warm and lush."

Barlan says, "We built a thriving port on an island not far from here. No doubt you have heard of Briarmoon Cove."

Barlan's eyes dance in the firelight, dark and deep.

Barlan says, "Unfortunately, there is not a thing that lasts for eternity. Our fortunes waned, my ancestors' eyes turned inward, and much of the land that we once held was lost."

Barlan says, "Then came a winter that never departed."

Barlan says, "Throughout all of this, Moonsedge has endured."

Barlan says, "We have not been entirely without consequence to the greater world."

Barlan says, "But it is hard to ignore that we have become but a shadow of greatness. Once, it is said, the people of my city knew arts of forging unparalleled."

Pekka asks, speaking quietly to Barlan, "Irrelevant, perhaps, but... do your people revere the Lady of the Moon?"

Barlan looks over at Pekka and shakes his head.

Barlan says, speaking to Pekka, "Rather, the Lady of Winter has risen to a place of particular import for us."

Barlan says, "It was a long time ago, but I was raised on tales of a time when her greatest follower came to dwell among the peoples of Moonsedge. He sought our people's knowledge of smithing."

Barlan says, "The tales are old, but I suspect there must be some truth to them. After all, her worship is common here."

Barlan says, "And yes, we do import a great deal."

Barlan says, "Our coffers are rich and deep and old."

Barlan says, "So let us talk of the current troubles."

Barlan says, "Some months ago, a sickness began spreading among my people."

Barlan says, "It begins first as a malaise, but then one's days are disrupted by periods of crippling weakness."

Barlan sincerely says, "I have thankfully been spared its ravages."

Barlan says, "I must predicated what I say now with my sincere hope that we can negotiate here in good faith, and that both sides will be forthcoming of information."

Barlan sharply says, "You see, I believe this illness has its root in your town."

Barlan leans forward over the table, his face gone sharp and severe.

Barlan says, "I see no absolution in your protestations, friends."

Barlan says, "A darkness flooded these lands some months past."

Barlan's eyes shift sharply to Gorga.

Barlan asks, speaking sharply to Gorga, "You are of the Crawling Shore, are you not?"

Gorga says, speaking tensely to Barlan, "I am."

Barlan says, "Once there was a thriving clan of your people there, and now the ruins crawl with other things than crabs."

Gorga says, speaking tightly to Barlan, "My people were destroyed from within by a creature of dark and terrible power."

Barlan coldly asks, "And from where did that creature originate?"

Gorga bites her lip.

Talliver says, "The root of the Crawling Shore's problems was an old evil that we failed to contain."

Talliver bluntly says, "Kidnapping our people won't undo the damage that Zeban did."

Gorga says, speaking firmly to Barlan, "My people were killed by a monster, or changed into monsters. This is not the fault of the people of Icemule Trace."

Barlan takes a drink from his deep garnet cabernet.

Gorga says, speaking patiently to Barlan, "Lord Kane, do not let Zeban's malevolence spread further. If this meeting ends in bloodshed, he has claimed more victims for Amasalen."

Barlan leans back in his chair.

Barlan says, "We would have more of your medicines, if you would grant it."


''Gifts were traded and a start towards building a friendship with Lord Kane. And Mayor Tlliver was invited to to schedule future meetings.''

'''Hazelnut describes the illness:'''

Hazelnut says, "I've seen the sick. It's like something is draining the life from them."

Hazelnut says, "They have no energy, barely enough to stand. Toward the end, they're just empty shells."

Barlan says, speaking graciously to Hazelnut, "Perhaps your recollections on the matter will be enough for your people to find a cure."

After this we returned to town. The West side is open for exploration.


== Moomph! ==

While exploring we found a glade and an inn, inside the inn there was a special trapdoor that led down into a cellar. Inside the cellar were barrels with the words on the side of one of the barrels "Moomph".. [[Moomph's Picklesmithy]] is a pickle smith in the town of Rivers Rest. Proof that trade was live and strong in the Settlement of Moonsedge.

== Gargoyles, Vampires, Undead ...oh my.. ==

As I sit to write this I am still upset. So many folks wanting to control. I snapped tonight, It was not my proudest moment but, and I'm sure it was unwarranted, but in the heat of the moment and my complete lack of support- in that moment, I failed, my temper got the better of me. I reprimanded the General for basically telling me to not share something I thought was important. Honestly who am I to have anymore say than anyone else, really. But it hurt in the moment and I reacted. I don't hate that I stood up for myself but perhaps I could have been slightly kinder in my approach. It was not my intention to stab a dagger into the heart of a fellow citizen who just cares about the people too. I will have to seek them out and see if I can repair the wound... or else suffer from the death forever. Oh a lighter note!

* Hazelnut was just put on ice!

Hazelnut almost died! He was bitten on the neck by a monster.. This is what he recounted:

[[2022-11-09 - Hazelnuts Tale of Moonsedge (log)]]

The task of understanding, exploring, and learning all we could about what was going on around Moonsedge. They Mayor and lots of citizens including council members went out seeking answers to the question. What are we dealing with! What clues can we find that will help us understand this illness.

'''Talliver says, "I think we must pay a visit to the Crawling Shore and see what has become of the half-krolvin ourselves."'''

And that's exactly what we did! Not only did we find lots of undead half-Krolvin Strigoi that exploded into dust when they died,Gaunt Feral Selkie that At death spasms shook the gaunt feral selkie's body as his muscles and flesh rapidly reconfigure, leaving behind a still humanoid corpse, some of us even suffered from fear.

Talliver says, "That looked like a half-krolvin before it decayed away."

Talliver says, "But first like a seal."

Talliver says, "Gorga told me fanciful tales of some of their shamans."

Talliver says, "She said that they could walk in the skins of sea animals."

Talliver sourly says, "I think we must go to Moonsedge. However awful the Shore was, the city is likely to be worse."


'''And so we Traveled deeper into Moonsedge to the Gate where Barlan met us on the top of and called out'''


'''Roses, wild and domesticated, are painstakingly replicated in dark metal as adornments twining over the forbidding gate.'''

The voice of Barlan says, "So, our friends from Icemule Trace have returned."

[[2022-11-09 - Lair of the Hunter and beyond the Gates (log)]]

= Icemule, Catspaw, and Roleplay =

:This is an OOC discussion on the future ideas for Icemule. Including direction, Roleplay desires, Town Ideas, and more.

[[2022-11-16 Icemule, Catspaw, and Roleplay--OOC discussion (log)]]


= Council business,Secrets revealed, and lines drawn in the sand =

Opalina lightly brushes a fingertip along her quill's rachis. As if brought to life, its eyes blink and it flexes its tentacles, stretching them a bit. A small ripple runs the length of it.

She examines the quill knowing it's ready to write even though she isn't.. She grabs a cricket from her cricket box and feeds the quill so it's well stocked with ink...

She shows the cricket to her quill, and the quill grabs the cricket with a trio of tentacles. Drawing the cricket close, it pierces its prey's abdomen with a deft stab of its nib and quickly drains the insect's fluids. Seconds later it discards the empty husk and runs a tentacle along its nib.

Opalina watches this action with thought.. Tonight I felt like a cricket!.. a piece of prey for some targeted anger.. she sighs softly.. I don't blame him.. I ''was'' down there.. I ''was'' being irrational or so it seemed. She pets the quill gently.. I wonder who would write such a letter and who did pick it up.. Sorlu, who did see the letter and notified the leader of the Regulators.. Grutak. What he could remember of the note was very scary..

"There is only one prey left worth taking. Its name is Dabbings"..

We need to really keep our focus and continue to do our best to protect our town.. Sighing heavily she lifts her quill and begins to write:

''Council Business''

Gespry opened our meeting tonight with an invitation first to Nodyre to introduce himself who declined, and then to Grutak to share about the reawakening of our Military front in Icemule. We have needed military presence for some time. So this was exciting. Grutak also declined stated he wanted to share his incites after we were completed with formal business so we moved on.

I got to share about the docks we have access to now, just outside the west gate in Moonsedge. A citizen posed the question about a City Navy. Which I stated we didn't have one yet but that I believed that the New Military presence may have some ideas. Where, Grutak said he would address his Navy ideas at the end.

Roelon discussed the safety issues with the Castle and the Cove in Moonsedge. That place is so scary. He Shared some of the dangers such as fear, and dread, and the loss of foreign spells.

Then Sorlu tied it all together with the threats from the south, and a revisit to an old treaty with Ta'Vaalor. After he shared his extremely elaborate and grand plans we all were excited.. Some for and others against.. The fear of war and death looming in the air.. I personally feel we should really be worried especially with the opening of our new docks. This allows access from the sea to Icemule that we didn't have before. The threat of someone coming to try and claim new lands and power around us would be unwelcome. Military NEEDED here. Sorlu very boldly drew a line in the sand and stated we need to remove the treaty and stand up for Icemule's City Rights, and not let other's try and control us. For or Against.. we will see who crosses that line with him.

Nodyre didn't have major news to add but absolutely didn't feel comfortable with any changes to the treaty with Ta'Vaalor. He doesn't feel the threat from the south will affect our small city.

Grutak was given the floor and he expressed his strong desire to protect the town even to the point of taking the war to them. He was very sure about not fighting on Icemule soil but taking a battle to the enemy showing our strength.. Ohh and he said they did have a navy fleet of three ships currently. Small steps in big directions!

After Grutak completed sharing his military expertise.. he confronted me directly, and accused me of withholding information from the council, and secretly working with the yellow eyed assassin. I was completely in shock by this and an uproar ensued.. Grutak was barely able to explain his reasoning and when he was able too, it was circumstantial at best. Granted I didn't have any clue what he was referring too But I did have to agree to some of his comments.

I was accused of taking a letter and artifacts off an altar under the Inn in Moonsedge. The Inn has a secret underneath it with even more secrets within that! I had found the location earlier and was trying to enter a door which is magically sealed. I was searching for more clues to the golden eye's assassin. However, I never saw anything on the alter and didn't even know about any letter. I wish I had.

I didn't blame Grutak for thinking the worst, he doesn't know me, And the very few times we've talked I wasn't very pleasant myself. I could understand why he'd draw such a terrible conclusion about my actions. I don't feel Grutak meant any harm by his accusations I just felt his military mind went into defense and protect mood. I tried to keep my calm and be understanding and listen to what he was trying to share so I could alleviate his worries.. I don't know if that happened. But in some ways I feel he redeemed himself with me, by sharing the hidden altar under the inn.

Opalina sets her quill down and stares at her paper.. Dangers from the south, dangers within the town, What will happen next.. what other secrets will be exposed..and who will cross the line.

[[2022-11-17 - Icemule Open Council Meeting (log)]]

History Documents Of Note

[[The Icemule Trace and Ta'Vaalor Military Accord]]


== Closed door council meeting ==

:Mumbles mumbles mumbles .....

= Visit to Ta'Vaalor =

''Opalina scribbles notes into a notebook in the captain quarters of the Brigantine sailing home from her short visit to Ta'Vaalor.

The visit to Ta'Vaalor was very enjoyable. Visiting with friends getting to sail with others. It's was an overall wonderful trip. Everyone was so kind and generous. My husband and I felt welcomed. My only hope is that the Ta'Vaalorians feel just as welcome when they come through Icemule.

'''Things that were noted:'''

The Ta'Vaalorian Military is well over 10,000 strong and growing.

The Ta'Vaalorian Legionnaires are organized and follow strict rules of governing

No Airships were present within the city.

Gaining an audience with leadership is difficult and must follow specific guidelines however those guidelines are still unclear.

'''Advice received:'''

Ensure a solid foundation of evidence to present to any governing office.

State Affairs are ... complicated... Be patient and show respect

Create a coalition to approach Ta'Vaalor's leadership with a united front.

'''Noteworthy people:'''

High Legionnaire Aureliano- Initial contact and support.

Aurel-is quite respectful of the chain of command and rank of things in Vaalor maybe a good support person to consult with.

Valyrka and Mazreth may be able to organize a meeting with leadership

Valyrka in charge of AirShips.

Lord Chamberlain is also a good reach out contact.

= Unrest within these icy walls =

So unsettling, I almost can't write all that I need to write for my own sanity is iffy right now. How can I possibly make anyone see.. she rests her forehead against her paper the cooling effect absorbing into her skin, she takes a few breaths the air causing the papers under her to lightly flutter. Koar.. are you still out there? I've all but given up.. thinking you are..or maybe your guidance is truly only for the men. Her hand comes down hard on the table beside her in frustration. NO..

Holding her quill she lifts her head and begins to write..

A couple of nights ago was a tour of the town armory. I was really hoping to see things refreshed and up and running and listen and advise the new military leaders on some of the needs of the town. But that Commander.. UGG what a terrible stubborn overbearing giant! ''she pushes a little too hard on her quill and leaves and large blot of ink on the page which she quickly tries to clean up..'' No good no good she mumbles.. Where are the Northern Fury anyway! Their castle is empty and I can't find them anywhere, even if I was a member I don't know where the officers are it's like they vanished with the winds.. Maybe I should offer to step up.. give some alternatives to the controlling Regulators.

continues writing...

The tour wasn't anything special and some of the information I had to correct. I mean I knew non citizens could get onto the walls and help. I did try and mention some or our walls desperate needs to the commander but he brushed me aside.

After the tour the commander pulled me aside and said we needed to have a discussion about town defenses and secrets. I agreed and we scheduled a meeting.

That was last night. I was really hoping I could finally share my ideas and thoughts on the town defense from all the work I've put in this last year.. But no.. That wasn't what happened. It turned out the Commander just wanted to shut me up .. AGAIN.. Don't divulge secrets to non citizens.. What secrets! I've shared nothing important.. or not already known.. or that shouldn't be known to all. I mean I'm a very open person. But I do know how to keep important secrets that are truly secrets.. which so far.. I've not seen any..

Well I told him he could shove his secrets in dark places and... Oh so ya we don't really see eye to eye yet.

Later I received a whisper from Roelon he called a private meeting to discuss another meeting.. Oh this is terrible just terrible. I knew Sorlu has an agenda I mean what else would he write a letter trying to use the backing of the council to achieve a goal. Well apparently he went to a meeting in the landing and started poking and prodding a Barron. Well needless to say he ruffled some feathers in so many different directions.. I don't know if I want to applaud him or groan in misery


== Unanimous Or For-get-it ==

Yep that's what we got. All five council members have to agree on three delegates to visit Ta'Vaalor and present a united front to their king in regards to Sorlu's letter.

1. Hazelnut is The Mayors allowed number 1


Sunday we will discuss and provide our list to the Mayor for final approval. I've love to go myself but I don't know if that's what the council wants. Or if it's even wise. I've already visited Ta'Vaalor and tried to seek an audience with leadership there and they were not very interested in this minor affair. What seems like major stuff for our tiny outpost is but a left over crumb from the cake to Ta'Vaalor.

I believe the mayor already sent a letter requesting an audience. We don't even know if they will see us. There were times in the past that audiences were denied. Perhaps it will be different this time.

''':I asked what exactly are we going to Ta'Vaalor to gain:'''

Talliver says, "I think it is incumbent upon us to show King Qalinor that Sorlu's message was an internal discussion driven by frustration."

''': Other noteable worries:'''

Aliashyrah says, speaking to Talliver, "A delegation is a good choice. I would just ask that you choose people who seek more than to just blindly agree to anything Ta'Vaalor demands as the easiest course of action. Icemule is smaller and we do not have the military fortitude of Ta'Vaalor, but we still have strength and the right to speak as equals, at least in matters of diplomacy even if not in matters of military."

Perigourd says, speaking to Talliver, "Whatever delegation you send ought to have a firm idea on what is being offered, and what is to be expected."

''':On another note..(Mazreth) Ta'Vaalor shared this:'''

''A soldier in crimson livery marches in and unfurls a scroll reciting:''

'''Our Sovereign King Qalinor Vaalor the Sovereign Commander of the Crimson Legions announces a formal trade agreement with the settlement of Briarmoon Cove. With a history of limited trade between the two entities, Our Sovereign looks forward to an increased flow of goods.'''

'''In a separate matter, Our Sovereign expresses faith in western leaders to continue to honor any agreements made in good faith by their predecessors. Anything less would reflect unfavorably upon current and future relations.'''

''With a crisp click of his heels, the soldier rolls the scroll, turns, and marches off.''

Latest revision as of 11:15, 2 January 2023

Thank you all for Viewing my pages. If you are looking for the Diary it's been moved to allow conversation to happen here. Opalina's Diary