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The '''autoscripter''' is a [[premium]] benefit that costs 100 [[Premium point]]s. These [[script]]s can be added to certain items. Located in the Specialty Shop of the Lighthouse in Mist Harbor.
The '''autoscripter''' is a [[premium]] benefit that costs 100 [[Premium point]]s. These [[script]]s can be added to certain items. Located in the Specialty Shop (u3201213) of the Lighthouse in Mist Harbor.

If the item is unscripted, the verb options will be added as a primary script. If the item is already scripted, the verb options will be added as a [[:Category:Flourishes|Flourish]]. The primary script can be converted to a flourish via [[Verb:FLOURISH|FLOURISH CONVERT]].
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These scripts will work on: cloak, manteau, greatcloak, warcloak, burnoose, mantle, longcloak, raincloak, pelisse, ataniki, atanika, robe, robes
These scripts will work on: cloak, greatcloak, longcloak, raincloak, warcloak, ataniki, atanika, burnoose, cape, capelet, cassock, coat, duster, longcoat, greatcoat, overcoat, raincoat, waistcoat, kimono, manteau, mantle, parka, pelisse, robe, robes, shawl, shroud, toqua

: '''<u>Option 1</u>'''
: '''<u>Option 1</u>'''
* Person grabs a handful of her woven cloak and spins around with a flourish, the deep folds of the garment swirling around her gracefully.
* TURN - Actor grabs a handful of her large cloak and spins around with a flourish, the deep folds of the garment swirling around her gracefully.
* Person jumps as high as she can, her woven cloak billowing around her in a wide circle as she lands!
* RAISE - Actor jumps as high as she can, her large cloak billowing around her in a wide circle as she lands!
* Person pulls up the folds of her woven cloak around her arm and strikes an overly dramatic pose.
* PULL - Actor pulls up the folds of her large cloak around her arm and strikes an overly dramatic pose.
* Person runs the tips of her fingers along the edges of her woven cloak, drawing attention to the garment.
* TOUCH - Actor runs the tips of her fingers along the edges of her large cloak, drawing attention to the garment.
* Person wiggles around in her woven cloak, causing it to ripple about her feet in delicate, gentle waves.
* SHAKE - Actor wiggles around in her large cloak, causing it to ripple about her feet in delicate, gentle waves.
* Person notices a loose thread on her woven cloak, and quickly grabs hold of the offending bit of material. With a quick *SNAP!*, she makes short work of the thread and flicks it into the air.
* PINCH - Actor notices a loose thread on her large cloak, and quickly grabs hold of the offending bit of material. With a quick *SNAP!*, she makes short work of the thread and flicks it into the air.

: '''<u>Option 2</u>'''
: '''<u>Option 2</u>'''
* Person throws the edge of his woven cloak over his shoulder nonchalantly.
* OPEN - Actor throws the edge of her large cloak over her shoulder nonchalantly.
* Person wraps his cloak tightly about himself.
* CLOSE - Actor wraps her cloak tightly about herself.
* Person takes the edge of his woven cloak and holds it out as he bows low in a courtly fashion.
* BOW - Actor takes the edge of her large cloak and holds it out as she bows low in a courtly fashion.
* Person tosses back the edge of his cloak, as if preparing to draw a weapon.
* TOSS - Actor tosses back the edge of her large cloak dangerously, as if preparing to draw a weapon.
* Person rummages through his woven cloak, apparently searching for something.
* GLANCE - Actor rummages through her large cloak, apparently searching for something.
* Person drapes his woven cloak around his shoulders in a billowing swirl of motion.
* WEAR - Actor drapes her large cloak around her shoulders in a billowing swirl of motion.

: '''<u>Option 3</u>'''
: '''<u>Option 3</u>'''
* Person turns around in his woven cloak tangling the material up and around himself.
* TURN - Actor turns around in her large cloak tangling the material up and around herself.
* Person rubs his hand against his cloak attempting to smooth out an unsightly wrinkle.
* RUB - Actor rubs her hand against her cloak attempting to smooth out an unsightly wrinkle.
* You notice Person trying to cover an unsightly mud stain on his cloak.
* COVER - You notice Actor trying to cover an unsightly mud stain on her cloak.
* Person gives his cloak a hard tug, making sure it is fastened properly.
* PULL - Actor gives her cloak a hard tug, making sure it is fastened properly.
* Person fidgets a bit with his woven cloak, tugging at the hem.
* TOUCH - Actor fidgets a bit with her large cloak, tugging at the hem.
* Person pokes around inside his woven cloak, looking for an elusive item.
* POKE - Actor pokes around inside her large cloak, looking for an elusive item.

: '''<u>Option 4</u>'''
: '''<u>Option 4</u>'''
* Person brushes his hands over his woven cloak, removing bits of lint in the process.
* WAVE - Actor brushes her hands over her large cloak, removing bits of lint in the process.
* Person settles his woven cloak over his shoulders with a surprisingly dexterous swirl.
* WEAR - Actor settles her large cloak over her shoulders with a surprisingly dexterous swirl.
* Person wipes his face with the hem of his woven cloak.
* RUB - Actor wipes her face with the hem of her large cloak.
* Person shivers as he pulls his woven cloak more tightly around himself.
* PULL - Actor shivers as she pulls her large cloak more tightly around herself.

These scripts will work on: knapsack, backpack, pack, rucksack
These scripts will work on: knapsack, backpack, backsack, bookbag, pack, rucksack

: '''<u>Option 1</u>'''
: '''<u>Option 1</u>'''
* Person pulls the flap of his backpack closed and buttons it securely.
* CLOSE - Actor pulls the flap of her backpack closed and buttons it securely.
* Person unbuttons the flap of his backpack, pulling it open to reveal the contents.
* OPEN - Actor unbuttons the flap of her backpack, pulling it open to reveal the contents.
* Person pulls the shoulder straps of his backpack, settling his load to rest more comfortably.
* PULL - Actor pulls the shoulder straps of her backpack, settling her load to rest more comfortably.
* Person rummages around briefly in his backpack, displacing all the contents.
* RUB - Actor rummages around briefly in her backpack, displacing all the contents.

: '''<u>Option 2</u>'''
: '''<u>Option 2</u>'''
* Person unclasps the flap on his heavy backpack and flips it open.
* OPEN - Actor unclasps the flap on her leather backpack and flips it open.
* Person pulls the flap down on his heavy backpack and clasps it securely.
* CLOSE - Actor pulls the flap down on her leather backpack and clasps it securely.
* Person pulls on the straps of his heavy backpack, trying to alleviate the pressure on his shoulders.
* PULL - Actor pulls on the straps of her leather backpack, trying to alleviate the pressure on her shoulders.
* Person lifts his heavy backpack off his shoulders for a moment, repositioning it.
* PUSH - Actor lifts her leather backpack off her shoulders for a moment, repositioning it.

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: <u>'''Option 1'''</u>
: <u>'''Option 1'''</u>
* Person flips open his simple satchel with one hand.
* OPEN - Actor flips open her large satchel with one hand.
* Person closes his simple satchel and secures it tightly.
* CLOSE - Actor closes her large satchel and secures it tightly.
* Person appears to be checking the contents of his simple satchel.
* GLANCE - Actor appears to be checking the contents of her large satchel.
* Person brushes the mud and dust off his simple satchel.
* RUB - Actor brushes the mud and dust off her large satchel.

==Sacks and Pouches==
==Sacks and Pouches==
These scripts will work on: sack, pouch, sporran, purse, bag, reticule, neckpouch, tote, lootsack, lootbag, handbag, poke
These scripts will work on: sack, pouch, sporran, purse, bag, shoulderbag, reticule, neckpouch, tote, lootsack, lootbag, handbag, poke

: <u>'''Option 1'''</u>
: <u>'''Option 1'''</u>
* Person pulls hard on the drawstrings of his pouch cinching it tightly then sliding the carved bone clasp tight against the lip of the pouch.
* CLOSE - Actor pulls hard on the drawstrings of her sack cinching it tightly then sliding the carved bone clasp tight against the lip of the sack.
* Person slides the carved bone clasp off the pouch and with a mighty tug pulls the pouch open.
* OPEN - Actor slides the carved bone clasp off the large sack and with a mighty tug pulls the sack open.
* Person carefully hefts his pouch with a thoughtful expression.
* RAISE - Actor carefully hefts her sack with a thoughtful expression.
* Person tugs on the drawstrings of his pouch and twirls them around his finger absently.
* PROD - Actor tugs on the drawstrings of her sack and twirls them around her finger absently.

: <u>'''Option 2'''</u>
: <u>'''Option 2 (Satchel Option 1'''</u>
* OPEN - Actor flips open her large satchel with one hand.

* CLOSE - Actor closes her large satchel and secures it tightly.
* Person flips open his cotton pouch with one hand.
* GLANCE - Actor appears to be checking the contents of her large satchel.
* Person closes his cotton pouch and secures it tightly.
* RUB - Actor brushes the mud and dust off her large satchel.
* Person appears to be checking the contents of his cotton pouch.
* Person brushes the mud and dust off his cotton pouch.

These scripts will work on: boots, slippers, jackboots, clogs, shoes, brogans, brogues, moccasins, gillies, half-boots, halfboots, pattens, poulaines, snowshoes, workboots, workshoes, clogs, yatane, pompes, flats, sandals, sabaton
These scripts will work on: boots, ankle-boots, half-boots, halfboots, jackboots, knee-boots, workboots, thigh-boots, brogans, brogues, buskins, chopines, clogs, flats, gillies, moccasins, pattens, pompes, poulaines, sabaton, sandals, shoes, slippers, snowshoes, workshoes, yatane

: <u>'''Option 1'''</u>
: <u>'''Option 1'''</u>
* Person does a bit of an awkward dance as he slips his soft leather shoes onto his feet.
* WEAR - Actor does a bit of an awkward dance as she slips her leather slippers onto her feet.
* Person kicks off his soft leather shoes and catches them in midair.
* REMOVE - Actor kicks off her leather slippers and catches them in midair.
* Person balances on one foot as he removes a small stone from the sole of his soft leather shoes.
* TAP - Actor balances on one foot as she removes a small stone from the sole of her leather slippers.
* Person scrapes the muck off the bottoms of his soft leather shoes.
* RUB - Actor scrapes the muck off the bottoms of her leather slippers.

: <u>'''Option 2'''</u>
: <u>'''Option 2'''</u>
* CLEAN - Actor brushes the dust from her leather slippers.
* Person pulls on his soft leather shoes, fitting them snugly against his feet.
* Person rubs the toes of his soft leather shoes, grumbling about the fit.
* KICK - Actor kicks her leather slippers together, knocking clumps of dirt and mud from the heels.
* Person touches the soles of his soft leather shoes looking for holes that might need cobbling.
* PULL - Actor pulls on her leather slippers, fitting them snugly against her feet.
* Person brushes the dust from his soft leather shoes.
* RUB - Actor rubs the toes of her leather slippers, grumbling about the fit.
* TAP - Actor taps the ground with her leather slippers, creating a clicking noise with the heel.
* Person kicks his soft leather shoes together, knocking clumps of dirt and mud from the heels.
* Person taps the ground with his soft leather shoes, creating a clicking noise with the heel.
* TOUCH - Actor touches the soles of her leather slippers looking for holes that might need cobbling.

==Pants and Trousers==
==Pants and Trousers==
These scripts will work on: pants, trousers, breeches, britches, bloomers, breeks, drawers, gaskins, knee-breeches, overalls, hose, pantaloons, trews
These scripts will work on: pants, bloomers, breeches,breeks, britches, drawers, gaskins, hose, hosen, knee-breeches, overalls, pantaloons, trews, trousers

: <u>'''Option 1'''</u>
: <u>'''Option 1'''</u>
* Person pulls at a loose thread near the seam of his narrow blue breeches, partially unravelling it.
* PULL - Actor pulls at a loose thread near the seam of her canvas trousers, partially unravelling it.
* Person dusts off his narrow blue breeches causing small clouds of dust in the process.
* RUB - Actor dusts off her canvas trousers causing small clouds of dust in the process.
* Person touches his narrow blue breeches admiring the feel of the material against his fingertips.
* TOUCH - Actor touches her canvas trousers admiring the feel of the material against her fingertips.
* Person wipes his sweaty palms on his narrow blue breeches, hoping no one will notice.
* CLENCH - Actor wipes her sweaty palms on her canvas trousers, hoping no one will notice.
* Person adjusts his narrow blue breeches, attempting to get more comfortable.
* NUDGE - Actor adjusts her canvas trousers, attempting to get more comfortable.
* Person studies the material of his narrow blue breeches carefully, looking for any flaws.
* GAZE - Actor studies the material of her canvas trousers carefully, looking for any flaws.

: <u>'''Option 2'''</u>
: <u>'''Option 2'''</u>
* PUSH - Actor loosens the belt of her canvas trousers a bit and lets out a sigh of relief.
* Person pulls his narrow blue breeches over his legs, hopping around and nearly falling over.
* RUB - Actor briskly brushes the dust from the seat of her canvas trousers.
* Person suddenly begins to blush and briefly turns his back to you as he fastens his narrow blue breeches.
* WEAR - Actor pulls her canvas trousers over her legs, hopping around and nearly falling over.
* Person loosens the belt of his narrow blue breeches a bit and lets out a sigh of relief.
* TAP - Actor suddenly begins to blush and briefly turns her back to you as she fastens her canvas trousers.
* Person briskly brushes the dust from the seat of his narrow blue breeches.

==Skirts and Dresses==
==Skirts and Dresses==
These scripts will work on: skirt, dress, sundress, nightgown, cotehardie, frock, ballgown, overgown, overdress, habit, kirtle, bliaut
These scripts will work on: skirt, ballgown, bliaut, cotehardie, dress, frock, kirtle, gown, habit, nightgown, overdress, overgown, petticoat, petticoats, sundress, underskirt, underskirts, wrap-skirt

: <u>'''Option 1'''</u>
: <u>'''Option 1'''</u>
* Person nervously pleats and unpleats the material of his cotton skirt with his hands.
* POKE - Actor nervously pleats and unpleats the material of her long gown with her hands.
* Person grabs a handful of his cotton skirt and spins around with a flourish, the folds of the garment swirling around him gracefully.
* PULL - Actor grabs a handful of her long gown and spins around with a flourish, the folds of the garment swirling around her gracefully.
* Person runs his hands over his cotton skirt, smoothing the creases in the material.
* RUB - Actor runs her hands over her long gown, smoothing the creases in the material.
* Person twitches the hem of his cotton skirt coyly.
* TAP - Actor twitches the hem of her long gown coyly.

: <u>'''Option 2'''</u>
: <u>'''Option 2'''</u>
* POKE - Actor pokes her finger at her illustrated scrolls, accidentally snagging the material.
* Person pulls at a loose thread near the hem of his cotton skirt, partially unravelling the seam.
* PULL - Actor pulls at a loose thread near the hem of her long gown, partially unravelling the seam.
* Person adjusts his cotton skirt around a bit, adjusting it for comfort.
* PUNISH - Actor gives her long gown a vicious yank, nearly ripping it in the process.
* Person smoothes out the wrinkles in his cotton skirt with the palm of his hand.
* Person waves his cotton skirt around in a vain attempt to shake the dust off.
* RAISE - Actor smooths out the wrinkles in her long gown with the palm of her hand.
* TURN - Actor adjusts her long gown around a bit, adjusting it for comfort.
* Person brushes some dust off of his cotton skirt.
* WAVE (held) - Actor waves her long gown around in a vain attempt to shake the dust off.
* Person gives his cotton skirt a vicious yank, nearly ripping it in the process.
* WAVE (worn) - Actor brushes some dust off of her long gown.

==Hats and Caps==
==Hats and Caps==
These scripts will work on: hat, cap, bonnet
These scripts will work on: hat, bonnet, cap, capotain, tricorn, tricorne

: <u>'''Option 1'''</u>
: <u>'''Option 1'''</u>
* Person pulls his dark velvet hat down over his face, but not before you see him blush.
* PULL - Actor pulls her wide-brimmed hat down over her face, but not before you see her blush.
* Person tosses his dark velvet hat joyfully into the air and catches it with one hand.
* PUSH - Actor tosses her wide-brimmed hat joyfully into the air and catches it with one hand.
* Person settles his dark velvet hat firmly on his head.
* WEAR - Actor settles her wide-brimmed hat firmly on her head.
* Person removes his dark velvet hat and scratches his forehead, looking pensive. With a shrug, he replaces his dark velvet hat on his head.
* RUB - Actor removes her wide-brimmed hat and scratches her forehead, looking pensive. With a shrug, she replaces her wide-brimmed hat on her head.

==Amulets and Pendants==
==Amulets and Pendants==
These scripts will work on: amulet, pendant, locket, necklace, medallion, lariat, choker
These scripts will work on: amulet, beads, chain, choker, lariat, lavaliere, locket, medallion, necklace, neckchain, pendant, periapt, prayerbeads, talisman, torc

: <u>'''Option 1'''</u>
: <u>'''Option 1'''</u>
* Person idly fingers his silver amulet, lost in thought.
* RUB - Actor idly fingers her amethyst necklace, lost in thought.
* Person places his hand reverently over his silver amulet, murmuring quietly.
* COVER - Actor places her hand reverently over her amethyst necklace, murmuring quietly.
* Person slips his silver amulet over his head and it comes to rest against his throat.
* WEAR - Actor slips her amethyst necklace over her head and it comes to rest against her throat.
* Person slips his silver amulet over his head, removing it.
* REMOVE - Actor slips her amethyst necklace over her head, removing it.

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: <u>'''Option 1'''</u>
: <u>'''Option 1'''</u>
* POKE - Actor holds her hand out in front of her, gazing admiringly at her steel ring.
* Person absentmindedly twists his silver ring back and forth on his finger.
* Person tugs at his silver ring, but it seems to be stuck.
* PULL - Actor tugs at her steel ring, but it seems to be stuck.
* Person holds his hand out in front of him, gazing admiringly at his silver ring.
* PUSH - Actor holds out her hand and wiggles her fingers, showing off her steel ring.
* TURN - Actor absentmindedly twists her steel ring back and forth on her finger.
* Person holds out his hand and wiggles his fingers, showing off his silver ring.

==Jackets and Coats==
==Jackets and Coats==
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: <u>'''Option 1:'''</u>
: <u>'''Option 1:'''</u>
* Person carefully neatens his leather coat, adjusting the fit and straightening the cuffs.
* ATTEND - Actor carefully neatens her leather jacket, adjusting the fit and straightening the cuffs.
* Person sweeps his leather coat behind him as he bows low.
* BOW - Actor sweeps her leather jacket behind her as she bows low.
* Person pulls his coat closed, smoothly fastening it up.
* CLOSE - Actor pulls her jacket closed, smoothly fastening it up.
* Person carefully unfastens his leather coat, letting it hang open.
* OPEN - Actor carefully unfastens her leather jacket, letting it hang open.
* Person slips out of his leather coat, folding it over his arm.
* REMOVE - Actor slips out of her leather jacket, folding it over her arm.
* Person tosses back the edge of his leather coat nonchalantly, as if preparing to draw a weapon.
* TOSS - Actor tosses back the edge of her leather jacket nonchalantly, as if preparing to draw a weapon.

: <u>'''Option 2:'''</u>
: <u>'''Option 2 (Cloak Option 4):'''</u>
* Person brushes his hands over his leather coat, removing bits of lint in the process.
* WAVE - Actor brushes her hands over her large cloak, removing bits of lint in the process.
* Person settles his leather coat over his shoulders with a surprisingly dexterous swirl.
* WEAR - Actor settles her large cloak over her shoulders with a surprisingly dexterous swirl.
* Person wipes his face with the hem of his leather coat.
* RUB - Actor wipes her face with the hem of her large cloak.
* Person shivers as he pulls his leather coat more tightly around himself.
* PULL - Actor shivers as she pulls her large cloak more tightly around herself.

==Kilts and Loincloths==
==Kilts and Loincloths==
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: <u>'''Option 1:'''</u>
: <u>'''Option 1:'''</u>
* Person gives his plaid kilt a sharp tug, making sure it covers his knees.
* PULL - Actor gives her twill kilt a sharp tug, making sure it covers her knees.
* Person obviously doesn't realize you can see him scratching under his plaid kilt.
* PUSH - Actor obviously doesn't realize you can see her scratching under her twill kilt.
* Person places one hand on his plaid kilt, holding it in place against any errant breezes.
* RUB - Actor places one hand on her twill kilt, holding it in place against any errant breezes.
* Person tugs a loose thread from the edge of his plaid kilt with a sharp *SNAP*.
* TURN - Actor tugs a loose thread from the edge of her twill kilt with a sharp *SNAP*.

==Capes and Shawls==
==Capes and Shawls==
These scripts will work on: cape, capelet, poncho, half-cape, shawl, wrap
These scripts will work on: cape, capelet, poncho, half-cape, shawl, wrap

: <u>'''Option 1:'''</u>
: <u>'''Option 1 (Cloak Option 2):'''</u>
* OPEN - Actor throws the edge of her large cloak over her shoulder nonchalantly.
* Person takes the edge of his blue leather cape and holds it out as he bows low in a courtly fashion.
* CLOSE - Actor wraps her cloak tightly about herself.
* Person tosses back the edge of his cape, as if preparing to draw a weapon.
* BOW - Actor takes the edge of her large cloak and holds it out as she bows low in a courtly fashion.
* Person rummages through his blue leather cape, apparently searching for something.
* TOSS - Actor tosses back the edge of her large cloak dangerously, as if preparing to draw a weapon.
* Person drapes his blue leather cape around his shoulders in a billowing swirl of motion.
* GLANCE - Actor rummages through her large cloak, apparently searching for something.
* WEAR - Actor drapes her large cloak around her shoulders in a billowing swirl of motion.

: <u>'''Option 2:'''</u>
: <u>'''Option 2 (Cloak Option 4):'''</u>
* Person brushes his hands over his blue leather cape, removing bits of lint in the process.
* WAVE - Actor brushes her hands over her large cloak, removing bits of lint in the process.
* Person settles his blue leather cape over his shoulders with a surprisingly dexterous swirl.
* WEAR - Actor settles her large cloak over her shoulders with a surprisingly dexterous swirl.
* Person wipes his face with the hem of his blue leather cape.
* RUB - Actor wipes her face with the hem of her large cloak.
* Person shivers as he pulls his blue leather cape more tightly around himself.
* PULL - Actor shivers as she pulls her large cloak more tightly around herself.

==Socks and Stockings==
==Socks and Stockings==
These scripts will work on: socks, stockings
These scripts will work on: socks, stockings

: <u>Option 1:'''</u>
* PINCH - Actor tugs at her socks and looks around sheepishly.
* PULL - Actor hikes up her cotton socks.
* RUB - Actor smooths her socks taut over her legs.
* TOUCH - Actor lightly runs her hands over her cotton socks and gives a satisfied nod.
* TURN - Actor reaches down and straightens the seams on her socks.
* WAVE - Actor raises her cotton socks and waves them around like a banner.

: <u>Option 2:'''</u>
* PULL - Actor reaches down and tugs her cotton socks back into place, smoothing them against her legs.
* PUSH - Actor sticks out a foot and frowns in concentration, her gaze affixed to her own toes.
* RAISE - Actor holds up her cotton socks to eye level and stares at them, as though pondering what to do.
* SCRATCH - Actor reaches under her cotton socks and scratches furiously, a look of relief breaking out on her face.
* TOUCH - Actor leans down and traces a finger up the seam of her socks, before nodding to herself.
* TURN - Actor kicks out a foot and spins in a quick circle before assuming a pose, one leg cocked out.

These scripts will work on: leggings
These scripts will work on: leggings

: <u>'''Option 1 (Socks and Stockings Option 1):'''</u>
* PINCH - Actor tugs at her socks and looks around sheepishly.
* PULL - Actor hikes up her cotton socks.
* RUB - Actor smooths her socks taut over her legs.
* TOUCH - Actor lightly runs her hands over her cotton socks and gives a satisfied nod.
* TURN - Actor reaches down and straightens the seams on her socks.
* WAVE - Actor raises her cotton socks and waves them around like a banner.

: <u>'''Option 2 (Pants Option 1):'''</u>
* PULL - Actor pulls at a loose thread near the seam of her canvas trousers, partially unravelling it.
* RUB - Actor dusts off her canvas trousers causing small clouds of dust in the process.
* TOUCH - Actor touches her canvas trousers admiring the feel of the material against her fingertips.
* CLENCH - Actor wipes her sweaty palms on her canvas trousers, hoping no one will notice.
* NUDGE - Actor adjusts her canvas trousers, attempting to get more comfortable.
* GAZE - Actor studies the material of her canvas trousers carefully, looking for any flaws.

: <u>'''Option 3 (Pants Option 2):'''</u>
* PUSH - Actor loosens the belt of her canvas trousers a bit and lets out a sigh of relief.
* RUB - Actor briskly brushes the dust from the seat of her canvas trousers.
* WEAR - Actor pulls her canvas trousers over her legs, hopping around and nearly falling over.
* TAP - Actor suddenly begins to blush and briefly turns her back to you as she fastens her canvas trousers.

These scripts will work on: handwraps, hand-wraps, gloves, gauntlets, mittens
These scripts will work on: handwraps, hand-wraps, gloves, gauntlets, mittens

: <u>'''Option 1:'''</u>
* WEAR - Actor tugs her gloves snugly onto her hands with some difficulty, wriggling her fingers in the process before sighing with satisfaction.
* REMOVE - Actor bites down on her gloved fingertips, tugging her glove off and holding it between her teeth as she removes the other.
* PULL - Actor splays out her fingers and tugs at her glove, adjusting the fit.
* PINCH - Actor slides a gloved finger beneath her other glove and scratches awkwardly.
* PUSH - Actor grins and claps her hands, the sound deep and muffled by her gloves.
* RUB - Actor runs her gloved fingers through her hair, smoothing it out. Unfortunately, as soon as her hand pulls away, the hair follows, attracted to the gloves by some unseen force.

(Note: The messaging on this script changes depending on the type of gloves worn, or if you have hair or not.)

==Belts and Sashes==
==Belts and Sashes==
These scripts will work on: belt, sash
These scripts will work on: belt, sash

: <u>'''Option 1:'''</u>
* CLOSE - Actor sucks in her gut as she buckles soft suede belt.
* OPEN - Actor loosens her belt, looking a tad pudgier than before.
* PINCH - Actor leans back and sticks her thumbs underneath the front of her soft suede belt.
* PULL - Actor hitches up her belt and wriggles around a bit.
* PUSH - Actor drops an arm down toward her belt.
* TOUCH - Actor absentmindedly plays with their soft suede belt.
* TURN - Actor tightens her belt while glancing about the area.

==Bandanas and Kerchiefs==
==Bandanas and Kerchiefs==
These scripts will work on head worn items with the following nouns: scarf, bandana, kerchief
These scripts will work on head worn items with the following nouns: scarf, bandana, kerchief, headscarf, head-scarf

: <u>'''Option 1:'''</u>
* FOLD (held) - Actor folds the bandana upon itself repeatedly until only a small triangular piece of material rests in her hand.
* PINCH (worn) - Actor repositions the cotton bandana on her forehead, tugging it back into place.
* PINCH (not worn) - Actor holds the bandana between forefinger and thumb and shakes it vigorously, watching it twist and writhe in her hand.
* TURN (worn) - Actor adjusts the bandana several times on her head as if trying to find the exact placement.
* TURN (not worn) - Actor twists her bandana around in her hands, nearly tying herself up in the process.
* WAVE (held) - Actor rotates the bandana above her head in ever increasing circles in a flamboyant fashion.
* WEAR - Actor raises her bandana to her forehead, drawing her hands behind her head and fiddling with something. Her hands reemerge, free from the bandana now firmly fixed to her forehead.
* REMOVE - Actor tugs at the material and the bandana falls free into her hands.

Line 218: Line 289:

: <u>'''Option 1:'''</u>
* PULL - Actor pulls the folds of her cloth robes tightly around herself.
* RUB - Actor runs her hands down the material of her cloth robes, as though smoothing out wrinkles.
* TURN - Actor turns sharply, causing her cloth robes to billow out around her.
* GOBBLE - Actor absent-mindedly gnaws on the collar of her robes.
* RAISE - Actor looks mischievous for a moment, but apparently opts against whatever she was thinking.
* FOLD - Actor folds her arms inside the sleeves of her cloth robes, assuming a sanguine expression.

: <u>'''Option 2 ([[Anfelt armor#Cloth Armor|Anfelt]]):'''</u>
* SLAP - Actor slaps her cloth robes and a cloud of dust comes out of them.
* RUB - Actor wipes her face with the edge of her cloth robes.
* PUSH - Actor thrusts her arms out in a warding gesture and the sleeves of her cloth robes ripple down from her wrists.
* TURN - Actor turns sharply on her heel, causing the loose folds of her cloth robes to billow about her feet.

===Leather Armor===
===Leather Armor===
: <u>'''Option 1:'''</u>
* PULL - Actor appears to be adjusting the fit of her light leather.
* SMELL - Actor raises her arm and sniffs her illustrated scrolls, wrinkling her nose as she does so.
* POKE - Actor brushes the mud and dust from her light leather.
* RUB - Actor removes a small vial from her pocket and begins to oil her light leather. After a few minutes work, she returns the vial to its holding place with a look of satisfaction upon her face.

: <u>'''Option 2 ([[Anfelt armor#Leather Armor|Anfelt]]):'''</u>
* REMOVE - Actor releases the fastenings on her leather and removes it.
* WEAR - Actor dons her light leather, deftly adjusting its fastenings for a sure fit.
* PULL - Actor tugs on the fastenings of her light leather, testing their strength.
* DUST - Actor dusts off her light leather, removing any debris of battle.
* RUB - Actor rubs her light leather, easily removing any small signs of wear and tear from recent battles.

: <u>'''Option 3:'''</u>
* CLEAN - Actor notices a small spatter of mud on her light leather and cleans it with her sleeve.
* TOUCH - Actor traces her fingers over her light leather absentmindedly, looking off into the distance.
* RUB - Actor momentarily rubs some unseen smudge on her light leather.
* GLANCE - Actor casts an appraising glance over her light leather, checking for any signs of damage.
* PROD - Actor stubs her finger by poking her light leather.
* PUNISH - Actor pounds her fist soundly into her light leather, testing it for weakness.

===Scale Armor===
===Scale Armor===
: <u>'''Option 1:'''</u>
* PULL - Actor appears to be adjusting the fit of her brigandine armor.
* SMELL - Actor raises her arm and sniffs her illustrated scrolls, wrinkling her nose as she does so.
* POKE - Actor brushes the mud and dust from her brigandine armor.
* RUB - Actor removes a small vial from her pocket and begins to oil the leather of her brigandine armor. After a few minutes work, she returns the vial to its holding place with a look of satisfaction upon her face.

: <u>'''Option 2 ([[Anfelt armor#Scale, Chain, or Plate Armor|Anfelt]]):'''</u>
* REMOVE - Actor releases the fastenings on her armor and removes it.
* WEAR - Actor dons her brigandine armor, deftly adjusting its fastenings for a sure fit.
* PULL - Actor tugs on the fastenings of her brigandine armor, testing their strength.
* DUST - Actor dusts off her brigandine armor, removing any debris of battle.
* RUB - Actor rubs her brigandine armor, easily removing any small signs of wear and tear from recent battles.

===Chain Armor===
===Chain Armor===
: <u>'''Option 1:'''</u>
* PULL - Actor appears to be adjusting the fit of her vultite chain mail.
* SMELL - Actor raises her arm and sniffs her illustrated scrolls, wrinkling her nose as she does so.
* POKE - Actor brushes the mud and dust from her vultite chain mail.
* RUB - Actor runs her hand over her vultite chain mail, causing the links to collide with numerous tiny metallic clinks.

: <u>'''Option 2 ([[Anfelt armor#Scale, Chain, or Plate Armor|Anfelt]]):'''</u>
* REMOVE - Actor carefully removes her vultite chain mail, inspecting its links for wear.
* WEAR - Actor dons her vultite chain mail, settling its weight easily.
* PULL - Actor shrugs her shoulders and pulls at her vultite chain mail, smoothing its links.
* DUST - Actor runs her fingers over her vultite chain mail, working any debris out of its links.
* RUB - Actor buffs the links of her vultite chain mail until they gleam.

===Plate Armor===
===Plate Armor===
: <u>'''Option 1:'''</u>
* PULL - Actor appears to be adjusting the fit of her vultite full plate.
* SMELL - Actor raises her arm and sniffs her illustrated scrolls, wrinkling her nose as she does so.
* POKE - Actor brushes the mud and dust from her vultite full plate.
* RUB - Actor seems to be wrestling with her vultite full plate until a look of satisfaction crosses her face.

: <u>'''Option 2 ([[Anfelt armor#Scale, Chain, or Plate Armor|Anfelt]]):'''</u>
* REMOVE - Actor releases the fastenings on her plate and removes it.
* WEAR - Actor dons her vultite full plate, deftly adjusting its fastenings for a sure fit.
* PULL - Actor tugs on the fastenings of her vultite full plate, testing their strength.
* DUST - Actor dusts off her vultite full plate, removing any debris of battle.
* RUB - Actor buffs her vultite full plate until it gleams.

: <u>'''Option 3:'''</u>
* KNOCK - Actor thumps heavily on her vultite full plate, displaying its sturdiness and protection.
* RUB - Actor momentarily polishes some unseen smudge on her vultite full plate.
* PULL - Actor pulls the neckline of her vultite full plate, adjusting it for comfort.
* WEAR - Actor works her way into some vultite full plate, buckling and tightening the straps as she prepares for battle.
* REMOVE - Unfastening a multitude of buckles, Actor carefully removes some vultite full plate.

: <u>'''Option 1:'''</u>
* WEAR - Actor pulls her vultite helm over her head and fastens it securely.
* REMOVE - Actor tugs her vultite helm off over her head, rubbing the sweaty creases left behind in her flesh.
* PULL - Actor pulls her vultite helm securely down on her forehead, gearing up for battle.
* PUSH - Actor pushes her vultite helm back off her forehead and wipes the sweat from her eyes.

: <u>'''Option 2 ([[Anfelt armor#Helm|Anfelt]]):'''</u>
* WEAR - Grasping it with both hands, Actor places her vultite helm on her head and adjusts it until it sits just right.
* REMOVE - Actor grasps her vultite helm with both hands and carefully lifts it off of her head.
* SLAP - You notice Actor clench her hand into a fist and punch herself on the side of the head. Probably not the wisest thing to do considering she is wearing a vultite helm!
* CLOSE - Actor slides the visor of her vultite helm into an open position and latches it securely in place.
* OPEN - Actor unlatches the visor of her vultite helm and slides it down over her eyes.

NOTE: OPEN and CLOSE not available on Flourishes.

: <u>'''Option 1:'''</u>
* RUB - Actor grabs a cloth and buffs her shield until it gleams.
* PULL - Actor turns over her shield and fiddles with the arm harness. Unsatisfied, she unbuckles the straps and rethreads them, cinching the harness tight.
* RAISE - Actor kneels on the ground and holds her shield over her, cowering underneath.
* LEAN - Actor leans against her shield on the ground, catching her breath.

: <u>'''Option 2:'''</u>
The following weapons will work with the autoscripter:
* PUSH - Actor takes a defensive stance as she thrusts her vultite shield out before her.
* RAISE - Actor raises her vultite shield above her head and braces for an incoming blow.

: <u>'''Option 3 ([[Anfelt armor#Shield|Anfelt]]):'''</u>
* DUST - Actor carefully buffs the surface of her vultite shield.
* GAZE - Actor gazes intently at the surface of her vultite shield.
*Ball and chains
* GOBBLE - Actor gnaws thoughtfully on the edge of her vultite shield.
*Bastard swords
* LEAN - Actor rests the edge of her vultite shield on the ground and leans heavily against it.
* PULL - Actor pulls her vultite shield close in, shielding her body.
* PUSH - Actor holds her vultite shield firmly in front of her.
* RAISE - Actor raises her vultite shield in a gesture of triumph!
* TAP - Actor drums her fingers along the top edge of her vultite shield.
* TURN - In a quick move, Actor turns her shield away from her body, pulling it back in quickly.
* REMOVE - In one brisk move, Actor slides a vultite shield off her shoulder.
* WEAR - Actor slides a vultite shield over her shoulder and it settles into place.
*Hammer of Kais

*Military picks
*Morning stars
*Short swords
*War hammers
*War mattocks

===Edged Weapons===
===Edged Weapons===
: <u>'''Option 1 ([[Anfelt weapons#Slashing Weapon|Anfelt]]):'''</u>
* CLENCH - Looking calm and confident, Actor tightens her grip on her mithril longsword.
* DUST - Actor carefully buffs the blade of her mithril longsword.
* GAZE - Actor hefts her mithril longsword a few times, admiring its workmanship.
* LEAN - Actor sets the blade of her longsword into the ground and stands confidently behind it.
* PUSH - Actor holds her mithril longsword menacingly out in front of her, its sharp edge glinting in the sunlight.
* PULL - Actor pulls her mithril longsword close in to her body, its keen edge pointing outward.
* TAP - Actor taps the blade of her mithril longsword against the ground.
* TILT - As Actor tilts her mithril longsword from side to side, sunlight dances across its keen-edged blade.
* RAISE - Actor raises her mithril longsword in a gesture of triumph!
* WAVE - The blade of Actor's mithril longsword slices cleanly through the air as she brings it around in a sweeping arc.

===Blunt Weapons===
===Blunt Weapons===
: <u>'''Option 1 ([[Anfelt weapons#Crushing Weapon|Anfelt]]):'''</u>
* CLENCH - Looking calm and confident, Actor tightens her grip on her vultite cudgel.
* DUST - Actor carefully buffs her illustrated scroll.
* GAZE - Actor hefts her vultite cudgel a few times, admiring its workmanship.
* PUSH - Actor holds her vultite cudgel menacingly out in front of her, its clean lines glinting in the sunlight.
* PULL - Actor pulls her vultite cudgel close in to her body in a defensive posture.
* RAISE- Actor raises her vultite cudgel in a gesture of triumph!
* LEAN - Actor sets the end of her cudgel into the ground and stands confidently behind it.
* TAP - Actor taps the end of her vultite cudgel against the ground.
* TILT - As Actor tilts her vultite cudgel from side to side, sunlight dances across its gleaming surfaces.
* WAVE - Actor's vultite cudgel whistles through the air as she brings it around in a sweeping arc.

===Polearm Weapons===
===Polearm Weapons===

: <u>'''Option 1:'''</u>
* LEAN - Actor leans on the haft of her spear and glances around, a bored expression on her face.
* RAISE - Actor grasps her imflass spear with both hands and raises it above her head, bellowing a battle cry to the heavens.
* RUB - Idly rubbing the haft of her spear against her leg, Actor does her best to look nonplussed.
* SPIN - Actor spins her imflass spear around in her hands, creating ever increasing circles and spins, the weapon dancing around her. Coming to an abrupt halt, she points the business end outward, as though readying for battle.
* TURN - Wincing slightly, Actor lifts her imflass spear, positioning it across her shoulders. She twists at the waist, first left, then right. A loud *crack* issues forth with each contortion.
* WAVE - Actor lofts her spear over her head and waves it wildly back and forth, alerting all nearby of her position.

: <u>'''Option 2:'''</u>
* PULL - A strange and mischievous look flashes through Actor's eyes, and before you know it, she's astride her imflass spear, whooping and hollering and dragging her spear along as if she was riding an untamed and bucking horse.
* PUSH - Actor violently thrusts the butt of her imflass spear on the my as her face slowly relaxes.
* RAISE - Actor raises her spear towards the sky as if challenging the heavens.
* RUB - Actor grips her spear with both hands, slowly running them apart and together along the haft.
* TURN - Planting the butt of her imflass spear on the floor between her feet, Actor slowly rotates the weapon, eyeing it for any imperfections.
* WAVE - Attaching a small bit of cloth to the end of her imflass spear, Actor suddenly waves it around like a flag.

: <u>'''Option 3 ([[Anfelt weapons#Puncture Weapon|Anfelt]]):'''</u>
* GAZE - Actor hefts her imflass spear a few times, admiring its workmanship.
* CLENCH - Looking calm and confident, Actor tightens her grip on her imflass spear.
* RAISE - Actor raises her imflass spear over her head, holding it in a gesture of triumph!
* PUSH - Actor holds her imflass spear menacingly out in front of her, its sharp point glinting in the sunlight.
* PULL - Actor stabs the ground with the butt of her imflass spear and draws the weapon toward her in a crisp salute.
* TILT - As Actor tilts her imflass spear from side to side, sunlight dances across its keen point.
* DUST - Actor carefully buffs the length of her imflass spear.
* LEAN - Actor sets the butt of her spear into the ground at her feet and stands confidently beside it.
* TAP - Actor thumps the butt of her imflass spear against the ground.
* WAVE - Actor swings her imflass spear in a sweeping arc over her head.

: <u>'''Option 1:'''</u>
* POINT - Actor cautiously lowers her bow, pointing it toward the floor.
* PULL - Actor runs two fingers down the string of her bow, testing the pull, and wiping off a bit of grime.
* PUSH - Holding her wood long bow up as if for battle, Actor pulls back on the string and practices aiming.
* RAISE - Actor holds each limb of her bow and stretches upward in a triumphant pose.
* TURN - Actor props her bow on her shoulder for a moment's rest.
* WAVE - Actor suddenly flails with her wood long bow, swatting at the air around her face with a panicked expression.

===Brawling Weapons===
: <u>'''Option 1:'''</u>
* GLARE (No Target) - Actor raises her mithril tiger-claw to eye level and checks for any flaws.
* GLARE (Target) - Actor raises her mithril tiger-claw to eye level and glares over her mithril tiger-claw at you.
* PULL - Actor brings her mithril tiger-claw up, baring it expertly in a fighting stance.
* PUSH - Clutching her mithril tiger-claw to her chest, Actor winces in obvious pain.
* RUB - Actor brings her mithril tiger-claw up to her eyes and meticulously rubs at a spot on the surface.
* TURN - Humming idly to herself, Actor casually tosses her mithril tiger-claw in the air and catches it with the same hand.
* WAVE (No Target) - Actor raises her mithril tiger-claw about her head and whirls it around in a dizzying display of prowess.
* WAVE (Target) - With lightning speed, Actor swings her mithril tiger-claw over her head and downward in a swift, thunderous arc! It terminates mere inches from your face!

[[Category:Item Scripts]]
[[Category:Item Scripts]]
[[Category: Items]]

Latest revision as of 14:01, 6 January 2025

The autoscripter is a premium benefit that costs 100 Premium points. These scripts can be added to certain items. Located in the Specialty Shop (u3201213) of the Lighthouse in Mist Harbor.

If the item is unscripted, the verb options will be added as a primary script. If the item is already scripted, the verb options will be added as a Flourish. The primary script can be converted to a flourish via FLOURISH CONVERT.

Important Note: Just because you see a noun on the list below, does NOT mean it's a "legal" noun by today's policy standards. It just means you can still autoscript it, if you happen to have one. ~ GM Jainna


These scripts will work on: cloak, greatcloak, longcloak, raincloak, warcloak, ataniki, atanika, burnoose, cape, capelet, cassock, coat, duster, longcoat, greatcoat, overcoat, raincoat, waistcoat, kimono, manteau, mantle, parka, pelisse, robe, robes, shawl, shroud, toqua

Option 1
  • TURN - Actor grabs a handful of her large cloak and spins around with a flourish, the deep folds of the garment swirling around her gracefully.
  • RAISE - Actor jumps as high as she can, her large cloak billowing around her in a wide circle as she lands!
  • PULL - Actor pulls up the folds of her large cloak around her arm and strikes an overly dramatic pose.
  • TOUCH - Actor runs the tips of her fingers along the edges of her large cloak, drawing attention to the garment.
  • SHAKE - Actor wiggles around in her large cloak, causing it to ripple about her feet in delicate, gentle waves.
  • PINCH - Actor notices a loose thread on her large cloak, and quickly grabs hold of the offending bit of material. With a quick *SNAP!*, she makes short work of the thread and flicks it into the air.
Option 2
  • OPEN - Actor throws the edge of her large cloak over her shoulder nonchalantly.
  • CLOSE - Actor wraps her cloak tightly about herself.
  • BOW - Actor takes the edge of her large cloak and holds it out as she bows low in a courtly fashion.
  • TOSS - Actor tosses back the edge of her large cloak dangerously, as if preparing to draw a weapon.
  • GLANCE - Actor rummages through her large cloak, apparently searching for something.
  • WEAR - Actor drapes her large cloak around her shoulders in a billowing swirl of motion.
Option 3
  • TURN - Actor turns around in her large cloak tangling the material up and around herself.
  • RUB - Actor rubs her hand against her cloak attempting to smooth out an unsightly wrinkle.
  • COVER - You notice Actor trying to cover an unsightly mud stain on her cloak.
  • PULL - Actor gives her cloak a hard tug, making sure it is fastened properly.
  • TOUCH - Actor fidgets a bit with her large cloak, tugging at the hem.
  • POKE - Actor pokes around inside her large cloak, looking for an elusive item.
Option 4
  • WAVE - Actor brushes her hands over her large cloak, removing bits of lint in the process.
  • WEAR - Actor settles her large cloak over her shoulders with a surprisingly dexterous swirl.
  • RUB - Actor wipes her face with the hem of her large cloak.
  • PULL - Actor shivers as she pulls her large cloak more tightly around herself.


These scripts will work on: knapsack, backpack, backsack, bookbag, pack, rucksack

Option 1
  • CLOSE - Actor pulls the flap of her backpack closed and buttons it securely.
  • OPEN - Actor unbuttons the flap of her backpack, pulling it open to reveal the contents.
  • PULL - Actor pulls the shoulder straps of her backpack, settling her load to rest more comfortably.
  • RUB - Actor rummages around briefly in her backpack, displacing all the contents.
Option 2
  • OPEN - Actor unclasps the flap on her leather backpack and flips it open.
  • CLOSE - Actor pulls the flap down on her leather backpack and clasps it securely.
  • PULL - Actor pulls on the straps of her leather backpack, trying to alleviate the pressure on her shoulders.
  • PUSH - Actor lifts her leather backpack off her shoulders for a moment, repositioning it.


These scripts will work on: satchel, haversack, case, kit, carryall

Option 1
  • OPEN - Actor flips open her large satchel with one hand.
  • CLOSE - Actor closes her large satchel and secures it tightly.
  • GLANCE - Actor appears to be checking the contents of her large satchel.
  • RUB - Actor brushes the mud and dust off her large satchel.

Sacks and Pouches

These scripts will work on: sack, pouch, sporran, purse, bag, shoulderbag, reticule, neckpouch, tote, lootsack, lootbag, handbag, poke

Option 1
  • CLOSE - Actor pulls hard on the drawstrings of her sack cinching it tightly then sliding the carved bone clasp tight against the lip of the sack.
  • OPEN - Actor slides the carved bone clasp off the large sack and with a mighty tug pulls the sack open.
  • RAISE - Actor carefully hefts her sack with a thoughtful expression.
  • PROD - Actor tugs on the drawstrings of her sack and twirls them around her finger absently.
Option 2 (Satchel Option 1
  • OPEN - Actor flips open her large satchel with one hand.
  • CLOSE - Actor closes her large satchel and secures it tightly.
  • GLANCE - Actor appears to be checking the contents of her large satchel.
  • RUB - Actor brushes the mud and dust off her large satchel.


These scripts will work on: boots, ankle-boots, half-boots, halfboots, jackboots, knee-boots, workboots, thigh-boots, brogans, brogues, buskins, chopines, clogs, flats, gillies, moccasins, pattens, pompes, poulaines, sabaton, sandals, shoes, slippers, snowshoes, workshoes, yatane

Option 1
  • WEAR - Actor does a bit of an awkward dance as she slips her leather slippers onto her feet.
  • REMOVE - Actor kicks off her leather slippers and catches them in midair.
  • TAP - Actor balances on one foot as she removes a small stone from the sole of her leather slippers.
  • RUB - Actor scrapes the muck off the bottoms of her leather slippers.
Option 2
  • CLEAN - Actor brushes the dust from her leather slippers.
  • KICK - Actor kicks her leather slippers together, knocking clumps of dirt and mud from the heels.
  • PULL - Actor pulls on her leather slippers, fitting them snugly against her feet.
  • RUB - Actor rubs the toes of her leather slippers, grumbling about the fit.
  • TAP - Actor taps the ground with her leather slippers, creating a clicking noise with the heel.
  • TOUCH - Actor touches the soles of her leather slippers looking for holes that might need cobbling.

Pants and Trousers

These scripts will work on: pants, bloomers, breeches,breeks, britches, drawers, gaskins, hose, hosen, knee-breeches, overalls, pantaloons, trews, trousers

Option 1
  • PULL - Actor pulls at a loose thread near the seam of her canvas trousers, partially unravelling it.
  • RUB - Actor dusts off her canvas trousers causing small clouds of dust in the process.
  • TOUCH - Actor touches her canvas trousers admiring the feel of the material against her fingertips.
  • CLENCH - Actor wipes her sweaty palms on her canvas trousers, hoping no one will notice.
  • NUDGE - Actor adjusts her canvas trousers, attempting to get more comfortable.
  • GAZE - Actor studies the material of her canvas trousers carefully, looking for any flaws.
Option 2
  • PUSH - Actor loosens the belt of her canvas trousers a bit and lets out a sigh of relief.
  • RUB - Actor briskly brushes the dust from the seat of her canvas trousers.
  • WEAR - Actor pulls her canvas trousers over her legs, hopping around and nearly falling over.
  • TAP - Actor suddenly begins to blush and briefly turns her back to you as she fastens her canvas trousers.

Skirts and Dresses

These scripts will work on: skirt, ballgown, bliaut, cotehardie, dress, frock, kirtle, gown, habit, nightgown, overdress, overgown, petticoat, petticoats, sundress, underskirt, underskirts, wrap-skirt

Option 1
  • POKE - Actor nervously pleats and unpleats the material of her long gown with her hands.
  • PULL - Actor grabs a handful of her long gown and spins around with a flourish, the folds of the garment swirling around her gracefully.
  • RUB - Actor runs her hands over her long gown, smoothing the creases in the material.
  • TAP - Actor twitches the hem of her long gown coyly.
Option 2
  • POKE - Actor pokes her finger at her illustrated scrolls, accidentally snagging the material.
  • PULL - Actor pulls at a loose thread near the hem of her long gown, partially unravelling the seam.
  • PUNISH - Actor gives her long gown a vicious yank, nearly ripping it in the process.
  • RAISE - Actor smooths out the wrinkles in her long gown with the palm of her hand.
  • TURN - Actor adjusts her long gown around a bit, adjusting it for comfort.
  • WAVE (held) - Actor waves her long gown around in a vain attempt to shake the dust off.
  • WAVE (worn) - Actor brushes some dust off of her long gown.

Hats and Caps

These scripts will work on: hat, bonnet, cap, capotain, tricorn, tricorne

Option 1
  • PULL - Actor pulls her wide-brimmed hat down over her face, but not before you see her blush.
  • PUSH - Actor tosses her wide-brimmed hat joyfully into the air and catches it with one hand.
  • WEAR - Actor settles her wide-brimmed hat firmly on her head.
  • RUB - Actor removes her wide-brimmed hat and scratches her forehead, looking pensive. With a shrug, she replaces her wide-brimmed hat on her head.

Amulets and Pendants

These scripts will work on: amulet, beads, chain, choker, lariat, lavaliere, locket, medallion, necklace, neckchain, pendant, periapt, prayerbeads, talisman, torc

Option 1
  • RUB - Actor idly fingers her amethyst necklace, lost in thought.
  • COVER - Actor places her hand reverently over her amethyst necklace, murmuring quietly.
  • WEAR - Actor slips her amethyst necklace over her head and it comes to rest against her throat.
  • REMOVE - Actor slips her amethyst necklace over her head, removing it.


These scripts will work on: ring, band

Option 1
  • POKE - Actor holds her hand out in front of her, gazing admiringly at her steel ring.
  • PULL - Actor tugs at her steel ring, but it seems to be stuck.
  • PUSH - Actor holds out her hand and wiggles her fingers, showing off her steel ring.
  • TURN - Actor absentmindedly twists her steel ring back and forth on her finger.

Jackets and Coats

These scripts will work on: jacket, coat, duster, parka, longcoat, raincoat, justacorps

Option 1:
  • ATTEND - Actor carefully neatens her leather jacket, adjusting the fit and straightening the cuffs.
  • BOW - Actor sweeps her leather jacket behind her as she bows low.
  • CLOSE - Actor pulls her jacket closed, smoothly fastening it up.
  • OPEN - Actor carefully unfastens her leather jacket, letting it hang open.
  • REMOVE - Actor slips out of her leather jacket, folding it over her arm.
  • TOSS - Actor tosses back the edge of her leather jacket nonchalantly, as if preparing to draw a weapon.
Option 2 (Cloak Option 4):
  • WAVE - Actor brushes her hands over her large cloak, removing bits of lint in the process.
  • WEAR - Actor settles her large cloak over her shoulders with a surprisingly dexterous swirl.
  • RUB - Actor wipes her face with the hem of her large cloak.
  • PULL - Actor shivers as she pulls her large cloak more tightly around herself.

Kilts and Loincloths

These scripts will work on: kilt, greatkilt, warkilt, loincloth

Option 1:
  • PULL - Actor gives her twill kilt a sharp tug, making sure it covers her knees.
  • PUSH - Actor obviously doesn't realize you can see her scratching under her twill kilt.
  • RUB - Actor places one hand on her twill kilt, holding it in place against any errant breezes.
  • TURN - Actor tugs a loose thread from the edge of her twill kilt with a sharp *SNAP*.

Capes and Shawls

These scripts will work on: cape, capelet, poncho, half-cape, shawl, wrap

Option 1 (Cloak Option 2):
  • OPEN - Actor throws the edge of her large cloak over her shoulder nonchalantly.
  • CLOSE - Actor wraps her cloak tightly about herself.
  • BOW - Actor takes the edge of her large cloak and holds it out as she bows low in a courtly fashion.
  • TOSS - Actor tosses back the edge of her large cloak dangerously, as if preparing to draw a weapon.
  • GLANCE - Actor rummages through her large cloak, apparently searching for something.
  • WEAR - Actor drapes her large cloak around her shoulders in a billowing swirl of motion.
Option 2 (Cloak Option 4):
  • WAVE - Actor brushes her hands over her large cloak, removing bits of lint in the process.
  • WEAR - Actor settles her large cloak over her shoulders with a surprisingly dexterous swirl.
  • RUB - Actor wipes her face with the hem of her large cloak.
  • PULL - Actor shivers as she pulls her large cloak more tightly around herself.

Socks and Stockings

These scripts will work on: socks, stockings

Option 1:
  • PINCH - Actor tugs at her socks and looks around sheepishly.
  • PULL - Actor hikes up her cotton socks.
  • RUB - Actor smooths her socks taut over her legs.
  • TOUCH - Actor lightly runs her hands over her cotton socks and gives a satisfied nod.
  • TURN - Actor reaches down and straightens the seams on her socks.
  • WAVE - Actor raises her cotton socks and waves them around like a banner.
Option 2:
  • PULL - Actor reaches down and tugs her cotton socks back into place, smoothing them against her legs.
  • PUSH - Actor sticks out a foot and frowns in concentration, her gaze affixed to her own toes.
  • RAISE - Actor holds up her cotton socks to eye level and stares at them, as though pondering what to do.
  • SCRATCH - Actor reaches under her cotton socks and scratches furiously, a look of relief breaking out on her face.
  • TOUCH - Actor leans down and traces a finger up the seam of her socks, before nodding to herself.
  • TURN - Actor kicks out a foot and spins in a quick circle before assuming a pose, one leg cocked out.


These scripts will work on: leggings

Option 1 (Socks and Stockings Option 1):
  • PINCH - Actor tugs at her socks and looks around sheepishly.
  • PULL - Actor hikes up her cotton socks.
  • RUB - Actor smooths her socks taut over her legs.
  • TOUCH - Actor lightly runs her hands over her cotton socks and gives a satisfied nod.
  • TURN - Actor reaches down and straightens the seams on her socks.
  • WAVE - Actor raises her cotton socks and waves them around like a banner.
Option 2 (Pants Option 1):
  • PULL - Actor pulls at a loose thread near the seam of her canvas trousers, partially unravelling it.
  • RUB - Actor dusts off her canvas trousers causing small clouds of dust in the process.
  • TOUCH - Actor touches her canvas trousers admiring the feel of the material against her fingertips.
  • CLENCH - Actor wipes her sweaty palms on her canvas trousers, hoping no one will notice.
  • NUDGE - Actor adjusts her canvas trousers, attempting to get more comfortable.
  • GAZE - Actor studies the material of her canvas trousers carefully, looking for any flaws.
Option 3 (Pants Option 2):
  • PUSH - Actor loosens the belt of her canvas trousers a bit and lets out a sigh of relief.
  • RUB - Actor briskly brushes the dust from the seat of her canvas trousers.
  • WEAR - Actor pulls her canvas trousers over her legs, hopping around and nearly falling over.
  • TAP - Actor suddenly begins to blush and briefly turns her back to you as she fastens her canvas trousers.


These scripts will work on: handwraps, hand-wraps, gloves, gauntlets, mittens

Option 1:
  • WEAR - Actor tugs her gloves snugly onto her hands with some difficulty, wriggling her fingers in the process before sighing with satisfaction.
  • REMOVE - Actor bites down on her gloved fingertips, tugging her glove off and holding it between her teeth as she removes the other.
  • PULL - Actor splays out her fingers and tugs at her glove, adjusting the fit.
  • PINCH - Actor slides a gloved finger beneath her other glove and scratches awkwardly.
  • PUSH - Actor grins and claps her hands, the sound deep and muffled by her gloves.
  • RUB - Actor runs her gloved fingers through her hair, smoothing it out. Unfortunately, as soon as her hand pulls away, the hair follows, attracted to the gloves by some unseen force.

(Note: The messaging on this script changes depending on the type of gloves worn, or if you have hair or not.)

Belts and Sashes

These scripts will work on: belt, sash

Option 1:
  • CLOSE - Actor sucks in her gut as she buckles soft suede belt.
  • OPEN - Actor loosens her belt, looking a tad pudgier than before.
  • PINCH - Actor leans back and sticks her thumbs underneath the front of her soft suede belt.
  • PULL - Actor hitches up her belt and wriggles around a bit.
  • PUSH - Actor drops an arm down toward her belt.
  • TOUCH - Actor absentmindedly plays with their soft suede belt.
  • TURN - Actor tightens her belt while glancing about the area.

Bandanas and Kerchiefs

These scripts will work on head worn items with the following nouns: scarf, bandana, kerchief, headscarf, head-scarf

Option 1:
  • FOLD (held) - Actor folds the bandana upon itself repeatedly until only a small triangular piece of material rests in her hand.
  • PINCH (worn) - Actor repositions the cotton bandana on her forehead, tugging it back into place.
  • PINCH (not worn) - Actor holds the bandana between forefinger and thumb and shakes it vigorously, watching it twist and writhe in her hand.
  • TURN (worn) - Actor adjusts the bandana several times on her head as if trying to find the exact placement.
  • TURN (not worn) - Actor twists her bandana around in her hands, nearly tying herself up in the process.
  • WAVE (held) - Actor rotates the bandana above her head in ever increasing circles in a flamboyant fashion.
  • WEAR - Actor raises her bandana to her forehead, drawing her hands behind her head and fiddling with something. Her hands reemerge, free from the bandana now firmly fixed to her forehead.
  • REMOVE - Actor tugs at the material and the bandana falls free into her hands.


These scripts work for armor of all classes (robes through plate) as well as helms and shields.


Option 1:
  • PULL - Actor pulls the folds of her cloth robes tightly around herself.
  • RUB - Actor runs her hands down the material of her cloth robes, as though smoothing out wrinkles.
  • TURN - Actor turns sharply, causing her cloth robes to billow out around her.
  • GOBBLE - Actor absent-mindedly gnaws on the collar of her robes.
  • RAISE - Actor looks mischievous for a moment, but apparently opts against whatever she was thinking.
  • FOLD - Actor folds her arms inside the sleeves of her cloth robes, assuming a sanguine expression.
Option 2 (Anfelt):
  • SLAP - Actor slaps her cloth robes and a cloud of dust comes out of them.
  • RUB - Actor wipes her face with the edge of her cloth robes.
  • PUSH - Actor thrusts her arms out in a warding gesture and the sleeves of her cloth robes ripple down from her wrists.
  • TURN - Actor turns sharply on her heel, causing the loose folds of her cloth robes to billow about her feet.

Leather Armor

Option 1:
  • PULL - Actor appears to be adjusting the fit of her light leather.
  • SMELL - Actor raises her arm and sniffs her illustrated scrolls, wrinkling her nose as she does so.
  • POKE - Actor brushes the mud and dust from her light leather.
  • RUB - Actor removes a small vial from her pocket and begins to oil her light leather. After a few minutes work, she returns the vial to its holding place with a look of satisfaction upon her face.
Option 2 (Anfelt):
  • REMOVE - Actor releases the fastenings on her leather and removes it.
  • WEAR - Actor dons her light leather, deftly adjusting its fastenings for a sure fit.
  • PULL - Actor tugs on the fastenings of her light leather, testing their strength.
  • DUST - Actor dusts off her light leather, removing any debris of battle.
  • RUB - Actor rubs her light leather, easily removing any small signs of wear and tear from recent battles.
Option 3:
  • CLEAN - Actor notices a small spatter of mud on her light leather and cleans it with her sleeve.
  • TOUCH - Actor traces her fingers over her light leather absentmindedly, looking off into the distance.
  • RUB - Actor momentarily rubs some unseen smudge on her light leather.
  • GLANCE - Actor casts an appraising glance over her light leather, checking for any signs of damage.
  • PROD - Actor stubs her finger by poking her light leather.
  • PUNISH - Actor pounds her fist soundly into her light leather, testing it for weakness.

Scale Armor

Option 1:
  • PULL - Actor appears to be adjusting the fit of her brigandine armor.
  • SMELL - Actor raises her arm and sniffs her illustrated scrolls, wrinkling her nose as she does so.
  • POKE - Actor brushes the mud and dust from her brigandine armor.
  • RUB - Actor removes a small vial from her pocket and begins to oil the leather of her brigandine armor. After a few minutes work, she returns the vial to its holding place with a look of satisfaction upon her face.
Option 2 (Anfelt):
  • REMOVE - Actor releases the fastenings on her armor and removes it.
  • WEAR - Actor dons her brigandine armor, deftly adjusting its fastenings for a sure fit.
  • PULL - Actor tugs on the fastenings of her brigandine armor, testing their strength.
  • DUST - Actor dusts off her brigandine armor, removing any debris of battle.
  • RUB - Actor rubs her brigandine armor, easily removing any small signs of wear and tear from recent battles.

Chain Armor

Option 1:
  • PULL - Actor appears to be adjusting the fit of her vultite chain mail.
  • SMELL - Actor raises her arm and sniffs her illustrated scrolls, wrinkling her nose as she does so.
  • POKE - Actor brushes the mud and dust from her vultite chain mail.
  • RUB - Actor runs her hand over her vultite chain mail, causing the links to collide with numerous tiny metallic clinks.
Option 2 (Anfelt):
  • REMOVE - Actor carefully removes her vultite chain mail, inspecting its links for wear.
  • WEAR - Actor dons her vultite chain mail, settling its weight easily.
  • PULL - Actor shrugs her shoulders and pulls at her vultite chain mail, smoothing its links.
  • DUST - Actor runs her fingers over her vultite chain mail, working any debris out of its links.
  • RUB - Actor buffs the links of her vultite chain mail until they gleam.

Plate Armor

Option 1:
  • PULL - Actor appears to be adjusting the fit of her vultite full plate.
  • SMELL - Actor raises her arm and sniffs her illustrated scrolls, wrinkling her nose as she does so.
  • POKE - Actor brushes the mud and dust from her vultite full plate.
  • RUB - Actor seems to be wrestling with her vultite full plate until a look of satisfaction crosses her face.
Option 2 (Anfelt):
  • REMOVE - Actor releases the fastenings on her plate and removes it.
  • WEAR - Actor dons her vultite full plate, deftly adjusting its fastenings for a sure fit.
  • PULL - Actor tugs on the fastenings of her vultite full plate, testing their strength.
  • DUST - Actor dusts off her vultite full plate, removing any debris of battle.
  • RUB - Actor buffs her vultite full plate until it gleams.
Option 3:
  • KNOCK - Actor thumps heavily on her vultite full plate, displaying its sturdiness and protection.
  • RUB - Actor momentarily polishes some unseen smudge on her vultite full plate.
  • PULL - Actor pulls the neckline of her vultite full plate, adjusting it for comfort.
  • WEAR - Actor works her way into some vultite full plate, buckling and tightening the straps as she prepares for battle.
  • REMOVE - Unfastening a multitude of buckles, Actor carefully removes some vultite full plate.


Option 1:
  • WEAR - Actor pulls her vultite helm over her head and fastens it securely.
  • REMOVE - Actor tugs her vultite helm off over her head, rubbing the sweaty creases left behind in her flesh.
  • PULL - Actor pulls her vultite helm securely down on her forehead, gearing up for battle.
  • PUSH - Actor pushes her vultite helm back off her forehead and wipes the sweat from her eyes.
Option 2 (Anfelt):
  • WEAR - Grasping it with both hands, Actor places her vultite helm on her head and adjusts it until it sits just right.
  • REMOVE - Actor grasps her vultite helm with both hands and carefully lifts it off of her head.
  • SLAP - You notice Actor clench her hand into a fist and punch herself on the side of the head. Probably not the wisest thing to do considering she is wearing a vultite helm!
  • CLOSE - Actor slides the visor of her vultite helm into an open position and latches it securely in place.
  • OPEN - Actor unlatches the visor of her vultite helm and slides it down over her eyes.

NOTE: OPEN and CLOSE not available on Flourishes.


Option 1:
  • RUB - Actor grabs a cloth and buffs her shield until it gleams.
  • PULL - Actor turns over her shield and fiddles with the arm harness. Unsatisfied, she unbuckles the straps and rethreads them, cinching the harness tight.
  • RAISE - Actor kneels on the ground and holds her shield over her, cowering underneath.
  • LEAN - Actor leans against her shield on the ground, catching her breath.
Option 2:
  • PUSH - Actor takes a defensive stance as she thrusts her vultite shield out before her.
  • RAISE - Actor raises her vultite shield above her head and braces for an incoming blow.
Option 3 (Anfelt):
  • DUST - Actor carefully buffs the surface of her vultite shield.
  • GAZE - Actor gazes intently at the surface of her vultite shield.
  • GOBBLE - Actor gnaws thoughtfully on the edge of her vultite shield.
  • LEAN - Actor rests the edge of her vultite shield on the ground and leans heavily against it.
  • PULL - Actor pulls her vultite shield close in, shielding her body.
  • PUSH - Actor holds her vultite shield firmly in front of her.
  • RAISE - Actor raises her vultite shield in a gesture of triumph!
  • TAP - Actor drums her fingers along the top edge of her vultite shield.
  • TURN - In a quick move, Actor turns her shield away from her body, pulling it back in quickly.
  • REMOVE - In one brisk move, Actor slides a vultite shield off her shoulder.
  • WEAR - Actor slides a vultite shield over her shoulder and it settles into place.


Edged Weapons

Option 1 (Anfelt):
  • CLENCH - Looking calm and confident, Actor tightens her grip on her mithril longsword.
  • DUST - Actor carefully buffs the blade of her mithril longsword.
  • GAZE - Actor hefts her mithril longsword a few times, admiring its workmanship.
  • LEAN - Actor sets the blade of her longsword into the ground and stands confidently behind it.
  • PUSH - Actor holds her mithril longsword menacingly out in front of her, its sharp edge glinting in the sunlight.
  • PULL - Actor pulls her mithril longsword close in to her body, its keen edge pointing outward.
  • TAP - Actor taps the blade of her mithril longsword against the ground.
  • TILT - As Actor tilts her mithril longsword from side to side, sunlight dances across its keen-edged blade.
  • RAISE - Actor raises her mithril longsword in a gesture of triumph!
  • WAVE - The blade of Actor's mithril longsword slices cleanly through the air as she brings it around in a sweeping arc.

Blunt Weapons

Option 1 (Anfelt):
  • CLENCH - Looking calm and confident, Actor tightens her grip on her vultite cudgel.
  • DUST - Actor carefully buffs her illustrated scroll.
  • GAZE - Actor hefts her vultite cudgel a few times, admiring its workmanship.
  • PUSH - Actor holds her vultite cudgel menacingly out in front of her, its clean lines glinting in the sunlight.
  • PULL - Actor pulls her vultite cudgel close in to her body in a defensive posture.
  • RAISE- Actor raises her vultite cudgel in a gesture of triumph!
  • LEAN - Actor sets the end of her cudgel into the ground and stands confidently behind it.
  • TAP - Actor taps the end of her vultite cudgel against the ground.
  • TILT - As Actor tilts her vultite cudgel from side to side, sunlight dances across its gleaming surfaces.
  • WAVE - Actor's vultite cudgel whistles through the air as she brings it around in a sweeping arc.

Polearm Weapons

Option 1:
  • LEAN - Actor leans on the haft of her spear and glances around, a bored expression on her face.
  • RAISE - Actor grasps her imflass spear with both hands and raises it above her head, bellowing a battle cry to the heavens.
  • RUB - Idly rubbing the haft of her spear against her leg, Actor does her best to look nonplussed.
  • SPIN - Actor spins her imflass spear around in her hands, creating ever increasing circles and spins, the weapon dancing around her. Coming to an abrupt halt, she points the business end outward, as though readying for battle.
  • TURN - Wincing slightly, Actor lifts her imflass spear, positioning it across her shoulders. She twists at the waist, first left, then right. A loud *crack* issues forth with each contortion.
  • WAVE - Actor lofts her spear over her head and waves it wildly back and forth, alerting all nearby of her position.
Option 2:
  • PULL - A strange and mischievous look flashes through Actor's eyes, and before you know it, she's astride her imflass spear, whooping and hollering and dragging her spear along as if she was riding an untamed and bucking horse.
  • PUSH - Actor violently thrusts the butt of her imflass spear on the my as her face slowly relaxes.
  • RAISE - Actor raises her spear towards the sky as if challenging the heavens.
  • RUB - Actor grips her spear with both hands, slowly running them apart and together along the haft.
  • TURN - Planting the butt of her imflass spear on the floor between her feet, Actor slowly rotates the weapon, eyeing it for any imperfections.
  • WAVE - Attaching a small bit of cloth to the end of her imflass spear, Actor suddenly waves it around like a flag.
Option 3 (Anfelt):
  • GAZE - Actor hefts her imflass spear a few times, admiring its workmanship.
  • CLENCH - Looking calm and confident, Actor tightens her grip on her imflass spear.
  • RAISE - Actor raises her imflass spear over her head, holding it in a gesture of triumph!
  • PUSH - Actor holds her imflass spear menacingly out in front of her, its sharp point glinting in the sunlight.
  • PULL - Actor stabs the ground with the butt of her imflass spear and draws the weapon toward her in a crisp salute.
  • TILT - As Actor tilts her imflass spear from side to side, sunlight dances across its keen point.
  • DUST - Actor carefully buffs the length of her imflass spear.
  • LEAN - Actor sets the butt of her spear into the ground at her feet and stands confidently beside it.
  • TAP - Actor thumps the butt of her imflass spear against the ground.
  • WAVE - Actor swings her imflass spear in a sweeping arc over her head.


Option 1:
  • POINT - Actor cautiously lowers her bow, pointing it toward the floor.
  • PULL - Actor runs two fingers down the string of her bow, testing the pull, and wiping off a bit of grime.
  • PUSH - Holding her wood long bow up as if for battle, Actor pulls back on the string and practices aiming.
  • RAISE - Actor holds each limb of her bow and stretches upward in a triumphant pose.
  • TURN - Actor props her bow on her shoulder for a moment's rest.
  • WAVE - Actor suddenly flails with her wood long bow, swatting at the air around her face with a panicked expression.

Brawling Weapons

Option 1:
  • GLARE (No Target) - Actor raises her mithril tiger-claw to eye level and checks for any flaws.
  • GLARE (Target) - Actor raises her mithril tiger-claw to eye level and glares over her mithril tiger-claw at you.
  • PULL - Actor brings her mithril tiger-claw up, baring it expertly in a fighting stance.
  • PUSH - Clutching her mithril tiger-claw to her chest, Actor winces in obvious pain.
  • RUB - Actor brings her mithril tiger-claw up to her eyes and meticulously rubs at a spot on the surface.
  • TURN - Humming idly to herself, Actor casually tosses her mithril tiger-claw in the air and catches it with the same hand.
  • WAVE (No Target) - Actor raises her mithril tiger-claw about her head and whirls it around in a dizzying display of prowess.
  • WAVE (Target) - With lightning speed, Actor swings her mithril tiger-claw over her head and downward in a swift, thunderous arc! It terminates mere inches from your face!