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Formula as determined:
Formula as determined:
level + LOG Bonus + INT Bonus + trunc(MIU ranks/10) + trunc(AS ranks/10) + trunc(EMC ranks/2) + trunc(COMBINED lore bonuses/4) + Wizard Spells + Familiar + Workshop
level + LOG Bonus + INT Bonus + trunc(MIU ranks/10) + trunc(AS ranks/10) + trunc(EMC ranks/2) + trunc(COMBINED lore bonuses/4) + Wizard Spells + Familiar + Workshop
[As soon as my current project is finished I plan to verify the impact of level on enchanting.]


Revision as of 18:06, 21 May 2019

My personal research notes into the new Enchant (925) formula. These numbers are what I calculated myself and as i am only human, may have errors. Also, I have no clue how to format pages on this wiki.

Formula as determined:

         level + LOG Bonus + INT Bonus + trunc(MIU ranks/10) + trunc(AS ranks/10) + trunc(EMC ranks/2) +  trunc(COMBINED lore bonuses/4)  + Wizard Spells + Familiar + Workshop
         [As soon as my current project is finished I plan to verify the impact of level on enchanting.]


         MIU:      trunc(ranks/10)
         AS:       trunc(ranks/10)
         EMC:      trunc(ranks/2)
         Wizard:   +2 per rank, up to level
                   +1 per rank above level
         Lores:    trunc (COMBINED skill bonuses / 4)
         Familiar: +25 if in same room
         Workshop: +50 in guild workshop
                   +25 in regular workshop

Research in difficulty (Beginning Bonus / difficulty) for vanilla items:

         | Beginning Bonus | Difficulty | 
         |         0       |    -121    |
         |         1       |    -122    |
         |         5       |    -127    |
         |         8       |    -134    |
         |        10       |    -139    |
         |        12       |    -146    |
         |        15       |    -157    |
         |        17       |    -166    |
         |        18       |    -171    |
         |        20       |    -181    |
         |        23       |    -197    |
         |        24       |    -203    |
         |        25       |    -209    |
         |        27       |    -223    |
         |        30       |    -244    |
         |        35       |    -284    |      

Other Penalties (all are negative values added to difficulty)

         --------------------------------         --------------------------------
         | Katana Weighting | 100       |         | T3 Sprite weapon    |  350   |
         | Standard flares  | 100       |         | Wand holding staff  |   20   |
         | Sanctified       | 100       |         | 2 slot fusion***    |  275   |
         | Defender         | DS ^ 2    |         | Sword Cane          |  200   |
         | +TD              | TD ^ 2    |         | T4 Forest Armor     |   75   |
         | WPS*             | CER ^ 2   |         | Realm Flaring ****  |  100   |
         | Spikes           | 0         |         --------------------------------
         | Ensorcell        | Tier * 50 |
         | Acuity**         | 100       |
         * CER for this is the CER plus partial 
          services to next CER as a decimal.
         ** Tested a 2x and 3x. Both were -100
          could change at high levels? 
         *** been stated this may be unintended
         **** Plus another 100 for the flare
          200 in total
         The penalty for the script on the forest armor may be less if part of that
         is actually the enhancive penalty.


         Difficulty results seem to have a base difficulty of -121 and follow a pattern:
              -1.2 per +1 from +1 to +5
              -2.4 per +1 from +6 to +10
              -3.6 per +1 from +11 to +15
              -4.8 per +1 from +16 to +20
              -5.8 per +1 from +21 to +25
              -7.0 per +1 from +26 to +30
              -8.0 per +1 from +31 to +35
         I did observe a shift in this pattern at +25 where the increase from 20 to 25 was 2 less then expected.
         The beginning bonuses that are listed are ones I tested specifically.
         I do not have the means to test every point in between at this time.
         Ensorcell was tested on a T1 and a T2 for -50 and -100 respectively.
         Flares tested so far include fire, plasma, and steam. These were tested on various enchant bonuses.
         2x and 3x acuity was also -100
         For defender I tested a +2, +3, +4, and a +6 and calculated -4, -9, -16, and -32 respectively, or DS^2
         For +TD I was only able to test a +2 and a +4, but the results matched defender with a -4 and -16. If
         I start feeling rich maybe I'll splurge on something higher to verify.
         I tested 10 assorted pieces across various CER. I can say without a doubt that every service does ad to the
         difficulty. ROUND(CER^2) with CER including the decimal equivalent to the next CER. So 55 services is 5.25^2
         and 37 services is 3.7^2 and 150 services is 10^2. so if this holds true all the way up, a claid would be
         40^2 or -1600 penalty just in weighting.
         I'd still like to test 735, and acuity flairs. Maybe dabble in enhancives just to check for
         a possible simple increase.
         Familiar does not create any penalty by being in separate room then the wizard, but no bonus either.
         No additional penalty for not being in a node/workshop anymore.
         To test these things I found skill combinations that would push me just into a difficulty read, then 
         increment a skill by 1 repeatedly till I received a new message on difficulty
         For lores, I did this while paying attention to ranks and combined bonuses. I found 40 ranks (140 bonus) of a 
         single lore increased enchanting skill by the same margin as 13 ranks in 1 lore and 17 ranks in a second lore
         (combined 140 bonus). 8 ranks each in the two remaining lores produced another +20 to skill (an additional 80 
         bonus for a total bonus of 220)
         I was able to confirm LOG and INT bonus for skill contribution with a few enhancives.
         I have not been able to directly test the impact character level on enchanting skill.

MTP Cost per point(pt) skill

         MIA/AS:   10/pt to 1x
                   20/pt to 2x
         EMC:      8/pt to 1x
                   16/pt to 2x
         Lores:    For 1x combined
                      4.8/pt rank 1 to 10
                      6/pt rank 11 to 20
                      8/pt rank 21 to 30
                      12/pt rank 31 to 40
                      24/pt rank 41+
                   For 2x combined ranks just double those cost values
         Wizard:   If > 1x and < 2x combined spells and wizard ranks < level 8/pt
                   If >= 2x combined spells and wizard ranks < level 16/pt
                   If > 1x and < 2x combined spells and wizard ranks >= level 16/pt
                   IF >= 2x combined spells and wizard ranks >= level 32/pt