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==Current Shop Listing==
==Current Shop Listing==
{{:EHShop:The Sorrowwood Crypt/2022}}
{{:EHShop:The Sorrowwood Crypt/2023}}

==Previous Shop Listings==
==Previous Shop Listings==
* [[/2022|2022 shop listing]]

[[Category:Evermore Hollow shops|S]]
[[Category:Evermore Hollow shops|S]]

Revision as of 08:41, 17 October 2023

Current Shop Listing

some steps leading underground into an arch-framed crumbling stone crypt, [Map Room 57], Room# 8083335, Lich# L31727, go crumbling crypt

The Sorrowwood Crypt, Entry

[The Sorrowwood Crypt, Entry - 8083364]
A few guttering candles valiantly battle the subterranean gloom, their wan illumination casting peculiar shadows on the walls that appear to lurch drunkenly at the slightest hint of a draft. Flanking a darkened passageway, a tatterdemalion statue of a one-winged fairy presents an outstretched tray for perusal, and a cracked marble sculpture of a kneeling sea nymph offers a peek into a lidless coffret on her lap. You also see a stone stela engraved in precise lettering.
Obvious exits: out
a stone stela engraved in precise lettering
In the Common language, it reads:
Welcome to GHOUL in The Crypt, the latest incarnation of the original GHOUL game!  You can purchase game cards from the folio on the tray, and daubers to mark your cards are available in the coffret.

Please read the RULES sign beyond the passageway for more information on how to play GHOUL.

On the battered silver tray you see: a parchment GHOUL folio.

a parchment GHOUL folio
The folio contains parchment GHOUL cards that can be purchased for 10,000 silvers.
The cards purchased here are useable only for the event:
          GHOUL in The Crypt

*^*^*  Ebon Gate Festival, 5123  *^*^*

In the deep stone coffret you see: a faceted fluorite fairy dauber, a dirty ghoul nail dauber, a wispy-haired troll-topped dauber, a multicolored glimaergless dauber, an eyeless porcelain doll dauber, an ironwood hammer dauber, a ruby red rearing roa'ter dauber, an undulant vaelfyren tentacle dauber, a diminutive despanal-dotted dauber, a linen-bandaged mummy dauber, an ebonwood pair of crows dauber, a silver-caged linden caoineag dauber, and an iridescent wood opal hummingbird dauber.

Item Type Info Details Price
a faceted fluorite fairy dauber < 1 lb
GHOUL dauber
a dirty ghoul nail dauber < 1 lb
GHOUL dauber
a wispy-haired troll-topped dauber < 1 lb
GHOUL dauber
a multicolored glimaergless dauber < 1 lb
GHOUL dauber
an eyeless porcelain doll dauber < 1 lb
GHOUL dauber
an ironwood hammer dauber < 1 lb
GHOUL dauber
a ruby red rearing roa'ter dauber < 1 lb
GHOUL dauber
an undulant vaelfyren tentacle dauber < 1 lb
GHOUL dauber
a diminutive despanal-dotted dauber < 1 lb
GHOUL dauber
a linen-bandaged mummy dauber < 1 lb
GHOUL dauber
an ebonwood pair of crows dauber < 1 lb
GHOUL dauber


In the Common language, it reads:
Hehckle and Chiyde
a silver-caged linden caoineag dauber < 1 lb
GHOUL dauber
an iridescent wood opal hummingbird dauber < 1 lb
GHOUL dauber

The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs

[The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs - 8083365]
Cobweb-curtained niches honeycomb the eastern and western walls of this sepulchre, their only occupants spindly, wax-mantled candelabras that illumine the tomb with a warm glow hardly befitting the surroundings. An imposing limestone sarcophagus rests beside an ithaenil-set runed mistwood cabinet, partially obscuring a series of damaged frescoes. A very important RULES sign sits just inside the entrance to a darkened passageway.
Obvious exits: none
a very important RULES sign

In the Common language, it reads:
GHOUL is a traditional BINGO-style game.  In order to play, you must be holding a valid game card and dauber.  You can type DAUB HELP to get more information on how to mark your card with the dauber.

On your GHOUL card are 24 random numbers out of 75 total possible numbers, laid out in a 5x5 grid, with each number corresponding to a certain letter - 01-15 for G, 16-30 for H, 31-45 for O, 46-60 for U and 61-75 for L.

Before each game, the host will announce a winning pattern, prize and number of winners.  Then, the game will start by numbers randomly being selected by the host.  When a number you have is called, you can DAUB it in order to mark it on your card.

* You can only use valid GHOUL cards (i.e. attuned, unmarked, and purchased at this year's Ebon Gate festival) for starting each game or game series that requires a new card.  When looking at the card, one area will note in messy writing: "DAUB me!  This attuned game card is currently unmarked and ready for an Ebon Gate 5121 GHOUL In The Greenhouse session!"
* Game cards that have been FOLDed or altered are ineligible for winning.  You can ANALYZE your card to see if this is the case.
* You can only play one GHOUL card at one time.
* You can only win on a GHOUL card that is an attuned game card and daubed by you.
* The FIRST daub mark on your card (including the FREE space) must be made WITHIN the initial daubing window -- not before, not after.
* You must DAUB your card only with numbers which have been called and are marked on the case.  Cards marked with numbers not called are ineligible to win.
* LOOK at the case for the scoreboard information.
* Only patterns which are listed on the case or announced by the host are valid to win.
* You must call 'GHOUL!' when you have won.
* In the case of multiple winners, whoever has the most daubed spaces on their card wins.  If all spaces are filled in (e.g. a blackout game), then a best-of-3 roshambo between winners will determine placement.
* Grand prizes are limited to one per character during this year's festival; characters who win a second time during a grand prize game will take 2nd place, and gameplay will continue for 1st and 3rd.
* No refunds; all payouts are final.

Each game will have a different winning pattern and may or may not include the FREE space as applicable.

SINGLE LINE - This pattern is any line of 5 numbers, either vertical, horizontal or diagonal.
DOUBLE LINE - This pattern is any two single lines of 5 numbers; they may or may not be able to intersect.  Some games may require certain intersections like the X- or L-patterns.
BLACKOUT - All numbers on the card must have been called.
4 CORNERS - This pattern is simply the four corners of the 5x5 grid.
OUTERFRAME - This pattern is the outer ring of numbers on the edge of the card - the inner 9, including the FREE spot, will not count.
Z-PATTERN - This pattern consists of three lines, two of which must be on opposite sides and the third a diagonal betwixt them, and can be rotated either way like the letters Z or N.

Behind the limestone sarcophagus you see: a rubbish bin.

Previous Shop Listings