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==February 2018==

[[Category: Duskruin saved posts]]
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Revision as of 11:54, 22 January 2022

August 2015

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2002
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/20/2015
Subject: The Limited Items

We're going to change the angle of how we do this high-end item list. There is no way I can limit item sales in a reasonable way to make all parties happy. I toss them on first, it rewards those that saved, I toss them on last, it opens the playing field to anyone with the time and money. The original scope was 3 certificates this time around, limited to 2 to 5 certificates total, but we're completely changing gears. I realize this is going to be pretty drastic. But due to this, we're going to offer some once in a (Elanthian) life time item opportunities.

We are going to be offering 13 limited items/services this time around. We are offering one of each of the following:

Item or Service Notes
Blink Weapon To be added to your own weapon, some restrictions may apply.
Splitter Weapon To be added to your own weapon, some restrictions may apply.
Bandolier Weapon Create a new bandolier with a newly created weapon of your choice, some restrictions may apply.
Undead Bane To be added to your weapon, cannot have a bane already.
Coin Hand Creation of a new coin hand from any Elanthian race that has a hand.
Cross-Realm Transportation Pretty self explanatory.
A Trio of Enchanting Potions To create 8x, 9x, and 10x enchants.
Additional Weighting An addition 10 points, nothing over 40 points.
Additional Padding An addition 10 points, nothing over 40 points.
Additional Sighting An addition 10 points, nothing over 40 points.
Additional TD An addition 10 points, nothing over 40 points.
Additional Defender An addition 10 points, nothing over 40 points. Cannot offset the Zelnorn defender properties.
Pet Phoenix The one that follows you around, attuned to the wearer, needs to be manually set up.

These will all be auctioned for bloodscrip on the last Sunday. Restricted to 1 per account and 1 service per item. You will need to have all the bloodscrip redeemed at the end of each auction. No exchanges of bloodscrip after the auction will be allowed. Leaving the room will disqualify you. Not having the bloodscrip redeemed shortly after the auction will also disqualify you. If you are disqualified, the person with the next highest bid will win by default. Same rules apply.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2005
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/20/2015
Subject: The Limited Items

Quick note on the bandolier weapon. The weapon is freshly made, not your own weapon. I don't want you going bananas over that. I said create a new one, but I realize it's not clear after re-reading it.

Also, these aren't certificates, these are services that need to be redeemed Sunday night.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2023
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/20/2015
Subject: The Limited Items

>>Wyrom, you are good at putting out a selection of nifty items so that everyone has something to drool over. Bravo!

My list wasn't as good, to be honest. The list before you is from a last chance powwow with GMs Coase, Estild, and Finros. We went back and forth on some ideas right up to the time I posted.

>>My dream weapon would be blink+rot.

Blink+Rot is fine. You could be living the dream.

>>Could you discuss the some restrictions which may apply?

It's kind of like CCF, it's not so much that there is a list of issues, it's just in case something ridiculous exists out that that won't work. For splitters, the weapon needs to be TWC safe, so that's one thing there.

>>How is it just when I think I don't want any of the high end prizes Wyrom always manages to find something I to tempt me with? Stop readin my mind!

You want the pet phoenix, doncha!?

>>I think you've done a great job, of making it so no one person is going to get everything, while giving a nice selection and a fair distribution method. Kudos to you and thanks again, for the hard work and amazing job.

I've had some help from some amazing GameMasters.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2041
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/20/2015
Subject: The Limited Items

I realize this format is not going to appeal to everyone. If something like this is going to leave a bad taste in your mouth or lead to problems with your gaming experience, I highly recommend avoiding the gear grind here. The point is still fun.

We'll keep trying different formats. Given the schedule changes though, we had to make some tough calls under the gun. We're not just selling items or services. I realize some may lose sight of that. But if that were the case, we'd not limit anything. We'd blow down the doors of game balance. As much as you may think keeping things in an unlimited fashion would be okay, the game would probably suffer a death blow. Maybe not from this, but for the longevity of the game. I also realize we could have added a lot of other things, swap some things, scrap other. The list would go on and on.

I don't want any of you to sit on a pile of bloodscrip. This isn't a cash grab, more a scrip sink. I'm also exploring some options here. Remember, Ebon Gate is around the corner, we have some awesome stuff again this year.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2073
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/20/2015
Subject: The Limited Items

Adding services will not be something we venture down too often. It will be preserved to the higher end stuff. The certificates for lower tier stuff isn't something I foresee doing.

I've added several new bases of greater elemental flares (gloves, flamberge, handaxe, war hammer, awl-pike, and runestaff - 20000 bloodscrip).

I've added several bases of 5x DCP armors [7 points] (full leathers, double leathers, leather breastplate, brigandine, augmented chain, and metal breastplate - 3000 bloodscrip).

I've added back the fully unlocked pirate bandolier with the inviso-sphere feature AND have inviso-spheres for sale. I decreased the price from 12500 to 10000.

I've added a fully unlocked pelt bag that bundles (5000 bloodscrip).

I've added 2 new multi-cast wands (303, 310, 313 1x and 602, 104, 105, 207, 1x - both 10000 bloodscrip).

I've upped all of Ode To Resistance have been upped to 5x (2500 bloodscrip).

Haliste added new unlocked Fana wares (everything in the case - 2500/5000 bloodscrip).

Valyrka added the aug chain and upped all her flaring items to 5x (2500 bloodscrip).

The NerveStaff that was described glowbark but was really lor has been fixed to really be glowbark.

I think that's all our updates. I realize we didn't hit a lot of the 10k to 50k like asked, but we hustled.

~Wyrom, APM

>>They call him Wyrom, not afraid to get dirty; work all day, in game by 5:30; loresongs eloquent, item embellishment, double speed development... ~Silvean

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2084
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/21/2015
Subject: The Limited Items

>>2) What' the base enchant on the greater elemental flaring weapons? They're neat weapons, they have great scripts. But greater elemental flares are also notoriously weak. 20k is a bit steep- any way to get that down a bit?

Have you actually seen them in action since I updated them at RtCF/CCF? I don't think you have if you say they are weak. They are 6x though.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2110
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/21/2015
Subject: The Limited Items

>>Any chance on being a bit of a salesman and sharing the details? I haven't seen one in use in years and don't remember being impressed.

I let SVEN2010 use one last night. I don't have time to give live demonstrations. Hopefully they can share some shots!

>>Wyrom -- can you give more detail on the cross realm transporter item?

It's likely going to be the same one we did at SimuCon. You initially set it between 2 realms and can go back and forth between them. If we don't use that one, we'll announce it before Sunday.

>>Any chance of adding new or bringing back some of those mid level 20-60k items as the week progresses, as opposed to having everything done and set in stone when the grounds open later today?

Adding old shops after we're live is not something we can do really. The shop inventory is where we're at right now. The 3-slot fusion armors will not be back at Duskruin. The cloaks we might be able to do in a future run.

>>I'd love to see the 6x/6x nervestaff back

It never left. It's been there since the second run. Was there last run. And it's there this run.

>>Awl-pike? Get real, who's gonna spend 20k scrip for that? Why not just make it a lance?

Because it was requested as an awl-pike. Plus, a lance would not be the same price.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2136
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/22/2015
Subject: The Limited Items

>>For Mar and Scar: Can we get a definitive listing of which items have which flares? Some seem obvious, some I have no clue on.

a pair of vruul hide gloves charred with fiery runes (+30) Fire
a blued zorchar flamberge banded down the blade in solid white - (+30) Lightning
a square-headed imflass hammerbeak fluted with veniom - (+27) Air/Steam
a circular imflass moon axe fluted with veniom - (+27) Air/Steam
a gornar-tipped ranseur adorned with uncut gemstones (+30) Earth/Vibe
a gnarled ironwood runestaff capped with a sphere of ur-barath (+30) Gravity/Vacuum
a jagged-edged blue rhimar warblade flecked with silver inclusions (+30) Ice
a jagged-edged crimson drakar warblade streaked with gold flecks (+30) Fire
an ur-barath-runed pike with a faenor spearhead (+28) Gravity/Vacuum [NEW]
a tri-headed vaalorn spikestar with a heavy rhimar chain (+28) Ice [NEW]

Also, added a hunk of red ur-barath in the shop. This is just alter fodder to use at a merchant to adorn your item with ur-barath. It can't be the primary material, unless a small little trinket. This is one of the new materials we released during HSN.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2152
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/22/2015
Subject: Auction

The auction will take place around 5pm ET inside the Viridian Coil (exact room is The Viridian Coil, Tavern). Order of items will not be discussed prior to the auction to prevent collusion. All wins need to be redeemed after the auction. If for some reason we can't work out the details at that time, I'll give you some time to come up with a second plan.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2323
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/25/2015
Subject: Auction

I want to try to ease some issues that are arising with the auction and go over everything one more time.

The auction is on Sunday, 8/30, at 5pm ET. That leaves you a few hours to shop. This is the last run of Duskruin for awhile. The next time it's available, I'm hoping to have a new activity that is a mix of the arena and sewers. This isn't confirmed, it's my hope. Moving forward, I'd like to get some more character customization services for the limited stuff. We're pounding the high-end service into the ground lately, and I do want to give it a little break. That's not me saying you're not going to see really cool services or items again. You will. I say all this in this thread because I want you to know the future of your bloodscrip and how to spend them.

Once you enter the auction area, the Viridian Coil and the auction begins, you'll not be able to leave. There will be no passing items around. You must have all your bloodscrip on your character that wins the auction, should you bid. They do not need to be redeemed, but you need to have them. After you win an auction, you are required to stay in the room. You cannot pass your unused bloodscrip off to anyone else. All auctioned services and items must be redeemed after the auction has concluded, so please have your first idea ready to go. If we run into an issue where I can't work with you right on the spot, you will have time after Duskruin closes to get things together. The order of the auction will not be disclosed.

Each item up for auction has a reserve bid before we'll let it go. Don't worry, the reserves aren't brutal. If I have to reveal the reserve, I'll announce the buyout price. I realize there are fears and worries of collusion. I know auctions favor people who have the time and money. But we're working on making this as streamlined as we can for you. Since these things take so much planning, we may refine it again if we ever go down this route.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2172
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/22/2015
Subject: The Limited Items - The bandolier

>>Is the weapon bandolier limited to certain weapons or can any weapon be chosen?

Needs to be one of the hurling weapon bases. So you can choose from dagger, handaxe, spear, war hammer, dart, chakram, discus, net, bola, and javelin.

>>What will the enchant be on the weapon bandolier? Will it have flares? Do we choose the flares? What flares can be choosen? If we choose no flares can it be blessed? What is your favorite color?

Enchant and ability will go toward an allotment you have to choose from. So it can be 5x and a common flare (fire, ice, lightning, and impact), or 4x and an uncommon flare (unbalance, disruption, crush, slash, puncture, and disintegration) or 5 points of weighting. Being able to bless a bandolier weapon INSIDE the bandolier is a bug and will eventually get fixed (just like the unlimited arrow quivers), but you could technically leave it blessible and bless it once in hand.

When I was kid, my favorite color was orange. But as I got older, I started to like muted and earth tones. Dark green, grey, brown, stuff like that.

~Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2222
Author: GS4-WYROM
Date: 8/23/2015
Subject: Anti-Colluding Measures

Rolfard already stated what I have in another post. You cannot leave the room or pass bloodscrip off once you've entered the auction. In fact, I will be closing off the exits for the duration of the event. You will be locked in for the auction. You can still arrive late, but you cannot leave. If the auction has already been concluded to be in the control of 5 or 9 people, then they have a lot more time and money than I can fathom here. I realize it's been awhile since we've had an official auction, but I'd try not to get into a fixed mindset of it being game over already.

To touch on another thread, the good thing about bloodscrip, compared to silver, is it's a new currency. One that doesn't have 25 years of accumulation in game. Yes, some people have a decent headstart. Some people have a lot more time and money to earn more than others. But it's better than going against Ciston or Speaker back in the day. Yeah, I name dropped. No, I'm not bitter about losing out in 1997 still... maybe.

I would prefer the bloodscrip be redeemed before, but Durakar already hit on my concerns that I do not want anyone being trapped with thousands of dollars worth of bloodscrip to a character. For game balance concerns, we have decided that removing bloodscrip from your character is not a direction we want to go, but we would offer it as a choice with physical copies. Not all scrips will be treated equally though. Some quests or events will lock your character to having the scrips automatically added.

~Wyrom, APM

Return to the top of this page.

April 2016

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 3008
Date: 4/24/2016
Subject: The List and the New Distribution Method

Okay, so here is the list and a brief overview of the new distribution method. Wiki friendly!

  • Pre-made Items
    • ChaosJewelry - Tier 3 unlocked.
    • Branding Iron
    • Enchanting Potions
    • ChronoFlare dagger - 5x, vultite.
    • Fusion Armors - The ones from the Mar and Scar, 3 socket, padded.
    • Multi-setting Gold Rings - Multiple settings similar to the Mar and Scar's old inventory.
    • X/day spell items
  • Services
    • Weighting - +10 on top of what you got.
    • Padding - +10 on top of what you got.
    • TD - +10 on top of what you got.
    • Enchanting - +5 on top of what you got.
    • Weight Reduction - 20% (+10% on top of what you have, capped at 50%).
    • Splitting Weapon - Added to an unscripted weapon, unlocked with fluff addition.
    • Epic Deepening
    • WoundedWear - Tier 3 unlocked.
    • VolnArmor - Tier 4 unlocked.
  • Limited Quantity
    • Undead Bane - Flares or +8 weighting.

The new distribution will be a shop that will increase the price by a percentage per purchase. The purchaser will have the price locked (and lock others from purchasing) for a short duration (30 seconds) to make the choice. Those who also wish to buy the item will be entered into a queue and be chosen at random to go next. This is all done by getting the price on the item. There is a cooldown given to the purchaser so others have a chance to buy an item as well. The prices will be announced later, but they will range significantly. Many items 100k+ with some items climbing much higher. There is also that "mid-tier" pricing between 30k to 50k which I feel is high-tier.

I'll obviously have more details about this in the coming days.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 2013
Date: 4/24/2016
Subject: The List and the New Distribution Method

>>still no acuity?! I'm not the only one who has asked for it

I'll see if I can get this on the list. I'm sorry. It was on my original list.

>>Are there any restrictions on the padding/weighting/enchanting?

Those are part of the more details coming. But pretty much same as last time.

>>How's the t4 voln unlock going to work on our side? Do you have to put it on something already t3 or can you jump from a lower tier?

Keep Platinum questions on the Platinum side please!

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 3031
Date: 4/24/2016
Subject: The List and the New Distribution Method

>>Makes sense for the big ticket services (ud bane, padding, weighting, etc) but the off the shelf stuff (fusion armors, greater flaring, etc.) wasn't auctioned that I'm aware of which is why i'm curious if say, the HCP/3slot brig is going to start at 30k and go north, or start at say 20k for the first lucky few. Trying to gauge what people might need to even try to bother to be the first lucky ones to crash the gates on sunday.

The fusion armor will start at 30000 here. I understand that logic, and that will be applied to some other stuff. But the price increase will be a percent based on the item's cost too. So let's just say something was extreme like 50%. It climbs from 30000 to 45000. It's not as extreme as some examples I've seen, but that's how it would work.

One thing to keep in mind, the alternative is to go back to 1 of each and auctioned. We need to control the supply of these items in some fashion. Not everything is priced and will be priced so it can be flipped for profit (which is almost always the case). This gets items to people who want them and are willing to buy them at whatever the cost.

>>I think that's actually it for anything 1k+

A good rule of thumb is 2500 for 5x and 10000 for 6x. If the item has other properties, the price is adjusted. Fluff scripts typically up the price if they are unlocked. Flares and stuff like that is more significant. And then you have stuff like common and uncommon flares that are varying.

We'll try to get signs out. GM Haliste has been helping with these.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 3149
Date: 4/25/2016
Subject: The List and the New Distribution Method

While we can all think of issues or better ways to handle it, Duskruin has gone through many variations of how we handle this higher end event. This is the only way we can handle the unlimited quantity, even if it create artificial supply and demand values. The fusion armor coming back would never come back any other way. Nor would the undead bane. The alternative would be limited (single) items going out like we've been doing. We'll see how this goes. Love it or hate it, some people will enjoy it. I'm looking forward to seeing how it will go.

Just to touch base on the F2P concerns, we have yet to see any of these F2P accounts come in as hordes at any event and do any of the evil deeds people keep claiming. Like BmC, EG, over even Duskruin. I have charts and graphs showing me lots of information these days on F2P purchases and consumption of SimuCoin items. We want our F2P customers to enjoy the game too.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 3301
Date: 4/27/2016
Subject: The List with Pricing
Sale Type Price Notes
Undead Bane Service 400,000 5 total.
Additional Weighting Service (+5) 300,000 Added to currently weighted.
Fresh-slate Weighting Service (+10) 250,000 Weapons with no weighting.
Additional Padding Service (+5) 200,000 Added to currently padded.
Fresh-slate Padding Service (+10) 25,000 Armor with no padding.
Additional TD Service (+5) 250,000 Can be added to other TD bonuses.
Enchant Service (+5) 200,000 Standard enchant.
Additional Acuity Flare Service (+5) 50,000 10 total.
Fresh-slate Acuity Flare Service (+30) 25,000 10 total.
Additional Mana Flare Service (+1) 50,000 10 total.
Fresh-slate Mana Flare Service (+3) 25,000 10 total.
Weight Reduction Service (+20%) 125,000 Adding 20% to weight reduction.
Splitting Weapon Service 175,000 Weapon can't be scripted (fluff can be removed). Unlocked with zests.
Voln Armor Service 150,000 Armor must be Voln Armor prior.
WoundedWear Service Tier 3 75,000 Unlocking woundedwear to max tier.
ChaosJewelry Premade Tier 3 75,000 The One Ring. But, like, multiples.
ChronoFlares Premade 100,000 5x, vultite.
Branding Iron Premade 100,000 Stops the bleeding.
Fusion Armor Premade 30,000 +17, HCP, 3-slot. The ones from the Mar and Scar.
12-Setter Gold Ring Premade 150,000 The good stuff.
Greater Elemental Flare Premade 20,000 6x. The ones from the Mar and Scar.
Bromin Potion Premade (10 pours) 60,000 Enchanting potions.
Aleteh Potion Premade (11 pours) 70,000 Enchanting potions.
Grenshol Potion Premade (12 pours) 80,000 Enchanting potions.
Pricing will increase per sale from 10% to 50% depending on rarity of service.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 3308
Date: 4/27/2016
Subject: The List with Pricing

Yes, epic deepening won't be for sale at the shop. I'll be selling that live, in person.

The spell items just need some further discussion before I post them.

I knew I forgot to leave a note about those.

Just as an FYI, the fresh-slate padding is priced cheaper because we offer it via Premium Points as well.

Some stuff, like the weight reduction, is +20%, so you could bring in something that already has it and add on top of it.

Lastly, like the auction before, we have a one service per item rule.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 3312
Date: 4/27/2016
Subject: The List with Pricing

>>What is the time frame for redeeming the services?

May 2nd. I'd like to do them that day if possible though.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 3318
Date: 4/27/2016
Subject: The List with Pricing

>>Can we get prices and service specifics?

Epic deepening will be about 2500 bloodscrip.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 3319
Date: 4/27/2016
Subject: The List with Pricing

Reply Reply >>So it costs less to get a runestaff with NO mana flaring to +3 than it costs to move a +2 staff to a +3? Doesn't seem right somehow...

If you're under those totals, we can consider that fresh.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 3323
Date: 4/27/2016
Subject: The List with Pricing

>>Which version of epic deepening is this? The Albatross version or the RtCF version?

Albatross. But I guess I could offer RtCF level too at a different price and perhaps lower Albatross level.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 3325
Date: 4/27/2016
Subject: The List with Pricing

The shop will be out Sunday afternoon for a few hours, like previous high-end portions of the event. With the new mechanic, we can probably leave this out a bit longer now. I plan on being in Sunday as Lahke redeeming these, as well as offering some services by hand.

Also, I know there were a lot of things asked for, so we'll try to get them into a future run. Like tents, defenders, phoenixes, etc.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 3347
Date: 4/28/2016
Subject: The List with Pricing

Hey everyone. I realize the prices are high. But just keep in mind, these are big services that we're trying to offer in unlimited quantities. Auction pricing isn't a good baseline to work with on both sides of the spectrum. Yes, the person who gets the first of any of these will get the best bargain. But you can buy them at your leisure instead of bidding on a single one. This new system allows anyone who would have gone up more in hindsight that ability.

If this method doesn't work out, or pricing is too steep, we adjust and move on to the next run. This event is touch and go. It's the most volatile event experience I've ever had to work on. And one where I can't keep up with both demand and expectations. We'll continue to monitor and discuss pricing before the Sunday event, but we're comfortable with the pricing from both a game balance perspective and being offered in most cases in unlimited supply.

This is the event's 5th run. We try to offer enough outside this high-end portion to be entertaining as well.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 3357
Date: 4/28/2016
Subject: The List with Pricing

>>Some clarity may be in order before people spend $34,00 on undead bane.

Here's the skinny on undead bane.

It hits undead no matter what, like permablessed. But it doesn't always translate to hitting demons. Other thresholds have to be met.

The confusion mostly stems on demons in general. We only have 4 demons, and they aren't common occurrences. Demons have a barrier or have special abilities when they are on their plane. If the barrier is destroyed, you don't need an 8x weapon. Demons require a holy weapons. Not all undead bane is holy. Not all demon bane is holy.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 3358
Date: 4/28/2016
Subject: The List with Pricing

One last word (well a few paragraphs) from me.

I'll discuss pricing a little further after the initial reaction. I don't foresee a lot changing, but I do sympathize a bit with everyone's concerns. So don't feel these are set in stone. Just wet cement. We got some time before it dries.

One thing that might be overlooked is surcharges, restrictions, and limitations. The bloodscrip buy doesn't really have those. So while Bob the Warrior might have some plain 8x full plate he wants to add +5 padding to, Gilgamesh might have some 8x armor with much more padding, resistance, and it's Ithzir Armor. Gilgamesh and Bob will pay the same price here. Where in silvers, Gilgamesh would likely need to take a loan from Ardwen, Speaker, and Ciston.

But try not to panic too much. We'll see what we can do.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 3395
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 04/28/2016
Subject: The List with Pricing
Unfortunately it's the only method being offered since CCF to improve high end gear. I'd like to finish my project and be mostly done with rat races like this, but at the same time I'm not going to allow myself to be completely ripped off. Also if you only allow 1x acuity, and in the next event go up to 2x per service (like was done at RTCF), it makes getting 1x completely irrelevant, so yeah, frustration.

Acuity should have never been offered as +2 steps from a single service. It's a lot like enchanting, when it's offered, it should only take you up one step (+5) at a time. I specifically designed acuity such that it would take up to 10 services to maximize, if you're starting from scratch. However, as I told Wyrom last night, the service has actually become too rare. Instead of it offering +2 steps, it needs to be +1, but be offered more frequently. Admittedly, getting up to 10x is still going to be limited and difficult, just as with most high end services.

GameMaster Estild

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 3409
Date: 4/28/2016
Subject: The List with Pricing

>>Duskruin was super fun when it came out. The arena and sewers were a great time, if you wanted to spend the cash for it and a few runs here and there weren't going to break the bank by any means. The insanely over-the-top prices for high end gear, however, take it from being something fun to something you have to really work at. Then, even if you do work at it, some guy with more free time or more money gets the high end items anyway, so you've just wasted your time. The prices for some of the other unlimited items at duskruin are so out there crazy stupid that that even more discourages. 1k for a writable book? I don't care if I can choose a solid gold cover, I'm not paying that. Somewhere after the first run or two of duskruin it went, to me, from something fun that comes around sometimes to some horrific grinding nightmare that is all anyone talks about for the entire time it's around. The inclusion of the pendants, particularly the rarity of them, increases this. I have no desire to go to duskruin anymore, much less log in to listen to it all. I like the raffle idea someone proposed. Everyone has a chance at some preferably non-insane cost and you can do other things and still have a chance to win a cool item/service than just grind away for hours and days on end.

I appreciate opinions like this, because it shows how things have changed.

Sit down everyone, it's storytime.

When Duskruin moved into a microtrans (SimuCoin) event, it was priced around an EG, in terms of what you'd need to earn to be able to buy up a lot of stuff. The NerveRot staves were kind of a "let's see if something like this would sell." And sell they did. You can read how people hated the idea of limited items. Some of the bigger supporters of Duskruin too. Each run we threw more and more stuff in just to see what people would want. We tried to price things in two ways. We came up with a benchmark for most things being 1000 bloodscrip = $10 = 1 million silver. Obviously that's not the exact case. The average earnings between both the arena and sewers is much higher than 100 bloodscrip and silvers don't necessarily go for $10/per mil. Then we have the bigger tiered items that are closer to what they sell for in the open market. Maybe you can turn a profit, probably more a purchase for your own wants/needs. But we've been trying to return to the unlimited sale models with a catch. This run is our attempt to do that.

The concept offers people some benefits, but it is a pay event. And everything is locked behind a pay wall. So in the design, we made bloodscrip a "paper" currency. The original idea was to be like blackscrip and add directly to your character. The original concept of scrip was only to do it this way. So it was a chance we took to create a secondary currency. This allowed people to trade, sell, and buy bloodscrip if they chose to. At the time, we discussed housing everything in one event currency, but due to how other events were already planned and how Troubled Waters was already done under a completely different pricing model, we had to make a new one. Bloodscrip paved the way for tickets at EG being separate just because we began to feel EG being an "inclusive" event was better.

Before there was the high-end event, there was demand for the high-end event. People were listing crazy big services they'd want and we started thinking we'd try to offer some of it. And even before this happened, people were amassing a lot of bloodscrip. We don't want a secondary dead currency, so we wanted to keep things fresh. This is where sustaining Duskruin will be taxing if we run it too much. But even before this April run, I was being asked when we'll run it after. We ran it too much in 2015, but that's because I screwed up some dates and that's why July and August happened back to back. We wanted to drop one of those events, but there was no winning if I dropped one or the other.

Whether people love it or hate it, people want to do it. Not even the people who buy in a whole lot. Just people who want to try it out for a few bucks. And this was always the hope for it. To be able to appeal to people who thought EG was too expensive. Obviously we have players with deeper pockets. We have players with lots of time. But the event is optional.

As for pricing this run, like the journals being 1000 bloodscrip to complete, they are priced at the going silver rate. If we offered them again in shops, we'd probably sell them around 1 million silvers. We also have the option to sell lower page counts going forward. Big shout out to GM Haliste on the rewrite of these. It was a mess. But speak up on prices. We're pretty comfortable with the pricing structure on a lot of items for sale at the shops. We hit around 2500 for 5x and 10000 for 6x. Price goes up depending on other properties. Another example are the UAC gear. We have one instances of 10000 and another of 12500. But one has disruption flares (not disintegration) and some unlocked (fluff) script. Is it worth the bump, maybe. But we look at shop sales at the end to see what to change, price differently or pull entirely.

But speak up on some prices (in the shops, not the list), and if it warrants a change when we check on it, good chance we'll change it. Not trying to pull anyone who's "out" of Duskruin back in. Just a general you, the players.

Anyway. I'll post the updated list in a little bit.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 3410
Date: 4/28/2016
Subject: The List with Pricing

The "fresh-slate" offerings will apply to items that are under the fresh-slate threshold. So if you have +2 weighting, I'll up it to +10. If you have +15 acuity, I'll up it to +30. Hopefully that makes sense.

Non-functional scripts are always a case-by-case situation. But chances are, if it's not extremely linked, it can be removed.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 3471
Date: 4/28/2016
Subject: The List with Pricing

>>Just to clarify you can buy a certificate then trade it to a character on another account so that they can use it on their item? Is that correct? With the one service per item limit of course.

Yes, the item is limited to one service, so that's the only thing. Not the character. And you can sell. These WILL expire the day after (May 2nd) so I can redeem them. If we need to go back and forth due to an item, no worries. But no just sitting on them.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 3474
Date: 4/28/2016
Subject: The List with Pricing

>>When approximately will this process start? Particularly the part where I can stare at you in the hopes of getting the opportunity to have some epic deepening done.

Sunday in the afternoon the shop will open. We'll plan for 1pm ET. We can leave it open for awhile given the new nature. During that time, I will be redeeming as Lahke. If nothing is being redeemed, I'll work room order. Location of this will be determined and announced closer to the event to help even the playing field.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 3470
Date: 4/28/2016
Subject: Updated List and Pricing

Updates are in bold.

Sale Type Price Notes
Undead Bane Service 400,000 5 total.
Additional Weighting Service (+5) 250,000 Added to currently weighted.
scope="row" Fresh-slate Weighting Service (+10) 100,000 Weapons with no weighting.
Additional Padding Service (+5) 150,000 Added to currently padded.
Fresh-slate Padding Service (+10) 25,000 Armor with no padding.
Additional TD Service (+5) 250,000 Can be added to other TD bonuses.
Minor Enchant Service (+5) 25,000 7x and under.
Major Enchant Service (+5) 100,000 8x and over.
Additional Acuity Flare Service (+5) 25,000 10 total.
Fresh-slate Acuity Flare Service (+30) 50,000 10 total.
Additional Mana Flare Service (+1) 25,000 10 total.
Fresh-slate Mana Flare Service (+3) 50,000 10 total.
Weight Reduction Service (+20%) 75,000 Adding 20% to weight reduction.
Splitting Weapon Service 175,000 Weapon can't be scripted (fluff can be removed). Unlocked with zests.
Voln Armor Service 150,000 Armor must be Voln Armor prior.
WoundedWear Service Tier 3 50,000 Unlocking woundedwear to max tier.
ChaosJewelry Premade Tier 3 50,000 The One Ring. But, like, multiples.
ChronoFlares Premade 100,000 5x, vultite.
Branding Iron Premade 100,000 Stops the bleeding.
Fusion Armor Premade 30,000 +17, HCP, 3-slot. The ones from the Mar and Scar.
12-Setter Gold Ring Premade 125,000 The good stuff.
Greater Elemental Flare Premade 20,000 6x. The ones from the Mar and Scar.
Bromin Potion Premade (40 pours) 75,000 8x Enchanting potions.
Aleteh Potion Premade (40 pours) 90,000 9x Enchanting potions.
Grenshol Potion Premade (40 pours) 100,000 10x Enchanting potions.
Pricing will increase per sale from 10% to 50% depending on rarity of service.

These services below are an "as time allows it."

Epic Deepening - Each worn spot may be different in capacity, I'll use cloaks as a base line.

    • Albatross (cloak to 160) - 2000 bloodscrip
    • RtCF (cloak to 180) - 4000 bloodscrip
    • CCF (cloak to 200) - 6000 bloodscrip

Lesser Armor and Weapon Moods - 2500 bloodscrip

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 3532
Date: 4/29/2016
Subject: Updated List and Pricing

>>Just to clarify, does the minor enchant service apply the same restrictions as regular enchants? Or can we enchant gear that's already padded, weighted, claidhmores, etc.?

Some restrictions may apply, but it would be due to the item in question having enchanting restrictions. Like a chain-spear, for example, is capped at 6x. Buying something with bloodscrip isn't going to lift that sort of restriction. Enchanting a claidhmore? Sure.

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 3536
Date: 4/29/2016
Subject: Acuity and Mana Service

The acuity and mana services will both be priced the same, 25,000 bloodscrip to start. Thanks goes to GM Estild. Just be ready for the next review!

Wyrom, APM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 3648
Date: 5/1/2016
Subject: Today's High Priced Sale

We're an hour out. It's time to spill the beans. We're going to be selling these at the arena itself. A brand new room in there. It will be on the north end. This is where the items will be. There are 4 containers holding the wares. Good luck and godspeed!

Wyrom, APM

Return to the top of this page.

August 2016

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 4296
Date: 8/23/2016
Subject: The High-end Scrip Shop

We added items to other shops, but right now, I'd like to talk about the Scrip Shop located inside the arena.

Item Starting Price
On a long wooden table
a scrollworked mithril vambrace 25000*
*a diaphanous spiderweb knapsack woven with pearlescent threads 15000*
a bright silver ring accented with an emerald 50000
a crystal-edged vultite dagger 100000
a bromim potion 75000
an aleteh potion 90000
a grenshol potion 10000
enruned coraesine band 175000
In a wooden armor stand
a suit of imflass platemail 50000
a four-in-one imflass chain jazerant 50000
some forest green brigandine 50000
shirt of vruul leather 50000
*some dragon-etched golvern platemail 5000*
*some polished ebon rolaren platemail 12500*
On a wooden weapon rack
*a tri-headed vaalorn spikestar with a heavy rhimar chain 22500*
*an ur-barath-runed pike with a faenor spearhead 22500*
a jagged-edged crimson drakar warblade streaked with gold flecks 20000
a jagged-edged blue rhimar warblade flecked with silver inclusions 20000
a gnarled ironwood runestaff capped with a sphere of ur-barath 20000
a gornar-tipped ranseur adorned with uncut gemstones 20000
*a circular imflass moon axe fluted with veniom 20000*
a square-headed imflass hammerbeak fluted with veniom 20000
a blued zorchar flamberge banded down the blade in solid white 20000
a pair of vruul hide gloves charred with fiery runes 20000
*a leather drakar-studded paingrip scorched at the wrist 20000*
In a battered wooden treasure chest
a bloodstained Wounded Wear parchment 50000
a lacquered minor enchant chit 50000
a papyrus Undead Bane certificate 625000
a crumpled Open Weighting award 250000
a ripped Flat Weighting note 100000
a small Open Padding deed 225000
a pink Flat Padding contract 50000
a frayed Target Defense certificate 250000
a ripped major enchant award 150000
a discolored Weight Reduce note 150000
a burned Splitter deed 175000
a gold-edged Voln Armor contract 175000
a decorated Acuity-open certificate 50000
a ribboned Acuity-flat award 50000
a frayed Mana-open Flare note 25000
a silver Mana-flat Flare deed 25000
New and/or updated items indicated by an asterisk (*)

The vambrace is a fully unlocked gnomish lockpick bracer that detects traps. The knapsack is a fully unlocked 10-spider bag. The paingrip is 6x with greater elemental fire flares. The plate armors are HDP, 5x and 6x. The spikestar and pike are +33 instead of +28 this time around. The moon axe is +32.

The shop will be open Saturday around noon, and stay open for the duration of the event. The certificates need to be redeemed by September 12, 2016 by 10pm ET, the sooner the better though. We have added the ability to READ the various certificates, so there should be no confusion on those this time.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 4300
Date: 8/23/2016
Subject: The High-end Scrip Shop

>>Thank you for the info, this list looks awesome! Any info on the enruned coraesine band? Do you mean the shop will open Saturday the 27? Will prices increase with each purchase?

Yes, Saturday the 27th around noon ET. Coraesine band is a 12-setter gold ring. Yes, prices increase per purchase.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 4311
Date: 8/23/2016
Subject: The High-end Scrip Shop

The open weighting, padding, and TD are 10 points.

Things that didn't sell last time are making a comeback due to how the shop went last time. People didn't have time to do anything in the chaos.

I'll be there for the shop opening. If people go nuts, it will likely be a madhouse again. We'll see!

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 4341
Date: 8/24/2016
Subject: The High-end Scrip Shop

>>So our pickaxes we had left over are worthless? or can they be used at the next digging? I could have sworn a previous post I will look it up said that when duskruin opened up next we could dig and try and get the last remaining prizes but no more pickaxes would be available?

The Dig will be open again, just not here. We didn't load up the feeders or anything. It's closed for your own good. You'd just be throwing away your chances at anything decent.

>>I just want to confirm this. The last time they were all 5 points not 10.


>>The argument here is the high end stuff HAS always been available a week after it opens to allow folks to collect bloodscrip and purchase items.

Actually, the first time we ever offered anything high end, we opened it the first weekend and last weekend.

I need to keep it open though for the duration of the event. That's the intent of the shop.

>>I'd like to see a returner script option and the option to apply unusual flares to a weapon. You could have an "open" flare (ie, you choose the flare upon applying the certificate) or have different certificates for different flare types.

Right now, adding more certificates isn't in the cards. I'd prefer to do something that is more automated here. Adding the returner ability isn't something I can get pushed through at this time.

>>I know this topic is a bit beaten to death regarding prices for specific items, but the enchant potions really don't make much sense. The value of the bloodscrip compared to the value of premium points in the current market is probably the best way to determine a good starting price for items.

If it helps sway the purchase power of these potions, they are also 40 pours. So that's 4 enchants if all goes well.

>>Also, can you explain what a Branding Iron does that is so special to make it worth 100,000 BS?

Whoops, the branding iron actually isn't going to be on sale. Copy/paste fail.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 4380
Date: 8/25/2016
Subject: Shop Updates [PLEASE READ]

Alright everyone. We have some additions to the High-end Scrip Shop. All of these items are on the long wooden table other than the weapon, which is on the wooden weapon rack.

We added the following x/day items at a base price of 20,000 bloodscrip. Item descriptions will be coming.

Higher Vision/1610 - 4x/day
Premonition/1220 - 2x/day
Zealot/1617 - 3x/day
Crusade/1618 - 3x/day

We added a folded black canvas tent (auction quality) for 50,000 bloodscrip.

We added a colossal drakar greataxe with a circular blade (6x, greater elemental fire flares) for 20,000 bloodscrip.

Pricing for the enchanting potions are now 60,000, 80,000, and 100,000. They have 40 doses in each.

I know there were a lot of suggestions and requests. This will be the final listing.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 4390
Date: 8/25/2016
Subject: Shop Updates [PLEASE READ]

And here are the descriptions.

a grey stone tablet (1610)
a heavy-lidded stone eye (1220)
a white stone sword (1618)
a radiant stone burst (1617)

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 4401
Date: 8/25/2016
Subject: Shop Updates [PLEASE READ]


a folded black canvas tent

a wide black canvas tent flying a crimson pennant

[Champion's Respite]
Made of heavy black canvas, the walls block much of the light and sounds coming from outside. Veniom-enforced steel framework holds the canvas aloft, jointed to allow for quick set up and take down. Plush black furs are spread out across the floor.

>>Ithziri flare unlocking?

No, just things sold at Duskruin.

>>All those paladin spells: any chance you could slip 1609 in there?

Spell list is final for now. We have a list for next time (or the Dig).

>>But is there any chance you can add some perm-gold ring teleport items of the lower end rarity? Maybe 1-3 slots? 150k bs is a bit out of my league and 12-setting is way more then I'd need.

They were sold in 2015 and at the bloodscrip draining event earlier this year. This is another thing that will have to wait for a future run or at the Dig.

>>What about selling bloodshards to the Archaeologist, will there be a way to sell a container or bulk sell them ?

Moonshards and stones have to be sold one at a time.

>>Pretty please ... could we get one message with one list of all the correct and complete SuperScripShop info? Because ... so. many. messages.

The wiki has a great listing, as Allereli pointed out.

>>Is there any actual ceiling as to what can be made at Duskruin, or has this event pretty much done away with the decades of limitations on making gear? Is there a cap to how much padding or weighting a set or armor or weapon can actually have or should we all be shooting for the moon at this point? It just seems odd to me that for the last 25 years, no matter how much coin you managed to hunt actually playing the real day to day game, there was limitations in place on how much or how often you could advance your gear. Now, as it seems, especially with no end in sight for Duskruin, all you have to do is throw a hand full of money down on the table twice a year and spend 6 days running a script, and everyone is going to be walking around dressed like kings.

Actually, most the heavier restrictions that most everyone is aware of comes from the era between 2001 to about 2009 with it getting more reined in as we get closer to 2009. We've loosened a lot while changed things over the years. Yes, Duskruin offers some things that you never really could grasp in the recent past. RtCF/CCF did too. The bloodscrip pricing on a lot of these services typically gate anyone from being able to grow their gear too fast still. We are simply responding to demand with services.

As for the scripting, people are typically there or responsive. We've only busted a very small handful of people since the first run of Duskruin.

>>Don't anyone tell Warden! We're finally having fun!

I actually joke about the ghost of Warden haunting me.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 4417
Date: 8/26/2016
Subject: Small Request and Clarification

>>1) Is there still a 1 service limit per item?

Yes, same rules as last time. One service per item, but you can buy as much as you want and apply it to multiple items. There is a deadline to redeem of 9/12. If we run into issues, extensions can be made, but you have to make the effort to get in touch with me prior.

>>2) Is it possible you can remove functional scripts if we buy a service? Such as buying +10 weighting and you will remove flares or fusion on the item. Or +10 weighting and remove permbless. Etc.

It will be case-by-case situations. Stripping flares from metals like drakar, rhimar, etc is obviously a no go. But just plain properties that aren't tied to the item or metal, sure.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 4665
Date: 9/2/2016
Subject: Weekend Events?

>>Are there any weekend events or additional inventory planned to drain scrip? It seems like the price of scrip is falling fast due to a number of reasons (e.g., lots of recycled items, the addition of a scrip exchanger pulling out the previously redeemed scrip, and the possibility that scrip shop items will have another sale in the future). If not, I am tempted to pin my hopes on next year's inventory and may not focus on accumulating more scrip /tickets this weekend. Any info would be greatly appreciated!

I'm going to do some raffles for bloodscrip. I won't be adding new inventory to shops though.

The Scrip Shop will not have a sale on prices ever. The fusion armor and greater elemental flaring weapons will likely be pulled for good after this run. A number of items on the table will also be going for good this time. The spider bag and locksmith bracer are just something for this run. And the certificates will be reviewed after Duskruin.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 4848
Date: 9/6/2016
Subject: For the next Duskruin - High end scrip shop

>>Re: Attuned items for cheaper prices.

I see this comment fairly often and I try to address it each time I see it, but attuned gear does not mean more sold or cheaper prices. Attuning has a couple purposes. Limited, character-defining items to add immersion or power by either exclusivity or RP purposes is the main factor for attunement. The other purpose is if we want to lock the item for whatever reason to a character or account. This was mostly done when we didn't want to see a secondary (cash/silver) market happening. This reason isn't very common, because we know a healthy player economy is important.

Duskruin doesn't really support the idea of attuned. We'd not offer anything cheaper or in higher quantity due to attunement.

Wyrom, PM

Return to the top of this page.

April 2017

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 5458
Date: 4/16/17
Subject: Duskruin Details: April 2017

With Duskruin upon us, here are some details about this run. We did a lot of updates this run, and we did a lot of prep work for future runs.

Bloodriven Village

We went ahead and updated the majority of shops this run. You'll need to explore for shop lists, but there are many new things available for purchase.

High End Scrip Shop

As stated in 2016, we'd be retiring a number of items moving forward. We have added some new and fresh certificates and gear this run to the shop!

Here is what's new for certificates!

  • Ironwright Flares: Added to weapons that can accept scripts. Cannot work with other scripts (ex. fusion).
  • Bubble Flares: Added to weapons for +10 points of damage padding.
  • Polearm Flares: Added to acceptable polearm weapons.
  • Knockout Flares: Added to acceptable blunt weapons.
  • De-fusion: Remove fusion script and keep the enhancive bonuses intact.

Here's what's new for the armor stand and weapon rack!

Weapons, shields, and armor made from kroderine, zelnorn, and adamantine. It will be their base properties with basic descriptions. This way everything is known from a glance.

Here is what is returning for certificates!

  • Undead Bane: Price reduced to base
  • TD: +5 with price reduced to half to make more affordable
  • Enchant 7x and under: Price reduced to base
  • Enchant 8x: Price reduced to base
  • Weight Reduction: Changed to 5% from 20%. Cap is 50% on any item
  • Open Acuity Flare: Price reduced to base
  • Flat Acuity Flare: Price reduced to base
  • Open Mana Flare: Price reduced to base
  • Flat Mana Flare: Price reduced to base

Be sure to browse the wares for sale before committing to getting a certain number of bloodscrip, as some items may not be there anymore! Items in the high end scrip shop do go up in price per purchase.


There are a few big things happening inside the Ratacombs this time around. The big thing is, there are two new legendary bloodrunes in their runic stone form to be found. A cave troll and a troll king. Only one of each will go out, and like the minotaur, it will be pretty rare. There are still moonshards and additional bloodrunes in the sewers like before. The rat catcher will likely be buying rats for a little more due to the scarcity of these rodents.

Rats are going to have a few new additional descriptors this run, and they are going to be much more rare. If a rat is important to you, be sure to chase it if you catch one wandering around, as that is a rare occurrence now. When entering the sewers, you will have a CHANCE to see the trail of a rat. It will no longer be guaranteed if you haven't found a rat this run. You will no longer be limited to just one a run, but you won't always be able to chase the trail of a rat. The chance to find a rat happens when entering the sewers, it will not change once inside.

As the Bank Heist nears closer to a release (not this time, unfortunately), bandits have been hiding large caches of bloodscrip in the sewers. Sewers searchers have a very rare chance to uncover these caches and find up to 1000 times the normal amount! So for example, on your seventh search, instead of finding another 8 bloodscrip, you might find 8000 bloodscrip. Be warned, bandits don't take too kindly to stealing their treasure. If you are lucky enough to find these grand amounts, it's best to be paying attention to avoid any confrontations and loss of said cache!

Celestial Temple and Bloodforge

After the cold winter, a new area of the temple was discovered, the BLOODFORGE. All the secrets haven't been identified just yet, but it is believed that you can transmute a completed pendant with enough special ore and a ritual. There is plenty more to be discovered, which may be revealed at a future run of Duskruin.

When moonshards were introduced, the ability to combine them and create a pendant was possible anywhere in Elanthia, however, their magic has since waned outside the Celestial Temple, and you must be inside to bundle the moonshards and place them inside a pendant.


The arena has had a number of changes this time around. When the BLOODFORGE was discovered, so were dozens ancient metal automatons. These metallic golems were created with the special material needed for the ritual for transmutation of the pendants. The golems will now be a very rare boss battle, and if defeated, will drop a small bit of ore of the type of metal it was created from. So an eahnor automaton will drop an ore of eahnor. After collecting five of these ores, you will be able to start the process of transmuting your pendant. Not all of the metal possibilities for pendants were found in golem form, but it is possible that more will be released at a future run!

With the new ores, the winnings package has been updated. Finding a pendant or rare treasure item will no longer take the place of a promissory note. Notes have been slightly reduced, as silver will always be a prize if you do not die in the arena, instead of only being awarded when winning. Arena packages will have bloodscrip depending on your score, a promissory note, an ore if you slay a golem/automaton, random loot if you win or score high enough, and a pendant if you're lucky enough to find one!

Data Harvesting

Starting this run, everything you do at Duskruin will be recorded and tracked to your character specifically. This won't mean much this time around, but at future runs, this can unlock special features, achievements, and more!

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 5650
Date: 4/19/2017
Subject: Scrip Shop Updates

After some discussions, we have made the following decisions.

I'll start with the bad... Due to the argument on wizard abilities being more freely offered, we are officially retiring the enchanting certificates from Duskruin, permanently. This is largely due to the new enchanting changes, but also due to consistent complaints on the subject matter. We have never did this to tread on wizard abilities, while protecting other profession abilities. Enchant offerings have occurred due to 25 years of precedence, but we realize we need to start somewhere. In their place, we have added the enchanting potions back in.

Moving on to the unknown. Prior to my post that really only spoke about certificates, we never really touched on other high end offerings, but assumptions were quickly made, and personal attacks got my thread closed. We have removed some things from the table, however, we have some really nice things to offer here too. This run, we are offering the censers from the Great Auction. This will be an exclusive offer to this run only. If they don't sell, they will not be returning. There are some other items too, which I was hoping to leave as a bit of a "oh wow" experience when browsing. But they were some things that were asked for. You'll see in roughly 2 days of this post!

We have replaced the Splitter and VolnArmor certificates at their base cost (175,000). I highly recommend all of you who claimed you wanted to buy it this run to do so, as they will not be returning after this.

We have added an AsG certificate (not AG, sorry Brinret). This is a bit of a strenuous service, so please make sure you truly want it. We have found in almost all cases of offering it, people want to revert.

Zelnorn weapons aren't being offered this run, but should there be a demand for them, we may consider them at future run. Keep in mind, your weapon would be just 2x/2x. The random object generator spits out similar or better and they regularly just get sold off.

As a general tidbit to everyone, when suggestion items and services for sale, be sure it's actually stuff you want. It's stressful and frustrating to go up to bat for this stuff, and then there is no interest.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 5771
Date: 4/21/2017
Subject: Certificates Update

Due to overwhelming response, and to the nature of how players earn [blood]scrip, the enchanting certificates are going back on sale.

While I do feel strongly about this subject, we also realize people have made a sizable investment to save up for the enchanting.

Please note, moving forward, items in the scrip shop, most notably the certificates, are not guaranteed from run to run. We aim to move away from certificates in future runs and to new forms of how we deliver services, but priorities can and do change often.

A personal thank you to GameMasters Coase, Estild, and Finros for being open minded to discussing these topics to exhaustion each night.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 6323
Date: 4/26/2017
Subject: Certificate Redemptions

Just wanted to make it clear that as long as you email me before the expiration date, you're okay. I am trying to get through some every night when I can, but with hundreds purchased, it will be a bit slow. I do ask that if you have a question that the community can answer, to try to ask it on the forums. Getting a lot of questions like, "Who is Ironwright?" or "What are polearm flares?" Tough to field all these questions in my inbox.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 6605
Date: 4/29/2017
Subject: Inventory Retirement Reminders

I just want people to be 100% clear that nothing is guaranteed to return to any run after this one. This doesn't mean everything will be retired, just means it could be.

That said, some things won't be returning for sure, and I'll tell you those things now.

  • The enchant certificates. If enchanting returns, it will not be in this form.
  • Dark and Dangerous's Vault. Never again will this inventory return.
  • VolnArmor and Splitter certificates. If they return, it will not be in this form.
  • Chaos ring, tent, knapsack, vambrace, and cauldron on top of the table in the Scrip Shop.
  • The censer will not return, as it is exclusive to this run.
  • The Mar and Scar, Concealed. This portion of the shop is being retired.

Wyrom, PM

Return to the top of this page.

August 2017

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 7003
Date: 8/15/2017
Subject: Minor enchant certificate

Enchant certificates are not returning this run. That was announced several times last run. Voln Armor unlock, Splitters, AsG changes, Animated Cauldron, and the censor are all items that are 100% retired.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 7424
Date: 8/21/2017
Subject: Certificate Redemptions

We have a lot of first time buyers this time around, so I want to make sure it's clear what sort of expectations on turnaround times are for this.

I try to redeem a bunch when we first open up the Scrip Shop. This was done, but not a lot of people who purchased redeemed that night. After that point, I'm usually absorbed with Duskruin for the opening weekend and the next day or so. I typically don't get to many of these until Wednesday. GM Haliste also may look for you in game to get your certificate redeemed as well.

These are very inefficient distribution methods, and one of the big reasons I want to move away from them.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 7701
Date: 8/25/2017
Subject: How about some Ithzir love?

Tomorrow around 2PM ET, I will have some Ithzir Armor certificates available in the Scrip Shop. These will be 50k BS each and will scale with each purchase. These will also be limited to 1 per account. The user will have his/her choice of which tree to unlock, initiated with TURN.

As a reminder, there are 4 tiers per tree, and only 9 total tiers can be unlocked.

~ Haliste ~
The Forest Gnome of Silverwood Manor
ASGM, Events

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 8288
Date: 9/3/2017
Subject: Certificate Redemption

Since the event was extended, the final date to email me by (which is on the certificates you buy) will be September 10th (instead of the September 6th). This date is to get in touch with me. I'll also try to aim to have them all done by then too, but sometimes there is some back and forth or scheduling issues.

There was an extremely high turnout this run, and likely 4x the amount of certificates sold than any other run to date. I realize a lot of you have emailed for your redemption early on and may still be waiting. We're working through them as quickly as we can.

Wyrom, PM

Return to the top of this page.

February 2018