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Ithzir Common
Te I (subject)
tal my (possessive)
ti me/mine (object)
ptath you/r (subject)
ptatha you/r (object)
Kol Used in names of places - perhaps a country, or plane.
Koh! Live!/Breath!/Rise!/Fight on!
ka the
maktath this (here)
maktali that (there)
xeca next
hamma / hammu (to) have
jalorok (to) need/want
lett- (root verb) (to) create/make
latoth (to) die
alekna, or ichon (to) calm/be quite/be still
itona help (noun)
klaloc strength, power, essence, possibly blood
klakkar strength or skill
eif non-Ithzir
ramal lacking/too little
leti come
sathap trade
mtor move
itoni help
letho see
lato die
hammo kill
lan can
vas wait
kamath arrive/get here
val do/make
eis am/are/is
sruxo know
renta understand
halat need
entito watch
patalan listen
pat hear
mornstek create
mornstelrak destroy
ianu fight
shurlanu flee
esti feed
poxumrich bleed
gath wrath
kol home
grak father
mrak mother
issar spirit
kalissar brother/brethren
elissar sister
den heavens
johm birth
johmno death
silf star
silfeth valence/world
korak magic
tago mountain
set yes
ak no/not
branta maybe
akla hello
theki goodbye
mah and
yel or
anta if
jorat then
havva who
hor what
horo when
halak where
hifak why
kla how
na black
klalok should have
derop until
ilidoye emerald
klaktoth sun
Itona ti! Te lanak rom! Help me! I cannot move!
Hor? Kla val ptath? What? How did you?
Granoth! Tal issar leti! Granoth! My spirit comes!
Letta, Leth, Latoth I came, I saw, I died/Born, Lived, Died.
Urok vas derop tal kalissar kamath Just wait until my brethren arrive
klaloc lethi ram lette I should have seen that coming
Grak'na'den Father of Black Heavens


“They are endless. Worst of all, they know it. This makes them fearless. This makes them both a powerful enemy, and a powerful ally. This marks only the beginning of our collective knowledge of the Ithzir, of their history, and of their minds.” - Grishom Stone, 5116.

Glethad, once a curator at the Wehnimer’s Landing Museum, arranged passage to one of the Ithzir valences of Kol Tar’sken in the year 5116. It would be two years later that Glethad would return from his journey on Kol Tar’sken, where he had spent time researching the Ithzir, learning what he could of their history and documenting it all to share. The presented lore herein offers a glimpse into a partial genesis of the Ithzir as a whole, and then provides a deeper look into the specific Ithzir race within the valence of Kol Tar’sken.

Early History

“It is difficult to determine the homeworld of the Ithzir, for there are many among them who themselves deny it ever existed, knowing no permanence beyond the worlds they colonize and subdue. To them, they are ever growing, ever expanding, and ever endless.” - Glethad, 5118.

There is no great origin or recollection of the beginning of the Ithzir, for it is assumed, even among the highest echelons of their societies, that they have always been and always will be. Despite this, some would argue Kol Granoth to be the closest thing to what many Ithzir would call their homeworld. The light of Kol Granoth may have faded away long ago, but the Ithzir serve as its eternal light, burning across the worlds and endlessly evolving to their highest form.

It is said the world of Kol Granoth was like a golden star, with skies the color of citrines, and the ground chiseled from polished amber. It was there that the Twelve Pristine dwelled and ruled, having built great pyramids of obsidian and vast spherical cities where the castes of the Ithzir cycled through their lives, only to serve again even in death.

The Twelve Pristine were revered like gods among the Ithzir, for they had reached the pinnacle of their existence and their evolution had been fully recognized. Their minds were connected to every living Ithzir, which provided both a high level of loyalty and intimacy with their subjects that would not go on to exist forever. The obsidian pyramids were home to each Pristine, with all twelve of them spread out over the entire valence of Kol Granoth. These pyramids served as places of worship and rebirth.

The end of Kol Granoth began with the emergence of Grak’na’Den, or “Father of the Black Heavens.” Throughout history, the primordial creature of shadow and chaos was also known as Althedeus. It is unknown for sure how or when Grak'na'Den came to Kol Granoth, but it is not without reason to assume it occurred near the end of the Ur’Daemon War. There exist several primeval artifacts deep in the heart of the Sea of Fire that resemble some symbols often utilized by the Ithzir still to this day. Some speculate that the instability between valences during the cosmic battle not only birthed Grak'na'Den from chaos but created a gateway between Elanthia and the valence of Kol Granoth, which exposed the Ithzir to our world long before the Faendryl summoned them in Old Ta’Faendryl. The rift also provided Grak’na’Den with the means to reach Kol Granoth.

Grak'na'Den brought an unstoppable wave of death to the Ithzir. Never had they faced such a powerful enemy, one who even rivaled the combined power of the Twelve Pristine. Darkness and corruption set upon Kol Granoth and the Ithzir found themselves twisted and enthralled, many of them turning on each other and throwing their world into chaos. Grak’na’Den manipulated the Twelve into war, splintering their societies and seeding the entire race with wickedness.

The Twelve knew that they could not withstand the power of Grak’na’Den, and so it was that they depleted most of their life force to break away from Kol Granoth, piercing the veil between worlds and sending their people in twelve different directions. The twelve-pointed golden star would later become a powerful symbol to many of the surviving Ithzir race, most prominent as a symbol among the Seers.

Thousands of Ithzir fled in every direction, to every world that was placed before them. But the power and reach of Grak’na’Den was too strong and soon the Twelve Pristine began to fall to the shadows, consumed and destroyed forever. After the horrifying death of two Pristine Ithzir, the remaining Ten pooled their energy once more to close the worlds they had opened, hoping to cut off Grak'na'Den’s pursuit. It remains unknown what happened to Kol Granoth in the aftermath, whether Grak'na'Den moved on immediately to chase the other Ithzir, or if it remained behind to ensure the complete destruction of the Pristine.


Just as many believe the Arkati rose from strong emotions and powerful whims among the Drakes, so was Grak'na'Den wrought from their conflict with the Ur'Daemon. Unlike the powerful beings the Drakes had birthed, Grak'na'Den, also known as Althedeus, was a stunted and malevolent entity of evil, capable of vast power and manipulation, yet did not rival the Arkati themselves. While the creature's existence came from the chaotic powers unleashed in the aftermath of the Ur'Daemon War, it is speculated that Grak'na'Den may have slowly diminished in its capabilities over the ages, forcing the being to seek other means in which to survive. This eventually led him to Elanthia. There he manipulated mortals into trying to undergo a ritual of transference of his energy into a flawless urnon golem, which would serve as an eternal host vessel, but his plans were ultimately defeated. Through an alliance of heroes of Elanthia, led by the Palestra Aralyte, the being known to the Ithzir as Grak'na'Den was unraveled and destroyed in 5112 during the War of Shadows.

The Scattered Worlds

With the fate of Kol Granoth uncertain, there now exists an unknown number of valences where the Ithzir have made their home, collectively referred to as the "Scattered Worlds." The Ithzir continue to expand their reach, as they once sought to forever remain beyond the grasp of the Father of the Black Heavens.

While there may exist several dozen or even hundred variations of Ithzir now after the fall of Kol Granoth, none have been truly studied and well documented until recently, when Grishom Stone used one of his servants, Glethad, to travel the expanse of one of the Ithzir realms known as Kol Tar’sken.

Glethad’s written discoveries are shown to cover details of the world he visited, which scholars have been informed may not apply to Ithzir beyond Kol Tar’sken. Regardless, studying his observations may help shed some light on Ithzir in general, even if not always applicable.

Kol Tar'sken

“The skies of their world are yellow orange, with clouds the color of pale ash. Ribbons of jade green light and motes of gold stream the heavens. The very ground is solidly crystalline, and often reflects the sallow hue of the sky above. The horizon is dotted with large formations of basalt, and the wind itself carries the faint odor of copper. I can hear a dull whirring sound in the distance, and what appears to be green mist seeping from cracks within the crystalized earth below me.” - Glethad.

Over half of Kol Tar’sken is covered in jagged crystals, making most of the world now uninhabitable for the Ithzir. Nestled between several ranges of basalt mountains stretches a huge swathe of land the Ithzir refer to as Gron Verni, which translated, means "Glass Valley." Within Gron Verni there exist six spherical cities, each one ruled over by an Ithzir Sentinel, each of whom are the equivalent of Elanthian imperial rulers or elven monarchs. The Conclave of Sentinels together lead the entire Ithzir race upon Kol Tar’sken, and all decisions are made unanimously among the rulers. If even one Sentinel disagrees, then no decision is made until everyone is in agreement.

For as long as the Ithzir of Kol Tar’sken remember, they have moved from valence to valence, always trying to stay ahead of Grak’na’Den, while maintaining their own existence until their world is consumed of its resources. The Ithzir do not eat or drink like human or elves, but instead they are sustained by the flow of mana. They consume it, their bodies and minds kept refreshed by its energy that goes unseen all around them. As the mana of the world is depleted, it leaves in its wake jagged, unbreakable crystalline formations. It is a matter of survival that the Ithzir seek out other worlds, to both escape eradication and avoid starvation.

The Ithzir do not remain unchallenged on Kol Tar’sken. While they no longer contend with great elemental beings or demon wasps, the lumitryn have been discovered on their world, perhaps as a byproduct of each valence’s crystallization process. As the world dies and crystallizes, the alien crystalline worms emerge and infest, feeding on the mental magic that the Ithzir possess in abundance. If any other intelligent species once lived on Kol Tar’sken, they have already been eliminated by the Ithzir, who see themselves as superior above all life.

Being relatively without danger, the Ithzir of Kol Tar’sken have been able to significantly grow their numbers and amass hundreds of vessels to support their interplanar travel. Harking back to the design of the great obsidian pyramids that once housed the Pristine, the Ithzir have crafted smaller versions of the black structures that help transport and protect the Ithzir as they move between worlds and wage their next conquest.

Given that in 5115, the heroes of Elanthia defeated the creature known as Althedeus, or Grak’na’Den, it is unknown if the Ithzir will continue to find urgency in seeking new worlds, or if they can in fact find ways to stretch the resources in their valence, eliminating the need for endless conquest.

Life and Death

“Eizh loji rievi.” Ran’lock, 5116, Melgorehn’s Reach. Tehiri Translation: “Death makes Life.”

From all understanding, the spirits of the Ithzir are eternal. None recall what first birthed them to life, and many claim that their origin is not forgotten, but instead their existence has always been. Such thoughts have helped spur the Ithzir into a state of assumed primacy, seeing their race as unblemished and superior to all life of every world.

It is believed that when an Ithzir’s body dies, their spirit returns to Kol Granoth, which almost every Ithzir will tell you still exists. There, in their golden world, the surviving Pristine still dwell and welcome their kin home, only to touch their minds and prepare them for their new life when their spirits are transferred to a new body. This belief is confirmed by observations from the Ithzir who dwell in Old Ta’Faendryl, who at times cry out “Granoth! Tal issar leti!” upon their deaths. The words have been translated to mean “Granoth! My spirit comes!”

As it relates to the known Ithzir of Kol Tar’sken, their society has established the rank of Elders. There is no greater or more honorable position, outside of the Sentinels, within all of Gron Verni. Age alone does not dictate the status of Elder, but it is instead decided by several rigorous tests of both an Ithzir’s mind and body to determine their utmost supremacy. Once determined as an Elder, the Ithzir then travels to their city's Essence Chambers, where their bodies are preserved within crystalline sarcophagi, each one carved into the likeness of one of the ancient Pristine.

Through magical means known to the Ithzir, they have mastered the power of essence transference, and the entombed Elders’ bodies and minds are diminished over time in the process of creating new bodies to act as vessels for the reborn spirits of their brethren. It is said that the life of one Elder can help usher in the rebirth of over a thousand Ithzir. It is because of this that the Ithzir of Kol Tar’sken often recite “Eizh loji rievi,” which means “Death makes Life.” It is speculated that the use of Tehir words is symbolic of when the first conflict truly befell the Ithzir.

The transference process also explains while there are no children Ithzir in the world of Kol Tar’sken, as each new body that is formed is of a more mature, but still youthful age.


Ithzir Archons served as the keepers of each pyramid upon Kol Granoth, overseeing the daily activities and rituals performed within, and seeing that the needs of the Pristine were met. Few Ithzir ever encountered one of their flawless gods, for it was the Archons who dealt with the leaders of each caste and were said to have spoken with the full authority and blessing of each Pristine. Ithzir Initiates assisted at the command of each Archon and helped to tend to the business and upkeep of each temple.

On Kol Tar’sken archons still exist, but serve in a lesser role, where they aid in the daily affairs of each cities’ Sentinel. The initiates remain in service to the archons but have expanded their role in several ways. Ithzir Initiates often accompany groups of scouts when a new world or valence is explored, and it is not unheard of for them to assist seers within the birthing chambers when it comes to the reawakening of their kin.

Within the old birthing chambers of the pyramids, it was the Ithzir Augurs and Seers that channeled life to help ensure the eternity of the Ithzir. The golden light of Kol Granoth bled through the top of every great pyramid, its energy powering the crystalline chambers that routed life from the Pristine beings to spark the creation of new Ithzir. The Augurs were quite mystical and said to be handpicked by the Pristine themselves, as they were tasked with the delicate and honorable duty of siphoning energy from the Ithzir gods, before transferring it to the crystalline vessels to be shaped by the Seers into new life.

In the absence of the Pristine on Kol Tar’sken, the Augurs now oversee the trials of the elite members of the Ithzir race who then go on to become the sacred Elders. The Ithzir Seers still maintain their participation in the restoration of their brethren, and no duty of theirs is more critical than helping to shape the vessel of flesh that will be infused by the arriving spirit of a deceased Ithzir. It is said the Augurs and Seers still hold a connection to the lost energy of the Pristine. This allows them to use their mental powers to summon a measure of clairvoyance when shaping the flesh of other Ithzir and allows them to endure their next life until the time they depart to enter the cycle again.

While the Ithzir ruled supreme on Kol Granoth, they were not without enemies, as various threats existed in their world. Such dangers included elemental beasts, the burrow nests of demon wasps, and even the lumityrn. In response to these threats, the Ithzir janissaries and adepts provided ample protection for the denizens of the ring cities and the Twelve Pristine.

Over time the Ithzir learned that extermination of all of their natural enemies, while important, was not always necessary for every threat. While still upon Kol Granoth, the Ithzir formed a new class within their race to focus on using their ancient magic to subjugate and manipulate creatures to serve them in their extraplanar conquest. These Ithzir would become known as Grafters, who would breed and alter creatures either from their own worlds, or ones they captured from other valences. Oftentimes the breeding and grafting would be done in another valence, outside of their home world. This practice was also a precautionary measure to ensure their experiments never harmed the valence in which the Ithzir themselves dwelled.

Two of the most notable grafted creatures employed by the Ithzir at times were the kyrwug and the lywra. While the original valence of these creatures is unknown, they share many similarities with the firecats and storm griffins of Elanthia. They are both ferocious and have had their elemental affinities and abilities significantly enhanced by the Ithzir Grafters. It is not uncommon when invading other worlds for the Ithzir to open a portal and allow hordes of their grafted creatures to invade and unleash destruction before they even send in their initial janissaries, adepts, and champions.

In later years, after the fall of Kol Granoth, the Ithzir would form the roles of herald, scout and champion, as their travels took them to worlds beyond. The purpose of each class did not likely evolve much in the valence of Kol Tar’sken. Scouts are one of the first forces used to provide reconnaissance on another world, where they help to assess potential enemies and other challenges, while also collecting information on new resources. The heralds and champions are widely used during the time of full-scale invasion as their unique abilities and strength help to overcome the enemy in combat.

The Emerald Sun

There is a legend among the Ithzir of Kol Tar’sken and perhaps elsewhere, that when Grak’na’Den brought ruination to Kol Granoth he aided in the creation of what they call Ka Ilidoye Klaktoth, or the Emerald Sun. Before the Pristine sealed the world of Kol Granoth in hopes of trapping Grak'na'Den, they lost two of their own to the demonic creature of chaos and shadows. But as the Ithzir believe their energy is eternal, then their logic dictates that the essence of the fallen Pristine must also live on in some form.

Augurs and Seers have at times, throughout the history of Kol Tar’sken, had prophetic dreams of an ancient relic that appears to them as a glowing emerald orb that burns brightly in the heavens before falling like a great star. It is said that the magic of the two Fallen Pristine are contained within the Emerald Sun and that their spirits combined when they were defeated, so that they might exist even more powerfully in their next life. The tale continues that each time the Emerald Sun appears throughout time it will usher in a new age for the Ithzir, and one day the power of the Ka Ilidoye Klaktoth will be used to restore Kol Granoth and the original Twelve Pristine.

Scholars upon Elanthia note that the Emerald Sun of the Ithzir bears several similarities to the artifact known as the Star of Khar’ta. Notably though, in recent years the sorcerer Grishom Stone has come into possession of the Star and infused it with blood magic, altering its hue from green to crimson. Such a development begs the question - if both relics are indeed one and the same, what could be the end result of that particular change?

While the Ithzir of Kol Tar’sken do not worship the Emerald Sun as they once did the Twelve Pristine, they do highly regard the legend and quite possibly covet the relic itself.

Present Day

In the present day, the Ithzir are no stranger to Elanthia. A faction of Ithzir, their original home world unknown, have presided beyond the barrier in Old Ta’Faendryl for thousands of years. To this day they still plague the old capital city of the Elven Empire. In the year 5117, the sorcerous lich Vindicto sought to wage war against the Elven Nations, and in doing so brought forth the Ithzir champions who now have permanently joined their kin on the eastern side of the Dragonspine Mountains.

In 5116, the first known encounter of Ithzir from Kol Tar’sken occurred in the area around Wehnimer’s Landing, a small protectorate of the Turamzzyrian Empire. Glethad, once a curator of the Wehnimer’s Museum, who abandoned his role to serve the sorcerer Grishom Stone, spent several months imprisoned inside of an imperial outpost near Wehnimer’s Landing. During his confinement he was able to use his knowledge to send planar signals to the Ithzir in hopes of drawing their attention to Melgorehn’s Reach, a great mountain known to serve as a powerful nexus of magic and dimensional energy. The efforts worked when the Ithzir of Kol Tar’sken breached the valence and were locked in a conflict with the heroes of Wehnimer’s Landing, a fight that lasted nearly a month. At one point, the Ithzir made a pact with Grishom Stone in what witnesses described as "Power for Blood." It is unclear the details of the agreement, as the Ithzir were eventually overpowered and the portal to Kol Tar’sken closed.

While there have been no significant new incursions of the Ithzir since then, there should be no doubt as to the level of danger their race and power possess. Long thought to only be contained to Old Ta’Faendryl, the Ithzir’s temporary presence near Melgorehn’s Reach only proves that their menace goes far beyond the original barrier established by the Faendryl. Truthfully, no region, or even world, is safe from the threat of the Ithzir.