Template:Town shops: Difference between revisions

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<pre{{log2}}>{{:{{{designnpc}}}}}</pre> |}}</div><noinclude>
<pre{{log2}}>{{:{{{designnpc}}}}}</pre> |}}</div><noinclude>

</noinclude><includeonly>[[townshop-template-is::True| ]] [[shop type::{{{type|}}}|]] {{#switch: {{{type|}}} | pawnshop = [[shop wares::pawned merchandise| ]] | gemshop = [[shop wares::pawned jewelry| ]] |}} [[shop wares::{{{wares|}}}|]] [[shop wares::{{{addwares|}}}|]] {{#switch: {{{specialtyshop|}}} | yes = [[shop wares::specialty| ]] |}} {{#if: {{{backroom|}}} | [[has backroom::true| ]] |}} [[shop specialty::{{{specialty|}}} |]] {{#if: {{{location|}}} | [[shop location::{{{location|}}} |]] | [[shop location::{{{realm|}}} |]]}} {{#if: {{{propdesignnpc|}}} | [[shop design npc::{{{proprietor}}}| ]] |}} {{#if: {{{designnpc|}}} | [[shop design npc::{{{designnpc|}}}| ]] |}} [[Category:Town shops]] [[Category:{{{realm}}} shops]] {{#if: {{{location|}}} | [[Category:{{{location|}}} shops]]|}} {{#switch: {{{type|}}} | cart = [[Category:Wandering carts]] | eatery = [[Category:Eateries]] | gemshop = [[Category:Gemshops]] | inn = [[Category:Inns]] | pawnshop = [[Category:Pawnshops]] |}} {{#if: {{{specialtyshop|}}} | [[Category:Specialty shops]] |}} {{#if: {{{wares|}}} | {{#switch: {{{wares|}}} | beverages = [[Category:Beverage shops]] | brewing supplies = [[Category:Brewing shops]] | clerical supplies = [[Category:Cleric shops]] | cobbling materials = [[Category:Cobbling shops]] | dyes = [[Category:Dye shops]] | fishing supplies = [[Category:Fishing shops]] | fletching materials = [[Category:Fletcher shops]] | floral items = [[Category:Florists]] | forging materials = [[Category:Forging shops]] | general goods = [[Category:General stores]] | groceries = [[Category:Grocers]] | herbs = [[Category:Herb shops]] | instruments = [[Category:Instrument shops]] | locksmith supplies = [[Category:Locksmith shops]] | magic supplies = [[Category:Magic shops]] | mailing supplies = [[Category:Post offices]] | player shop furnishings = [[Category:{{{realm}}} player shop furnishings]] | premium home furnishings = [[Category:Premium homes]][[Category: {{{realm}}} premium home furnishings]][[Category:Premium home {{{specialty}}} shops]] | ships = [[Category:Ship shops]] | weapons = [[Category:Weapon shops]] | {{{wares|}}} = [[Category:{{{wares}}} shops]] |}} |}}{{#if: {{{addwares|}}} | {{#switch: {{{addwares|}}} | alchemy reagents = [[Category:Alchemy consignment shops]] | beverages = [[Category:Beverage shops]] | brewing supplies = [[Category:Brewing shops]] | clerical supplies = [[Category:Cleric shops]] | cobbling materials = [[Category:Cobbling shops]] | dyes = [[Category:Dye shops]] | fishing supplies = [[Category:Fishing shops]] | fletching materials = [[Category:Fletcher shops]] | floral items = [[Category:Florists]] | forging materials = [[Category:Forging shops]] | general goods = [[Category:General stores]] | groceries = [[Category:Grocers]] | herbs = [[Category:Herb shops]] | instruments = [[Category:Instrument shops]] | locksmith supplies = [[Category:Locksmith shops]] | magic supplies = [[Category:Magic shops]] | mailing supplies = [[Category:Post offices]] | player shop furnishings = [[Category:{{{realm}}} player shop furnishings]] | premium home furnishings = [[Category:Premium homes]][[Category: {{{realm}}} premium home furnishings]][[Category:Premium home {{{specialty}}} shops]] | ships = [[Category:Ship shops]] | weapons = [[Category:Weapon shops]] | {{{addwares|}}} = [[Category:{{{addwares}}} shops]] |}} |}}{{#if: {{{propdesignnpc|}}} | [[Category:Specialty design shops]] |}} {{#if: {{{designnpc|}}} | [[Category:Specialty design shops]] |}}</includeonly><noinclude>
</noinclude><includeonly>[[townshop-template-is::True| ]] [[shop type::{{{type|}}}|]] {{#switch: {{{type|}}} | pawnshop = [[shop wares::pawned merchandise| ]] | gemshop = [[shop wares::pawned jewelry| ]] |}} [[shop wares::{{{wares|}}}|]] [[shop wares::{{{addwares|}}}|]] {{#switch: {{{specialtyshop|}}} | yes = [[shop wares::specialty{{#switch: {{{wares|}}} | premium home furnishings = s |}}| ]] |}} {{#if: {{{backroom|}}} | [[has backroom::true| ]] |}} [[shop specialty::{{{specialty|}}} |]] {{#if: {{{location|}}} | [[shop location::{{{location|}}} |]] | [[shop location::{{{realm|}}} |]]}} {{#if: {{{propdesignnpc|}}} | [[shop design npc::{{{proprietor}}}| ]] |}} {{#if: {{{designnpc|}}} | [[shop design npc::{{{designnpc|}}}| ]] |}} [[Category:Town shops]] [[Category:{{{realm}}} shops]] {{#if: {{{location|}}} | [[Category:{{{location|}}} shops]]|}} {{#switch: {{{type|}}} | cart = [[Category:Wandering carts]] | eatery = [[Category:Eateries]] | gemshop = [[Category:Gemshops]] | inn = [[Category:Inns]] | pawnshop = [[Category:Pawnshops]] |}} {{#if: {{{specialtyshop|}}} | [[Category:Specialty shops]] |}} {{#if: {{{wares|}}} | {{#switch: {{{wares|}}} | beverages = [[Category:Beverage shops]] | brewing supplies = [[Category:Brewing shops]] | clerical supplies = [[Category:Cleric shops]] | cobbling materials = [[Category:Cobbling shops]] | dyes = [[Category:Dye shops]] | fishing supplies = [[Category:Fishing shops]] | fletching materials = [[Category:Fletcher shops]] | floral items = [[Category:Florists]] | forging materials = [[Category:Forging shops]] | general goods = [[Category:General stores]] | groceries = [[Category:Grocers]] | herbs = [[Category:Herb shops]] | instruments = [[Category:Instrument shops]] | locksmith supplies = [[Category:Locksmith shops]] | magic supplies = [[Category:Magic shops]] | mailing supplies = [[Category:Post offices]] | player shop furnishings = [[Category:{{{realm}}} player shop furnishings]] | premium home furnishings = [[Category:Premium homes]][[Category: {{{realm}}} premium home furnishings]][[Category:Premium home {{{specialty}}} shops]] | ships = [[Category:Ship shops]] | weapons = [[Category:Weapon shops]] | {{{wares|}}} = [[Category:{{{wares}}} shops]] |}} |}}{{#if: {{{addwares|}}} | {{#switch: {{{addwares|}}} | alchemy reagents = [[Category:Alchemy consignment shops]] | beverages = [[Category:Beverage shops]] | brewing supplies = [[Category:Brewing shops]] | clerical supplies = [[Category:Cleric shops]] | cobbling materials = [[Category:Cobbling shops]] | dyes = [[Category:Dye shops]] | fishing supplies = [[Category:Fishing shops]] | fletching materials = [[Category:Fletcher shops]] | floral items = [[Category:Florists]] | forging materials = [[Category:Forging shops]] | general goods = [[Category:General stores]] | groceries = [[Category:Grocers]] | herbs = [[Category:Herb shops]] | instruments = [[Category:Instrument shops]] | locksmith supplies = [[Category:Locksmith shops]] | magic supplies = [[Category:Magic shops]] | mailing supplies = [[Category:Post offices]] | player shop furnishings = [[Category:{{{realm}}} player shop furnishings]] | premium home furnishings = [[Category:Premium homes]][[Category: {{{realm}}} premium home furnishings]][[Category:Premium home {{{specialty}}} shops]] | ships = [[Category:Ship shops]] | weapons = [[Category:Weapon shops]] | {{{addwares|}}} = [[Category:{{{addwares}}} shops]] |}} |}}{{#if: {{{propdesignnpc|}}} | [[Category:Specialty design shops]] |}} {{#if: {{{designnpc|}}} | [[Category:Specialty design shops]] |}}</includeonly><noinclude>

<pre><nowiki>{{Town shops
<pre><nowiki>{{Town shops

Revision as of 14:57, 13 November 2024

Please see the town shops style guide for instructions on how to use this template. This template will only handle a single room. If a shop has multiple rooms, please use town shops addroom template for each additional room. A semantic form is available to use in lieu of using the template, as well: Form:Town shop.

Town shops is a shop in {{{realm}}} that sells .


{{Town shops
|collapseall =             <!-- Required if there are collapsible tables or sections in use.  This allows for all toggles needed to uncollapse the information to be entered as: mw-customtoggle-(toggle).
|type =                    <!-- Required. Valid choices are inn or eatery.  Leave blank if just a shop. -->
|realm =                   <!-- Required. Valid choices are realm only.  For in depth location information, use "location" parameter.
|article =                 <!-- Optional. To be used with location parameter if the location has "the" in the official name, ie. the Ravelin.  Leave blank otherwise. -->
|location =                <!-- Optional. Meant to denote if a shop is found in a small town/settlement outside the "town proper," ie. Ravelin, which is outside of Ta'Vaalor. -->
|specialtyshop =           <!-- Optional. Any entry will populate "specializes in".  Leave blank for "sells" -->
|wares =                   <!-- Required in all but specialty shops. Valid choices are apparel, armor, beverage, brewing, clerical, fishing, fletching, floral goods, food, general, grocery, herb, instrument, jewelry, locksmith, magic, ship, tobacco, weapon -->
|addwares =                <!-- Optional. Should only be used if a store specializes in two main types of items, eg. brewing supplies AND tobacco.  Valid choices are same as wares. -->
|specialty =               <!-- Optional. Specialty item. To be used with specialtyshop parameter or if a shop falls within the regular wares, but has a focus, ie. a shoe store falls under apparel wares, but only sells shoes. -->
|addinfo =                 <!-- Optional. Any additional information for the shop. -->
|proprietor =              <!-- Optional. This is either the merchant that displays when you ORDER or the NPC within the room. They can either be a base description (15/15/15) or named. -->
|npcarticle =              <!-- Optional. Set an article for the proprietor if not named. -->
|npc =                     <!-- Optional. This creates a link to the NPC's page if there is on present in the shop. -->
|propdesignnpc=            <!-- Optional. This is if the proprietor NPC is also a specialty design NPC. Anything entered will automatically transclude the specialty designs from the proprietor NPC's page to the shop. -->
|designnpcart =            <!-- Optional. Set an article for the design NPC if not named. -->
|designnpc =               <!-- Optional. This is if there is a specialty design NPC in the room that is not the proprietor. This will additionally automatically transclude the specialty designs from the NPC's page to the shop. -->
|propinfo =                <!-- Optional. This is a small blurb of information about the proprietor, if known. This should not be used if the proprietor is an NPC. -->

|multiroom =               <!-- Optional. Any entry will populate the header for the first room only. Other room headers will need to be manually created, and the room description template added.-->
|roomname =                <!-- Required. Name of the room. -->
|desc =                    <!-- Required. Description of the room. -->
|realrnum =                <!-- Optional. Real room ID.  Will only populate if rnum is present. -->
|rnum =                    <!-- Optional. Lich room ID. -->
|exits =                   <!-- Optional. Inside rooms only. -->
|paths =                   <!-- Optional. Outside rooms only. -->

|sign =                    <!-- Optional.  This should be used if there is a sign in the room.
|inventory =               <!-- Required. This should be a copy and paste of the output when using ORDER, or in some cases the sign indicating a menu, as well as the customization options available.-->
|backroom =                <!-- Optional. Optional. This displays inventory that is only available for purchase after a character has built up a rapport with the shop owner and is granted access to it.-->