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'''The Last Days of Yuriqen'''
'''The Last Days of Yuriqen'''

Revision as of 13:33, 8 March 2025

The Last Days of Yuriqen

Being an Epistolary Collection

Presented by Tiwlip, Novitiate Postulant of the High Council Sylvisterai in the Wild

Introductory Notes

Though our historical traditions are typically in the form of oral histories[1], some documentation is preserved through more material formats, such as the letters following. The convention of letter writing came late to our people and was heavily influenced by necessities that arose during periods of trade with the elves and their city-states. Most letters prior to the sealing of Yuriqen were discarded in the years of sad travel before the founding of that great city, but some small measures were saved from loss through the personal possessions of those fleeing into the wilds.

The reader should, however, be warned that within these letters are the details most intimate of persons in a time of great stress. The names of some individuals, still living, have been redacted, so as to preserve their privacy in life, and the names of some individuals, now deceased, have been redacted so as to preserve their dignity in death. Where letters were written with an aim to be disseminated to the public, this is noted.

The Letters

Letter 1.


I wish that you would take the advice I give you and dedicate yourself more firmly to the task of learning and less to the gossip of those who grow bored and unappreciative of the long years of their lives. Though I value A⸻ as a colleague, her tendency towards dire speculation is not a trait I would like to see develop in you, my favored daughter.[2] I had thought being assigned to her service would provide you the opportunity to learn from a great mind, but it seems she is teaching you all the wrong things. Do not misstep! The Council undertook great consideration before admitting Myrdanian[3] to our fair glade, and A⸻’s public denunciations of him embarrass us all. Do not be lured into doubt.

I have been told that you seek transfer in your service to another. I think this is a good idea, and reconciles me to your intelligence, even if it has seemed lacking of late in practice. I would counsel patience and seek first to distance yourself from your current mistress so that it becomes her idea that you should learn from another. It would be a courtesy to her to allow her dignity in losing you as a pupil. Despite my concerns as to her personal conduct, she is deserving of our pity, as her mind clearly fails.

Come and visit soon. I miss your darling face, and I would love to see you and embrace you as my dutiful child, and not as a slightly wayward postulant who needs chiding. The last time I saw you, your face seemed wan. Remember to eat. Dining well is a gift from Imaera, who provides us with such plenty as to be full and merry.[4] Do not spurn her favor! I shall have a bottle of elderflower sent over and expect you to tell me how you consumed it in mirth, when next we speak.

Letter 2.

Thank you, Mother, for the wine and fruit which you sent. Please, next time, can you arrange to have it sent under less official cover? The other postulants enjoyed it, but it does cause embarrassment to have so many official seals and fripperies sitting in our shared pile of post. I know you are not subtle, but try, for me? Thank you as well for the new tunic.[5] I will attempt to eat and drink my way into fitting into it a bit better.

I hope you haven’t been telling anyone that I’d like to transfer out of A⸻’s service. Where did you hear that? It isn’t true, and I’m very happy in my current position. I like the Hierarch and have no intention of leaving her behind to climb the council ladder.

Unless you know of someone who has asked about potentially, maybe, requesting me? I don’t want to leave the Hierarch, as I said, but it is nice to be considered.
I’m not going to argue with you about Myrdanian.[6]

Letter 3.


I hope you’re okay. We’re camped out near ⸻, us and a squad out of Yr’Shryv.[7] They’re fine. Too gloomy for my taste, but they know how to fight, which is what matters.

We saw combat again yesterday. The things I’ve killed in this war, and that have tried to kill me…I wouldn’t wish the nightmares I’ve had lately on anyone. I smell brimstone in my sleep.

I think you should start quietly putting some things together. Save what outsider currency[8] you can, and have a bag ready. I’m worried this is going to end[9]

Letter 4.

The search started with promise but ended in so many sorrows. We thought we saw signs of more who made it out before the seal came down. It was all death though. Three days ago, B⸻. He was alive, briefly, but unable to speak and his spirit did not linger. In light of his crimes, it was a mercy that P⸻ couldn’t bring him back. Yesterday, Eifion, Hefin, Trahaearn, and Lowris.[10] They were all together in the end, it seems. It didn’t help them though. All dead, but not at our hands. Based on the wounds and the way they fell in a line, something slew them quickly from behind as they fled. We have doubled the watch and no one is ever alone anymore.
This morning, we came upon Wilvuth,[11] who made a great and long case for his own preservation, but X⸻ spoke equally passionately against him. We are at odds now, X⸻ and me. I think Wilvuth was convincing. We cannot prove his part in Myrdanian’s machinations,[12] but circumstantially, it doesn’t look good.

This is where we are as I write this, and soon hopefully find my bed, such as it is. Wilvuth lives still, bound and awake, though silenced. His eyes look to me constantly for help, but I can offer him nothing more than the water I shared earlier today. We are honorable, all of us, but pain twists the heart so and deadens us to past friendships.

Letter 5.

I saw him do it. I saw him do it. I saw him I saw him I saw him I saw him[13]

Letter 6.

I stood for as long as I could outside of the city, looking in the direction of where I know you are. Were? Are any of you alive in there? I have to believe you are. The Nanrithowan has to mean something. It can’t just be the end.

Eventually, Hyldedd[14] took me by the arm and walked me away with the others. I kept trying to look back, but once I took my eyes off of it, the magics kicked in and now when I turn around, I see nothing but endless forest. My eyes hurt though, from squinting at the light for so long, and now from squinting into the woods in hope I’ll catch another glimmer.

I will miss you forever.

If a day comes when Yuriqen is again within the world, I will be there looking for you.

Letter 7.

Dearest Onaef,
I write to you from Ta’Illistim, where I have taken up residence as a maid to a very great lady.[15] Her household is very fine, and she has given me three sets of clothes — a set for when we are at home, a set for when we are out, and a set for when I am to attend her at Court.
Yes! She intends for me to come with her to Court, when she goes to see the many fancy people and do her bows and curtsies to the Queen. The other maid, Malonne,[16] says that I have to learn the bows and curtsies too, or I will embarrass our lady and then I will not be allowed at Court. She has not offered to teach me. I will do my best.
It impressed my lady very much that I could read and write so well. She did not know that I could when she gave me a place in her house and said I was, ‘Both smart and fair to look on,’ which was very kind of her and made me blush. Her other maid is very pretty, and can read and write, but only in a tiny, cramped hand. My lettering is much nicer, and I can write in elven as well as common. Which you know, as you taught me!
As soon as I have some wages, I will buy something lovely and send it to you. I hope it will be with my next letter. I hope that you write me back before then! I am worried that I have not heard from you.

Letter 8.

May Imaera keep you in good health.

It was very pleasing to all of us when you ascended from apprentice to full acolyte of the temple. Your father and I went about to all of our neighbors and said to them, “Our daughter has found a good place for herself, she will do good things for her friends and family. She will remember us in her prayers to Imaera.” But you do not visit, and people have noticed.

Why do you not leave Yr’Tael[17] just for a day to come home and show your face and your hallowed vestments to those who love you? It would do your sister good to see you. She cries at night for fear that demons will come and steal us all from our beds. We tell her this is ridiculous, no demon can walk within the Silver Veil. We are only her parents though, and she will not hear it from us. You could sway her, however.

Also, if you could check your things and see if you accidentally took my good knitting needles with you when you packed up your room, that would be appreciated. I’m sure you didn’t mean to take them, but they have gone missing and I remember you borrowing them to make that lovely green shawl with the white trumpet vines,[18]

Letter 9.

I have put aside the items that you requested. There is myrtle and sweet incense, as we discussed, and I found a nice length of ataela. I have included a packet of iris roots, as I think I remember that you liked them last year?

I would be happy to take the cider in trade, but only the new bottles.[19]

Letter 10.

Oriphine[20] has given me a sealed scroll and told me, “There is news that Myrdanian has left his tower and approaches the settlement of Yr’Vres himself, at the head of the main body of his army of orcs and foul creatures.” Oriphine expects them to come before the end of the week and does not think that the Little Tree[21] will last under assault from the enemy’s forces. She asked me to deliver the scroll by whatever means I can, but in secrecy, to Elidys,[22] who has recently become head of the Ne’Yuscarl[23] upon Thereo’s[24] death. (I didn’t know, until she told me, that Thereo had been killed. Is this common knowledge in Yuriqen?)[25]

So, I am to give a sealed scroll to Admete, so that it can be delivered to Elidys, and they can join their forces to repel the enemy from Yr’Vres, and then from Yuriqen. If this scroll does not get to where it should be, I have included a copy within this text, using the cipher we employed as children. Remember, the one we devised in our little arbor with the white flowered vines? Please, make sure that the message is given to the High Council. They may tell you, “We already know of this,” or they may tell you, “This news is old and further developments have already occurred,” or they may tell you nothing, but it is important that they see that we are in dire peril.

Letter 11.

Please don’t worry. The empaths who travel with us are extremely good at their jobs. My own wound has gone from a gape to a small thing, and the herbs they supply should have it gone to nothing soon. I expect to be back in fighting shape before this letter reaches you.[26] We have had great success along the southern front and are cutting down orcs faster than they can be brought into battle against us.

Letter 12.

I no longer have the small bottles of cider which the larder at Yr’Thrumh[27] was storing. All of that vintage, as well as some very young drams and a few quite aged casks, have been removed from my keeping and put on transport out of the city towards a destination where they will be kept safe until a more appropriate season. I am told that they were sent initially via wagon and will thence be borne by boat. In total, 83 units were sent away. They were sent under the careful eye of someone I trust, as I would not leave such bounty unguarded in transit.

Letter 13.

I have had a dream, over and over. In it, I see the faces of our people, some familiar and some unknown to me, and they stare down from the heights of our great modwirs with tears in their eyes and the tracks of tears on their faces. The light of sunset catches them and they are bathed in a great wash of silver, so beautiful as to bring tears to my own eyes. When I blink to clear the salt, all of these people are gone, as if they never were. The Veil is gone, as if it never were.

Is this an omen? A portent? Do the gods themselves try to tell us something? If this is a danger foretold, surely they would be more direct.[28]

I will pray on this, and I beg you to pray on it as well.

Letter 14.

I am committing this to parchment because I am afraid otherwise, what has happened to us will be unknown.

Today, the High Hierarch spoke into all of our minds, and we were given a vision. She stood at the top of Yr’Thrumh and was dressed in her full regalia. Her green tunic and mithril chains gleamed in the sun, but her face was in shadow. The wind, so strong at the top of that great tree, whipped her hair back behind her. At her sides, we could see the whole of the High Council, and the leaders of the D’ahranals, and they were also dressed in formal finery and sad countenance. The High Hierarch spoke to each of us at once, and I could see others on the street stop and listen. We were all caught up in her voice.

She said to us, “This war cannot be won, but it will not be lost. Tomorrow, there will be a great sealing, a Nanrithowan from which our time of emergence is unknown. All who wish to leave, we offer this chance to go, with no ill will and no sorrow for parting, We offer you the promise of joy for the time when we are reunited.” She smiled at us. “Become together a new D’ahranal, who we will know as Lassaran, and go out into the world. We will keep this place for you, and when the time is right, you will come home and set us free.” Then she said many other things to us, of the love we should have for one another, and the patience we should have in waiting, and she said private things, that are for our people only, which I will not share here. When she stopped speaking, she looked at us, and everyone I spoke to after felt the same, that she was looking at them and seeing them directly. She gave us each a moment and a part of herself, and a blessing of Imaera, and a ward of Gosaena, and then we were alone again in our heads, and our world was split into those who chose to stay, and those who chose to go.

I have chosen to stay. When Yuriqen is sealed and lost to the rest of the world, I will stay. I have committed this to parchment to beg you not to be angry that we have withdrawn. Do not forget us, but do not mourn us.

Go, and make the world better. Then come and find us, waiting for you.

Letter 15.

My letters to you kept coming back, so I finally got the courage to go and ask my lady if I was doing something wrong with the post, and oh, she looked so sad. She sat me down in a chair and brought me a small glass of liqueur, she herself brought it to me! Then she told me that there were sad tidings out of Yuriqen, and that the city was gone. I didn’t understand her, so she told me again. The city is gone. This doesn’t make any sense, and while she is a very grand lady, and a very smart and worldly person, I think she must have made some mistake. Maybe she confused Yuriqen with somewhere else? I didn’t want to embarrass her, so I just nodded and said I understood, and she looked at me oddly and asked if I really did.

Elves are very peculiar.

So, I’m writing to you again, this time via your brother, who I know will know better how to make sure this letter gets to you. I have enclosed this envelope inside a larger one addressed to him, so that he can send it along without reading our secret words to one another.

Write me back soon.


  1. For more information on oral histories, see Gael (5107), Of Poetry and Memory.
  2. For more information on the role of family and relationships between parents and children, see The History of the Sylvan Elves, (n.d.).
  3. Few surviving letters record the relationship of Myrdanian to his sylvan hosts before the events of his banishment. This example shows the conflict that his presence caused in Yuriqen even before his treachery was known. By this point in our history, so few outsiders were granted leave to remain in the city that even those who had the full backing of the High Council were seen with distrust. Statistically, in most cases the distrust was unwarranted, though Myrdanian’s great betrayal does skew the impact overall.
  4. Imaera has been worshiped in many different ways within sylvan history. This appears to be a reference to the short-lived cult of Imaera as feastbringer, which arose in Yuriqen among the well-to-do of Yr’Weth in the last century before the sealing of the city. The cult was seen as largely harmless, mainly encouraging the consumption of great shared meals and weeks long celebrations of drinking and dancing. 5Livery was provided as standard to novices and lower level aides of the High Council, but more expensive and well-tailored versions of official garments were allowed, as long as they didn’t overstep in design or acknowledgment of rank. For more information on clothing in ritual, see Anchors in Memory (n.d.).
  5. Livery was provided as standard to novices and lower level aides of the High Council, but more expensive and well-tailored versions of official garments were allowed, as long as they didn’t overstep in design or acknowledgment of rank. For more information on clothing in ritual, see Anchors in Mourning, (n.d.).
  6. The casual use of Myrdanian as a first name, without surname or qualifier, indicates a level of personal relationship between the letter’s author and the Great Deforester that is otherwise unseen in existing communication from the period.
  7. Yr’Shryv officially housed the Temple of Gosaena within Yuriqen, but was also collectively a working district for smaller groups of seers and soothsayers, as well as mages and independent magical academies. The tree’s reputation for ghostly apparitions and specters should be balanced with the presence of its large residential population, who got along just fine without being troubled by the dead.
  8. The economics of day-to-day life functioned largely through trade and reciprocity on the individual and family levels. The outside world’s preference for currency was not unknown, and coinage did circulate within the sylvan population. It was considered mildly distasteful, however.
  9. The text is incomplete.
  10. Eifion Fenmoira, Hefin Elagwyn, Lowris Phirora, and Trahaearn Torlee appear in a list of musicians resident in Yr’Vara. This text, only recently made public, indicates they died outside of the city in the chaotic days after the Nanrithowan. Previously, they were believed to have remained in Yuriqen.
  11. Wilvtuh Sarven was a political operative and advocate for a devolution of power from the High Council and the D’ahranals to local governments within each of the Great Seven. This movement never saw any great gains, and was tolerated until conflict broke out with Myrdanian, at which time it was outlawed as dangerous to the war effort.
  12. This text references a rumored fifth column within Yuriqen in league with Myrdanian and his army. Wilvuth Sarven, mentioned previously, has long been believed to have been amongst those secret supporters, but apart from this reference, there is no evidence tying him directly to actions against the High Council. There is also no additional information concerning his ultimate fate. The letter illustrates the violence and paranoia present in the aftermath of Yuriqen’s sealing. It would be a comfort to believe that those within the city and those outside of it made their choice to stay or go wholly with peace in their hearts, but when the city disappeared there were large numbers of people outside of the glade, and not all of Myrdanian’s beasts were immediately slain by the magics that spread outwards from where Yuriqen had previously stood. The pity that stayed Myrdanian’s death on banishment was long gone, and though death had never been the sylvan way, many gave in to their fear and took out their anger on their brethren.
  13. Note the image associated with this text, which seems to depict a slender russet-haired sylvan and a tall, silver-haired elf – first embracing, and then bearing down on one another with blades and bursts of brightly colored magic. The childish hand and manner of illustration indicate youth on the part of the artist, but the scrawled rage in the text, which is impressed deeply into the parchment, evidences a witness statement of experienced violence.
  14. Hyldedd Beiro, resident of Yr’Thrumn, later Hierarch of the Council Sylvisterai in the Wild.
  15. As the war with Myrdanian became entrenched, many young adult sylvans were sent away by their families to get them clear of the conflict zone. This letter, one amongst a sheaf from a single author, details her placement in an elven household. Those letters which more clearly identify the young woman and the ‘great lady’ that she was employed by have been heavily redacted by the elven source who repatriated them to our scholars.
  16. Curiously, this name was not redacted in the original text. At present, we have been unable to locate ‘Malonne’, which may indicate a false name, an individual who does not wish to be consulted, or more sadly, someone who made little impression on the world around her, and is lost to history.
  17. Yr’Tael officially housed the Temple of the Dawn, an open air place of worship at the easternmost height of Yuriqen. It was the first place the dawn touched the city, and was incredibly holy. Clerics stationed in Yr’Tael were took vows of silence, save for during that early hour when they were permitted to speak and sing in their rites.
  18. This reference is unknown.
  19. See Letter 12, this volume, for a possible companion piece to this text.
  20. Oriphine Iancyne, resident of Yr’Mez. She is recorded amongst the dead before Yuriqen was sealed, and fell reinforcing the easternmost defenses of the city.
  21. Yr’Vres, the “Little Tree,” was a settlement located within the Silver Veil but outside of Yuriqen’s immediate perimeter defenses. In happier times, it was known for its autumnal festival, an event geared toward children. It was burned and razed to the ground by Myrdanian’s army.
  22. Elidys Iancine, resident of Yr’Mez. She was briefly leader of the Ne’Yuscarl, falling valiantly at the Battle of the Yr’Vres where she held back a great many of the enemy before ultimately succumbing to dark magics.
  23. The Ne’Yuscarl maintained the border defenses of the Silver Veil. When it became clear that those defenses would break, many died attempting to reinforce other sylvan forces.
  24. Thereo Iancine, resident of Yr’Mez, and leader of the Ne’Yuscarl. Four of the six Iancine siblings fell leading the Ne’Yuscarl. Thereo fell first, while trying to maintain the Rithowen, then Elidys next at the Battle of Yr’Vres, soon after Oriphine near the Temple of the Dawn, then Admete, defending the way into Yr’Thrumh. The remaining siblings, twins Brisil and Yrsil (the author of the text) were last seen entering the chambers of the High Council shortly before the Nanrithowan was cast. Their fates remain unknown.
  25. This portion of the passage has particular resonance when viewed as one sibling writing to another.
  26. This letter was never delivered to its intended recipient, whose identity is unknown.
  27. Where the ‘small bottles’, ‘very young drams,’ and ‘quite aged casks’ were sent for safety is unknown. As mentioned in regards to Letter 7 (this volume), when the war effort began to falter, many sylvan youths were sent away to safety. The eighty-three presumed children, infants, and elderly sylvan referenced here are but a small number who became part of the larger post-war sylvan diaspora. It is not likely they remained together, and the youngest amongst them, who would have now lived entire lives outside of their homeland, may never have known they were loved so much as to be sent away in such secrecy.
  28. Some scholars attribute this letter, which remains as only a fragment, to Hierarch Alesanderie, who was responsible for unveiling Myrdanian’s treachery, and who almost died at his hand. This seems unlikely, however, as Alesanderie is historically represented as less reliant on the gods and more focused on the self-reliance of the sylvan people. As with much historical documentation, while this text itself can be authenticated as to age and origin, the specific author can be difficult to determine.