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Galenblackbard sings:

"The child gently swings in the backyard
Lost in the to and fro of the wind"

The white feathered wings seems to respond to the magic of Galenblackbard's song.

Galenblackbard weaves a melody around his white feathered wings. The wings suddenly come to life and flap gently in his grasp.

Galenblackbard sings:

"The child gently swings in the backyard
Lost in the to and fro of the wind
Rushing past her face on the way forward"

The white feathered wings seems to respond to the magic of Galenblackbard's song.

Galenblackbard's voice caresses the wings tenderly, and his eyes glaze over momentarily.

Galenblackbard sings:

"The child gently swings in the backyard
Lost in the to and fro of the wind
Rushing past her face on the way forward
Glees and yelps and rushes go toward"

The white feathered wings seems to respond to the magic of Galenblackbard's song.

The wings in Galenblackbard's hand pulses with a life of their own, in response to his song.

Galenblackbard sings:

"The child gently swings in the backyard
Lost in the to and fro of the wind
Rushing past her face on the way forward
Glees and yelps and rushes go toward
The house where her mother awaits"

The white feathered wings seems to respond to the magic of Galenblackbard's song.

An errant breeze ruffles the feathers of the wings as Galenblackbard sings.

Galenblackbard sings:

"The child gently swings in the backyard
Lost in the to and fro of the wind
Rushing past her face on the way forward
Glees and yelps and rushes go toward
The house where her mother awaits
With loving arms, ample gates"

The white feathered wings seems to respond to the magic of Galenblackbard's song.

With each modulation of Galenblackbard's voice, the wings sends off an aura of white wisps.

Galenblackbard sings:

"The child gently swings in the backyard
Lost in the to and fro of the wind
Rushing past her face on the way forward
Glees and yelps and rushes go toward
The house where her mother awaits
With loving arms, ample gates
To the tranquil waters the ever bind"

The white feathered wings seems to respond to the magic of Galenblackbard's song.

As Galenblackbard sings to his wings, they rise slowly, only to fall still once again.

Galenblackbard recites:

"When you can see again, your surroundings have changed to the shadowy base of a towering mountain where a cozy log cabin stands. A man of indeterminate race exits the small wooden abode and takes a careful glance around. He is getting on in years, yet not so old as to be feeble and decrepit. With a quiet sigh, he turns to reenter his home when suddenly, something crashes nearby! He rushes over to investigate the cause of the ruckus with the energy and vigor of a man several years younger. To his surprise, he discovers a large bird, nearly the size of a dog, with pure white plumage, crying out in pain from a broken wing. Darkness falls upon the scene as the man carefully considers what to do with the injured creature."

Galenblackbard recites:

"The injured bird perches comfortably upon a branch in a makeshift aviary, its wing splinted and wrapped in bandages. It appears wary as the man approaches cautiously from the side. He carries a basket of fruits, which he rests upon the ground several feet away from the bird. Backing away slowly, he watches with a slight smile on his face as the bird hops down from its perch and greedily eats up the delectable offerings. The man turns and walks away, a shadowy curtain falling upon the image, until all that remains is the here and now."

Galenblackbard recites:

"In the blink of an eye, you once again see the man tending to the bird, though this time, the creature seems friendlier towards its caretaker. The man holds an apple up to the bird, and it quickly snatches it up, crunching cheerfully on the fruit. Later on, the magnificent bird preens itself, taking care of its vibrant pure white plumage. Several feathers drift softly to the ground, sending off an aura of white wisps. The vivid display catches the eye of the man, who approaches the feathers with caution. After the moment of wonderment passes, he gingerly collects the fallen feathers and brings them to the cabin, all the while staring intently at the feathers with curiosity. As he closes the door, the scene drifts into obscurity.

Galenblackbard recites:

"Soon, you can see the man standing in the shadow of the large mountain, staring at the sky. He watches with tears in his eyes as the bird flies off into the distance, never to be seen again. Clutching the bandages and splint in his hands, he lets out a lonesome sigh, saddened by the departure of his companion for the past few months. Lamenting his loss, he makes his way into his cabin and glances at a basket, filled with pure white feathers he had collected over time. With one last glance out the window, he pulls out several feathers and begins to weave them together with a skilled hand. As the sun sets, the scene fades from your vision."

Galenblackbard recites:

"You are caught momentarily in the display, and when you look up, the man once again stands alone in the shadow of the mountain. Sprouting from his back is a pair of pure white feathered wings. With a deep breath, he flaps the wings once, causing a strong breeze to swirl around the clearing. He keeps flapping his wings, attempting to gain the power of flight, but after nearly an hour of trying
his feet still remain planted firmly on the ground. Crying out in pain and through tears of agony, he wrenches the wings from his back. He collapses to the ground and lies there for a while, sobbing quietly. The scene quickly passes to evening. With bandages on his back, man approaches the makeshift aviary he had built and hangs the wings he had crafted upon the perch where the bird once sat. Without a single look back, he hobbles back to his cabin and closes the door one final time. As it finally shuts, you are snapped back to reality, holding the very white feathered wings in your hands from the vision that should be."

Whoever made these...THANK YOU! They are absolutely wonderful. I am going to suspect that the other ones have a different loresong and I would love to see them.