User talk:TUMARA

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This is a personal accounting of Opalina's experience--these are her personal views, and actions from her perspective, no logs are being recorded at this time.

The Icemule's City Council

Opalina's Thoughts

A call to action from the citizens of Icemule

Sitting at the table in my home I'm running through my desire to support Icemule. I don't feel confident in being able to help be on a council but I am feeling this strong desire to do so. I lay my head down on the cool table. My white lizard companion nuzzles my cheek before biting my ear Great even he wants me to stop moping.. Fine Fine I'll just throw myself out there and see what happens.

The speeches

The gods above that was a terrible experience! I was so flustered..But it's over now to just wait. I do not like public speaking it's always created deep anxiety in my stomach but I was filled with a fire I didn't understand and I thankfully didn't get sick lucky them...

The wait

I've been so blessed, people have returned to town as of late to cast their votes. Whispers and Kind words are pressed on me like a soft blanket of encouragement. I almost feel too warmed by their vote of confidence that I would be a good choice to add to the council. Will I?

Out come

Ohh it was so exciting a change of the hands meeting with the Mayor was made to change over to the new city council members. I am so excited to have made it! The voters choose Gespry, Myself, Kobane, Roelon, and Bakarus. I feel really good about this group. Arianiss passed along a nice cloak to Bakarus and gave me a folded parchment. He whispered to me that I needed to show it to Gespry as soon as possible. That was kinda puzzling since I thought the parchment was just a list of Council items to work on! Soon as I had a free moment I opened the note and read it. My heart sank at one of the lines. I put on a smile and refolded the note placing it back into my bag.

The List

After the party I rushed to a private table to re-read the parchment handed to me from the former Council member Arianiss. I unfold the parchment and read..

In the Common language, it reads:

  • a wooden plaque in Clovertooth with the names of those who donated metal slabs (Aethyra, Arianiss, Asben, Cyar, Earthdiver, Erienne, Fahlo, Falvicar, Gespry, Jastalyn, Jasron, Jiarine, Kittai, Laelithonel, Portes, Roelon, Taulramil, Teaberry, Trouthe)
  • alley shop taxes, where do they go
  • will the cottage on east road ever open (otherwise tear it down and put a petting zoo in its place)
  • Faire of the North
  • more guards (12 of them so shifts can be taken at each gate)
  • Vaalor treaty decision
  • mend relations with the King of Ta'Vaalor
  • elevate Icemule with other cities
  • Ta'Illistim embassy in Icemule
  • better anti-air defenses
  • citizens in town guard positions as captains
  • status of Kadya and her Eorgina request
  • fix the statue in Town Center
  • fix the windmill in the southwest corner of town
  • clean up the wreckage in the Elven Alley

  • Arnabas
  • the traitor is Bakarus (and Aethyra is on the verge of telling everything she knows if something isn't done about it)

  • reconnect Icemule to the half-krolvin village in the west
  • dock for sea access
  • safe haven for non combatants during attacks on town
  • system to promote stronger engagement between citizens and council (government)

I read and re-read the name Bakarus... It can't be so this makes no sense at all.. My mind is made up.. I will speak to Bakarus. There is no way I'll sully his name to the rest of the group. I mean we only just made it to the council, it's not fair to hurt him before we know all the truth.

I send a private message to Bakarus, "Do you have a moment? We need to talk. Can you meet me in private at the Moot Hall Lockers?"

Bakarus agreed and traversed to landing only to receive a new message from me correcting the location to the Icemule lockers. This would throw off anyone following him.

Pulling the secret volume on the shelf I enter into the quiet room and wait.

Bakarus enters and greets me with my new title. I'm flustered but smiled anyway. I have no idea if this is right but I have to share anyway I'd want someone to share if I were being accused of something.

I cleared my throat and Told him congrats on getting the cloak from Arianiss and asked him if he remembered the parchment that I was handed.. he nodded and I quickly continued.

It says some terrible things Bakarus.. I don't want to believe it!

He asks to see the parchment and I show him and wait patiently as he reads it not once but twice as well..

He sighs and shakes his head and then asks me if I'd heard of the letters left at the Shrine outside the west gate revealing town secrets.

I nodded my head slowly but shared that I've not read them so I have no idea what was revealed or even who revealed it.

He said there was a woman who found the letters and turned them over to Arianiss, and that even he didn't know what was on them.

He did see, however, how his name could be used because he was used by the lich to share a message. He stated it was entirely out of his control and he is more concerned about the town than ever.

I couldn't help but feel for him Even I know what it means to be controlled by a lich without your permission. It's happened to me!..

I will not share with the rest of the council Bakarus' name. Right in front of him I erased the line that accused him.

I was asked to show this to Gespry as soon as possible.. But it will only be what is needed right now. Bakarus and I agreed to be careful and watch out for each other.

Later I found Gespry and gave him the modified parchment.

What do you know?

Awe I love a good Dreavening! Dreaven has a team of folks that get together and provides special services so we can travel a little safer. Sometimes folks from all over come together at his meetings, to drink, chat, and have a good time.

This is where I was when Sorlu found me. He waved to me. He whispered, "If you have time later can we chat? I want to share a few things with you now that you are on the council." How can I pass that up?! I of course accepted. I was really curious about what was on his mind. I agreed to meet with him he stated he wanted someplace private and I of course thought of the Underground tunnel in Icemule. I suggested we meet at the Lockers..later..

So here I found myself pulling the volume to access the hidden room for a second time.

After speaking with Sorlu and learning a few interesting tidbits about him it became obvious that no one has seen the letters that were written at the Altar revealing town secrets. Town secrets that were supposed to be private? I think the time has some to address that. What was actually in those letters anyway.

Time to visit with Arianiss and if I can't find him.. maybe I should seek out the woman..

No Answers... just more questions!

Looking at the statue in town center creates a sadness inside me. Why did it have to be destroyed.. Well plans are in place to rebuild. The sculpture artist is hired, and the plans are being submitted. I can't wait to see the creativity that is expressed by the artist.

Kobane suddenly comes into view. I guess he was hiding in the shadows. He's such a strange wizard. He could almost pass as rogue! I hear myself giggle a little bit as even I was hidden in the shadows. I step around the broken statue just as Roelon enters the square. Ohh perfect!

I link arms with Roelon and stride over to Kobane, " hey do you two have a minute? I have some questions"

Of course they both agree and I link arms with Kobane and march us off to White Haven's conference room. I secretly hoped that Gespry would be sitting in his usual spot but he wasn't. So it was just us three.

My attention on Kobane I ask the only other member of the previous council I had access too at this time.. "Did you see the letters that were left at the shrine?"

Kobane so casually sits in one of the chairs and smiles with a slight twinkle in his eye .. damn he does know everything.. I wonder .. will he share with me??

And he does! He told me that there wasn't a signature on the letters.. It was only signed with a letter.. B... And truth be told there were not city secrets revealed.. only an offer of service.. Interesting.. indeed..

Service? What kind of Service? And who was B? Can it really be Bakarus? or was it another B.. names were thrown at me Bhenidre, and the lack of trust in Arianiss, and some fire mage named Jiarine.. So many more questions! ... Where does the circle start and close?

I tried to convince them that I didn't suspect Bakarus, but how can even I hold faith in those words when I barely know him myself.. I have to trust in my intuition and have faith in the group.. Time will reveal itself eventually

Bakarus Name cleared... Reiphe.. questionable!

The town center..

People began gathering in front of the bonfire discussing the statue and pointing out the broken pieces..

Reiphe enters and stands up so everyone can see him. Sure he's short in statue but he always commands a presence. All eye's turn to him and he begins to talk about issues with the Firebird and the plans to travel north.. But before he continued he changed his tune to the newly appointed council members and Congratulated us. I don't think he actually looked at me but Im sure his eye's met Kobanes.

No sooner than his words flow from his mouth, a group of deputies enter the room looking around with suspect and march up to Reiphe cuff him and haul him off to jail!!!

Among the chaos our Mayor Tallivar walks in and begins to explain. He started to apologies to Bakarus for thinking he was a traitor! and then he was stating that Reiphe was embezzling coin from the town coffers! Even though it wasn't a whole lot so far.. it was enough to get attention..

There were folks balking at such an idea and demanding release and offering to pay the amount which was revealed was only about 10 million silvers.

Others were concerned as to why Reiphe would do such a thing. I was wondering if he was being cohersed or threaten..

The mayor assured the town that Reiphe would be kept safe but not released without further questioning, the possibility of a trial and or a meeting for discussion with him..

I for one want to ensure fair treatment and understanding of what has happened both for the town and for Reiphe's sake..

Town Mule --don't forget to enter your own suggestions--


Here is my submission for the Statue. I look forward to seeing the end result! Opalina

An ice statue of a climbing mule

>look statue

A crystal-clear star dais, etched with a tiny parade of penguins, creates the bottom of this statue. There are pointed arrows indicate the four quarters of the town. Exploding upward from the dais, is a snow beaten mountain being climbed, with determination reflected in the eyes and muscles of a mule. The mule’s head nearly touches its chest as it’s bent down fighting the winds and weather to reach its destination. The sculptures artist captured movement with the chiseled spray of the mane and tail behind the climbing mule. You also see a plaque.

>read plaque

The plaque reads in common, "The Four joined to One at the heart of the Mule"

Did...Icemule's government become the cat's-paw for foreign powers???

The Judge Discussion QnA Updated

I joined my fellow Council members as we discussed how best to help the Mayor with the trial.. We all finally agreed on a Judge and a backup judge. We have formulated a list of interested parties and announce a meeting time for interviews on Feastday <saturday> at 10pm as the elves tell time. <10pm eastern> The list so far is so short! I hope others step up at the last minute to offer their service.

The List

  • Bellaja
  • Randsford
  • Trouthe
  • Vaemyr
  • Teaberry
  • Gutstorm
  • Seesall

Hopefully the questions we ask will help narrow down the panel to a possible judge (with the option of a backup) that will be fair and look at all the data provided to be able to formulate a decision.

<So to be clear.. I misunderstood what the plan was and I am correcting it. So instead of 5 jurors it will be 1 judge with a backup in case something happens to the first or they are unable to meet at the time needed to run the trail.>

The Chosen Judge

The Trial Date

The Trial of Reiphe