Grafting plant

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It appears to weigh about 2 pounds.
It is estimated to be worth about 250,000 silvers.
It is magic resistant.
It is predominantly crafted of organic material.
This is a particularly odd little plant stalk with a fascinating ability.
It is able to grow any and all matter of forageable materials on itself.

It is not growing anything currently.
New growths will appear every calendar day, to a maximum of 10.

To add a new graft to the odd-looking plant, simply JOIN PLANT TO <forageable>.
To harvest, TURN the plant to the correct branch, and PLUCK.
To remove a graft, TURN the plant to the correct branch, and CUT PLANT WITH <knife or dagger>.
You cannot graft more than one of the same kind of forageable on the plant.
You can also CLEAN, PINCH, SMELL, TOUCH, and WATER the plant.

You cannot ALTER this odd-looking plant in any way.