Midgar (prime)

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You see Mister Midgar Blackmoon the Smooth Operator.

He appears to be an Elf.

He has a strapping physique.  He appears to be young and robust.  He has beautifully onyx-outlined sparkling hazel eyes, glossy onyx full lips, and smoothly tanned skin.  He has stylish, smooth long black hair sweeping down his back with bangs that wisp about his face.  He has a neatly-trimmed beard.  His ear is silhouetted by a radiant grey crescent moon earcap engulfed by brilliant-cut black diamond accents, the faceted jewel refracting ambient light in a prism of moonlight hues that dance over his features and illuminate his hair.

File:Midgar street brawl.png
A back alley brawl between rival gangs.
Midgar Blackmoon
Race Elf
Class Rogue
Profession Smooth Operator
Affiliation(s) Black Hand
Greatest Strength Martial arts
Greatest Weakness Law enforcement
Habits Back alley brawling
Hobbies Coffee making
Soft Spots Open gem pouches
Likes Dancing, Singing, Dueling, Cigars, Suits, Wine
Dislikes Sleeping on the ground
Fears Jail


After his parents died when he was a teenager, Midgar learned to fend for himself, which led to him getting wrapped up in the seedier elements of society. Getting in numerous back alley brawls led to him developing a penchant for brawling from an early age. Developing those skills through mastery of Voln Fu, he has always relied on his fists in combat. Though he has knowledge of martial arts, his fighting style relies more on natural boxing skills, as well as stealth and deception. Because of this he tends to use knuckle-dusters.

Once highly active in the Rogue Guild, he spent many years assisting in its operations. At a point where the guild saw a sharp decline, he founded the Black Hand with the help of several other guild members. The intent was to keep the organized crime elements of the guild operating, and to expand into new operations as well. This also led to the forming of the Black Hand Trading Company, a front business for the organized crime operations. Kidnappings, drug dealing, organized theft, muggings, illegal pit fighting events, smuggling, and other criminal activities were a cornerstone of their operations.

Unfortunately with the death of Draccor, internal politics and backstabbing saw a shift in direction for the company, and Midgar was forced to leave the trading company behind. He continues to lead the Black Hand, that is, the organized crime operation, no longer seeing a need for the cover business.

Aside from his criminal elements, he has a penchant for all things dapper, and has a vast collection of suits, neckties, cufflinks, and the like. He loves dancing, writing poetry, and singing, and is known to frequently burst out into song. He enjoys making coffee, and is very happy to share his latest brew with anyone interested. He also is an avid dueler, and will gladly challenge anyone willing to fight. He doesn't care to serve any Arkati, but he will often joke that he serves the small statue god.

He loves to explore, but prefers to not sleep in the wilds. He is not happy without a warm bath and a nice bed to sleep in!