A Twist of Taessaet (storyline)/Breakthroughs (vignette)

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Storyline Vignette - A Twist of Taessaet: Breakthroughs! - Released 5 June 2024

Working with Lord Yfane, a small team of Nalfein alchemists were able to ascertain what they believe is the recipe for the nielira elixir. Copies of the recipe as well as key ingredients have been placed on the docks at Nielira Harbor by the portmaster. All are encouraged to make vials of the elixir and send it to Lady Auvyra. She will ensure it reaches Lord Yfane as he continues his experiments in recreating our beloved, long-lost rosesilk.

The key seems to be in using a very specific nielira - the translucent azure-hearted nieliras found in the hidden cove this last weekend.

First, make resaeun sap:
Add water, two doses of resaeun bark, one translucent azure-hearted nielira, and boil, then seal

Next, make the elixir:
Add crystalline solution, powdered lilac glimaerstone, two more translucent azure-hearted nielira, and resaeun sap, simmer, then seal

Finally, please send all elixirs to Auvyra. While we know those burghal gnomes at Fryc & Shives Laboratories have been drinking this for some reason, we do not recommend internal application.