
The official GemStone IV encyclopedia.
Revision as of 09:00, 17 July 2024 by HOST-GSKEBECHET (talk | contribs) (Adding in a player map previously uploaded to the wiki, moving stub template to bottom to interfere less with page formatting. This article about the city of Glaeve is still a stub article and could benefit from being more fleshed out.)
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This is a seaport and can only be accessed through the OSA system.
A player-created map depicting the accessible rooms of Glaeve and surrounding areas.
A map of Glaoveln and Glaeve by JSEVERNS. Creative Commons License CC BY-SA.

Glave is the only city on the Krolvin the Isle of Glaoveln.

Glaeve is built as a fortress from the rock of Glaoveln and is centered by a market, notable mostly for its slave market.

Current History




Main article: Category:Glaeve shops
Shop Name Realm Type Inventory Sold Shop Specialty
Agrakh's Anvil Glaeve shop weapons
Bitter Brews Glaeve shop herbs
Bittersteel Glaeve shop armor
Cobbler's Corner Glaeve shop cobbling materials
The Corsair's Cut Glaeve shop groceries raw meat
The Crucible Glaeve shop magic supplies
Glaoveln Goods Glaeve shop general goods, groceries camping and Kraet cultural items
Glorious Porpoise Glaeve shop clerical supplies holy symbols
Ink and Bone Glaeve shop jewelry, tableware scrimshaw accessories and drinking vessels
The Kraken's Catch Glaeve shop groceries raw seafood and herbs
The Last Bite Glaeve eatery food
The Maid of Dolphins Glaeve eatery beverages alcohol
The Mead Hall Glaeve eatery food
Rorg's Salon Glaeve shop apparel

Gathering Places

See Also

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