Tatterclaws' Comprehensive Gear Guide

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The Basics

Weapons: The basic properties of weapons are:

  • RT: How many seconds it takes to swing the weapon. Each weapon type has a minimum RT. Most weapons' RT is lowered by the combination of your Agility and Dexterity bonuses. Bows and thrown weapons use Strength bonus instead.
  • Enchantment: The bonus to your Attack Strength (AS) granted by the weapon. This can be increased by Wizards, typically for a price. Your adventurer must have levels equal to 1/2 of the bonus in order to even pick up the armament. Thus, at level 10, you can use a +20 weapon.
  • Armor vs. Defense (AvD): This number is added directly to your Attack Strength (AS) to determine whether you hit your target. It's determined by comparing the weapon against the armor of the target. Thus, this is not exactly a static property, but one which will vary depending on your opponent.
  • Damage Factor (DF): How much damage the weapon causes when it hits. A dart has a low DF, and a lance has a high one.
  • Damage type: Crush, slash, puncture, etc. Many adventurers prefer crush damage.
  • Critical weighting: Most weapons do not have inherent crit weighting, which is typically a later-game property. However, katanas have a natural 10 points of weighting (hits like a ton of bricks), and claidhmores have a natural 40 points (hits like an asteroid).

Armor: The basic properties of armor are:

  • AG: The overall class: Cloth, leather, scale, chain, or plate.
  • AsG: The subclass, based on which body parts it protects. Every AG has options for: chest, chest + arms, chest + arms + legs, and full coverage. For example, for plate, metal breastplate is chest only, and full platemail is full-body plate coverage.
  • RT:
  • AP:
  • CvA:
  • Spell hindrance:
  • Enchantment: The same as above.