Elaarah Thistledown

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Elaarah Thistledown
Storyline S. P. E. C. T. R. E and S. H. A. D. O. W. Conference
Gender female
Race Caoineag
Status Unliving
Affiliation(s) Evermore Hollow Hotel

One of the first hotel staff that most met at Evermore Hollow Hotel, Elaahra was very busy ferrying folks from the lobby to the library where the cook Tylagrace set out drinks and snacks. The Manager, Blodeuyn Mourningveil played host to those gathered, instructing Elaahra to bring guests up and down to their rooms using the clockwork platform. Which she did with the aid of her friend and co-worker, Fenthywick Grimsbane.

At one point during the night, there were some accusations that the luggage had gone amiss and blame was falling on Elaahra for that, then later, there was a heated discussion in the lobby when Elaahra admitted to Blodeuyn that she had broken a guests item. Elaahra was apologetic, Blodeuyn was most upset but in the end said that she would be certain to to repay the guest. Neither would share which guests item was broken.

During breakfast, both Tylagrace and Blodeuyn wondered where Elaarah was as she was supposed to be assisting Tylagrace. Zethes Wraith mentioned that she'd seen Elaarah several times the previous night, as the girl was helping her concoct a draft that would help block the constant onslaught of spirits trying to communicate w. her. She said the second time she saw her was while she was under the influence of the draught and that she kept passing at the foot of her bed. She, Zethes, was sleepy, so she didn't catch what she was going on about but it seemed to be apologies, broken items, and a feeling of being trapped.

Shortly after breakfast, and before the lectures, one of the guests reported that she'd been seen in the attic. At first, this news was perceived as if she was working. Then it was determined that she was catatonic, which some folks took to mean sleeping on the job. The manger went to investigate.

Appearance at Opening

You see Chambermaid Elaahra Thistledown.
She appears to be a Caoineag.
She is shorter than average and has a waiflike physique.  She has bright sky blue eyes that hold a deep sadness to them, causing her to appear to be weeping at every turn.  Her pale, freckled skin is barely visible, at times disappearing completely and leaving only a faint impression of a form.  She has shoulder-length, wildly curly gilded auburn hair restrained in a high bun by a pin-affixed black velvet ribbon, leaving a few errant strands to brush against her cheeks.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a piece of ivory parchment in her right hand.
She is wearing a thin-chained dark mahogany locket, a bow-adorned ivory linen apron embroidered with a gilded insignia over a hip-flared dress of hunter green wool skirted in grey and ebony tartan, some leather-palmed gloves, a belt-bound leather cylinder filled with various tools, some fitted black suede leggings reinforced at the seams, and a pair of side-buckled onyx leather ankle-boots perched on repurposed wand heels.

Appearance after Breakfast

the catatonic form of a waif-like caoineag
Back bowed due to being slumped over a box, the caoineag’s bright sky blue eyes stare vacantly at the rafters, her mouth slack and no breath in her.  A thin-chained dark mahogany locket appears like a dark stain against the white of her bow-tied apron.  Clutched in her fingers is a small amber vial, while surrounding her are the remains of either a broken mirror, bottle, or some other shiny, silvery glass thing.