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The longsword is a long-bladed dual-edged sword primarily used for slashing but is also designed for thrusting. The blade is typically about three feet long and the handle is usually large enough for two hands, but typically only used in one. Usually most of the forte is not even sharpened, as the forte is used for blocking and the foible is used for offense.


The longsword consists of two main parts, the blade and the hilt.

The blade consists of a foible and a forte. Sometimes a fuller (sometimes, inaccurately, called a blood groove) will run along the length of the blade, usually ending half way down the foible. The foible also contains the tip. When constructing the blade, a tang (fifth definition) usually extends into the hilt.
The hilt is made up of three parts: the quillions or guard, the grip, and the pommel. The guard and grip fit over the tang, and the pommel was usually attached to the tang to hold the quillions and handle in place. The pommel also acted as a counterweight to the blade.

Alternate Names

  • arming sword General Use
  • kaskara General Use
The Kaskara is a broad-bladed weapon originating from Sudan. The weapon is generally about 42 inches long and dual-edged.
  • langsax/langseax General Use
  • sheering sword General Use

Game Mechanics

Longswords are on the high end of the damaging weapons in the Edged Weapons skill.

Weapon AG Cloth Leather Scale Chain Plate RT Min RT Damage Type STR/DU
AsG 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Longsword DF .425 .275 .225 .200 .175 4 4 Slash/Puncture/Crush 65/160
AvD 41 42 41 40 39 43 41 39 37 37 33 29 25 35 29 23 17

The longsword has a standard weight of 5 lbs.

Note: To edit this table go to Template:Weapon table longsword

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